/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:event_bus/event_bus.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/log.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; class DebugService extends ChangeNotifier { DebugService._(); static final DebugService _instance = DebugService._(); static DebugService get instance => _instance; late final Isar isar; // late final Stream<void> logsChanged; // bool _shouldPause = false; // // void togglePauseUiUpdates() { // _shouldPause = !_shouldPause; // notifyListeners(); // } // bool get isPaused => _shouldPause; Future<void> init(Isar isar) async { this.isar = isar; // logsChanged = this.isar.logs.watchLazy(); // logsChanged.listen((_) { // if (!_shouldPause) { // updateRecentLogs(); // } // }); } List<Log> get recentLogs => isar.logs.where().sortByTimestampInMillisUTCDesc().limit(100).findAllSync(); // Future<void> updateRecentLogs() async { // int totalCount = await isar.logs.count(); // int offset = totalCount - numberOfRecentLogsToLoad; // if (offset < 0) { // offset = 0; // } // // _recentLogs = (await isar.logs // .where() // .anyTimestampInMillisUTC() // .offset(offset) // .limit(numberOfRecentLogsToLoad) // .findAll()); // notifyListeners(); // } Future<bool> deleteAllLogs() async { try { await isar.writeTxn(() async => await isar.logs.clear()); notifyListeners(); return true; } catch (_) { return false; } } Future<void> deleteLogsOlderThan({ Duration timeframe = const Duration(days: 30), }) async { final cutoffDate = DateTime.now().subtract(timeframe).toUtc(); await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.logs .where() .timestampInMillisUTCLessThan(cutoffDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch) .deleteAll(); }); Logging.instance.log( "Logs older than $cutoffDate cleared!", level: LogLevel.Info, ); } /// returns the filename of the saved logs file Future<String> exportToFile(String directory, EventBus eventBus) async { final now = DateTime.now(); final filename = "Stack_Wallet_logs_${now.year}_${now.month}_${now.day}_${now.hour}_${now.minute}_${now.second}.txt"; final filepath = "$directory/$filename"; File file = await File(filepath).create(); final sink = file.openWrite(); final logs = await isar.logs.where().anyTimestampInMillisUTC().findAll(); final count = logs.length; int counter = 0; for (final log in logs) { sink.writeln(log); await sink.flush(); counter++; final exportPercent = (counter / count).clamp(0.0, 1.0); eventBus.fire(exportPercent); } await sink.flush(); await sink.close(); eventBus.fire(1.0); return filename; } }