import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/ethereum/erc20_token.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/ethereum/erc721_token.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/ethereum/eth_token.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/eth_commons.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; class AbiRequestResponse { final String message; final String result; final String status; const AbiRequestResponse({ required this.message, required this.result, required this.status, }); factory AbiRequestResponse.fromJson(Map json) { return AbiRequestResponse( message: json['message'] as String, result: json['result'] as String, status: json['status'] as String, ); } } class EthTokenTx { final String blockHash; final int blockNumber; final int confirmations; final String contractAddress; final int cumulativeGasUsed; final String from; final int gas; final BigInt gasPrice; final int gasUsed; final String hash; final String input; final int logIndex; final int nonce; final int timeStamp; final String to; final int tokenDecimal; final String tokenName; final String tokenSymbol; final int transactionIndex; final BigInt value; EthTokenTx({ required this.blockHash, required this.blockNumber, required this.confirmations, required this.contractAddress, required this.cumulativeGasUsed, required this.from, required this.gas, required this.gasPrice, required this.gasUsed, required this.hash, required this.input, required this.logIndex, required this.nonce, required this.timeStamp, required, required this.tokenDecimal, required this.tokenName, required this.tokenSymbol, required this.transactionIndex, required this.value, }); factory EthTokenTx.fromMap({ required Map map, }) { try { return EthTokenTx( blockHash: map["blockHash"] as String, blockNumber: int.parse(map["blockNumber"] as String), confirmations: int.parse(map["confirmations"] as String), contractAddress: map["contractAddress"] as String, cumulativeGasUsed: int.parse(map["cumulativeGasUsed"] as String), from: map["from"] as String, gas: int.parse(map["gas"] as String), gasPrice: BigInt.parse(map["gasPrice"] as String), gasUsed: int.parse(map["gasUsed"] as String), hash: map["hash"] as String, input: map["input"] as String, logIndex: int.parse(map["logIndex"] as String), nonce: int.parse(map["nonce"] as String), timeStamp: int.parse(map["timeStamp"] as String), to: map["to"] as String, tokenDecimal: int.parse(map["tokenDecimal"] as String), tokenName: map["tokenName"] as String, tokenSymbol: map["tokenSymbol"] as String, transactionIndex: int.parse(map["transactionIndex"] as String), value: BigInt.parse(map["value"] as String), ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "EthTokenTx.fromMap() failed: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); rethrow; } } } class EthereumResponse { EthereumResponse(this.value, this.exception); final T? value; final Exception? exception; @override toString() => "EthereumResponse{ value: $value, exception: $exception"; } abstract class EthereumAPI { static const blockExplorer = ""; static const abiUrl = ""; //TODO - Once our server has abi functionality update static const gasTrackerUrl = ""; static Future fetchAddressTransactions( String address, String action) async { try { final response = await get(Uri.parse( "$blockExplorer?module=account&action=$action&address=$address")); if (response.statusCode == 200) { return AddressTransaction.fromJson( jsonDecode(response.body) as Map); } else { throw Exception( 'ERROR GETTING TRANSACTIONS WITH STATUS ${response.statusCode}'); } } catch (e, s) { throw Exception('ERROR GETTING TRANSACTIONS ${e.toString()}'); } } static Future>> getTokenTransactions({ required String address, String? contractAddress, int? startBlock, int? endBlock, // todo add more params? }) async { try { String uriString = "$blockExplorer?module=account&action=tokentx&address=$address"; if (contractAddress != null) { uriString += "&contractAddress=$contractAddress"; } final uri = Uri.parse(uriString); final response = await get(uri); if (response.statusCode == 200) { final json = jsonDecode(response.body); if (json["message"] == "OK") { final result = List>.from(json["result"] as List); final List tokenTxns = []; for (final map in result) { tokenTxns.add(EthTokenTx.fromMap(map: map)); } return EthereumResponse( tokenTxns, null, ); } else { throw Exception(json["message"] as String); } } else { throw Exception( "getWalletTokens($address) failed with status code: " "${response.statusCode}", ); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "getWalletTokens(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return EthereumResponse( null, Exception(e.toString()), ); } } static Future>> getWalletTokens({ required String address, }) async { try { final uri = Uri.parse( "$blockExplorer?module=account&action=tokenlist&address=$address", ); final response = await get(uri); if (response.statusCode == 200) { final json = jsonDecode(response.body); if (json["message"] == "OK") { final result = List>.from(json["result"] as List); final List tokens = []; for (final map in result) { if (map["type"] == "ERC-20") { tokens.add( Erc20Token( balance: int.parse(map["balance"] as String), contractAddress: map["contractAddress"] as String, decimals: int.parse(map["decimals"] as String), name: map["name"] as String, symbol: map["symbol"] as String, ), ); } else if (map["type"] == "ERC-721") { tokens.add( Erc721Token( balance: int.parse(map["balance"] as String), contractAddress: map["contractAddress"] as String, decimals: int.parse(map["decimals"] as String), name: map["name"] as String, symbol: map["symbol"] as String, ), ); } else { throw Exception("Unsupported token type found: ${map["type"]}"); } } return EthereumResponse( tokens, null, ); } else { throw Exception(json["message"] as String); } } else { throw Exception( "getWalletTokens($address) failed with status code: " "${response.statusCode}", ); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "getWalletTokens(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return EthereumResponse( null, Exception(e.toString()), ); } } static Future getGasOracle() async { final response = await get(Uri.parse(gasTrackerUrl)); if (response.statusCode == 200) { return GasTracker.fromJson( json.decode(response.body) as Map); } else { throw Exception('Failed to load gas oracle'); } } static Future getFees() async { GasTracker fees = await getGasOracle(); final feesFast = * (pow(10, 9)); final feesStandard = fees.average * (pow(10, 9)); final feesSlow = fees.slow * (pow(10, 9)); return FeeObject( numberOfBlocksFast: 1, numberOfBlocksAverage: 3, numberOfBlocksSlow: 3, fast: feesFast.toInt(), medium: feesStandard.toInt(), slow: feesSlow.toInt()); } //Validate that a custom token is valid and is ERC-20, a token will be valid static Future> getTokenByContractAddress( String contractAddress) async { try { final response = await get(Uri.parse( "$blockExplorer?module=token&action=getToken&contractaddress=$contractAddress")); if (response.statusCode == 200) { final json = jsonDecode(response.body); if (json["message"] == "OK") { final map = Map.from(json["result"] as Map); EthToken? token; if (map["type"] == "ERC-20") { token = Erc20Token( balance: int.parse(map["balance"] as String), contractAddress: map["contractAddress"] as String, decimals: int.parse(map["decimals"] as String), name: map["name"] as String, symbol: map["symbol"] as String, ); } else if (map["type"] == "ERC-721") { token = Erc721Token( balance: int.parse(map["balance"] as String), contractAddress: map["contractAddress"] as String, decimals: int.parse(map["decimals"] as String), name: map["name"] as String, symbol: map["symbol"] as String, ); } else { throw Exception("Unsupported token type found: ${map["type"]}"); } return EthereumResponse( token, null, ); } else { throw Exception(json["message"] as String); } } else { throw Exception( "getTokenByContractAddress($contractAddress) failed with status code: " "${response.statusCode}", ); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "getWalletTokens(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return EthereumResponse( null, Exception(e.toString()), ); } } static Future fetchTokenAbi( String contractAddress) async { final response = await get(Uri.parse( "$abiUrl?module=contract&action=getabi&address=$contractAddress&apikey=EG6J7RJIQVSTP2BS59D3TY2G55YHS5F2HP")); if (response.statusCode == 200) { return AbiRequestResponse.fromJson( json.decode(response.body) as Map); } else { throw Exception("ERROR GETTING TOKENABI ${response.reasonPhrase}"); } } }