import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:bitbox/bitbox.dart' as bitbox; import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as btcdart; import 'package:fusiondart/fusiondart.dart' as fusion; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/db/isar/main_db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/fusion_progress_ui_state.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/fusion_tor_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip32_utils.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart'; const String kReservedFusionAddress = "reserved_fusion_address"; /// A mixin for the BitcoinCashWallet class that adds CashFusion functionality. mixin FusionWalletInterface { // Passed in wallet data. late final String _walletId; late final Coin _coin; late final MainDB _db; late final FusionTorService _torService; late final Future _mnemonic; late final Future _mnemonicPassphrase; late final btcdart.NetworkType _network; // setting values on this should notify any listeners (the GUI) FusionProgressUIState? _uiState; FusionProgressUIState get uiState { if (_uiState == null) { throw Exception("FusionProgressUIState has not been set for $_walletId"); } return _uiState!; } set uiState(FusionProgressUIState state) { if (_uiState != null) { throw Exception("FusionProgressUIState was already set for $_walletId"); } _uiState = state; } // Passed in wallet functions. late final Future
Function() _getNextUnusedChangeAddress; late final CachedElectrumX Function() _getWalletCachedElectrumX; late final Future Function({ required String address, }) _getTxCountForAddress; late final Future Function() _getChainHeight; /// Initializes the FusionWalletInterface mixin. /// /// This function must be called before any other functions in this mixin. /// /// Returns a `Future` that resolves when Tor has been started. Future initFusionInterface({ required String walletId, required Coin coin, required MainDB db, required Future
Function() getNextUnusedChangeAddress, required CachedElectrumX Function() getWalletCachedElectrumX, required Future Function({ required String address, }) getTxCountForAddress, required Future Function() getChainHeight, required Future mnemonic, required Future mnemonicPassphrase, required btcdart.NetworkType network, }) async { // Set passed in wallet data. _walletId = walletId; _coin = coin; _db = db; _getNextUnusedChangeAddress = getNextUnusedChangeAddress; _torService = FusionTorService.sharedInstance; _getWalletCachedElectrumX = getWalletCachedElectrumX; _getTxCountForAddress = getTxCountForAddress; _getChainHeight = getChainHeight; _mnemonic = mnemonic; _mnemonicPassphrase = mnemonicPassphrase; _network = network; } // callback to update the ui state object void updateStatus(fusion.FusionStatus fusionStatus) { // TODO: this // set _uiState states } /// Returns a list of all owned p2pkh addresses in the wallet. Future> getFusionAddresses() async { List
_addresses = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.p2pkh) .and() .group((q) => q .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.receiving) .or() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.change)) .findAll(); return => address.toFusionAddress()).toList(); } /// Returns a list of all transactions in the wallet for the given address. Future>> getTransactionsByAddress( String address, ) async { final txidList = await _db.getTransactions(_walletId).txidProperty().findAll(); final futures = (e) => _getWalletCachedElectrumX().getTransaction( txHash: e, coin: _coin, ), ); return await Future.wait(futures); } Future getPrivateKeyForPubKey(List pubKey) async { // can't directly query for equal lists in isar so we need to fetch // all addresses then search in dart try { final derivationPath = (await getFusionAddresses()) .firstWhere((e) => e.publicKey.toString() == pubKey.toString()) .derivationPath! .value; final node = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Node( (await _mnemonic)!, (await _mnemonicPassphrase)!, _network, derivationPath, ); return node.privateKey!; } catch (_) { throw Exception("Derivation path for pubkey=$pubKey could not be found"); } } /// Creates a new reserved change address. Future createNewReservedChangeAddress() async { // _getNextUnusedChangeAddress() grabs the latest unused change address // from the wallet. // CopyWith to mark it as a fusion reserved change address final address = (await _getNextUnusedChangeAddress()) .copyWith(otherData: kReservedFusionAddress); final _address = await _db.getAddress(_walletId, address.value); if (_address != null) { await _db.updateAddress(_address, address); } else { await _db.putAddress(address); } return address.toFusionAddress(); } /// Returns a list of unused reserved change addresses. /// /// If there are not enough unused reserved change addresses, new ones are created. Future> getUnusedReservedChangeAddresses( int numberOfAddresses, ) async { // Fetch all reserved change addresses. final List
reservedChangeAddresses = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .otherDataEqualTo(kReservedFusionAddress) .and() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.change) .findAll(); // Initialize a list of unused reserved change addresses. final List unusedAddresses = []; // check addresses for tx history for (final address in reservedChangeAddresses) { // first check in db to avoid unnecessary network calls final txCountInDB = await _db .getTransactions(_walletId) .filter() .address((q) => q.valueEqualTo(address.value)) .count(); if (txCountInDB == 0) { // double check via electrumx // _getTxCountForAddress can throw! final count = await _getTxCountForAddress(address: address.value); if (count == 0) { unusedAddresses.add(address.toFusionAddress()); } } } // If there are not enough unused reserved change addresses, create new ones. while (unusedAddresses.length < numberOfAddresses) { unusedAddresses.add(await createNewReservedChangeAddress()); } // Return the list of unused reserved change addresses. return unusedAddresses.sublist(0, numberOfAddresses); } int _torStartCount = 0; /// Returns the current Tor proxy address. Future<({InternetAddress host, int port})> getSocksProxyAddress() async { if (_torStartCount > 5) { // something is quite broken so stop trying to recursively fetch // start up tor and fetch proxy info throw Exception( "Fusion interface attempted to start tor $_torStartCount times and failed!", ); } try { final info = _torService.getProxyInfo(); // reset counter before return info; _torStartCount = 0; return info; } catch (_) { // tor is probably not running so lets fix that final torDir = await StackFileSystem.applicationTorDirectory(); _torService.init(torDataDirPath: torDir.path); // increment start attempt count _torStartCount++; await _torService.start(); // try again to fetch proxy info return await getSocksProxyAddress(); } } // Initial attempt for CashFusion integration goes here. /// Fuse the wallet's UTXOs. /// /// This function is called when the user taps the "Fuse" button in the UI. /// /// Returns: /// A `Future` that resolves when the fusion operation is finished. Future fuse() async { // Initial attempt for CashFusion integration goes here. final mainFusionObject = fusion.Fusion(fusion.FusionParams()); // Pass wallet functions to the Fusion object await mainFusionObject.initFusion( getAddresses: getFusionAddresses, getTransactionsByAddress: getTransactionsByAddress, getUnusedReservedChangeAddresses: getUnusedReservedChangeAddresses, getSocksProxyAddress: getSocksProxyAddress, getChainHeight: _getChainHeight, updateStatusCallback: updateStatus, getTransactionJson: (String txid) async => await _getWalletCachedElectrumX().getTransaction( coin: _coin, txHash: txid, ), getPrivateKeyForPubKey: getPrivateKeyForPubKey, broadcastTransaction: (String txHex) => _getWalletCachedElectrumX() .electrumXClient .broadcastTransaction(rawTx: txHex), ); // Add unfrozen stack UTXOs. final List walletUtxos = await _db .getUTXOs(_walletId) .filter() .isBlockedEqualTo(false) .and() .addressIsNotNull() .findAll(); final List coinList = []; // Loop through UTXOs, checking and adding valid ones. for (final utxo in walletUtxos) { final String addressString = utxo.address!; final List possibleAddresses = [addressString]; if (bitbox.Address.detectFormat(addressString) == bitbox.Address.formatCashAddr) { possibleAddresses.add(bitbox.Address.toLegacyAddress(addressString)); } else { possibleAddresses.add(bitbox.Address.toCashAddress(addressString)); } // Fetch address to get pubkey final addr = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .anyOf>( possibleAddresses, (q, e) => q.valueEqualTo(e)) .and() .group((q) => q .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.change) .or() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.receiving)) .and() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.p2pkh) .findFirst(); // depending on the address type in the query above this can be null if (addr == null) { // A utxo object should always have a non null address. // If non found then just ignore the UTXO (aka don't fuse it) Logging.instance.log( "Ignoring utxo=$utxo for address=\"$addressString\" while selecting UTXOs for Fusion", level: LogLevel.Info, ); continue; } final dto = fusion.UtxoDTO( txid: utxo.txid, vout: utxo.vout, value: utxo.value, address: utxo.address!, pubKey: addr.publicKey, ); // Add UTXO to coinList. coinList.add(dto); } // Fuse UTXOs. return await mainFusionObject.fuse( inputsFromWallet: coinList, network: _coin.isTestNet ? fusion.Utilities.testNet : fusion.Utilities.mainNet, ); } Future refreshFusion() { // TODO throw UnimplementedError( "TODO refreshFusion eg look up number of fusion participants connected/coordinating"); } } /// An extension of Stack Wallet's Address class that adds CashFusion functionality. extension FusionAddress on Address { fusion.Address toFusionAddress() { if (derivationPath == null) { // throw Exception("Fusion Addresses require a derivation path"); // TODO calculate a derivation path if it is null. } final bool fusionReserved = otherData == kReservedFusionAddress; return fusion.Address( address: value, publicKey: publicKey, fusionReserved: fusionReserved, derivationPath: fusion.DerivationPath( derivationPath?.value ?? "", // TODO fix null derivation path. ), ); } }