// Mocks generated by Mockito 5.3.2 from annotations // in stackwallet/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.dart. // Do not manually edit this file. // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes import 'dart:async' as _i6; import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart' as _i2; import 'package:http/http.dart' as _i4; import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart' as _i7; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart' as _i5; import 'package:stackwallet/services/price.dart' as _i9; import 'package:stackwallet/services/transaction_notification_tracker.dart' as _i11; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart' as _i8; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart' as _i3; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart' as _i10; // ignore_for_file: type=lint // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values // ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters // ignore_for_file: comment_references // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member // ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class class _FakeDecimal_0 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Decimal { _FakeDecimal_0( Object parent, Invocation parentInvocation, ) : super( parent, parentInvocation, ); } class _FakePrefs_1 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i3.Prefs { _FakePrefs_1( Object parent, Invocation parentInvocation, ) : super( parent, parentInvocation, ); } class _FakeClient_2 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i4.Client { _FakeClient_2( Object parent, Invocation parentInvocation, ) : super( parent, parentInvocation, ); } /// A class which mocks [ElectrumX]. /// /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. class MockElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i5.ElectrumX { MockElectrumX() { _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); } @override set failovers(List<_i5.ElectrumXNode>? _failovers) => super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.setter( #failovers, _failovers, ), returnValueForMissingStub: null, ); @override int get currentFailoverIndex => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#currentFailoverIndex), returnValue: 0, ) as int); @override set currentFailoverIndex(int? _currentFailoverIndex) => super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.setter( #currentFailoverIndex, _currentFailoverIndex, ), returnValueForMissingStub: null, ); @override String get host => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#host), returnValue: '', ) as String); @override int get port => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#port), returnValue: 0, ) as int); @override bool get useSSL => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#useSSL), returnValue: false, ) as bool); @override _i6.Future request({ required String? command, List? args = const [], Duration? connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 60), String? requestID, int? retries = 2, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #request, [], { #command: command, #args: args, #connectionTimeout: connectionTimeout, #requestID: requestID, #retries: retries, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(), ) as _i6.Future); @override _i6.Future>> batchRequest({ required String? command, required Map>? args, Duration? connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 60), int? retries = 2, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #batchRequest, [], { #command: command, #args: args, #connectionTimeout: connectionTimeout, #retries: retries, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>>.value( >[]), ) as _i6.Future>>); @override _i6.Future ping({ String? requestID, int? retryCount = 1, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #ping, [], { #requestID: requestID, #retryCount: retryCount, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(false), ) as _i6.Future); @override _i6.Future> getBlockHeadTip({String? requestID}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getBlockHeadTip, [], {#requestID: requestID}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future> getServerFeatures({String? requestID}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getServerFeatures, [], {#requestID: requestID}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future broadcastTransaction({ required String? rawTx, String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #broadcastTransaction, [], { #rawTx: rawTx, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(''), ) as _i6.Future); @override _i6.Future> getBalance({ required String? scripthash, String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getBalance, [], { #scripthash: scripthash, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future>> getHistory({ required String? scripthash, String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getHistory, [], { #scripthash: scripthash, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>>.value( >[]), ) as _i6.Future>>); @override _i6.Future>>> getBatchHistory( {required Map>? args}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getBatchHistory, [], {#args: args}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>>>.value( >>{}), ) as _i6.Future>>>); @override _i6.Future>> getUTXOs({ required String? scripthash, String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getUTXOs, [], { #scripthash: scripthash, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>>.value( >[]), ) as _i6.Future>>); @override _i6.Future>>> getBatchUTXOs( {required Map>? args}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getBatchUTXOs, [], {#args: args}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>>>.value( >>{}), ) as _i6.Future>>>); @override _i6.Future> getTransaction({ required String? txHash, bool? verbose = true, String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getTransaction, [], { #txHash: txHash, #verbose: verbose, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future> getAnonymitySet({ String? groupId = r'1', String? blockhash = r'', String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getAnonymitySet, [], { #groupId: groupId, #blockhash: blockhash, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future getMintData({ dynamic mints, String? requestID, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getMintData, [], { #mints: mints, #requestID: requestID, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(), ) as _i6.Future); @override _i6.Future> getUsedCoinSerials({ String? requestID, required int? startNumber, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getUsedCoinSerials, [], { #requestID: requestID, #startNumber: startNumber, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future getLatestCoinId({String? requestID}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getLatestCoinId, [], {#requestID: requestID}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(0), ) as _i6.Future); @override _i6.Future> getFeeRate({String? requestID}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getFeeRate, [], {#requestID: requestID}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future<_i2.Decimal> estimateFee({ String? requestID, required int? blocks, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #estimateFee, [], { #requestID: requestID, #blocks: blocks, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future<_i2.Decimal>.value(_FakeDecimal_0( this, Invocation.method( #estimateFee, [], { #requestID: requestID, #blocks: blocks, }, ), )), ) as _i6.Future<_i2.Decimal>); @override _i6.Future<_i2.Decimal> relayFee({String? requestID}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #relayFee, [], {#requestID: requestID}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future<_i2.Decimal>.value(_FakeDecimal_0( this, Invocation.method( #relayFee, [], {#requestID: requestID}, ), )), ) as _i6.Future<_i2.Decimal>); } /// A class which mocks [CachedElectrumX]. /// /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CachedElectrumX { MockCachedElectrumX() { _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); } @override String get server => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#server), returnValue: '', ) as String); @override int get port => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#port), returnValue: 0, ) as int); @override bool get useSSL => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#useSSL), returnValue: false, ) as bool); @override _i3.Prefs get prefs => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#prefs), returnValue: _FakePrefs_1( this, Invocation.getter(#prefs), ), ) as _i3.Prefs); @override List<_i5.ElectrumXNode> get failovers => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#failovers), returnValue: <_i5.ElectrumXNode>[], ) as List<_i5.ElectrumXNode>); @override _i6.Future> getAnonymitySet({ required String? groupId, String? blockhash = r'', required _i8.Coin? coin, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getAnonymitySet, [], { #groupId: groupId, #blockhash: blockhash, #coin: coin, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future> getTransaction({ required String? txHash, required _i8.Coin? coin, bool? verbose = true, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getTransaction, [], { #txHash: txHash, #coin: coin, #verbose: verbose, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value({}), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future> getUsedCoinSerials({ required _i8.Coin? coin, int? startNumber = 0, }) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getUsedCoinSerials, [], { #coin: coin, #startNumber: startNumber, }, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>.value([]), ) as _i6.Future>); @override _i6.Future clearSharedTransactionCache({required _i8.Coin? coin}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #clearSharedTransactionCache, [], {#coin: coin}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(), returnValueForMissingStub: _i6.Future.value(), ) as _i6.Future); } /// A class which mocks [PriceAPI]. /// /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. class MockPriceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i9.PriceAPI { MockPriceAPI() { _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); } @override _i4.Client get client => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#client), returnValue: _FakeClient_2( this, Invocation.getter(#client), ), ) as _i4.Client); @override void resetLastCalledToForceNextCallToUpdateCache() => super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #resetLastCalledToForceNextCallToUpdateCache, [], ), returnValueForMissingStub: null, ); @override _i6.Future< Map<_i8.Coin, _i10.Tuple2<_i2.Decimal, double>>> getPricesAnd24hChange( {required String? baseCurrency}) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #getPricesAnd24hChange, [], {#baseCurrency: baseCurrency}, ), returnValue: _i6.Future>>.value( <_i8.Coin, _i10.Tuple2<_i2.Decimal, double>>{}), ) as _i6.Future>>); } /// A class which mocks [TransactionNotificationTracker]. /// /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. class MockTransactionNotificationTracker extends _i1.Mock implements _i11.TransactionNotificationTracker { MockTransactionNotificationTracker() { _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); } @override String get walletId => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#walletId), returnValue: '', ) as String); @override List get pendings => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#pendings), returnValue: [], ) as List); @override List get confirmeds => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.getter(#confirmeds), returnValue: [], ) as List); @override bool wasNotifiedPending(String? txid) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #wasNotifiedPending, [txid], ), returnValue: false, ) as bool); @override _i6.Future addNotifiedPending(String? txid) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #addNotifiedPending, [txid], ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(), returnValueForMissingStub: _i6.Future.value(), ) as _i6.Future); @override bool wasNotifiedConfirmed(String? txid) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #wasNotifiedConfirmed, [txid], ), returnValue: false, ) as bool); @override _i6.Future addNotifiedConfirmed(String? txid) => (super.noSuchMethod( Invocation.method( #addNotifiedConfirmed, [txid], ), returnValue: _i6.Future.value(), returnValueForMissingStub: _i6.Future.value(), ) as _i6.Future); }