import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import '../../../models/balance.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/isar_models.dart'; import '../../../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../isar_id_interface.dart'; part 'token_wallet_info.g.dart'; @Collection(accessor: "tokenWalletInfo", inheritance: false) class TokenWalletInfo implements IsarId { @override Id id = Isar.autoIncrement; @Index( unique: true, replace: false, composite: [ CompositeIndex("tokenAddress"), ], ) final String walletId; final String tokenAddress; final int tokenFractionDigits; final String? cachedBalanceJsonString; TokenWalletInfo({ required this.walletId, required this.tokenAddress, required this.tokenFractionDigits, this.cachedBalanceJsonString, }); EthContract getContract(Isar isar) => isar.ethContracts.where().addressEqualTo(tokenAddress).findFirstSync()!; // token balance cache Balance getCachedBalance() { if (cachedBalanceJsonString == null) { return Balance( total: Amount.zeroWith( fractionDigits: tokenFractionDigits, ), spendable: Amount.zeroWith( fractionDigits: tokenFractionDigits, ), blockedTotal: Amount.zeroWith( fractionDigits: tokenFractionDigits, ), pendingSpendable: Amount.zeroWith( fractionDigits: tokenFractionDigits, ), ); } return Balance.fromJson( cachedBalanceJsonString!, tokenFractionDigits, ); } Future<void> updateCachedBalance( Balance balance, { required Isar isar, }) async { // // ensure we are updating using the latest entry of this in the db final thisEntry = await isar.tokenWalletInfo .where() .walletIdTokenAddressEqualTo(walletId, tokenAddress) .findFirst(); if (thisEntry == null) { throw Exception( "Attempted to update cached token balance before object was saved in db", ); } else { await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.tokenWalletInfo.delete(, ); await isar.tokenWalletInfo.put( TokenWalletInfo( walletId: walletId, tokenAddress: tokenAddress, tokenFractionDigits: tokenFractionDigits, cachedBalanceJsonString: balance.toJsonIgnoreCoin(), ) =, ); }); } } }