/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/change_now/exchange_transaction.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/response_objects/estimate.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/response_objects/range.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/response_objects/trade.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/exchange_cache/currency.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/exchange_cache/pair.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/change_now/change_now_api.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/exchange.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/exchange_response.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; class ChangeNowExchange extends Exchange { ChangeNowExchange._(); static ChangeNowExchange? _instance; static ChangeNowExchange get instance => _instance ??= ChangeNowExchange._(); static const exchangeName = "ChangeNOW"; @override String get name => exchangeName; @override Future<ExchangeResponse<Trade>> createTrade({ required String from, required String to, required bool fixedRate, required Decimal amount, required String addressTo, String? extraId, required String addressRefund, required String refundExtraId, Estimate? estimate, required bool reversed, }) async { late final ExchangeResponse<ExchangeTransaction> response; if (fixedRate) { response = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.createFixedRateExchangeTransaction( fromTicker: from, toTicker: to, receivingAddress: addressTo, amount: amount, rateId: estimate!.rateId!, extraId: extraId ?? "", refundAddress: addressRefund, refundExtraId: refundExtraId, reversed: reversed, ); } else { response = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.createStandardExchangeTransaction( fromTicker: from, toTicker: to, receivingAddress: addressTo, amount: amount, extraId: extraId ?? "", refundAddress: addressRefund, refundExtraId: refundExtraId, ); } if (response.exception != null) { return ExchangeResponse(exception: response.exception); } final statusResponse = await ChangeNowAPI.instance .getTransactionStatus(id: response.value!.id); if (statusResponse.exception != null) { return ExchangeResponse(exception: statusResponse.exception); } return ExchangeResponse( value: Trade.fromExchangeTransaction( response.value!.copyWith( statusObject: statusResponse.value!, ), reversed, ), ); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<List<Currency>>> getAllCurrencies( bool fixedRate, ) async { return await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getCurrenciesV2(); // return await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getAvailableCurrencies( // fixedRate: fixedRate ? true : null, // active: true, // ); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<List<Currency>>> getPairedCurrencies( String forCurrency, bool fixedRate, ) async { return await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getPairedCurrencies( ticker: forCurrency, fixedRate: fixedRate, ); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<List<Pair>>> getAllPairs(bool fixedRate) async { if (fixedRate) { final markets = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getAvailableFixedRateMarkets(); if (markets.value == null) { return ExchangeResponse(exception: markets.exception); } final List<Pair> pairs = []; for (final market in markets.value!) { pairs.add( Pair( exchangeName: ChangeNowExchange.exchangeName, from: market.from, to: market.to, rateType: SupportedRateType.fixed, ), ); } return ExchangeResponse(value: pairs); } else { return await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getAvailableFloatingRatePairs(); } } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<List<Estimate>>> getEstimates( String from, String to, Decimal amount, bool fixedRate, bool reversed, ) async { late final ExchangeResponse<Estimate> response; if (fixedRate) { response = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getEstimatedExchangeAmountFixedRate( fromTicker: from, toTicker: to, fromAmount: amount, reversed: reversed, ); } else { response = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getEstimatedExchangeAmount( fromTicker: from, toTicker: to, fromAmount: amount, ); } return ExchangeResponse( value: response.value == null ? null : [response.value!], exception: response.exception, ); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<Range>> getRange( String from, String to, bool fixedRate, ) async { return await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getRange( fromTicker: from, toTicker: to, isFixedRate: fixedRate, ); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<List<Pair>>> getPairsFor( String currency, bool fixedRate, ) async { // TODO: implement getPairsFor throw UnimplementedError(); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<Trade>> getTrade(String tradeId) async { final response = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getTransactionStatus(id: tradeId); if (response.exception != null) { return ExchangeResponse(exception: response.exception); } final t = response.value!; final timestamp = DateTime.tryParse(t.createdAt) ?? DateTime.now(); final trade = Trade( uuid: const Uuid().v1(), tradeId: tradeId, rateType: "", direction: "", timestamp: timestamp, updatedAt: DateTime.tryParse(t.updatedAt) ?? timestamp, payInCurrency: t.fromCurrency, payInAmount: t.expectedSendAmountDecimal, payInAddress: t.payinAddress, payInNetwork: "", payInExtraId: t.payinExtraId, payInTxid: t.payinHash, payOutCurrency: t.toCurrency, payOutAmount: t.expectedReceiveAmountDecimal, payOutAddress: t.payoutAddress, payOutNetwork: "", payOutExtraId: t.payoutExtraId, payOutTxid: t.payoutHash, refundAddress: t.refundAddress, refundExtraId: t.refundExtraId, status: t.status.name, exchangeName: ChangeNowExchange.exchangeName, ); return ExchangeResponse(value: trade); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<Trade>> updateTrade(Trade trade) async { final response = await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getTransactionStatus(id: trade.tradeId); if (response.exception != null) { return ExchangeResponse(exception: response.exception); } final t = response.value!; final timestamp = DateTime.tryParse(t.createdAt) ?? DateTime.now(); final _trade = Trade( uuid: trade.uuid, tradeId: trade.tradeId, rateType: trade.rateType, direction: trade.direction, timestamp: timestamp, updatedAt: DateTime.tryParse(t.updatedAt) ?? timestamp, payInCurrency: t.fromCurrency, payInAmount: t.amountSendDecimal.isEmpty ? t.expectedSendAmountDecimal : t.amountSendDecimal, payInAddress: t.payinAddress, payInNetwork: trade.payInNetwork, payInExtraId: t.payinExtraId, payInTxid: t.payinHash, payOutCurrency: t.toCurrency, payOutAmount: t.amountReceiveDecimal.isEmpty ? t.expectedReceiveAmountDecimal : t.amountReceiveDecimal, payOutAddress: t.payoutAddress, payOutNetwork: trade.payOutNetwork, payOutExtraId: t.payoutExtraId, payOutTxid: t.payoutHash, refundAddress: t.refundAddress, refundExtraId: t.refundExtraId, status: t.status.name, exchangeName: ChangeNowExchange.exchangeName, ); return ExchangeResponse(value: _trade); } @override Future<ExchangeResponse<List<Trade>>> getTrades() async { // TODO: implement getTrades throw UnimplementedError(); } // ChangeNow does not support Tor. // // This code isn't required because the Exchange abstract class has a // default implementation that returns false. This serves as an example and // reminder in case ChangeNow files are copied to create a new exchange (or // if ChangeNow ever supports Tor). /* @override bool get supportsTor => true; */ }