/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'dart:convert'; import '../app_config.dart'; import '../wallets/crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart'; @Deprecated("Use lib/models/isar/models/contact_entry.dart instead") class ContactAddressEntry { final CryptoCurrency coin; final String address; final String label; final String? other; const ContactAddressEntry({ required this.coin, required this.address, required this.label, this.other, }); ContactAddressEntry copyWith({ CryptoCurrency? coin, String? address, String? label, String? other, }) { return ContactAddressEntry( coin: coin ?? this.coin, address: address ?? this.address, label: label ?? this.label, other: other ?? this.other, ); } factory ContactAddressEntry.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> jsonObject) { return ContactAddressEntry( coin: AppConfig.getCryptoCurrencyFor(jsonObject["coin"] as String)!, address: jsonObject["address"] as String, label: jsonObject["label"] as String, other: jsonObject["other"] as String?, ); } Map<String, String> toMap() { return { "label": label, "address": address, "coin": coin.identifier, "other": other ?? "", }; } String toJsonString() { return jsonEncode(toMap()); } @override String toString() { return "AddressBookEntry: ${toJsonString()}"; } }