import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32; import 'package:bip47/bip47.dart'; import 'package:bip47/src/util.dart'; import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as btc_dart; import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/constants/op.dart' as op; import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/script.dart' as bscript; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:pointycastle/digests/sha256.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/db/isar/main_db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/insufficient_balance_exception.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/paynym_send_exception.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/signing_data.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip32_utils.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip47_utils.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; const kPaynymDerivePath = "m/47'/0'/0'"; const kPaynymNotificationDerivationPath = "$kPaynymDerivePath/0"; String _receivingPaynymAddressDerivationPath(int index) { return "$kPaynymDerivePath/$index/0"; } mixin PaynymWalletInterface { // passed in wallet data late final String _walletId; late final String _walletName; late final btc_dart.NetworkType _network; late final Coin _coin; late final MainDB _db; late final ElectrumX _electrumXClient; late final SecureStorageInterface _secureStorage; late final int _dustLimitP2PKH; late final int _minConfirms; // passed in wallet functions late final Future Function() _getMnemonicString; late final Future Function() _getMnemonicPassphrase; late final Future Function() _getChainHeight; late final Future Function() _getCurrentChangeAddress; late final int Function({ required int vSize, required int feeRatePerKB, }) _estimateTxFee; late final Future> Function({ required String address, required Amount amount, Map? args, }) _prepareSend; late final Future Function({ required String address, }) _getTxCount; late final Future> Function( List utxosToUse, ) _fetchBuildTxData; late final Future Function() _refresh; late final Future Function() _checkChangeAddressForTransactions; // initializer void initPaynymWalletInterface({ required String walletId, required String walletName, required btc_dart.NetworkType network, required Coin coin, required MainDB db, required ElectrumX electrumXClient, required SecureStorageInterface secureStorage, required int dustLimitP2PKH, required int minConfirms, required Future Function() getMnemonicString, required Future Function() getMnemonicPassphrase, required Future Function() getChainHeight, required Future Function() getCurrentChangeAddress, required int Function({ required int vSize, required int feeRatePerKB, }) estimateTxFee, required Future> Function({ required String address, required Amount amount, Map? args, }) prepareSend, required Future Function({ required String address, }) getTxCount, required Future> Function( List utxosToUse, ) fetchBuildTxData, required Future Function() refresh, required Future Function() checkChangeAddressForTransactions, }) { _walletId = walletId; _walletName = walletName; _network = network; _coin = coin; _db = db; _electrumXClient = electrumXClient; _secureStorage = secureStorage; _dustLimitP2PKH = dustLimitP2PKH; _minConfirms = minConfirms; _getMnemonicString = getMnemonicString; _getMnemonicPassphrase = getMnemonicPassphrase; _getChainHeight = getChainHeight; _getCurrentChangeAddress = getCurrentChangeAddress; _estimateTxFee = estimateTxFee; _prepareSend = prepareSend; _getTxCount = getTxCount; _fetchBuildTxData = fetchBuildTxData; _refresh = refresh; _checkChangeAddressForTransactions = checkChangeAddressForTransactions; } // convenience getter btc_dart.NetworkType get networkType => _network; Future
currentReceivingPaynymAddress(PaymentCode sender) async { final keys = await lookupKey(sender.toString()); final address = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.paynymReceive) .and() .anyOf(keys, (q, String e) => q.otherDataEqualTo(e)) .sortByDerivationIndexDesc() .findFirst(); if (address == null) { final generatedAddress = await _generatePaynymReceivingAddress(sender, 0); final existing = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .valueEqualTo(generatedAddress.value) .findFirst(); if (existing == null) { // Add that new address await _db.putAddress(generatedAddress); } else { // we need to update the address await _db.updateAddress(existing, generatedAddress); } return currentReceivingPaynymAddress(sender); } else { return address; } } Future
_generatePaynymReceivingAddress( PaymentCode sender, int index, ) async { final myPrivateKeyNode = await deriveReceivingPrivateKeyNode( mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!, mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!, index: index, ); final paymentAddress = PaymentAddress( bip32Node: myPrivateKeyNode, paymentCode: sender, networkType: networkType, ); final pair = paymentAddress.getReceiveAddressKeyPair(); final address = await generatePaynymReceivingAddressFromKeyPair( pair: pair, derivationIndex: index, derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, fromPaymentCode: sender, ); return address; } Future checkCurrentPaynymReceivingAddressForTransactions( PaymentCode sender) async { final address = await currentReceivingPaynymAddress(sender); final txCount = await _getTxCount(address: address.value); if (txCount > 0) { // generate next address and add to db final nextAddress = await _generatePaynymReceivingAddress( sender, address.derivationIndex + 1, ); final existing = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .valueEqualTo(nextAddress.value) .findFirst(); if (existing == null) { // Add that new address await _db.putAddress(nextAddress); } else { // we need to update the address await _db.updateAddress(existing, nextAddress); } // keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current await checkCurrentPaynymReceivingAddressForTransactions(sender); } } Future checkAllCurrentReceivingPaynymAddressesForTransactions() async { final codes = await getAllPaymentCodesFromNotificationTransactions(); final List> futures = []; for (final code in codes) { futures.add(checkCurrentPaynymReceivingAddressForTransactions(code)); } await Future.wait(futures); } // generate bip32 payment code root Future _getRootNode({ required String mnemonic, required String mnemonicPassphrase, }) async { final root = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Root( mnemonic, mnemonicPassphrase, _network, ); return root; } Future deriveNotificationBip32Node({ required String mnemonic, required String mnemonicPassphrase, }) async { final root = await _getRootNode( mnemonic: mnemonic, mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase, ); final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath).derive(0); return node; } Future deriveReceivingPrivateKeyNode({ required String mnemonic, required String mnemonicPassphrase, required int index, }) async { final root = await _getRootNode( mnemonic: mnemonic, mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase, ); final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath).derive(index); return node; } /// fetch or generate this wallet's bip47 payment code Future getPaymentCode( DerivePathType derivePathType, [ bip32.BIP32? bip32Root, ]) async { final address = await getMyNotificationAddress(derivePathType, bip32Root); final pCodeString = await paymentCodeStringByKey(address.otherData!); final paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode( pCodeString!, _network, ); return paymentCode; } Future signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List data) async { final myPrivateKeyNode = await deriveNotificationBip32Node( mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!, mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!, ); final pair = btc_dart.ECPair.fromPrivateKey(myPrivateKeyNode.privateKey!, network: _network); final signed = pair.sign(SHA256Digest().process(data)); return signed; } Future signStringWithNotificationKey(String data) async { final bytes = await signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data))); return Format.uint8listToString(bytes); } Future> preparePaymentCodeSend({ required PaymentCode paymentCode, required Amount amount, Map? args, }) async { if (!(await hasConnected(paymentCode.toString()))) { throw PaynymSendException( "No notification transaction sent to $paymentCode"); } else { final myPrivateKeyNode = await deriveNotificationBip32Node( mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!, mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!, ); final sendToAddress = await nextUnusedSendAddressFrom( pCode: paymentCode, privateKeyNode: myPrivateKeyNode, ); return _prepareSend( address: sendToAddress.value, amount: amount, args: args, ); } } /// get the next unused address to send to given the receiver's payment code /// and your own private key Future
nextUnusedSendAddressFrom({ required PaymentCode pCode, required bip32.BIP32 privateKeyNode, int startIndex = 0, }) async { // const maxCount = 2147483647; for (int i = startIndex; i < maxCount; i++) { final keys = await lookupKey(pCode.toString()); final address = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.paynymSend) .and() .anyOf(keys, (q, String e) => q.otherDataEqualTo(e)) .and() .derivationIndexEqualTo(i) .findFirst(); if (address != null) { final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value); // return address if unused, otherwise continue to next index if (count == 0) { return address; } } else { final pair = PaymentAddress( bip32Node: privateKeyNode, index: i, // index to use paymentCode: pCode, networkType: networkType, ).getSendAddressKeyPair(); // add address to local db final address = await generatePaynymSendAddressFromKeyPair( pair: pair, derivationIndex: i, derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, toPaymentCode: pCode, ); final storedAddress = await _db.getAddress(_walletId, address.value); if (storedAddress == null) { await _db.putAddress(address); } else { await _db.updateAddress(storedAddress, address); } final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value); // return address if unused, otherwise continue to next index if (count == 0) { return address; } } } throw PaynymSendException("Exhausted unused send addresses!"); } Future> prepareNotificationTx({ required int selectedTxFeeRate, required String targetPaymentCodeString, int additionalOutputs = 0, List? utxos, }) async { try { final amountToSend = _dustLimitP2PKH; final List availableOutputs = utxos ?? await _db.getUTXOs(_walletId).findAll(); final List spendableOutputs = []; int spendableSatoshiValue = 0; // Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount for (var i = 0; i < availableOutputs.length; i++) { if (availableOutputs[i].isBlocked == false && availableOutputs[i] .isConfirmed(await _getChainHeight(), _minConfirms) == true) { spendableOutputs.add(availableOutputs[i]); spendableSatoshiValue += availableOutputs[i].value; } } if (spendableSatoshiValue < amountToSend) { // insufficient balance throw InsufficientBalanceException( "Spendable balance is less than the minimum required for a notification transaction."); } else if (spendableSatoshiValue == amountToSend) { // insufficient balance due to missing amount to cover fee throw InsufficientBalanceException( "Remaining balance does not cover the network fee."); } // sort spendable by age (oldest first) spendableOutputs.sort((a, b) => b.blockTime!.compareTo(a.blockTime!)); int satoshisBeingUsed = 0; int outputsBeingUsed = 0; List utxoObjectsToUse = []; for (int i = 0; satoshisBeingUsed < amountToSend && i < spendableOutputs.length; i++) { utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendableOutputs[i]); satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[i].value; outputsBeingUsed += 1; } // add additional outputs if required for (int i = 0; i < additionalOutputs && outputsBeingUsed < spendableOutputs.length; i++) { utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendableOutputs[outputsBeingUsed]); satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[outputsBeingUsed].value; outputsBeingUsed += 1; } // gather required signing data final utxoSigningData = await _fetchBuildTxData(utxoObjectsToUse); final int vSizeForNoChange = (await _createNotificationTx( targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, change: 0, dustLimit: satoshisBeingUsed, // override amount to get around absurd fees error )) .item2; final int vSizeForWithChange = (await _createNotificationTx( targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, change: satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend, )) .item2; // Assume 2 outputs, for recipient and payment code script int feeForNoChange = _estimateTxFee( vSize: vSizeForNoChange, feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate, ); // Assume 3 outputs, for recipient, payment code script, and change int feeForWithChange = _estimateTxFee( vSize: vSizeForWithChange, feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate, ); if (_coin == Coin.dogecoin || _coin == Coin.dogecoinTestNet) { if (feeForNoChange < vSizeForNoChange * 1000) { feeForNoChange = vSizeForNoChange * 1000; } if (feeForWithChange < vSizeForWithChange * 1000) { feeForWithChange = vSizeForWithChange * 1000; } } if (satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend > feeForNoChange + _dustLimitP2PKH) { // try to add change output due to "left over" amount being greater than // the estimated fee + the dust limit int changeAmount = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - feeForWithChange; // check estimates are correct and build notification tx if (changeAmount >= _dustLimitP2PKH && satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - changeAmount == feeForWithChange) { var txn = await _createNotificationTx( targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, change: changeAmount, ); int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - changeAmount; // make sure minimum fee is accurate if that is being used if (txn.item2 - feeBeingPaid == 1) { changeAmount -= 1; feeBeingPaid += 1; txn = await _createNotificationTx( targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, change: changeAmount, ); } Map transactionObject = { "hex": txn.item1, "recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString, "amount": amountToSend, "fee": feeBeingPaid, "vSize": txn.item2, "usedUTXOs": => e.utxo).toList(), }; return transactionObject; } else { // something broke during fee estimation or the change amount is smaller // than the dust limit. Try without change final txn = await _createNotificationTx( targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, change: 0, ); int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend; Map transactionObject = { "hex": txn.item1, "recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString, "amount": amountToSend, "fee": feeBeingPaid, "vSize": txn.item2, "usedUTXOs": => e.utxo).toList(), }; return transactionObject; } } else if (satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend >= feeForNoChange) { // since we already checked if we need to add a change output we can just // build without change here final txn = await _createNotificationTx( targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, change: 0, ); int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend; Map transactionObject = { "hex": txn.item1, "recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString, "amount": amountToSend, "fee": feeBeingPaid, "vSize": txn.item2, "usedUTXOs": => e.utxo).toList(), }; return transactionObject; } else { // if we get here we do not have enough funds to cover the tx total so we // check if we have any more available outputs and try again if (spendableOutputs.length > outputsBeingUsed) { return prepareNotificationTx( selectedTxFeeRate: selectedTxFeeRate, targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString, additionalOutputs: additionalOutputs + 1, ); } else { throw InsufficientBalanceException( "Remaining balance does not cover the network fee."); } } } catch (e) { rethrow; } } // return tuple with string value equal to the raw tx hex and the int value // equal to its vSize Future> _createNotificationTx({ required String targetPaymentCodeString, required List utxoSigningData, required int change, int? dustLimit, }) async { try { final targetPaymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(targetPaymentCodeString, _network); final myCode = await getPaymentCode(DerivePathType.bip44); final utxo = utxoSigningData.first.utxo; final txPoint = utxo.txid.fromHex.reversed.toList(); final txPointIndex = utxo.vout; final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4); Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length); final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData(); buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little); final myKeyPair = utxoSigningData.first.keyPair!; final S = SecretPoint( myKeyPair.privateKey!, targetPaymentCode.notificationPublicKey(), ); final blindingMask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev); final blindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.blind( payload: myCode.getPayload(), mask: blindingMask, unBlind: false, ); final opReturnScript = bscript.compile([ (op.OPS["OP_RETURN"] as int), blindedPaymentCode, ]); // build a notification tx final txb = btc_dart.TransactionBuilder(network: _network); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( utxo.txid, txPointIndex, null, utxoSigningData.first.output!, ); // add rest of possible inputs for (var i = 1; i < utxoSigningData.length; i++) { final utxo = utxoSigningData[i].utxo; txb.addInput( utxo.txid, utxo.vout, null, utxoSigningData[i].output!, ); } // todo: modify address once segwit support is in our bip47 txb.addOutput( targetPaymentCode.notificationAddressP2PKH(), dustLimit ?? _dustLimitP2PKH, ); txb.addOutput(opReturnScript, 0); // TODO: add possible change output and mark output as dangerous if (change > 0) { // generate new change address if current change address has been used await _checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); final String changeAddress = await _getCurrentChangeAddress(); txb.addOutput(changeAddress, change); } txb.sign( vin: 0, keyPair: myKeyPair, witnessValue: utxo.value, witnessScript: utxoSigningData.first.redeemScript, ); // sign rest of possible inputs for (var i = 1; i < utxoSigningData.length; i++) { txb.sign( vin: i, keyPair: utxoSigningData[i].keyPair!, witnessValue: utxoSigningData[i].utxo.value, witnessScript: utxoSigningData[i].redeemScript, ); } final builtTx =; return Tuple2(builtTx.toHex(), builtTx.virtualSize()); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "_createNotificationTx(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } Future broadcastNotificationTx( {required Map preparedTx}) async { try { Logging.instance.log("confirmNotificationTx txData: $preparedTx", level: LogLevel.Info); final txHash = await _electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction( rawTx: preparedTx["hex"] as String); Logging.instance.log("Sent txHash: $txHash", level: LogLevel.Info); // TODO: only refresh transaction data try { await _refresh(); } catch (e) { Logging.instance.log( "refresh() failed in confirmNotificationTx ($_walletName::$_walletId): $e", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } return txHash; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } // Future _checkHasConnectedCache(String paymentCodeString) async { // final value = await // key: "$_connectedKeyPrefix$paymentCodeString"); // if (value == null) { // return null; // } else { // final int rawBool = int.parse(value); // return rawBool > 0; // } // } // // Future _setConnectedCache( // String paymentCodeString, bool hasConnected) async { // await _secureStorage.write( // key: "$_connectedKeyPrefix$paymentCodeString", // value: hasConnected ? "1" : "0"); // } // TODO optimize Future hasConnected(String paymentCodeString) async { // final didConnect = await _checkHasConnectedCache(paymentCodeString); // if (didConnect == true) { // return true; // } // // final keys = await lookupKey(paymentCodeString); // // final tx = await _db // .getTransactions(_walletId) // .filter() // .subTypeEqualTo(TransactionSubType.bip47Notification).and() // .address((q) => // q.anyOf(keys, (q, e) => q.otherDataEqualTo(e))) // .findAll(); final myNotificationAddress = await getMyNotificationAddress(DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(_coin)); final txns = await _db .getTransactions(_walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(TransactionSubType.bip47Notification) .findAll(); for (final tx in txns) { if (tx.type == TransactionType.incoming && tx.address.value?.value == myNotificationAddress.value) { final unBlindedPaymentCode = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction( transaction: tx, myNotificationAddress: myNotificationAddress, ); if (unBlindedPaymentCode != null && paymentCodeString == unBlindedPaymentCode.toString()) { // await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, true); return true; } final unBlindedPaymentCodeBad = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransactionBad( transaction: tx, myNotificationAddress: myNotificationAddress, ); if (unBlindedPaymentCodeBad != null && paymentCodeString == unBlindedPaymentCodeBad.toString()) { // await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, true); return true; } } else if (tx.type == TransactionType.outgoing) { if (tx.address.value?.otherData != null) { final code = await paymentCodeStringByKey(tx.address.value!.otherData!); if (code == paymentCodeString) { // await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, true); return true; } } } } // otherwise return no // await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, false); return false; } Uint8List? _pubKeyFromInput(Input input) { final scriptSigComponents = input.scriptSigAsm?.split(" ") ?? []; if (scriptSigComponents.length > 1) { return scriptSigComponents[1].fromHex; } if (input.witness != null) { try { final witnessComponents = jsonDecode(input.witness!) as List; if (witnessComponents.length == 2) { return (witnessComponents[1] as String).fromHex; } } catch (_) { // } } return null; } Future unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction({ required Transaction transaction, required Address myNotificationAddress, }) async { if (transaction.address.value != null && transaction.address.value!.value != myNotificationAddress.value) { return null; } try { final blindedCodeBytes = Bip47Utils.getBlindedPaymentCodeBytesFrom(transaction); // transaction does not contain a payment code if (blindedCodeBytes == null) { return null; } final designatedInput = transaction.inputs.first; final txPoint = designatedInput.txid.fromHex.reversed.toList(); final txPointIndex = designatedInput.vout; final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4); Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length); final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData(); buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little); final pubKey = _pubKeyFromInput(designatedInput)!; final myPrivateKey = (await deriveNotificationBip32Node( mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!, mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!, )) .privateKey!; final S = SecretPoint(myPrivateKey, pubKey); final mask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev); final unBlindedPayload = PaymentCode.blind( payload: blindedCodeBytes, mask: mask, unBlind: true, ); final unBlindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPayload(unBlindedPayload); return unBlindedPaymentCode; } catch (e) { Logging.instance.log( "unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction() failed: $e", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); return null; } } Future unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransactionBad({ required Transaction transaction, required Address myNotificationAddress, }) async { if (transaction.address.value != null && transaction.address.value!.value != myNotificationAddress.value) { return null; } try { final blindedCodeBytes = Bip47Utils.getBlindedPaymentCodeBytesFrom(transaction); // transaction does not contain a payment code if (blindedCodeBytes == null) { return null; } final designatedInput = transaction.inputs.first; final txPoint = designatedInput.txid.fromHex.toList(); final txPointIndex = designatedInput.vout; final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4); Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length); final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData(); buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little); final pubKey = _pubKeyFromInput(designatedInput)!; final myPrivateKey = (await deriveNotificationBip32Node( mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!, mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!, )) .privateKey!; final S = SecretPoint(myPrivateKey, pubKey); final mask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev); final unBlindedPayload = PaymentCode.blind( payload: blindedCodeBytes, mask: mask, unBlind: true, ); final unBlindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPayload(unBlindedPayload); return unBlindedPaymentCode; } catch (e) { Logging.instance.log( "unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction() failed: $e", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); return null; } } Future> getAllPaymentCodesFromNotificationTransactions() async { final myAddress = await getMyNotificationAddress(DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(_coin)); final txns = await _db .getTransactions(_walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(TransactionSubType.bip47Notification) .findAll(); List codes = []; for (final tx in txns) { // tx is sent so we can check the address's otherData for the code String if (tx.type == TransactionType.outgoing && tx.address.value?.otherData != null) { final codeString = await paymentCodeStringByKey(tx.address.value!.otherData!); if (codeString != null && codes.where((e) => e.toString() == codeString).isEmpty) { codes.add(PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(codeString, _network)); } } else { // otherwise we need to un blind the code final unBlinded = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction( transaction: tx, myNotificationAddress: myAddress, ); if (unBlinded != null && codes.where((e) => e.toString() == unBlinded.toString()).isEmpty) { codes.add(unBlinded); } final unBlindedBad = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransactionBad( transaction: tx, myNotificationAddress: myAddress, ); if (unBlindedBad != null && codes .where((e) => e.toString() == unBlindedBad.toString()) .isEmpty) { codes.add(unBlindedBad); } } } return codes; } Future checkForNotificationTransactionsTo( Set otherCodeStrings) async { final sentNotificationTransactions = await _db .getTransactions(_walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(TransactionSubType.bip47Notification) .and() .typeEqualTo(TransactionType.outgoing) .findAll(); final List codes = []; for (final codeString in otherCodeStrings) { codes.add(PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(codeString, _network)); } for (final tx in sentNotificationTransactions) { if (tx.address.value != null && tx.address.value!.otherData == null) { final oldAddress = await _db.getAddress(_walletId, tx.address.value!.value); for (final code in codes) { final notificationAddress = code.notificationAddressP2PKH(); if (notificationAddress == oldAddress!.value) { final address = Address( walletId: _walletId, value: notificationAddress, publicKey: [], derivationIndex: 0, derivationPath: oldAddress.derivationPath, type: oldAddress.type, subType: AddressSubType.paynymNotification, otherData: await storeCode(code.toString()), ); await _db.updateAddress(oldAddress, address); } } } } } Future restoreAllHistory({ required int maxUnusedAddressGap, required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck, required Set paymentCodeStrings, }) async { final codes = await getAllPaymentCodesFromNotificationTransactions(); final List extraCodes = []; for (final codeString in paymentCodeStrings) { if (codes.where((e) => e.toString() == codeString).isEmpty) { final extraCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(codeString, _network); if (extraCode.isValid()) { extraCodes.add(extraCode); } } } codes.addAll(extraCodes); final List> futures = []; for (final code in codes) { futures.add( restoreHistoryWith( code, maxUnusedAddressGap, maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck, ), ); } await Future.wait(futures); } Future restoreHistoryWith( PaymentCode other, int maxUnusedAddressGap, int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck, ) async { // const maxCount = 2147483647; assert(maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck < maxCount); final mnemonic = (await _getMnemonicString())!; final mnemonicPassphrase = (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!; final mySendBip32Node = await deriveNotificationBip32Node( mnemonic: mnemonic, mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase, ); final receivingNode = (await _getRootNode( mnemonic: mnemonic, mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase, )) .derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath); List
addresses = []; int receivingGapCounter = 0; int outgoingGapCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck && (receivingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap || outgoingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap); i++) { if (outgoingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap) { final paymentAddressSending = PaymentAddress( paymentCode: other, bip32Node: mySendBip32Node, index: i, networkType: networkType, ); final pair = paymentAddressSending.getSendAddressKeyPair(); final address = await generatePaynymSendAddressFromKeyPair( pair: pair, derivationIndex: i, derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, toPaymentCode: other, ); addresses.add(address); final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value); if (count > 0) { outgoingGapCounter = 0; } else { outgoingGapCounter++; } } if (receivingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap) { final paymentAddressReceiving = PaymentAddress( paymentCode: other, bip32Node: receivingNode.derive(i), index: 0, networkType: networkType, ); final pair = paymentAddressReceiving.getReceiveAddressKeyPair(); final address = await generatePaynymReceivingAddressFromKeyPair( pair: pair, derivationIndex: i, derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44, fromPaymentCode: other, ); addresses.add(address); final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value); if (count > 0) { receivingGapCounter = 0; } else { receivingGapCounter++; } } } await _db.updateOrPutAddresses(addresses); } Future
generatePaynymSendAddressFromKeyPair({ required btc_dart.ECPair pair, required int derivationIndex, required DerivePathType derivePathType, required PaymentCode toPaymentCode, }) async { final data = btc_dart.PaymentData(pubkey: pair.publicKey); String addressString; switch (derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: addressString = btc_dart.P2PKH(data: data, network: _network).data.address!; break; // The following doesn't apply currently // case DerivePathType.bip49: // addressString = btc_dart // .P2SH( // data: btc_dart.PaymentData( // redeem: btc_dart // .P2WPKH( // data: data, // network: network, // ) // .data), // network: network, // ) // .data // .address!; // break; // // case DerivePathType.bip84: // addressString = btc_dart // .P2WPKH( // network: network, // data: data, // ) // .data // .address!; // break; default: throw UnimplementedError("segwit paynyms not implemented yet"); } final address = Address( walletId: _walletId, value: addressString, publicKey: pair.publicKey, derivationIndex: derivationIndex, derivationPath: null, // might as well use null due to complexity of context type: AddressType.nonWallet, subType: AddressSubType.paynymSend, otherData: await storeCode(toPaymentCode.toString()), ); return address; } Future
generatePaynymReceivingAddressFromKeyPair({ required btc_dart.ECPair pair, required int derivationIndex, required DerivePathType derivePathType, required PaymentCode fromPaymentCode, }) async { final data = btc_dart.PaymentData(pubkey: pair.publicKey); String addressString; AddressType addrType; switch (derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: addressString = btc_dart .P2PKH( data: data, network: _network, ) .data .address!; addrType = AddressType.p2pkh; break; // The following doesn't apply currently // case DerivePathType.bip49: // addressString = btc_dart // .P2SH( // data: btc_dart.PaymentData( // redeem: btc_dart // .P2WPKH( // data: data, // network: network, // ) // .data), // network: network, // ) // .data // .address!; // addrType = AddressType.p2sh; // break; // // case DerivePathType.bip84: // addressString = btc_dart // .P2WPKH( // network: network, // data: data, // ) // .data // .address!; // addrType = AddressType.p2wpkh; // break; default: throw UnimplementedError("segwit paynyms not implemented yet"); } final address = Address( walletId: _walletId, value: addressString, publicKey: pair.publicKey, derivationIndex: derivationIndex, derivationPath: DerivationPath() ..value = _receivingPaynymAddressDerivationPath(derivationIndex), type: addrType, subType: AddressSubType.paynymReceive, otherData: await storeCode(fromPaymentCode.toString()), ); final myCode = await getPaymentCode(DerivePathType.bip44); final bip32NetworkType = bip32.NetworkType( wif: _network.wif, bip32: bip32.Bip32Type( public: _network.bip32.public, private: _network.bip32.private, ), ); final bip32.BIP32 node = bip32.BIP32.fromPrivateKey( pair.privateKey!, myCode.getChain(), bip32NetworkType, ); return address; } Future
getMyNotificationAddress( DerivePathType derivePathType, [ bip32.BIP32? bip32Root, ]) async { // TODO: fix when segwit is here derivePathType = DerivePathType.bip44; AddressType type; switch (derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: type = AddressType.p2pkh; break; case DerivePathType.bip49: type = AddressType.p2sh; break; case DerivePathType.bip84: type = AddressType.p2wpkh; break; default: throw Exception("DerivePathType $derivePathType not supported"); } final storedAddress = await _db .getAddresses(_walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.paynymNotification) .and() .typeEqualTo(type) .and() .not() .typeEqualTo(AddressType.nonWallet) .findFirst(); if (storedAddress != null) { return storedAddress; } else { final root = bip32Root ?? await _getRootNode( mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!, mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!, ); final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath); final paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromBip32Node( node, _network, ); String addressString; final data = btc_dart.PaymentData(pubkey: paymentCode.notificationPublicKey()); switch (derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: addressString = btc_dart .P2PKH( data: data, network: _network, ) .data .address!; break; // case DerivePathType.bip49: // addressString = btc_dart // .P2SH( // data: btc_dart.PaymentData( // redeem: btc_dart // .P2WPKH( // data: data, // network: network, // ) // .data), // network: network, // ) // .data // .address!; // break; // case DerivePathType.bip84: // addressString = btc_dart // .P2WPKH( // network: network, // data: data, // ) // .data // .address!; // break; default: throw UnimplementedError("segwit paynyms not implemented yet"); } final address = Address( walletId: _walletId, value: addressString, publicKey: paymentCode.getPubKey(), derivationIndex: 0, derivationPath: DerivationPath() ..value = kPaynymNotificationDerivationPath, type: type, subType: AddressSubType.paynymNotification, otherData: await storeCode(paymentCode.toString()), ); await _db.putAddress(address); return address; } } /// look up a key that corresponds to a payment code string Future> lookupKey(String paymentCodeString) async { final keys = (await _secureStorage.keys).where((e) => e.startsWith(kPCodeKeyPrefix)); final List result = []; for (final key in keys) { final value = await key); if (value == paymentCodeString) { result.add(key); } } return result; } /// fetch a payment code string Future paymentCodeStringByKey(String key) async { final value = await key); return value; } /// store payment code string and return the generated key used Future storeCode(String paymentCodeString) async { final key = _generateKey(); await _secureStorage.write(key: key, value: paymentCodeString); return key; } /// generate a new payment code string storage key String _generateKey() { final bytes = _randomBytes(24); return "$kPCodeKeyPrefix${bytes.toHex}"; } // /// Generate cryptographically-secure random bytes Uint8List _randomBytes(int n) { final Random rng =; return Uint8List.fromList( List.generate(n, (_) => rng.nextInt(0xFF + 1))); } } const String kPCodeKeyPrefix = "pCode_key_";