import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/gradient.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/string.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/color_theme.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; @Collection(inheritance: false) class StackTheme { final String assetBundleUrl; /// should be a uuid @Index(unique: true, replace: true) final String internalId; /// the theme name that will be displayed in app final String name; // system brightness final String brightnessString; /// convenience enum conversion for stored [brightnessString] @ignore Brightness get brightness { switch (brightnessString) { case "light": return Brightness.light; case "dark": return Brightness.dark; default: // just return light instead of a possible crash causing error return Brightness.light; } } @ignore Color get background => _background ??= Color(backgroundInt); @ignore Color? _background; final int backgroundInt; // ==== backgroundAppBar ===================================================== @ignore Color get backgroundAppBar => _backgroundAppBar ??= Color(backgroundAppBarInt); @ignore Color? _backgroundAppBar; final int backgroundAppBarInt; // =========================================================================== @ignore Gradient get gradientBackground => _gradientBackground ??= GradientExt.fromJson( Map.from( jsonDecode(gradientBackgroundString) as Map, ), ); @ignore Gradient? _gradientBackground; final String gradientBackgroundString; // =========================================================================== @ignore Map get coinColors => _coinColors ??= parseCoinColors(coinColorsJsonString); @ignore Map? _coinColors; final String coinColorsJsonString; // =========================================================================== // =========================================================================== // =========================================================================== final ThemeAssets assets; // =========================================================================== // =========================================================================== StackTheme({ required this.internalId, required this.assetBundleUrl, required, required this.brightnessString, required this.backgroundInt, required this.backgroundAppBarInt, required this.gradientBackgroundString, required this.coinColorsJsonString, required this.assets, }); factory StackTheme.fromJson({ required Map json, required String applicationThemesDirectoryPath, }) { final _id = const Uuid().v1(); return StackTheme( internalId: _id, name: json["name"] as String, assetBundleUrl: json["assetBundleUrl"] as String, brightnessString: json["brightness"] as String, backgroundInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["background"] as String), backgroundAppBarInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["backgroundAppBar"] as String), gradientBackgroundString: jsonEncode(json["gradients"]["gradientBackground"] as Map), coinColorsJsonString: jsonEncode(json["coinColors"] as Map), assets: ThemeAssets.fromJson( json: json, applicationThemesDirectoryPath: applicationThemesDirectoryPath, internalThemeUuid: _id, ), ); } /// Grab the int value of the hex color string. /// 8 char string value expected where the first 2 are opacity static int parseColor(String colorHex) { try { final int colorValue = colorHex.toBigIntFromHex.toInt(); if (colorValue >= 0 && colorValue <= 0xFFFFFFFF) { return colorValue; } else { throw ArgumentError( '"$colorHex" and corresponding int ' 'value "$colorValue" is not a valid color.', ); } } catch (_) { throw ArgumentError( '"$colorHex" is not a valid hex number', ); } } /// parse coin colors json and fetch color or use default static Map parseCoinColors(String jsonString) { final json = jsonDecode(jsonString) as Map; final map = Map.from(json); final Map result = {}; for (final coin in Coin.values) { if (map[] is String) { result[coin] = Color( (map[] as String).toBigIntFromHex.toInt(), ); } else { result[coin] = kCoinThemeColorDefaults.forCoin(coin); } } return result; } } @Embedded(inheritance: false) class ThemeAssets { final String plus; // todo: add all assets expected in json ThemeAssets({ required, }); factory ThemeAssets.fromJson({ required Map json, required String applicationThemesDirectoryPath, required String internalThemeUuid, }) { return ThemeAssets( plus: "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$internalThemeUuid/${json["assets"]["svg"]["plus.svg"] as String}", ); } }