import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as pb; import 'comms.dart'; import 'connection.dart'; import 'fusion.pb.dart'; const int TOR_COOLDOWN_TIME = 660; const int TIMEOUT_INACTIVE_CONNECTION = 120; class FusionError implements Exception { String cause; FusionError(this.cause); } class Unrecoverable extends FusionError { Unrecoverable(String cause) : super(cause); } Future isTorPort(String host, int port) async { if (port < 0 || port > 65535) { return false; } try { Socket sock = await Socket.connect(host, port, timeout: Duration(milliseconds: 100)); sock.write("GET\n"); List data = await sock.first; sock.destroy(); if (utf8.decode(data).contains("Tor is not an HTTP Proxy")) { return true; } } on SocketException { return false; } return false; } class TorLimiter { Queue deque = Queue(); int lifetime; // Declare a lock here, may need a special Dart package for this int _count = 0; TorLimiter(this.lifetime); void cleanup() {} int get count { // return some default value for now return 0; } void bump() {} } TorLimiter limiter = TorLimiter(TOR_COOLDOWN_TIME); double randTrap(Random rng) { final sixth = 1.0 / 6; final f = rng.nextDouble(); final fc = 1.0 - f; if (f < sixth) { return sqrt(0.375 * f); } else if (fc < sixth) { return 1.0 - sqrt(0.375 * fc); } else { return 0.75 * f + 0.125; } } class CovertConnection { Connection? connection; // replace dynamic with the type of your connection int? slotNum; DateTime? tPing; int? connNumber; Completer wakeup = Completer(); double? delay; Future waitWakeupOrTime(DateTime? t) async { if (t == null) { return false; } var remTime = t.difference(; remTime = remTime > 0 ? remTime : 0; await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: remTime)); wakeup.complete(true); var wasSet = await wakeup.future; wakeup = Completer(); return wasSet; } void ping() { if (this.connection != null) { sendPb(this.connection!, CovertMessage, Ping(), timeout: Duration(seconds: 1)); } this.tPing = null; } void inactive() { throw Unrecoverable("Timed out from inactivity (this is a bug!)"); } } class CovertSlot { int submitTimeout; pb.GeneratedMessage? subMsg; // The work to be done. bool done; // Whether last work requested is done. CovertConnection? covConn; // which CovertConnection is assigned to work on this slot CovertSlot(this.submitTimeout) : done = true; DateTime? t_submit; // Define a getter for tSubmit DateTime? get tSubmit => t_submit; Future submit() async { var connection = covConn?.connection; if (connection == null) { throw Unrecoverable('connection is null'); } await sendPb(connection, CovertMessage, subMsg!, timeout: Duration(seconds: submitTimeout)); var result = await recvPb(connection, CovertResponse, ['ok', 'error'], timeout: Duration(seconds: submitTimeout)); if (result.item1 == 'error') { throw Unrecoverable('error from server: ${result.item2}'); } done = true; t_submit = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0); covConn?.tPing = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch( 0); // if a submission is done, no ping is needed. } } class PrintError { // Declare properties here } class CovertSubmitter extends PrintError { // Declare properties here List slots; bool done = true; String failure_exception = ""; int num_slots; bool stopping = false; Map? proxyOpts; String? randtag; String? destAddr; int? destPort; bool ssl = false; Object lock = Object(); int countFailed = 0; int countEstablished = 0; int countAttempted = 0; Random rng =; int? randSpan; DateTime? stopTStart; List spareConnections = []; String? failureException; int submit_timeout = 0; CovertSubmitter( String dest_addr, int dest_port, bool ssl, String tor_host, int tor_port, this.num_slots, double randSpan, // changed from int to double double submit_timeout) // changed from int to double : slots = List.generate( num_slots, (index) => CovertSlot(submit_timeout.toInt())) { // constructor body... } void wakeAll() { for (var s in slots) { if (s.covConn != null) { s.covConn!.wakeup.complete(); } } for (var c in spareConnections) { c.wakeup.complete(); } } void setStopTime(int tstart) { this.stopTStart = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tstart * 1000); if (this.stopping) { this.wakeAll(); } } void stop([Exception? exception]) { if (this.stopping) { // already requested! return; } this.failureException = exception?.toString(); this.stopping = true; var timeRemaining = this.stopTStart?.difference( ?? 0; print( "Stopping; connections will close in approximately $timeRemaining seconds"); this.wakeAll(); } // PYTHON USES MULTITHREADING, WHICH ISNT IMPLEMENTED HERE YET void scheduleConnections(DateTime tStart, Duration tSpan, {int numSpares = 0, int connectTimeout = 10}) { var newConns = []; for (var sNum = 0; sNum < this.slots.length; sNum++) { var s = this.slots[sNum]; if (s.covConn == null) { s.covConn = CovertConnection(); s.covConn?.slotNum = sNum; CovertConnection? myCovConn = s.covConn; if (myCovConn != null) { newConns.add(myCovConn); } } } var numNewSpares = max(0, numSpares - this.spareConnections.length); var newSpares = List.generate(numNewSpares, (index) => CovertConnection()); this.spareConnections = [...newSpares, ...this.spareConnections]; newConns.addAll(newSpares); for (var covConn in newConns) { covConn.connNumber = this.countAttempted; this.countAttempted++; var connTime = tStart.add( Duration(seconds: (tSpan.inSeconds * randTrap(this.rng)).round())); var randDelay = (this.randSpan ?? 0) * randTrap(this.rng); runConnection( covConn, connTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch, randDelay, connectTimeout); } } void scheduleSubmit( int slotNum, DateTime tStart, pb.GeneratedMessage subMsg) { var slot = slots[slotNum]; assert(slot.done, "tried to set new work when prior work not done"); slot.subMsg = subMsg; slot.done = false; slot.t_submit = tStart; var covConn = slot.covConn; if (covConn != null) { covConn.wakeup.complete(); } } void scheduleSubmissions(DateTime tStart, List slotMessages) { // Convert to list (Dart does not have tuples) slotMessages = List.from(slotMessages); // Ensure that the number of slot messages equals the number of slots assert(slotMessages.length == slots.length); // First, notify the spare connections that they will need to make a ping. // Note that Dart does not require making a copy of the list before iteration, // since Dart does not support mutation during iteration. for (var c in spareConnections) { c.tPing = tStart; c.wakeup.complete(); } // Then, notify the slots that there is a message to submit. for (var i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) { var slot = slots[i]; var subMsg = slotMessages[i] as pb.GeneratedMessage; var covConn = slot.covConn; if (covConn != null) { if (subMsg == null) { covConn.tPing = tStart; } else { slot.subMsg = subMsg; slot.done = false; slot.t_submit = tStart; } covConn.wakeup.complete(); } } } Future runConnection(CovertConnection covConn, int connTime, double randDelay, int connectTimeout) async { // Main loop for connection thread DateTime connDateTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(connTime * 1000); while (await covConn.waitWakeupOrTime(connDateTime)) { // if we are woken up before connection and stopping is happening, then just don't make a connection at all if (this.stopping) { return; } final tBegin =; try { // STATE 1 - connecting Map proxyOpts; if (this.proxyOpts == null) { proxyOpts = {}; } else { final unique = 'CF${this.randtag}_${covConn.connNumber}'; proxyOpts = { 'proxy_username': unique, 'proxy_password': unique, }; proxyOpts.addAll(this.proxyOpts!); } limiter.bump(); try { final connection = await openConnection( this.destAddr!, this.destPort!, connTimeout: connectTimeout.toDouble(), ssl: this.ssl, socksOpts: proxyOpts); covConn.connection = connection; } catch (e) { this.countFailed++; final tEnd =; print( 'could not establish connection (after ${((tEnd - tBegin) / 1000).toStringAsFixed(3)}s): $e'); rethrow; } this.countEstablished++; final tEnd =; print( '[${covConn.connNumber}] connection established after ${((tEnd - tBegin) / 1000).toStringAsFixed(3)}s'); covConn.delay = (randTrap(this.rng) ?? 0) * (this.randSpan ?? 0); var lastActionTime =; // STATE 2 - working while (!this.stopping) { DateTime? nextTime; final slotNum = covConn.slotNum; Function()? action; // callback to hold the action function // Second preference: submit something if (slotNum != null) { CovertSlot slot = this.slots[slotNum]; nextTime = slot.tSubmit; action = slot.submit; } // Third preference: send a ping if (nextTime == null && covConn.tPing != null) { nextTime = covConn.tPing; action =; } // Last preference: wait doing nothing if (nextTime == null) { nextTime = .add(Duration(seconds: TIMEOUT_INACTIVE_CONNECTION)); action = covConn.inactive; } nextTime = nextTime.add(Duration(seconds: randDelay.toInt())); if (await covConn.waitWakeupOrTime(nextTime)) { // got woken up ... let's go back and reevaluate what to do continue; } // reached action time, time to do it final label = "[${covConn.connNumber}-$slotNum]"; try { await action?.call(); } catch (e) { print("$label error $e"); rethrow; } finally { print("$label done"); } lastActionTime =; } // STATE 3 - stopping while (true) { final stopTime = this.stopTStart?.add(Duration(seconds: randDelay.toInt())) ??; if (!(await covConn.waitWakeupOrTime(stopTime))) { break; } } print("[${covConn.connNumber}] closing from stop"); } catch (e) { // in case of any problem, record the exception and if we have a slot, reassign it. final exception = e; final slotNum = covConn.slotNum; if (slotNum != null) { try { final spare = this.spareConnections.removeLast(); // Found a spare. this.slots[slotNum].covConn = spare; spare.slotNum = slotNum; spare.wakeup .complete(); // python code is using set, possibly dealing wiht multi thread...double check this is ok. covConn.slotNum = null; } catch (e) { // We failed, and there are no spares. Party is over! if (exception is Exception) { this.stop(exception); } else { // Handle the case where the exception is not an instance of Exception } } } } finally { covConn.connection?.close(); } } } void checkOk() { // Implement checkOk logic here var e = this.failure_exception; if (e != null) { throw FusionError('Covert connections failed: ${e.runtimeType} $e'); } } void checkConnected() { // Implement checkConnected logic here this.checkOk(); var numMissing = this.slots.where((s) => s.covConn?.connection == null).length; if (numMissing > 0) { throw FusionError( "Covert connections were too slow ($numMissing incomplete out of ${this.slots.length})."); } } void checkDone() { // Implement checkDone logic here this.checkOk(); var numMissing = this.slots.where((s) => !s.done).length; if (numMissing > 0) { throw FusionError( "Covert submissions were too slow ($numMissing incomplete out of ${this.slots.length})."); } } }