// /*
//  * This file is part of Stack Wallet.
//  *
//  * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack
//  * All Rights Reserved.
//  * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details.
//  * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26
//  *
//  */
// import 'dart:async';
// import 'dart:convert';
// import 'dart:io';
// import 'dart:math';
// import 'package:bech32/bech32.dart';
// import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32;
// import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39;
// import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart';
// import 'package:bs58check/bs58check.dart' as bs58check;
// import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
// import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/db/isar/main_db.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/electrumx/no_such_transaction.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart' as isar_models;
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/signing_data.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/coin_service.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/node_connection_status_changed_event.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/refresh_percent_changed_event.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/updated_in_background_event.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/wallet_sync_status_changed_event.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/global_event_bus.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/mixins/coin_control_interface.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/mixins/electrum_x_parsing.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/mixins/paynym_wallet_interface.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/mixins/wallet_cache.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/mixins/wallet_db.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/mixins/xpubable.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/transaction_notification_tracker.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/address_utils.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip32_utils.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/default_nodes.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/fee_rate_type_enum.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/paynym_is_api.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/crypto_notifications.dart';
// import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
// import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
// class BitcoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI
//     with
//         WalletCache,
//         WalletDB,
//         ElectrumXParsing,
//         PaynymWalletInterface,
//         CoinControlInterface
//     implements XPubAble {
//   BitcoinWallet({
//     required String walletId,
//     required String walletName,
//     required Coin coin,
//     required ElectrumX client,
//     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
//     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
//     required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
//     MainDB? mockableOverride,
//   }) {
//     txTracker = tracker;
//     _walletId = walletId;
//     _walletName = walletName;
//     _coin = coin;
//     _electrumXClient = client;
//     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
//     _secureStore = secureStore;
//     initCache(walletId, coin);
//     initWalletDB(mockableOverride: mockableOverride);
//     initCoinControlInterface(
//       walletId: walletId,
//       walletName: walletName,
//       coin: coin,
//       db: db,
//       getChainHeight: () => chainHeight,
//       refreshedBalanceCallback: (balance) async {
//         _balance = balance;
//         await updateCachedBalance(_balance!);
//       },
//     );
//     initPaynymWalletInterface(
//       walletId: walletId,
//       walletName: walletName,
//       network: _network,
//       coin: coin,
//       db: db,
//       electrumXClient: electrumXClient,
//       secureStorage: secureStore,
//       getMnemonicString: () => mnemonicString,
//       getMnemonicPassphrase: () => mnemonicPassphrase,
//       getChainHeight: () => chainHeight,
//       // getCurrentChangeAddress: () => currentChangeAddressP2PKH,
//       getCurrentChangeAddress: () => currentChangeAddress,
//       estimateTxFee: estimateTxFee,
//       prepareSend: prepareSend,
//       getTxCount: getTxCount,
//       fetchBuildTxData: fetchBuildTxData,
//       refresh: refresh,
//       checkChangeAddressForTransactions: _checkChangeAddressForTransactions,
//       // checkChangeAddressForTransactions:
//       //     _checkP2PKHChangeAddressForTransactions,
//       dustLimitP2PKH: DUST_LIMIT_P2PKH.raw.toInt(),
//       minConfirms: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//       dustLimit: DUST_LIMIT.raw.toInt(),
//     );
//   }
//   static const integrationTestFlag =
//       bool.fromEnvironment("IS_INTEGRATION_TEST");
//   final _prefs = Prefs.instance;
//   Timer? timer;
//   late final Coin _coin;
//   late final TransactionNotificationTracker txTracker;
//   NetworkType get _network {
//     switch (coin) {
//       case Coin.bitcoin:
//         return bitcoin;
//       case Coin.bitcoinTestNet:
//         return testnet;
//       default:
//         throw Exception("Invalid network type!");
//     }
//   }
//   @override
//   set isFavorite(bool markFavorite) {
//     _isFavorite = markFavorite;
//     updateCachedIsFavorite(markFavorite);
//   }
//   @override
//   bool get isFavorite => _isFavorite ??= getCachedIsFavorite();
//   bool? _isFavorite;
//   @override
//   Coin get coin => _coin;
//   @override
//   Future<List<isar_models.UTXO>> get utxos => db.getUTXOs(walletId).findAll();
//   @override
//   Future<List<isar_models.Transaction>> get transactions => db
//       .getTransactions(walletId)
//       .filter()
//       .not()
//       .group((q) => q
//           .subTypeEqualTo(isar_models.TransactionSubType.bip47Notification)
//           .and()
//           .typeEqualTo(isar_models.TransactionType.incoming))
//       .sortByTimestampDesc()
//       .findAll();
//   @override
//   Future<String> get currentReceivingAddress async =>
//       (await _currentReceivingAddress).value;
//   Future<isar_models.Address> get _currentReceivingAddress async =>
//       (await db
//           .getAddresses(walletId)
//           .filter()
//           .typeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressType.p2wpkh)
//           .subTypeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressSubType.receiving)
//           .sortByDerivationIndexDesc()
//           .findFirst()) ??
//       await _generateAddressForChain(0, 0, DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(coin));
//   Future<String> get currentChangeAddress async =>
//       (await _currentChangeAddress).value;
//   Future<isar_models.Address> get _currentChangeAddress async =>
//       (await db
//           .getAddresses(walletId)
//           .filter()
//           .typeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressType.p2wpkh)
//           .subTypeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressSubType.change)
//           .sortByDerivationIndexDesc()
//           .findFirst()) ??
//       await _generateAddressForChain(1, 0, DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(coin));
//   Future<String> get currentChangeAddressP2PKH async =>
//       (await _currentChangeAddressP2PKH).value;
//   Future<isar_models.Address> get _currentChangeAddressP2PKH async =>
//       (await db
//           .getAddresses(walletId)
//           .filter()
//           .typeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressType.p2pkh)
//           .subTypeEqualTo(isar_models.AddressSubType.change)
//           .sortByDerivationIndexDesc()
//           .findFirst()) ??
//       await _generateAddressForChain(1, 0, DerivePathType.bip44);
//   @override
//   Future<void> exit() async {
//     _hasCalledExit = true;
//     timer?.cancel();
//     timer = null;
//     stopNetworkAlivePinging();
//   }
//   bool longMutex = false;
//   @override
//   Future<void> recoverFromMnemonic({
//     required String mnemonic,
//     String? mnemonicPassphrase,
//     required int maxUnusedAddressGap,
//     required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//     required int height,
//   }) async {
//     longMutex = true;
//     final start = DateTime.now();
//     try {
//       Logging.instance.log("IS_INTEGRATION_TEST: $integrationTestFlag",
//           level: LogLevel.Info);
//       if (!integrationTestFlag) {
//         final features = await electrumXClient.getServerFeatures();
//         Logging.instance.log("features: $features", level: LogLevel.Info);
//         switch (coin) {
//           case Coin.bitcoin:
//             if (features['genesis_hash'] != GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET) {
//               throw Exception("genesis hash does not match main net!");
//             }
//             break;
//           case Coin.bitcoinTestNet:
//             if (features['genesis_hash'] != GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET) {
//               throw Exception("genesis hash does not match test net!");
//             }
//             break;
//           default:
//             throw Exception(
//                 "Attempted to generate a BitcoinWallet using a non bitcoin coin type: ${coin.name}");
//         }
//       }
//       // check to make sure we aren't overwriting a mnemonic
//       // this should never fail
//       if ((await mnemonicString) != null ||
//           (await this.mnemonicPassphrase) != null) {
//         longMutex = false;
//         throw Exception("Attempted to overwrite mnemonic on restore!");
//       }
//       await _secureStore.write(
//           key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic', value: mnemonic.trim());
//       await _secureStore.write(
//         key: '${_walletId}_mnemonicPassphrase',
//         value: mnemonicPassphrase ?? "",
//       );
//       await _recoverWalletFromBIP32SeedPhrase(
//         mnemonic: mnemonic.trim(),
//         mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase ?? "",
//         maxUnusedAddressGap: maxUnusedAddressGap,
//         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//       );
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           "Exception rethrown from recoverFromMnemonic(): $e\n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//       longMutex = false;
//       rethrow;
//     }
//     longMutex = false;
//     final end = DateTime.now();
//     Logging.instance.log(
//         "$walletName recovery time: ${end.difference(start).inMilliseconds} millis",
//         level: LogLevel.Info);
//   }
//   Future<Tuple3<List<isar_models.Address>, DerivePathType, int>> _checkGaps(
//     int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//     int maxUnusedAddressGap,
//     int txCountBatchSize,
//     bip32.BIP32 root,
//     DerivePathType type,
//     int chain,
//   ) async {
//     List<isar_models.Address> addressArray = [];
//     int gapCounter = 0;
//     int highestIndexWithHistory = 0;
//     for (int index = 0;
//         index < maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck && gapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap;
//         index += txCountBatchSize) {
//       List<String> iterationsAddressArray = [];
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           "index: $index, \t GapCounter $chain ${type.name}: $gapCounter",
//           level: LogLevel.Info);
//       final _id = "k_$index";
//       Map<String, String> txCountCallArgs = {};
//       for (int j = 0; j < txCountBatchSize; j++) {
//         final derivePath = constructDerivePath(
//           derivePathType: type,
//           networkWIF: root.network.wif,
//           chain: chain,
//           index: index + j,
//         );
//         final node = await Bip32Utils.getBip32NodeFromRoot(root, derivePath);
//         String addressString;
//         final data = PaymentData(pubkey: node.publicKey);
//         isar_models.AddressType addrType;
//         switch (type) {
//           case DerivePathType.bip44:
//             addressString = P2PKH(data: data, network: _network).data.address!;
//             addrType = isar_models.AddressType.p2pkh;
//             break;
//           case DerivePathType.bip49:
//             addressString = P2SH(
//                     data: PaymentData(
//                         redeem: P2WPKH(data: data, network: _network).data),
//                     network: _network)
//                 .data
//                 .address!;
//             addrType = isar_models.AddressType.p2sh;
//             break;
//           case DerivePathType.bip84:
//             addressString = P2WPKH(network: _network, data: data).data.address!;
//             addrType = isar_models.AddressType.p2wpkh;
//             break;
//           default:
//             throw Exception("DerivePathType $type not supported");
//         }
//         final address = isar_models.Address(
//           walletId: walletId,
//           value: addressString,
//           publicKey: node.publicKey,
//           type: addrType,
//           derivationIndex: index + j,
//           derivationPath: isar_models.DerivationPath()..value = derivePath,
//           subType: chain == 0
//               ? isar_models.AddressSubType.receiving
//               : isar_models.AddressSubType.change,
//         );
//         addressArray.add(address);
//         txCountCallArgs.addAll({
//           "${_id}_$j": addressString,
//         });
//       }
//       // get address tx counts
//       final counts = await _getBatchTxCount(addresses: txCountCallArgs);
//       // check and add appropriate addresses
//       for (int k = 0; k < txCountBatchSize; k++) {
//         int count = counts["${_id}_$k"]!;
//         if (count > 0) {
//           iterationsAddressArray.add(txCountCallArgs["${_id}_$k"]!);
//           // update highest
//           highestIndexWithHistory = index + k;
//           // reset counter
//           gapCounter = 0;
//         }
//         // increase counter when no tx history found
//         if (count == 0) {
//           gapCounter++;
//         }
//       }
//       // cache all the transactions while waiting for the current function to finish.
//       unawaited(getTransactionCacheEarly(iterationsAddressArray));
//     }
//     return Tuple3(addressArray, type, highestIndexWithHistory);
//   }
//   Future<void> getTransactionCacheEarly(List<String> allAddresses) async {
//     try {
//       final List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTxHashes =
//           await _fetchHistory(allAddresses);
//       for (final txHash in allTxHashes) {
//         try {
//           unawaited(cachedElectrumXClient.getTransaction(
//             txHash: txHash["tx_hash"] as String,
//             verbose: true,
//             coin: coin,
//           ));
//         } catch (e) {
//           continue;
//         }
//       }
//     } catch (e) {
//       //
//     }
//   }
//   Future<void> _recoverWalletFromBIP32SeedPhrase({
//     required String mnemonic,
//     required String mnemonicPassphrase,
//     int maxUnusedAddressGap = 20,
//     int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck = 1000,
//     bool isRescan = false,
//   }) async {
//     longMutex = true;
//     final root = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Root(
//       mnemonic,
//       mnemonicPassphrase,
//       _network,
//     );
//     final deriveTypes = [
//       DerivePathType.bip44,
//       DerivePathType.bip49,
//       DerivePathType.bip84,
//     ];
//     final List<Future<Tuple3<List<isar_models.Address>, DerivePathType, int>>>
//         receiveFutures = [];
//     final List<Future<Tuple3<List<isar_models.Address>, DerivePathType, int>>>
//         changeFutures = [];
//     const receiveChain = 0;
//     const changeChain = 1;
//     const indexZero = 0;
//     // actual size is 36 due to p2pkh, p2sh, and p2wpkh so 12x3
//     const txCountBatchSize = 12;
//     try {
//       // receiving addresses
//       Logging.instance.log(
//         "checking receiving addresses...",
//         level: LogLevel.Info,
//       );
//       for (final type in deriveTypes) {
//         receiveFutures.add(
//           _checkGaps(
//             maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//             maxUnusedAddressGap,
//             txCountBatchSize,
//             root,
//             type,
//             receiveChain,
//           ),
//         );
//       }
//       // change addresses
//       Logging.instance.log(
//         "checking change addresses...",
//         level: LogLevel.Info,
//       );
//       for (final type in deriveTypes) {
//         changeFutures.add(
//           _checkGaps(
//             maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//             maxUnusedAddressGap,
//             txCountBatchSize,
//             root,
//             type,
//             changeChain,
//           ),
//         );
//       }
//       // io limitations may require running these linearly instead
//       final futuresResult = await Future.wait([
//         Future.wait(receiveFutures),
//         Future.wait(changeFutures),
//       ]);
//       final receiveResults = futuresResult[0];
//       final changeResults = futuresResult[1];
//       final List<isar_models.Address> addressesToStore = [];
//       int highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = 0;
//       // If restoring a wallet that never received any funds, then set receivingArray manually
//       // If we didn't do this, it'd store an empty array
//       for (final tuple in receiveResults) {
//         if (tuple.item1.isEmpty) {
//           final address = await _generateAddressForChain(
//             receiveChain,
//             indexZero,
//             tuple.item2,
//           );
//           addressesToStore.add(address);
//         } else {
//           highestReceivingIndexWithHistory =
//               max(tuple.item3, highestReceivingIndexWithHistory);
//           addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.item1);
//         }
//       }
//       int highestChangeIndexWithHistory = 0;
//       // If restoring a wallet that never sent any funds with change, then set changeArray
//       // manually. If we didn't do this, it'd store an empty array.
//       for (final tuple in changeResults) {
//         if (tuple.item1.isEmpty) {
//           final address = await _generateAddressForChain(
//             changeChain,
//             indexZero,
//             tuple.item2,
//           );
//           addressesToStore.add(address);
//         } else {
//           highestChangeIndexWithHistory =
//               max(tuple.item3, highestChangeIndexWithHistory);
//           addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.item1);
//         }
//       }
//       // remove extra addresses to help minimize risk of creating a large gap
//       addressesToStore.removeWhere((e) =>
//           e.subType == isar_models.AddressSubType.change &&
//           e.derivationIndex > highestChangeIndexWithHistory);
//       addressesToStore.removeWhere((e) =>
//           e.subType == isar_models.AddressSubType.receiving &&
//           e.derivationIndex > highestReceivingIndexWithHistory);
//       if (isRescan) {
//         await db.updateOrPutAddresses(addressesToStore);
//       } else {
//         await db.putAddresses(addressesToStore);
//       }
//       // get own payment code
//       // isSegwit does not matter here at all
//       final myCode = await getPaymentCode(isSegwit: false);
//       // refresh transactions to pick up any received notification transactions
//       await _refreshNotificationAddressTransactions();
//       try {
//         final Set<String> codesToCheck = {};
//         final nym = await PaynymIsApi().nym(myCode.toString());
//         if (nym.value != null) {
//           for (final follower in nym.value!.followers) {
//             codesToCheck.add(follower.code);
//           }
//           for (final following in nym.value!.following) {
//             codesToCheck.add(following.code);
//           }
//         }
//         // restore paynym transactions
//         await restoreAllHistory(
//           maxUnusedAddressGap: maxUnusedAddressGap,
//           maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//           paymentCodeStrings: codesToCheck,
//         );
//       } catch (e, s) {
//         Logging.instance.log(
//           "Failed to check paynym.is followers/following for history during "
//           "bitcoin wallet ($walletId $walletName) "
//           "_recoverWalletFromBIP32SeedPhrase: $e/n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error,
//         );
//       }
//       await Future.wait([
//         _refreshTransactions(),
//         _updateUTXOs(),
//       ]);
//       await Future.wait([
//         updateCachedId(walletId),
//         updateCachedIsFavorite(false),
//       ]);
//       longMutex = false;
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           "Exception rethrown from _recoverWalletFromBIP32SeedPhrase(): $e\n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//       longMutex = false;
//       rethrow;
//     }
//   }
//   Future<bool> refreshIfThereIsNewData() async {
//     if (longMutex) return false;
//     if (_hasCalledExit) return false;
//     Logging.instance.log("refreshIfThereIsNewData", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     try {
//       bool needsRefresh = false;
//       Set<String> txnsToCheck = {};
//       for (final String txid in txTracker.pendings) {
//         if (!txTracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(txid)) {
//           txnsToCheck.add(txid);
//         }
//       }
//       for (String txid in txnsToCheck) {
//         final txn = await electrumXClient.getTransaction(txHash: txid);
//         int confirmations = txn["confirmations"] as int? ?? 0;
//         bool isUnconfirmed = confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS;
//         if (!isUnconfirmed) {
//           // unconfirmedTxs = {};
//           needsRefresh = true;
//           break;
//         }
//       }
//       if (!needsRefresh) {
//         final allOwnAddresses = await _fetchAllOwnAddresses();
//         List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTxs = await _fetchHistory(
//             allOwnAddresses.map((e) => e.value).toList(growable: false));
//         for (Map<String, dynamic> transaction in allTxs) {
//           final txid = transaction['tx_hash'] as String;
//           if ((await db
//                   .getTransactions(walletId)
//                   .filter()
//                   .txidMatches(txid)
//                   .findFirst()) ==
//               null) {
//             Logging.instance.log(
//                 " txid not found in address history already ${transaction['tx_hash']}",
//                 level: LogLevel.Info);
//             needsRefresh = true;
//             break;
//           }
//         }
//       }
//       return needsRefresh;
//     } on NoSuchTransactionException catch (e) {
//       // TODO: move direct transactions elsewhere
//       await db.isar.writeTxn(() async {
//         await db.isar.transactions.deleteByTxidWalletId(e.txid, walletId);
//       });
//       await txTracker.deleteTransaction(e.txid);
//       return true;
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           "Exception caught in refreshIfThereIsNewData: $e\n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//       rethrow;
//     }
//   }
//   Future<void> getAllTxsToWatch() async {
//     if (_hasCalledExit) return;
//     List<isar_models.Transaction> unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyPending = [];
//     List<isar_models.Transaction> unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyConfirmed = [];
//     final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight;
//     final txCount = await db.getTransactions(walletId).count();
//     const paginateLimit = 50;
//     for (int i = 0; i < txCount; i += paginateLimit) {
//       final transactions = await db
//           .getTransactions(walletId)
//           .offset(i)
//           .limit(paginateLimit)
//           .findAll();
//       for (final tx in transactions) {
//         if (tx.isConfirmed(currentChainHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
//           // get all transactions that were notified as pending but not as confirmed
//           if (txTracker.wasNotifiedPending(tx.txid) &&
//               !txTracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(tx.txid)) {
//             unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyConfirmed.add(tx);
//           }
//         } else {
//           // get all transactions that were not notified as pending yet
//           if (!txTracker.wasNotifiedPending(tx.txid)) {
//             unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyPending.add(tx);
//           }
//         }
//       }
//     }
//     // notify on unconfirmed transactions
//     for (final tx in unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyPending) {
//       final confirmations = tx.getConfirmations(currentChainHeight);
//       if (tx.type == isar_models.TransactionType.incoming) {
//         CryptoNotificationsEventBus.instance.fire(
//           CryptoNotificationEvent(
//             title: "Incoming transaction",
//             walletId: walletId,
//             walletName: walletName,
//             date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
//             shouldWatchForUpdates: confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//             coin: coin,
//             txid: tx.txid,
//             confirmations: confirmations,
//             requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//           ),
//         );
//         await txTracker.addNotifiedPending(tx.txid);
//       } else if (tx.type == isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing) {
//         CryptoNotificationsEventBus.instance.fire(
//           CryptoNotificationEvent(
//             title: "Sending transaction",
//             walletId: walletId,
//             date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
//             shouldWatchForUpdates: confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//             txid: tx.txid,
//             confirmations: confirmations,
//             requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//             walletName: walletName,
//             coin: coin,
//           ),
//         );
//         await txTracker.addNotifiedPending(tx.txid);
//       }
//     }
//     // notify on confirmed
//     for (final tx in unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyConfirmed) {
//       if (tx.type == isar_models.TransactionType.incoming) {
//         CryptoNotificationsEventBus.instance.fire(
//           CryptoNotificationEvent(
//             title: "Incoming transaction confirmed",
//             walletId: walletId,
//             date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
//             shouldWatchForUpdates: false,
//             txid: tx.txid,
//             requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//             walletName: walletName,
//             coin: coin,
//           ),
//         );
//         await txTracker.addNotifiedConfirmed(tx.txid);
//       } else if (tx.type == isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing) {
//         CryptoNotificationsEventBus.instance.fire(
//           CryptoNotificationEvent(
//             title: "Outgoing transaction confirmed",
//             walletId: walletId,
//             date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
//             shouldWatchForUpdates: false,
//             txid: tx.txid,
//             requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
//             walletName: walletName,
//             coin: coin,
//           ),
//         );
//         await txTracker.addNotifiedConfirmed(tx.txid);
//       }
//     }
//   }
//   @override
//   bool get isRefreshing => refreshMutex;
//   bool refreshMutex = false;
//   //TODO Show percentages properly/more consistently
//   /// Refreshes display data for the wallet
//   @override
//   Future<void> refresh() async {
//     if (refreshMutex) {
//       Logging.instance.log("$walletId $walletName refreshMutex denied",
//           level: LogLevel.Info);
//       return;
//     } else {
//       refreshMutex = true;
//     }
//     try {
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent(
//           WalletSyncStatus.syncing,
//           walletId,
//           coin,
//         ),
//       );
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.0, walletId));
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.1, walletId));
//       // isSegwit does not matter here at all
//       final myCode = await getPaymentCode(isSegwit: false);
//       final Set<String> codesToCheck = {};
//       final nym = await PaynymIsApi().nym(myCode.toString());
//       if (nym.value != null) {
//         for (final follower in nym.value!.followers) {
//           codesToCheck.add(follower.code);
//         }
//         for (final following in nym.value!.following) {
//           codesToCheck.add(following.code);
//         }
//       }
//       final currentHeight = await chainHeight;
//       const storedHeight = 1; //await storedChainHeight;
//       Logging.instance
//           .log("chain height: $currentHeight", level: LogLevel.Info);
//       // Logging.instance
//       //     .log("cached height: $storedHeight", level: LogLevel.Info);
//       if (currentHeight != storedHeight) {
//         GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.2, walletId));
//         await _checkChangeAddressForTransactions();
//         await _checkP2PKHChangeAddressForTransactions();
//         GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.3, walletId));
//         await _checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions();
//         GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.4, walletId));
//         await checkAllCurrentReceivingPaynymAddressesForTransactions();
//         final fetchFuture = _refreshTransactions();
//         GlobalEventBus.instance
//             .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.50, walletId));
//         final feeObj = _getFees();
//         GlobalEventBus.instance
//             .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.60, walletId));
//         GlobalEventBus.instance
//             .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.70, walletId));
//         _feeObject = Future(() => feeObj);
//         await fetchFuture;
//         GlobalEventBus.instance
//             .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.80, walletId));
//         await checkForNotificationTransactionsTo(codesToCheck);
//         await _updateUTXOs();
//         await getAllTxsToWatch();
//         GlobalEventBus.instance
//             .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.90, walletId));
//       }
//       refreshMutex = false;
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(1.0, walletId));
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent(
//           WalletSyncStatus.synced,
//           walletId,
//           coin,
//         ),
//       );
//       if (shouldAutoSync) {
//         timer ??= Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 30), (timer) async {
//           Logging.instance.log(
//               "Periodic refresh check for $walletId $walletName in object instance: $hashCode",
//               level: LogLevel.Info);
//           // chain height check currently broken
//           // if ((await chainHeight) != (await storedChainHeight)) {
//           if (await refreshIfThereIsNewData()) {
//             await refresh();
//             GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(UpdatedInBackgroundEvent(
//                 "New data found in $walletId $walletName in background!",
//                 walletId));
//           }
//           // }
//         });
//       }
//     } catch (error, strace) {
//       refreshMutex = false;
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         NodeConnectionStatusChangedEvent(
//           NodeConnectionStatus.disconnected,
//           walletId,
//           coin,
//         ),
//       );
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent(
//           WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync,
//           walletId,
//           coin,
//         ),
//       );
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           "Caught exception in refreshWalletData(): $error\n$strace",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//     }
//   }
//   @override
//   Future<void> initializeExisting() async {
//     // this will add the notification address to the db if it isn't
//     // already there for older wallets
//     await getMyNotificationAddress();
//     // await _checkCurrentChangeAddressesForTransactions();
//     // await _checkCurrentReceivingAddressesForTransactions();
//   }
//   // hack to add tx to txData before refresh completes
//   // required based on current app architecture where we don't properly store
//   // transactions locally in a good way
//   @override
//   Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic> txData) async {
//     final transaction = isar_models.Transaction(
//       walletId: walletId,
//       txid: txData["txid"] as String,
//       timestamp: DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
//       type: isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing,
//       subType: isar_models.TransactionSubType.none,
//       // precision may be lost here hence the following amountString
//       amount: (txData["recipientAmt"] as Amount).raw.toInt(),
//       amountString: (txData["recipientAmt"] as Amount).toJsonString(),
//       fee: txData["fee"] as int,
//       height: null,
//       isCancelled: false,
//       isLelantus: false,
//       otherData: null,
//       slateId: null,
//       nonce: null,
//       inputs: [],
//       outputs: [],
//       numberOfMessages: null,
//     );
//     final address = txData["address"] is String
//         ? await db.getAddress(walletId, txData["address"] as String)
//         : null;
//     await db.addNewTransactionData(
//       [
//         Tuple2(transaction, address),
//       ],
//       walletId,
//     );
//   }
//   Future<void> _refreshNotificationAddressTransactions() async {
//     final address = await getMyNotificationAddress();
//     final hashes = await _fetchHistory([address.value]);
//     List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTransactions = [];
//     final currentHeight = await chainHeight;
//     for (final txHash in hashes) {
//       final storedTx = await db
//           .getTransactions(walletId)
//           .filter()
//           .txidEqualTo(txHash["tx_hash"] as String)
//           .findFirst();
//       // TODO: remove bip47Notification type check sometime after Q2 2023
//       if (storedTx == null ||
//           storedTx.subType ==
//               isar_models.TransactionSubType.bip47Notification ||
//           !storedTx.isConfirmed(currentHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
//         final tx = await cachedElectrumXClient.getTransaction(
//           txHash: txHash["tx_hash"] as String,
//           verbose: true,
//           coin: coin,
//         );
//         tx["address"] = await db
//             .getAddresses(walletId)
//             .filter()
//             .valueEqualTo(txHash["address"] as String)
//             .findFirst();
//         tx["height"] = txHash["height"];
//         allTransactions.add(tx);
//       }
//     }
//     final List<Tuple2<isar_models.Transaction, isar_models.Address?>> txnsData =
//         [];
//     for (final txObject in allTransactions) {
//       final data = await parseTransaction(
//         txObject,
//         cachedElectrumXClient,
//         [address],
//         coin,
//         walletId,
//       );
//       txnsData.add(data);
//     }
//     await db.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId);
//   }
//   Future<void> _refreshTransactions() async {
//     final List<isar_models.Address> allAddresses =
//         await _fetchAllOwnAddresses();
//     final Set<Map<String, dynamic>> allTxHashes =
//         (await _fetchHistory(allAddresses.map((e) => e.value).toList()))
//             .toSet();
//     // // prefetch/cache
//     // Set<String> hashes = {};
//     // for (var element in allReceivingTxHashes) {
//     //   hashes.add(element['tx_hash'] as String);
//     // }
//     // await fastFetch(hashes.toList());
//     List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTransactions = [];
//     final currentHeight = await chainHeight;
//     for (final txHash in allTxHashes) {
//       final storedTx = await db
//           .getTransactions(walletId)
//           .filter()
//           .txidEqualTo(txHash["tx_hash"] as String)
//           .findFirst();
//       // TODO: remove bip47Notification type check sometime after Q2 2023
//       if (storedTx == null ||
//           storedTx.subType ==
//               isar_models.TransactionSubType.bip47Notification ||
//           !storedTx.isConfirmed(currentHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
//         final tx = await cachedElectrumXClient.getTransaction(
//           txHash: txHash["tx_hash"] as String,
//           verbose: true,
//           coin: coin,
//         );
//         if (!_duplicateTxCheck(allTransactions, tx["txid"] as String)) {
//           tx["address"] = await db
//               .getAddresses(walletId)
//               .filter()
//               .valueEqualTo(txHash["address"] as String)
//               .findFirst();
//           tx["height"] = txHash["height"];
//           allTransactions.add(tx);
//         }
//       }
//     }
//     // // prefetch/cache
//     // Set<String> vHashes = {};
//     // for (final txObject in allTransactions) {
//     //   for (int i = 0; i < (txObject["vin"] as List).length; i++) {
//     //     final input = txObject["vin"]![i] as Map;
//     //     final prevTxid = input["txid"] as String;
//     //     vHashes.add(prevTxid);
//     //   }
//     // }
//     // await fastFetch(vHashes.toList());
//     final List<Tuple2<isar_models.Transaction, isar_models.Address?>> txnsData =
//         [];
//     for (final txObject in allTransactions) {
//       final data = await parseTransaction(
//         txObject,
//         cachedElectrumXClient,
//         allAddresses,
//         coin,
//         walletId,
//       );
//       txnsData.add(data);
//     }
//     await db.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId);
//     // quick hack to notify manager to call notifyListeners if
//     // transactions changed
//     if (txnsData.isNotEmpty) {
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         UpdatedInBackgroundEvent(
//           "Transactions updated/added for: $walletId $walletName  ",
//           walletId,
//         ),
//       );
//     }
//   }
//   int estimateTxFee({required int vSize, required int feeRatePerKB}) {
//     return vSize * (feeRatePerKB / 1000).ceil();
//   }
//   /// The coinselection algorithm decides whether or not the user is eligible to make the transaction
//   /// with [satoshiAmountToSend] and [selectedTxFeeRate]. If so, it will call buildTrasaction() and return
//   /// a map containing the tx hex along with other important information. If not, then it will return
//   /// an integer (1 or 2)
//   dynamic coinSelection({
//     required int satoshiAmountToSend,
//     required int selectedTxFeeRate,
//     required String recipientAddress,
//     required bool coinControl,
//     required bool isSendAll,
//     int? satsPerVByte,
//     int additionalOutputs = 0,
//     List<isar_models.UTXO>? utxos,
//   }) async {
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("Starting coinSelection ----------", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     final List<isar_models.UTXO> availableOutputs = utxos ?? await this.utxos;
//     final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight;
//     final List<isar_models.UTXO> spendableOutputs = [];
//     int spendableSatoshiValue = 0;
//     // Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount
//     for (final utxo in availableOutputs) {
//       if (utxo.isBlocked == false &&
//           utxo.isConfirmed(currentChainHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS) &&
//           utxo.used != true) {
//         spendableOutputs.add(utxo);
//         spendableSatoshiValue += utxo.value;
//       }
//     }
//     if (coinControl) {
//       if (spendableOutputs.length < availableOutputs.length) {
//         throw ArgumentError("Attempted to use an unavailable utxo");
//       }
//     }
//     // don't care about sorting if using all utxos
//     if (!coinControl) {
//       // sort spendable by age (oldest first)
//       spendableOutputs.sort((a, b) => b.blockTime!.compareTo(a.blockTime!));
//     }
//     Logging.instance.log("spendableOutputs.length: ${spendableOutputs.length}",
//         level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance.log("availableOutputs.length: ${availableOutputs.length}",
//         level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("spendableOutputs: $spendableOutputs", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance.log("spendableSatoshiValue: $spendableSatoshiValue",
//         level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("satoshiAmountToSend: $satoshiAmountToSend", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     // If the amount the user is trying to send is smaller than the amount that they have spendable,
//     // then return 1, which indicates that they have an insufficient balance.
//     if (spendableSatoshiValue < satoshiAmountToSend) {
//       return 1;
//       // If the amount the user wants to send is exactly equal to the amount they can spend, then return
//       // 2, which indicates that they are not leaving enough over to pay the transaction fee
//     } else if (spendableSatoshiValue == satoshiAmountToSend && !isSendAll) {
//       return 2;
//     }
//     // If neither of these statements pass, we assume that the user has a spendable balance greater
//     // than the amount they're attempting to send. Note that this value still does not account for
//     // the added transaction fee, which may require an extra input and will need to be checked for
//     // later on.
//     // Possible situation right here
//     int satoshisBeingUsed = 0;
//     int inputsBeingConsumed = 0;
//     List<isar_models.UTXO> utxoObjectsToUse = [];
//     if (!coinControl) {
//       for (var i = 0;
//           satoshisBeingUsed < satoshiAmountToSend &&
//               i < spendableOutputs.length;
//           i++) {
//         utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendableOutputs[i]);
//         satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[i].value;
//         inputsBeingConsumed += 1;
//       }
//       for (int i = 0;
//           i < additionalOutputs &&
//               inputsBeingConsumed < spendableOutputs.length;
//           i++) {
//         utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendableOutputs[inputsBeingConsumed]);
//         satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[inputsBeingConsumed].value;
//         inputsBeingConsumed += 1;
//       }
//     } else {
//       satoshisBeingUsed = spendableSatoshiValue;
//       utxoObjectsToUse = spendableOutputs;
//       inputsBeingConsumed = spendableOutputs.length;
//     }
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("satoshisBeingUsed: $satoshisBeingUsed", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("inputsBeingConsumed: $inputsBeingConsumed", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance
//         .log('utxoObjectsToUse: $utxoObjectsToUse', level: LogLevel.Info);
//     // numberOfOutputs' length must always be equal to that of recipientsArray and recipientsAmtArray
//     List<String> recipientsArray = [recipientAddress];
//     List<int> recipientsAmtArray = [satoshiAmountToSend];
//     // gather required signing data
//     final utxoSigningData = await fetchBuildTxData(utxoObjectsToUse);
//     if (isSendAll) {
//       Logging.instance
//           .log("Attempting to send all $coin", level: LogLevel.Info);
//       final int vSizeForOneOutput = (await buildTransaction(
//         utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//         recipients: [recipientAddress],
//         satoshiAmounts: [satoshisBeingUsed - 1],
//       ))["vSize"] as int;
//       int feeForOneOutput = satsPerVByte != null
//           ? (satsPerVByte * vSizeForOneOutput)
//           : estimateTxFee(
//               vSize: vSizeForOneOutput,
//               feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
//             );
//       if (satsPerVByte == null) {
//         final int roughEstimate = roughFeeEstimate(
//           spendableOutputs.length,
//           1,
//           selectedTxFeeRate,
//         ).raw.toInt();
//         if (feeForOneOutput < roughEstimate) {
//           feeForOneOutput = roughEstimate;
//         }
//       }
//       final int amount = satoshiAmountToSend - feeForOneOutput;
//       dynamic txn = await buildTransaction(
//         utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//         recipients: recipientsArray,
//         satoshiAmounts: [amount],
//       );
//       Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
//         "hex": txn["hex"],
//         "recipient": recipientsArray[0],
//         "recipientAmt": Amount(
//           rawValue: BigInt.from(amount),
//           fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//         ),
//         "fee": feeForOneOutput,
//         "vSize": txn["vSize"],
//         "usedUTXOs": utxoSigningData.map((e) => e.utxo).toList(),
//       };
//       return transactionObject;
//     }
//     final int vSizeForOneOutput;
//     try {
//       vSizeForOneOutput = (await buildTransaction(
//         utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//         recipients: [recipientAddress],
//         satoshiAmounts: [satoshisBeingUsed - 1],
//       ))["vSize"] as int;
//     } catch (e) {
//       Logging.instance.log("vSizeForOneOutput: $e", level: LogLevel.Error);
//       rethrow;
//     }
//     final int vSizeForTwoOutPuts;
//     try {
//       vSizeForTwoOutPuts = (await buildTransaction(
//         utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//         recipients: [
//           recipientAddress,
//           await currentChangeAddress,
//         ],
//         satoshiAmounts: [
//           satoshiAmountToSend,
//           max(0, satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend - 1),
//         ],
//       ))["vSize"] as int;
//     } catch (e) {
//       Logging.instance.log("vSizeForTwoOutPuts: $e", level: LogLevel.Error);
//       rethrow;
//     }
//     // Assume 1 output, only for recipient and no change
//     final feeForOneOutput = satsPerVByte != null
//         ? (satsPerVByte * vSizeForOneOutput)
//         : estimateTxFee(
//             vSize: vSizeForOneOutput,
//             feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
//           );
//     // Assume 2 outputs, one for recipient and one for change
//     final feeForTwoOutputs = satsPerVByte != null
//         ? (satsPerVByte * vSizeForTwoOutPuts)
//         : estimateTxFee(
//             vSize: vSizeForTwoOutPuts,
//             feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
//           );
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("feeForTwoOutputs: $feeForTwoOutputs", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("feeForOneOutput: $feeForOneOutput", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     if (satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend > feeForOneOutput) {
//       if (satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend >
//           feeForOneOutput + DUST_LIMIT.raw.toInt()) {
//         // Here, we know that theoretically, we may be able to include another output(change) but we first need to
//         // factor in the value of this output in satoshis.
//         int changeOutputSize =
//             satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend - feeForTwoOutputs;
//         // We check to see if the user can pay for the new transaction with 2 outputs instead of one. If they can and
//         // the second output's size > DUST_LIMIT satoshis, we perform the mechanics required to properly generate and use a new
//         // change address.
//         if (changeOutputSize > DUST_LIMIT.raw.toInt() &&
//             satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend - changeOutputSize ==
//                 feeForTwoOutputs) {
//           // generate new change address if current change address has been used
//           await _checkChangeAddressForTransactions();
//           final String newChangeAddress = await currentChangeAddress;
//           int feeBeingPaid =
//               satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend - changeOutputSize;
//           recipientsArray.add(newChangeAddress);
//           recipientsAmtArray.add(changeOutputSize);
//           // At this point, we have the outputs we're going to use, the amounts to send along with which addresses
//           // we intend to send these amounts to. We have enough to send instructions to build the transaction.
//           Logging.instance.log('2 outputs in tx', level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance
//               .log('Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance.log('Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend',
//               level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance.log('Change Output Size: $changeOutputSize',
//               level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance.log(
//               'Difference (fee being paid): $feeBeingPaid sats',
//               level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance
//               .log('Estimated fee: $feeForTwoOutputs', level: LogLevel.Info);
//           dynamic txn = await buildTransaction(
//             utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//             recipients: recipientsArray,
//             satoshiAmounts: recipientsAmtArray,
//           );
//           // make sure minimum fee is accurate if that is being used
//           if (txn["vSize"] - feeBeingPaid == 1) {
//             int changeOutputSize =
//                 satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend - (txn["vSize"] as int);
//             feeBeingPaid =
//                 satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend - changeOutputSize;
//             recipientsAmtArray.removeLast();
//             recipientsAmtArray.add(changeOutputSize);
//             Logging.instance.log('Adjusted Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed',
//                 level: LogLevel.Info);
//             Logging.instance.log(
//                 'Adjusted Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend',
//                 level: LogLevel.Info);
//             Logging.instance.log(
//                 'Adjusted Change Output Size: $changeOutputSize',
//                 level: LogLevel.Info);
//             Logging.instance.log(
//                 'Adjusted Difference (fee being paid): $feeBeingPaid sats',
//                 level: LogLevel.Info);
//             Logging.instance.log('Adjusted Estimated fee: $feeForTwoOutputs',
//                 level: LogLevel.Info);
//             txn = await buildTransaction(
//               utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//               recipients: recipientsArray,
//               satoshiAmounts: recipientsAmtArray,
//             );
//           }
//           Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
//             "hex": txn["hex"],
//             "recipient": recipientsArray[0],
//             "recipientAmt": Amount(
//               rawValue: BigInt.from(recipientsAmtArray[0]),
//               fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//             ),
//             "fee": feeBeingPaid,
//             "vSize": txn["vSize"],
//             "usedUTXOs": utxoSigningData.map((e) => e.utxo).toList(),
//           };
//           return transactionObject;
//         } else {
//           // Something went wrong here. It either overshot or undershot the estimated fee amount or the changeOutputSize
//           // is smaller than or equal to DUST_LIMIT. Revert to single output transaction.
//           Logging.instance.log('1 output in tx', level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance
//               .log('Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance.log('Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend',
//               level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance.log(
//               'Difference (fee being paid): ${satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend} sats',
//               level: LogLevel.Info);
//           Logging.instance
//               .log('Estimated fee: $feeForOneOutput', level: LogLevel.Info);
//           dynamic txn = await buildTransaction(
//             utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//             recipients: recipientsArray,
//             satoshiAmounts: recipientsAmtArray,
//           );
//           Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
//             "hex": txn["hex"],
//             "recipient": recipientsArray[0],
//             "recipientAmt": Amount(
//               rawValue: BigInt.from(recipientsAmtArray[0]),
//               fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//             ),
//             "fee": satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend,
//             "vSize": txn["vSize"],
//             "usedUTXOs": utxoSigningData.map((e) => e.utxo).toList(),
//           };
//           return transactionObject;
//         }
//       } else {
//         // No additional outputs needed since adding one would mean that it'd be smaller than DUST_LIMIT sats
//         // which makes it uneconomical to add to the transaction. Here, we pass data directly to instruct
//         // the wallet to begin crafting the transaction that the user requested.
//         Logging.instance.log('1 output in tx', level: LogLevel.Info);
//         Logging.instance
//             .log('Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info);
//         Logging.instance.log('Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend',
//             level: LogLevel.Info);
//         Logging.instance.log(
//             'Difference (fee being paid): ${satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend} sats',
//             level: LogLevel.Info);
//         Logging.instance
//             .log('Estimated fee: $feeForOneOutput', level: LogLevel.Info);
//         dynamic txn = await buildTransaction(
//           utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//           recipients: recipientsArray,
//           satoshiAmounts: recipientsAmtArray,
//         );
//         Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
//           "hex": txn["hex"],
//           "recipient": recipientsArray[0],
//           "recipientAmt": Amount(
//             rawValue: BigInt.from(recipientsAmtArray[0]),
//             fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//           ),
//           "fee": satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend,
//           "vSize": txn["vSize"],
//           "usedUTXOs": utxoSigningData.map((e) => e.utxo).toList(),
//         };
//         return transactionObject;
//       }
//     } else if (satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend == feeForOneOutput) {
//       // In this scenario, no additional change output is needed since inputs - outputs equal exactly
//       // what we need to pay for fees. Here, we pass data directly to instruct the wallet to begin
//       // crafting the transaction that the user requested.
//       Logging.instance.log('1 output in tx', level: LogLevel.Info);
//       Logging.instance
//           .log('Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info);
//       Logging.instance.log('Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend',
//           level: LogLevel.Info);
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           'Fee being paid: ${satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend} sats',
//           level: LogLevel.Info);
//       Logging.instance
//           .log('Estimated fee: $feeForOneOutput', level: LogLevel.Info);
//       dynamic txn = await buildTransaction(
//         utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
//         recipients: recipientsArray,
//         satoshiAmounts: recipientsAmtArray,
//       );
//       Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
//         "hex": txn["hex"],
//         "recipient": recipientsArray[0],
//         "recipientAmt": Amount(
//           rawValue: BigInt.from(recipientsAmtArray[0]),
//           fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//         ),
//         "fee": feeForOneOutput,
//         "vSize": txn["vSize"],
//         "usedUTXOs": utxoSigningData.map((e) => e.utxo).toList(),
//       };
//       return transactionObject;
//     } else {
//       // Remember that returning 2 indicates that the user does not have a sufficient balance to
//       // pay for the transaction fee. Ideally, at this stage, we should check if the user has any
//       // additional outputs they're able to spend and then recalculate fees.
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           'Cannot pay tx fee - checking for more outputs and trying again',
//           level: LogLevel.Warning);
//       // try adding more outputs
//       if (spendableOutputs.length > inputsBeingConsumed) {
//         return coinSelection(
//           satoshiAmountToSend: satoshiAmountToSend,
//           selectedTxFeeRate: selectedTxFeeRate,
//           satsPerVByte: satsPerVByte,
//           recipientAddress: recipientAddress,
//           isSendAll: isSendAll,
//           additionalOutputs: additionalOutputs + 1,
//           utxos: utxos,
//           coinControl: coinControl,
//         );
//       }
//       return 2;
//     }
//   }
//   Future<List<SigningData>> fetchBuildTxData(
//     List<isar_models.UTXO> utxosToUse,
//   ) async {
//     // return data
//     List<SigningData> signingData = [];
//     try {
//       // Populating the addresses to check
//       for (var i = 0; i < utxosToUse.length; i++) {
//         if (utxosToUse[i].address == null) {
//           final txid = utxosToUse[i].txid;
//           final tx = await _cachedElectrumXClient.getTransaction(
//             txHash: txid,
//             coin: coin,
//           );
//           for (final output in tx["vout"] as List) {
//             final n = output["n"];
//             if (n != null && n == utxosToUse[i].vout) {
//               utxosToUse[i] = utxosToUse[i].copyWith(
//                 address: output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ??
//                     output["scriptPubKey"]["address"] as String,
//               );
//             }
//           }
//         }
//         final derivePathType = addressType(address: utxosToUse[i].address!);
//         signingData.add(
//           SigningData(
//             derivePathType: derivePathType,
//             utxo: utxosToUse[i],
//           ),
//         );
//       }
//       Map<DerivePathType, Map<String, dynamic>> receiveDerivations = {};
//       Map<DerivePathType, Map<String, dynamic>> changeDerivations = {};
//       for (final sd in signingData) {
//         String? pubKey;
//         String? wif;
//         final address = await db.getAddress(walletId, sd.utxo.address!);
//         if (address?.derivationPath != null) {
//           final bip32.BIP32 node;
//           if (address!.subType == isar_models.AddressSubType.paynymReceive) {
//             final code = await paymentCodeStringByKey(address.otherData!);
//             final bip47base = await getBip47BaseNode();
//             final privateKey = await getPrivateKeyForPaynymReceivingAddress(
//               paymentCodeString: code!,
//               index: address.derivationIndex,
//             );
//             node = bip32.BIP32.fromPrivateKey(
//               privateKey,
//               bip47base.chainCode,
//               bip32.NetworkType(
//                 wif: _network.wif,
//                 bip32: bip32.Bip32Type(
//                   public: _network.bip32.public,
//                   private: _network.bip32.private,
//                 ),
//               ),
//             );
//           } else {
//             node = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Node(
//               (await mnemonicString)!,
//               (await mnemonicPassphrase)!,
//               _network,
//               address.derivationPath!.value,
//             );
//           }
//           wif = node.toWIF();
//           pubKey = Format.uint8listToString(node.publicKey);
//         }
//         if (wif == null || pubKey == null) {
//           // fetch receiving derivations if null
//           receiveDerivations[sd.derivePathType] ??= await _fetchDerivations(
//             chain: 0,
//             derivePathType: sd.derivePathType,
//           );
//           final receiveDerivation =
//               receiveDerivations[sd.derivePathType]![sd.utxo.address!];
//           if (receiveDerivation != null) {
//             pubKey = receiveDerivation["pubKey"] as String;
//             wif = receiveDerivation["wif"] as String;
//           } else {
//             // fetch change derivations if null
//             changeDerivations[sd.derivePathType] ??= await _fetchDerivations(
//               chain: 1,
//               derivePathType: sd.derivePathType,
//             );
//             final changeDerivation =
//                 changeDerivations[sd.derivePathType]![sd.utxo.address!];
//             if (changeDerivation != null) {
//               pubKey = changeDerivation["pubKey"] as String;
//               wif = changeDerivation["wif"] as String;
//             }
//           }
//         }
//         if (wif != null && pubKey != null) {
//           final PaymentData data;
//           final Uint8List? redeemScript;
//           switch (sd.derivePathType) {
//             case DerivePathType.bip44:
//               data = P2PKH(
//                 data: PaymentData(
//                   pubkey: Format.stringToUint8List(pubKey),
//                 ),
//                 network: _network,
//               ).data;
//               redeemScript = null;
//               break;
//             case DerivePathType.bip49:
//               final p2wpkh = P2WPKH(
//                 data: PaymentData(
//                   pubkey: Format.stringToUint8List(pubKey),
//                 ),
//                 network: _network,
//               ).data;
//               redeemScript = p2wpkh.output;
//               data = P2SH(
//                 data: PaymentData(redeem: p2wpkh),
//                 network: _network,
//               ).data;
//               break;
//             case DerivePathType.bip84:
//               data = P2WPKH(
//                 data: PaymentData(
//                   pubkey: Format.stringToUint8List(pubKey),
//                 ),
//                 network: _network,
//               ).data;
//               redeemScript = null;
//               break;
//             default:
//               throw Exception("DerivePathType unsupported");
//           }
//           final keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(
//             wif,
//             network: _network,
//           );
//           sd.redeemScript = redeemScript;
//           sd.output = data.output;
//           sd.keyPair = keyPair;
//         }
//       }
//       return signingData;
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       Logging.instance
//           .log("fetchBuildTxData() threw: $e,\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
//       rethrow;
//     }
//   }
//   /// Builds and signs a transaction
//   Future<Map<String, dynamic>> buildTransaction({
//     required List<SigningData> utxoSigningData,
//     required List<String> recipients,
//     required List<int> satoshiAmounts,
//   }) async {
//     Logging.instance
//         .log("Starting buildTransaction ----------", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     final txb = TransactionBuilder(network: _network);
//     txb.setVersion(1);
//     // Add transaction inputs
//     for (var i = 0; i < utxoSigningData.length; i++) {
//       final txid = utxoSigningData[i].utxo.txid;
//       txb.addInput(
//         txid,
//         utxoSigningData[i].utxo.vout,
//         null,
//         utxoSigningData[i].output!,
//       );
//     }
//     // Add transaction output
//     for (var i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
//       txb.addOutput(recipients[i], satoshiAmounts[i]);
//     }
//     try {
//       // Sign the transaction accordingly
//       for (var i = 0; i < utxoSigningData.length; i++) {
//         txb.sign(
//           vin: i,
//           keyPair: utxoSigningData[i].keyPair!,
//           witnessValue: utxoSigningData[i].utxo.value,
//           redeemScript: utxoSigningData[i].redeemScript,
//         );
//       }
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       Logging.instance.log("Caught exception while signing transaction: $e\n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//       rethrow;
//     }
//     final builtTx = txb.build();
//     final vSize = builtTx.virtualSize();
//     return {"hex": builtTx.toHex(), "vSize": vSize};
//   }
//   @override
//   Future<void> fullRescan(
//     int maxUnusedAddressGap,
//     int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//   ) async {
//     Logging.instance.log("Starting full rescan!", level: LogLevel.Info);
//     longMutex = true;
//     GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//       WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent(
//         WalletSyncStatus.syncing,
//         walletId,
//         coin,
//       ),
//     );
//     // clear cache
//     await _cachedElectrumXClient.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: coin);
//     // back up data
//     // await _rescanBackup();
//     await db.deleteWalletBlockchainData(walletId);
//     await _deleteDerivations();
//     try {
//       final _mnemonic = await mnemonicString;
//       final _mnemonicPassphrase = await mnemonicPassphrase;
//       if (_mnemonicPassphrase == null) {
//         Logging.instance.log(
//             "Exception in fullRescan: mnemonic passphrase null, possible migration issue; if using internal builds, delete wallet and restore from seed, if using a release build, please file bug report",
//             level: LogLevel.Error);
//       }
//       await _recoverWalletFromBIP32SeedPhrase(
//         mnemonic: _mnemonic!,
//         mnemonicPassphrase: _mnemonicPassphrase!,
//         maxUnusedAddressGap: maxUnusedAddressGap,
//         maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
//         isRescan: true,
//       );
//       longMutex = false;
//       await refresh();
//       Logging.instance.log("Full rescan complete!", level: LogLevel.Info);
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent(
//           WalletSyncStatus.synced,
//           walletId,
//           coin,
//         ),
//       );
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(
//         WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent(
//           WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync,
//           walletId,
//           coin,
//         ),
//       );
//       // restore from backup
//       // await _rescanRestore();
//       longMutex = false;
//       Logging.instance.log("Exception rethrown from fullRescan(): $e\n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//       rethrow;
//     }
//   }
//   Future<void> _deleteDerivations() async {
//     // P2PKH derivations
//     await _secureStore.delete(key: "${walletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
//     await _secureStore.delete(key: "${walletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
//     // P2SH derivations
//     await _secureStore.delete(key: "${walletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
//     await _secureStore.delete(key: "${walletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
//     // P2WPKH derivations
//     await _secureStore.delete(key: "${walletId}_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH");
//     await _secureStore.delete(key: "${walletId}_changeDerivationsP2WPKH");
//   }
//   bool isActive = false;
//   @override
//   void Function(bool)? get onIsActiveWalletChanged =>
//       (isActive) => this.isActive = isActive;
//   @override
//   Future<Amount> estimateFeeFor(Amount amount, int feeRate) async {
//     final available = balance.spendable;
//     if (available == amount) {
//       return amount - (await sweepAllEstimate(feeRate));
//     } else if (amount <= Amount.zero || amount > available) {
//       return roughFeeEstimate(1, 2, feeRate);
//     }
//     Amount runningBalance = Amount(
//       rawValue: BigInt.zero,
//       fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//     );
//     int inputCount = 0;
//     for (final output in (await utxos)) {
//       if (!output.isBlocked) {
//         runningBalance += Amount(
//           rawValue: BigInt.from(output.value),
//           fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//         );
//         inputCount++;
//         if (runningBalance > amount) {
//           break;
//         }
//       }
//     }
//     final oneOutPutFee = roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 1, feeRate);
//     final twoOutPutFee = roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 2, feeRate);
//     if (runningBalance - amount > oneOutPutFee) {
//       if (runningBalance - amount > oneOutPutFee + DUST_LIMIT) {
//         final change = runningBalance - amount - twoOutPutFee;
//         if (change > DUST_LIMIT &&
//             runningBalance - amount - change == twoOutPutFee) {
//           return runningBalance - amount - change;
//         } else {
//           return runningBalance - amount;
//         }
//       } else {
//         return runningBalance - amount;
//       }
//     } else if (runningBalance - amount == oneOutPutFee) {
//       return oneOutPutFee;
//     } else {
//       return twoOutPutFee;
//     }
//   }
//   Amount roughFeeEstimate(int inputCount, int outputCount, int feeRatePerKB) {
//     return Amount(
//       rawValue: BigInt.from(
//           ((42 + (272 * inputCount) + (128 * outputCount)) / 4).ceil() *
//               (feeRatePerKB / 1000).ceil()),
//       fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//     );
//   }
//   Future<Amount> sweepAllEstimate(int feeRate) async {
//     int available = 0;
//     int inputCount = 0;
//     for (final output in (await utxos)) {
//       if (!output.isBlocked &&
//           output.isConfirmed(storedChainHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
//         available += output.value;
//         inputCount++;
//       }
//     }
//     // transaction will only have 1 output minus the fee
//     final estimatedFee = roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 1, feeRate);
//     return Amount(
//           rawValue: BigInt.from(available),
//           fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
//         ) -
//         estimatedFee;
//   }
//   @override
//   Future<bool> generateNewAddress() async {
//     try {
//       final currentReceiving = await _currentReceivingAddress;
//       final newReceivingIndex = currentReceiving.derivationIndex + 1;
//       // Use new index to derive a new receiving address
//       final newReceivingAddress = await _generateAddressForChain(
//           0, newReceivingIndex, DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(coin));
//       // Add that new receiving address
//       await db.putAddress(newReceivingAddress);
//       return true;
//     } catch (e, s) {
//       Logging.instance.log(
//           "Exception rethrown from generateNewAddress(): $e\n$s",
//           level: LogLevel.Error);
//       return false;
//     }
//   }
//   @override
//   Future<String> get xpub async {
//     final node = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Root(
//       (await mnemonic).join(" "),
//       await mnemonicPassphrase ?? "",
//       _network,
//     );
//     return node.neutered().toBase58();
//   }
// }