import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:pointycastle/pointycastle.dart' hide Mac; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' as crypto; import 'package:cryptography/cryptography.dart'; import 'util.dart'; final ECDomainParameters params = ECDomainParameters('secp256k1'); final BigInt order = params.n; class EncryptionFailed implements Exception {} class DecryptionFailed implements Exception {} Future encrypt(Uint8List message, ECPoint pubkey, {int? padToLength}) async { ECPoint pubpoint; try { pubpoint = Util.ser_to_point(pubkey.getEncoded(true), params); } catch (_) { throw EncryptionFailed(); } var nonceSec = Util.secureRandomBigInt(params.n.bitLength); var G_times_nonceSec = params.G * nonceSec; if (G_times_nonceSec == null) { throw Exception('Multiplication of G with nonceSec resulted in null'); } var noncePub = Util.point_to_ser(G_times_nonceSec, true); var pubpoint_times_nonceSec = pubpoint * nonceSec; if (pubpoint_times_nonceSec == null) { throw Exception('Multiplication of pubpoint with nonceSec resulted in null'); } var key = crypto.sha256.convert(Util.point_to_ser(pubpoint_times_nonceSec, true)).bytes; var plaintext = Uint8List(4 + message.length)..buffer.asByteData().setUint32(0, message.length, Endian.big)..setRange(4, 4 + message.length, message); if (padToLength == null) { padToLength = ((plaintext.length + 15) ~/ 16) * 16; // round up to nearest 16 } else if (padToLength % 16 != 0) { throw ArgumentError('$padToLength not multiple of 16'); } if (padToLength < plaintext.length) { throw ArgumentError('$padToLength < ${plaintext.length}'); } plaintext = Uint8List(padToLength)..setRange(0, message.length + 4, plaintext); final secretKey = SecretKey(key); final macAlgorithm = Hmac(Sha256()); final cipher = AesCbc.with128bits(macAlgorithm: macAlgorithm); final nonce = Uint8List(16); // Random nonce final secretBox = await cipher.encrypt(plaintext, secretKey: secretKey, nonce: nonce); final ciphertext = secretBox.cipherText; return Uint8List(noncePub.length + ciphertext.length + secretBox.mac.bytes.length) ..setRange(0, noncePub.length, noncePub) ..setRange(noncePub.length, noncePub.length + ciphertext.length, ciphertext) ..setRange(noncePub.length + ciphertext.length, noncePub.length + ciphertext.length + secretBox.mac.bytes.length, secretBox.mac.bytes); } Future decryptWithSymmkey(Uint8List data, Uint8List key) async { if (data.length < 33 + 16 + 16) { throw DecryptionFailed(); } var ciphertext = data.sublist(33, data.length - 16); if (ciphertext.length % 16 != 0) { throw DecryptionFailed(); } final secretKey = SecretKey(key); final cipher = AesCbc.with128bits(macAlgorithm: Hmac.sha256()); final nonce = Uint8List(16); // Random nonce final secretBox = SecretBox(ciphertext, mac: Mac(data.sublist(data.length - 16)), nonce: nonce); final plaintext = await cipher.decrypt(secretBox, secretKey: secretKey); if (plaintext.length < 4) { throw DecryptionFailed(); } Uint8List uint8list = Uint8List.fromList(plaintext); ByteData byteData = ByteData.sublistView(uint8list); var msgLength = byteData.getUint32(0, Endian.big); if (msgLength + 4 > plaintext.length) { throw DecryptionFailed(); } return Uint8List.fromList(plaintext.sublist(4, 4 + msgLength)); } Future> decrypt(Uint8List data, ECPrivateKey privkey) async { if (data.length < 33 + 16 + 16) { throw DecryptionFailed(); } var noncePub = data.sublist(0, 33); ECPoint noncePoint; try { noncePoint = Util.ser_to_point(noncePub, params); } catch (_) { throw DecryptionFailed(); } // DOUBLE CHECK THIS IS RIGHT IDEA MATCHING PYTHON. ECPoint G = params.G; var key; if (privkey.d != null && noncePoint != null) { var point = (G * privkey.d)! + noncePoint; key = crypto.sha256.convert(Util.point_to_ser(point!, true)).bytes; // ... } else { // Handle the situation where privkey.d or noncePoint is null } var decryptedData = await decryptWithSymmkey(data, Uint8List.fromList(key)); return Tuple(decryptedData, Uint8List.fromList(key)); }