import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:nanodart/nanodart.dart'; class NanoAPI { static Future< ({ NAccountInfo? accountInfo, Exception? exception, })> getAccountInfo({ required Uri server, required bool representative, required String account, }) async { NAccountInfo? accountInfo; Exception? exception; try { final response = await server, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: jsonEncode({ "action": "account_info", "representative": "true", "account": account, }), ); final map = jsonDecode(response.body); if (map is Map && map["error"] != null) { throw Exception(map["error"].toString()); } accountInfo = NAccountInfo( frontier: map["frontier"] as String, representative: map["representative"] as String, ); } on Exception catch (e) { exception = e; } catch (e) { exception = Exception(e.toString()); } return (accountInfo: accountInfo, exception: exception); } static Future<bool> changeRepresentative({ required Uri server, required int accountType, required String account, required String newRepresentative, required String previousBlock, required String balance, required String privateKey, required String work, }) async { Map<String, String> block = { "type": "state", "account": account, "previous": previousBlock, "representative": newRepresentative, "balance": balance, "link": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "work": work, }; final String hash; try { hash = NanoBlocks.computeStateHash( accountType, account, previousBlock, newRepresentative, BigInt.parse(balance), block["link"] as String, ); } catch (e) { if (e is RangeError) { throw Exception("Invalid representative format"); } rethrow; } final signature = NanoSignatures.signBlock(hash, privateKey); block["signature"] = signature; final map = await postBlock(server: server, block: block); if (map is Map && map["error"] != null) { throw Exception(map["error"].toString()); } return map["error"] == null; } // TODO: GET RID OF DYNAMIC AND USED TYPED DATA static Future<dynamic> postBlock({ required Uri server, required Map<String, dynamic> block, }) async { final response = await server, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: jsonEncode({ "action": "process", "json_block": "true", "subtype": "change", "block": block, }), ); return jsonDecode(response.body); } } class NAccountInfo { final String frontier; final String representative; NAccountInfo({required, required this.representative}); }