import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx_client.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/transaction_notification_tracker.dart';

void main() async {
  // group("bitcoincash constants", () {
  //   test("bitcoincash minimum confirmations", () async {
  //     expect(MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS, 0);
  //   });
  //   test("bitcoincash dust limit", () async {
  //     expect(
  //       DUST_LIMIT,
  //       Amount(
  //         rawValue: BigInt.from(546),
  //         fractionDigits: 8,
  //       ),
  //     );
  //   });
  //   test("bitcoincash mainnet genesis block hash", () async {
  //     expect(GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //         "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f");
  //   });
  //   test("bitcoincash testnet genesis block hash", () async {
  //     expect(GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //         "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943");
  //   });
  // });
  // // group("bip32 node/root", () {
  // //   test("getBip32Root", () {
  // //     final root = getBip32Root(TEST_MNEMONIC, bitcoincash);
  // //     expect(root.toWIF(), ROOT_WIF);
  // //   });
  // //
  // //   test("basic getBip32Node", () {
  // //     final node =
  // //         getBip32Node(0, 0, TEST_MNEMONIC, bitcoincash, DerivePathType.bip44);
  // //     expect(node.toWIF(), NODE_WIF_44);
  // //   });
  // // });
  // group("mainnet bitcoincash addressType", () {
  //   MockElectrumX? client;
  //   MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
  //   late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
  //   MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
  //   BitcoinCashWallet? mainnetWallet;
  //   setUp(() {
  //     client = MockElectrumX();
  //     cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumX();
  //     secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
  //     tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
  //     mainnetWallet = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: "validateAddressMainNet",
  //       walletName: "validateAddressMainNet",
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //   });
  //   test("valid mainnet legacy/p2pkh address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address: "1DP3PUePwMa5CoZwzjznVKhzdLsZftjcAT"),
  //         DerivePathType.bip44);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("invalid base58 address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address: "mhqpGtwhcR6gFuuRjLTpHo41919QfuGy8Y"),
  //         throwsArgumentError);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("invalid bech32 address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address: "tb1qzzlm6mnc8k54mx6akehl8p9ray8r439va5ndyq"),
  //         throwsArgumentError);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("address has no matching script", () {
  //     expect(
  //         () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address: "mpMk94ETazqonHutyC1v6ajshgtP8oiFKU"),
  //         throwsArgumentError);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("P2PKH cashaddr with prefix", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address:
  //                 "bitcoincash:qrwjyc4pewj9utzrtnh0whkzkuvy5q8wg52n254x6k"),
  //         DerivePathType.bip44);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("P2PKH cashaddr without prefix", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address: "qrwjyc4pewj9utzrtnh0whkzkuvy5q8wg52n254x6k"),
  //         DerivePathType.bip44);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("Multisig cashaddr with prefix", () {
  //     expect(
  //         () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address:
  //                 "bitcoincash:pzpp3nchmzzf0gr69lj82ymurg5u3ds6kcwr5m07np"),
  //         throwsArgumentError);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("Multisig cashaddr without prefix", () {
  //     expect(
  //         () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
  //             address: "pzpp3nchmzzf0gr69lj82ymurg5u3ds6kcwr5m07np"),
  //         throwsArgumentError);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  // });
  // group("validate mainnet bitcoincash addresses", () {
  //   MockElectrumX? client;
  //   MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
  //   late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
  //   MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
  //   BitcoinCashWallet? mainnetWallet;
  //   setUp(() {
  //     client = MockElectrumX();
  //     cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumX();
  //     secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
  //     tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
  //     mainnetWallet = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: "validateAddressMainNet",
  //       walletName: "validateAddressMainNet",
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //   });
  //   test("valid mainnet legacy/p2pkh address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.validateAddress("1DP3PUePwMa5CoZwzjznVKhzdLsZftjcAT"),
  //         true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("valid mainnet legacy/p2pkh cashaddr with prefix address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.validateAddress(
  //             "bitcoincash:qrwjyc4pewj9utzrtnh0whkzkuvy5q8wg52n254x6k"),
  //         true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("valid mainnet legacy/p2pkh cashaddr without prefix address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet
  //             ?.validateAddress("qrwjyc4pewj9utzrtnh0whkzkuvy5q8wg52n254x6k"),
  //         true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("invalid legacy/p2pkh address type", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.validateAddress("mhqpGtwhcR6gFuuRjLTpHo41919QfuGy8Y"),
  //         false);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test(
  //       "invalid cashaddr (is valid multisig but bitbox is broken for multisig)",
  //       () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet
  //             ?.validateAddress("pzpp3nchmzzf0gr69lj82ymurg5u3ds6kcwr5m07np"),
  //         false);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("multisig address should fail for bitbox", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.validateAddress("3DYuVEmuKWQFxJcF7jDPhwPiXLTiNnyMFb"),
  //         false);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("invalid mainnet bitcoincash legacy/p2pkh address", () {
  //     expect(
  //         mainnetWallet?.validateAddress("mhqpGtwhcR6gFuuRjLTpHo41919QfuGy8Y"),
  //         false);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  // });
  // group("testNetworkConnection", () {
  //   MockElectrumX? client;
  //   MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
  //   late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
  //   MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
  //   BitcoinCashWallet? bch;
  //   setUp(() {
  //     client = MockElectrumX();
  //     cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumX();
  //     secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
  //     tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: "testNetworkConnection",
  //       walletName: "testNetworkConnection",
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //   });
  //   test("attempted connection fails due to server error", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => false);
  //     final bool? result = await bch?.testNetworkConnection();
  //     expect(result, false);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("attempted connection fails due to exception", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenThrow(Exception);
  //     final bool? result = await bch?.testNetworkConnection();
  //     expect(result, false);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("attempted connection test success", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     final bool? result = await bch?.testNetworkConnection();
  //     expect(result, true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  // });
  // group("basic getters, setters, and functions", () {
  //   const bchcoin = Coin.bitcoincash;
  //   const testWalletId = "BCHtestWalletID";
  //   const testWalletName = "BCHWallet";
  //   MockElectrumX? client;
  //   MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
  //   late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
  //   MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
  //   BitcoinCashWallet? bch;
  //   setUp(() async {
  //     client = MockElectrumX();
  //     cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumX();
  //     secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
  //     tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //   });
  //   test("get networkType main", () async {
  //     expect(bch?.coin, bchcoin);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get networkType test", () async {
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     expect(bch?.coin, bchcoin);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 4);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get cryptoCurrency", () async {
  //     expect(Coin.bitcoincash, Coin.bitcoincash);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get coinName", () async {
  //     expect(Coin.bitcoincash, Coin.bitcoincash);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get coinTicker", () async {
  //     expect(Coin.bitcoincash, Coin.bitcoincash);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get and set walletName", () async {
  //     expect(Coin.bitcoincash, Coin.bitcoincash);
  //     bch?.walletName = "new name";
  //     expect(bch?.walletName, "new name");
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("estimateTxFee", () async {
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 1), 356);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 900), 356);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 999), 356);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 1000), 356);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 1001), 712);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 1699), 712);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 2000), 712);
  //     expect(bch?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 12345), 4628);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get fees succeeds", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>;
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>;
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => Decimal.ten);
  //     final fees = await bch?.fees;
  //     expect(fees, isA<FeeObject>());
  //     expect(fees?.slow, 1000000000);
  //     expect(fees?.medium, 100000000);
  //     expect(fees?.fast, 0);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20)).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("get fees fails", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>;
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>;
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.fees;
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20)).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  // });
  // group("BCHWallet service class functions that depend on shared storage", () {
  //   const bchcoin = Coin.bitcoincash;
  //   const bchtestcoin = Coin.bitcoincashTestnet;
  //   const testWalletId = "BCHtestWalletID";
  //   const testWalletName = "BCHWallet";
  //   bool hiveAdaptersRegistered = false;
  //   MockElectrumX? client;
  //   MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
  //   late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
  //   MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
  //   BitcoinCashWallet? bch;
  //   setUp(() async {
  //     await setUpTestHive();
  //     if (!hiveAdaptersRegistered) {
  //       hiveAdaptersRegistered = true;
  //       final wallets = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>('wallets');
  //       await wallets.put('currentWalletName', testWalletName);
  //     }
  //     client = MockElectrumX();
  //     cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumX();
  //     secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
  //     tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //   });
  //   // test("initializeWallet no network", () async {
  //   //   when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => false);
  //   //   await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //   //   await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //   //   expect(bch?.initializeNew(), false);
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //   //   verify(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   // });
  //   // test("initializeExisting no network exception", () async {
  //   //   when(client?.ping()).thenThrow(Exception("Network connection failed"));
  //   //   // bch?.initializeNew();
  //   //   expect(bch?.initializeExisting(), false);
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //   //   verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   // });
  //   // test("initializeNew mainnet throws bad network", () async {
  //   //   when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //   //         "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //   //         "pruning": null,
  //   //         "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //   //         "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //   //         "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //   //         "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //   //         "hash_function": "sha256",
  //   //         "services": <dynamic>[]
  //   //       });
  //   //
  //   //   await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //   //   await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //   //
  //   //   expectLater(() => bch?.initializeNew(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()))
  //   //       .then((_) {
  //   //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //   //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //   //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //   //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   //   });
  //   // });
  //   test("initializeNew throws mnemonic overwrite exception", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     await secureStore.write(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_mnemonic", value: "some mnemonic");
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await expectLater(
  //             () => bch?.initializeNew(null), throwsA(isA<Exception>()))
  //         .then((_) {
  //       expect(secureStore.interactions, 4);
  //       verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //       verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //       verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //       verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     });
  //   });
  //   test("initializeExisting testnet throws bad network", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     expectLater(() => bch?.initializeNew(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()))
  //         .then((_) {
  //       expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //       verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //       verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //       verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //       verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     });
  //   });
  //   test("getCurrentNode", () async {
  //     // when(priceAPI?.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //     //     .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => Decimal.fromInt(10));
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     // await DebugService.instance.init();
  //     expect(bch?.initializeExisting(), true);
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.getCurrentNode();
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     // expect no nodes on a fresh wallet unless set in db externally
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     // set node
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //     await wallet.put("nodes", {
  //       "default": {
  //         "id": "some nodeID",
  //         "ipAddress": "some address",
  //         "port": "9000",
  //         "useSSL": true,
  //       }
  //     });
  //     await wallet.put("activeNodeName", "default");
  //     // try fetching again
  //     final node = await bch?.getCurrentNode();
  //     expect(node.toString(),
  //         "ElectrumXNode: {address: some address, port: 9000, name: default, useSSL: true}");
  //     verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("initializeWallet new main net wallet", () async {
  //     when(priceAPI?.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => Decimal.fromInt(10));
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     expect(await bch?.initializeWallet(), true);
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //     expect(await wallet.get("addressBookEntries"), {});
  //     expect(await wallet.get('notes'), null);
  //     expect(await wallet.get("id"), testWalletId);
  //     expect(await wallet.get("preferredFiatCurrency"), null);
  //     expect(await wallet.get("blocked_tx_hashes"), ["0xdefault"]);
  //     final changeAddressesP2PKH = await wallet.get("changeAddressesP2PKH");
  //     expect(changeAddressesP2PKH, isA<List<String>>());
  //     expect(changeAddressesP2PKH.length, 1);
  //     expect(await wallet.get("changeIndexP2PKH"), 0);
  //     final receivingAddressesP2PKH =
  //         await wallet.get("receivingAddressesP2PKH");
  //     expect(receivingAddressesP2PKH, isA<List<String>>());
  //     expect(receivingAddressesP2PKH.length, 1);
  //     expect(await wallet.get("receivingIndexP2PKH"), 0);
  //     final p2pkhReceiveDerivations = jsonDecode(await secureStore?.read(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH"));
  //     expect(p2pkhReceiveDerivations.length, 1);
  //     final p2pkhChangeDerivations = jsonDecode(await
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH"));
  //     expect(p2pkhChangeDerivations.length, 1);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 10);
  //     expect(secureStore?.reads, 7);
  //     expect(secureStore?.writes, 3);
  //     expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
  //     verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   // test("initializeWallet existing main net wallet", () async {
  //   //   when(priceAPI?.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => Decimal.fromInt(10));
  //   //   when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //   //   when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => {});
  //   //   when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //   //         "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //   //         "pruning": null,
  //   //         "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //   //         "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //   //         "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //   //         "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //   //         "hash_function": "sha256",
  //   //         "services": <dynamic>[]
  //   //       });
  //   //   // init new wallet
  //   //   expect(bch?.initializeNew(), true);
  //   //
  //   //   // fetch data to compare later
  //   //   final newWallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //   //
  //   //   final addressBookEntries = await newWallet.get("addressBookEntries");
  //   //   final notes = await newWallet.get('notes');
  //   //   final wID = await newWallet.get("id");
  //   //   final currency = await newWallet.get("preferredFiatCurrency");
  //   //   final blockedHashes = await newWallet.get("blocked_tx_hashes");
  //   //
  //   //   final changeAddressesP2PKH = await newWallet.get("changeAddressesP2PKH");
  //   //   final changeIndexP2PKH = await newWallet.get("changeIndexP2PKH");
  //   //
  //   //   final receivingAddressesP2PKH =
  //   //       await newWallet.get("receivingAddressesP2PKH");
  //   //   final receivingIndexP2PKH = await newWallet.get("receivingIndexP2PKH");
  //   //
  //   //   final p2pkhReceiveDerivations = jsonDecode(await secureStore?.read(
  //   //       key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH"));
  //   //
  //   //   final p2pkhChangeDerivations = jsonDecode(await secureStore?.read(
  //   //       key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH"));
  //   //
  //   //   // exit new wallet
  //   //   await bch?.exit();
  //   //
  //   //   // open existing/created wallet
  //   //   bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //   //     walletId: testWalletId,
  //   //     walletName: testWalletName,
  //   //     coin: dtestcoin,
  //   //     client: client!,
  //   //     cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //   //
  //   //     secureStore: secureStore,
  //   //   );
  //   //
  //   //   // init existing
  //   //   expect(bch?.initializeExisting(), true);
  //   //
  //   //   // compare data to ensure state matches state of previously closed wallet
  //   //   final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("addressBookEntries"), addressBookEntries);
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get('notes'), notes);
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("id"), wID);
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("preferredFiatCurrency"), currency);
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("blocked_tx_hashes"), blockedHashes);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("changeAddressesP2PKH"), changeAddressesP2PKH);
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("changeIndexP2PKH"), changeIndexP2PKH);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       await wallet.get("receivingAddressesP2PKH"), receivingAddressesP2PKH);
  //   //   expect(await wallet.get("receivingIndexP2PKH"), receivingIndexP2PKH);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       jsonDecode(await secureStore?.read(
  //   //           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH")),
  //   //       p2pkhReceiveDerivations);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       jsonDecode(await secureStore?.read(
  //   //           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH")),
  //   //       p2pkhChangeDerivations);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 12);
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.reads, 9);
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.writes, 3);
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
  //   //   verify(client?.ping()).called(2);
  //   //   verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   // });
  //   test("get current receiving addresses", () async {
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     expect(bch?.validateAddress(await bch!.currentReceivingAddress), true);
  //     expect(bch?.validateAddress(await bch!.currentReceivingAddress), true);
  //     expect(bch?.validateAddress(await bch!.currentReceivingAddress), true);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("get utxos and balances", () async {
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: dtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     when(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => batchGetUTXOResponse0);
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>;
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>;
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => Decimal.ten);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx1.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx1Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx2.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx2Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx3.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx3Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx4.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx4Raw);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     final utxoData = await bch?.utxoData;
  //     expect(utxoData, isA<UtxoData>());
  //     expect(utxoData.toString(),
  //         r"{totalUserCurrency: $103.2173, satoshiBalance: 1032173000, bitcoinBalance: null, unspentOutputArray: [{txid: 86198a91805b6c53839a6a97736c434a5a2f85d68595905da53df7df59b9f01a, vout: 0, value: 800000000, fiat: $80, blocked: false, status: {confirmed: true, blockHash: e52cabb4445eb9ceb3f4f8d68cc64b1ede8884ce560296c27826a48ecc477370, blockHeight: 4274457, blockTime: 1655755742, confirmations: 100}}, {txid: a4b6bd97a4b01b4305d0cf02e9bac6b7c37cda2f8e9dfe291ce4170b810ed469, vout: 0, value: 72173000, fiat: $7.2173, blocked: false, status: {confirmed: false, blockHash: bd239f922b3ecec299a90e4d1ce389334e8df4b95470fb5919966b0b650bb95b, blockHeight: 4270459, blockTime: 1655500912, confirmations: 0}}, {txid: 68c159dcc2f962cbc61f7dd3c8d0dcc14da8adb443811107115531c853fc0c60, vout: 1, value: 100000000, fiat: $10, blocked: false, status: {confirmed: false, blockHash: 9fee9b9446cfe81abb1a17bec56e6c160d9a6527e5b68b1141a827573bc2649f, blockHeight: 4255659, blockTime: 1654553247, confirmations: 0}}, {txid: 628a78606058ce4036aee3907e042742156c1894d34419578de5671b53ea5800, vout: 0, value: 60000000, fiat: $6, blocked: false, status: {confirmed: true, blockHash: bc461ab43e3a80d9a4d856ee9ff70f41d86b239d5f0581ffd6a5c572889a6b86, blockHeight: 4270352, blockTime: 1652888705, confirmations: 100}}]}");
  //     final outputs = await bch?.unspentOutputs;
  //     expect(outputs, isA<List<UtxoObject>>());
  //     expect(outputs?.length, 4);
  //     final availableBalance = await bch?.availableBalance;
  //     expect(availableBalance, Decimal.parse("8.6"));
  //     final totalBalance = await bch?.totalBalance;
  //     expect(totalBalance, Decimal.parse("10.32173"));
  //     final pendingBalance = await bch?.pendingBalance;
  //     expect(pendingBalance, Decimal.parse("1.72173"));
  //     final balanceMinusMaxFee = await bch?.balanceMinusMaxFee;
  //     expect(balanceMinusMaxFee, Decimal.parse("7.6"));
  //     verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx1.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx2.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx3.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash: tx4.txid,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   // test("get utxos - multiple batches", () async {
  //   //   bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //   //     walletId: testWalletId,
  //   //     walletName: testWalletName,
  //   //     coin: dtestcoin,
  //   //     client: client!,
  //   //     cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //   //
  //   //     secureStore: secureStore,
  //   //   );
  //   //   when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //   //   when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //   //         "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //   //         "pruning": null,
  //   //         "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //   //         "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //   //         "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //   //         "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //   //         "hash_function": "sha256",
  //   //         "services": <dynamic>[]
  //   //       });
  //   //
  //   //   when(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => {});
  //   //
  //   //   when(priceAPI?.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => Decimal.fromInt(10));
  //   //
  //   //   await bch?.initializeWallet();
  //   //
  //   //   // add some extra addresses to make sure we have more than the single batch size of 10
  //   //   final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //   //   final addresses = await wallet.get("receivingAddressesP2PKH");
  //   //   addresses.add("DQaAi9R58GXMpDyhePys6hHCuif4fhc1sN");
  //   //   addresses.add("DBVhuF8QgeuxU2pssxzMgJqPhGCx5qyVkD");
  //   //   addresses.add("DCAokB2CXXPWC2JPj6jrK6hxANwTF2m21x");
  //   //   addresses.add("D6Y9brE3jUGPrqLmSEWh6yQdgY5b7ZkTib");
  //   //   addresses.add("DKdtobt3M5b3kQWZf1zRUZn3Ys6JTQwbPL");
  //   //   addresses.add("DBYiFr1BRc2zB19p8jxdSu6DvFGTdWvkVF");
  //   //   addresses.add("DE5ffowvbHPzzY6aRVGpzxR2QqikXxUKPG");
  //   //   addresses.add("DA97TLg1741J2aLK6z9bVZoWysgQbMR45K");
  //   //   addresses.add("DGGmf9q4PKcJXauPRstsFetu9DjW1VSBYk");
  //   //   addresses.add("D9bXqnTtufcb6oJyuZniCXbst8MMLzHxUd");
  //   //   addresses.add("DA6nv8M4kYL4RxxKrcsPaPUA1KrFA7CTfN");
  //   //   await wallet.put("receivingAddressesP2PKH", addresses);
  //   //
  //   //   final utxoData = await bch?.utxoData;
  //   //   expect(utxoData, isA<UtxoData>());
  //   //
  //   //   final outputs = await bch?.unspentOutputs;
  //   //   expect(outputs, isA<List<UtxoObject>>());
  //   //   expect(outputs?.length, 0);
  //   //
  //   //   verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
  //   //   verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //   //   verify(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(2);
  //   //   verify(priceAPI?.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD")).called(1);
  //   //
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   // });
  //   test("get utxos fails", () async {
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     when(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     final outputs = await bch!.utxos;
  //     expect(outputs, isA<List<UTXO>>());
  //     expect(outputs.length, 0);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("chain height fetch, update, and get", () async {
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: bchtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     // get stored
  //     expect(bch?.storedChainHeight, 0);
  //     // fetch fails
  //     when(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).thenThrow(Exception("Some exception"));
  //     expect(await bch?.chainHeight, -1);
  //     // fetch succeeds
  //     when(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {
  //           "height": 100,
  //           "hex": "some block hex",
  //         });
  //     expect(await bch?.chainHeight, 100);
  //     // update
  //     await bch?.updateCachedChainHeight(1000);
  //     // fetch updated
  //     expect(bch?.storedChainHeight, 1000);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).called(2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("getTxCount succeeds", () async {
  //     when(client?.getHistory(
  //             scripthash:
  //                 "1df1cab6d109d506aa424b00b6a013c5e1947dc13b78d62b4d0e9f518b3035d1"))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => [
  //               {
  //                 "height": 757727,
  //                 "tx_hash":
  //                     "aaac451c49c2e3bcbccb8a9fded22257eeb94c1702b456171aa79250bc1b20e0"
  //               },
  //               {
  //                 "height": 0,
  //                 "tx_hash":
  //                     "9ac29f35b72ca596bc45362d1f9556b0555e1fb633ca5ac9147a7fd467700afe"
  //               }
  //             ]);
  //     final count =
  //         await bch?.getTxCount(address: "1MMi672ueYFXLLdtZqPe4FsrS46gNDyRq1");
  //     expect(count, 2);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(
  //             scripthash:
  //                 "1df1cab6d109d506aa424b00b6a013c5e1947dc13b78d62b4d0e9f518b3035d1"))
  //         .called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   //TODO - Needs refactoring
  //   test("getTxCount fails", () async {
  //     when(client?.getHistory(
  //             scripthash:
  //                 "64953f7db441a21172de206bf70b920c8c718ed4f03df9a85073c0400be0053c"))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.getTxCount(address: "D6biRASajCy7GcJ8R6ZP4RE94fNRerJLCC");
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verifyNever(client?.getHistory(
  //             scripthash:
  //                 "64953f7db441a21172de206bf70b920c8c718ed4f03df9a85073c0400be0053c"))
  //         .called(0);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("_checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions succeeds", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => [
  //               {
  //                 "height": 4270385,
  //                 "tx_hash":
  //                     "c07f740ad72c0dd759741f4c9ab4b1586a22bc16545584364ac9b3d845766271"
  //               },
  //               {
  //                 "height": 4270459,
  //                 "tx_hash":
  //                     "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a"
  //               }
  //             ]);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions();
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, false);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash"))).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 20);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 13);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 7);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("_checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions fails", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions();
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash"))).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 14);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 9);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("_checkCurrentChangeAddressesForTransactions succeeds", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => [
  //               {
  //                 "height": 4286283,
  //                 "tx_hash":
  //                     "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b"
  //               },
  //               {
  //                 "height": 4286295,
  //                 "tx_hash":
  //                     "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a"
  //               }
  //             ]);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.checkCurrentChangeAddressesForTransactions();
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, false);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash"))).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 20);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 13);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 7);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("_checkCurrentChangeAddressesForTransactions fails", () async {
  //     when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     await bch?.initializeNew();
  //     await bch?.initializeExisting();
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.checkCurrentChangeAddressesForTransactions();
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash"))).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verifyNever(client?.ping()).called(0);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 14);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 9);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("getAllTxsToWatch", () async {
  //     TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
  //     var notifications = {"show": 0};
  //     const MethodChannel('')
  //         .setMockMethodCallHandler((call) async {
  //       notifications[call.method]++;
  //     });
  //     bch?.pastUnconfirmedTxs = {
  //       "88b7b5077d940dde1bc63eba37a09dec8e7b9dad14c183a2e879a21b6ec0ac1c",
  //       "b39bac02b65af46a49e2985278fe24ca00dd5d627395d88f53e35568a04e10fa",
  //     };
  //     await bch?.getAllTxsToWatch(transactionData);
  //     expect(notifications.length, 1);
  //     expect(notifications["show"], 3);
  //     expect(bch?.unconfirmedTxs, {
  //       "b2f75a017a7435f1b8c2e080a865275d8f80699bba68d8dce99a94606e7b3528",
  //       'dcca229760b44834478f0b266c9b3f5801e0139fdecacdc0820e447289a006d3',
  //     });
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("refreshIfThereIsNewData true A", () async {
  //     when(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "a4b6bd97a4b01b4305d0cf02e9bac6b7c37cda2f8e9dfe291ce4170b810ed469",
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx2Raw);
  //     when(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "86198a91805b6c53839a6a97736c434a5a2f85d68595905da53df7df59b9f01a",
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx1Raw);
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: dtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //     await wallet.put('receivingAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //     await wallet.put('changeAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //     bch?.unconfirmedTxs = {
  //       "a4b6bd97a4b01b4305d0cf02e9bac6b7c37cda2f8e9dfe291ce4170b810ed469",
  //       "86198a91805b6c53839a6a97736c434a5a2f85d68595905da53df7df59b9f01a"
  //     };
  //     final result = await bch?.refreshIfThereIsNewData();
  //     expect(result, true);
  //     verify(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "a4b6bd97a4b01b4305d0cf02e9bac6b7c37cda2f8e9dfe291ce4170b810ed469",
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "86198a91805b6c53839a6a97736c434a5a2f85d68595905da53df7df59b9f01a",
  //     )).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("refreshIfThereIsNewData true B", () async {
  //     // when(priceAPI.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //     //     .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.fromInt(10));
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {
  //       final uuids = Map<String, List<dynamic>>.from(realInvocation
  //               .namedArguments.values.first as Map<dynamic, dynamic>)
  //           .keys
  //           .toList(growable: false);
  //       return {
  //         uuids[0]: [
  //           {
  //             "tx_hash":
  //                 "351a94874379a5444c8891162472acf66de538a1abc647d4753f3e1eb5ec66f9",
  //             "height": 4286305
  //           },
  //           {
  //             "tx_hash":
  //                 "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //             "height": 4286295
  //           }
  //         ],
  //         uuids[1]: [
  //           {
  //             "tx_hash":
  //                 "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b",
  //             "height": 4286283
  //           }
  //         ],
  //       };
  //     });
  //     when(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx2Raw);
  //     when(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b",
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx1Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "351a94874379a5444c8891162472acf66de538a1abc647d4753f3e1eb5ec66f9",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx3Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "351a94874379a5444c8891162472acf66de538a1abc647d4753f3e1eb5ec66f9",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx3Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx1Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "4493caff0e1b4f248e3c6219e7f288cfdb46c32b72a77aec469098c5f7f5154e",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx5Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "e095cbe5531d174c3fc5c9c39a0e6ba2769489cdabdc17b35b2e3a33a3c2fc61",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx6Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "d3054c63fe8cfafcbf67064ec66b9fbe1ac293860b5d6ffaddd39546658b72de",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx7Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "7b34e60cc37306f866667deb67b14096f4ea2add941fd6e2238a639000642b82",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx4Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "a70c6f0690fa84712dc6b3d20ee13862fe015a08cf2dc8949c4300d49c3bdeb5",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx8Raw);
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: dtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //     await wallet.put('receivingAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //     await wallet.put('changeAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //     bch?.unconfirmedTxs = {
  //       "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //     };
  //     final result = await bch?.refreshIfThereIsNewData();
  //     expect(result, true);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash: anyNamed("tx_hash"),
  //             verbose: true,
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(9);
  //     // verify(priceAPI?.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD")).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("refreshIfThereIsNewData false A", () async {
  //     // when(priceAPI.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //     //     .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.fromInt(10));
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {
  //       final uuids = Map<String, List<dynamic>>.from(realInvocation
  //               .namedArguments.values.first as Map<dynamic, dynamic>)
  //           .keys
  //           .toList(growable: false);
  //       return {
  //         uuids[0]: [
  //           {
  //             "tx_hash":
  //                 "351a94874379a5444c8891162472acf66de538a1abc647d4753f3e1eb5ec66f9",
  //             "height": 4286305
  //           },
  //           {
  //             "tx_hash":
  //                 "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //             "height": 4286295
  //           }
  //         ],
  //         uuids[1]: [
  //           {
  //             "tx_hash":
  //                 "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b",
  //             "height": 4286283
  //           }
  //         ],
  //       };
  //     });
  //     when(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx2Raw);
  //     when(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b",
  //     )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx1Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "4c119685401e28982283e644c57d84fde6aab83324012e35c9b49e6efd99b49b",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx1Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx2Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "351a94874379a5444c8891162472acf66de538a1abc647d4753f3e1eb5ec66f9",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx3Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "4493caff0e1b4f248e3c6219e7f288cfdb46c32b72a77aec469098c5f7f5154e",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx5Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "7b34e60cc37306f866667deb67b14096f4ea2add941fd6e2238a639000642b82",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx4Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "e095cbe5531d174c3fc5c9c39a0e6ba2769489cdabdc17b35b2e3a33a3c2fc61",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx6Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "d3054c63fe8cfafcbf67064ec66b9fbe1ac293860b5d6ffaddd39546658b72de",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx7Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "a70c6f0690fa84712dc6b3d20ee13862fe015a08cf2dc8949c4300d49c3bdeb5",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx8Raw);
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: dtestcoin,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //     await wallet.put('receivingAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //     await wallet.put('changeAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //     bch?.unconfirmedTxs = {
  //       "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //       "351a94874379a5444c8891162472acf66de538a1abc647d4753f3e1eb5ec66f9"
  //     };
  //     final result = await bch?.refreshIfThereIsNewData();
  //     expect(result, false);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getTransaction(
  //       txHash:
  //           "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //     )).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash: anyNamed("tx_hash"),
  //             verbose: true,
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestNet,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(15);
  //     // verify(priceAPI.getbitcoincashPrice(baseCurrency: "USD")).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   // test("refreshIfThereIsNewData false B", () async {
  //   //   when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //   //       .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //   //
  //   //   when(client?.getTransaction(
  //   //     txHash:
  //   //         "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //   //   )).thenAnswer((_) async => tx2Raw);
  //   //
  //   //   bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //   //     walletId: testWalletId,
  //   //     walletName: testWalletName,
  //   //     coin: dtestcoin,
  //   //     client: client!,
  //   //     cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //   //     tracker: tracker!,
  //   //
  //   //     secureStore: secureStore,
  //   //   );
  //   //   final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //   //   await wallet.put('receivingAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //   //
  //   //   await wallet.put('changeAddressesP2PKH', []);
  //   //
  //   //   bch?.unconfirmedTxs = {
  //   //     "82da70c660daf4d42abd403795d047918c4021ff1d706b61790cda01a1c5ae5a",
  //   //   };
  //   //
  //   //   final result = await bch?.refreshIfThereIsNewData();
  //   //
  //   //   expect(result, false);
  //   //
  //   //   verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(1);
  //   //   verify(client?.getTransaction(
  //   //     txHash:
  //   //         "a4b6bd97a4b01b4305d0cf02e9bac6b7c37cda2f8e9dfe291ce4170b810ed469",
  //   //   )).called(1);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   // });
  //   test("get mnemonic list", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     // when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //     //     .thenAnswer((thing) async {
  //     //   print(jsonEncode(thing.namedArguments.entries.first.value));
  //     //   return {};
  //     // });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyHistoryBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyHistoryBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyHistoryBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyHistoryBatchResponse);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     // add maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck and height
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     expect(await bch?.mnemonic, TEST_MNEMONIC.split(" "));
  //     //
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3)).called(1);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test(
  //       "recoverFromMnemonic using empty seed on mainnet fails due to bad genesis hash match",
  //       () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     bool hasThrown = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //           mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //           maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //           maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //           height: 4000);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       hasThrown = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(hasThrown, true);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test(
  //       "recoverFromMnemonic using empty seed on testnet fails due to bad genesis hash match",
  //       () async {
  //     bch = BitcoinCashWallet(
  //       walletId: testWalletId,
  //       walletName: testWalletName,
  //       coin: Coin.bitcoincashTestnet,
  //       client: client!,
  //       cachedClient: cachedClient!,
  //       tracker: tracker!,
  //       secureStore: secureStore,
  //     );
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     bool hasThrown = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //           mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //           maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //           maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //           height: 4000);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       hasThrown = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(hasThrown, true);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 4);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test(
  //       "recoverFromMnemonic using empty seed on mainnet fails due to attempted overwrite of mnemonic",
  //       () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     await secureStore.write(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_mnemonic", value: "some mnemonic words");
  //     bool hasThrown = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //           mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //           maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //           maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //           height: 4000);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       hasThrown = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(hasThrown, true);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 4);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("recoverFromMnemonic using non empty seed on mainnet succeeds",
  //       () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     List<dynamic> dynamicArgValues = [];
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {
  //       if (realInvocation.namedArguments.values.first.length == 1) {
  //         dynamicArgValues.add(realInvocation.namedArguments.values.first);
  //       }
  //       return historyBatchResponse;
  //     });
  //     // final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic> (testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     bool hasThrown = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //           mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //           maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //           maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //           height: 4000);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       hasThrown = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(hasThrown, false);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3)).called(1);
  //     for (final arg in dynamicArgValues) {
  //       final map = Map<String, List<dynamic>>.from(arg as Map);
  //       verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: map)).called(1);
  //       expect(activeScriptHashes.contains(map.values.first.first as String),
  //           true);
  //     }
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 10);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("fullRescan succeeds", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(cachedClient?.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.bitcoincash))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     // restore so we have something to rescan
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     // fetch valid wallet data
  //     final preReceivingAddressesP2PKH =
  //         await wallet.get('receivingAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final preChangeAddressesP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final preReceivingIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('receivingIndexP2PKH');
  //     final preChangeIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2PKH');
  //     final preReceivingAddressesP2SH =
  //         await wallet.get('receivingAddressesP2SH');
  //     final preChangeAddressesP2SH = await wallet.get('changeAddressesP2SH');
  //     final preReceivingIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('receivingIndexP2PKH');
  //     final preChangeIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2SH');
  //     final preUtxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
  //     final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     final preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2SH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
  //     final preChangeDerivationsStringP2SH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
  //     // destroy the data that the rescan will fix
  //     await wallet.put(
  //         'receivingAddressesP2PKH', ["some address", "some other address"]);
  //     await wallet
  //         .put('changeAddressesP2PKH', ["some address", "some other address"]);
  //     await wallet.put(
  //         'receivingAddressesP2SH', ["some address", "some other address"]);
  //     await wallet
  //         .put('changeAddressesP2SH', ["some address", "some other address"]);
  //     await wallet.put('receivingIndexP2PKH', 123);
  //     await wallet.put('changeIndexP2PKH', 123);
  //     await wallet.put('receivingIndexP2SH', 123);
  //     await wallet.put('changeIndexP2SH', 123);
  //     await secureStore.write(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH", value: "{}");
  //     await secureStore.write(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH", value: "{}");
  //     await secureStore.write(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH", value: "{}");
  //     await secureStore.write(
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH", value: "{}");
  //     bool hasThrown = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.fullRescan(2, 1000);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       hasThrown = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(hasThrown, false);
  //     // fetch wallet data again
  //     final receivingAddressesP2PKH =
  //         await wallet.get('receivingAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final changeAddressesP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final receivingIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('receivingIndexP2PKH');
  //     final changeIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2PKH');
  //     final receivingAddressesP2SH = await wallet.get('receivingAddressesP2SH');
  //     final changeAddressesP2SH = await wallet.get('changeAddressesP2SH');
  //     final receivingIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('receivingIndexP2SH');
  //     final changeIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2SH');
  //     final utxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
  //     final receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     final changeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     final receiveDerivationsStringP2SH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
  //     final changeDerivationsStringP2SH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
  //     expect(preReceivingAddressesP2PKH, receivingAddressesP2PKH);
  //     expect(preChangeAddressesP2PKH, changeAddressesP2PKH);
  //     expect(preReceivingIndexP2PKH, receivingIndexP2PKH);
  //     expect(preChangeIndexP2PKH, changeIndexP2PKH);
  //     expect(preReceivingAddressesP2SH, receivingAddressesP2SH);
  //     expect(preChangeAddressesP2SH, changeAddressesP2SH);
  //     expect(preReceivingIndexP2SH, receivingIndexP2SH);
  //     expect(preChangeIndexP2SH, changeIndexP2SH);
  //     expect(preUtxoData, utxoData);
  //     expect(preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH, receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH);
  //     expect(preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH, changeDerivationsStringP2PKH);
  //     expect(preReceiveDerivationsStringP2SH, receiveDerivationsStringP2SH);
  //     expect(preChangeDerivationsStringP2SH, changeDerivationsStringP2SH);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2)).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3)).called(2);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.bitcoincash))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 17);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 22);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 4);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("fullRescan fails", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(cachedClient?.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.bitcoincash))
  //         .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((_) async => {"0": []});
  //     final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     // restore so we have something to rescan
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     // fetch wallet data
  //     final preReceivingAddressesP2PKH =
  //         await wallet.get('receivingAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final preChangeAddressesP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final preReceivingIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('receivingIndexP2PKH');
  //     final preChangeIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2PKH');
  //     final preUtxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
  //     final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     final preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("fake exception"));
  //     bool hasThrown = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.fullRescan(2, 1000);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       hasThrown = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(hasThrown, true);
  //     // fetch wallet data again
  //     final receivingAddressesP2PKH =
  //         await wallet.get('receivingAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final changeAddressesP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeAddressesP2PKH');
  //     final receivingIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('receivingIndexP2PKH');
  //     final changeIndexP2PKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2PKH');
  //     final utxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
  //     final receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await
  //         key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     final changeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
  //         await "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     expect(preReceivingAddressesP2PKH, receivingAddressesP2PKH);
  //     expect(preChangeAddressesP2PKH, changeAddressesP2PKH);
  //     expect(preReceivingIndexP2PKH, receivingIndexP2PKH);
  //     expect(preChangeIndexP2PKH, changeIndexP2PKH);
  //     expect(preUtxoData, utxoData);
  //     expect(preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH, receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH);
  //     expect(preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH, changeDerivationsStringP2PKH);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2)).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3)).called(2);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.bitcoincash))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(2);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 13);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 18);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 8);
  //   });
  //   // test("fetchBuildTxData succeeds", () async {
  //   //   when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //   //         "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //   //         "pruning": null,
  //   //         "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //   //         "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //   //         "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //   //         "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //   //         "hash_function": "sha256",
  //   //         "services": <dynamic>[]
  //   //       });
  //   //   when(client.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //   //   when(client.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //   //   when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
  //   //           tx_hash:
  //   //               "339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9",
  //   //           coinName: "bitcoincash",
  //   //           callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => tx9Raw);
  //   //   when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
  //   //           tx_hash:
  //   //               "c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e",
  //   //           coinName: "bitcoincash",
  //   //           callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => tx10Raw);
  //   //   when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
  //   //           tx_hash:
  //   //               "d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c",
  //   //           coinName: "bitcoincash",
  //   //           callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //   //       .thenAnswer((_) async => tx11Raw);
  //   //
  //   //   // recover to fill data
  //   //   await bch.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //   //       mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //   //       maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //   //       maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //   //       height: 4000);
  //   //
  //   //   // modify addresses to trigger all change code branches
  //   //   final chg44 =
  //   //       await testWalletId + "_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
  //   //   await secureStore.write(
  //   //       key: testWalletId + "_changeDerivationsP2PKH",
  //   //       value: chg44.replaceFirst("1vFHF5q21GccoBwrB4zEUAs9i3Bfx797U",
  //   //           "D5cQWPnhM3RRJVDz8wWC5jWt3PRCfg1zA6"));
  //   //
  //   //   final data = await bch.fetchBuildTxData(utxoList);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(data.length, 3);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9"]
  //   //           .length,
  //   //       2);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           .length,
  //   //       3);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c"]
  //   //           .length,
  //   //       2);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9"]
  //   //           ["output"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           ["output"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c"]
  //   //           ["output"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9"]
  //   //           ["keyPair"],
  //   //       isA<ECPair>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           ["keyPair"],
  //   //       isA<ECPair>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c"]
  //   //           ["keyPair"],
  //   //       isA<ECPair>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           ["redeemScript"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //
  //   //   // modify addresses to trigger all receiving code branches
  //   //   final rcv44 = await
  //   //       key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
  //   //   await secureStore.write(
  //   //       key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2PKH",
  //   //       value: rcv44.replaceFirst("1RMSPixoLPuaXuhR2v4HsUMcRjLncKDaw",
  //   //           "D5cQWPnhM3RRJVDz8wWC5jWt3PRCfg1zA6"));
  //   //
  //   //   final data2 = await bch.fetchBuildTxData(utxoList);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(data2.length, 3);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9"]
  //   //           .length,
  //   //       2);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           .length,
  //   //       3);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c"]
  //   //           .length,
  //   //       2);
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9"]
  //   //           ["output"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           ["output"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c"]
  //   //           ["output"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9"]
  //   //           ["keyPair"],
  //   //       isA<ECPair>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           ["keyPair"],
  //   //       isA<ECPair>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c"]
  //   //           ["keyPair"],
  //   //       isA<ECPair>());
  //   //   expect(
  //   //       data2["c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e"]
  //   //           ["redeemScript"],
  //   //       isA<Uint8List>());
  //   //
  //   //   verify(client.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //   //   verify(cachedClient.getTransaction(
  //   //           tx_hash:
  //   //               "339dac760e4c9c81ed30a7fde7062785cb20712b18e108accdc39800f884fda9",
  //   //           coinName: "bitcoincash",
  //   //           callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //   //       .called(2);
  //   //   verify(cachedClient.getTransaction(
  //   //           tx_hash:
  //   //               "c2edf283df75cc2724320b866857a82d80266a59d69ab5a7ca12033adbffa44e",
  //   //           coinName: "bitcoincash",
  //   //           callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //   //       .called(2);
  //   //   verify(cachedClient.getTransaction(
  //   //           tx_hash:
  //   //               "d0c451513bee7d96cb88824d9d720e6b5b90073721b4985b439687f894c3989c",
  //   //           coinName: "bitcoincash",
  //   //           callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //   //       .called(2);
  //   //   verify(client.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //   //   verify(client.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //   //
  //   //   expect(secureStore.interactions, 38);
  //   //   expect(secureStore.writes, 13);
  //   //   expect(secureStore.reads, 25);
  //   //   expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //   //
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //   //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   //
  //   // });
  //   test("fetchBuildTxData throws", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "2087ce09bc316877c9f10971526a2bffa3078d52ea31752639305cdcd8230703",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx9Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "ed32c967a0e86d51669ac21c2bb9bc9c50f0f55fbacdd8db21d0a986fba93bd7",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx10Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "3f0032f89ac44b281b50314cff3874c969c922839dddab77ced54e86a21c3fd4",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     // recover to fill data
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.fetchBuildTxData(utxoList);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "2087ce09bc316877c9f10971526a2bffa3078d52ea31752639305cdcd8230703",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "ed32c967a0e86d51669ac21c2bb9bc9c50f0f55fbacdd8db21d0a986fba93bd7",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "3f0032f89ac44b281b50314cff3874c969c922839dddab77ced54e86a21c3fd4",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 14);
  //     expect(secureStore?.writes, 7);
  //     expect(secureStore?.reads, 7);
  //     expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("build transaction succeeds", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "e9673acb3bfa928f92a7d5a545151a672e9613fdf972f3849e16094c1ed28268",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx9Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "fa5bfa4eb581bedb28ca96a65ee77d8e81159914b70d5b7e215994221cc02a63",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx10Raw);
  //     when(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "694617f0000499be2f6af5f8d1ddbcf1a70ad4710c0cee6f33a13a64bba454ed",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => tx11Raw);
  //     // recover to fill data
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     // modify addresses to properly mock data to build a tx
  //     final rcv44 = await secureStore?.read(
  //         key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
  //     await secureStore?.write(
  //         key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2PKH",
  //         value: rcv44?.replaceFirst("1RMSPixoLPuaXuhR2v4HsUMcRjLncKDaw",
  //             "D5cQWPnhM3RRJVDz8wWC5jWt3PRCfg1zA6"));
  //     final data = await bch?.fetchBuildTxData(utxoList);
  //     final txData = await bch?.buildTransaction(
  //         utxosToUse: utxoList,
  //         utxoSigningData: data!,
  //         recipients: ["DS7cKFKdfbarMrYjFBQqEcHR5km6D51c74"],
  //         satoshiAmounts: [13000]);
  //     expect(txData?.length, 2);
  //     expect(txData?["hex"], isA<String>());
  //     expect(txData?["vSize"], isA<int>());
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "d3054c63fe8cfafcbf67064ec66b9fbe1ac293860b5d6ffaddd39546658b72de",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "fa5bfa4eb581bedb28ca96a65ee77d8e81159914b70d5b7e215994221cc02a63",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(cachedClient?.getTransaction(
  //             txHash:
  //                 "694617f0000499be2f6af5f8d1ddbcf1a70ad4710c0cee6f33a13a64bba454ed",
  //             coin: Coin.bitcoincash,
  //             callOutSideMainIsolate: false))
  //         .called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 26);
  //     expect(secureStore?.writes, 10);
  //     expect(secureStore?.reads, 16);
  //     expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  //   test("confirmSend error 1", () async {
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.confirmSend(txData: 1);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("confirmSend error 2", () async {
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.confirmSend(txData: 2);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("confirmSend some other error code", () async {
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.confirmSend(txData: 42);
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("confirmSend no hex", () async {
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch?.confirmSend(txData: {"some": "strange map"});
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("confirmSend fails due to vSize being greater than fee", () async {
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch
  //           ?.confirmSend(txData: {"hex": "a string", "fee": 1, "vSize": 10});
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verify(client?.broadcastTransaction(
  //             rawTx: "a string", requestID: anyNamed("requestID")))
  //         .called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("confirmSend fails when broadcast transactions throws", () async {
  //     when(client?.broadcastTransaction(
  //             rawTx: "a string", requestID: anyNamed("requestID")))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     bool didThrow = false;
  //     try {
  //       await bch
  //           ?.confirmSend(txData: {"hex": "a string", "fee": 10, "vSize": 10});
  //     } catch (_) {
  //       didThrow = true;
  //     }
  //     expect(didThrow, true);
  //     verify(client?.broadcastTransaction(
  //             rawTx: "a string", requestID: anyNamed("requestID")))
  //         .called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("refresh wallet mutex locked", () async {
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     // recover to fill data
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     bch?.refreshMutex = true;
  //     await bch?.refresh();
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 10);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("refresh wallet throws", () async {
  //     when(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {"0": []});
  //     when(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
  //         .thenThrow(Exception("some exception"));
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     // recover to fill data
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     await bch?.refresh();
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs2)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs3)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "04818da846fe5e03ac993d2e0c1ccc3848ff6073c3aba6a572df4efc5432ae8b"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "f0c86f888f2aca0efaf1705247dbd1ebc02347c183e197310c9062ea2c9d2e34"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "ff7f0d2a4b8e2805706ece77f4e672550fe4c505a150c781639814338eda1734"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: {
  //       "0": [
  //         "1c2336c32dc62f00862ee6a75643e01017c86edece10b5a9d7defbd5f66b0a80"
  //       ]
  //     })).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash"))).called(1);
  //     expect(secureStore.interactions, 10);
  //     expect(secureStore.writes, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.reads, 5);
  //     expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
  //   });
  //   test("refresh wallet normally", () async {
  //     when(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async =>
  //         {"height": 520481, "hex": "some block hex"});
  //     when(client?.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
  //           "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
  //           "pruning": null,
  //           "server_version": "Unit tests",
  //           "protocol_min": "1.4",
  //           "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
  //           "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
  //           "hash_function": "sha256",
  //           "services": <dynamic>[]
  //         });
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => historyBatchResponse);
  //     when(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => []);
  //     when(client?.estimateFee(blocks: anyNamed("blocks")))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async =>;
  //     // when(priceAPI?.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: "USD"))
  //     //     .thenAnswer((_) async =>;
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(testWalletId);
  //     await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
  //     // recover to fill data
  //     await bch?.recoverFromMnemonic(
  //         mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
  //         maxUnusedAddressGap: 2,
  //         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
  //         height: 4000);
  //     when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => {});
  //     when(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args")))
  //         .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyHistoryBatchResponse);
  //     await bch?.refresh();
  //     verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs1)).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getBatchUTXOs(args: anyNamed("args"))).called(1);
  //     verify(client?.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash"))).called(2);
  //     verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: anyNamed("blocks"))).called(3);
  //     verify(client?.getBlockHeadTip()).called(1);
  //     // verify(priceAPI?.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: "USD")).called(2);
  //     expect(secureStore?.interactions, 6);
  //     expect(secureStore?.writes, 2);
  //     expect(secureStore?.reads, 2);
  //     expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
  //     verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
  //   });
  // });
  // tearDown(() async {
  //   await tearDownTestHive();
  // });