import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_libepiccash/epic_cash.dart' as lib_epiccash; import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart'; /// /// Wrapped up calls to flutter_libepiccash. /// /// Should all be static calls (no state stored in this class) /// abstract class LibEpiccash { static final Mutex _mutex = Mutex(); /// /// Check if [address] is a valid epiccash address according to libepiccash /// static bool validateSendAddress({required String address}) { final String validate = lib_epiccash.validateSendAddress(address); if (int.parse(validate) == 1) { // Check if address contains a domain if (address.contains("@")) { return true; } return false; } else { return false; } } /// /// Fetch the mnemonic For a new wallet (Only used in the example app) /// // TODO: ensure the above documentation comment is correct // TODO: ensure this will always return the mnemonic. If not, this function should throw an exception //Function is used in _getMnemonicList() static String getMnemonic() { try { String mnemonic = lib_epiccash.walletMnemonic(); if (mnemonic.isEmpty) { throw Exception("Error getting mnemonic, returned empty string"); } return mnemonic; } catch (e) { throw Exception(e.toString()); } } // Private function wrapper for compute static Future _initializeWalletWrapper( ({ String config, String mnemonic, String password, String name, }) data, ) async { final String initWalletStr = lib_epiccash.initWallet( data.config, data.mnemonic, data.password,, ); return initWalletStr; } /// /// Create a new epiccash wallet. /// // TODO: Complete/modify the documentation comment above // TODO: Should return a void future. On error this function should throw and exception static Future initializeNewWallet({ required String config, required String mnemonic, required String password, required String name, }) async { try { return await compute( _initializeWalletWrapper, ( config: config, mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password, name: name, ), ); } catch (e) { throw ("Error creating new wallet : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for wallet balances /// static Future _walletBalancesWrapper( ({String wallet, int refreshFromNode, int minimumConfirmations}) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.getWalletInfo( data.wallet, data.refreshFromNode, data.minimumConfirmations); } /// /// Get balance information for the currently open wallet /// static Future< ({ double awaitingFinalization, double pending, double spendable, double total })> getWalletBalances( {required String wallet, required int refreshFromNode, required int minimumConfirmations}) async { try { String balances = await compute(_walletBalancesWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, refreshFromNode: refreshFromNode, minimumConfirmations: minimumConfirmations, )); //If balances is valid json return, else return error if (balances.toUpperCase().contains("ERROR")) { throw Exception(balances); } var jsonBalances = json.decode(balances); //Return balances as record ({ double spendable, double pending, double total, double awaitingFinalization }) balancesRecord = ( spendable: jsonBalances['amount_currently_spendable'], pending: jsonBalances['amount_awaiting_finalization'], total: jsonBalances['total'], awaitingFinalization: jsonBalances['amount_awaiting_finalization'], ); return balancesRecord; } catch (e) { throw ("Error getting wallet info : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for scanning output function /// static Future _scanOutputsWrapper( ({String wallet, int startHeight, int numberOfBlocks}) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.scanOutPuts( data.wallet, data.startHeight, data.numberOfBlocks, ); } /// /// Scan Epic outputs /// static Future scanOutputs({ required String wallet, required int startHeight, required int numberOfBlocks, }) async { try { return await compute(_scanOutputsWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, startHeight: startHeight, numberOfBlocks: numberOfBlocks, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error getting scanning outputs : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for create transactions /// static Future _createTransactionWrapper( ({ String wallet, int amount, String address, int secretKeyIndex, String epicboxConfig, int minimumConfirmations, String note, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.createTransaction( data.wallet, data.amount, data.address, data.secretKeyIndex, data.epicboxConfig, data.minimumConfirmations, data.note); } /// /// Create an Epic transaction /// static Future<({String slateId, String commitId})> createTransaction({ required String wallet, required int amount, required String address, required int secretKeyIndex, required String epicboxConfig, required int minimumConfirmations, required String note, }) async { try { String result = await compute(_createTransactionWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, amount: amount, address: address, secretKeyIndex: secretKeyIndex, epicboxConfig: epicboxConfig, minimumConfirmations: minimumConfirmations, note: note, )); if (result.toUpperCase().contains("ERROR")) { throw Exception("Error creating transaction ${result.toString()}"); } //Decode sent tx and return Slate Id final slate0 = jsonDecode(result); final slate = jsonDecode(slate0[0] as String); final part1 = jsonDecode(slate[0] as String); final part2 = jsonDecode(slate[1] as String); ({String slateId, String commitId}) data = ( slateId: part1[0]['tx_slate_id'], commitId: part2['tx']['body']['outputs'][0]['commit'], ); return data; } catch (e) { throw ("Error creating epic transaction : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for get transactions /// static Future _getTransactionsWrapper( ({ String wallet, int refreshFromNode, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.getTransactions( data.wallet, data.refreshFromNode, ); } /// /// /// static Future getTransaction({ required String wallet, required int refreshFromNode, }) async { try { return await compute(_getTransactionsWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, refreshFromNode: refreshFromNode, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error getting epic transaction : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function for cancel transaction function /// static Future _cancelTransactionWrapper( ({ String wallet, String transactionId, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.cancelTransaction( data.wallet, data.transactionId, ); } /// /// Cancel current Epic transaction /// static Future cancelTransaction({ required String wallet, required String transactionId, }) async { try { return await compute(_cancelTransactionWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, transactionId: transactionId, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error canceling epic transaction : ${e.toString()}"); } } static Future _chainHeightWrapper( ({ String config, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.getChainHeight(data.config); } static Future getChainHeight({ required String config, }) async { try { return await compute(_chainHeightWrapper, (config: config,)); } catch (e) { throw ("Error getting chain height : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function for address info function /// static Future _addressInfoWrapper( ({ String wallet, int index, String epicboxConfig, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.getAddressInfo( data.wallet, data.index, data.epicboxConfig, ); } /// /// get Epic address info /// static Future getAddressInfo({ required String wallet, required int index, required String epicboxConfig, }) async { try { return await compute(_addressInfoWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, index: index, epicboxConfig: epicboxConfig, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error getting address info : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function for getting transaction fees /// static Future _transactionFeesWrapper( ({ String wallet, int amount, int minimumConfirmations, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.getTransactionFees( data.wallet, data.amount, data.minimumConfirmations, ); } /// /// get transaction fees for Epic /// static Future<({int fee, bool strategyUseAll, int total})> getTransactionFees({ required String wallet, required int amount, required int minimumConfirmations, required int available, }) async { try { String fees = await compute(_transactionFeesWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, amount: amount, minimumConfirmations: minimumConfirmations, )); if (available == amount) { if (fees.contains("Required")) { var splits = fees.split(" "); Decimal required =; Decimal available =; for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { var word = splits[i]; if (word == "Required:") { required = Decimal.parse(splits[i + 1].replaceAll(",", "")); } else if (word == "Available:") { available = Decimal.parse(splits[i + 1].replaceAll(",", "")); } } int largestSatoshiFee = ((required - available) * Decimal.fromInt(100000000)) .toBigInt() .toInt(); var amountSending = amount - largestSatoshiFee; //Get fees for this new amount ({ String wallet, int amount, }) data = (wallet: wallet, amount: amountSending); fees = await compute(_transactionFeesWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, amount: amountSending, minimumConfirmations: minimumConfirmations, )); } } if (fees.toUpperCase().contains("ERROR")) { //Check if the error is an //Throw the returned error throw Exception(fees); } var decodedFees = json.decode(fees); var feeItem = decodedFees[0]; ({ bool strategyUseAll, int total, int fee, }) feeRecord = ( strategyUseAll: feeItem['selection_strategy_is_use_all'], total: feeItem['total'], fee: feeItem['fee'], ); return feeRecord; } catch (e) { throw (e.toString()); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for recover wallet function /// static Future _recoverWalletWrapper( ({ String config, String password, String mnemonic, String name, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.recoverWallet( data.config, data.password, data.mnemonic,, ); } /// /// Recover an Epic wallet using a mnemonic /// static Future recoverWallet( {required String config, required String password, required String mnemonic, required String name}) async { try { await compute(_recoverWalletWrapper, ( config: config, password: password, mnemonic: mnemonic, name: name, )); } catch (e) { throw (e.toString()); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for delete wallet function /// static Future _deleteWalletWrapper( ({ String wallet, String config, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.deleteWallet( data.wallet, data.config, ); } /// /// Delete an Epic wallet /// static Future deleteWallet({ required String wallet, required String config, }) async { try { return await compute(_deleteWalletWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, config: config, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error deleting wallet : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function wrapper for open wallet function /// static Future _openWalletWrapper( ({ String config, String password, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.openWallet( data.config, data.password, ); } /// /// Open an Epic wallet /// static Future openWallet({ required String config, required String password, }) async { try { return await compute(_openWalletWrapper, ( config: config, password: password, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error opening wallet : ${e.toString()}"); } } /// /// Private function for txHttpSend function /// static Future _txHttpSendWrapper( ({ String wallet, int selectionStrategyIsAll, int minimumConfirmations, String message, int amount, String address, }) data, ) async { return lib_epiccash.txHttpSend( data.wallet, data.selectionStrategyIsAll, data.minimumConfirmations, data.message, data.amount, data.address, ); } /// /// /// static Future txHttpSend({ required String wallet, required int selectionStrategyIsAll, required int minimumConfirmations, required String message, required int amount, required String address, }) async { try { return await compute(_txHttpSendWrapper, ( wallet: wallet, selectionStrategyIsAll: selectionStrategyIsAll, minimumConfirmations: minimumConfirmations, message: message, amount: amount, address: address, )); } catch (e) { throw ("Error sending tx HTTP : ${e.toString()}"); } } }