import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:nanodart/nanodart.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/transaction.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/networking/http.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/nano_api.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/tor_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/default_nodes.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/string.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/crypto_currency/intermediate/nano_currency.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/models/tx_data.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/intermediate/bip39_wallet.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; const _kWorkServer = ""; mixin NanoInterface on Bip39Wallet { // since nano based coins only have a single address/account we can cache // the address instead of fetching from db every time we need it in certain // cases Address? _cachedAddress; NodeModel? _cachedNode; final _httpClient = HTTP(); Future _requestWork(String hash) async { return _httpClient .post( url: Uri.parse(_kWorkServer), // this should be a headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'}, body: json.encode( { "action": "work_generate", "hash": hash, }, ), proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ) .then((_httpClient) { if (_httpClient.code == 200) { final Map decoded = json.decode(_httpClient.body) as Map; if (decoded.containsKey("error")) { throw Exception("Received error ${decoded["error"]}"); } return decoded["work"] as String?; } else { throw Exception("Received error ${_httpClient.code}"); } }); } Future _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic() async { final mnemonicList = await getMnemonicAsWords(); final seed = NanoMnemomics.mnemonicListToSeed(mnemonicList); return NanoKeys.seedToPrivate(seed, 0); } Future
_getAddressFromMnemonic() async { final publicKey = NanoKeys.createPublicKey( await _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(), ); final addressString = NanoAccounts.createAccount(cryptoCurrency.nanoAccountType, publicKey); return Address( walletId: walletId, value: addressString, publicKey: publicKey.toUint8ListFromHex, derivationIndex: 0, derivationPath: null, type: cryptoCurrency.coin.primaryAddressType, subType: AddressSubType.receiving, ); } Future _receiveBlock( String blockHash, String source, String amountRaw, String publicAddress, ) async { // TODO: the opening block of an account is a special case bool openBlock = false; final headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; // first check if the account is open: // get the account info (we need the frontier and representative): final infoBody = jsonEncode({ "action": "account_info", "representative": "true", "account": publicAddress, }); final infoResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: infoBody, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final infoData = jsonDecode(infoResponse.body); if (infoData["error"] != null) { // account is not open yet, we need to create an open block: openBlock = true; } // first get the account balance: final balanceBody = jsonEncode({ "action": "account_balance", "account": publicAddress, }); final balanceResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: balanceBody, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final balanceData = jsonDecode(balanceResponse.body); final BigInt currentBalance = BigInt.parse(balanceData["balance"].toString()); final BigInt txAmount = BigInt.parse(amountRaw); final BigInt balanceAfterTx = currentBalance + txAmount; String frontier = infoData["frontier"].toString(); String representative = infoData["representative"].toString(); if (openBlock) { // we don't have a representative set yet: representative = cryptoCurrency.defaultRepresentative; } // link = send block hash: final String link = blockHash; // this "linkAsAccount" is meaningless: final String linkAsAccount = NanoAccounts.createAccount(NanoAccountType.BANANO, blockHash); // construct the receive block: Map receiveBlock = { "type": "state", "account": publicAddress, "previous": openBlock ? "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" : frontier, "representative": representative, "balance": balanceAfterTx.toString(), "link": link, "link_as_account": linkAsAccount, }; // sign the receive block: final String hash = NanoBlocks.computeStateHash( NanoAccountType.BANANO, receiveBlock["account"]!, receiveBlock["previous"]!, receiveBlock["representative"]!, BigInt.parse(receiveBlock["balance"]!), receiveBlock["link"]!, ); final String privateKey = await _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(); final String signature = NanoSignatures.signBlock(hash, privateKey); // get PoW for the receive block: String? work; if (openBlock) { work = await _requestWork(NanoAccounts.extractPublicKey(publicAddress)); } else { work = await _requestWork(frontier); } if (work == null) { throw Exception("Failed to get PoW for receive block"); } receiveBlock["link_as_account"] = linkAsAccount; receiveBlock["signature"] = signature; receiveBlock["work"] = work; // process the receive block: final processBody = jsonEncode({ "action": "process", "json_block": "true", "subtype": "receive", "block": receiveBlock, }); final processResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: processBody, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final Map decoded = json.decode(processResponse.body) as Map; if (decoded.containsKey("error")) { throw Exception("Received error ${decoded["error"]}"); } } Future _confirmAllReceivable(String accountAddress) async { final receivableResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: jsonEncode({ "action": "receivable", "source": "true", "account": accountAddress, "count": "-1", }), proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final receivableData = await jsonDecode(receivableResponse.body); if (receivableData["blocks"] == "") { return; } final blocks = receivableData["blocks"] as Map; // confirm all receivable blocks: for (final blockHash in blocks.keys) { final block = blocks[blockHash]; final String amountRaw = block["amount"] as String; final String source = block["source"] as String; await _receiveBlock(blockHash, source, amountRaw, accountAddress); // a bit of a hack: await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)); } } //========= public =========================================================== Future getCurrentRepresentative() async { final serverURI = Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host); final address = (_cachedAddress ?? await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value; final response = await NanoAPI.getAccountInfo( server: serverURI, representative: true, account: address, ); return response.accountInfo?.representative ?? cryptoCurrency.defaultRepresentative; } Future changeRepresentative(String newRepresentative) async { try { final serverURI = Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host); await updateBalance(); final balance = info.cachedBalance.spendable.raw.toString(); final String privateKey = await _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(); final address = (_cachedAddress ?? await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value; final response = await NanoAPI.getAccountInfo( server: serverURI, representative: true, account: address, ); if (response.accountInfo == null) { throw response.exception ?? Exception("Failed to get account info"); } final work = await _requestWork(response.accountInfo!.frontier); return await NanoAPI.changeRepresentative( server: serverURI, accountType: NanoAccountType.BANANO, account: address, newRepresentative: newRepresentative, previousBlock: response.accountInfo!.frontier, balance: balance, privateKey: privateKey, work: work!, ); } catch (_) { rethrow; } } //========= overrides ======================================================== @override Future updateNode() async { _cachedNode = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface) .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: info.coin) ?? DefaultNodes.getNodeFor(info.coin); unawaited(refresh()); } @override NodeModel getCurrentNode() { return _cachedNode ?? NodeService(secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface) .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: info.coin) ?? DefaultNodes.getNodeFor(info.coin); } @override Future init() async { try { _cachedAddress = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); if (_cachedAddress == null) { _cachedAddress = await _getAddressFromMnemonic(); await mainDB.putAddress(_cachedAddress!); } } catch (e, s) { // do nothing, still allow user into wallet Logging.instance.log( "$runtimeType init() failed: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } return super.init(); } @override Future pingCheck() async { final uri = Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host); final response = await url: uri, headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: jsonEncode( { "action": "version", }, ), proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); return response.code == 200; } @override Future prepareSend({required TxData txData}) async { if (txData.recipients!.length != 1) { throw ArgumentError( "${cryptoCurrency.runtimeType} currently only " "supports one recipient per transaction", ); } return txData.copyWith( fee: Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), ); } @override Future confirmSend({required TxData txData}) async { try { // our address: final String publicAddress = (_cachedAddress ?? await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value; // first update to get latest account balance: final currentBalance = info.cachedBalance.spendable; final txAmount = txData.amount!; final BigInt balanceAfterTx = (currentBalance - txAmount).raw; // get the account info (we need the frontier and representative): final infoBody = jsonEncode({ "action": "account_info", "representative": "true", "account": publicAddress, }); final headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; final infoResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: infoBody, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final String frontier = jsonDecode(infoResponse.body)["frontier"].toString(); final String representative = jsonDecode(infoResponse.body)["representative"].toString(); // link = destination address: final String linkAsAccount = txData.recipients!.first.address; final String link = NanoAccounts.extractPublicKey(linkAsAccount); // construct the send block: Map sendBlock = { "type": "state", "account": publicAddress, "previous": frontier, "representative": representative, "balance": balanceAfterTx.toString(), "link": link, }; // sign the send block: final String hash = NanoBlocks.computeStateHash( NanoAccountType.BANANO, sendBlock["account"]!, sendBlock["previous"]!, sendBlock["representative"]!, BigInt.parse(sendBlock["balance"]!), sendBlock["link"]!, ); final String privateKey = await _getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(); final String signature = NanoSignatures.signBlock(hash, privateKey); // get PoW for the send block: final String? work = await _requestWork(frontier); if (work == null) { throw Exception("Failed to get PoW for send block"); } sendBlock["link_as_account"] = linkAsAccount; sendBlock["signature"] = signature; sendBlock["work"] = work; final processBody = jsonEncode({ "action": "process", "json_block": "true", "subtype": "send", "block": sendBlock, }); final processResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: processBody, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final Map decoded = json.decode(processResponse.body) as Map; if (decoded.containsKey("error")) { throw Exception("Received error ${decoded["error"]}"); } // return the hash of the transaction: return txData.copyWith( txid: decoded["hash"].toString(), ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance .log("Error sending transaction $e - $s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } @override Future recover({required bool isRescan}) async { try { await refreshMutex.protect(() async { if (isRescan) { await mainDB.deleteWalletBlockchainData(walletId); } _cachedAddress = await _getAddressFromMnemonic(); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([_cachedAddress!]); }); await refresh(); } catch (e) { rethrow; } } @override Future updateTransactions() async { final receivingAddress = (_cachedAddress ?? await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!; final String publicAddress = receivingAddress.value; await _confirmAllReceivable(publicAddress); final response = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: jsonEncode({ "action": "account_history", "account": publicAddress, "count": "-1", }), proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final data = await jsonDecode(response.body); final transactions = data["history"] is List ? data["history"] as List : []; if (transactions.isEmpty) { return; } else { List> transactionList = []; for (var tx in transactions) { var typeString = tx["type"].toString(); TransactionType transactionType = TransactionType.unknown; if (typeString == "send") { transactionType = TransactionType.outgoing; } else if (typeString == "receive") { transactionType = TransactionType.incoming; } final amount = Amount( rawValue: BigInt.parse(tx["amount"].toString()), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); var transaction = Transaction( walletId: walletId, txid: tx["hash"].toString(), timestamp: int.parse(tx["local_timestamp"].toString()), type: transactionType, subType: TransactionSubType.none, amount: 0, amountString: amount.toJsonString(), fee: 0, height: int.parse(tx["height"].toString()), isCancelled: false, isLelantus: false, slateId: "", otherData: "", inputs: [], outputs: [], nonce: 0, numberOfMessages: null, ); Address address = transactionType == TransactionType.incoming ? receivingAddress : Address( walletId: walletId, publicKey: [], value: tx["account"].toString(), derivationIndex: 0, derivationPath: null, type: info.coin.primaryAddressType, subType: AddressSubType.nonWallet, ); Tuple2 tuple = Tuple2(transaction, address); transactionList.add(tuple); } await mainDB.addNewTransactionData(transactionList, walletId); } } @override Future updateBalance() async { try { final addressString = (_cachedAddress ??= (await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!).value; final body = jsonEncode({ "action": "account_balance", "account": addressString, }); final headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; final response = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: body, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final data = jsonDecode(response.body); final balance = Balance( total: Amount( rawValue: (BigInt.parse(data["balance"].toString()) + BigInt.parse(data["receivable"].toString())), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), spendable: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.parse(data["balance"].toString()), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), blockedTotal: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.parse("0"), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), pendingSpendable: Amount( rawValue: BigInt.parse(data["receivable"].toString()), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), ); await info.updateBalance(newBalance: balance, isar: mainDB.isar); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to update ${cryptoCurrency.runtimeType} balance: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); } } @override Future updateChainHeight() async { try { final String publicAddress = (_cachedAddress ??= (await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!).value; final infoBody = jsonEncode({ "action": "account_info", "account": publicAddress, }); final headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; final infoResponse = await url: Uri.parse(getCurrentNode().host), headers: headers, body: infoBody, proxyInfo: prefs.useTor ? TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo() : null, ); final infoData = jsonDecode(infoResponse.body); final height = int.tryParse( infoData["confirmation_height"].toString(), ) ?? 0; await info.updateCachedChainHeight(newHeight: height, isar: mainDB.isar); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to update ${cryptoCurrency.runtimeType} chain height: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); } } @override FilterOperation? get changeAddressFilterOperation => FilterGroup.and(standardChangeAddressFilters); @override FilterOperation? get receivingAddressFilterOperation => FilterGroup.and(standardReceivingAddressFilters); @override Future updateUTXOs() async { // do nothing for nano based coins return false; } @override // nano has no fees Future estimateFeeFor(Amount amount, int feeRate) async => Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(0), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); @override // nano has no fees Future get fees async => FeeObject( numberOfBlocksFast: 1, numberOfBlocksAverage: 1, numberOfBlocksSlow: 1, fast: 0, medium: 0, slow: 0, ); }