import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/providers/exchange/changenow_initial_load_status.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/cfcolors.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_loading_overlay.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart'; class ExchangeLoadingOverlayView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget { const ExchangeLoadingOverlayView({ Key? key, required this.unawaitedLoad, }) : super(key: key); final VoidCallback unawaitedLoad; @override ConsumerState createState() => _ExchangeLoadingOverlayViewState(); } class _ExchangeLoadingOverlayViewState extends ConsumerState { late ChangeNowLoadStatus _statusEst; late ChangeNowLoadStatus _statusFixed; bool userReloaded = false; @override void initState() { _statusEst =; _statusFixed =; super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType"); ref.listen( changeNowEstimatedInitialLoadStatusStateProvider .select((value) => value), (previous, next) { if (next is ChangeNowLoadStatus) { setState(() { _statusEst = next; }); } }); ref.listen( => value), (previous, next) { if (next is ChangeNowLoadStatus) { setState(() { _statusFixed = next; }); } }); return Stack( children: [ if (_statusEst == ChangeNowLoadStatus.loading || (_statusFixed == ChangeNowLoadStatus.loading && userReloaded)) Container( color: CFColors.stackAccent.withOpacity(0.7), child: const CustomLoadingOverlay( message: "Loading ChangeNOW data", eventBus: null), ), if ((_statusEst == ChangeNowLoadStatus.failed || _statusFixed == ChangeNowLoadStatus.failed) && _statusEst != ChangeNowLoadStatus.loading && _statusFixed != ChangeNowLoadStatus.loading) Container( color: CFColors.stackAccent.withOpacity(0.7), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ StackDialog( title: "Failed to fetch ChangeNow data", message: "ChangeNOW requires a working internet connection. Tap OK to try fetching again.", rightButton: TextButton( child: Text( "OK", style: STextStyles.button .copyWith(color: CFColors.stackAccent), ), onPressed: () { userReloaded = true; widget.unawaitedLoad(); }, ), ), ], ), ), ], ); } }