import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as bitcoindart; import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:lelantus/lelantus.dart' as lelantus; import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/lelantus_fee_data.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/uint8_list.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/api/lelantus_ffi_wrapper.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/crypto_currency/interfaces/electrumx_currency_interface.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/models/tx_data.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/intermediate/bip39_hd_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/electrumx_interface.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; mixin LelantusInterface on Bip39HDWallet, ElectrumXInterface { Future estimateFeeForLelantus(Amount amount) async { final lelantusEntries = await _getLelantusEntry(); final int spendAmount = amount.raw.toInt(); if (spendAmount == 0 || lelantusEntries.isEmpty) { return Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(LelantusFeeData(0, 0, []).fee), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); } final result = await LelantusFfiWrapper.estimateJoinSplitFee( spendAmount: amount, subtractFeeFromAmount: true, lelantusEntries: lelantusEntries, isTestNet: == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test, ); return Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(result.fee), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); } Future> _getLelantusEntry() async { final List lelantusCoins = await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .isUsedEqualTo(false) .not() .group( (q) => q .valueEqualTo("0") .or() .anonymitySetIdEqualTo(LelantusFfiWrapper.ANONYMITY_SET_EMPTY_ID), ) .findAll(); final root = await getRootHDNode(); final waitLelantusEntries = async { final derivePath = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, chain: LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_INDEX, index: coin.mintIndex, ); try { final keyPair = root.derivePath(derivePath); final String privateKey =; return lelantus.DartLelantusEntry( coin.isUsed ? 1 : 0, 0, coin.anonymitySetId, int.parse(coin.value), coin.mintIndex, privateKey, ); } catch (_) { Logging.instance.log("error bad key", level: LogLevel.Error); return lelantus.DartLelantusEntry(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ''); } }).toList(); final lelantusEntries = await Future.wait(waitLelantusEntries); if (lelantusEntries.isNotEmpty) { // should be redundant as _getUnspentCoins() should // already remove all where value=0 lelantusEntries.removeWhere((element) => element.amount == 0); } return lelantusEntries; } Future prepareSendLelantus({ required TxData txData, }) async { if (txData.recipients!.length != 1) { throw Exception( "Lelantus send requires a single recipient", ); } if (txData.recipients!.first.amount.raw > BigInt.from(LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_LIMIT)) { throw Exception( "Lelantus sends of more than 5001 are currently disabled", ); } try { // check for send all bool isSendAll = false; final balance = info.cachedBalanceSecondary.spendable; if (txData.recipients!.first.amount == balance) { // print("is send all"); isSendAll = true; } final lastUsedIndex = await mainDB.getHighestUsedMintIndex(walletId: walletId); final nextFreeMintIndex = (lastUsedIndex ?? 0) + 1; final root = await getRootHDNode(); final derivePath = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, chain: 0, index: 0, ); final partialDerivationPath = derivePath.substring( 0, derivePath.length - 3, ); final result = await LelantusFfiWrapper.createJoinSplitTransaction( txData: txData, subtractFeeFromAmount: isSendAll, nextFreeMintIndex: nextFreeMintIndex, locktime: await chainHeight, lelantusEntries: await _getLelantusEntry(), anonymitySets: await fetchAnonymitySets(), cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, partialDerivationPath: partialDerivationPath, hexRootPrivateKey:, chaincode: root.chaincode, ); Logging.instance.log("prepared fee: ${result.fee}", level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance .log("prepared vSize: ${result.vSize}", level: LogLevel.Info); // fee should never be less than vSize sanity check if (result.fee!.raw.toInt() < result.vSize!) { throw Exception( "Error in fee calculation: Transaction fee cannot be less than vSize", ); } return result; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown in firo prepareSend(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } Future confirmSendLelantus({ required TxData txData, }) async { final latestSetId = await electrumXClient.getLelantusLatestCoinId(); final txid = await electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction( rawTx: txData.raw!, ); assert(txid == txData.txid!); final lastUsedIndex = await mainDB.getHighestUsedMintIndex(walletId: walletId); final nextFreeMintIndex = (lastUsedIndex ?? 0) + 1; if (txData.spendCoinIndexes != null) { // This is a joinsplit final spentCoinIndexes = txData.spendCoinIndexes!; final List updatedCoins = []; // Update all of the coins that have been spent. for (final index in spentCoinIndexes) { final possibleCoin = await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins .where() .mintIndexWalletIdEqualTo(index, walletId) .findFirst(); if (possibleCoin != null) { updatedCoins.add(possibleCoin.copyWith(isUsed: true)); } } // if a jmint was made add it to the unspent coin index final jmint = LelantusCoin( walletId: walletId, mintIndex: nextFreeMintIndex, value: (txData.jMintValue ?? 0).toString(), txid: txid, anonymitySetId: latestSetId, isUsed: false, isJMint: true, otherData: null, ); try { await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { for (final c in updatedCoins) { await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.deleteByMintIndexWalletId( c.mintIndex, c.walletId, ); } await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.putAll(updatedCoins); await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.put(jmint); }); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); rethrow; } final amount = txData.amount!; // add the send transaction final transaction = Transaction( walletId: walletId, txid: txid, timestamp: ( ~/ 1000), type: TransactionType.outgoing, subType: TransactionSubType.join, amount: amount.raw.toInt(), amountString: amount.toJsonString(), fee: txData.fee!.raw.toInt(), height: txData.height, isCancelled: false, isLelantus: true, slateId: null, nonce: null, otherData: null, // otherData: transactionInfo["otherData"] as String?, inputs: [], outputs: [], numberOfMessages: null, ); final transactionAddress = await mainDB .getAddresses(walletId) .filter() .valueEqualTo(txData.recipients!.first.address) .findFirst() ?? Address( walletId: walletId, value: txData.recipients!.first.address, derivationIndex: -1, derivationPath: null, type: AddressType.nonWallet, subType: AddressSubType.nonWallet, publicKey: [], ); final List> txnsData = []; txnsData.add(Tuple2(transaction, transactionAddress)); await mainDB.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId); } else { // This is a mint Logging.instance.log("this is a mint", level: LogLevel.Info); final List updatedCoins = []; for (final mintMap in txData.mintsMapLelantus!) { final index = mintMap['index'] as int; final mint = LelantusCoin( walletId: walletId, mintIndex: index, value: (mintMap['value'] as int).toString(), txid: txid, anonymitySetId: latestSetId, isUsed: false, isJMint: false, otherData: null, ); updatedCoins.add(mint); } // Logging.instance.log(coins); try { await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.putAll(updatedCoins); }); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); rethrow; } } return txData.copyWith( txid: txid, ); } Future>> fastFetch(List allTxHashes) async { final List> allTransactions = []; const futureLimit = 30; final List>> transactionFutures = []; int currentFutureCount = 0; for (final txHash in allTxHashes) { final Future> transactionFuture = electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction( txHash: txHash, verbose: true, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); transactionFutures.add(transactionFuture); currentFutureCount++; if (currentFutureCount > futureLimit) { currentFutureCount = 0; await Future.wait(transactionFutures); for (final fTx in transactionFutures) { final tx = await fTx; // delete unused large parts tx.remove("hex"); tx.remove("lelantusData"); allTransactions.add(tx); } } } if (currentFutureCount != 0) { currentFutureCount = 0; await Future.wait(transactionFutures); for (final fTx in transactionFutures) { final tx = await fTx; // delete unused large parts tx.remove("hex"); tx.remove("lelantusData"); allTransactions.add(tx); } } return allTransactions; } Future> getJMintTransactions( List transactions, ) async { try { final Map txs = {}; final List> allTransactions = await fastFetch(transactions); for (int i = 0; i < allTransactions.length; i++) { try { final tx = allTransactions[i]; var sendIndex = 1; if (tx["vout"][0]["value"] != null && Decimal.parse(tx["vout"][0]["value"].toString()) > { sendIndex = 0; } tx["amount"] = tx["vout"][sendIndex]["value"]; tx["address"] = tx["vout"][sendIndex]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][0]; tx["fees"] = tx["vin"][0]["nFees"]; final Amount amount = Amount.fromDecimal( Decimal.parse(tx["amount"].toString()), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); final txn = Transaction( walletId: walletId, txid: tx["txid"] as String, timestamp: tx["time"] as int? ?? ( ~/ 1000), type: TransactionType.outgoing, subType: TransactionSubType.join, amount: amount.raw.toInt(), amountString: amount.toJsonString(), fee: Amount.fromDecimal( Decimal.parse(tx["fees"].toString()), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), height: tx["height"] as int?, isCancelled: false, isLelantus: true, slateId: null, otherData: null, nonce: null, inputs: [], outputs: [], numberOfMessages: null, ); final address = await mainDB .getAddresses(walletId) .filter() .valueEqualTo(tx["address"] as String) .findFirst() ?? Address( walletId: walletId, value: tx["address"] as String, derivationIndex: -2, derivationPath: null, type: AddressType.nonWallet, subType: AddressSubType.unknown, publicKey: [], ); txs[address] = txn; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception caught in getJMintTransactions(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info, ); rethrow; } } return txs; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown in getJMintTransactions(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info, ); rethrow; } } Future>> fetchAnonymitySets() async { try { final latestSetId = await electrumXClient.getLelantusLatestCoinId(); final List> sets = []; final List>> anonFutures = []; for (int i = 1; i <= latestSetId; i++) { final set = electrumXCachedClient.getAnonymitySet( groupId: "$i", cryptoCurrency: info.coin, ); anonFutures.add(set); } await Future.wait(anonFutures); for (int i = 1; i <= latestSetId; i++) { final Map set = (await anonFutures[i - 1]); set["setId"] = i; sets.add(set); } return sets; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from refreshAnonymitySets: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } Future> getSetDataMap(int latestSetId) async { final Map setDataMap = {}; final anonymitySets = await fetchAnonymitySets(); for (int setId = 1; setId <= latestSetId; setId++) { final setData = anonymitySets .firstWhere((element) => element["setId"] == setId, orElse: () => {}); if (setData.isNotEmpty) { setDataMap[setId] = setData; } } return setDataMap; } // TODO: verify this function does what we think it does Future refreshLelantusData() async { final lelantusCoins = await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .isUsedEqualTo(false) .not() .valueEqualTo(0.toString()) .findAll(); final List updatedCoins = []; final usedSerialNumbersSet = (await electrumXCachedClient.getUsedCoinSerials( cryptoCurrency: info.coin, )) .toSet(); final root = await getRootHDNode(); for (final coin in lelantusCoins) { final _derivePath = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, chain: LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_INDEX, index: coin.mintIndex, ); final mintKeyPair = root.derivePath(_derivePath); final String serialNumber = lelantus.GetSerialNumber( int.parse(coin.value),, coin.mintIndex, isTestnet: == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test, ); final bool isUsed = usedSerialNumbersSet.contains(serialNumber); if (isUsed) { updatedCoins.add(coin.copyWith(isUsed: isUsed)); } final tx = await mainDB.getTransaction(walletId, coin.txid); if (tx == null) { Logging.instance.log( "Transaction with txid=${coin.txid} not found in local db!", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } if (updatedCoins.isNotEmpty) { try { await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { for (final c in updatedCoins) { await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.deleteByMintIndexWalletId( c.mintIndex, c.walletId, ); } await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.putAll(updatedCoins); }); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); rethrow; } } } /// Should only be called within the standard wallet [recover] function due to /// mutex locking. Otherwise behaviour MAY be undefined. Future recoverLelantusWallet({ required int latestSetId, required Map setDataMap, required Set usedSerialNumbers, }) async { final root = await getRootHDNode(); final derivePath = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, chain: 0, index: 0, ); // get "m/$purpose'/$coinType'/$account'/" from "m/$purpose'/$coinType'/$account'/0/0" final partialDerivationPath = derivePath.substring( 0, derivePath.length - 3, ); final result = await LelantusFfiWrapper.restore( hexRootPrivateKey:, chaincode: root.chaincode, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, latestSetId: latestSetId, setDataMap: setDataMap, usedSerialNumbers: usedSerialNumbers, walletId: walletId, partialDerivationPath: partialDerivationPath, ); final currentHeight = await chainHeight; final txns = await mainDB .getTransactions(walletId) .filter() .isLelantusIsNull() .or() .isLelantusEqualTo(false) .findAll(); // TODO: [prio=high] shouldn't these be v2? If it doesn't matter than we can get rid of this logic // Edit the receive transactions with the mint fees. final List editedTransactions = []; for (final coin in result.lelantusCoins) { final String txid = coin.txid; Transaction? tx; try { tx = txns.firstWhere((e) => e.txid == txid); } catch (_) { tx = null; } if (tx == null || tx.subType == TransactionSubType.join) { // This is a jmint. continue; } final List inputTxns = []; for (final input in tx.inputs) { Transaction? inputTx; try { inputTx = txns.firstWhere((e) => e.txid == input.txid); } catch (_) { inputTx = null; } if (inputTx != null) { inputTxns.add(inputTx); } } if (inputTxns.isEmpty) { //some error. Logging.instance.log( "cryptic \"//some error\" occurred in staticProcessRestore on lelantus coin: $coin", level: LogLevel.Error, ); continue; } final int mintFee = tx.fee; final int sharedFee = mintFee ~/ inputTxns.length; for (final inputTx in inputTxns) { final edited = Transaction( walletId: inputTx.walletId, txid: inputTx.txid, timestamp: inputTx.timestamp, type: inputTx.type, subType:, amount: inputTx.amount, amountString: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(inputTx.amount), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).toJsonString(), fee: sharedFee, height: inputTx.height, isCancelled: false, isLelantus: true, slateId: null, otherData: txid, nonce: null, inputs: inputTx.inputs, outputs: inputTx.outputs, numberOfMessages: null, )..address.value = inputTx.address.value; editedTransactions.add(edited); } } // Logging.instance.log(editedTransactions, addToDebugMessagesDB: false); final Map transactionMap = {}; for (final e in txns) { transactionMap[e.txid] = e; } // Logging.instance.log(transactionMap, addToDebugMessagesDB: false); // update with edited transactions for (final tx in editedTransactions) { transactionMap[tx.txid] = tx; } transactionMap.removeWhere( (key, value) => result.lelantusCoins.any((element) => element.txid == key) || ((value.height == -1 || value.height == null) && !value.isConfirmed(currentHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms)), ); try { await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins.putAll(result.lelantusCoins); }); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); // don't just rethrow since isar likes to strip stack traces for some reason throw Exception("e=$e & s=$s"); } final Map> data = {}; for (final entry in transactionMap.entries) { data[entry.key] = Tuple2(entry.value.address.value, entry.value); } // Create the joinsplit transactions. final spendTxs = await getJMintTransactions( result.spendTxIds, ); Logging.instance.log(spendTxs, level: LogLevel.Info); for (var element in spendTxs.entries) { final address = element.value.address.value ?? data[element.value.txid]?.item1 ?? element.key; // Address( // walletId: walletId, // value: transactionInfo["address"] as String, // derivationIndex: -1, // type: AddressType.nonWallet, // subType: AddressSubType.nonWallet, // publicKey: [], // ); data[element.value.txid] = Tuple2(address, element.value); } final List> txnsData = []; for (final value in data.values) { final transactionAddress = value.item1!; final outs = value.item2.outputs.where((_) => true).toList(growable: false); final ins = value.item2.inputs.where((_) => true).toList(growable: false); txnsData.add( Tuple2( value.item2.copyWith(inputs: ins, outputs: outs).item1, transactionAddress, ), ); } await mainDB.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId); } /// Builds and signs a transaction Future buildMintTransaction({required TxData txData}) async { final signingData = await fetchBuildTxData(txData.utxos!.toList()); final convertedNetwork = bitcoindart.NetworkType( messagePrefix: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.messagePrefix, bech32: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.bech32Hrp, bip32: bitcoindart.Bip32Type( public: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.pubHDPrefix, private: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.privHDPrefix, ), pubKeyHash: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.p2pkhPrefix, scriptHash: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.p2shPrefix, wif: cryptoCurrency.networkParams.wifPrefix, ); final txb = bitcoindart.TransactionBuilder( network: convertedNetwork, ); txb.setVersion(2); final int height = await chainHeight; txb.setLockTime(height); int amount = 0; // Add transaction inputs for (var i = 0; i < signingData.length; i++) { final pubKey = signingData[i].keyPair!; final bitcoindart.PaymentData? data; switch (signingData[i].derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: data = bitcoindart .P2PKH( data: bitcoindart.PaymentData( pubkey: pubKey, ), network: convertedNetwork, ) .data; break; case DerivePathType.bip49: final p2wpkh = bitcoindart .P2WPKH( data: bitcoindart.PaymentData( pubkey: pubKey, ), network: convertedNetwork, ) .data; data = bitcoindart .P2SH( data: bitcoindart.PaymentData(redeem: p2wpkh), network: convertedNetwork, ) .data; break; case DerivePathType.bip84: data = bitcoindart .P2WPKH( data: bitcoindart.PaymentData( pubkey: pubKey, ), network: convertedNetwork, ) .data; break; case DerivePathType.bip86: data = null; break; default: throw Exception("DerivePathType unsupported"); } txb.addInput( signingData[i].utxo.txid, signingData[i].utxo.vout, null, data!.output!, ); amount += signingData[i].utxo.value; } for (var mintsElement in txData.mintsMapLelantus!) { Logging.instance.log("using $mintsElement", level: LogLevel.Info); final Uint8List mintu8 = Format.stringToUint8List(mintsElement['script'] as String); txb.addOutput(mintu8, mintsElement['value'] as int); } for (var i = 0; i < signingData.length; i++) { txb.sign( vin: i, keyPair: bitcoindart.ECPair.fromPrivateKey( signingData[i].keyPair!, network: convertedNetwork, compressed: signingData[i].keyPair!.privateKey.compressed, ), witnessValue: signingData[i].utxo.value, ); } final incomplete = txb.buildIncomplete(); final txId = incomplete.getId(); final txHex = incomplete.toHex(); final int fee = amount - incomplete.outs[0].value!; final builtHex =; return txData.copyWith( recipients: [ ( amount: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(incomplete.outs[0].value!), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), address: "no address for lelantus mints", isChange: false, ), ], vSize: builtHex.virtualSize(), txid: txId, raw: txHex, height: height, txType: TransactionType.outgoing, txSubType:, fee: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(fee), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), ); // return { // "transaction": builtHex, // "txid": txId, // "txHex": txHex, // "value": amount - fee, // "fees": Amount( // rawValue: BigInt.from(fee), // fractionDigits: coin.fractionDigits, // ).decimal.toDouble(), // "height": height, // "txType": "Sent", // "confirmed_status": false, // "amount": Amount( // rawValue: BigInt.from(amount), // fractionDigits: coin.fractionDigits, // ).decimal.toDouble(), // "timestamp": ~/ 1000, // "subType": "mint", // "mintsMap": mintsMap, // }; } /// Returns the mint transaction hex to mint all of the available funds. Future _mintSelection() async { final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight; final List availableOutputs = await mainDB .getUTXOs(walletId) .filter() .isBlockedEqualTo(false) .findAll(); final List spendableOutputs = []; // Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount for (var i = 0; i < availableOutputs.length; i++) { if (availableOutputs[i].isConfirmed( currentChainHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, ) == true && !(availableOutputs[i].isCoinbase && availableOutputs[i].getConfirmations(currentChainHeight) <= 101)) { spendableOutputs.add(availableOutputs[i]); } } final lelantusCoins = await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .not() .valueEqualTo(0.toString()) .findAll(); final data = await mainDB .getTransactions(walletId) .filter() .isLelantusIsNull() .or() .isLelantusEqualTo(false) .findAll(); for (final value in data) { if (value.inputs.isNotEmpty) { for (var element in value.inputs) { if (lelantusCoins.any((e) => e.txid == value.txid) && spendableOutputs.firstWhere( (output) => output?.txid == element.txid, orElse: () => null, ) != null) { spendableOutputs .removeWhere((output) => output!.txid == element.txid); } } } } // If there is no Utxos to mint then stop the function. if (spendableOutputs.isEmpty) { throw Exception("_mintSelection(): No spendable outputs found"); } int satoshisBeingUsed = 0; final Set utxoObjectsToUse = {}; for (var i = 0; i < spendableOutputs.length; i++) { final spendable = spendableOutputs[i]; if (spendable != null) { utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendable); satoshisBeingUsed += spendable.value; } } final mintsWithoutFee = await _createMintsFromAmount(satoshisBeingUsed); TxData txData = await buildMintTransaction( txData: TxData( utxos: utxoObjectsToUse, mintsMapLelantus: mintsWithoutFee, ), ); final Decimal dvSize = Decimal.fromInt(txData.vSize!); final feesObject = await fees; final Decimal fastFee = Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).decimal; int firoFee = (dvSize * fastFee * Decimal.fromInt(100000)).toDouble().ceil(); // int firoFee = (vSize * * (1 / 1000.0) * 100000000).ceil(); if (firoFee < txData.vSize!) { firoFee = txData.vSize! + 1; } firoFee = firoFee + 10; final int satoshiAmountToSend = satoshisBeingUsed - firoFee; final mintsWithFee = await _createMintsFromAmount(satoshiAmountToSend); txData = await buildMintTransaction( txData: txData.copyWith( mintsMapLelantus: mintsWithFee, ), ); return txData; } Future>> _createMintsFromAmount(int total) async { if (total > LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_LIMIT) { throw Exception( "Lelantus mints of more than 5001 are currently disabled", ); } int tmpTotal = total; int counter = 0; final lastUsedIndex = await mainDB.getHighestUsedMintIndex(walletId: walletId); final nextFreeMintIndex = (lastUsedIndex ?? 0) + 1; final isTestnet = == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test; final root = await getRootHDNode(); final mints = >[]; while (tmpTotal > 0) { final index = nextFreeMintIndex + counter; final mintKeyPair = root.derivePath( cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, chain: LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_INDEX, index: index, ), ); final privateKeyHex =; final seedId = Format.uint8listToString(mintKeyPair.identifier); final String mintTag = lelantus.CreateTag( privateKeyHex, index, seedId, isTestnet: isTestnet, ); final List> anonymitySets; try { anonymitySets = await fetchAnonymitySets(); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Firo needs better internet to create mints: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); rethrow; } bool isUsedMintTag = false; // stupid dynamic maps for (final set in anonymitySets) { final setCoins = set["coins"] as List; for (final coin in setCoins) { if (coin[1] == mintTag) { isUsedMintTag = true; break; } } if (isUsedMintTag) { break; } } if (isUsedMintTag) { Logging.instance.log( "Found used index when minting", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); } if (!isUsedMintTag) { final mintValue = min( tmpTotal, (isTestnet ? LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_LIMIT_TESTNET : LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_LIMIT), ); final mint = await LelantusFfiWrapper.getMintScript( amount: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(mintValue), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), privateKeyHex: privateKeyHex, index: index, seedId: seedId, isTestNet: isTestnet, ); mints.add({ "value": mintValue, "script": mint, "index": index, }); tmpTotal = tmpTotal - (isTestnet ? LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_LIMIT_TESTNET : LelantusFfiWrapper.MINT_LIMIT); } counter++; } return mints; } Future anonymizeAllLelantus() async { try { final mintResult = await _mintSelection(); await confirmSendLelantus(txData: mintResult); unawaited(refresh()); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception caught in anonymizeAllLelantus(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); rethrow; } } @override Future updateBalance() async { // call to super to update transparent balance final normalBalanceFuture = super.updateBalance(); final lelantusCoins = await mainDB.isar.lelantusCoins .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .isUsedEqualTo(false) .not() .valueEqualTo(0.toString()) .findAll(); final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight; int intLelantusBalance = 0; int unconfirmedLelantusBalance = 0; for (final lelantusCoin in lelantusCoins) { final Transaction? txn = mainDB.isar.transactions .where() .txidWalletIdEqualTo( lelantusCoin.txid, walletId, ) .findFirstSync(); if (txn == null) { Logging.instance.log( "Transaction not found in DB for lelantus coin: $lelantusCoin", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); } else { if (txn.isLelantus != true) { Logging.instance.log( "Bad database state found in ${} $walletId for _refreshBalance lelantus", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); } if (txn.isConfirmed(currentChainHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms)) { // mint tx, add value to balance intLelantusBalance += int.parse(lelantusCoin.value); } else { unconfirmedLelantusBalance += int.parse(lelantusCoin.value); } } } final balancePrivate = Balance( total: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(intLelantusBalance + unconfirmedLelantusBalance), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), spendable: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(intLelantusBalance), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), blockedTotal: Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), pendingSpendable: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(unconfirmedLelantusBalance), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), ); await info.updateBalanceSecondary( newBalance: balancePrivate, isar: mainDB.isar, ); // wait for updated uxtos to get updated public balance await normalBalanceFuture; } }