import 'socketwrapper.dart'; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'fusion.pb.dart'; import 'util.dart'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart'; import 'pedersen.dart'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'dart:async'; import 'comms.dart'; import 'protocol.dart'; import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart'; // so int and intt64 can be combined in some protobuff code import 'encrypt.dart'; import "package:pointycastle/export.dart"; import 'covert.dart'; import 'connection.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:convert/convert.dart'; import 'validation.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/utxo.dart'; class FusionError implements Exception { final String message; FusionError(this.message); String toString() => "FusionError: $message"; } class ComponentResult { final Uint8List commitment; final int counter; final Uint8List component; final Proof proof; final Uint8List privateKey; final dynamic pedersenAmount; // replace dynamic with actual type final dynamic pedersenNonce; // replace dynamic with actual type ComponentResult( this.commitment, this.counter, this.component, this.proof, this.privateKey, {this.pedersenAmount, this.pedersenNonce} ); } class Transaction { List Inputs = []; List Outputs = []; Transaction(); static Tuple txFromComponents(List allComponents, List sessionHash) { Transaction tx = Transaction(); // Initialize a new Transaction // This should be based on wallet layer... implement the logic of constructing the transaction from components // For now, it just initializes Inputs and Outputs as empty lists tx.Inputs = []; tx.Outputs = []; // For now, just returning an empty list for inputIndices List inputIndices = []; return Tuple(tx, inputIndices); } List serializePreimage(int index, int hashType, {bool useCache = true}) { // Add implementation here // For now, returning an empty byte array return []; } String serialize() { // To implement... return ""; } bool isComplete() { // implement based on wallet. return true; } String txid() { // To implement... return ""; } } class Input { List prevTxid; int prevIndex; List pubKey; int amount; List signatures =[]; Input({required this.prevTxid, required this.prevIndex, required this.pubKey, required this.amount}); int sizeOfInput() { assert(1 < pubKey.length && pubKey.length < 76); // need to assume regular push opcode return 108 + pubKey.length; } int get value { return amount; } String getPubKey(int pubkey_index) { // TO BE IMPLEMENTED... return ""; } String getPrivKey(int pubkey_index) { // TO BE IMPLEMENTED... return ""; } static Input fromInputComponent(InputComponent inputComponent) { return Input( prevTxid: inputComponent.prevTxid, // Make sure the types are matching prevIndex: inputComponent.prevIndex.toInt(), pubKey: inputComponent.pubkey, amount: inputComponent.amount.toInt(), ); } static Input fromStackUTXO(UTXO utxo) { return Input( prevTxid: utf8.encode(utxo.txid), // Convert txid to a List prevIndex: utxo.vout, pubKey: utf8.encode('0000'), // Placeholder amount: utxo.value, ); } } class Output { int value; Address addr; int amount=0; Output({required this.value, required this.addr}); int sizeOfOutput() { List scriptpubkey = addr.toScript(); // assuming addr.toScript() returns List that represents the scriptpubkey assert(scriptpubkey.length < 253); return 9 + scriptpubkey.length; } static Output fromOutputComponent(OutputComponent outputComponent) { Address address = Address.fromScriptPubKey(outputComponent.scriptpubkey); return Output( value: outputComponent.amount.toInt(), addr: address, ); } } // Class to handle fusion class Fusion { List coins = []; //"coins" and "inputs" are often synonmous in the original python code. List outputs =[]; bool server_connected_and_greeted = false; bool stopping = false; bool stopping_if_not_running = false; String stopReason=""; String tor_host=""; bool server_ssl= false; String server_host =""; int server_port = 8787; //String server_host = ""; //int server_port = 8789; int tor_port = 0; int roundcount = 0; String txid=""; Tuple status = Tuple("", ""); Connection? connection; int numComponents =0; double componentFeeRate=0; double minExcessFee=0; double maxExcessFee=0; List availableTiers =[]; int maxOutputs=0; int safety_sum_in =0; Map safety_exess_fees = {}; Map> tierOutputs ={}; // not sure if this should be using outputs class. int inactiveTimeLimit = 0; int tier = 0; int covertPort = 0; bool covertSSL = false; double beginTime = 0.0; // represent time in seconds. List lastHash = []; List
reservedAddresses =
[]; int safetyExcessFee = 0; DateTime t_fusionBegin =; Uint8List covertDomainB = Uint8List(0); var txInputIndices; Transaction tx= Transaction(); List myComponentIndexes=[]; List myCommitmentIndexes=[]; Set badComponents ={}; Fusion () { //initializeConnection(host, port) } /* Future initializeConnection(String host, int port) async { Socket socket = await Socket.connect(host, port); connection = Connection()..socket = socket; } */ Future add_coins_from_wallet(List utxoList) async { // Convert each UTXO to an Input and add to 'coins' for (UTXO utxo in utxoList) { coins.add(Input.fromStackUTXO(utxo)); } } Future fusion_run() async { print ("DEBUG FUSION 223...fusion run...."); try { try { // Check compatibility - This was done in python version to see if fast libsec installed. // For now , in dart, just pass this test. ; } on Exception catch(e) { // handle exception, rethrow as a custom FusionError throw FusionError("Incompatible: " + e.toString()); } // Check if can connect to Tor proxy, if not, raise FusionError. Empty String treated as no host. if (tor_host.isNotEmpty && tor_port != 0 && !await isTorPort(tor_host, tor_port)) { throw FusionError("Can't connect to Tor proxy at $tor_host:$tor_port"); } try { // Check stop condition check_stop(running: false); } catch (e) { print (e); } try { // Check coins check_coins(); } catch (e) { print (e); } // Connect to server status = Tuple("connecting", ""); try { connection = await openConnection(server_host, server_port, connTimeout: 5.0, defaultTimeout: 5.0, ssl: server_ssl); } catch (e) { print("Connect failed: $e"); String sslstr = server_ssl ? ' SSL ' : ''; throw FusionError('Could not connect to $sslstr$server_host:$server_port'); } // Once connection is successful, wrap operations inside this block // Within this block, version checks, downloads server params, handles coins and runs rounds try { SocketWrapper socketwrapper = SocketWrapper(server_host, server_port); await socketwrapper.connect(); // Version check and download server params. await greet(socketwrapper); socketwrapper.status(); server_connected_and_greeted = true; notify_server_status(true); // In principle we can hook a pause in here -- user can insert coins after seeing server params. try { if (coins.isEmpty) { throw FusionError('Started with no coins'); return; } } catch (e) { print(e); return; } await allocateOutputs(socketwrapper); // In principle we can hook a pause in here -- user can tweak tier_outputs, perhaps cancelling some unwanted tiers. // Register for tiers, wait for a pool. await registerAndWait(socketwrapper); print ("FUSION DEBUG 273"); print ("RETURNING early in fusion_run...."); return; // launch the covert submitter CovertSubmitter covert = await start_covert(); try { // Pool started. Keep running rounds until fail or complete. while (true) { roundcount += 1; if (await run_round(covert)) { break; } } } finally { covert.stop(); } } finally { (await connection)?.close(); } for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { if (stopping) { break; // not an error } if (Util.walletHasTransaction(txid)) { break; } await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); } // Set status to 'complete' with 'time_wait' status = Tuple('complete', 'txid: $txid'); // Wait for transaction to show up in wallets // Set status to 'complete' with txid } on FusionError catch(err) { print('Failed: ${err}'); status.item1 = "failed"; status.item2 = err.toString(); // setting the error message } catch(exc) { print('Exception: ${exc}'); status.item1 = "failed"; status.item2= "Exception: ${exc.toString()}"; // setting the exception message } finally { clear_coins(); if (status.item1 != 'complete') { for (var output in outputs) { Util.unreserve_change_address(output.addr); } if (!server_connected_and_greeted) { notify_server_status(false, tup: status); } } } } // end fusion_run function. Future start_covert() async { // Function implementation here... // For now, just return a new instance of CovertSubmitter return CovertSubmitter("dummy",0,true,"some_host",0,0,0,0); } Future run_round(CovertSubmitter covert) async { // function implementation here... // placeholder return statement return Future.value(false); } void notify_server_status(bool b, {Tuple? tup}) { // Function implementation goes here } void stop([String reason = 'stopped', bool notIfRunning = false]) { if (stopping) { return; } if (notIfRunning) { if (stopping_if_not_running) { return; } stopReason = reason; stopping_if_not_running = true; } else { stopReason = reason; stopping = true; } // note the reason is only overwritten if we were not already stopping this way. } void check_stop({bool running = true}) { // Gets called occasionally from fusion thread to allow a stop point. if (stopping || (!running && stopping_if_not_running)) { throw FusionError(stopReason ?? 'Unknown stop reason'); } } void check_coins() { // Implement by calling wallet layer to check the coins are ok. return; } static void foo() { print ("hello"); } void clear_coins() { coins = []; } void addCoins(List newCoins) { coins.addAll(newCoins); } void notify_coins_UI() { return; } static bool walletCanFuse() { return true; // Implement logic here to return false if the wallet can't fuse. (If its read only or non P2PKH) } static double nextDoubleNonZero(Random rng) { double value = 0.0; while (value == 0.0) { value = rng.nextDouble(); } return value; } static List? randomOutputsForTier(Random rng, int inputAmount, int scale, int offset, int maxCount) { if (inputAmount < offset) { return []; } double lambd = 1.0 / scale; int remaining = inputAmount; List values = []; // list of fractional random values without offset bool didBreak = false; // Add this flag to detect when a break is encountered for (int i = 0; i < maxCount + 1; i++) { double val = -lambd * log(nextDoubleNonZero(rng)); remaining -= (val.ceil() + offset); if (remaining < 0) { didBreak = true; // If you break, set this flag to true break; } values.add(val); } if (!didBreak && values.length > maxCount) { values = values.sublist(0, maxCount); } if (values.isEmpty) { // Our first try put us over the limit, so we have nothing to work with. // (most likely, scale was too large) return []; } int desiredRandomSum = inputAmount - values.length * offset; assert(desiredRandomSum >= 0, 'desiredRandomSum is less than 0'); /*Now we need to rescale and round the values so they fill up the desired. input amount exactly. We perform rounding in cumulative space so that the sum is exact, and the rounding is distributed fairly. */ // Dart equivalent of itertools.accumulate List cumsum = []; double sum = 0; for (double value in values) { sum += value; cumsum.add(sum); } double rescale = desiredRandomSum / cumsum[cumsum.length - 1]; List normedCumsum = => (rescale * v).round()).toList(); assert(normedCumsum[normedCumsum.length - 1] == desiredRandomSum, 'Last element of normedCumsum is not equal to desiredRandomSum'); List differences = []; differences.add(normedCumsum[0]); // First element for (int i = 1; i < normedCumsum.length; i++) { differences.add(normedCumsum[i] - normedCumsum[i - 1]); } List result = => offset + d).toList(); assert(result.reduce((a, b) => a + b) == inputAmount, 'Sum of result is not equal to inputAmount'); return result; } static List genComponents(int numBlanks, List inputs, List outputs, int feerate) { assert(numBlanks >= 0); List> components = []; // Set up Pedersen setup instance Uint8List HBytes = Uint8List.fromList([0x02] + 'CashFusion gives us fungibility.'.codeUnits); ECDomainParameters params = ECDomainParameters('secp256k1'); ECPoint? HMaybe = params.curve.decodePoint(HBytes); if (HMaybe == null) { throw Exception('Failed to decode point'); } ECPoint H = HMaybe; PedersenSetup setup = PedersenSetup(H); for (Input input in inputs) { int fee = Util.componentFee(input.sizeOfInput(), feerate); var comp = Component(); comp.input = InputComponent( prevTxid: Uint8List.fromList(input.prevTxid.reversed.toList()), prevIndex: input.prevIndex, pubkey: input.pubKey, amount: Int64(input.amount) ); components.add(Tuple(comp, input.amount - fee)); } for (Output output in outputs) { var script = output.addr.toScript(); int fee = Util.componentFee(output.sizeOfOutput(), feerate); var comp = Component(); comp.output = OutputComponent( scriptpubkey: script, amount: Int64(output.value) ); components.add(Tuple(comp, -output.value - fee)); } for (int i = 0; i < numBlanks; i++) { var comp = Component(); comp.blank = BlankComponent(); components.add(Tuple(comp, 0)); } List resultList = []; components.asMap().forEach((cnum, Tuple componentTuple) { Uint8List salt = Util.tokenBytes(32); componentTuple.item1.saltCommitment = Util.sha256(salt); var compser = componentTuple.item1.writeToBuffer(); Tuple keyPair = Util.genKeypair(); Uint8List privateKey = keyPair.item1; Uint8List pubKey = keyPair.item2; Commitment commitmentInstance = setup.commit(BigInt.from(componentTuple.item2)); Uint8List amountCommitment = commitmentInstance.PUncompressed; // Convert BigInt nonce to Uint8List Uint8List pedersenNonce = Uint8List.fromList([int.parse(commitmentInstance.nonce.toRadixString(16), radix: 16)]); // Generating initial commitment InitialCommitment commitment = InitialCommitment( saltedComponentHash: Util.sha256(Uint8List.fromList([...compser, ...salt])), amountCommitment: amountCommitment, communicationKey: pubKey ); Uint8List commitser = commitment.writeToBuffer(); // Generating proof Proof proof = Proof( componentIdx: cnum, salt: salt, pedersenNonce: pedersenNonce ); // Adding result to list resultList.add(ComponentResult(commitser, cnum, compser, proof, privateKey)); }); return resultList; } Future recv2(SocketWrapper socketwrapper, List expectedMsgNames, {Duration? timeout}) async { if (connection == null) { throw FusionError('Connection not initialized'); } var result = await recvPb2( socketwrapper, connection!, ServerMessage, expectedMsgNames, timeout: timeout ); var submsg = result.item1; var mtype = result.item2; if (mtype == 'error') { throw FusionError('server error: ${submsg.toString()}'); } return submsg; } Future recv(List expectedMsgNames, {Duration? timeout}) async { // DEPRECATED if (connection == null) { throw FusionError('Connection not initialized'); } var result = await recvPb( connection!, ServerMessage, expectedMsgNames, timeout: timeout ); var submsg = result.item1; var mtype = result.item2; if (mtype == 'error') { throw FusionError('server error: ${submsg.toString()}'); } return submsg; } Future send(GeneratedMessage submsg, {Duration? timeout}) async { // DEPRECATED if (connection != null) { await sendPb(connection!, ClientMessage, submsg, timeout: timeout); } else { print('Connection is null'); } } Future send2(SocketWrapper socketwrapper, GeneratedMessage submsg, {Duration? timeout}) async { if (connection != null) { await sendPb2(socketwrapper, connection!, ClientMessage, submsg, timeout: timeout); } else { print('Connection is null'); } } Future greet(SocketWrapper socketwrapper) async { ClientHello clientHello = ClientHello( version: Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(Protocol.VERSION)), genesisHash: Util.get_current_genesis_hash()); ClientMessage clientMessage = ClientMessage() ..clienthello = clientHello; //deprecated //Connection greet_connection_1 = Connection.withoutSocket(); /* lets move this up a level to the fusion_run and pass it in.... SocketWrapper socketwrapper = SocketWrapper(server_host, server_port); await socketwrapper.connect(); */ send2(socketwrapper,clientMessage); var replyMsg = await recv2(socketwrapper, ['serverhello']); if (replyMsg is ServerMessage) { ServerHello reply = replyMsg.serverhello; numComponents = reply.numComponents; componentFeeRate = reply.componentFeerate.toDouble(); minExcessFee = reply.minExcessFee.toDouble(); maxExcessFee = reply.maxExcessFee.toDouble(); availableTiers = => tier.toInt()).toList(); // Enforce some sensible limits, in case server is crazy if (componentFeeRate > Protocol.MAX_COMPONENT_FEERATE) { throw FusionError('excessive component feerate from server'); } if (minExcessFee > 400) { // note this threshold should be far below MAX_EXCESS_FEE throw FusionError('excessive min excess fee from server'); } if (minExcessFee > maxExcessFee) { throw FusionError('bad config on server: fees'); } if (numComponents < Protocol.MIN_TX_COMPONENTS * 1.5) { throw FusionError('bad config on server: num_components'); } } else { throw Exception('Received unexpected message type: ${replyMsg.runtimeType}'); } } Future allocateOutputs(socketwrapper) async { print ("DBUG allocateoutputs 746"); print ("CHECK socketwrapper 746"); socketwrapper.status(); assert(['setup', 'connecting'].contains(status.item1)); List inputs = coins; int numInputs = inputs.length; int maxComponents = min(numComponents, Protocol.MAX_COMPONENTS); int maxOutputs = maxComponents - numInputs; if (maxOutputs < 1) { throw FusionError('Too many inputs ($numInputs >= $maxComponents)'); } if (maxOutputs != null) { assert(maxOutputs >= 1); maxOutputs = min(maxOutputs, maxOutputs); } int numDistinct = => e.value).toSet().length; int minOutputs = max(Protocol.MIN_TX_COMPONENTS - numDistinct, 1); if (maxOutputs < minOutputs) { throw FusionError('Too few distinct inputs selected ($numDistinct); cannot satisfy output count constraint (>= $minOutputs, <= $maxOutputs)'); } int sumInputsValue = => e.value).reduce((a, b) => a + b); int inputFees = => Util.componentFee(e.sizeOfInput(), componentFeeRate.toInt())).reduce((a, b) => a + b); int availForOutputs = sumInputsValue - inputFees - minExcessFee.toInt(); int feePerOutput = Util.componentFee(34, componentFeeRate.toInt()); int offsetPerOutput = Protocol.MIN_OUTPUT + feePerOutput; if (availForOutputs < offsetPerOutput) { throw FusionError('Selected inputs had too little value'); } var rng = Random(); var seed = List.generate(32, (_) => rng.nextInt(256)); print ("DBUG allocateoutputs 785"); tierOutputs = {}; var excessFees = {}; for (var scale in availableTiers) { int fuzzFeeMax = scale ~/ 1000000; int fuzzFeeMaxReduced = min(fuzzFeeMax, min(Protocol.MAX_EXCESS_FEE - minExcessFee.toInt(), maxExcessFee.toInt())); assert(fuzzFeeMaxReduced >= 0); int fuzzFee = rng.nextInt(fuzzFeeMaxReduced + 1); int reducedAvailForOutputs = availForOutputs - fuzzFee; if (reducedAvailForOutputs < offsetPerOutput) { continue; } var outputs = randomOutputsForTier(rng, reducedAvailForOutputs, scale, offsetPerOutput, maxOutputs); if (outputs != null) { print (outputs); } if (outputs == null || outputs.length < minOutputs) { continue; } outputs = => o - feePerOutput).toList(); assert(inputs.length + (outputs?.length ?? 0) <= Protocol.MAX_COMPONENTS); excessFees[scale] = sumInputsValue - inputFees - reducedAvailForOutputs; tierOutputs[scale] = outputs!; } print('Possible tiers: $tierOutputs'); print ("CHECK socketwrapper 839"); socketwrapper.status(); safety_sum_in = sumInputsValue; safety_exess_fees = excessFees; return; } Future registerAndWait(SocketWrapper socketwrapper) async { // msg can be different classes depending on which protobuf msg is sent. dynamic? msg; var tierOutputs = this.tierOutputs; var tiersSorted = tierOutputs.keys.toList()..sort(); if (tierOutputs.isEmpty) { throw FusionError('No outputs available at any tier (selected inputs were too small / too large).'); } print('registering for tiers: $tiersSorted'); int self_fuse = 1; // Temporary value for now var cashfusionTag = [1];// temp value for now check_stop(running: false); check_coins(); var tags = [JoinPools_PoolTag(id: cashfusionTag, limit: self_fuse)]; // Create JoinPools message JoinPools joinPools = JoinPools( tiers: => Int64(i)).toList(), tags: tags ); // Wrap it in a ClientMessage ClientMessage clientMessage = ClientMessage() ..joinpools = joinPools; send2(socketwrapper, clientMessage); status = Tuple('waiting', 'Registered for tiers'); var tiersStrings = {for (var entry in tierOutputs.entries) entry.key: (entry.key * 1e-8).toStringAsFixed(8).replaceAll(RegExp(r'0+$'), '')}; while (true) { var msg = await recv2(socketwrapper,['tierstatusupdate', 'fusionbegin'], timeout: Duration(seconds: 10)); var fieldInfoFusionBegin = msg.info_.byName["fusionbegin"]; if (fieldInfoFusionBegin != null && msg.hasField(fieldInfoFusionBegin.tagNumber)) { break; } check_stop(running: false); check_coins(); // Define the bool variable var fieldInfo = msg.info_.byName["tierstatusupdate"]; if (fieldInfo == null) { throw FusionError('Expected field not found in message: tierstatusupdate'); } bool messageIsTierStatusUpdate = msg.hasField(fieldInfo.tagNumber); if (!messageIsTierStatusUpdate) { throw FusionError('Expected a TierStatusUpdate message'); } late var statuses; if (messageIsTierStatusUpdate) { //TierStatusUpdate tierStatusUpdate = msg.tierstatusupdate; var tierStatusUpdate = msg.getField(fieldInfo.tagNumber) as TierStatusUpdate; statuses = tierStatusUpdate.statuses; } double maxfraction = 0.0; var maxtiers = []; int? besttime; int? besttimetier; for (var entry in statuses.entries) { double frac = entry.value.players / entry.value.min_players; if (frac >= maxfraction) { if (frac > maxfraction) { maxfraction = frac; maxtiers.clear(); } maxtiers.add(entry.key); } if (entry.value.hasField('time_remaining')) { int tr = entry.value.time_remaining; if (besttime == null || tr < besttime) { besttime = tr; besttimetier = entry.key; } } } var displayBest = []; var displayMid = []; var displayQueued = []; for (var tier in tiersSorted) { if (statuses.containsKey(tier)) { var tierStr = tiersStrings[tier]; if (tierStr == null) { throw FusionError('server reported status on tier we are not registered for'); } if (tier == besttimetier) { displayBest.insert(0, '**$tierStr**'); } else if (maxtiers.contains(tier)) { displayBest.add('[$tierStr]'); } else { displayMid.add(tierStr); } } else { displayQueued.add(tiersStrings[tier]!); } } var parts = []; if (displayBest.isNotEmpty || displayMid.isNotEmpty) { parts.add("Tiers: ${displayBest.join(', ')} ${displayMid.join(', ')}"); } if (displayQueued.isNotEmpty) { parts.add("Queued: ${displayQueued.join(', ')}"); } var tiersString = parts.join(' '); if (besttime == null && inactiveTimeLimit != null) { if ( > inactiveTimeLimit) { throw FusionError('stopping due to inactivity'); } } if (besttime != null) { status = Tuple('waiting', 'Starting in ${besttime}s. $tiersString'); } else if (maxfraction >= 1) { status = Tuple('waiting', 'Starting soon. $tiersString'); } else if (displayBest.isNotEmpty || displayMid.isNotEmpty) { status = Tuple('waiting', '${(maxfraction * 100).round()}% full. $tiersString'); } else { status = Tuple('waiting', tiersString); } } var fieldInfoFusionBegin = msg.info_.byName["fusionbegin"]; if (fieldInfoFusionBegin == null) { throw FusionError('Expected field not found in message: fusionbegin'); } bool messageIsFusionBegin = msg.hasField(fieldInfoFusionBegin.tagNumber); if (!messageIsFusionBegin) { throw FusionError('Expected a FusionBegin message'); } t_fusionBegin =; var clockMismatch = msg.serverTime - / 1000; if (clockMismatch.abs() > Protocol.MAX_CLOCK_DISCREPANCY) { throw FusionError("Clock mismatch too large: ${clockMismatch.toStringAsFixed(3)}."); } tier = msg.tier; if (msg is FusionBegin) { covertDomainB = Uint8List.fromList(msg.covertDomain); } covertPort = msg.covertPort; covertSSL = msg.covertSSL; beginTime = msg.serverTime; lastHash = Util.calcInitialHash(tier, covertDomainB, covertPort, covertSSL, beginTime); var outAmounts = tierOutputs[tier]; var outAddrs = Util.reserve_change_addresses(outAmounts?.length ?? 0); reservedAddresses = outAddrs; outputs = ?? [], outAddrs).map((pair) => Output(value: pair[0], addr: pair[1])).toList(); safetyExcessFee = safety_exess_fees[tier] ?? 0; print("starting fusion rounds at tier $tier: ${coins.length} inputs and ${outputs.length} outputs"); } Future startCovert() async { status = Tuple('running', 'Setting up Tor connections'); String covertDomain; try { covertDomain = utf8.decode(covertDomainB); } catch (e) { throw FusionError('badly encoded covert domain'); } CovertSubmitter covert = CovertSubmitter( covertDomain, covertPort, covertSSL, tor_host, tor_port, numComponents, Protocol.COVERT_SUBMIT_WINDOW, Protocol.COVERT_SUBMIT_TIMEOUT ); try { covert.scheduleConnections( t_fusionBegin, Duration(seconds: Protocol.COVERT_CONNECT_WINDOW.toInt()), numSpares: Protocol.COVERT_CONNECT_SPARES.toInt(), connectTimeout: Protocol.COVERT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT.toInt() ); // loop until a just a bit before we're expecting startRound, watching for status updates final tend = t_fusionBegin.add(Duration(seconds: (Protocol.WARMUP_TIME - Protocol.WARMUP_SLOP - 1).round())); while ( / 1000 < tend.millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000) { int numConnected = covert.slots.where((s) => s.covConn?.connection != null).length; int numSpareConnected = covert.spareConnections.where((c) => c.connection != null).length; status = Tuple('running', 'Setting up Tor connections ($numConnected+$numSpareConnected out of $numComponents)'); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); covert.checkOk(); this.check_stop(); this.check_coins(); } } catch (e) { covert.stop(); rethrow; } return covert; } void runRound(CovertSubmitter covert) async { status = Tuple('running', 'Starting round ${roundcount.toString()}'); int timeoutInSeconds = (2 * Protocol.WARMUP_SLOP + Protocol.STANDARD_TIMEOUT).toInt(); var msg = await recv(['startround'], timeout: Duration(seconds: timeoutInSeconds)); // Record the time we got this message; it forms the basis time for all covert activities. final covertT0 = / 1000; double covertClock() => ( / 1000) - covertT0; final roundTime = (msg as StartRound).serverTime; // Check the server's declared unix time, which will be committed. final clockMismatch = (msg as StartRound).serverTime - / 1000; if (clockMismatch.abs() > Protocol.MAX_CLOCK_DISCREPANCY) { throw FusionError("Clock mismatch too large: ${clockMismatch.toInt().toStringAsPrecision(3)}."); } if (t_fusionBegin != null) { // On the first startround message, check that the warmup time was within acceptable bounds. final lag = covertT0 - (t_fusionBegin.millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000) - Protocol.WARMUP_TIME; if (lag.abs() > Protocol.WARMUP_SLOP) { throw FusionError("Warmup period too different from expectation (|${lag.toStringAsFixed(3)}s| > ${Protocol.WARMUP_SLOP.toStringAsFixed(3)}s)."); } t_fusionBegin =; } print("round starting at ${ / 1000}"); final inputFees = => Util.componentFee(e.sizeOfInput(), componentFeeRate.toInt())).reduce((a, b) => a + b); final outputFees = outputs.length * Util.componentFee(34, componentFeeRate.toInt()); final sumIn = => e.amount).reduce((a, b) => a + b); final sumOut = => e.value).reduce((a, b) => a + b); final totalFee = sumIn - sumOut; final excessFee = totalFee - inputFees - outputFees; final safeties = [ sumIn == safety_sum_in, excessFee == safetyExcessFee, excessFee <= Protocol.MAX_EXCESS_FEE, totalFee <= Protocol.MAX_FEE, ]; if (!safeties.every((element) => element)) { throw Exception("(BUG!) Funds re-check failed -- aborting for safety. ${safeties.toString()}"); } final roundPubKey = (msg as StartRound).roundPubkey; final blindNoncePoints = (msg as StartRound).blindNoncePoints; if (blindNoncePoints.length != numComponents) { throw FusionError('blind nonce miscount'); } final numBlanks = numComponents - coins.length - outputs.length; final List genComponentsResults = genComponents(numBlanks, coins, outputs, componentFeeRate.toInt()); final List myCommitments = []; final List myComponentSlots = []; final List myComponents = []; final List myProofs = []; final List privKeys = []; final List pedersenAmount = []; // replace dynamic with the actual type final List pedersenNonce = []; // replace dynamic with the actual type for (var genComponentResult in genComponentsResults) { myCommitments.add(genComponentResult.commitment); myComponentSlots.add(genComponentResult.counter); myComponents.add(genComponentResult.component); myProofs.add(genComponentResult.proof); privKeys.add(genComponentResult.privateKey); pedersenAmount.add(genComponentResult.pedersenAmount); pedersenNonce.add(genComponentResult.pedersenNonce); } assert(excessFee == pedersenAmount.reduce((a, b) => a + b)); // sanity check that we didn't mess up the above assert(myComponents.toSet().length == myComponents.length); // no duplicates // Need to implement this! schnorr is from EC var blindSigRequests = []; /* final blindSigRequests = => Schnorr.BlindSignatureRequest(roundPubKey, e, sha256(myComponents.elementAt(e)))).toList(); */ final randomNumber = Util.getRandomBytes(32); covert.checkOk(); check_stop(); check_coins(); await send(PlayerCommit( initialCommitments: myCommitments, excessFee: Int64(excessFee), pedersenTotalNonce: pedersenNonce.cast(), randomNumberCommitment: sha256.convert(randomNumber).bytes, blindSigRequests: => r.getRequest() as List).toList(), )); msg = await recv(['blindsigresponses'], timeout: Duration(seconds: Protocol.T_START_COMPS.toInt())); if (msg is BlindSigResponses) { var typedMsg = msg as BlindSigResponses; assert(typedMsg.scalars.length == blindSigRequests.length); } else { // Handle the case where msg is not of type BlindSigResponses throw Exception('Unexpected message type: ${msg.runtimeType}'); } final blindSigs = List.generate( blindSigRequests.length, (index) { if (msg is BlindSigResponses) { var typedMsg = msg as BlindSigResponses; return blindSigRequests[index].finalize(typedMsg.scalars[index], check: true); } else { // Handle the case where msg is not of type BlindSigResponses throw Exception('Unexpected message type: ${msg.runtimeType}'); } }, ); // Sleep until the covert component phase really starts, to catch covert connection failures. var remainingTime = Protocol.T_START_COMPS - covertClock(); if (remainingTime < 0) { throw FusionError('Arrived at covert-component phase too slowly.'); } await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: remainingTime.floor())); // Our final check to leave the fusion pool, before we start telling our // components. This is much more annoying since it will cause the round // to fail, but since we would end up killing the round anyway then it's // best for our privacy if we just leave now. // (This also is our first call to check_connected.) covert.checkConnected(); check_coins(); // Start covert component submissions print("starting covert component submission"); status = Tuple('running', 'covert submission: components'); // If we fail after this point, we want to stop connections gradually and // randomly. We don't want to stop them all at once, since if we had already // provided our input components then it would be a leak to have them all drop at once. covert.setStopTime((covertT0 + Protocol.T_START_CLOSE).toInt()); // Schedule covert submissions. List messages = List.filled(myComponents.length, null); for (var i = 0; i < myComponents.length; i++) { messages[myComponentSlots[i]] = CovertComponent( roundPubkey: roundPubKey, signature: blindSigs[i], component: myComponents[i] ); } if (messages.any((element) => element == null)) { throw FusionError('Messages list includes null values.'); } final targetDateTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(((covertT0 + Protocol.T_START_COMPS) * 1000).toInt()); covert.scheduleSubmissions(targetDateTime, messages); // While submitting, we download the (large) full commitment list. msg = await recv(['allcommitments'], timeout: Duration(seconds: Protocol.T_START_SIGS.toInt())); AllCommitments allCommitmentsMsg = msg as AllCommitments; List allCommitments = { return InitialCommitment.fromBuffer(commitmentBytes); }).toList(); // Quick check on the commitment list. if (allCommitments.toSet().length != allCommitments.length) { throw FusionError('Commitments list includes duplicates.'); } try { List allCommitmentsBytes = => commitment.writeToBuffer()).toList(); myCommitmentIndexes = => allCommitmentsBytes.indexOf(c)).toList(); } on Exception { throw FusionError('One or more of my commitments missing.'); } remainingTime = Protocol.T_START_SIGS - covertClock(); if (remainingTime < 0) { throw FusionError('took too long to download commitments list'); } // Once all components are received, the server shares them with us: msg = await recv(['sharecovertcomponents'], timeout: Duration(seconds: Protocol.T_START_SIGS.toInt())); ShareCovertComponents shareCovertComponentsMsg = msg as ShareCovertComponents; List> allComponents = shareCovertComponentsMsg.components; bool skipSignatures = msg.getField(2); // Critical check on server's response timing. if (covertClock() > Protocol.T_START_SIGS) { throw FusionError('Shared components message arrived too slowly.'); } covert.checkDone(); try { myComponentIndexes = => allComponents.indexWhere((element) => ListEquality().equals(element, c))).toList(); if (myComponentIndexes.contains(-1)) { throw FusionError('One or more of my components missing.'); } } on StateError { throw FusionError('One or more of my components missing.'); } // Need to implement: check the components list and see if there are enough inputs/outputs // for there to be significant privacy. List> allCommitmentsBytes = => commitment.writeToBuffer().toList()).toList(); List sessionHash = Util.calcRoundHash(lastHash, roundPubKey, roundTime.toInt(), allCommitmentsBytes, allComponents); if (shareCovertComponentsMsg.sessionHash != null && !ListEquality().equals(shareCovertComponentsMsg.sessionHash, sessionHash)) { throw FusionError('Session hash mismatch (bug!)'); } if (!shareCovertComponentsMsg.skipSignatures) { print("starting covert signature submission"); status = Tuple('running', 'covert submission: signatures'); if (allComponents .toSet() .length != allComponents.length) { throw FusionError('Server component list includes duplicates.'); } var txInputIndices = Transaction.txFromComponents( allComponents, sessionHash); Tuple txData = Transaction.txFromComponents(allComponents, sessionHash); tx = txData.item1; List inputIndices = txData.item2; List< CovertTransactionSignature?> covertTransactionSignatureMessages = List< CovertTransactionSignature?>.filled(myComponents.length, null); var my_combined = List>.generate( inputIndices.length, (index) => Tuple(inputIndices[index], tx.Inputs[index]), ); for (var i = 0; i < my_combined.length; i++) { int cIdx = my_combined[i].item1; Input inp = my_combined[i].item2; int myCompIdx = myComponentIndexes.indexOf(cIdx); if (myCompIdx == -1) continue; // not my input var pubKey = inp.getPubKey(0); var sec = inp.getPrivKey(0); var preimageBytes = tx.serializePreimage(i, 0x41, useCache: true); var sighash = sha256.convert(sha256.convert(preimageBytes).bytes); //var sig = schnorr.sign(sec, sighash); // Needs implementation var sig = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]; // dummy placeholder covertTransactionSignatureMessages[myComponentSlots[myCompIdx]] = CovertTransactionSignature(txsignature: sig, whichInput: i); } DateTime covertT0DateTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch( covertT0.toInt() * 1000); // covertT0 is in seconds covert.scheduleSubmissions( covertT0DateTime.add( Duration(milliseconds: Protocol.T_START_SIGS.toInt())), covertTransactionSignatureMessages ); // wait for result int timeoutMillis = (Protocol.T_EXPECTING_CONCLUSION - Protocol.TS_EXPECTING_COVERT_COMPONENTS).toInt(); Duration timeout = Duration(milliseconds: timeoutMillis); msg = await recv(['fusionresult'], timeout: timeout); // Critical check on server's response timing. if (covertClock() > Protocol.T_EXPECTING_CONCLUSION) { throw FusionError('Fusion result message arrived too slowly.'); } covert.checkDone(); FusionResult fusionResultMsg = msg as FusionResult; if (fusionResultMsg.ok) { List> allSigs = msg.txsignatures; // assemble the transaction. if (allSigs.length != tx.Inputs.length) { throw FusionError('Server gave wrong number of signatures.'); } for (var i = 0; i < allSigs.length; i++) { List sigBytes = allSigs[i]; String sig = base64.encode(sigBytes); Input inp = tx.Inputs[i]; if (sig.length != 64) { throw FusionError('server relayed bad signature'); } inp.signatures = [sig + '41']; } assert(tx.isComplete()); String txHex = tx.serialize(); txid = tx.txid(); String sumInStr = Util.formatSatoshis(sumIn, numZeros: 8); String feeStr = totalFee .toString(); String feeLoc = 'fee'; String label = "CashFusion ${coins.length}⇢${outputs .length}, ${sumInStr} BCH (−${feeStr} sats ${feeLoc})"; Util.updateWalletLabel(txid, label); } else { badComponents = msg.badComponents.toSet(); if (badComponents.intersection(myComponentIndexes.toSet()).isNotEmpty) { print("bad components: ${badComponents.toList()} mine: ${myComponentIndexes.toList()}"); throw FusionError("server thinks one of my components is bad!"); } } } else { // skip_signatures True Set badComponents = Set(); } // ### Blame phase ### covert.setStopTime((covertT0 + Protocol.T_START_CLOSE_BLAME).floor()); print("sending proofs"); status = Tuple('running', 'round failed - sending proofs'); // create a list of commitment indexes, but leaving out mine. List othersCommitmentIdxes = []; for(int i=0; i dstCommits = []; for(int i=0; i encproofs = List.filled(myCommitments.length, ''); ECDomainParameters params = ECDomainParameters('secp256k1'); for (int i=0; i encodedEncproofs = => Uint8List.fromList(e.codeUnits)).toList(); this.send(MyProofsList(encryptedProofs: encodedEncproofs, randomNumber: randomNumber)); status = Tuple('running', 'round failed - checking proofs'); print("receiving proofs"); msg = await this.recv(['theirproofslist'], timeout: Duration(seconds: (2 * Protocol.STANDARD_TIMEOUT).round())); List blames = []; int countInputs = 0; TheirProofsList proofsList = msg as TheirProofsList; var privKey; var commitmentBlob; for (var i = 0; i < proofsList.proofs.length; i++) { var rp = msg.proofs[i]; try { privKey = privKeys[rp.dstKeyIdx]; commitmentBlob = allCommitments[rp.srcCommitmentIdx]; } on RangeError catch (e) { throw FusionError("Server relayed bad proof indices"); } var sKey; var proofBlob; try { var result = await decrypt(Uint8List.fromList(rp.encryptedProof), privKey); proofBlob = result.item1; // First item is the decrypted data sKey = result.item2; // Second item is the symmetric key } on Exception catch (e) { print("found an undecryptable proof"); blames.add(Blames_BlameProof(whichProof: i, privkey: privKey, blameReason: 'undecryptable')); continue; } var commitment = InitialCommitment(); try { commitment.mergeFromBuffer(commitmentBlob); // Method to parse protobuf data } on FormatException catch (e) { throw FusionError("Server relayed bad commitment"); } var inpComp; try { // Convert allComponents to List List allComponentsUint8 = => Uint8List.fromList(component)).toList(); // Convert badComponents to List List badComponentsList = badComponents.toList(); // Convert componentFeeRate to int if it's double int componentFeerateInt = componentFeeRate.round(); // or use .toInt() if you want to truncate instead of rounding var inpComp = validateProofInternal(proofBlob, commitment, allComponentsUint8, badComponentsList, componentFeerateInt); } on Exception catch (e) { print("found an erroneous proof: ${e.toString()}"); var blameProof = Blames_BlameProof(); blameProof.whichProof = i; blameProof.sessionKey = sKey; blameProof.blameReason = e.toString(); blames.add(blameProof); continue; } if (inpComp != null) { countInputs++; try { Util.checkInputElectrumX(inpComp); } on Exception catch (e) { print("found a bad input [${rp.srcCommitmentIdx}]: $e (${inpComp.prevTxid.reversed.toList().toHex()}:${inpComp.prevIndex})"); var blameProof = Blames_BlameProof(); blameProof.whichProof = i; blameProof.sessionKey = sKey; blameProof.blameReason = 'input does not match blockchain: ' + e.toString(); blameProof.needLookupBlockchain = true; blames.add(blameProof); } catch (e) { print("verified an input internally, but was unable to check it against blockchain: ${e}"); } } } print("checked ${msg.proofs.length} proofs, $countInputs of them inputs"); print("sending blames"); send(Blames(blames: blames)); status = Tuple('running', 'awaiting restart'); // Await the final 'restartround' message. It might take some time // to arrive since other players might be slow, and then the server // itself needs to check blockchain. await recv(['restartround'], timeout: Duration(seconds: 2 * (Protocol.STANDARD_TIMEOUT.round() + Protocol.BLAME_VERIFY_TIME.round()))); } // end of run_round() function. } // END OF CLASS