/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/ethereum/eth_contract.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart'; // preserve index order as index is used to store value in preferences enum AmountUnit { normal(0), milli(3), micro(6), nano(9), pico(12), femto(15), atto(18), zepto(21), yocto(24), ronto(27), quecto(30), ; const AmountUnit(this.shift); final int shift; static List<AmountUnit> valuesForCoin(Coin coin) { switch (coin) { case Coin.firo: case Coin.litecoin: case Coin.particl: case Coin.namecoin: case Coin.bitcoinFrost: case Coin.bitcoinFrostTestNet: case Coin.bitcoinTestNet: case Coin.litecoinTestNet: case Coin.bitcoincashTestnet: case Coin.dogecoinTestNet: case Coin.firoTestNet: case Coin.bitcoin: case Coin.bitcoincash: case Coin.dogecoin: case Coin.eCash: case Coin.epicCash: case Coin.stellar: // TODO: check if this is correct case Coin.stellarTestnet: case Coin.tezos: case Coin.solana: return AmountUnit.values.sublist(0, 4); case Coin.monero: case Coin.wownero: return AmountUnit.values.sublist(0, 5); case Coin.ethereum: return AmountUnit.values.sublist(0, 7); case Coin.nano: case Coin.banano: return AmountUnit.values; } } } extension AmountUnitExt on AmountUnit { String unitForCoin(Coin coin) { switch (this) { case AmountUnit.normal: return coin.ticker; case AmountUnit.milli: return "m${coin.ticker}"; case AmountUnit.micro: return "µ${coin.ticker}"; case AmountUnit.nano: if (coin == Coin.ethereum) { return "gwei"; } else if (coin == Coin.wownero || coin == Coin.monero || coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "n${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "sats"; } case AmountUnit.pico: if (coin == Coin.ethereum) { return "mwei"; } else if (coin == Coin.wownero || coin == Coin.monero || coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "p${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } case AmountUnit.femto: if (coin == Coin.ethereum) { return "kwei"; } else if (coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "f${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } case AmountUnit.atto: if (coin == Coin.ethereum) { return "wei"; } else if (coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "a${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } case AmountUnit.zepto: if (coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "z${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } case AmountUnit.yocto: if (coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "y${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } case AmountUnit.ronto: if (coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "r${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } case AmountUnit.quecto: if (coin == Coin.nano || coin == Coin.banano) { return "q${coin.ticker}"; } else { return "invalid"; } } } String unitForContract(EthContract contract) { switch (this) { case AmountUnit.normal: return contract.symbol; case AmountUnit.milli: return "m${contract.symbol}"; case AmountUnit.micro: return "µ${contract.symbol}"; case AmountUnit.nano: return "gwei"; case AmountUnit.pico: return "mwei"; case AmountUnit.femto: return "kwei"; case AmountUnit.atto: return "wei"; default: throw ArgumentError( "Does eth even allow more than 18 decimal places?", ); } } Amount? tryParse( String value, { required String locale, required Coin coin, EthContract? tokenContract, bool overrideWithDecimalPlacesFromString = false, }) { final precisionLost = value.startsWith("~"); final parts = (precisionLost ? value.substring(1) : value).split(" "); if (parts.first.isEmpty) { return null; } String str = parts.first; if (str.startsWith(RegExp(r'[+-]'))) { str = str.substring(1); } if (str.isEmpty) { return null; } // get number symbols for decimal place and group separator final numberSymbols = Util.getSymbolsFor(locale: locale); final groupSeparator = numberSymbols?.GROUP_SEP ?? ","; final decimalSeparator = numberSymbols?.DECIMAL_SEP ?? "."; str = str.replaceAll(groupSeparator, ""); final decimalString = str.replaceFirst(decimalSeparator, "."); final Decimal? decimal = Decimal.tryParse(decimalString); if (decimal == null) { return null; } final decimalPlaces = overrideWithDecimalPlacesFromString ? decimal.scale : tokenContract?.decimals ?? coin.decimals; final realShift = math.min(shift, decimalPlaces); return decimal.shift(0 - realShift).toAmount(fractionDigits: decimalPlaces); } String displayAmount({ required Amount amount, required String locale, required Coin coin, required int maxDecimalPlaces, bool withUnitName = true, bool indicatePrecisionLoss = true, String? overrideUnit, EthContract? tokenContract, }) { assert(maxDecimalPlaces >= 0); // ensure we don't shift past minimum atomic value final realShift = math.min(shift, amount.fractionDigits); // shifted to unit final Decimal shifted = amount.decimal.shift(realShift); // get shift int value without fractional value final BigInt wholeNumber = shifted.toBigInt(); // get decimal places to display final int places = math.max(0, amount.fractionDigits - realShift); // start building the return value with just the whole value String returnValue = wholeNumber.toString(); // get number symbols for decimal place and group separator final numberSymbols = Util.getSymbolsFor(locale: locale); // insert group separator final regex = RegExp(r'\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))'); returnValue = returnValue.replaceAllMapped( regex, (m) => "${m.group(0)}${numberSymbols?.GROUP_SEP ?? ","}", ); // if true and withUnitName is true, we will show "~" prepended on amount bool didLosePrecision = false; // if any decimal places should be shown continue building the return value if (places > 0) { // get the fractional value final Decimal fraction = shifted - shifted.truncate(); // get final decimal based on max precision wanted while ensuring that // maxDecimalPlaces doesn't exceed the max per coin final int updatedMax; if (tokenContract != null) { updatedMax = maxDecimalPlaces > tokenContract.decimals ? tokenContract.decimals : maxDecimalPlaces; } else { updatedMax = maxDecimalPlaces > coin.decimals ? coin.decimals : maxDecimalPlaces; } final int actualDecimalPlaces = math.min(places, updatedMax); // get remainder string without the prepending "0." final fractionString = fraction.toString(); String remainder; if (fractionString.length > 2) { remainder = fraction.toString().substring(2); } else { remainder = "0"; } if (remainder.length > actualDecimalPlaces) { // check for loss of precision final remainingRemainder = BigInt.tryParse(remainder.substring(actualDecimalPlaces)); if (remainingRemainder != null) { didLosePrecision = remainingRemainder > BigInt.zero; } // trim unwanted trailing digits remainder = remainder.substring(0, actualDecimalPlaces); } else if (remainder.length < actualDecimalPlaces) { // pad with zeros to achieve requested precision for (int i = remainder.length; i < actualDecimalPlaces; i++) { remainder += "0"; } } // get decimal separator based on locale final String separator = numberSymbols?.DECIMAL_SEP ?? "."; // append separator and fractional amount returnValue += "$separator$remainder"; } if (!withUnitName && !indicatePrecisionLoss) { return returnValue; } if (didLosePrecision && indicatePrecisionLoss) { returnValue = "~$returnValue"; } if (!withUnitName && indicatePrecisionLoss) { return returnValue; } // return the value with the proper unit symbol if (tokenContract != null) { overrideUnit = unitForContract(tokenContract); } return "$returnValue ${overrideUnit ?? unitForCoin(coin)}"; } }