/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import '../app_config.dart'; import '../electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart'; import '../models/contact.dart'; import '../models/exchange/change_now/exchange_transaction.dart'; import '../models/exchange/response_objects/trade.dart'; import '../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import '../models/isar/models/contact_entry.dart' as isar_contact; import '../models/isar/models/isar_models.dart' as isar_models; import '../models/models.dart'; import '../models/node_model.dart'; import '../services/mixins/wallet_db.dart'; import '../services/node_service.dart'; import '../services/wallets_service.dart'; import '../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../utilities/constants.dart'; import '../utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'; import '../utilities/logger.dart'; import '../utilities/prefs.dart'; import '../wallets/crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'hive/db.dart'; import 'isar/main_db.dart'; import 'migrate_wallets_to_isar.dart'; class DbVersionMigrator with WalletDB { Future migrate( int fromVersion, { required SecureStorageInterface secureStore, }) async { Logging.instance.log( "Running migrate fromVersion $fromVersion", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); switch (fromVersion) { case 0: await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData); await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNamePrefs); final walletsService = WalletsService(); final nodeService = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: secureStore); final prefs = Prefs.instance; final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames; await prefs.init(); ElectrumXClient? client; int? latestSetId; final firo = Firo(CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main); // only instantiate client if there are firo wallets if (walletInfoList.values .any((element) => element.coinIdentifier == firo.identifier)) { await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameNodeModels); await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNamePrimaryNodes); final node = nodeService.getPrimaryNodeFor(currency: firo) ?? firo.defaultNode; final List failovers = nodeService .failoverNodesFor(currency: firo) .map( (e) => ElectrumXNode( address: e.host, port: e.port, name: e.name, id: e.id, useSSL: e.useSSL, ), ) .toList(); client = ElectrumXClient.from( node: ElectrumXNode( address: node.host, port: node.port, name: node.name, id: node.id, useSSL: node.useSSL, ), prefs: prefs, failovers: failovers, cryptoCurrency: Firo(CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main), ); try { latestSetId = await client.getLelantusLatestCoinId(); } catch (e) { // default to 2 for now latestSetId = 2; Logging.instance.log( "Failed to fetch latest coin id during firo db migrate: $e \nUsing a default value of 2", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); } } for (final walletInfo in walletInfoList.values) { // migrate each firo wallet's lelantus coins if (walletInfo.coinIdentifier == firo.identifier) { await Hive.openBox(walletInfo.walletId); final _lelantusCoins = DB.instance.get( boxName: walletInfo.walletId, key: '_lelantus_coins', ) as List?; final List> lelantusCoins = []; for (final lCoin in _lelantusCoins ?? []) { lelantusCoins .add({lCoin.keys.first: lCoin.values.first as LelantusCoin}); } final List> coins = []; for (final element in lelantusCoins) { final LelantusCoin coin = element.values.first; int anonSetId = coin.anonymitySetId; if (coin.anonymitySetId == 1 && (coin.publicCoin == '' || coin.publicCoin == "jmintData.publicCoin")) { anonSetId = latestSetId!; } coins.add({ element.keys.first: LelantusCoin( coin.index, coin.value, coin.publicCoin, coin.txId, anonSetId, coin.isUsed, ), }); } Logger.print("newcoins $coins", normalLength: false); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletInfo.walletId, key: '_lelantus_coins', value: coins, ); } } // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 1, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(1, secureStore: secureStore); case 1: await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameTrades); await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameTradesV2); final trades = DB.instance.values(boxName: DB.boxNameTrades); for (final old in trades) { if (old.statusObject != null) { final trade = Trade.fromExchangeTransaction(old, false); await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameTradesV2, key: trade.uuid, value: trade, ); } } // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 2, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(2, secureStore: secureStore); case 2: await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNamePrefs); final prefs = Prefs.instance; await prefs.init(); if (!(await prefs.isExternalCallsSet())) { prefs.externalCalls = true; } // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 3, ); return await migrate(3, secureStore: secureStore); case 3: // clear possible broken firo cache await DB.instance.clearSharedTransactionCache( currency: Firo( CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test, ), ); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 4, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(4, secureStore: secureStore); case 4: // migrate await _v4(secureStore); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 5, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(5, secureStore: secureStore); case 5: // migrate await Hive.openBox("theme"); await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNamePrefs); final themeName = DB.instance.get(boxName: "theme", key: "colorScheme") as String? ?? "light"; await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNamePrefs, key: "theme", value: themeName, ); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 6, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(6, secureStore: secureStore); case 6: // migrate await MainDB.instance.initMainDB(); final count = await MainDB.instance.isar.addresses.count(); // add change/receiving tags to address labels for (var i = 0; i < count; i += 50) { final addresses = await MainDB.instance.isar.addresses .where() .offset(i) .limit(50) .findAll(); final List labels = []; for (final address in addresses) { List? tags; switch (address.subType) { case AddressSubType.receiving: tags = ["receiving"]; break; case AddressSubType.change: tags = ["change"]; break; case AddressSubType.paynymNotification: tags = ["paynym notification"]; break; case AddressSubType.paynymSend: break; case AddressSubType.paynymReceive: tags = ["paynym receiving"]; break; case AddressSubType.unknown: break; case AddressSubType.nonWallet: break; } // update/create label if tags is not empty if (tags != null) { isar_models.AddressLabel? label = await MainDB .instance.isar.addressLabels .where() .addressStringWalletIdEqualTo(address.value, address.walletId) .findFirst(); if (label == null) { label = isar_models.AddressLabel( walletId: address.walletId, value: "", addressString: address.value, tags: tags, ); } else if (label.tags == null) { label = label.copyWith(tags: tags); } labels.add(label); } } if (labels.isNotEmpty) { await MainDB.instance.isar.writeTxn(() async { await MainDB.instance.isar.addressLabels.putAll(labels); }); } } // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 7, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(7, secureStore: secureStore); case 7: // migrate await _v7(secureStore); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 8, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(8, secureStore: secureStore); case 8: // migrate await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData); final walletsService = WalletsService(); final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames; await MainDB.instance.initMainDB(); for (final walletId in walletInfoList.keys) { final info = walletInfoList[walletId]!; if (info.coinIdentifier == Bitcoincash(CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main).identifier || info.coinIdentifier == Bitcoincash(CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test).identifier) { final ids = await MainDB.instance .getAddresses(walletId) .filter() .typeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressType.p2sh) .idProperty() .findAll(); await MainDB.instance.isar.writeTxn(() async { await MainDB.instance.isar.addresses.deleteAll(ids); }); } } // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 9, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(9, secureStore: secureStore); case 9: // migrate await _v9(); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 10, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(10, secureStore: secureStore); case 10: // migrate await _v10(secureStore); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 11, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(11, secureStore: secureStore); case 11: // migrate await _v11(secureStore); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 12, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(12, secureStore: secureStore); case 12: // migrate await _v12(secureStore); // update version await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 13, ); // try to continue migrating return await migrate(13, secureStore: secureStore); default: // finally return return; } } Future _v4(SecureStorageInterface secureStore) async { await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData); await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNamePrefs); final walletsService = WalletsService(); final prefs = Prefs.instance; final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames; await prefs.init(); await MainDB.instance.initMainDB(); for (final walletId in walletInfoList.keys) { final info = walletInfoList[walletId]!; assert(info.walletId == walletId); final walletBox = await Hive.openBox(info.walletId); const receiveAddressesPrefix = "receivingAddresses"; const changeAddressesPrefix = "changeAddresses"; // we need to manually migrate epic cash transactions as they are not // stored on the epic cash blockchain final epic = Epiccash(CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main); if (info.coinIdentifier == epic.identifier) { final txnData = walletBox.get("latest_tx_model") as TransactionData?; // we ever only used index 0 in the past const rcvIndex = 0; final List> transactionsData = []; if (txnData != null) { final txns = txnData.getAllTransactions(); for (final tx in txns.values) { final bool isIncoming = tx.txType == "Received"; final iTx = isar_models.Transaction( walletId: walletId, txid: tx.txid, timestamp: tx.timestamp, type: isIncoming ? isar_models.TransactionType.incoming : isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing, subType: isar_models.TransactionSubType.none, amount: tx.amount, amountString: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(tx.amount), fractionDigits: epic.fractionDigits, ).toJsonString(), fee: tx.fees, height: tx.height, isCancelled: tx.isCancelled, isLelantus: false, slateId: tx.slateId, otherData: tx.otherData, nonce: null, inputs: [], outputs: [], numberOfMessages: tx.numberOfMessages, ); if (tx.address.isEmpty) { transactionsData.add(Tuple2(iTx, null)); } else { final address = isar_models.Address( walletId: walletId, value: tx.address, publicKey: [], derivationIndex: isIncoming ? rcvIndex : -1, derivationPath: null, type: isIncoming ? isar_models.AddressType.mimbleWimble : isar_models.AddressType.unknown, subType: isIncoming ? isar_models.AddressSubType.receiving : isar_models.AddressSubType.unknown, ); transactionsData.add(Tuple2(iTx, address)); } } } await MainDB.instance.addNewTransactionData(transactionsData, walletId); } // delete data from hive await walletBox.delete(receiveAddressesPrefix); await walletBox.delete("${receiveAddressesPrefix}P2PKH"); await walletBox.delete("${receiveAddressesPrefix}P2SH"); await walletBox.delete("${receiveAddressesPrefix}P2WPKH"); await walletBox.delete(changeAddressesPrefix); await walletBox.delete("${changeAddressesPrefix}P2PKH"); await walletBox.delete("${changeAddressesPrefix}P2SH"); await walletBox.delete("${changeAddressesPrefix}P2WPKH"); await walletBox.delete("latest_tx_model"); await walletBox.delete("latest_lelantus_tx_model"); // set empty mnemonic passphrase as we used that by default before if ((await secureStore.read(key: '${walletId}_mnemonicPassphrase')) == null) { await secureStore.write( key: '${walletId}_mnemonicPassphrase', value: "", ); } // doing this for epic cash will delete transaction history as it is not // stored on the epic cash blockchain if (info.coinIdentifier != epic.identifier) { // set flag to initiate full rescan on opening wallet await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "rescan_on_open_$walletId", value: Constants.rescanV1, ); } } } Future _v7(SecureStorageInterface secureStore) async { await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData); final walletsService = WalletsService(); final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames; await MainDB.instance.initMainDB(); for (final walletId in walletInfoList.keys) { final info = walletInfoList[walletId]!; assert(info.walletId == walletId); final count = await MainDB.instance.getTransactions(walletId).count(); final crypto = AppConfig.getCryptoCurrencyFor(info.coinIdentifier)!; for (var i = 0; i < count; i += 50) { final txns = await MainDB.instance .getTransactions(walletId) .offset(i) .limit(50) .findAll(); // migrate amount to serialized amount string final txnsData = txns .map( (tx) => Tuple2( tx ..amountString = Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(tx.amount), fractionDigits: crypto.fractionDigits, ).toJsonString(), tx.address.value, ), ) .toList(); // update db records await MainDB.instance.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId); } } } Future _v9() async { final addressBookBox = await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameAddressBook); await MainDB.instance.initMainDB(); final keys = List.from(addressBookBox.keys); final contacts = keys .map( (id) => Contact.fromJson( Map.from( addressBookBox.get(id) as Map, ), ), ) .toList(growable: false); final List newContacts = []; for (final contact in contacts) { final List newContactAddressEntries = []; for (final entry in contact.addresses) { newContactAddressEntries.add( isar_contact.ContactAddressEntry() ..coinName = entry.coin.identifier ..address = entry.address ..label = entry.label ..other = entry.other, ); } final newContact = isar_contact.ContactEntry( name: contact.name, addresses: newContactAddressEntries, isFavorite: contact.isFavorite, customId: contact.id, ); newContacts.add(newContact); } await MainDB.instance.isar.writeTxn(() async { await MainDB.instance.isar.contactEntrys.putAll(newContacts); }); await addressBookBox.deleteFromDisk(); } Future _v10(SecureStorageInterface secureStore) async { await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData); await Hive.openBox(DB.boxNamePrefs); final walletsService = WalletsService(); final prefs = Prefs.instance; final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames; await prefs.init(); await MainDB.instance.initMainDB(); final firo = Firo(CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main); for (final walletId in walletInfoList.keys) { final info = walletInfoList[walletId]!; assert(info.walletId == walletId); if (info.coinIdentifier == firo.identifier && MainDB.instance.isar.lelantusCoins .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .countSync() == 0) { final walletBox = await Hive.openBox(walletId); final hiveLCoins = DB.instance.get( boxName: walletId, key: "_lelantus_coins", ) as List? ?? []; final jindexes = (DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: "jindex") as List? ?? []) .cast(); final List coins = []; for (final e in hiveLCoins) { final map = e as Map; final lcoin = map.values.first as LelantusCoin; final isJMint = jindexes.contains(lcoin.index); final coin = isar_models.LelantusCoin( walletId: walletId, txid: lcoin.txId, value: lcoin.value.toString(), mintIndex: lcoin.index, anonymitySetId: lcoin.anonymitySetId, isUsed: lcoin.isUsed, isJMint: isJMint, otherData: null, ); coins.add(coin); } if (coins.isNotEmpty) { await MainDB.instance.isar.writeTxn(() async { await MainDB.instance.isar.lelantusCoins.putAll(coins); }); } } } } Future _v11(SecureStorageInterface secureStore) async { await migrateWalletsToIsar(secureStore: secureStore); } Future _v12(SecureStorageInterface secureStore) async { for (final identifier in ["firo", "firoTestNet"]) { await DB.instance.deleteBoxFromDisk( boxName: "${identifier}_anonymitySetSparkCache", ); await DB.instance.deleteBoxFromDisk( boxName: "${identifier}_sparkUsedCoinsTagsCache", ); } } }