import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:camera_linux/camera_linux.dart'; import 'package:camera_macos/camera_macos_arguments.dart'; import 'package:camera_macos/camera_macos_device.dart'; import 'package:camera_macos/camera_macos_platform_interface.dart'; import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart'; import 'package:camera_windows/camera_windows.dart'; import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:image/image.dart' as img; import 'package:zxing2/qrcode.dart'; import '../../notifications/show_flush_bar.dart'; import '../../utilities/assets.dart'; import '../../utilities/logger.dart'; import '../../utilities/text_styles.dart'; import 'desktop_dialog.dart'; import 'desktop_dialog_close_button.dart'; import 'primary_button.dart'; import 'secondary_button.dart'; class QrCodeScannerDialog extends StatefulWidget { final Function(String) onQrCodeDetected; QrCodeScannerDialog({ required this.onQrCodeDetected, }); @override _QrCodeScannerDialogState createState() => _QrCodeScannerDialogState(); } class _QrCodeScannerDialogState extends State { final CameraLinux? _cameraLinuxPlugin = Platform.isLinux ? CameraLinux() : null; final CameraWindows? _cameraWindowsPlugin = Platform.isWindows ? CameraWindows() : null; bool _isCameraOpen = false; Image? _image; bool _isScanning = false; int _cameraId = -1; String? _macOSDeviceId; final int _imageDelayInMs = 250; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _isCameraOpen = false; _isScanning = false; _initializeCamera(); } @override void dispose() { _stopCamera(); super.dispose(); } Future _initializeCamera() async { try { setState(() { _isScanning = true; // Show the progress indicator }); if (Platform.isLinux && _cameraLinuxPlugin != null) { await _cameraLinuxPlugin!.initializeCamera(); Logging.instance.log("Linux Camera initialized", level: LogLevel.Info); } else if (Platform.isWindows && _cameraWindowsPlugin != null) { final List cameras = await _cameraWindowsPlugin!.availableCameras(); if (cameras.isEmpty) { throw CameraException('No cameras available', 'No cameras found.'); } final CameraDescription camera = cameras[0]; // Could be user-selected. _cameraId = await _cameraWindowsPlugin!.createCameraWithSettings( camera, const MediaSettings( resolutionPreset: ResolutionPreset.low, fps: 4, videoBitrate: 200000, enableAudio: false, ), ); await _cameraWindowsPlugin!.initializeCamera(_cameraId); // await _cameraWindowsPlugin!.onCameraInitialized(_cameraId).first; // TODO [prio=low]: Make this work. ^^^ Logging.instance.log("Windows Camera initialized with ID: $_cameraId", level: LogLevel.Info); } else if (Platform.isMacOS) { final List videoDevices = await CameraMacOS.instance .listDevices(deviceType:; if (videoDevices.isEmpty) { throw Exception('No cameras available'); } _macOSDeviceId = videoDevices.first.deviceId; await CameraMacOS.instance .initialize(cameraMacOSMode:; setState(() { _isCameraOpen = true; }); Logging.instance.log( "macOS Camera initialized with ID: $_macOSDeviceId", level: LogLevel.Info); } if (mounted) { setState(() { _isCameraOpen = true; _isScanning = true; }); } unawaited(_captureAndScanImage()); // Could be awaited. } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance .log("Failed to initialize camera: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); if (mounted) { // widget.onSnackbar("Failed to initialize camera. Please try again."); setState(() { _isScanning = false; }); } } } Future _stopCamera() async { try { if (Platform.isLinux && _cameraLinuxPlugin != null) { _cameraLinuxPlugin!.stopCamera(); Logging.instance.log("Linux Camera stopped", level: LogLevel.Info); } else if (Platform.isWindows && _cameraWindowsPlugin != null) { // if (_cameraId >= 0) { await _cameraWindowsPlugin!.dispose(_cameraId); Logging.instance.log("Windows Camera stopped with ID: $_cameraId", level: LogLevel.Info); // } else { // Logging.instance.log("Windows Camera ID is null. Cannot dispose.", // level: LogLevel.Error); // } } else if (Platform.isMacOS) { // if (_macOSDeviceId != null) { await CameraMacOS.instance.stopImageStream(); Logging.instance.log("macOS Camera stopped with ID: $_macOSDeviceId", level: LogLevel.Info); // } else { // Logging.instance.log("macOS Camera ID is null. Cannot stop.", // level: LogLevel.Error); // } } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance .log("Failed to stop camera: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); } finally { if (mounted) { setState(() { _isScanning = false; _isCameraOpen = false; }); } } } Future _captureAndScanImage() async { while (_isCameraOpen && _isScanning) { try { String? base64Image; if (Platform.isLinux && _cameraLinuxPlugin != null) { base64Image = await _cameraLinuxPlugin!.captureImage(); } else if (Platform.isWindows) { final XFile xfile = await _cameraWindowsPlugin!.takePicture(_cameraId); final bytes = await xfile.readAsBytes(); base64Image = base64Encode(bytes); // We could use a Uint8List to optimize for Windows and macOS. } else if (Platform.isMacOS) { final macOSimg = await CameraMacOS.instance.takePicture(); if (macOSimg == null) { Logging.instance .log("Failed to capture image", level: LogLevel.Error); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: _imageDelayInMs)); continue; } final img.Image? image = img.decodeImage(macOSimg.bytes!); if (image == null) { Logging.instance .log("Failed to capture image", level: LogLevel.Error); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: _imageDelayInMs)); continue; } base64Image = base64Encode(img.encodePng(image)); } if (base64Image == null || base64Image.isEmpty) { // Logging.instance // .log("Failed to capture image", level: LogLevel.Error); // Spammy. await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: _imageDelayInMs)); continue; } final img.Image? image = img.decodeImage(base64Decode(base64Image)); // TODO [prio=low]: Optimize this process. Docs say: // > WARNING Since this will check the image data against all known // > decoders, it is much slower than using an explicit decoder if (image == null) { Logging.instance.log("Failed to decode image", level: LogLevel.Error); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: _imageDelayInMs)); continue; } if (mounted) { setState(() { _image = Image.memory( base64Decode(base64Image!), fit: BoxFit.cover, ); }); } final String? scanResult = await _scanImage(image); if (scanResult != null && scanResult.isNotEmpty) { widget.onQrCodeDetected(scanResult); if (mounted) { Navigator.of(context).pop(); } break; } else { // Logging.instance.log("No QR code found in the image", level: LogLevel.Info); // if (mounted) { // widget.onSnackbar("No QR code found in the image."); // } // Spammy. } await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: _imageDelayInMs)); } catch (e, s) { // Logging.instance.log("Failed to capture and scan image: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); // Spammy. // if (mounted) { // widget.onSnackbar( // "Error capturing or scanning the image. Please try again."); // } } } } Future _scanImage(img.Image image) async { try { final LuminanceSource source = RGBLuminanceSource( image.width, image.height, image .convert(numChannels: 4) .getBytes(order: img.ChannelOrder.abgr) .buffer .asInt32List(), ); final BinaryBitmap bitmap = BinaryBitmap(GlobalHistogramBinarizer(source)); final QRCodeReader reader = QRCodeReader(); final qrDecode = reader.decode(bitmap); if (qrDecode.text.isEmpty) { return null; } return qrDecode.text; } catch (e, s) { // Logging.instance.log("Failed to decode QR code: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); // Spammy. return null; } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return DesktopDialog( maxWidth: 696, maxHeight: 600, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 32), child: Text( "Scan QR code", style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context), ), ), const DesktopDialogCloseButton(), ], ), Expanded( child: _isCameraOpen ? _image != null ? _image! : const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), ) : const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), // Show progress indicator immediately ), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), child: Row( children: [ Expanded(child: Container()), // "Select file" button. SecondaryButton( buttonHeight: ButtonHeight.l, label: "Select file", width: 200, onPressed: () async { final result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles( type: FileType.custom, allowedExtensions: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"], ); if (result == null || result.files.single.path == null) { await showFloatingFlushBar( type:, message: "No file selected", iconAsset: Assets.svg.file, context: context, ); return; } final filePath = result?.files.single.path!; if (filePath == null) { await showFloatingFlushBar( type:, message: "Error selecting file.", iconAsset: Assets.svg.file, context: context, ); return; } try { final img.Image? image = img.decodeImage(File(filePath!).readAsBytesSync()); if (image == null) { await showFloatingFlushBar( type:, message: "Failed to decode image.", iconAsset: Assets.svg.file, context: context, ); return; } final String? scanResult = await _scanImage(image); if (scanResult != null && scanResult.isNotEmpty) { widget.onQrCodeDetected(scanResult); Navigator.of(context).pop(); } else { await showFloatingFlushBar( type:, message: "No QR code found in the image.", iconAsset: Assets.svg.file, context: context, ); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("Failed to decode image: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); await showFloatingFlushBar( type:, message: "Error processing the image. Please try again.", iconAsset: Assets.svg.file, context: context, ); } }, ), const SizedBox(width: 16), // Close button. PrimaryButton( buttonHeight: ButtonHeight.l, label: "Close", width: 272.5, onPressed: () { _stopCamera(); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ), ), ], ), ); } }