 * This file is part of Stack Wallet.
 * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details.
 * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';

// Json RPC class to handle connecting to electrumx servers
class JsonRPC {
    required this.host,
    required this.port,
    this.useSSL = false,
    this.connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 60),
  final bool useSSL;
  final String host;
  final int port;
  final Duration connectionTimeout;

  final _requestMutex = Mutex();
  final _JsonRPCRequestQueue _requestQueue = _JsonRPCRequestQueue();
  Socket? _socket;
  StreamSubscription<Uint8List>? _subscription;

  void _dataHandler(List<int> data) {
    _requestQueue.nextIncompleteReq.then((req) {
      if (req != null) {

        if (req.isComplete) {
      } else {
          "_dataHandler found a null req!",
          level: LogLevel.Warning,

  void _errorHandler(Object error, StackTrace trace) {
    _requestQueue.nextIncompleteReq.then((req) {
      if (req != null) {
        req.completer.completeError(error, trace);

  void _doneHandler() {
    disconnect(reason: "JsonRPC _doneHandler() called");

  void _onReqCompleted(_JsonRPCRequest req) {
    _requestQueue.remove(req).then((_) {
      // attempt to send next request

  void _sendNextAvailableRequest() {
    _requestQueue.nextIncompleteReq.then((req) {
      if (req != null) {
        // \r\n required by electrumx server

        // TODO different timeout length?
          Duration(seconds: connectionTimeout.inSeconds ~/ 2),
          onTimedOut: () {

  Future<JsonRPCResponse> request(String jsonRpcRequest) async {
    await _requestMutex.protect(() async {
      if (_socket == null) {
          "JsonRPC request: opening socket $host:$port",
          level: LogLevel.Info,
        await connect();

    final req = _JsonRPCRequest(
      jsonRequest: jsonRpcRequest,
      completer: Completer<JsonRPCResponse>(),

    final future = req.completer.future.onError(
      (error, stackTrace) async {
        await disconnect(
          reason: "return req.completer.future.onError: $error\n$stackTrace",
        return JsonRPCResponse(
          exception: error is Exception
              ? error
              : Exception(
                  "req.completer.future.onError: $error\n$stackTrace",

    // if this is the only/first request then send it right away
    await _requestQueue.add(
      onInitialRequestAdded: _sendNextAvailableRequest,

    return future;

  Future<void> disconnect({required String reason}) async {
    await _requestMutex.protect(() async {
      await _subscription?.cancel();
      _subscription = null;
      _socket = null;

      // clean up remaining queue
      await _requestQueue.completeRemainingWithError(
        "JsonRPC disconnect() called with reason: \"$reason\"",

  Future<void> connect() async {
    if (_socket != null) {
      throw Exception(
        "JsonRPC attempted to connect to an already existing socket!",

    if (useSSL) {
      _socket = await SecureSocket.connect(
        timeout: connectionTimeout,
        onBadCertificate: (_) => true,
      ); // TODO do not automatically trust bad certificates
    } else {
      _socket = await Socket.connect(
        timeout: connectionTimeout,

    _subscription = _socket!.listen(
      onError: _errorHandler,
      onDone: _doneHandler,
      cancelOnError: true,

class _JsonRPCRequestQueue {
  final _lock = Mutex();
  final List<_JsonRPCRequest> _rq = [];

  Future<void> add(
    _JsonRPCRequest req, {
    VoidCallback? onInitialRequestAdded,
  }) async {
    return await _lock.protect(() async {
      if (_rq.length == 1) {

  Future<bool> remove(_JsonRPCRequest req) async {
    return await _lock.protect(() async {
      final result = _rq.remove(req);
      return result;

  Future<_JsonRPCRequest?> get nextIncompleteReq async {
    return await _lock.protect(() async {
      int removeCount = 0;
      _JsonRPCRequest? returnValue;
      for (final req in _rq) {
        if (req.isComplete) {
        } else {
          returnValue = req;

      _rq.removeRange(0, removeCount);

      return returnValue;

  Future<void> completeRemainingWithError(
    String error, {
    StackTrace? stackTrace,
  }) async {
    await _lock.protect(() async {
      for (final req in _rq) {
        if (!req.isComplete) {
          req.completer.completeError(Exception(error), stackTrace);

  Future<bool> get isEmpty async {
    return await _lock.protect(() async {
      return _rq.isEmpty;

class _JsonRPCRequest {
  // 0x0A is newline
  // https://electrumx-spesmilo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol-basics.html
  static const int separatorByte = 0x0A;

  final String jsonRequest;
  final Completer<JsonRPCResponse> completer;
  final List<int> _responseData = [];

  _JsonRPCRequest({required this.jsonRequest, required this.completer});

  void appendDataAndCheckIfComplete(List<int> data) {
    if (data.last == separatorByte) {
      try {
        final response = json.decode(String.fromCharCodes(_responseData));
        completer.complete(JsonRPCResponse(data: response));
      } catch (e, s) {
          "JsonRPC json.decode: $e\n$s",
          level: LogLevel.Error,
        completer.completeError(e, s);

  void initiateTimeout(
    Duration timeout, {
    VoidCallback? onTimedOut,
  }) {
    Future<void>.delayed(timeout).then((_) {
      if (!isComplete) {
        try {
          throw Exception("_JsonRPCRequest timed out: $jsonRequest");
        } catch (e, s) {
          completer.completeError(e, s);

  bool get isComplete => completer.isCompleted;

class JsonRPCResponse {
  final dynamic data;
  final Exception? exception;

  JsonRPCResponse({this.data, this.exception});