/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import '../../../app_config.dart'; import '../../../models/add_wallet_list_entity/sub_classes/coin_entity.dart'; import '../../../themes/stack_colors.dart'; import '../../../utilities/text_styles.dart'; import '../../../wallets/isar/providers/all_wallets_info_provider.dart'; import '../../../widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart'; import '../../add_wallet_views/add_wallet_view/add_wallet_view.dart'; import '../../add_wallet_views/create_or_restore_wallet_view/create_or_restore_wallet_view.dart'; import '../wallets_overview.dart'; import 'wallet_list_item.dart'; class AllWallets extends StatelessWidget { const AllWallets({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType"); return Column( children: [ Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ Text( "All wallets", style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context).copyWith( color: Theme.of(context).extension()!.textDark3, ), ), CustomTextButton( text: "Add new", onTap: () { final String route; final Object? args; if (AppConfig.isSingleCoinApp) { route = CreateOrRestoreWalletView.routeName; args = CoinEntity(AppConfig.coins.first); } else { route = AddWalletView.routeName; args = null; } Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( route, arguments: args, ); }, ), ], ), const SizedBox( height: 10, ), Expanded( child: Consumer( builder: (_, ref, __) { final walletsByCoin = ref.watch(pAllWalletsInfoByCoin); if (AppConfig.isSingleCoinApp && walletsByCoin.isNotEmpty) { return WalletsOverview( coin: AppConfig.coins.first, ); } return ListView.builder( itemCount: walletsByCoin.length, itemBuilder: (builderContext, index) { final coin = walletsByCoin[index].coin; final int walletCount = walletsByCoin[index].wallets.length; return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 4), child: WalletListItem( coin: coin, walletCount: walletCount, ), ); }, ); }, ), ), ], ); } }