import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/change_now/exchange_transaction.dart'; class TradesService extends ChangeNotifier { List<ExchangeTransaction> get trades { final list = DB.instance.values<ExchangeTransaction>(boxName: DB.boxNameTrades); list.sort((a, b) => -; return list; } Future<void> add({ required ExchangeTransaction trade, required bool shouldNotifyListeners, }) async { await DB.instance.put<ExchangeTransaction>( boxName: DB.boxNameTrades, key: trade.uuid, value: trade); if (shouldNotifyListeners) { notifyListeners(); } } Future<void> edit({ required ExchangeTransaction trade, required bool shouldNotifyListeners, }) async { if (DB.instance.get<ExchangeTransaction>( boxName: DB.boxNameTrades, key: trade.uuid) == null) { throw Exception("Attempted to edit a trade that does not exist in Hive!"); } // add overwrites so this edit function is just a wrapper with an extra check await add(trade: trade, shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners); } Future<void> delete({ required ExchangeTransaction trade, required bool shouldNotifyListeners, }) async { await deleteByUuid( uuid: trade.uuid, shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners); } Future<void> deleteByUuid({ required String uuid, required bool shouldNotifyListeners, }) async { await DB.instance .delete<ExchangeTransaction>(boxName: DB.boxNameTrades, key: uuid); if (shouldNotifyListeners) { notifyListeners(); } } }