import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/locale_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/themes/theme_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart'; /// quick amount constructor wrapper. Using an int is bad practice but for /// testing with small amounts this should be fine Amount _a(int i) => Amount.fromDecimal( Decimal.fromInt(i), fractionDigits: 8, ); @GenerateMocks([ Wallets, LocaleService, ThemeService, ]) void main() { // testWidgets('test widget loads correctly', (widgetTester) async { // final CoinServiceAPI wallet = MockBitcoinWallet(); // final mockThemeService = MockThemeService(); // // mockito.when(mockThemeService.getTheme(themeId: "light")).thenAnswer( // (_) => StackTheme.fromJson( // json: lightThemeJsonMap, // ), // ); // mockito.when(wallet.walletId).thenAnswer((realInvocation) => "wallet id"); // mockito.when(wallet.coin).thenAnswer((realInvocation) => Coin.bitcoin); // mockito // .when(wallet.walletName) // .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => "wallet name"); // mockito.when(wallet.balance).thenAnswer( // (_) => Balance( // total: _a(0), // spendable: _a(0), // blockedTotal: _a(0), // pendingSpendable: _a(0), // ), // ); // // final wallets = MockWallets(); // final wallet = Manager(wallet); // // mockito.when(wallets.getManagerProvider("wallet id")).thenAnswer( // (realInvocation) => ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) => manager)); // // const walletSheetCard = SimpleWalletCard( // walletId: "wallet id", // ); // // await widgetTester.pumpWidget( // ProviderScope( // overrides: [ // pWallets.overrideWithValue(wallets), // pThemeService.overrideWithValue(mockThemeService), // coinIconProvider.overrideWithProvider( // (argument) => Provider<String>((_) => // "${Directory.current.path}/test/sample_data/light/assets/dummy.svg"), // ), // ], // child: MaterialApp( // theme: ThemeData( // extensions: [ // StackColors.fromStackColorTheme( // StackTheme.fromJson( // json: lightThemeJsonMap, // ), // ), // ], // ), // home: const Material( // child: walletSheetCard, // ), // ), // ), // ); // // await widgetTester.pumpAndSettle(); // // expect(find.byWidget(walletSheetCard), findsOneWidget); // }); }