/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import '../../models/exchange/active_pair.dart'; import '../../models/exchange/response_objects/estimate.dart'; import '../../models/exchange/response_objects/range.dart'; import '../global/locale_provider.dart'; import '../../services/exchange/exchange.dart'; import '../../services/exchange/exchange_response.dart'; import '../../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../../utilities/amount/amount_unit.dart'; import '../../utilities/enums/exchange_rate_type_enum.dart'; import '../../wallets/crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; final efEstimatesListProvider = StateProvider.family< Tuple2<ExchangeResponse<List<Estimate>>, Range?>?, String>((ref, exchangeName) => null); final efRateTypeProvider = StateProvider<ExchangeRateType>((ref) => ExchangeRateType.estimated); final efExchangeProvider = StateProvider<Exchange>((ref) => Exchange.defaultExchange); final efExchangeProviderNameProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) => Exchange.defaultExchange.name); final currentCombinedExchangeIdProvider = Provider<String>((ref) { return "${ref.watch(efExchangeProvider).name}" " (${ref.watch(efExchangeProviderNameProvider)})"; }); final efSendAmountProvider = StateProvider<Decimal?>((ref) => null); final efReceiveAmountProvider = StateProvider<Decimal?>((ref) => null); final efSendAmountStringProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) { final refreshing = ref.watch(efRefreshingProvider); final reversed = ref.watch(efReversedProvider); if (refreshing && reversed) { return "-"; } else { final decimal = ref.watch(efSendAmountProvider); String string = ""; if (decimal != null) { final amount = Amount.fromDecimal(decimal, fractionDigits: decimal.scale); final locale = ref.watch(localeServiceChangeNotifierProvider).locale; string = AmountUnit.normal.displayAmount( amount: amount, locale: locale, coin: Nano( CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main, ), // use nano just to ensure decimal.scale < Coin.value.decimals withUnitName: false, maxDecimalPlaces: decimal.scale, ); } return string; } }); final efReceiveAmountStringProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) { final refreshing = ref.watch(efRefreshingProvider); final reversed = ref.watch(efReversedProvider); if (refreshing && reversed == false) { return "-"; } else { final decimal = ref.watch(efReceiveAmountProvider); String string = ""; if (decimal != null) { final amount = Amount.fromDecimal(decimal, fractionDigits: decimal.scale); final locale = ref.watch(localeServiceChangeNotifierProvider).locale; string = AmountUnit.normal.displayAmount( amount: amount, locale: locale, coin: Nano( CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main, ), // use nano just to ensure decimal.scale < Coin.value.decimals withUnitName: false, maxDecimalPlaces: decimal.scale, ); } return string; } }); final efReversedProvider = StateProvider<bool>((ref) => false); final efCurrencyPairProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<ActivePair>( (ref) => ActivePair(), ); final efEstimateProvider = StateProvider<Estimate?>((ref) { final exchange = ref.watch(efExchangeProvider); final provider = ref.watch(efExchangeProviderNameProvider); final reversed = ref.watch(efReversedProvider); final fixedRate = ref.watch(efRateTypeProvider) == ExchangeRateType.fixed; final matches = ref .watch(efEstimatesListProvider(exchange.name)) ?.item1 .value ?.where((e) { return e.exchangeProvider == provider && e.fixedRate == fixedRate && e.reversed == reversed; }); Estimate? result; if (matches != null && matches.isNotEmpty) { result = matches.first; } else { result = null; } return result; }); final efCanExchangeProvider = StateProvider<bool>((ref) { final Estimate? estimate = ref.watch(efEstimateProvider); final refreshing = ref.watch(efRefreshingProvider); return !refreshing && estimate != null; }); final efRefreshingProvider = StateProvider<bool>((ref) => false);