import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:coinlib_flutter/coinlib_flutter.dart' as coinlib; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import '../../../electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx_client.dart'; import '../../../electrumx_rpc/client_manager.dart'; import '../../../electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart'; import '../../../models/coinlib/exp2pkh_address.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/input_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/output_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/isar_models.dart'; import '../../../models/keys/view_only_wallet_data.dart'; import '../../../models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart'; import '../../../models/signing_data.dart'; import '../../../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../../../utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart'; import '../../../utilities/enums/fee_rate_type_enum.dart'; import '../../../utilities/extensions/extensions.dart'; import '../../../utilities/logger.dart'; import '../../../utilities/paynym_is_api.dart'; import '../../crypto_currency/coins/firo.dart'; import '../../crypto_currency/interfaces/electrumx_currency_interface.dart'; import '../../isar/models/wallet_info.dart'; import '../../models/tx_data.dart'; import '../impl/bitcoin_wallet.dart'; import '../impl/firo_wallet.dart'; import '../impl/peercoin_wallet.dart'; import '../intermediate/bip39_hd_wallet.dart'; import 'cpfp_interface.dart'; import 'paynym_interface.dart'; import 'rbf_interface.dart'; import 'view_only_option_interface.dart'; mixin ElectrumXInterface on Bip39HDWallet implements ViewOnlyOptionInterface { late ElectrumXClient electrumXClient; late CachedElectrumXClient electrumXCachedClient; int? get maximumFeerate => null; double? refreshingPercent; static const _kServerBatchCutoffVersion = [1, 6]; List? _serverVersion; Future get serverCanBatch async { // Firo server added batching without incrementing version number... if (cryptoCurrency is Firo) { return true; } try { _serverVersion ??= _parseServerVersion( (await electrumXClient .getServerFeatures() .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 2)))["server_version"] as String, ); } catch (_) { // ignore failure as it doesn't matter } if (_serverVersion != null && _serverVersion!.length > 2) { if (_serverVersion![0] > _kServerBatchCutoffVersion[0]) { return true; } if (_serverVersion![1] > _kServerBatchCutoffVersion[1]) { return true; } } return false; } Future> _helperRecipientsConvert( List addrs, List satValues, ) async { final List<({String address, Amount amount, bool isChange})> results = []; for (int i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++) { results.add( ( address: addrs[i], amount: Amount( rawValue: satValues[i], fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), isChange: (await mainDB.isar.addresses .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.change) .and() .valueEqualTo(addrs[i]) .valueProperty() .findFirst()) != null ), ); } return results; } Future coinSelection({ required TxData txData, required bool coinControl, required bool isSendAll, required bool isSendAllCoinControlUtxos, int additionalOutputs = 0, List? utxos, }) async { Logging.instance .log("Starting coinSelection ----------", level: LogLevel.Info); // TODO: multiple recipients one day assert(txData.recipients!.length == 1); if (coinControl && utxos == null) { throw Exception("Coin control used where utxos is null!"); } final recipientAddress = txData.recipients!.first.address; final satoshiAmountToSend = txData.amount!.raw; final int? satsPerVByte = txData.satsPerVByte; final selectedTxFeeRate = txData.feeRateAmount!; final List availableOutputs = utxos ?? await mainDB.getUTXOs(walletId).findAll(); final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight; final canCPFP = this is CpfpInterface && coinControl; final spendableOutputs = availableOutputs .where( (e) => !e.isBlocked && (e.used != true) && (canCPFP || e.isConfirmed( currentChainHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, cryptoCurrency.minCoinbaseConfirms, )), ) .toList(); final spendableSatoshiValue = spendableOutputs.fold(, (p, e) => p + BigInt.from(e.value)); if (spendableSatoshiValue < satoshiAmountToSend) { throw Exception("Insufficient balance"); } else if (spendableSatoshiValue == satoshiAmountToSend && !isSendAll && !isSendAllCoinControlUtxos) { throw Exception("Insufficient balance to pay transaction fee"); } if (coinControl) { if (spendableOutputs.length < availableOutputs.length) { throw ArgumentError("Attempted to use an unavailable utxo"); } // don't care about sorting if using all utxos } else { // sort spendable by age (oldest first) spendableOutputs.sort( (a, b) => (b.blockTime ?? currentChainHeight) .compareTo((a.blockTime ?? currentChainHeight)), ); } Logging.instance.log( "spendableOutputs.length: ${spendableOutputs.length}", level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( "availableOutputs.length: ${availableOutputs.length}", level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance .log("spendableOutputs: $spendableOutputs", level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log( "spendableSatoshiValue: $spendableSatoshiValue", level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance .log("satoshiAmountToSend: $satoshiAmountToSend", level: LogLevel.Info); BigInt satoshisBeingUsed =; int inputsBeingConsumed = 0; final List utxoObjectsToUse = []; if (!coinControl) { for (var i = 0; satoshisBeingUsed < satoshiAmountToSend && i < spendableOutputs.length; i++) { utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendableOutputs[i]); satoshisBeingUsed += BigInt.from(spendableOutputs[i].value); inputsBeingConsumed += 1; } for (int i = 0; i < additionalOutputs && inputsBeingConsumed < spendableOutputs.length; i++) { utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendableOutputs[inputsBeingConsumed]); satoshisBeingUsed += BigInt.from(spendableOutputs[inputsBeingConsumed].value); inputsBeingConsumed += 1; } } else { satoshisBeingUsed = spendableSatoshiValue; utxoObjectsToUse.addAll(spendableOutputs); inputsBeingConsumed = spendableOutputs.length; } Logging.instance .log("satoshisBeingUsed: $satoshisBeingUsed", level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance .log("inputsBeingConsumed: $inputsBeingConsumed", level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance .log('utxoObjectsToUse: $utxoObjectsToUse', level: LogLevel.Info); // numberOfOutputs' length must always be equal to that of recipientsArray and recipientsAmtArray final List recipientsArray = [recipientAddress]; final List recipientsAmtArray = [satoshiAmountToSend]; // gather required signing data final utxoSigningData = await fetchBuildTxData(utxoObjectsToUse); if (isSendAll || isSendAllCoinControlUtxos) { if (satoshiAmountToSend != satoshisBeingUsed) { throw Exception( "Something happened that should never actually happen. " "Please report this error to the developers.", ); } return await _sendAllBuilder( txData: txData, recipientAddress: recipientAddress, satoshiAmountToSend: satoshiAmountToSend, satoshisBeingUsed: satoshisBeingUsed, utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, satsPerVByte: satsPerVByte, feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate, ); } final int vSizeForOneOutput; try { vSizeForOneOutput = (await buildTransaction( utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( [recipientAddress], [satoshisBeingUsed -], ), ), )) .vSize!; } catch (e) { Logging.instance.log("vSizeForOneOutput: $e", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } final int vSizeForTwoOutPuts; BigInt maxBI(BigInt a, BigInt b) => a > b ? a : b; try { vSizeForTwoOutPuts = (await buildTransaction( utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( [recipientAddress, (await getCurrentChangeAddress())!.value], [ satoshiAmountToSend, maxBI(, satoshisBeingUsed - (satoshiAmountToSend +, ), ], ), ), )) .vSize!; } catch (e) { Logging.instance.log("vSizeForTwoOutPuts: $e", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } // Assume 1 output, only for recipient and no change final feeForOneOutput = BigInt.from( satsPerVByte != null ? (satsPerVByte * vSizeForOneOutput) : estimateTxFee( vSize: vSizeForOneOutput, feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate, ), ); // Assume 2 outputs, one for recipient and one for change final feeForTwoOutputs = BigInt.from( satsPerVByte != null ? (satsPerVByte * vSizeForTwoOutPuts) : estimateTxFee( vSize: vSizeForTwoOutPuts, feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate, ), ); Logging.instance.log( "feeForTwoOutputs: $feeForTwoOutputs", level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( "feeForOneOutput: $feeForOneOutput", level: LogLevel.Info, ); final difference = satoshisBeingUsed - satoshiAmountToSend; Future singleOutputTxn() async { Logging.instance.log( 'Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Fee being paid: $difference sats', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Estimated fee: $feeForOneOutput', level: LogLevel.Info, ); final txnData = await buildTransaction( utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( recipientsArray, recipientsAmtArray, ), ), ); return txnData.copyWith( fee: Amount( rawValue: feeForOneOutput, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), usedUTXOs: => e.utxo).toList(), ); } // no change output required if (difference == feeForOneOutput) { Logging.instance.log('1 output in tx', level: LogLevel.Info); return await singleOutputTxn(); } else if (difference < feeForOneOutput) { Logging.instance.log( 'Cannot pay tx fee - checking for more outputs and trying again', level: LogLevel.Warning, ); // try adding more outputs if (spendableOutputs.length > inputsBeingConsumed) { return coinSelection( txData: txData, isSendAll: isSendAll, additionalOutputs: additionalOutputs + 1, utxos: utxos, coinControl: coinControl, isSendAllCoinControlUtxos: isSendAllCoinControlUtxos, ); } throw Exception("Insufficient balance to pay transaction fee"); } else { if (difference > (feeForOneOutput + cryptoCurrency.dustLimit.raw)) { final changeOutputSize = difference - feeForTwoOutputs; // check if possible to add the change output if (changeOutputSize > cryptoCurrency.dustLimit.raw && difference - changeOutputSize == feeForTwoOutputs) { // generate new change address if current change address has been used await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); final String newChangeAddress = (await getCurrentChangeAddress())!.value; BigInt feeBeingPaid = difference - changeOutputSize; // add change output recipientsArray.add(newChangeAddress); recipientsAmtArray.add(changeOutputSize); Logging.instance.log('2 outputs in tx', level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log( 'Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Change Output Size: $changeOutputSize', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Difference (fee being paid): $feeBeingPaid sats', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Estimated fee: $feeForTwoOutputs', level: LogLevel.Info, ); TxData txnData = await buildTransaction( utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( recipientsArray, recipientsAmtArray, ), ), ); // make sure minimum fee is accurate if that is being used if (BigInt.from(txnData.vSize!) - feeBeingPaid == { final changeOutputSize = difference - BigInt.from(txnData.vSize!); feeBeingPaid = difference - changeOutputSize; recipientsAmtArray.removeLast(); recipientsAmtArray.add(changeOutputSize); Logging.instance.log( 'Adjusted Input size: $satoshisBeingUsed', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Adjusted Recipient output size: $satoshiAmountToSend', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Adjusted Change Output Size: $changeOutputSize', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Adjusted Difference (fee being paid): $feeBeingPaid sats', level: LogLevel.Info, ); Logging.instance.log( 'Adjusted Estimated fee: $feeForTwoOutputs', level: LogLevel.Info, ); txnData = await buildTransaction( utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( recipientsArray, recipientsAmtArray, ), ), ); } return txnData.copyWith( fee: Amount( rawValue: feeBeingPaid, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), usedUTXOs: => e.utxo).toList(), ); } else { // Something went wrong here. It either overshot or undershot the estimated fee amount or the changeOutputSize // is smaller than or equal to cryptoCurrency.dustLimit. Revert to single output transaction. Logging.instance.log( 'Reverting to 1 output in tx', level: LogLevel.Info, ); return await singleOutputTxn(); } } } return txData; } Future _sendAllBuilder({ required TxData txData, required String recipientAddress, required BigInt satoshiAmountToSend, required BigInt satoshisBeingUsed, required List utxoSigningData, required int? satsPerVByte, required int feeRatePerKB, }) async { Logging.instance .log("Attempting to send all $cryptoCurrency", level: LogLevel.Info); if (txData.recipients!.length != 1) { throw Exception( "Send all to more than one recipient not yet supported", ); } final int vSizeForOneOutput = (await buildTransaction( utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( [recipientAddress], [satoshisBeingUsed -], ), ), )) .vSize!; BigInt feeForOneOutput = BigInt.from( satsPerVByte != null ? (satsPerVByte * vSizeForOneOutput) : estimateTxFee( vSize: vSizeForOneOutput, feeRatePerKB: feeRatePerKB, ), ); if (satsPerVByte == null) { final roughEstimate = roughFeeEstimate( utxoSigningData.length, 1, feeRatePerKB, ).raw; if (feeForOneOutput < roughEstimate) { feeForOneOutput = roughEstimate; } } final amount = satoshiAmountToSend - feeForOneOutput; if (amount.isNegative) { throw Exception( "Estimated fee ($feeForOneOutput sats) is greater than balance!", ); } final data = await buildTransaction( txData: txData.copyWith( recipients: await _helperRecipientsConvert( [recipientAddress], [amount], ), ), utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData, ); return data.copyWith( fee: Amount( rawValue: feeForOneOutput, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ), usedUTXOs: => e.utxo).toList(), ); } Future> fetchBuildTxData( List utxosToUse, ) async { // return data final List signingData = []; try { // Populating the addresses to check for (var i = 0; i < utxosToUse.length; i++) { final derivePathType = cryptoCurrency.addressType(address: utxosToUse[i].address!); signingData.add( SigningData( derivePathType: derivePathType, utxo: utxosToUse[i], ), ); } final root = await getRootHDNode(); for (final sd in signingData) { coinlib.HDPrivateKey? keys; final address = await mainDB.getAddress(walletId, sd.utxo.address!); if (address?.derivationPath != null) { if (address!.subType == AddressSubType.paynymReceive) { if (this is PaynymInterface) { final code = await (this as PaynymInterface) .paymentCodeStringByKey(address.otherData!); final bip47base = await (this as PaynymInterface).getBip47BaseNode(); final privateKey = await (this as PaynymInterface) .getPrivateKeyForPaynymReceivingAddress( paymentCodeString: code!, index: address.derivationIndex, ); keys = coinlib.HDPrivateKey.fromKeyAndChainCode( coinlib.ECPrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey.toHex), bip47base.chainCode, ); } else { throw Exception( "$runtimeType tried to fetchBuildTxData for a paynym address" " in a non PaynymInterface wallet", ); } } else { keys = root.derivePath(address.derivationPath!.value); } } if (keys == null) { throw Exception( "Failed to fetch signing data. Local db corrupt. Rescan wallet.", ); } sd.keyPair = keys; } return signingData; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance .log("fetchBuildTxData() threw: $e,\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } /// Builds and signs a transaction Future buildTransaction({ required TxData txData, required List utxoSigningData, }) async { Logging.instance .log("Starting buildTransaction ----------", level: LogLevel.Info); // temp tx data to show in gui while waiting for real data from server final List tempInputs = []; final List tempOutputs = []; final List prevOuts = []; coinlib.Transaction clTx = coinlib.Transaction( version: cryptoCurrency.transactionVersion, inputs: [], outputs: [], ); // TODO: [prio=high]: check this opt in rbf final sequence = this is RbfInterface && (this as RbfInterface).flagOptInRBF ? 0xffffffff - 10 : 0xffffffff - 1; // Add transaction inputs for (var i = 0; i < utxoSigningData.length; i++) { final txid = utxoSigningData[i].utxo.txid; final hash = Uint8List.fromList( txid.toUint8ListFromHex.reversed.toList(), ); final prevOutpoint = coinlib.OutPoint( hash, utxoSigningData[i].utxo.vout, ); final prevOutput = coinlib.Output.fromAddress( BigInt.from(utxoSigningData[i].utxo.value), coinlib.Address.fromString( utxoSigningData[i].utxo.address!, cryptoCurrency.networkParams, ), ); prevOuts.add(prevOutput); final coinlib.Input input; switch (utxoSigningData[i].derivePathType) { case DerivePathType.bip44: case DerivePathType.bch44: input = coinlib.P2PKHInput( prevOut: prevOutpoint, publicKey: utxoSigningData[i].keyPair!.publicKey, sequence: sequence, ); // TODO: fix this as it is (probably) wrong! case DerivePathType.bip49: throw Exception("TODO p2sh"); // input = coinlib.P2SHMultisigInput( // prevOut: prevOutpoint, // program: coinlib.MultisigProgram.decompile( // utxoSigningData[i].redeemScript!, // ), // sequence: sequence, // ); case DerivePathType.bip84: input = coinlib.P2WPKHInput( prevOut: prevOutpoint, publicKey: utxoSigningData[i].keyPair!.publicKey, sequence: sequence, ); case DerivePathType.bip86: input = coinlib.TaprootKeyInput(prevOut: prevOutpoint); default: throw UnsupportedError( "Unknown derivation path type found: ${utxoSigningData[i].derivePathType}", ); } clTx = clTx.addInput(input); tempInputs.add( InputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor( scriptSigHex: input.scriptSig.toHex, scriptSigAsm: null, sequence: sequence, outpoint: OutpointV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor( txid: utxoSigningData[i].utxo.txid, vout: utxoSigningData[i].utxo.vout, ), addresses: utxoSigningData[i].utxo.address == null ? [] : [utxoSigningData[i].utxo.address!], valueStringSats: utxoSigningData[i].utxo.value.toString(), witness: null, innerRedeemScriptAsm: null, coinbase: null, walletOwns: true, ), ); } // Add transaction output for (var i = 0; i < txData.recipients!.length; i++) { late final coinlib.Address address; try { address = coinlib.Address.fromString( normalizeAddress(txData.recipients![i].address), cryptoCurrency.networkParams, ); } catch (_) { if (this is FiroWallet) { address = EXP2PKHAddress.fromString( normalizeAddress(txData.recipients![i].address), (cryptoCurrency as Firo).exAddressVersion, ); } else { rethrow; } } final output = coinlib.Output.fromAddress( txData.recipients![i].amount.raw, address, ); clTx = clTx.addOutput(output); tempOutputs.add( OutputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor( scriptPubKeyHex: "000000", valueStringSats: txData.recipients![i].amount.raw.toString(), addresses: [ txData.recipients![i].address.toString(), ], walletOwns: (await mainDB.isar.addresses .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .valueEqualTo(txData.recipients![i].address) .valueProperty() .findFirst()) != null, ), ); } try { // Sign the transaction accordingly for (var i = 0; i < utxoSigningData.length; i++) { final value = BigInt.from(utxoSigningData[i].utxo.value); coinlib.ECPrivateKey key = utxoSigningData[i].keyPair!.privateKey; if (clTx.inputs[i] is coinlib.TaprootKeyInput) { final taproot = coinlib.Taproot( internalKey: utxoSigningData[i].keyPair!.publicKey, ); key = taproot.tweakPrivateKey(key); } clTx = clTx.sign( inputN: i, value: value, key: key, prevOuts: prevOuts, ); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Caught exception while signing transaction: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } return txData.copyWith( raw: clTx.toHex(), // dirty shortcut for peercoin's weirdness vSize: this is PeercoinWallet ? clTx.size : clTx.vSize(), tempTx: TransactionV2( walletId: walletId, blockHash: null, hash: clTx.hashHex, txid: clTx.txid, height: null, timestamp: DateTime.timestamp().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, inputs: List.unmodifiable(tempInputs), outputs: List.unmodifiable(tempOutputs), version: clTx.version, type: => e.walletOwns).fold(true, (p, e) => p &= e) && txData.paynymAccountLite == null ? TransactionType.sentToSelf : TransactionType.outgoing, subType: TransactionSubType.none, otherData: null, ), ); } Future fetchChainHeight({int retries = 1}) async { try { // Ensure server version is initialized and genesis hash is checked. if (_serverVersion == null) { await _initializeServerVersionAndCheckGenesisHash(); } return await ClientManager.sharedInstance.getChainHeightFor( cryptoCurrency, ); } catch (e, s) { if (retries > 0) { retries--; await electrumXClient.checkElectrumAdapter(); return await fetchChainHeight(retries: retries); } Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown in fetchChainHeight\nError: $e\nStack trace: $s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); // completer.completeError(e, s); // return Future.error(e, s); rethrow; } } Future fetchTxCount({required String addressScriptHash}) async { final transactions = await electrumXClient.getHistory(scripthash: addressScriptHash); return transactions.length; } /// Should return a list of tx counts matching the list of addresses given Future> fetchTxCountBatched({ required List addresses, }) async { try { final response = await electrumXClient.getBatchHistory( args: addresses .map((e) => [cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash(address: e)]) .toList(growable: false), ); final List result = []; for (final entry in response) { result.add(entry.length); } return result; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown in _getBatchTxCount(address: $addresses: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } Future _getCurrentElectrumXNode() async { final node = getCurrentNode(); return ElectrumXNode( address:, port: node.port, name:, useSSL: node.useSSL, id:, torEnabled: node.torEnabled, clearnetEnabled: node.clearnetEnabled, ); } Future updateElectrumX() async { final failovers = nodeService .failoverNodesFor(currency: cryptoCurrency) .map( (e) => ElectrumXNode( address:, port: e.port, name:, id:, useSSL: e.useSSL, torEnabled: e.torEnabled, clearnetEnabled: e.clearnetEnabled, ), ) .toList(); final newNode = await _getCurrentElectrumXNode(); try { await electrumXClient.closeAdapter(); } catch (e) { if (e.toString().contains("initialized")) { // Ignore. This should happen every first time the wallet is opened. } else { Logging.instance .log("Error closing electrumXClient: $e", level: LogLevel.Error); } } electrumXClient = ElectrumXClient.from( node: newNode, prefs: prefs, failovers: failovers, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); electrumXCachedClient = CachedElectrumXClient.from( electrumXClient: electrumXClient, ); } //============================================================================ Future<({List
addresses, int index})> checkGapsBatched( int txCountBatchSize, coinlib.HDKey node, DerivePathType type, int chain, ) async { final List
addressArray = []; int gapCounter = 0; int highestIndexWithHistory = 0; for (int index = 0; gapCounter < cryptoCurrency.maxUnusedAddressGap; index += txCountBatchSize) { Logging.instance.log( "index: $index, \t GapCounter $chain ${}: $gapCounter", level: LogLevel.Info, ); final List txCountCallArgs = []; for (int j = 0; j < txCountBatchSize; j++) { final derivePath = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: type, chain: chain, index: index + j, ); final coinlib.HDKey keys; if (isViewOnly) { final idx = derivePath.lastIndexOf("'/"); final path = derivePath.substring(idx + 2); keys = node.derivePath(path); } else { keys = node.derivePath(derivePath); } final addressData = cryptoCurrency.getAddressForPublicKey( publicKey: keys.publicKey, derivePathType: type, ); final addressString = convertAddressString( addressData.address.toString(), ); final address = Address( walletId: walletId, value: addressString, publicKey:, type: addressData.addressType, derivationIndex: index + j, derivationPath: isViewOnly ? null : (DerivationPath()..value = derivePath), subType: chain == 0 ? AddressSubType.receiving : AddressSubType.change, ); addressArray.add(address); txCountCallArgs.add( addressString, ); } // get address tx counts final counts = await fetchTxCountBatched(addresses: txCountCallArgs); // check and add appropriate addresses for (int k = 0; k < txCountBatchSize; k++) { final count = counts[k]; if (count > 0) { // update highest highestIndexWithHistory = index + k; // reset counter gapCounter = 0; } // increase counter when no tx history found if (count == 0) { gapCounter++; } } // // cache all the transactions while waiting for the current function to finish. // unawaited(getTransactionCacheEarly(addressArray)); } return (index: highestIndexWithHistory, addresses: addressArray); } Future<({List
addresses, int index})> checkGapsLinearly( coinlib.HDKey node, DerivePathType type, int chain, ) async { final List
addressArray = []; int gapCounter = 0; int index = 0; for (; gapCounter < cryptoCurrency.maxUnusedAddressGap; index++) { Logging.instance.log( "index: $index, \t GapCounter chain=$chain ${}: $gapCounter", level: LogLevel.Info, ); final derivePath = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: type, chain: chain, index: index, ); final coinlib.HDKey keys; if (isViewOnly) { final idx = derivePath.lastIndexOf("'/"); final path = derivePath.substring(idx + 2); keys = node.derivePath(path); } else { keys = node.derivePath(derivePath); } final addressData = cryptoCurrency.getAddressForPublicKey( publicKey: keys.publicKey, derivePathType: type, ); final addressString = convertAddressString( addressData.address.toString(), ); final address = Address( walletId: walletId, value: addressString, publicKey:, type: addressData.addressType, derivationIndex: index, derivationPath: isViewOnly ? null : (DerivationPath()..value = derivePath), subType: chain == 0 ? AddressSubType.receiving : AddressSubType.change, ); // get address tx count final count = await fetchTxCount( addressScriptHash: cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: address.value, ), ); // check and add appropriate addresses if (count > 0) { // add address to array addressArray.add(address); // reset counter gapCounter = 0; // add info to derivations } else { // increase counter when no tx history found gapCounter++; } } return (addresses: addressArray, index: index); } Future>> fetchHistory( Iterable allAddresses, ) async { try { final List> allTxHashes = []; if (await serverCanBatch) { final Map>> batches = {}; final Map> batchIndexToAddressListMap = {}; const batchSizeMax = 100; int batchNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allAddresses.length; i++) { batches[batchNumber] ??= []; batchIndexToAddressListMap[batchNumber] ??= []; final address = allAddresses.elementAt(i); final scriptHash = cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: address, ); batches[batchNumber]!.add([scriptHash]); batchIndexToAddressListMap[batchNumber]!.add(address); if (i % batchSizeMax == batchSizeMax - 1) { batchNumber++; } } for (int i = 0; i < batches.length; i++) { final response = await electrumXClient.getBatchHistory(args: batches[i]!); for (int j = 0; j < response.length; j++) { final entry = response[j]; for (int k = 0; k < entry.length; k++) { entry[k]["address"] = batchIndexToAddressListMap[i]![j]; // if (!allTxHashes.contains(entry[j])) { allTxHashes.add(entry[k]); // } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < allAddresses.length; i++) { final addressString = allAddresses.elementAt(i); final scriptHash = cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: addressString, ); final response = await electrumXClient.getHistory( scripthash: scriptHash, ); for (int j = 0; j < response.length; j++) { response[j]["address"] = addressString; if (!allTxHashes.contains(response[j])) { allTxHashes.add(response[j]); } } } } return allTxHashes; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$runtimeType._fetchHistory: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } /// The optional (nullable) param [checkBlock] is a callback that can be used /// to check if a utxo should be marked as blocked Future parseUTXO({ required Map jsonUTXO, }) async { final txn = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction( txHash: jsonUTXO["tx_hash"] as String, verbose: true, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); final inputs = txn["vin"] as List? ?? []; final isCoinbase = inputs.any((e) => (e as Map?)?["coinbase"] != null); final vout = jsonUTXO["tx_pos"] as int; final outputs = txn["vout"] as List; String? scriptPubKey; String? utxoOwnerAddress; // get UTXO owner address for (final output in outputs) { if (output["n"] == vout) { scriptPubKey = output["scriptPubKey"]?["hex"] as String?; utxoOwnerAddress = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ?? output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String?; } } final checkBlockResult = await checkBlockUTXO( jsonUTXO, scriptPubKey, txn, utxoOwnerAddress, ); final utxo = UTXO( walletId: walletId, txid: txn["txid"] as String, vout: vout, value: jsonUTXO["value"] as int, name: checkBlockResult.utxoLabel ?? "", isBlocked: checkBlockResult.blocked, blockedReason: checkBlockResult.blockedReason, isCoinbase: txn["is_coinbase"] as bool? ?? txn["is-coinbase"] as bool? ?? txn["iscoinbase"] as bool? ?? isCoinbase, blockHash: txn["blockhash"] as String?, blockHeight: jsonUTXO["height"] as int?, blockTime: txn["blocktime"] as int?, address: utxoOwnerAddress, ); return utxo; } //============================================================================ @override Future updateChainHeight() async { final height = await fetchChainHeight(); await info.updateCachedChainHeight( newHeight: height, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } @override Future pingCheck() async { try { final result = await; return result; } catch (_) { return false; } } @override Future updateNode() async { await updateElectrumX(); } FeeObject? _cachedFees; @override Future get fees async { try { const int f = 1, m = 5, s = 20; final fast = await electrumXClient.estimateFee(blocks: f); final medium = await electrumXClient.estimateFee(blocks: m); final slow = await electrumXClient.estimateFee(blocks: s); final feeObject = FeeObject( numberOfBlocksFast: f, numberOfBlocksAverage: m, numberOfBlocksSlow: s, fast: Amount.fromDecimal( fast, fractionDigits: info.coin.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), medium: Amount.fromDecimal( medium, fractionDigits: info.coin.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), slow: Amount.fromDecimal( slow, fractionDigits: info.coin.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), ); Logging.instance.log("fetched fees: $feeObject", level: LogLevel.Info); _cachedFees = feeObject; return _cachedFees!; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from _getFees(): $e\nStack trace: $s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); if (_cachedFees == null) { rethrow; } else { return _cachedFees!; } } } @override Future estimateFeeFor(Amount amount, int feeRate) async { final available = info.cachedBalance.spendable; final utxos = _spendableUTXOs(await mainDB.getUTXOs(walletId).findAll()); if (available == amount) { return amount - (await _sweepAllEstimate(feeRate, utxos)); } else if (amount <= || amount > available) { return roughFeeEstimate(1, 2, feeRate); } Amount runningBalance = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: info.coin.fractionDigits, ); int inputCount = 0; for (final output in utxos) { if (!output.isBlocked) { runningBalance += Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(output.value), fractionDigits: info.coin.fractionDigits, ); inputCount++; if (runningBalance > amount) { break; } } } final oneOutPutFee = roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 1, feeRate); final twoOutPutFee = roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 2, feeRate); if (runningBalance - amount > oneOutPutFee) { if (runningBalance - amount > oneOutPutFee + cryptoCurrency.dustLimit) { final change = runningBalance - amount - twoOutPutFee; if (change > cryptoCurrency.dustLimit && runningBalance - amount - change == twoOutPutFee) { return runningBalance - amount - change; } else { return runningBalance - amount; } } else { return runningBalance - amount; } } else if (runningBalance - amount == oneOutPutFee) { return oneOutPutFee; } else { return twoOutPutFee; } } @override Future checkReceivingAddressForTransactions() async { if (isViewOnly && viewOnlyType == ViewOnlyWalletType.addressOnly) { return; } if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] == true) { try { throw Exception(); } catch (_, s) { Logging.instance.log( "checkReceivingAddressForTransactions called but reuse address flag set: $s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } try { final currentReceiving = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); final bool needsGenerate; if (currentReceiving == null) { // no addresses in db yet for some reason. // Should not happen at this point... needsGenerate = true; } else { final txCount = await fetchTxCount( addressScriptHash: cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: currentReceiving.value, ), ); needsGenerate = txCount > 0 || currentReceiving.derivationIndex < 0; } if (needsGenerate) { await generateNewReceivingAddress(); // TODO: [prio=low] Make sure we scan all addresses but only show one. if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] != true) { // TODO: get rid of this? Could cause problems (long loading/infinite loop or something) // keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from _checkReceivingAddressForTransactions" "($cryptoCurrency): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future checkChangeAddressForTransactions() async { if (isViewOnly && viewOnlyType == ViewOnlyWalletType.addressOnly) { return; } if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] == true) { try { throw Exception(); } catch (_, s) { Logging.instance.log( "checkChangeAddressForTransactions called but reuse address flag set: $s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } try { final currentChange = await getCurrentChangeAddress(); final bool needsGenerate; if (currentChange == null) { // no addresses in db yet for some reason. // Should not happen at this point... needsGenerate = true; } else { final txCount = await fetchTxCount( addressScriptHash: cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: currentChange.value, ), ); needsGenerate = txCount > 0 || currentChange.derivationIndex < 0; } if (needsGenerate) { await generateNewChangeAddress(); // TODO: get rid of this? Could cause problems (long loading/infinite loop or something) // keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from _checkChangeAddressForTransactions" "($cryptoCurrency): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future recover({required bool isRescan}) async { if (isViewOnly) { await recoverViewOnly(isRescan: isRescan); return; } final root = await getRootHDNode(); final List addresses})>> receiveFutures = []; final List addresses})>> changeFutures = []; const receiveChain = 0; const changeChain = 1; const txCountBatchSize = 12; try { await refreshMutex.protect(() async { if (isRescan) { // clear cache await electrumXCachedClient.clearSharedTransactionCache( cryptoCurrency: info.coin, ); // clear blockchain info await mainDB.deleteWalletBlockchainData(walletId); } // receiving addresses Logging.instance.log( "checking receiving addresses...", level: LogLevel.Info, ); final canBatch = await serverCanBatch; for (final type in cryptoCurrency.supportedDerivationPathTypes) { receiveFutures.add( canBatch ? checkGapsBatched( txCountBatchSize, root, type, receiveChain, ) : checkGapsLinearly( root, type, receiveChain, ), ); } // change addresses Logging.instance.log( "checking change addresses...", level: LogLevel.Info, ); for (final type in cryptoCurrency.supportedDerivationPathTypes) { changeFutures.add( canBatch ? checkGapsBatched( txCountBatchSize, root, type, changeChain, ) : checkGapsLinearly( root, type, changeChain, ), ); } // io limitations may require running these linearly instead final futuresResult = await Future.wait([ Future.wait(receiveFutures), Future.wait(changeFutures), ]); final receiveResults = futuresResult[0]; final changeResults = futuresResult[1]; final List
addressesToStore = []; int highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = 0; for (final tuple in receiveResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isEmpty) { await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } else { highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } int highestChangeIndexWithHistory = 0; // If restoring a wallet that never sent any funds with change, then set changeArray // manually. If we didn't do this, it'd store an empty array. for (final tuple in changeResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isEmpty) { await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); } else { highestChangeIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } // remove extra addresses to help minimize risk of creating a large gap addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.change && e.derivationIndex > highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving && e.derivationIndex > highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses(addressesToStore); if (this is PaynymInterface) { final notificationAddress = await (this as PaynymInterface).getMyNotificationAddress(); await (this as BitcoinWallet) .updateTransactions(overrideAddresses: [notificationAddress]); // get own payment code // isSegwit does not matter here at all final myCode = await (this as PaynymInterface).getPaymentCode(isSegwit: false); try { final Set codesToCheck = {}; final nym = await PaynymIsApi().nym(myCode.toString()); if (nym.value != null) { for (final follower in nym.value!.followers) { codesToCheck.add(follower.code); } for (final following in nym.value!.following) { codesToCheck.add(following.code); } } // restore paynym transactions await (this as PaynymInterface).restoreAllHistory( maxUnusedAddressGap: 20, maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 10000, paymentCodeStrings: codesToCheck, ); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to check ${PaynymIsApi.baseURL} followers/following for history during " "bitcoin wallet ($walletId ${}) " "_recoverWalletFromBIP32SeedPhrase: $e/n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } }); unawaited(refresh()); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from electrumx_mixin recover(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info, ); rethrow; } } @override Future updateUTXOs() async { final allAddresses = await fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan(); try { final fetchedUtxoList = >>[]; if (await serverCanBatch) { final Map>> batchArgs = {}; const batchSizeMax = 10; int batchNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allAddresses.length; i++) { batchArgs[batchNumber] ??= []; final scriptHash = cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: allAddresses[i].value, ); batchArgs[batchNumber]!.add([scriptHash]); if (i % batchSizeMax == batchSizeMax - 1) { batchNumber++; } } for (int i = 0; i < batchArgs.length; i++) { final response = await electrumXClient.getBatchUTXOs(args: batchArgs[i]!); for (final entry in response) { if (entry.isNotEmpty) { fetchedUtxoList.add(entry); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < allAddresses.length; i++) { final scriptHash = cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: allAddresses[i].value, ); final utxos = await electrumXClient.getUTXOs(scripthash: scriptHash); if (utxos.isNotEmpty) { fetchedUtxoList.add(utxos); } } } final List outputArray = []; for (int i = 0; i < fetchedUtxoList.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < fetchedUtxoList[i].length; j++) { final utxo = await parseUTXO( jsonUTXO: fetchedUtxoList[i][j], ); outputArray.add(utxo); } } return await mainDB.updateUTXOs(walletId, outputArray); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Output fetch unsuccessful: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return false; } } @override Future confirmSend({required TxData txData}) async { try { Logging.instance.log("confirmSend txData: $txData", level: LogLevel.Info); final txHash = await electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction( rawTx: txData.raw!, ); Logging.instance.log("Sent txHash: $txHash", level: LogLevel.Info); txData = txData.copyWith( usedUTXOs: txData.usedUTXOs!.map((e) => e.copyWith(used: true)).toList(), // TODO revisit setting these both txHash: txHash, txid: txHash, ); // mark utxos as used await mainDB.putUTXOs(txData.usedUTXOs!); return await updateSentCachedTxData(txData: txData); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future prepareSend({required TxData txData}) async { try { if (txData.amount == null) { throw Exception("No recipients in attempted transaction!"); } final feeRateType = txData.feeRateType; final customSatsPerVByte = txData.satsPerVByte; final feeRateAmount = txData.feeRateAmount; final utxos = txData.utxos; final bool coinControl = utxos != null; final isSendAllCoinControlUtxos = coinControl && txData.amount!.raw == utxos .map((e) => e.value) .fold(, (p, e) => p + BigInt.from(e)); if (customSatsPerVByte != null) { // check for send all bool isSendAll = false; if (txData.ignoreCachedBalanceChecks || txData.amount == info.cachedBalance.spendable) { isSendAll = true; } if (coinControl && this is CpfpInterface && txData.amount == (info.cachedBalance.spendable + info.cachedBalance.pendingSpendable)) { isSendAll = true; } final result = await coinSelection( txData: txData.copyWith(feeRateAmount: -1), isSendAll: isSendAll, utxos: utxos?.toList(), coinControl: coinControl, isSendAllCoinControlUtxos: isSendAllCoinControlUtxos, ); Logging.instance .log("PREPARE SEND RESULT: $result", level: LogLevel.Info); if (result.fee!.raw.toInt() < result.vSize!) { throw Exception( "Error in fee calculation: Transaction fee cannot be less than vSize", ); } return result; } else if (feeRateType is FeeRateType || feeRateAmount is int) { late final int rate; if (feeRateType is FeeRateType) { int fee = 0; final feeObject = await fees; switch (feeRateType) { case fee =; break; case FeeRateType.average: fee = feeObject.medium; break; case FeeRateType.slow: fee = feeObject.slow; break; default: throw ArgumentError("Invalid use of custom fee"); } rate = fee; } else { rate = feeRateAmount as int; } // check for send all bool isSendAll = false; if (txData.amount == info.cachedBalance.spendable) { isSendAll = true; } final result = await coinSelection( txData: txData.copyWith( feeRateAmount: rate, ), isSendAll: isSendAll, utxos: utxos?.toList(), coinControl: coinControl, isSendAllCoinControlUtxos: isSendAllCoinControlUtxos, ); Logging.instance.log("prepare send: $result", level: LogLevel.Info); if (result.fee!.raw.toInt() < result.vSize!) { throw Exception( "Error in fee calculation: Transaction fee (${result.fee!.raw.toInt()}) cannot " "be less than vSize (${result.vSize})"); } return result; } else { throw ArgumentError("Invalid fee rate argument provided!"); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from prepareSend(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future init() async { try { // Server features and genesis hash check deferred. // See _initializeServerVersionAndCheckGenesisHash. await super.init(); } catch (e, s) { // do nothing, still allow user into wallet Logging.instance.log( "$runtimeType init() did not complete: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); } } Future _initializeServerVersionAndCheckGenesisHash() async { try { final features = await electrumXClient .getServerFeatures() .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5)); Logging.instance.log("features: $features", level: LogLevel.Info); _serverVersion = _parseServerVersion(features["server_version"] as String); if (cryptoCurrency.genesisHash != features['genesis_hash']) { throw Exception("Genesis hash does not match!"); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$runtimeType _initializeServerVersionAndCheckGenesisHash() did not complete: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning, ); } } // =========================================================================== // ========== Interface functions ============================================ int estimateTxFee({required int vSize, required int feeRatePerKB}); Amount roughFeeEstimate(int inputCount, int outputCount, int feeRatePerKB); Future> fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan(); /// Certain coins need to check if the utxo should be marked /// as blocked as well as give a reason. Future<({String? blockedReason, bool blocked, String? utxoLabel})> checkBlockUTXO( Map jsonUTXO, String? scriptPubKeyHex, Map jsonTX, String? utxoOwnerAddress, ); // =========================================================================== // ========== private helpers ================================================ List _spendableUTXOs(List utxos) { return utxos .where( (e) => !e.isBlocked && e.isConfirmed( info.cachedChainHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, cryptoCurrency.minCoinbaseConfirms, ), ) .toList(); } Future _sweepAllEstimate(int feeRate, List usableUTXOs) async { final available = usableUTXOs .map((e) => BigInt.from(e.value)) .fold(, (p, e) => p + e); final inputCount = usableUTXOs.length; // transaction will only have 1 output minus the fee final estimatedFee = roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 1, feeRate); return Amount( rawValue: available, fractionDigits: info.coin.fractionDigits, ) - estimatedFee; } // stupid + fragile List? _parseServerVersion(String version) { List? result; try { final list = version.split(" "); if (list.isNotEmpty) { final numberStrings = list.last.split("."); result = => int.parse(e)).toList(); } } catch (_) {} Logging.instance.log( "${} _parseServerVersion($version) => $result", level: LogLevel.Info, ); return result; } // lolcashaddrs String normalizeAddress(String address) { return address; } // ============== View only ================================================== @override Future recoverViewOnly({bool isRescan = false}) async { final data = await getViewOnlyWalletData(); final coinlib.HDKey? root; if (data is AddressViewOnlyWalletData) { root = null; } else { if ((data as ExtendedKeysViewOnlyWalletData).xPubs.length != 1) { throw Exception( "Only single xpub view only wallets are currently supported", ); } root = coinlib.HDPublicKey.decode(data.xPubs.first.encoded); } final List addresses})>> receiveFutures = []; final List addresses})>> changeFutures = []; const receiveChain = 0; const changeChain = 1; const txCountBatchSize = 12; try { await refreshMutex.protect(() async { if (isRescan) { // clear cache await electrumXCachedClient.clearSharedTransactionCache( cryptoCurrency: info.coin, ); // clear blockchain info await mainDB.deleteWalletBlockchainData(walletId); } final List
addressesToStore = []; if (root != null) { // receiving addresses Logging.instance.log( "checking receiving addresses...", level: LogLevel.Info, ); final canBatch = await serverCanBatch; for (final type in cryptoCurrency.supportedDerivationPathTypes) { final path = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: type, chain: 0, index: 0, ); if (path.startsWith( (data as ExtendedKeysViewOnlyWalletData).xPubs.first.path, )) { receiveFutures.add( canBatch ? checkGapsBatched( txCountBatchSize, root, type, receiveChain, ) : checkGapsLinearly( root, type, receiveChain, ), ); } } // change addresses Logging.instance.log( "checking change addresses...", level: LogLevel.Info, ); for (final type in cryptoCurrency.supportedDerivationPathTypes) { final path = cryptoCurrency.constructDerivePath( derivePathType: type, chain: 0, index: 0, ); if (path.startsWith( (data as ExtendedKeysViewOnlyWalletData).xPubs.first.path, )) { changeFutures.add( canBatch ? checkGapsBatched( txCountBatchSize, root, type, changeChain, ) : checkGapsLinearly( root, type, changeChain, ), ); } } // io limitations may require running these linearly instead final futuresResult = await Future.wait([ Future.wait(receiveFutures), Future.wait(changeFutures), ]); final receiveResults = futuresResult[0]; final changeResults = futuresResult[1]; int highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = 0; for (final tuple in receiveResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isEmpty) { await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } else { highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } int highestChangeIndexWithHistory = 0; // If restoring a wallet that never sent any funds with change, then set changeArray // manually. If we didn't do this, it'd store an empty array. for (final tuple in changeResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isEmpty) { await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); } else { highestChangeIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } // remove extra addresses to help minimize risk of creating a large gap addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.change && e.derivationIndex > highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving && e.derivationIndex > highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); } else { final clAddress = coinlib.Address.fromString( (data as AddressViewOnlyWalletData).address, cryptoCurrency.networkParams, ); final AddressType addressType; switch (clAddress.runtimeType) { case const (coinlib.P2PKHAddress): addressType = AddressType.p2pkh; break; case const (coinlib.P2SHAddress): addressType = AddressType.p2sh; break; case const (coinlib.P2WPKHAddress): addressType = AddressType.p2wpkh; break; case const (coinlib.P2TRAddress): addressType = AddressType.p2tr; break; default: throw Exception( "Unsupported address type: ${clAddress.runtimeType}", ); } addressesToStore.add( Address( walletId: walletId, value: clAddress.toString(), publicKey: [], derivationIndex: -1, derivationPath: null, type: addressType, subType: AddressSubType.receiving, ), ); } await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses(addressesToStore); }); unawaited(refresh()); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from electrumx_mixin recoverViewOnly(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info, ); rethrow; } } // =========================================================================== }