import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; class SOCKSSocket { final String proxyHost; final int proxyPort; late final Socket _socksSocket; Socket get socket => _socksSocket; final StreamController> _responseController = StreamController.broadcast(); // Private constructor SOCKSSocket._(this.proxyHost, this.proxyPort); static Future create( {required String proxyHost, required int proxyPort}) async { var instance = SOCKSSocket._(proxyHost, proxyPort); await instance._init(); return instance; } SOCKSSocket({required this.proxyHost, required this.proxyPort}) { _init(); } /// Initializes the SOCKS socket. Future _init() async { _socksSocket = await Socket.connect( proxyHost, proxyPort, ); _socksSocket.listen( (data) { _responseController.add(data); }, onError: (dynamic e) { if (e is Object) { _responseController.addError(e); } _responseController.addError("$e"); // TODO make sure sending error as string is acceptable }, onDone: () { _responseController.close(); }, ); } /// Connects to the SOCKS socket. Future connect() async { // Greeting and method selection _socksSocket.add([0x05, 0x01, 0x00]); // Wait for server response var response = await; if (response[1] != 0x00) { throw Exception('Failed to connect to SOCKS5 socket.'); } } /// Connects to the specified [domain] and [port] through the SOCKS socket. Future connectTo(String domain, int port) async { var request = [ 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, domain.length, ...domain.codeUnits, (port >> 8) & 0xFF, port & 0xFF ]; _socksSocket.add(request); var response = await; if (response[1] != 0x00) { throw Exception('Failed to connect to target through SOCKS5 proxy.'); } } /// Converts [object] to a String by invoking [Object.toString] and /// sends the encoding of the result to the socket. void write(Object? object) { if (object == null) return; List data = utf8.encode(object.toString()); _socksSocket.add(data); } /// Sends the server.features command to the proxy server. Future sendServerFeaturesCommand() async { const String command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"server.features","params":[]}'; _socksSocket.writeln(command); var responseData = await; print("responseData: ${utf8.decode(responseData)}"); } /// Closes the connection to the Tor proxy. Future close() async { await _socksSocket.flush(); // Ensure all data is sent before closing await _responseController.close(); return await _socksSocket.close(); } }