import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as btc; import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/script.dart' as bscript; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_libsparkmobile/flutter_libsparkmobile.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/extensions.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/isar/models/spark_coin.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/models/tx_data.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/intermediate/bip39_hd_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/electrumx_interface.dart'; const kDefaultSparkIndex = 1; mixin SparkInterface on Bip39HDWallet, ElectrumXInterface { static bool validateSparkAddress({ required String address, required bool isTestNet, }) => LibSpark.validateAddress(address: address, isTestNet: isTestNet); @override Future init() async { Address? address = await getCurrentReceivingSparkAddress(); if (address == null) { address = await generateNextSparkAddress(); await mainDB.putAddress(address); } // TODO add other address types to wallet info? // await info.updateReceivingAddress( // newAddress: address.value, // isar: mainDB.isar, // ); await super.init(); } @override Future> fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan() async { final allAddresses = await mainDB .getAddresses(walletId) .filter() .not() .group( (q) => q .typeEqualTo(AddressType.spark) .or() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.nonWallet) .or() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.nonWallet), ) .findAll(); return allAddresses; } Future getCurrentReceivingSparkAddress() async { return await mainDB.isar.addresses .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.spark) .sortByDerivationIndexDesc() .findFirst(); } Future
generateNextSparkAddress() async { final highestStoredDiversifier = (await getCurrentReceivingSparkAddress())?.derivationIndex; // default to starting at 1 if none found final int diversifier = (highestStoredDiversifier ?? 0) + 1; final root = await getRootHDNode(); final String derivationPath; if ( == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test) { derivationPath = "$kSparkBaseDerivationPathTestnet$kDefaultSparkIndex"; } else { derivationPath = "$kSparkBaseDerivationPath$kDefaultSparkIndex"; } final keys = root.derivePath(derivationPath); final String addressString = await LibSpark.getAddress( privateKey:, index: kDefaultSparkIndex, diversifier: diversifier, isTestNet: == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test, ); return Address( walletId: walletId, value: addressString, publicKey:, derivationIndex: diversifier, derivationPath: DerivationPath()..value = derivationPath, type: AddressType.spark, subType: AddressSubType.receiving, ); } Future estimateFeeForSpark(Amount amount) async { // int spendAmount = amount.raw.toInt(); // if (spendAmount == 0) { return Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(0), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); // } // TODO actual fee estimation } /// Spark to Spark/Transparent (spend) creation Future prepareSendSpark({ required TxData txData, }) async { final coins = await mainDB.isar.sparkCoins .where() .walletIdEqualToAnyLTagHash(walletId) .filter() .isUsedEqualTo(false) .and() .heightIsNotNull() .findAll(); final serializedCoins = coins .map((e) => ( serializedCoin: e.serializedCoinB64!, serializedCoinContext: e.contextB64!, groupId: e.groupId, height: e.height!, )) .toList(); final currentId = await electrumXClient.getSparkLatestCoinId(); final List> setMaps = []; final List<({int groupId, String blockHash})> idAndBlockHashes = []; for (int i = 1; i <= currentId; i++) { final set = await electrumXCachedClient.getSparkAnonymitySet( groupId: i.toString(), coin: info.coin, ); set["coinGroupID"] = i; setMaps.add(set); idAndBlockHashes.add( ( groupId: i, blockHash: set["blockHash"] as String, ), ); } final allAnonymitySets = setMaps .map((e) => ( setId: e["coinGroupID"] as int, setHash: e["setHash"] as String, set: (e["coins"] as List) .map((e) => ( serializedCoin: e[0] as String, txHash: e[1] as String, )) .toList(), )) .toList(); // // To generate a spark spend we need to call createSparkSpendTransaction, // first unlock the wallet and generate all 3 spark keys, final root = await getRootHDNode(); final String derivationPath; if ( == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test) { derivationPath = "$kSparkBaseDerivationPathTestnet$kDefaultSparkIndex"; } else { derivationPath = "$kSparkBaseDerivationPath$kDefaultSparkIndex"; } final privateKey = root.derivePath(derivationPath); // // recipients is a list of pairs of amounts and bools, this is for transparent // outputs, first how much to send and second, subtractFeeFromAmount argument // for each receiver. // // privateRecipients is again the list of pairs, first the receiver data // which has following members, Address which is any spark address, // amount (v) how much we want to send, and memo which can be any string // with 32 length (any string we want to send to receiver), and the second // subtractFeeFromAmount, // // coins is the list of all our available spark coins // // cover_set_data_all is the list of all anonymity sets, // // idAndBlockHashes_all is the list of block hashes for each anonymity set // // txHashSig is the transaction hash only without spark data, tx version, // type, transparent outputs and everything else should be set before generating it. // // fee is a output data // // serializedSpend is a output data, byte array with spark spend, we need // to put it into vExtraPayload (this naming can be different in your codebase) // // outputScripts is a output data, it is a list of scripts, which we need // to put in separate tx outputs, and keep the order, // Amount vOut = Amount( // rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits); // Amount mintVOut = Amount( // rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits); // int recipientsToSubtractFee = 0; // // for (int i = 0; i < (txData.recipients?.length ?? 0); i++) { // vOut += txData.recipients![i].amount; // } // // if (vOut.raw > BigInt.from(SPARK_VALUE_SPEND_LIMIT_PER_TRANSACTION)) { // throw Exception( // "Spend to transparent address limit exceeded (10,000 Firo per transaction).", // ); // } // // for (int i = 0; i < (txData.sparkRecipients?.length ?? 0); i++) { // mintVOut += txData.sparkRecipients![i].amount; // if (txData.sparkRecipients![i].subtractFeeFromAmount) { // recipientsToSubtractFee++; // } // } // // int fee; final txb = btc.TransactionBuilder( network: btc.NetworkType( messagePrefix: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.messagePrefix, bech32: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.bech32Hrp, bip32: btc.Bip32Type( public: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.pubHDPrefix, private: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.privHDPrefix, ), pubKeyHash: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.p2pkhPrefix, scriptHash: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.p2shPrefix, wif: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.wifPrefix, ), ); txb.setLockTime(await chainHeight); txb.setVersion(3 | (9 << 16)); // final estimated = LibSpark.selectSparkCoins( // requiredAmount: mintVOut.raw.toInt(), // subtractFeeFromAmount: recipientsToSubtractFee > 0, // coins: myCoins, // privateRecipientsCount: txData.sparkRecipients?.length ?? 0, // ); // // fee = estimated.fee; // bool remainderSubtracted = false; // for (int i = 0; i < (txData.recipients?.length ?? 0); i++) { // // // if (recipient.fSubtractFeeFromAmount) { // // Subtract fee equally from each selected recipient. // recipient.nAmount -= fee / recipientsToSubtractFee; // // if (!remainderSubtracted) { // // First receiver pays the remainder not divisible by output count. // recipient.nAmount -= fee % recipientsToSubtractFee; // remainderSubtracted = true; // } // } // } // outputs // for (int i = 0; i < (txData.sparkRecipients?.length ?? 0); i++) { // if (txData.sparkRecipients![i].subtractFeeFromAmount) { // BigInt amount = txData.sparkRecipients![i].amount.raw; // // // Subtract fee equally from each selected recipient. // amount -= BigInt.from(fee / recipientsToSubtractFee); // // if (!remainderSubtracted) { // // First receiver pays the remainder not divisible by output count. // amount -= BigInt.from(fee % recipientsToSubtractFee); // remainderSubtracted = true; // } // // txData.sparkRecipients![i] = ( // address: txData.sparkRecipients![i].address, // amount: Amount( // rawValue: amount, // fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, // ), // subtractFeeFromAmount: // txData.sparkRecipients![i].subtractFeeFromAmount, // memo: txData.sparkRecipients![i].memo, // ); // } // } // // int spendInCurrentTx = 0; // for (final spendCoin in estimated.coins) { // spendInCurrentTx += spendCoin.value?.toInt() ?? 0; // } // spendInCurrentTx -= fee; // // int transparentOut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (txData.recipients?.length ?? 0); i++) { if (txData.recipients![i].amount.raw == { continue; } if (txData.recipients![i].amount < cryptoCurrency.dustLimit) { throw Exception("Output below dust limit"); } // // transparentOut += txData.recipients![i].amount.raw.toInt(); txb.addOutput( txData.recipients![i].address, txData.recipients![i].amount.raw.toInt(), ); } // // spendInCurrentTx -= transparentOut; // final List<({String address, int amount, String memo})> privOutputs = []; // // for (int i = 0; i < (txData.sparkRecipients?.length ?? 0); i++) { // if (txData.sparkRecipients![i].amount.raw == { // continue; // } // // final recipientAmount = txData.sparkRecipients![i].amount.raw.toInt(); // // spendInCurrentTx -= recipientAmount; // // privOutputs.add( // ( // address: txData.sparkRecipients![i].address, // amount: recipientAmount, // memo: txData.sparkRecipients![i].memo, // ), // ); // } // if (spendInCurrentTx < 0) { // throw Exception("Unable to create spend transaction."); // } // // if (privOutputs.isEmpty || spendInCurrentTx > 0) { // final changeAddress = await LibSpark.getAddress( // privateKey: privateKey, // index: index, // diversifier: kSparkChange, // ); // // privOutputs.add( // ( // address: changeAddress, // amount: spendInCurrentTx > 0 ? spendInCurrentTx : 0, // memo: "", // ), // ); // } // inputs final opReturnScript = bscript.compile([ 0xd3, // OP_SPARKSPEND Uint8List(0), ]); txb.addInput( '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, opReturnScript, ); // final sig = extractedTx.getId(); // for (final coin in estimated.coins) { // final groupId =!; // } final spend = LibSpark.createSparkSendTransaction( privateKeyHex: privateKey.toHex, index: kDefaultSparkIndex, recipients: [], privateRecipients: txData.sparkRecipients ?.map((e) => ( sparkAddress: e.address, amount: e.amount.raw.toInt(), subtractFeeFromAmount: e.subtractFeeFromAmount, memo: e.memo, )) .toList() ?? [], serializedCoins: serializedCoins, allAnonymitySets: allAnonymitySets, idAndBlockHashes: idAndBlockHashes .map((e) => (setId: e.groupId, blockHash: base64Decode(e.blockHash))) .toList(), ); print("SPARK SPEND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); print("fee: ${spend.fee}"); print("spend: ${spend.serializedSpendPayload}"); print("scripts:"); spend.outputScripts.forEach(print); print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); for (final outputScript in spend.outputScripts) { txb.addOutput(outputScript, 0); } final extractedTx = txb.buildIncomplete(); extractedTx.setPayload(spend.serializedSpendPayload); final rawTxHex = extractedTx.toHex(); return txData.copyWith( raw: rawTxHex, vSize: extractedTx.virtualSize(), fee: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(spend.fee), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), // TODO used coins ); } // this may not be needed for either mints or spends or both Future confirmSendSpark({ required TxData txData, }) async { throw UnimplementedError(); } // TODO lots of room for performance improvements here. Should be similar to // recoverSparkWallet but only fetch and check anonymity set data that we // have not yet parsed. Future refreshSparkData() async { final sparkAddresses = await mainDB.isar.addresses .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.spark) .findAll(); final Set paths = => e.derivationPath!.value).toSet(); try { final latestSparkCoinId = await electrumXClient.getSparkLatestCoinId(); final blockHash = await _getCachedSparkBlockHash(); final anonymitySet = blockHash == null ? await electrumXCachedClient.getSparkAnonymitySet( groupId: latestSparkCoinId.toString(), coin: info.coin, ) : await electrumXClient.getSparkAnonymitySet( coinGroupId: latestSparkCoinId.toString(), startBlockHash: blockHash, ); if (anonymitySet["coins"] is List && (anonymitySet["coins"] as List).isNotEmpty) { final spentCoinTags = await electrumXCachedClient.getSparkUsedCoinsTags(coin: info.coin); final root = await getRootHDNode(); final privateKeyHexSet = paths .map( (e) => root.derivePath(e), ) .toSet(); final myCoins = await compute( _identifyCoins, ( anonymitySetCoins: anonymitySet["coins"] as List, groupId: latestSparkCoinId, spentCoinTags: spentCoinTags, privateKeyHexSet: privateKeyHexSet, walletId: walletId, isTestNet: == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test, ), ); // update wallet spark coins in isar await _addOrUpdateSparkCoins(myCoins); // update blockHash in cache final String newBlockHash = base64ToReverseHex(anonymitySet["blockHash"] as String); await _setCachedSparkBlockHash(newBlockHash); } // refresh spark balance await refreshSparkBalance(); } catch (e, s) { // todo logging rethrow; } } Future refreshSparkBalance() async { final currentHeight = await chainHeight; final unusedCoins = await mainDB.isar.sparkCoins .where() .walletIdEqualToAnyLTagHash(walletId) .filter() .isUsedEqualTo(false) .findAll(); final total = Amount( rawValue: unusedCoins .map((e) => e.value) .fold(, (prev, e) => prev + e), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); final spendable = Amount( rawValue: unusedCoins .where((e) => e.height != null && e.height! + cryptoCurrency.minConfirms <= currentHeight) .map((e) => e.value) .fold(, (prev, e) => prev + e), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); final sparkBalance = Balance( total: total, spendable: spendable, blockedTotal: Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), pendingSpendable: total - spendable, ); await info.updateBalanceTertiary( newBalance: sparkBalance, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } /// Should only be called within the standard wallet [recover] function due to /// mutex locking. Otherwise behaviour MAY be undefined. Future recoverSparkWallet({ required Map anonymitySet, required Set spentCoinTags, }) async { // generate spark addresses if non existing if (await getCurrentReceivingSparkAddress() == null) { final address = await generateNextSparkAddress(); await mainDB.putAddress(address); } final sparkAddresses = await mainDB.isar.addresses .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.spark) .findAll(); final Set paths = => e.derivationPath!.value).toSet(); try { final root = await getRootHDNode(); final privateKeyHexSet = => root.derivePath(e); final myCoins = await compute( _identifyCoins, ( anonymitySetCoins: anonymitySet["coins"] as List, groupId: anonymitySet["coinGroupID"] as int, spentCoinTags: spentCoinTags, privateKeyHexSet: privateKeyHexSet, walletId: walletId, isTestNet: == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test, ), ); // update wallet spark coins in isar await _addOrUpdateSparkCoins(myCoins); // update blockHash in cache final String newBlockHash = anonymitySet["blockHash"] as String; await _setCachedSparkBlockHash(newBlockHash); // refresh spark balance await refreshSparkBalance(); } catch (e, s) { // todo logging rethrow; } } /// Transparent to Spark (mint) transaction creation. /// /// See Future prepareSparkMintTransaction({required TxData txData}) async { // "this kind of transaction is generated like a regular transaction, but in // place of [regular] outputs we put spark outputs... we construct the input // part of the transaction first then we generate spark related data [and] // we sign like regular transactions at the end." // Validate inputs. // There should be at least one input. if (txData.utxos == null || txData.utxos!.isEmpty) { throw Exception("No inputs provided."); } // Validate individual inputs. for (final utxo in txData.utxos!) { // Input amount must be greater than zero. if (utxo.value == 0) { throw Exception("Input value cannot be zero."); } // Input value must be greater than dust limit. if (BigInt.from(utxo.value) < cryptoCurrency.dustLimit.raw) { throw Exception("Input value below dust limit."); } } // Validate outputs. // There should be at least one output. if (txData.recipients == null || txData.recipients!.isEmpty) { throw Exception("No recipients provided."); } // For now let's limit to one output. if (txData.recipients!.length > 1) { throw Exception("Only one recipient supported."); // TODO remove and test with multiple recipients. } // Limit outputs per tx to 16. // // See SPARK_OUT_LIMIT_PER_TX at if (txData.recipients!.length > 16) { throw Exception("Too many recipients."); } // Limit spend value per tx to 1000000000000 satoshis. // // See SPARK_VALUE_SPEND_LIMIT_PER_TRANSACTION at // and COIN // Note that as MAX_MONEY is greater than this limit, we can ignore it. See // // This will be added to and checked as we validate outputs. Amount totalAmount = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); // Validate individual outputs. for (final recipient in txData.recipients!) { // Output amount must be greater than zero. if (recipient.amount.raw == { throw Exception("Output amount cannot be zero."); // Could refactor this for loop to use an index and remove this output. } // Output amount must be greater than dust limit. if (recipient.amount < cryptoCurrency.dustLimit) { throw Exception("Output below dust limit."); } // Do not add outputs that would exceed the spend limit. totalAmount += recipient.amount; if (totalAmount.raw > BigInt.from(1000000000000)) { throw Exception( "Spend limit exceeded (10,000 FIRO per tx).", ); } } // Create a transaction builder and set locktime and version. final txb = btc.TransactionBuilder( network: btc.NetworkType( messagePrefix: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.messagePrefix, bech32: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.bech32Hrp, bip32: btc.Bip32Type( public: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.pubHDPrefix, private: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.privHDPrefix, ), pubKeyHash: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.p2pkhPrefix, scriptHash: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.p2shPrefix, wif: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.wifPrefix, ), ); txb.setLockTime(await chainHeight); txb.setVersion(1); final signingData = await fetchBuildTxData(txData.utxos!.toList()); // Create the serial context. // // "...serial_context is a byte array, which should be unique for each // transaction, and for that we serialize and put all inputs into // serial_context vector." final serialContext = LibSpark.serializeMintContext( inputs: signingData .map((e) => ( e.utxo.txid, e.utxo.vout, )) .toList(), ); // Add inputs. for (final sd in signingData) { txb.addInput( sd.utxo.txid, sd.utxo.vout, 0xffffffff - 1, // minus 1 is important. 0xffffffff on its own will burn funds sd.output, ); } // Create mint recipients. final mintRecipients = LibSpark.createSparkMintRecipients( outputs: txData.recipients! .map((e) => ( sparkAddress: e.address, value: e.amount.raw.toInt(), memo: "", )) .toList(), serialContext: Uint8List.fromList(serialContext), generate: true, ); // Add mint output(s). for (final mint in mintRecipients) { txb.addOutput( mint.scriptPubKey, mint.amount, ); } try { // Sign the transaction accordingly for (var i = 0; i < signingData.length; i++) { txb.sign( vin: i, keyPair: signingData[i].keyPair!, witnessValue: signingData[i].utxo.value, redeemScript: signingData[i].redeemScript, ); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Caught exception while signing spark mint transaction: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } final builtTx =; // TODO any changes to this txData object required? return txData.copyWith( // recipients: [ // ( // amount: Amount( // rawValue: BigInt.from(incomplete.outs[0].value!), // fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, // ), // address: "no address for lelantus mints", // ) // ], vSize: builtTx.virtualSize(), txid: builtTx.getId(), raw: builtTx.toHex(), ); } /// Broadcast a tx and TODO update Spark balance. Future confirmSparkMintTransaction({required TxData txData}) async { // Broadcast tx. final txid = await electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction( rawTx: txData.raw!, ); // Check txid. if (txid == txData.txid!) { print("SPARK TXIDS MATCH!!"); } else { print("SUBMITTED SPARK TXID DOES NOT MATCH WHAT WE GENERATED"); } // TODO update spark balance. return txData.copyWith( txid: txid, ); } @override Future updateBalance() async { // call to super to update transparent balance (and lelantus balance if // what ever class this mixin is used on uses LelantusInterface as well) final normalBalanceFuture = super.updateBalance(); // todo: spark balance aka update info.tertiaryBalance // wait for normalBalanceFuture to complete before returning await normalBalanceFuture; } // ====================== Private ============================================ final _kSparkAnonSetCachedBlockHashKey = "SparkAnonSetCachedBlockHashKey"; Future _getCachedSparkBlockHash() async { return info.otherData[_kSparkAnonSetCachedBlockHashKey] as String?; } Future _setCachedSparkBlockHash(String blockHash) async { await info.updateOtherData( newEntries: {_kSparkAnonSetCachedBlockHashKey: blockHash}, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } Future _addOrUpdateSparkCoins(List coins) async { if (coins.isNotEmpty) { await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.sparkCoins.putAll(coins); }); } // update wallet spark coin height final coinsToCheck = await mainDB.isar.sparkCoins .where() .walletIdEqualToAnyLTagHash(walletId) .filter() .heightIsNull() .findAll(); final List updatedCoins = []; for (final coin in coinsToCheck) { final tx = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction( txHash: coin.txHash, coin: info.coin, ); if (tx["height"] is int) { updatedCoins.add(coin.copyWith(height: tx["height"] as int)); } } if (updatedCoins.isNotEmpty) { await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.sparkCoins.putAll(updatedCoins); }); } } } String base64ToReverseHex(String source) => base64Decode(LineSplitter.split(source).join()) .reversed .map((e) => e.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')) .join(); /// Top level function which should be called wrapped in [compute] Future> _identifyCoins( ({ List anonymitySetCoins, int groupId, Set spentCoinTags, Set privateKeyHexSet, String walletId, bool isTestNet, }) args) async { final List myCoins = []; for (final privateKeyHex in args.privateKeyHexSet) { for (final dynData in args.anonymitySetCoins) { final data = List.from(dynData as List); if (data.length != 3) { throw Exception("Unexpected serialized coin info found"); } final serializedCoinB64 = data[0]; final txHash = base64ToReverseHex(data[1]); final contextB64 = data[2]; final coin = LibSpark.identifyAndRecoverCoin( serializedCoinB64, privateKeyHex: privateKeyHex, index: kDefaultSparkIndex, context: base64Decode(contextB64), isTestNet: args.isTestNet, ); // its ours if (coin != null) { final SparkCoinType coinType; switch (coin.type.value) { case 0: coinType =; case 1: coinType = SparkCoinType.spend; default: throw Exception("Unknown spark coin type detected"); } myCoins.add( SparkCoin( walletId: args.walletId, type: coinType, isUsed: args.spentCoinTags.contains(coin.lTagHash!), groupId: args.groupId, nonce: coin.nonceHex?.toUint8ListFromHex, address: coin.address!, txHash: txHash, valueIntString: coin.value!.toString(), memo: coin.memo, serialContext: coin.serialContext, diversifierIntString: coin.diversifier!.toString(), encryptedDiversifier: coin.encryptedDiversifier, serial: coin.serial, tag: coin.tag, lTagHash: coin.lTagHash!, height: coin.height, serializedCoinB64: serializedCoinB64, contextB64: contextB64, ), ); } } } return myCoins; }