/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import '../utilities/default_nodes.dart'; import '../utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'; part 'type_adaptors/node_model.g.dart'; // @HiveType(typeId: 12) class NodeModel { // @HiveField(0) final String id; // @HiveField(1) final String host; // @HiveField(2) final int port; // @HiveField(3) final String name; // @HiveField(4) final bool useSSL; // @HiveField(5) final String? loginName; // @HiveField(6) final bool enabled; // @HiveField(7) final String coinName; // @HiveField(8) final bool isFailover; // @HiveField(9) final bool isDown; // @HiveField(10) final bool? trusted; NodeModel({ required this.host, required this.port, required this.name, required this.id, required this.useSSL, required this.enabled, required this.coinName, required this.isFailover, required this.isDown, this.loginName, this.trusted, }); NodeModel copyWith({ String? host, int? port, String? name, bool? useSSL, String? loginName, bool? enabled, String? coinName, bool? isFailover, bool? isDown, bool? trusted, }) { return NodeModel( host: host ?? this.host, port: port ?? this.port, name: name ?? this.name, id: id, useSSL: useSSL ?? this.useSSL, loginName: loginName ?? this.loginName, enabled: enabled ?? this.enabled, coinName: coinName ?? this.coinName, isFailover: isFailover ?? this.isFailover, isDown: isDown ?? this.isDown, trusted: trusted ?? this.trusted, ); } /// convenience getter to retrieve login password Future getPassword(SecureStorageInterface secureStorage) async { return await secureStorage.read(key: "${id}_nodePW"); } Map toMap() { Map map = {}; map['host'] = host; map['port'] = port; map['name'] = name; map['id'] = id; map['useSSL'] = useSSL; map['loginName'] = loginName; map['enabled'] = enabled; map['coinName'] = coinName; map['isFailover'] = isFailover; map['isDown'] = isDown; map['trusted'] = trusted; return map; } bool get isDefault => id.startsWith(DefaultNodes.defaultNodeIdPrefix); @override String toString() { return toMap().toString(); } }