import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:compat/compat.dart' as lib_monero_compat; import 'package:cs_monero/cs_monero.dart' as lib_monero; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart'; import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/generate_password.dart'; import '../../../db/hive/db.dart'; import '../../../models/balance.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/transaction.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/utxo.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/input_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/output_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/keys/cw_key_data.dart'; import '../../../models/keys/view_only_wallet_data.dart'; import '../../../models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/blocks_remaining_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/refresh_percent_changed_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/tor_connection_status_changed_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/tor_status_changed_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/updated_in_background_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/wallet_sync_status_changed_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/global_event_bus.dart'; import '../../../services/tor_service.dart'; import '../../../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../../../utilities/enums/fee_rate_type_enum.dart'; import '../../../utilities/logger.dart'; import '../../../utilities/stack_file_system.dart'; import '../../crypto_currency/intermediate/cryptonote_currency.dart'; import '../../isar/models/wallet_info.dart'; import '../../models/tx_data.dart'; import '../wallet.dart'; import '../wallet_mixin_interfaces/multi_address_interface.dart'; import '../wallet_mixin_interfaces/view_only_option_interface.dart'; import 'cryptonote_wallet.dart'; abstract class LibMoneroWallet extends CryptonoteWallet with ViewOnlyOptionInterface implements MultiAddressInterface { @override int get isarTransactionVersion => 2; LibMoneroWallet(super.currency, this.compatType) { final bus = GlobalEventBus.instance; // Listen for tor status changes. _torStatusListener = bus.on().listen( (event) async { switch (event.newStatus) { case TorConnectionStatus.connecting: if (!_torConnectingLock.isLocked) { await _torConnectingLock.acquire(); } _requireMutex = true; break; case TorConnectionStatus.connected: case TorConnectionStatus.disconnected: if (_torConnectingLock.isLocked) { _torConnectingLock.release(); } _requireMutex = false; break; } }, ); // Listen for tor preference changes. _torPreferenceListener = bus.on().listen( (event) async { await updateNode(); }, ); // Potentially dangerous hack. See comments in _startInit() _startInit(); } // cw based wallet listener to handle synchronization of utxo frozen states late final StreamSubscription> _streamSub; Future _startInit() async { // Delay required as `mainDB` is not initialized in constructor. // This is a hack and could lead to a race condition. Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2), () { _streamSub = mainDB.isar.utxos .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .watch(fireImmediately: true) .listen((utxos) async { try { await onUTXOsChanged(utxos); await updateBalance(shouldUpdateUtxos: false); } catch (e, s) { lib_monero.Logging.log?.i( "_startInit", error: e, stackTrace: s, ); } }); }); } final lib_monero_compat.WalletType compatType; lib_monero.Wallet? libMoneroWallet; lib_monero_compat.SyncStatus? get syncStatus => _syncStatus; lib_monero_compat.SyncStatus? _syncStatus; int _syncedCount = 0; void _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.SyncStatus status) { if (status is lib_monero_compat.SyncedSyncStatus) { if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.SyncedSyncStatus) { _syncedCount++; } } else { _syncedCount = 0; } if (_syncedCount < 3) { _syncStatus = status; syncStatusChanged(); } } final prepareSendMutex = Mutex(); final estimateFeeMutex = Mutex(); bool _txRefreshLock = false; int _lastCheckedHeight = -1; int _txCount = 0; int currentKnownChainHeight = 0; double highestPercentCached = 0; void loadWallet({required String path, required String password}); Future getCreatedWallet({ required String path, required String password, required int wordCount, }); Future getRestoredWallet({ required String path, required String password, required String mnemonic, int height = 0, }); Future getRestoredFromViewKeyWallet({ required String path, required String password, required String address, required String privateViewKey, int height = 0, }); void invalidSeedLengthCheck(int length); bool walletExists(String path); void _setListener() { if (libMoneroWallet != null && libMoneroWallet!.getListeners().isEmpty) { libMoneroWallet?.addListener( lib_monero.WalletListener( onSyncingUpdate: onSyncingUpdate, onNewBlock: onNewBlock, onBalancesChanged: onBalancesChanged, onError: (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning); }, ), ); } } Future open() async { bool wasNull = false; if (libMoneroWallet == null) { wasNull = true; // libMoneroWalletT?.close(); final path = await pathForWallet( name: walletId, type: compatType, ); final String password; try { password = (await key: lib_monero_compat.libMoneroWalletPasswordKey(walletId), ))!; } catch (e, s) { throw Exception("Password not found $e, $s"); } loadWallet(path: path, password: password); _setListener(); await updateNode(); } Address? currentAddress = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); if (currentAddress == null) { currentAddress = addressFor(index: 0); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([currentAddress]); } if (info.cachedReceivingAddress != currentAddress.value) { await info.updateReceivingAddress( newAddress: currentAddress.value, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } if (wasNull) { try { _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.ConnectingSyncStatus()); libMoneroWallet?.startSyncing(); } catch (_) { _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus()); // TODO log } } _setListener(); libMoneroWallet?.startListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.startAutoSaving(); unawaited(refresh()); } @Deprecated("Only used in the case of older wallets") lib_monero_compat.WalletInfo? getLibMoneroWalletInfo( String walletId, ) { try { return DB.instance.moneroWalletInfoBox.values.firstWhere( (info) => == lib_monero_compat.hiveIdFor(walletId, compatType), ); } catch (_) { return null; } } Future save() async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { final appRoot = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory(); await lib_monero_compat.backupWalletFiles( name: walletId, type: compatType, appRoot: appRoot, ); } await libMoneroWallet!.save(); } Address addressFor({required int index, int account = 0}) { final address = libMoneroWallet!.getAddress( accountIndex: account, addressIndex: index, ); final newReceivingAddress = Address( walletId: walletId, derivationIndex: index, derivationPath: null, value: address.value, publicKey: [], type: AddressType.cryptonote, subType: AddressSubType.receiving, ); return newReceivingAddress; } Future getKeys() async { final base = libMoneroWallet; final oldInfo = getLibMoneroWalletInfo( walletId, ); if (base == null || (oldInfo != null && != walletId)) { return null; } return CWKeyData( walletId: walletId, publicViewKey: base.getPublicViewKey(), privateViewKey: base.getPrivateViewKey(), publicSpendKey: base.getPublicSpendKey(), privateSpendKey: base.getPrivateSpendKey(), ); } Future<(String, String)> hackToCreateNewViewOnlyWalletDataFromNewlyCreatedWalletThisFunctionShouldNotBeCalledUnlessYouKnowWhatYouAreDoing() async { final path = await pathForWallet(name: walletId, type: compatType); final String password; try { password = (await key: lib_monero_compat.libMoneroWalletPasswordKey(walletId), ))!; } catch (e, s) { throw Exception("Password not found $e, $s"); } loadWallet(path: path, password: password); final wallet = libMoneroWallet!; return (wallet.getAddress().value, wallet.getPrivateViewKey()); } @override Future init({bool? isRestore, int? wordCount}) async { final path = await pathForWallet( name: walletId, type: compatType, ); if (!(walletExists(path)) && isRestore != true) { if (wordCount == null) { throw Exception("Missing word count for new xmr/wow wallet!"); } try { final password = generatePassword(); await secureStorageInterface.write( key: lib_monero_compat.libMoneroWalletPasswordKey(walletId), value: password, ); final wallet = await getCreatedWallet( path: path, password: password, wordCount: wordCount, ); final height = wallet.getRefreshFromBlockHeight(); await info.updateRestoreHeight( newRestoreHeight: height, isar: mainDB.isar, ); // special case for xmr/wow. Normally mnemonic + passphrase is saved // before wallet.init() is called await secureStorageInterface.write( key: Wallet.mnemonicKey(walletId: walletId), value: wallet.getSeed().trim(), ); await secureStorageInterface.write( key: Wallet.mnemonicPassphraseKey(walletId: walletId), value: "", ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal); } await updateNode(); } return super.init(); } @override Future recover({required bool isRescan}) async { if (isRescan) { await refreshMutex.protect(() async { // clear blockchain info await mainDB.deleteWalletBlockchainData(walletId); highestPercentCached = 0; unawaited(libMoneroWallet?.rescanBlockchain()); libMoneroWallet?.startSyncing(); // unawaited(save()); }); unawaited(refresh()); return; } if (isViewOnly) { await recoverViewOnly(); return; } await refreshMutex.protect(() async { final mnemonic = await getMnemonic(); final seedLength = mnemonic.trim().split(" ").length; invalidSeedLengthCheck(seedLength); try { final height = max(info.restoreHeight, 0); await info.updateRestoreHeight( newRestoreHeight: height, isar: mainDB.isar, ); final String name = walletId; final path = await pathForWallet( name: name, type: compatType, ); try { final password = generatePassword(); await secureStorageInterface.write( key: lib_monero_compat.libMoneroWalletPasswordKey(walletId), value: password, ); final wallet = await getRestoredWallet( path: path, password: password, mnemonic: mnemonic, height: height, ); if (libMoneroWallet != null) { await exit(); } libMoneroWallet = wallet; _setListener(); final newReceivingAddress = await getCurrentReceivingAddress() ?? Address( walletId: walletId, derivationIndex: 0, derivationPath: null, value: wallet.getAddress().value, publicKey: [], type: AddressType.cryptonote, subType: AddressSubType.receiving, ); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([newReceivingAddress]); await info.updateReceivingAddress( newAddress: newReceivingAddress.value, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal); } await updateNode(); _setListener(); // libMoneroWallet?.setRecoveringFromSeed(isRecovery: true); unawaited(libMoneroWallet?.rescanBlockchain()); libMoneroWallet?.startSyncing(); // await save(); libMoneroWallet?.startListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.startAutoSaving(); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from recoverFromMnemonic(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } }); } @override Future pingCheck() async { return (await libMoneroWallet?.isConnectedToDaemon()) ?? false; } @override Future updateNode() async { final node = getCurrentNode(); final host = Uri.parse(; ({InternetAddress host, int port})? proxy; if (prefs.useTor) { if (node.clearnetEnabled && !node.torEnabled) { libMoneroWallet?.stopAutoSaving(); libMoneroWallet?.stopListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.stopSyncing(); _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus()); throw Exception("TOR - clearnet mismatch"); } proxy = TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo(); } else { if (!node.clearnetEnabled && node.torEnabled) { libMoneroWallet?.stopAutoSaving(); libMoneroWallet?.stopListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.stopSyncing(); _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus()); throw Exception("TOR - clearnet mismatch"); } } _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.ConnectingSyncStatus()); try { if (_requireMutex) { await _torConnectingLock.protect(() async { await libMoneroWallet?.connect( daemonAddress: "$host:${node.port}", daemonUsername: node.loginName, daemonPassword: await node.getPassword(secureStorageInterface), trusted: node.trusted ?? false, useSSL: node.useSSL, socksProxyAddress: proxy == null ? null : "${}:${proxy.port}", ); }); } else { await libMoneroWallet?.connect( daemonAddress: "$host:${node.port}", daemonUsername: node.loginName, daemonPassword: await node.getPassword(secureStorageInterface), trusted: node.trusted ?? false, useSSL: node.useSSL, socksProxyAddress: proxy == null ? null : "${}:${proxy.port}", ); } libMoneroWallet?.startSyncing(); libMoneroWallet?.startListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.startAutoSaving(); _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.ConnectedSyncStatus()); } catch (e, s) { _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus()); Logging.instance.log( "Exception caught in $runtimeType.updateNode(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } return; } @override Future updateTransactions() async { final base = libMoneroWallet; if (base == null) { return; } final transactions = await base.getTxs(refresh: true); final allOutputs = await base.getOutputs(includeSpent: true, refresh: true); // final cachedTransactions = // DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: 'latest_tx_model') // as TransactionData?; // int latestTxnBlockHeight = // DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "storedTxnDataHeight") // as int? ?? // 0; // // final txidsList = DB.instance // .get(boxName: walletId, key: "cachedTxids") as List? ?? // []; // // final Set cachedTxids = Set.from(txidsList); // TODO: filter to skip cached + confirmed txn processing in next step // final unconfirmedCachedTransactions = // cachedTransactions?.getAllTransactions() ?? {}; // unconfirmedCachedTransactions // .removeWhere((key, value) => value.confirmedStatus); // // if (cachedTransactions != null) { // for (final tx in allTxHashes.toList(growable: false)) { // final txHeight = tx["height"] as int; // if (txHeight > 0 && // txHeight < latestTxnBlockHeight - MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS) { // if (unconfirmedCachedTransactions[tx["tx_hash"] as String] == null) { // allTxHashes.remove(tx); // } // } // } // } final List txns = []; for (final tx in transactions) { final associatedOutputs = allOutputs.where((e) => e.hash == tx.hash); final List inputs = []; final List outputs = []; TransactionType type; if (!tx.isSpend) { type = TransactionType.incoming; for (final output in associatedOutputs) { outputs.add( OutputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor( scriptPubKeyHex: "", valueStringSats: output.value.toString(), addresses: [output.address], walletOwns: true, ), ); } } else { type = TransactionType.outgoing; for (final output in associatedOutputs) { inputs.add( InputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor( scriptSigHex: null, scriptSigAsm: null, sequence: null, outpoint: null, addresses: [output.address], valueStringSats: output.value.toString(), witness: null, innerRedeemScriptAsm: null, coinbase: null, walletOwns: true, ), ); } } final txn = TransactionV2( walletId: walletId, blockHash: null, // not exposed via current cs_monero hash: tx.hash, txid: tx.hash, timestamp: (tx.timeStamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000), height: tx.blockHeight, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs, version: -1, // not exposed via current cs_monero type: type, subType: TransactionSubType.none, otherData: jsonEncode({ TxV2OdKeys.overrideFee: Amount( rawValue: tx.fee, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).toJsonString(), TxV2OdKeys.moneroAmount: Amount( rawValue: tx.amount, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).toJsonString(), TxV2OdKeys.moneroAccountIndex: tx.accountIndex, TxV2OdKeys.isMoneroTransaction: true, }), ); txns.add(txn); } await mainDB.updateOrPutTransactionV2s(txns); } Future get availableBalance async { try { return Amount( rawValue: libMoneroWallet!.getUnlockedBalance(), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); } catch (_) { return info.cachedBalance.spendable; } } Future get totalBalance async { try { final full = libMoneroWallet?.getBalance(); if (full != null) { return Amount( rawValue: full, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); } else { final transactions = await libMoneroWallet!.getTxs(refresh: true); BigInt transactionBalance =; for (final tx in transactions) { if (!tx.isSpend) { transactionBalance += tx.amount; } else { transactionBalance += -tx.amount - tx.fee; } } return Amount( rawValue: transactionBalance, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); } } catch (_) { return; } } @override Future exit() async { libMoneroWallet?.stopAutoSaving(); libMoneroWallet?.stopListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.stopSyncing(); await libMoneroWallet?.save(); } Future pathForWalletDir({ required String name, required lib_monero_compat.WalletType type, }) async { final Directory root = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory(); return lib_monero_compat.pathForWalletDir( name: name, type:, appRoot: root, ); } Future pathForWallet({ required String name, required lib_monero_compat.WalletType type, }) async => await pathForWalletDir(name: name, type: type) .then((path) => '$path/$name'); void onSyncingUpdate({ required int syncHeight, required int nodeHeight, String? message, }) { if (nodeHeight > 0 && syncHeight >= 0) { currentKnownChainHeight = nodeHeight; updateChainHeight(); final blocksLeft = nodeHeight - syncHeight; final lib_monero_compat.SyncStatus status; if (blocksLeft < 100) { status = lib_monero_compat.SyncedSyncStatus(); // if (!_hasSyncAfterStartup) { // _hasSyncAfterStartup = true; // await save(); // } // // if (walletInfo.isRecovery!) { // await setAsRecovered(); // } } else { final percent = syncHeight / currentKnownChainHeight; status = lib_monero_compat.SyncingSyncStatus( blocksLeft, percent, currentKnownChainHeight, ); } _setSyncStatus(status); _refreshTxDataHelper(); } } void onBalancesChanged({ required BigInt newBalance, required BigInt newUnlockedBalance, }) { // do something? } void onNewBlock(int nodeHeight) { // do something? } final _utxosUpdateLock = Mutex(); Future onUTXOsChanged(List utxos) async { await _utxosUpdateLock.protect(() async { final cwUtxos = await libMoneroWallet?.getOutputs(refresh: true) ?? []; // bool changed = false; for (final cw in cwUtxos) { final match = utxos.where( (e) => e.keyImage != null && e.keyImage!.isNotEmpty && e.keyImage == cw.keyImage, ); if (match.isNotEmpty) { final u = match.first; if (u.isBlocked) { if (!cw.isFrozen) { await libMoneroWallet?.freezeOutput(cw.keyImage); // changed = true; } } else { if (cw.isFrozen) { await libMoneroWallet?.thawOutput(cw.keyImage); // changed = true; } } } } // if (changed) { // await libMoneroWallet?.updateUTXOs(); // } }); } void onNewTransaction() { // TODO: [prio=low] get rid of UpdatedInBackgroundEvent and move to // adding the v2 tx to the db which would update ui automagically since the // db is watched by the ui // call this here? UpdatedInBackgroundEvent( "New data found in $walletId ${} in background!", walletId, ), ); } void syncStatusChanged() async { final _syncStatus = syncStatus; if (_syncStatus != null) { if (_syncStatus.progress() == 1 && refreshMutex.isLocked) { refreshMutex.release(); } WalletSyncStatus? status; xmrAndWowSyncSpecificFunctionThatShouldBeGottenRidOfInTheFuture(true); if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.SyncingSyncStatus) { final int blocksLeft = _syncStatus.blocksLeft; // ensure at least 1 to prevent math errors final int height = max(1, _syncStatus.height); final nodeHeight = height + blocksLeft; currentKnownChainHeight = nodeHeight; // final percent = height / nodeHeight; final percent = _syncStatus.ptc; final highest = max(highestPercentCached, percent); final unchanged = highest == highestPercentCached; if (unchanged) { return; } // update cached if (highestPercentCached < percent) { highestPercentCached = percent; } RefreshPercentChangedEvent( highest, walletId, ), ); BlocksRemainingEvent( blocksLeft, walletId, ), ); } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.SyncedSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.synced; } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.NotConnectedSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync; xmrAndWowSyncSpecificFunctionThatShouldBeGottenRidOfInTheFuture(false); } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.StartingSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.syncing; RefreshPercentChangedEvent( highestPercentCached, walletId, ), ); } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync; xmrAndWowSyncSpecificFunctionThatShouldBeGottenRidOfInTheFuture(false); } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.ConnectingSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.syncing; RefreshPercentChangedEvent( highestPercentCached, walletId, ), ); } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.ConnectedSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.syncing; RefreshPercentChangedEvent( highestPercentCached, walletId, ), ); } else if (_syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.LostConnectionSyncStatus) { status = WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync; xmrAndWowSyncSpecificFunctionThatShouldBeGottenRidOfInTheFuture(false); } if (status != null) { WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( status, walletId, info.coin, ), ); } } } @override Future checkSaveInitialReceivingAddress() async { // this doesn't work without opening the wallet first which takes a while } // ============ Private ====================================================== Future _refreshTxDataHelper() async { if (_txRefreshLock) return; _txRefreshLock = true; final _syncStatus = syncStatus; if (_syncStatus != null && _syncStatus is lib_monero_compat.SyncingSyncStatus) { final int blocksLeft = _syncStatus.blocksLeft; final tenKChange = blocksLeft ~/ 10000; // only refresh transactions periodically during a sync if (_lastCheckedHeight == -1 || tenKChange < _lastCheckedHeight) { _lastCheckedHeight = tenKChange; await _refreshTxData(); } } else { await _refreshTxData(); } _txRefreshLock = false; } Future _refreshTxData() async { await updateTransactions(); final count = await mainDB.getTransactions(walletId).count(); if (count > _txCount) { _txCount = count; await updateBalance(); UpdatedInBackgroundEvent( "New transaction data found in $walletId ${}!", walletId, ), ); } } // ============ Overrides ==================================================== @override FilterOperation? get changeAddressFilterOperation => null; @override FilterOperation? get receivingAddressFilterOperation => null; @override Future updateUTXOs() async { final List outputArray = []; final utxos = await libMoneroWallet?.getOutputs(refresh: true) ?? []; for (final rawUTXO in utxos) { if (!rawUTXO.spent) { final current = await mainDB.isar.utxos .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .voutEqualTo(rawUTXO.vout) .and() .txidEqualTo(rawUTXO.hash) .findFirst(); final tx = await mainDB.isar.transactionV2s .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .txidEqualTo(rawUTXO.hash) .findFirst(); final otherDataMap = { "keyImage": rawUTXO.keyImage, "spent": rawUTXO.spent, }; final utxo = UTXO( address: rawUTXO.address, walletId: walletId, txid: rawUTXO.hash, vout: rawUTXO.vout, value: rawUTXO.value.toInt(), name: current?.name ?? "", isBlocked: current?.isBlocked ?? rawUTXO.isFrozen, blockedReason: current?.blockedReason ?? "", isCoinbase: rawUTXO.coinbase, blockHash: "", blockHeight: tx?.height ?? (rawUTXO.height > 0 ? rawUTXO.height : null), blockTime: tx?.timestamp, otherData: jsonEncode(otherDataMap), ); outputArray.add(utxo); } } await mainDB.updateUTXOs(walletId, outputArray); return true; } @override Future updateBalance({bool shouldUpdateUtxos = true}) async { if (shouldUpdateUtxos) { await updateUTXOs(); } final total = await totalBalance; final available = await availableBalance; final balance = Balance( total: total, spendable: available, blockedTotal: Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), pendingSpendable: total - available, ); await info.updateBalance(newBalance: balance, isar: mainDB.isar); } @override Future refresh() async { // Awaiting this lock could be dangerous. // Since refresh is periodic (generally) if (refreshMutex.isLocked) { return; } final node = getCurrentNode(); if (prefs.useTor) { if (node.clearnetEnabled && !node.torEnabled) { libMoneroWallet?.stopAutoSaving(); libMoneroWallet?.stopListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.stopSyncing(); _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus()); throw Exception("TOR - clearnet mismatch"); } } else { if (!node.clearnetEnabled && node.torEnabled) { libMoneroWallet?.stopAutoSaving(); libMoneroWallet?.stopListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.stopSyncing(); _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.FailedSyncStatus()); throw Exception("TOR - clearnet mismatch"); } } // this acquire should be almost instant due to above check. // Slight possibility of race but should be irrelevant await refreshMutex.acquire(); libMoneroWallet?.startSyncing(); _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.StartingSyncStatus()); await updateTransactions(); await updateBalance(); if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] != true) { await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } if (refreshMutex.isLocked) { refreshMutex.release(); } final synced = await libMoneroWallet?.isSynced(); if (synced == true) { _setSyncStatus(lib_monero_compat.SyncedSyncStatus()); } } @override Future generateNewReceivingAddress() async { try { final currentReceiving = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); final newReceivingIndex = currentReceiving == null ? 0 : currentReceiving.derivationIndex + 1; final newReceivingAddress = addressFor(index: newReceivingIndex); // Add that new receiving address await mainDB.putAddress(newReceivingAddress); await info.updateReceivingAddress( newAddress: newReceivingAddress.value, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception in generateNewAddress(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } @override Future checkReceivingAddressForTransactions() async { if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] == true) { try { throw Exception(); } catch (_, s) { Logging.instance.log( "checkReceivingAddressForTransactions called but reuse address flag set: $s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } try { int highestIndex = -1; final entries = await libMoneroWallet?.getTxs(refresh: true); if (entries != null) { for (final element in entries) { if (!element.isSpend) { final int curAddressIndex = element.addressIndexes.isEmpty ? 0 : element.addressIndexes.reduce(max); if (curAddressIndex > highestIndex) { highestIndex = curAddressIndex; } } } } // Check the new receiving index final currentReceiving = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); final curIndex = currentReceiving?.derivationIndex ?? -1; if (highestIndex >= curIndex) { // First increment the receiving index final newReceivingIndex = curIndex + 1; // Use new index to derive a new receiving address final newReceivingAddress = addressFor(index: newReceivingIndex); final existing = await mainDB .getAddresses(walletId) .filter() .valueEqualTo(newReceivingAddress.value) .findFirst(); if (existing == null) { // Add that new change address await mainDB.putAddress(newReceivingAddress); } else { // we need to update the address await mainDB.updateAddress(existing, newReceivingAddress); } if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] != true) { // keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } } } on SocketException catch (se, s) { Logging.instance.log( "SocketException caught in _checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(): $se\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from _checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } // TODO: this needs some work. Prio's may need to be changed as well as estimated blocks @override Future get fees async => FeeObject( numberOfBlocksFast: 10, numberOfBlocksAverage: 15, numberOfBlocksSlow: 20, fast: lib_monero.TransactionPriority.high.value, medium: lib_monero.TransactionPriority.medium.value, slow: lib_monero.TransactionPriority.normal.value, ); @override Future updateChainHeight() async { await info.updateCachedChainHeight( newHeight: currentKnownChainHeight, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } @override Future checkChangeAddressForTransactions() async { // do nothing } @override Future generateNewChangeAddress() async { // do nothing } @override Future prepareSend({required TxData txData}) async { try { final feeRate = txData.feeRateType; if (feeRate is FeeRateType) { lib_monero.TransactionPriority feePriority; switch (feeRate) { case feePriority = lib_monero.TransactionPriority.high; break; case FeeRateType.average: feePriority = lib_monero.TransactionPriority.medium; break; case FeeRateType.slow: feePriority = lib_monero.TransactionPriority.normal; break; default: throw ArgumentError("Invalid use of custom fee"); } try { final bool sweep; if (txData.utxos == null) { final balance = await availableBalance; sweep = txData.amount! == balance; } else { final totalInputsValue = txData.utxos! .map((e) => e.value) .fold(, (p, e) => p + BigInt.from(e)); sweep = txData.amount!.raw == totalInputsValue; } // TODO: test this one day // cs_monero may not support this yet properly if (sweep && txData.recipients!.length > 1) { throw Exception("Send all not supported with multiple recipients"); } final List outputs = []; for (final recipient in txData.recipients!) { final output = lib_monero.Recipient( address: recipient.address, amount: recipient.amount.raw, ); outputs.add(output); } if (outputs.isEmpty) { throw Exception("No recipients provided"); } final height = await chainHeight; final inputs = txData.utxos ?.map( (e) => lib_monero.Output( address: e.address!, hash: e.txid, keyImage: e.keyImage!, value: BigInt.from(e.value), isFrozen: e.isBlocked, isUnlocked: e.blockHeight != null && (height - (e.blockHeight ?? 0)) >= cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, height: e.blockHeight ?? 0, vout: e.vout, spent: e.used ?? false, spentHeight: null, // doesn't matter here coinbase: e.isCoinbase, ), ) .toList(); return await prepareSendMutex.protect(() async { final lib_monero.PendingTransaction pendingTransaction; if (outputs.length == 1) { pendingTransaction = await libMoneroWallet!.createTx( output: outputs.first, paymentId: "", sweep: sweep, priority: feePriority, preferredInputs: inputs, accountIndex: 0, // sw only uses account 0 at this time ); } else { pendingTransaction = await libMoneroWallet!.createTxMultiDest( outputs: outputs, paymentId: "", priority: feePriority, preferredInputs: inputs, sweep: sweep, accountIndex: 0, // sw only uses account 0 at this time ); } final realFee = Amount( rawValue: pendingTransaction.fee, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); return txData.copyWith( fee: realFee, pendingTransaction: pendingTransaction, ); }); } catch (e) { rethrow; } } else { throw ArgumentError("Invalid fee rate argument provided!"); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from prepare send(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info, ); if (e.toString().contains("Incorrect unlocked balance")) { throw Exception("Insufficient balance!"); } else { throw Exception("Transaction failed with error: $e"); } } } @override Future confirmSend({required TxData txData}) async { try { try { await libMoneroWallet!.commitTx( txData.pendingTransaction!, ); Logging.instance.log( "transaction ${txData.pendingTransaction!.txid} has been sent", level: LogLevel.Info, ); return txData.copyWith(txid: txData.pendingTransaction!.txid); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "${} ${} confirmSend: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info, ); rethrow; } } // ============== View only ================================================== @override Future recoverViewOnly() async { await refreshMutex.protect(() async { final data = await getViewOnlyWalletData() as CryptonoteViewOnlyWalletData; try { final height = max(info.restoreHeight, 0); await info.updateRestoreHeight( newRestoreHeight: height, isar: mainDB.isar, ); final String name = walletId; final path = await pathForWallet( name: name, type: compatType, ); final password = generatePassword(); await secureStorageInterface.write( key: lib_monero_compat.libMoneroWalletPasswordKey(walletId), value: password, ); final wallet = await getRestoredFromViewKeyWallet( path: path, password: password, address: data.address, privateViewKey: data.privateViewKey, height: height, ); if (libMoneroWallet != null) { await exit(); } libMoneroWallet = wallet; _setListener(); final newReceivingAddress = await getCurrentReceivingAddress() ?? Address( walletId: walletId, derivationIndex: 0, derivationPath: null, value: wallet.getAddress().value, publicKey: [], type: AddressType.cryptonote, subType: AddressSubType.receiving, ); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([newReceivingAddress]); await info.updateReceivingAddress( newAddress: newReceivingAddress.value, isar: mainDB.isar, ); await updateNode(); _setListener(); unawaited(libMoneroWallet?.rescanBlockchain()); libMoneroWallet?.startSyncing(); // await save(); libMoneroWallet?.startListeners(); libMoneroWallet?.startAutoSaving(); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from recoverViewOnly(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } }); } // ============== Private ==================================================== StreamSubscription? _torStatusListener; StreamSubscription? _torPreferenceListener; final Mutex _torConnectingLock = Mutex(); bool _requireMutex = false; }