/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/db/hive/db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/electrumx/no_such_transaction.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/response_objects/trade.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/notification_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/exchange_response.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/notifications_api.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/trade_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/electrumx_interface.dart'; import 'exchange/exchange.dart'; class NotificationsService extends ChangeNotifier { late NodeService nodeService; late TradesService tradesService; late Prefs prefs; NotificationsService._(); static final NotificationsService _instance = NotificationsService._(); static NotificationsService get instance => _instance; Future init({ required NodeService nodeService, required TradesService tradesService, required Prefs prefs, }) async { this.nodeService = nodeService; this.tradesService = tradesService; this.prefs = prefs; } // watched transactions List get _watchedTransactionNotifications { return DB.instance .values(boxName: DB.boxNameWatchedTransactions); } Future _addWatchedTxNotification(NotificationModel notification) async { await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameWatchedTransactions, key: notification.id, value: notification); } Future _deleteWatchedTxNotification( NotificationModel notification) async { await DB.instance.delete( boxName: DB.boxNameWatchedTransactions, key: notification.id); } // watched trades List get _watchedChangeNowTradeNotifications { return DB.instance .values(boxName: DB.boxNameWatchedTrades); } Future _addWatchedTradeNotification( NotificationModel notification) async { await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameWatchedTrades, key: notification.id, value: notification); } Future _deleteWatchedTradeNotification( NotificationModel notification) async { await DB.instance.delete( boxName: DB.boxNameWatchedTrades, key: notification.id); } static Timer? _timer; // todo: change this number? static Duration notificationRefreshInterval = const Duration(seconds: 60); void startCheckingWatchedNotifications() { stopCheckingWatchedTransactions(); _timer = Timer.periodic(notificationRefreshInterval, (_) { Logging.instance .log("Periodic notifications update check", level: LogLevel.Info); if (prefs.externalCalls) { _checkTrades(); } _checkTransactions(); }); } void stopCheckingWatchedTransactions() { _timer?.cancel(); _timer = null; } @override void dispose() { stopCheckingWatchedTransactions(); super.dispose(); } void _checkTransactions() async { for (final notification in _watchedTransactionNotifications) { try { final Coin coin = coinFromPrettyName(notification.coinName); final txid = notification.txid!; final wallet = Wallets.sharedInstance.getWallet(notification.walletId); final node = nodeService.getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin); if (node != null) { if (wallet is ElectrumXInterface) { final eNode = ElectrumXNode( address: node.host, port: node.port, name: node.name, id: node.id, useSSL: node.useSSL, ); final failovers = nodeService .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin) .map((e) => ElectrumXNode( address: e.host, port: e.port, name: e.name, id: e.id, useSSL: e.useSSL, )) .toList(); final client = ElectrumXClient.from( node: eNode, failovers: failovers, prefs: prefs, ); final tx = await client.getTransaction(txHash: txid); int confirmations = tx["confirmations"] as int? ?? 0; bool shouldWatchForUpdates = true; // check if the number of confirmations is greater than the number // required by the wallet to count the tx as confirmed and update the // flag on whether this notification should still be monitored if (confirmations >= wallet.cryptoCurrency.minConfirms) { shouldWatchForUpdates = false; confirmations = wallet.cryptoCurrency.minConfirms; } // grab confirms string to compare final String newConfirms = "($confirmations/${wallet.cryptoCurrency.minConfirms})"; final String oldConfirms = notification.title .substring(notification.title.lastIndexOf("(")); // only update if they don't match if (oldConfirms != newConfirms) { final String newTitle = notification.title.replaceFirst(oldConfirms, newConfirms); final updatedNotification = notification.copyWith( title: newTitle, shouldWatchForUpdates: shouldWatchForUpdates, ); // remove from watch list if shouldWatchForUpdates was changed if (!shouldWatchForUpdates) { await _deleteWatchedTxNotification(notification); } // replaces the current notification with the updated one await add(updatedNotification, true); } } else { // TODO: check non electrumx coins } } } on NoSuchTransactionException catch (e, s) { await _deleteWatchedTxNotification(notification); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); } } } void _checkTrades() async { for (final notification in _watchedChangeNowTradeNotifications) { final id = notification.changeNowId!; final trades = tradesService.trades.where((element) => element.tradeId == id); if (trades.isEmpty) { return; } final oldTrade = trades.first; late final ExchangeResponse response; try { final exchange = Exchange.fromName(oldTrade.exchangeName); response = await exchange.updateTrade(oldTrade); } catch (_) { return; } if (response.value == null) { return; } final trade = response.value!; // only update if status has changed if (trade.status != notification.title) { bool shouldWatchForUpdates = true; // TODO: make sure we set shouldWatchForUpdates to correct value here switch (trade.status) { case "Refunded": case "refunded": case "Failed": case "failed": case "closed": case "expired": case "Finished": case "finished": case "Completed": case "completed": case "Not found": shouldWatchForUpdates = false; break; default: shouldWatchForUpdates = true; } final updatedNotification = notification.copyWith( title: trade.status, shouldWatchForUpdates: shouldWatchForUpdates, ); // remove from watch list if shouldWatchForUpdates was changed if (!shouldWatchForUpdates) { await _deleteWatchedTradeNotification(notification); } // replaces the current notification with the updated one unawaited(add(updatedNotification, true)); // update the trade in db // over write trade stored in db with updated version await tradesService.edit(trade: trade, shouldNotifyListeners: true); } } } bool get hasUnreadNotifications { // final count = (_unreadCountBox.get("count") ?? 0) > 0; // debugPrint("NOTIF_COUNT: ${_unreadCountBox.get("count")}"); return DB.instance .values(boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications) .where((element) => element.read == false) .isNotEmpty; // return count; } bool hasUnreadNotificationsFor(String walletId) { return DB.instance .values(boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications) .where( (element) => element.read == false && element.walletId == walletId) .isNotEmpty; } List get notifications { final list = DB.instance .values(boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications) .toList(growable: false) .reversed .toList(growable: false); return list; } Future add( NotificationModel notification, bool shouldNotifyListeners, ) async { await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications, key: notification.id, value: notification, ); if (notification.shouldWatchForUpdates) { if (notification.txid != null) { _addWatchedTxNotification(notification); } if (notification.changeNowId != null) { _addWatchedTradeNotification(notification); } } if (shouldNotifyListeners) { notifyListeners(); } } Future delete( NotificationModel notification, bool shouldNotifyListeners, ) async { await DB.instance.delete( boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications, key: notification.id); await _deleteWatchedTradeNotification(notification); await _deleteWatchedTxNotification(notification); if (shouldNotifyListeners) { notifyListeners(); } } Future markAsRead(int id, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async { final model = DB.instance .get(boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications, key: id)!; await DB.instance.put( boxName: DB.boxNameNotifications, key: model.id, value: model.copyWith(read: true), ); NotificationApi.clearNotification(id); if (shouldNotifyListeners) { notifyListeners(); } } }