import 'dart:io'; import 'package:fusiondart/fusiondart.dart'; import 'package:fusiondart/src/models/address.dart' as cash_fusion; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/db/isar/main_db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart'; const String kReservedFusionAddress = "reserved_fusion_address"; mixin FusionInterface { // passed in wallet data late final String _walletId; late final Coin _coin; late final MainDB _db; // passed in wallet functions late final Future
Function( int chain, int index, DerivePathType derivePathType, ) _generateAddressForChain; void initFusionInterface({ required String walletId, required Coin coin, required MainDB db, required Future
Function( int, int, DerivePathType, ) generateAddressForChain, }) { _walletId = walletId; _coin = coin; _db = db; _generateAddressForChain = generateAddressForChain; } Future createNewReservedChangeAddress() async { int? highestChangeIndex = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.p2pkh) .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.change) .derivationPath((q) => q.not().valueStartsWith("m/44'/0'")) .sortByDerivationIndexDesc() .derivationIndexProperty() .findFirst(); Address address = await _generateAddressForChain( 1, // change chain highestChangeIndex ?? 0, DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(_coin), ); address = address.copyWith(otherData: kReservedFusionAddress); // TODO if we really want to be sure its not used, call electrumx and check it await _db.putAddress(address); return address.toFusionAddress(); } Future> getUnusedReservedChangeAddresses( int numberOfAddresses, ) async { final txns = await _db .getTransactions(_walletId) .filter() .address((q) => q.otherDataEqualTo(kReservedFusionAddress)) .findAll(); final List usedAddresses = txns .where((e) => e.address.value != null) .map((e) => e.address.value!.value) .toList(growable: false); final List
addresses = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .otherDataEqualTo(kReservedFusionAddress) .findAll(); final List unusedAddresses = []; for (final address in addresses) { if (!usedAddresses.contains(address.value)) { unusedAddresses.add(address.toFusionAddress()); } } if (unusedAddresses.length < numberOfAddresses) { for (int i = unusedAddresses.length; i < numberOfAddresses; i++) { unusedAddresses.add(await createNewReservedChangeAddress()); } } return unusedAddresses; } void fuse() async { // Initial attempt for CashFusion integration goes here. Fusion mainFusionObject = Fusion( createNewReservedChangeAddress: () => createNewReservedChangeAddress(), getUnusedReservedChangeAddresses: (int numberOfAddresses) => getUnusedReservedChangeAddresses(numberOfAddresses), ); // add stack utxos List utxos = await _db.getUTXOs(_walletId).findAll(); await mainFusionObject.add_coins_from_wallet(utxos .map((e) => (txid: e.txid, vout: e.vout, value: e.value)) .toList()); // fuse utxos await mainFusionObject.fusion_run(); //print ("DEBUG FUSION bitcoincash_wallet.dart 1202"); /* print("DEBUG: Waiting for any potential incoming data..."); try { await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5)); // wait for 5 seconds } catch (e) { print (e); } print("DEBUG: Done waiting."); */ bool mydebug1 = false; if (mydebug1 == true) { var serverIp = ''; var serverPort = 8787; List frame = [ 118, 91, 232, 180, 228, 57, 109, 207, 0, 0, 0, 45, 10, 43, 10, 7, 97, 108, 112, 104, 97, 49, 51, 18, 32, 111, 226, 140, 10, 182, 241, 179, 114, 193, 166, 162, 70, 174, 99, 247, 79, 147, 30, 131, 101, 225, 90, 8, 156, 104, 214, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; print("lets try to connect to a socket again"); var socket = await Socket.connect(serverIp, serverPort); print('Connected to the server.'); socket.add(frame); print('Sent frame: $frame'); socket.listen((data) { print('Received from server: $data'); }, onDone: () { print('Server closed connection.'); socket.destroy(); }, onError: (error) { print('Error: $error'); socket.destroy(); }); } // await _checkCurrentChangeAddressesForTransactions(); // await _checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions(); } Future refreshFusion() { // TODO throw UnimplementedError( "TODO refreshFusion eg look up number of fusion participants connected/coordinating"); } }