import 'package:coinlib_flutter/coinlib_flutter.dart' as coinlib; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import '../../../models/node_model.dart'; import '../../../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../../../utilities/default_nodes.dart'; import '../../../utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart'; import '../crypto_currency.dart'; import '../interfaces/electrumx_currency_interface.dart'; import '../interfaces/paynym_currency_interface.dart'; import '../intermediate/bip39_hd_currency.dart'; class Bitcoin extends Bip39HDCurrency with ElectrumXCurrencyInterface, PaynymCurrencyInterface { Bitcoin( { _idMain = "bitcoin"; _uriScheme = "bitcoin"; switch (network) { case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main: _id = _idMain; _name = "Bitcoin"; _ticker = "BTC"; case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test: _id = "bitcoinTestNet"; _name = "tBitcoin"; _ticker = "tBTC"; case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test4: _id = "bitcoinTestNet4"; _name = "t4Bitcoin"; _ticker = "t4BTC"; default: throw Exception("Unsupported network: $network"); } } late final String _id; @override String get identifier => _id; late final String _idMain; @override String get mainNetId => _idMain; late final String _name; @override String get prettyName => _name; late final String _uriScheme; @override String get uriScheme => _uriScheme; late final String _ticker; @override String get ticker => _ticker; @override // change this to change the number of confirms a tx needs in order to show as confirmed int get minConfirms => 1; @override bool get torSupport => true; @override List get supportedDerivationPathTypes => [ DerivePathType.bip44, DerivePathType.bip49, DerivePathType.bip84, DerivePathType.bip86, // P2TR. ]; @override String get genesisHash { switch (network) { case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main: return "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"; case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test: return "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943"; case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test4: return "00000000da84f2bafbbc53dee25a72ae507ff4914b867c565be350b0da8bf043"; default: throw Exception("Unsupported network: $network"); } } @override Amount get dustLimit => Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(294), fractionDigits: fractionDigits, ); @override coinlib.Network get networkParams { switch (network) { case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main: return coinlib.Network( wifPrefix: 0x80, p2pkhPrefix: 0x00, p2shPrefix: 0x05, privHDPrefix: 0x0488ade4, pubHDPrefix: 0x0488b21e, bech32Hrp: "bc", messagePrefix: '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n', minFee: BigInt.from(1), // Not used in stack wallet currently minOutput: dustLimit.raw, // Not used in stack wallet currently feePerKb: BigInt.from(1), // Not used in stack wallet currently ); case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test: case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test4: return coinlib.Network( wifPrefix: 0xef, p2pkhPrefix: 0x6f, p2shPrefix: 0xc4, privHDPrefix: 0x04358394, pubHDPrefix: 0x043587cf, bech32Hrp: "tb", messagePrefix: "\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n", minFee: BigInt.from(1), // Not used in stack wallet currently minOutput: dustLimit.raw, // Not used in stack wallet currently feePerKb: BigInt.from(1), // Not used in stack wallet currently ); default: throw Exception("Unsupported network: $network"); } } @override String constructDerivePath({ required DerivePathType derivePathType, int account = 0, required int chain, required int index, }) { String coinType; switch (networkParams.wifPrefix) { case 0x80: coinType = "0"; // btc mainnet break; case 0xef: coinType = "1"; // btc testnet break; default: throw Exception("Invalid Bitcoin network wif used!"); } final int purpose; switch (derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: purpose = 44; break; case DerivePathType.bip49: purpose = 49; break; case DerivePathType.bip84: purpose = 84; break; case DerivePathType.bip86: purpose = 86; break; default: throw Exception("DerivePathType $derivePathType not supported"); } return "m/$purpose'/$coinType'/$account'/$chain/$index"; } @override ({coinlib.Address address, AddressType addressType}) getAddressForPublicKey({ required coinlib.ECPublicKey publicKey, required DerivePathType derivePathType, }) { switch (derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: final addr = coinlib.P2PKHAddress.fromPublicKey( publicKey, version: networkParams.p2pkhPrefix, ); return (address: addr, addressType: AddressType.p2pkh); // TODO: [prio=high] verify this works similarly to bitcoindart's p2sh or something(!!) case DerivePathType.bip49: final p2wpkhScript = coinlib.P2WPKHAddress.fromPublicKey( publicKey, hrp: networkParams.bech32Hrp, ).program.script; final addr = coinlib.P2SHAddress.fromRedeemScript( p2wpkhScript, version: networkParams.p2shPrefix, ); return (address: addr, addressType: AddressType.p2sh); case DerivePathType.bip84: final addr = coinlib.P2WPKHAddress.fromPublicKey( publicKey, hrp: networkParams.bech32Hrp, ); return (address: addr, addressType: AddressType.p2wpkh); case DerivePathType.bip86: final taproot = coinlib.Taproot(internalKey: publicKey); final addr = coinlib.P2TRAddress.fromTaproot( taproot, hrp: networkParams.bech32Hrp, ); return (address: addr, addressType: AddressType.p2tr); default: throw Exception("DerivePathType $derivePathType not supported"); } } @override bool validateAddress(String address) { try { coinlib.Address.fromString(address, networkParams); return true; } catch (_) { return false; } } @override NodeModel get defaultNode { switch (network) { case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main: return NodeModel( host: "", port: 50002, name: DefaultNodes.defaultName, id: DefaultNodes.buildId(this), useSSL: true, enabled: true, coinName: identifier, isFailover: true, isDown: false, torEnabled: true, plainEnabled: true, ); case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test: return NodeModel( host: "", port: 51002, name: DefaultNodes.defaultName, id: DefaultNodes.buildId(this), useSSL: true, enabled: true, coinName: identifier, isFailover: true, isDown: false, torEnabled: true, plainEnabled: true, ); case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test4: return NodeModel( host: "", port: 50002, name: DefaultNodes.defaultName, id: DefaultNodes.buildId(this), useSSL: true, enabled: true, coinName: identifier, isFailover: true, isDown: false, torEnabled: true, plainEnabled: true, ); default: throw UnimplementedError(); } } @override int get defaultSeedPhraseLength => 12; @override int get fractionDigits => 8; @override bool get hasBuySupport => true; @override bool get hasMnemonicPassphraseSupport => true; @override List get possibleMnemonicLengths => [defaultSeedPhraseLength, 24]; @override AddressType get defaultAddressType => defaultDerivePathType.getAddressType(); @override BigInt get satsPerCoin => BigInt.from(100000000); @override int get targetBlockTimeSeconds => 600; @override DerivePathType get defaultDerivePathType => DerivePathType.bip86; @override Uri defaultBlockExplorer(String txid) { switch (network) { case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main: return Uri.parse("$txid"); case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test: return Uri.parse("$txid"); case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test4: return Uri.parse("$txid"); default: throw Exception( "Unsupported network for defaultBlockExplorer(): $network", ); } } @override int get transactionVersion => 1; @override BigInt get defaultFeeRate => BigInt.from(1000); // }