import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/models.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/epiccash/epiccash_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/transaction_notification_tracker.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart'; abstract class CoinServiceAPI { CoinServiceAPI(); factory CoinServiceAPI.from( Coin coin, String walletId, String walletName, NodeModel node, TransactionNotificationTracker tracker, Prefs prefs, List<NodeModel> failovers, ) { final electrumxNode = ElectrumXNode( address:, port: node.port, name:, id:, useSSL: node.useSSL, ); final client = ElectrumX.from( node: electrumxNode, failovers: failovers .map((e) => ElectrumXNode( address:, port: e.port, name:, id:, useSSL: e.useSSL, )) .toList(), prefs: prefs, ); final cachedClient = CachedElectrumX.from( node: electrumxNode, failovers: failovers .map((e) => ElectrumXNode( address:, port: e.port, name:, id:, useSSL: e.useSSL, )) .toList(), prefs: prefs, ); switch (coin) { case Coin.firo: return FiroWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, client: client, cachedClient: cachedClient, tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.firoTestNet: return FiroWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, client: client, cachedClient: cachedClient, tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.bitcoin: return BitcoinWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, client: client, cachedClient: cachedClient, tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.bitcoinTestNet: return BitcoinWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, client: client, cachedClient: cachedClient, tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.dogecoin: return DogecoinWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, client: client, cachedClient: cachedClient, tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.epicCash: return EpicCashWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, // tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.monero: return MoneroWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, // tracker: tracker, ); case Coin.dogecoinTestNet: return DogecoinWallet( walletId: walletId, walletName: walletName, coin: coin, client: client, cachedClient: cachedClient, tracker: tracker, ); } } Coin get coin; bool get isRefreshing; bool get shouldAutoSync; set shouldAutoSync(bool shouldAutoSync); bool get isFavorite; set isFavorite(bool markFavorite); Future<Map<String, dynamic>> prepareSend({ required String address, required int satoshiAmount, Map<String, dynamic>? args, }); Future<String> confirmSend({required Map<String, dynamic> txData}); /// create and submit tx to network /// /// Returns the txid of the sent tx /// will throw exceptions on failure Future<String> send( {required String toAddress, required int amount, Map<String, String> args}); Future<FeeObject> get fees; Future<int> get maxFee; Future<String> get currentReceivingAddress; // Future<String> get currentLegacyReceivingAddress; Future<Decimal> get availableBalance; Future<Decimal> get pendingBalance; Future<Decimal> get totalBalance; Future<Decimal> get balanceMinusMaxFee; Future<List<String>> get allOwnAddresses; Future<TransactionData> get transactionData; Future<List<UtxoObject>> get unspentOutputs; Future<void> refresh(); Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh); // setter for updating on rename set walletName(String newName); String get walletName; String get walletId; bool validateAddress(String address); Future<List<String>> get mnemonic; Future<bool> testNetworkConnection(); Future<void> recoverFromMnemonic({ required String mnemonic, required int maxUnusedAddressGap, required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck, required int height, }); Future<void> initializeNew(); Future<void> initializeExisting(); Future<void> exit(); bool get hasCalledExit; Future<void> fullRescan( int maxUnusedAddressGap, int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck); void Function(bool isActive)? onIsActiveWalletChanged; bool get isConnected; Future<int> estimateFeeFor(int satoshiAmount, int feeRate); Future<bool> generateNewAddress(); }