import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import '../../../exceptions/exchange/exchange_exception.dart'; import '../../../external_api_keys.dart'; import '../../../networking/http.dart'; import '../../../utilities/logger.dart'; import '../../../utilities/prefs.dart'; import '../../tor_service.dart'; import '../exchange_response.dart'; import 'api_response_models/n_currency.dart'; import 'api_response_models/n_estimate.dart'; import 'api_response_models/n_trade.dart'; class NanswapAPI { NanswapAPI._(); static const authority = ""; static const version = "v1"; static NanswapAPI? _instance; static NanswapAPI get instance => _instance ??= NanswapAPI._(); final _client = HTTP(); Uri _buildUri({required String endpoint, Map? params}) { return Uri.https(authority, "/$version/$endpoint", params); } Future _makeGetRequest(Uri uri) async { int code = -1; try { final response = await _client.get( url: uri, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', }, proxyInfo: Prefs.instance.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); code = response.code; final parsed = jsonDecode(response.body); return parsed; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "NanswapAPI._makeRequest($uri) HTTP:$code threw: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } Future _makePostRequest( Uri uri, Map body, ) async { int code = -1; try { final response = await url: uri, headers: { 'nanswap-api-key': kNanswapApiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', }, body: jsonEncode(body), proxyInfo: Prefs.instance.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); code = response.code; final data = response.body; final parsed = jsonDecode(data); return parsed; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "NanswapAPI._makePostRequest($uri) HTTP:$code threw: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } // ============= API =================================================== // GET List of supported currencies // // // Returns a Key => Value map of available currencies. // // The Key is the ticker, that can be used in the from and to params of the /get-estimate, /get-limit, /create-order. // // The Value is the currency info: // // name // // logo // // network Network of the crypto. // // hasExternalId Boolean. If the crypto require a memo/id. // // feeless Boolean. If crypto has 0 network fees. // // HEADERS // Accept // // application/json Future>> getSupportedCurrencies() async { final uri = _buildUri( endpoint: "all-currencies", ); try { final json = await _makeGetRequest(uri); final List result = []; for (final key in (json as Map).keys) { final _map = json[key] as Map; _map["id"] = key; result.add( NCurrency.fromJson( Map.from(_map), ), ); } return ExchangeResponse(value: result); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.getSupportedCurrencies() exception: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return ExchangeResponse( exception: ExchangeException( e.toString(), ExchangeExceptionType.generic, ), ); } } // GET Get estimate // // // Get estimated exchange amount. // HEADERS // Accept // // application/json // PARAMS // // from // XNO // Ticker from // // to // BAN // Ticker to // // amount // 10 // Amount from Future> getEstimate({ required String amountFrom, required String from, required String to, }) async { final uri = _buildUri( endpoint: "get-estimate", params: { "to": to.toUpperCase(), "from": from.toUpperCase(), "amount": amountFrom, }, ); try { final json = await _makeGetRequest(uri); try { final map = Map.from(json as Map); // not sure why the api responds without these sometimes... map["to"] ??= to.toUpperCase(); map["from"] ??= from.toUpperCase(); return ExchangeResponse( value: NEstimate.fromJson( map, ), ); } catch (_) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.getEstimate() response was: $json", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.getEstimate() exception: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return ExchangeResponse( exception: ExchangeException( e.toString(), ExchangeExceptionType.generic, ), ); } } // GET Get estimate reverse // // // (Only available for feeless crypto) // // Get estimate but reversed, it takes toAmount and returns the fromAmount // estimation. Allows to let user input directly their toAmount wanted. // HEADERS // Accept // // application/json // PARAMS // from // XNO // Ticker from // // to // BAN // Ticker to // // amount // 1650 // Amount to Future> getEstimateReversed({ required String amountTo, required String from, required String to, }) async { final uri = _buildUri( endpoint: "get-estimate-reverse", params: { "to": to.toUpperCase(), "from": from.toUpperCase(), "amount": amountTo, }, ); try { final json = await _makeGetRequest(uri); final map = Map.from(json as Map); // not sure why the api responds without these sometimes... map["to"] ??= to.toUpperCase(); map["from"] ??= from.toUpperCase(); return ExchangeResponse( value: NEstimate.fromJson( map, ), ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.getEstimateReverse() exception: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return ExchangeResponse( exception: ExchangeException( e.toString(), ExchangeExceptionType.generic, ), ); } } // GET Get order limit amount // // // Returns minimum and maximum from amount for a given pair. Maximum amount depends of current liquidity. // HEADERS // Accept // // application/json // PARAMS // from // XNO // Ticker from // // to // BAN // Ticker to Future> getOrderLimits({ required String from, required String to, }) async { final uri = _buildUri( endpoint: "get-limits", params: { "to": to.toUpperCase(), "from": from.toUpperCase(), }, ); try { final json = await _makeGetRequest(uri); return ExchangeResponse( value: ( minFrom: json["min"] as num, maxFrom: json["max"] as num, ), ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.getOrderLimits() exception: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return ExchangeResponse( exception: ExchangeException( e.toString(), ExchangeExceptionType.generic, ), ); } } // POST Create a new order // // // Create a new order and returns order data. You need to send the request body as JSON. // A valid API key is required in nanswap-api-key header for this request. // You can get one at // Request: // // * from ticker of currency you want to exchange // * to ticker of currency you want to receive // * amount The amount you want to send // * toAddress The address that will recieve the exchanged funds // * extraId (optional) Memo/Id of the toAddress // // * itemName (optional) An item name that will be displayed on transaction // page. Can be used by merchant to provide a better UX to users. Max 128 char. // * maxDurationSeconds (optional) Maximum seconds after what transaction // expires. Min: 30s Max: 259200s. Default to 72h or 5min if itemName is set // Reponse: // // * id Order id. // * from ticker of currency you want to exchange // * to ticker of currency you want to receive // * expectedAmountFrom The amount you want to send // * expectedAmountTo Estimated value that you will get based on the field expectedAmountFrom // * payinAddress Nanswap's address you need to send the funds to // * payinExtraId If present, the extra/memo id required for the payinAddress // * payoutAddress The address that will recieve the exchanged funds // * fullLink URL of the transaction // AUTHORIZATIONAPI Key // Key // // nanswap-api-key // Value // // // HEADERS // nanswap-api-key // // API_KEY // // (Required) // Content-Type // // application/json // Accept // // application/json Future> createOrder({ required String from, required String to, required num fromAmount, required String toAddress, String? extraIdOrMemo, }) async { final uri = _buildUri( endpoint: "create-order", ); final body = { "from": from.toUpperCase(), "to": to.toUpperCase(), "amount": fromAmount, "toAddress": toAddress, }; if (extraIdOrMemo != null) { body["extraId"] = extraIdOrMemo; } try { final json = await _makePostRequest(uri, body); try { return ExchangeResponse( value: NTrade.fromJson( Map.from(json as Map), ), ); } catch (_) { debugPrint(json.toString()); rethrow; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.createOrder() exception: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return ExchangeResponse( exception: ExchangeException( e.toString(), ExchangeExceptionType.generic, ), ); } } // GET Get order id data // // // Returns data of an order id. // Response: // // id Order id. // // status Order status, can be one of the following : [waiting, exchanging, sending, completed, error] // // from ticker of currency you want to exchange // // fromNetwork network of the currency you want to exchange. // // to ticker of currency you want to receive // // toNetwork network of the currency you want to receive. // // expectedAmountFrom The amount you want to send // // expectedAmountTo Estimated value that you will get based on the field expectedAmountFrom // // amountFrom From Amount Exchanged // // amountTo To Amount Exchanged // // payinAddress Nanswap's address you need to send the funds to // // payinExtraId If present, the extra/memo id required for the payinAddress // // payoutAddress The address that will recieve the exchanged funds // // payinHash Hash of the transaction you sent us // // senderAddress Address which sent us the funds // // payoutHash Hash of the transaction we sent to you // // HEADERS // Accept // // application/json // PARAMS // id // // zYkxDxfmYRM // // The order id Future> getOrder({required String id}) async { final uri = _buildUri( endpoint: "get-order", params: { "id": id, }, ); try { final json = await _makeGetRequest(uri); try { return ExchangeResponse( value: NTrade.fromJson( Map.from(json as Map), ), ); } catch (_) { debugPrint(json.toString()); rethrow; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Nanswap.getOrder($id) exception: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return ExchangeResponse( exception: ExchangeException( e.toString(), ExchangeExceptionType.generic, ), ); } } }