import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/isar/isar_id_interface.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; part 'wallet_info.g.dart'; @Collection(accessor: "walletInfo", inheritance: false) class WalletInfo implements IsarId { @override Id id = Isar.autoIncrement; @Index(unique: true, replace: false) final String walletId; String _name; String get name => _name; @enumerated final AddressType mainAddressType; /// The highest index [mainAddressType] receiving address of the wallet String get cachedReceivingAddress => _cachedReceivingAddress; String _cachedReceivingAddress; /// Only exposed for Isar. Use the [cachedBalance] getter. // Only exposed for isar as Amount cannot be stored in isar easily String? get cachedBalanceString => _cachedBalanceString; String? _cachedBalanceString; /// Only exposed for Isar. Use the [coin] getter. // Only exposed for isar to avoid dealing with storing enums as Coin can change String get coinName => _coinName; String _coinName; /// User set favourites ordering. No restrictions are placed on uniqueness. /// Reordering logic in the ui code should ensure this is unique. /// /// Also represents if the wallet is a favourite. Any number greater then -1 /// denotes a favourite. Any number less than 0 means it is not a favourite. int get favouriteOrderIndex => _favouriteOrderIndex; int _favouriteOrderIndex; /// Wallets without this flag set to true should be deleted on next app run /// and should not be displayed in the ui. bool get isMnemonicVerified => _isMnemonicVerified; bool _isMnemonicVerified; /// The highest block height the wallet has scanned. int get cachedChainHeight => _cachedChainHeight; int _cachedChainHeight; /// The block at which this wallet was or should be restored from int get restoreHeight => _restoreHeight; int _restoreHeight; // TODO: store these in other data s // Should contain specific things based on certain coins only // /// Wallet creation chain height. Applies to select coin only. // final int creationHeight; String? get otherDataJsonString => _otherDataJsonString; String? _otherDataJsonString; //============================================================================ //=============== Getters ==================================================== bool get isFavourite => favouriteOrderIndex > -1; List get tokenContractAddresses { if (otherData[WalletInfoKeys.tokenContractAddresses] is List) { return List.from( otherData[WalletInfoKeys.tokenContractAddresses] as List, ); } else { return []; } } /// Special case for coins such as firo @ignore Balance get cachedSecondaryBalance { try { return Balance.fromJson( otherData[WalletInfoKeys.cachedSecondaryBalance] as String? ?? "", coin.decimals, ); } catch (_) { return Balance.zeroForCoin(coin: coin); } } @ignore Coin get coin => Coin.values.byName(coinName); @ignore Balance get cachedBalance { if (cachedBalanceString == null) { return Balance.zeroForCoin(coin: coin); } else { return Balance.fromJson(cachedBalanceString!, coin.decimals); } } @ignore Map get otherData => otherDataJsonString == null ? {} : Map.from(jsonDecode(otherDataJsonString!) as Map); //============================================================================ //============= Updaters ================================================ /// copies this with a new balance and updates the db Future updateBalance({ required Balance newBalance, required Isar isar, }) async { final newEncoded = newBalance.toJsonIgnoreCoin(); // only update if there were changes to the balance if (cachedBalanceString != newEncoded) { _cachedBalanceString = newEncoded; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } } /// copies this with a new chain height and updates the db Future updateCachedChainHeight({ required int newHeight, required Isar isar, }) async { // only update if there were changes to the height if (cachedChainHeight != newHeight) { _cachedChainHeight = newHeight; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } } /// update favourite wallet and its index it the ui list. /// When [customIndexOverride] is not null the [flag] will be ignored. Future updateIsFavourite( bool flag, { required Isar isar, int? customIndexOverride, }) async { final int index; if (customIndexOverride != null) { index = customIndexOverride; } else if (flag) { final highest = await isar.walletInfo .where() .sortByFavouriteOrderIndexDesc() .favouriteOrderIndexProperty() .findFirst(); index = (highest ?? 0) + 1; } else { index = -1; } // only update if there were changes to the height if (favouriteOrderIndex != index) { _favouriteOrderIndex = index; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } } /// copies this with a new name and updates the db Future updateName({ required String newName, required Isar isar, }) async { // don't allow empty names if (newName.isEmpty) { throw Exception("Empty wallet name not allowed!"); } // only update if there were changes to the name if (name != newName) { _name = newName; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } } /// copies this with a new name and updates the db Future updateReceivingAddress({ required String newAddress, required Isar isar, }) async { // only update if there were changes to the name if (cachedReceivingAddress != newAddress) { _cachedReceivingAddress = newAddress; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } } /// update [otherData] with the map entries in [newEntries] Future updateOtherData({ required Map newEntries, required Isar isar, }) async { final Map newMap = {}; newMap.addAll(otherData); newMap.addAll(newEntries); final encodedNew = jsonEncode(newMap); // only update if there were changes if (_otherDataJsonString != encodedNew) { _otherDataJsonString = encodedNew; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } } /// copies this with a new name and updates the db Future setMnemonicVerified({ required Isar isar, }) async { // only update if there were changes to the name if (!isMnemonicVerified) { _isMnemonicVerified = true; await isar.writeTxn(() async { await isar.walletInfo.deleteByWalletId(walletId); await isar.walletInfo.put(this); }); } else { throw Exception( "setMnemonicVerified() called on already" " verified wallet: $name, $walletId", ); } } //============================================================================ WalletInfo({ required String coinName, required this.walletId, required String name, required this.mainAddressType, // cachedReceivingAddress should never actually be empty in practice as // on wallet init it will be set String cachedReceivingAddress = "", int favouriteOrderIndex = -1, int cachedChainHeight = 0, int restoreHeight = 0, bool isMnemonicVerified = false, String? cachedBalanceString, String? otherDataJsonString, }) : assert( =>, ), _coinName = coinName, _name = name, _cachedReceivingAddress = cachedReceivingAddress, _favouriteOrderIndex = favouriteOrderIndex, _cachedChainHeight = cachedChainHeight, _restoreHeight = restoreHeight, _isMnemonicVerified = isMnemonicVerified, _cachedBalanceString = cachedBalanceString, _otherDataJsonString = otherDataJsonString; static WalletInfo createNew({ required Coin coin, required String name, int restoreHeight = 0, String? walletIdOverride, }) { return WalletInfo( coinName:, walletId: walletIdOverride ?? const Uuid().v1(), name: name, mainAddressType: coin.primaryAddressType, restoreHeight: restoreHeight, ); } @Deprecated("Legacy support") factory WalletInfo.fromJson( Map jsonObject, AddressType mainAddressType, ) { final coin = Coin.values.byName(jsonObject["coin"] as String); return WalletInfo( coinName:, walletId: jsonObject["id"] as String, name: jsonObject["name"] as String, mainAddressType: mainAddressType, ); } @Deprecated("Legacy support") Map toMap() { return { "name": name, "id": walletId, "coin":, }; } @Deprecated("Legacy support") String toJsonString() { return jsonEncode(toMap()); } @override String toString() { return "WalletInfo: ${toJsonString()}"; } } abstract class WalletInfoKeys { static const String tokenContractAddresses = "tokenContractAddressesKey"; static const String cachedSecondaryBalance = "cachedSecondaryBalanceKey"; static const String epiccashData = "epiccashDataKey"; static const String bananoMonkeyImageBytes = "monkeyImageBytesKey"; }