import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:pointycastle/ecc/api.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/cashfusion/util.dart'; ECDomainParameters getDefaultParams() { return ECDomainParameters("secp256k1"); } class NullPointError implements Exception { String errMsg() => 'NullPointError: Either Hpoint or HGpoint is null.'; } class NonceRangeError implements Exception { final String message; NonceRangeError( [this.message = "Nonce value must be in the range 0 < nonce < order"]); String toString() => "NonceRangeError: $message"; } class ResultAtInfinity implements Exception { final String message; ResultAtInfinity([this.message = "Result is at infinity"]); String toString() => "ResultAtInfinity: $message"; } class InsecureHPoint implements Exception { final String message; InsecureHPoint( [this.message = "The H point has a known discrete logarithm, which means the commitment setup is broken"]); String toString() => "InsecureHPoint: $message"; } class PedersenSetup { late ECPoint _H; late ECPoint _HG; late ECDomainParameters _params; ECDomainParameters get params => _params; PedersenSetup(this._H) { _params = new ECDomainParameters("secp256k1"); // validate H point if (!Util.isPointOnCurve(_H, _params.curve)) { throw Exception('H is not a valid point on the curve'); } _HG = Util.combinePubKeys([_H, _params.G]); } Uint8List get H => _H.getEncoded(false); Uint8List get HG => _HG.getEncoded(false); Commitment commit(BigInt amount, {BigInt? nonce, Uint8List? PUncompressed}) { return Commitment(this, amount, nonce: nonce, PUncompressed: PUncompressed); } } class Commitment { late PedersenSetup setup; // Added setup property to Commitment class late BigInt amountMod; late BigInt nonce; late Uint8List PUncompressed; Commitment(this.setup, BigInt amount, {BigInt? nonce, Uint8List? PUncompressed}) { this.nonce = nonce ?? Util.secureRandomBigInt(setup.params.n.bitLength); amountMod = amount % setup.params.n; if (this.nonce <= || this.nonce >= setup.params.n) { throw NonceRangeError(); } ECPoint? Hpoint = setup._H; ECPoint? HGpoint = setup._HG; if (Hpoint == null || HGpoint == null) { throw NullPointError(); } BigInt multiplier1 = (amountMod - this.nonce) % setup.params.n; BigInt multiplier2 = this.nonce; ECPoint? HpointMultiplied = Hpoint * multiplier1; ECPoint? HGpointMultiplied = HGpoint * multiplier2; ECPoint? Ppoint = HpointMultiplied != null && HGpointMultiplied != null ? HpointMultiplied + HGpointMultiplied : null; if (Ppoint == setup.params.curve.infinity) { throw ResultAtInfinity(); } this.PUncompressed = PUncompressed ?? Ppoint?.getEncoded(false) ?? Uint8List(0); } void calcInitial(PedersenSetup setup, BigInt amount) { amountMod = amount % setup.params.n; nonce = Util.secureRandomBigInt(setup.params.n.bitLength); ECPoint? Hpoint = setup._H; ECPoint? HGpoint = setup._HG; if (nonce <= || nonce >= setup.params.n) { throw NonceRangeError(); } if (Hpoint == null || HGpoint == null) { throw NullPointError(); } BigInt multiplier1 = amountMod; BigInt multiplier2 = nonce; ECPoint? HpointMultiplied = Hpoint * multiplier1; ECPoint? HGpointMultiplied = HGpoint * multiplier2; ECPoint? Ppoint = HpointMultiplied != null && HGpointMultiplied != null ? HpointMultiplied + HGpointMultiplied : null; if (Ppoint == setup.params.curve.infinity) { throw ResultAtInfinity(); } PUncompressed = Ppoint?.getEncoded(false) ?? Uint8List(0); } static Uint8List add_points(Iterable pointsIterable) { ECDomainParameters params = getDefaultParams(); // Using helper function here var pointList = => Util.ser_to_point(pser, params)).toList(); if (pointList.isEmpty) { throw ArgumentError('Empty list'); } ECPoint pSum = pointList.first; // Initialize pSum with the first point in the list for (var i = 1; i < pointList.length; i++) { pSum = (pSum + pointList[i])!; } if (pSum == params.curve.infinity) { throw Exception('Result is at infinity'); } return Util.point_to_ser(pSum, false); } Commitment addCommitments(Iterable commitmentIterable) { BigInt ktotal =; // Changed to BigInt from int BigInt atotal =; // Changed to BigInt from int List points = []; List setups = []; // Changed Setup to PedersenSetup for (Commitment c in commitmentIterable) { ktotal += c.nonce; atotal += c.amountMod; // Changed from amount to amountMod points.add(c.PUncompressed); setups.add(c.setup); } if (points.isEmpty) { throw ArgumentError('Empty list'); } PedersenSetup setup = setups[0]; // Changed Setup to PedersenSetup if (!setups.every((s) => s == setup)) { throw ArgumentError('Mismatched setups'); } ktotal = ktotal % setup.params.n; // Changed order to setup.params.n if (ktotal == { // Changed comparison from 0 to throw Exception('Nonce range error'); } Uint8List? PUncompressed; if (points.length < 512) { try { PUncompressed = add_points(points); } on Exception { PUncompressed = null; } } else { PUncompressed = null; } return Commitment(setup, atotal, nonce: ktotal, PUncompressed: PUncompressed); } }