import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:frostdart/frostdart.dart' as frost; import 'package:frostdart/frostdart_bindings_generated.dart'; import 'package:frostdart/util.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import '../../../electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx_client.dart'; import '../../../electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart'; import '../../../models/balance.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/transaction.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/utxo.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/input_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/output_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart'; import '../../../models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/events/global/wallet_sync_status_changed_event.dart'; import '../../../services/event_bus/global_event_bus.dart'; import '../../../services/frost.dart'; import '../../../utilities/amount/amount.dart'; import '../../../utilities/extensions/extensions.dart'; import '../../../utilities/logger.dart'; import '../../crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart'; import '../../crypto_currency/intermediate/frost_currency.dart'; import '../../isar/models/frost_wallet_info.dart'; import '../../isar/models/wallet_info.dart'; import '../../models/tx_data.dart'; import '../wallet.dart'; import '../wallet_mixin_interfaces/multi_address_interface.dart'; const kFrostSecureStartingIndex = 1; class BitcoinFrostWallet extends Wallet with MultiAddressInterface { BitcoinFrostWallet(CryptoCurrencyNetwork network) : super(BitcoinFrost(network) as T); FrostWalletInfo get frostInfo => mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .findFirstSync()!; late ElectrumXClient electrumXClient; late CachedElectrumXClient electrumXCachedClient; Future initializeNewFrost({ required String multisigConfig, required String recoveryString, required String serializedKeys, required Uint8List multisigId, required String myName, required List participants, required int threshold, }) async { Logging.instance.log( "Generating new FROST wallet.", level: LogLevel.Info, ); try { final salt = frost .multisigSalt( multisigConfig: multisigConfig, ) .toHex; final FrostWalletInfo frostWalletInfo = FrostWalletInfo( walletId: info.walletId, knownSalts: [salt], participants: participants, myName: myName, threshold: threshold, ); await _saveSerializedKeys(serializedKeys); await _saveRecoveryString(recoveryString); await _saveMultisigId(multisigId); await _saveMultisigConfig(multisigConfig); await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.put(frostWalletInfo); }); Address? address; int index = kFrostSecureStartingIndex; while (address == null) { try { address = await _generateAddress( change: 0, index: index, serializedKeys: serializedKeys, secure: true, ); } on FrostdartException catch (e) { if (e.errorCode == 72) { // rust doesn't like the addressDerivationData index++; continue; } else { rethrow; } } } await mainDB.putAddresses([address]); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from initializeNewFrost(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); rethrow; } } Future frostCreateSignConfig({ required TxData txData, required int feePerWeight, }) async { try { if (txData.recipients == null || txData.recipients!.isEmpty) { throw Exception("No recipients found!"); } final total = txData.recipients! .map((e) => e.amount) .reduce((value, e) => value += e); final utxos = await mainDB .getUTXOs(walletId) .filter() .isBlockedEqualTo(false) .findAll(); if (utxos.isEmpty) { throw Exception("No UTXOs found"); } else { final currentHeight = await chainHeight; utxos.removeWhere( (e) => !e.isConfirmed( currentHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, cryptoCurrency.minCoinbaseConfirms, ), ); if (utxos.isEmpty) { throw Exception("No confirmed UTXOs found"); } } if (total.raw > => BigInt.from(e.value)).reduce((v, e) => v += e)) { throw Exception("Insufficient available funds"); } Amount sum = Amount.zeroWith( fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); final Set utxosToUse = {}; final Set utxosRemaining = {}; for (int i = 0; i < utxos.length; i++) { final utxo = utxos[i]; sum += Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(utxo.value), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); utxosToUse.add(utxo); if (sum > total) { if (i + 1 < utxos.length) { utxosRemaining.addAll(utxos.sublist(i)); } break; } } final int network = == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main ? Network.Mainnet : Network.Testnet; final List< ({ UTXO utxo, Uint8List scriptPubKey, ({int account, int index, bool change}) addressDerivationData })> inputs = []; for (final utxo in utxosToUse) { final dData = await getDerivationData( utxo.address, ); final publicKey = cryptoCurrency.addressToPubkey( address: utxo.address!, ); inputs.add( ( utxo: utxo, scriptPubKey: publicKey, addressDerivationData: dData, ), ); } await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); final changeAddress = await getCurrentChangeAddress(); String? config; while (config == null) { try { config = Frost.createSignConfig( network: network, inputs: inputs, outputs: txData.recipients!, changeAddress: changeAddress!.value, feePerWeight: feePerWeight, serializedKeys: (await getSerializedKeys())!, ); } on FrostdartException catch (e) { if (e.errorCode == NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_ERROR && utxosRemaining.isNotEmpty) { // add extra utxo final utxo = utxosRemaining.take(1).first; final dData = await getDerivationData( utxo.address, ); final publicKey = cryptoCurrency.addressToPubkey( address: utxo.address!, ); inputs.add( ( utxo: utxo, scriptPubKey: publicKey, addressDerivationData: dData, ), ); } else { rethrow; } } } return txData.copyWith(frostMSConfig: config, utxos: utxosToUse); } catch (_) { rethrow; } } Future<({int account, int index, bool change})> getDerivationData( String? address, ) async { if (address == null) { throw Exception("Missing address required for FROST signing"); } final addr = await mainDB.getAddress(walletId, address); if (addr == null) { throw Exception("Missing address in DB required for FROST signing"); } final dPath = addr.derivationPath?.value ?? "0/0/0"; try { final components = dPath.split("/").map((e) => int.parse(e)).toList(); if (components.length != 3) { throw Exception( "Unexpected derivation data `$components` for FROST signing", ); } if (components[1] != 0 && components[1] != 1) { throw Exception( "${components[1]} must be 1 or 0 for change", ); } return ( account: components[0], change: components[1] == 1, index: components[2], ); } catch (_) { rethrow; } } Future< ({ Pointer machinePtr, String preprocess, })> frostAttemptSignConfig({ required String config, }) async { final int network = == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main ? Network.Mainnet : Network.Testnet; final serializedKeys = await getSerializedKeys(); return Frost.attemptSignConfig( network: network, config: config, serializedKeys: serializedKeys!, ); } Future updateWithResharedData({ required String serializedKeys, required String multisigConfig, required bool isNewWallet, }) async { await _saveSerializedKeys(serializedKeys); await _saveMultisigConfig(multisigConfig); await _updateThreshold( frost.getThresholdFromKeys( serializedKeys: serializedKeys, ), ); final myNameIndex = frost.getParticipantIndexFromKeys( serializedKeys: serializedKeys, ); final participants = Frost.getParticipants( multisigConfig: multisigConfig, ); final myName = participants[myNameIndex]; await _updateParticipants(participants); await _updateMyName(myName); if (isNewWallet) { await recover( serializedKeys: serializedKeys, multisigConfig: multisigConfig, isRescan: false, ); } } Future sweepAllEstimate(int feeRate) async { int available = 0; int inputCount = 0; final height = await chainHeight; for (final output in (await mainDB.getUTXOs(walletId).findAll())) { if (!output.isBlocked && output.isConfirmed( height, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, cryptoCurrency.minCoinbaseConfirms, )) { available += output.value; inputCount++; } } // transaction will only have 1 output minus the fee final estimatedFee = _roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 1, feeRate); return Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(available), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ) - estimatedFee; } // int _estimateTxFee({required int vSize, required int feeRatePerKB}) { // return vSize * (feeRatePerKB / 1000).ceil(); // } Amount _roughFeeEstimate(int inputCount, int outputCount, int feeRatePerKB) { return Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from( ((42 + (272 * inputCount) + (128 * outputCount)) / 4).ceil() * (feeRatePerKB / 1000).ceil(), ), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); } // ==================== Overrides ============================================ @override bool get supportsMultiRecipient => true; @override int get isarTransactionVersion => 2; @override FilterOperation? get changeAddressFilterOperation => FilterGroup.and( [ FilterCondition.equalTo( property: r"type", value: info.mainAddressType, ), const FilterCondition.equalTo( property: r"subType", value: AddressSubType.change, ), const FilterCondition.equalTo( property: r"zSafeFrost", value: true, ), const FilterCondition.greaterThan( property: r"derivationIndex", value: 0, ), ], ); @override FilterOperation? get receivingAddressFilterOperation => FilterGroup.and( [ FilterCondition.equalTo( property: r"type", value: info.mainAddressType, ), const FilterCondition.equalTo( property: r"subType", value: AddressSubType.receiving, ), const FilterCondition.equalTo( property: r"zSafeFrost", value: true, ), const FilterCondition.greaterThan( property: r"derivationIndex", value: 0, ), ], ); @override Future updateTransactions() async { // Get all addresses. final List
allAddressesOld = await _fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan(); // Separate receiving and change addresses. final Set receivingAddresses = allAddressesOld .where((e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving) .map((e) => e.value) .toSet(); final Set changeAddresses = allAddressesOld .where((e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.change) .map((e) => e.value) .toSet(); // Remove duplicates. final allAddressesSet = {...receivingAddresses, ...changeAddresses}; final currentHeight = await chainHeight; // Fetch history from ElectrumX. final List> allTxHashes = await _fetchHistory(allAddressesSet); final List> allTransactions = []; for (final txHash in allTxHashes) { final storedTx = await mainDB.isar.transactionV2s .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .filter() .txidEqualTo(txHash["tx_hash"] as String) .findFirst(); if (storedTx == null || !storedTx.isConfirmed( currentHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, cryptoCurrency.minCoinbaseConfirms, )) { final tx = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction( txHash: txHash["tx_hash"] as String, verbose: true, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); if (!_duplicateTxCheck(allTransactions, tx["txid"] as String)) { tx["height"] = txHash["height"]; allTransactions.add(tx); } } } // Parse all new txs. final List txns = []; for (final txData in allTransactions) { bool wasSentFromThisWallet = false; // Set to true if any inputs were detected as owned by this wallet. bool wasReceivedInThisWallet = false; // Set to true if any outputs were detected as owned by this wallet. // Parse inputs. BigInt amountReceivedInThisWallet =; BigInt changeAmountReceivedInThisWallet =; final List inputs = []; for (final jsonInput in txData["vin"] as List) { final map = Map.from(jsonInput as Map); final List addresses = []; String valueStringSats = "0"; OutpointV2? outpoint; final coinbase = map["coinbase"] as String?; if (coinbase == null) { // Not a coinbase (ie a typical input). final txid = map["txid"] as String; final vout = map["vout"] as int; final inputTx = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction( txHash: txid, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); final prevOutJson = Map.from( (inputTx["vout"] as List).firstWhere((e) => e["n"] == vout) as Map, ); final prevOut = OutputV2.fromElectrumXJson( prevOutJson, decimalPlaces: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, isFullAmountNotSats: true, walletOwns: false, // Doesn't matter here as this is not saved. ); outpoint = OutpointV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor( txid: txid, vout: vout, ); valueStringSats = prevOut.valueStringSats; addresses.addAll(prevOut.addresses); } InputV2 input = InputV2.fromElectrumxJson( json: map, outpoint: outpoint, valueStringSats: valueStringSats, addresses: addresses, coinbase: coinbase, // Need addresses before we can know if the wallet owns this input. walletOwns: false, ); // Check if input was from this wallet. if (allAddressesSet.intersection(input.addresses.toSet()).isNotEmpty) { wasSentFromThisWallet = true; input = input.copyWith(walletOwns: true); } inputs.add(input); } // Parse outputs. final List outputs = []; for (final outputJson in txData["vout"] as List) { OutputV2 output = OutputV2.fromElectrumXJson( Map.from(outputJson as Map), decimalPlaces: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, isFullAmountNotSats: true, // Need addresses before we can know if the wallet owns this input. walletOwns: false, ); // If output was to my wallet, add value to amount received. if (receivingAddresses .intersection(output.addresses.toSet()) .isNotEmpty) { wasReceivedInThisWallet = true; amountReceivedInThisWallet += output.value; output = output.copyWith(walletOwns: true); } else if (changeAddresses .intersection(output.addresses.toSet()) .isNotEmpty) { wasReceivedInThisWallet = true; changeAmountReceivedInThisWallet += output.value; output = output.copyWith(walletOwns: true); } outputs.add(output); } final totalOut = outputs .map((e) => e.value) .fold(, (value, element) => value + element); TransactionType type; TransactionSubType subType = TransactionSubType.none; if (outputs.length > 1 && inputs.isNotEmpty) { for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) { final List? scriptChunks = outputs[i].scriptPubKeyAsm?.split(" "); if (scriptChunks?.length == 2 && scriptChunks?[0] == "OP_RETURN") { final blindedPaymentCode = scriptChunks![1]; final bytes = blindedPaymentCode.toUint8ListFromHex; // if (bytes.length == 80 && bytes.first == 1) { subType = TransactionSubType.bip47Notification; break; } } } } // At least one input was owned by this wallet. if (wasSentFromThisWallet) { type = TransactionType.outgoing; if (wasReceivedInThisWallet) { if (changeAmountReceivedInThisWallet + amountReceivedInThisWallet == totalOut) { // Definitely sent all to self. type = TransactionType.sentToSelf; } else if (amountReceivedInThisWallet == { // Most likely just a typical send, do nothing here yet. } } } else if (wasReceivedInThisWallet) { // Only found outputs owned by this wallet. type = TransactionType.incoming; // TODO: [prio=none] Check for special Bitcoin outputs like ordinals. } else { Logging.instance.log( "Unexpected tx found (ignoring it): $txData", level: LogLevel.Error, ); continue; } final tx = TransactionV2( walletId: walletId, blockHash: txData["blockhash"] as String?, hash: txData["hash"] as String, txid: txData["txid"] as String, height: txData["height"] as int?, version: txData["version"] as int, timestamp: txData["blocktime"] as int? ?? DateTime.timestamp().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, inputs: List.unmodifiable(inputs), outputs: List.unmodifiable(outputs), type: type, subType: subType, otherData: null, ); txns.add(tx); } await mainDB.updateOrPutTransactionV2s(txns); } @override Future checkSaveInitialReceivingAddress() async { final address = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); if (address == null) { final serializedKeys = await getSerializedKeys(); if (serializedKeys != null) { int index = kFrostSecureStartingIndex; const someSaneMaximum = 200; Address? address; while (index < someSaneMaximum) { try { address = await _generateAddress( change: 0, index: index, serializedKeys: serializedKeys, secure: true, ); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([address]); } catch (_) {} if (address != null) { break; } index++; } if (index >= someSaneMaximum) { throw Exception( "index < kFrostSecureStartingIndex hit someSaneMaximum"); } } else { Logging.instance.log( "$runtimeType.checkSaveInitialReceivingAddress() failed due" " to missing serialized keys", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); } } } @override Future confirmSend({required TxData txData}) async { try { Logging.instance.log("confirmSend txData: $txData", level: LogLevel.Info); final hex = txData.raw!; final txHash = await electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction(rawTx: hex); Logging.instance.log("Sent txHash: $txHash", level: LogLevel.Info); // mark utxos as used final usedUTXOs = txData.utxos!.map((e) => e.copyWith(used: true)); await mainDB.putUTXOs(usedUTXOs.toList()); txData = txData.copyWith( utxos: usedUTXOs.toSet(), txHash: txHash, txid: txHash, ); return txData; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future estimateFeeFor(Amount amount, int feeRate) async { final available = info.cachedBalance.spendable; if (available == amount) { return amount - (await sweepAllEstimate(feeRate)); } else if (amount <= || amount > available) { return _roughFeeEstimate(1, 2, feeRate); } Amount runningBalance = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); int inputCount = 0; for (final output in (await mainDB.getUTXOs(walletId).findAll())) { if (!output.isBlocked) { runningBalance += Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(output.value), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); inputCount++; if (runningBalance > amount) { break; } } } final oneOutPutFee = _roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 1, feeRate); final twoOutPutFee = _roughFeeEstimate(inputCount, 2, feeRate); if (runningBalance - amount > oneOutPutFee) { if (runningBalance - amount > oneOutPutFee + cryptoCurrency.dustLimit) { final change = runningBalance - amount - twoOutPutFee; if (change > cryptoCurrency.dustLimit && runningBalance - amount - change == twoOutPutFee) { return runningBalance - amount - change; } else { return runningBalance - amount; } } else { return runningBalance - amount; } } else if (runningBalance - amount == oneOutPutFee) { return oneOutPutFee; } else { return twoOutPutFee; } } @override Future get fees async { try { // adjust numbers for different speeds? const int f = 1, m = 5, s = 20; final fast = await electrumXClient.estimateFee(blocks: f); final medium = await electrumXClient.estimateFee(blocks: m); final slow = await electrumXClient.estimateFee(blocks: s); final feeObject = FeeObject( numberOfBlocksFast: f, numberOfBlocksAverage: m, numberOfBlocksSlow: s, fast: Amount.fromDecimal( fast, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), medium: Amount.fromDecimal( medium, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), slow: Amount.fromDecimal( slow, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ).raw.toInt(), ); Logging.instance.log("fetched fees: $feeObject", level: LogLevel.Info); return feeObject; } catch (e) { Logging.instance .log("Exception rethrown from _getFees(): $e", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } @override Future prepareSend({required TxData txData}) { // TODO: implement prepareSendpu throw UnimplementedError(); } @override Future recover({ required bool isRescan, String? serializedKeys, String? multisigConfig, }) async { if (serializedKeys == null || multisigConfig == null) { serializedKeys = await getSerializedKeys(); multisigConfig = await getMultisigConfig(); } if (serializedKeys == null || multisigConfig == null) { final err = "${info.coinName} wallet ${info.walletId} had null keys/cfg"; Logging.instance.log(err, level: LogLevel.Fatal); throw Exception(err); // TODO [prio=low]: handle null keys or config. This should not happen. } final coin = info.coin; WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.syncing, walletId, coin, ), ); try { await refreshMutex.protect(() async { if (!isRescan) { final salt = frost .multisigSalt( multisigConfig: multisigConfig!, ) .toHex; final knownSalts = _getKnownSalts(); if (knownSalts.contains(salt)) { throw Exception("Known frost multisig salt found!"); } final List updatedKnownSalts = List.from(knownSalts); updatedKnownSalts.add(salt); await _updateKnownSalts(updatedKnownSalts); } else { // clear cache await electrumXCachedClient.clearSharedTransactionCache( cryptoCurrency: coin, ); await mainDB.deleteWalletBlockchainData(walletId); } await _saveSerializedKeys(serializedKeys!); await _saveMultisigConfig(multisigConfig!); const receiveChain = 0; const changeChain = 1; final List addresses})>> receiveFutures = [ _checkGapsLinearly( serializedKeys, receiveChain, secure: true, ), ]; final List addresses})>> changeFutures = [ _checkGapsLinearly( serializedKeys, changeChain, secure: true, ), ]; // io limitations may require running these linearly instead final futuresResult = await Future.wait([ Future.wait(receiveFutures), Future.wait(changeFutures), ]); final receiveResults = futuresResult[0]; final changeResults = futuresResult[1]; final List
addressesToStore = []; int highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = 0; for (final tuple in receiveResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isEmpty) { await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } else { highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } int highestChangeIndexWithHistory = 0; // If restoring a wallet that never sent any funds with change, then set changeArray // manually. If we didn't do this, it'd store an empty array. for (final tuple in changeResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isEmpty) { await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); } else { highestChangeIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } // remove extra addresses to help minimize risk of creating a large gap addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.change && e.derivationIndex > highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving && e.derivationIndex > highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses(addressesToStore); await _legacyInsecureScan(serializedKeys); }); WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.synced, walletId, coin, ), ); unawaited(refresh()); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "recoverFromSerializedKeys failed: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Fatal, ); WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync, walletId, coin, ), ); rethrow; } } // for legacy support secure is set to false to see // funds received on insecure addresses Future _legacyInsecureScan(String serializedKeys) async { const receiveChain = 0; const changeChain = 1; final List addresses})>> receiveFutures = [ _checkGapsLinearly( serializedKeys, receiveChain, secure: false, ), ]; final List addresses})>> changeFutures = [ // for legacy support secure is set to false to see // funds received on insecure addresses _checkGapsLinearly( serializedKeys, changeChain, secure: false, ), ]; // io limitations may require running these linearly instead final futuresResult = await Future.wait([ Future.wait(receiveFutures), Future.wait(changeFutures), ]); final receiveResults = futuresResult[0]; final changeResults = futuresResult[1]; final List
addressesToStore = []; int highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = 0; for (final tuple in receiveResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isNotEmpty) { highestReceivingIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } int highestChangeIndexWithHistory = 0; for (final tuple in changeResults) { if (tuple.addresses.isNotEmpty) { highestChangeIndexWithHistory = max( tuple.index, highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.addAll(tuple.addresses); } } // remove extra addresses to help minimize risk of creating a large gap addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.change && e.derivationIndex > highestChangeIndexWithHistory, ); addressesToStore.removeWhere( (e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving && e.derivationIndex > highestReceivingIndexWithHistory, ); if (addressesToStore.isNotEmpty) { await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses(addressesToStore); } } @override Future updateBalance() async { final utxos = await mainDB.getUTXOs(walletId).findAll(); final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight; Amount satoshiBalanceTotal = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); Amount satoshiBalancePending = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); Amount satoshiBalanceSpendable = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); Amount satoshiBalanceBlocked = Amount( rawValue:, fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); for (final utxo in utxos) { final utxoAmount = Amount( rawValue: BigInt.from(utxo.value), fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits, ); satoshiBalanceTotal += utxoAmount; if (utxo.isBlocked) { satoshiBalanceBlocked += utxoAmount; } else { if (utxo.isConfirmed( currentChainHeight, cryptoCurrency.minConfirms, cryptoCurrency.minCoinbaseConfirms, )) { satoshiBalanceSpendable += utxoAmount; } else { satoshiBalancePending += utxoAmount; } } } final balance = Balance( total: satoshiBalanceTotal, spendable: satoshiBalanceSpendable, blockedTotal: satoshiBalanceBlocked, pendingSpendable: satoshiBalancePending, ); await info.updateBalance(newBalance: balance, isar: mainDB.isar); } @override Future updateChainHeight() async { final int height; try { final result = await electrumXClient.getBlockHeadTip(); height = result["height"] as int; } catch (e) { rethrow; } await info.updateCachedChainHeight( newHeight: height, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } @override Future pingCheck() async { try { final result = await; return result; } catch (_) { return false; } } @override Future updateNode() async { await _updateElectrumX(); } @override Future updateUTXOs() async { final allAddresses = await _fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan(); try { final fetchedUtxoList = >>[]; for (int i = 0; i < allAddresses.length; i++) { final scriptHash = cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: allAddresses[i].value, ); final utxos = await electrumXClient.getUTXOs(scripthash: scriptHash); if (utxos.isNotEmpty) { fetchedUtxoList.add(utxos); } } final List outputArray = []; for (int i = 0; i < fetchedUtxoList.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < fetchedUtxoList[i].length; j++) { final utxo = await _parseUTXO( jsonUTXO: fetchedUtxoList[i][j], ); outputArray.add(utxo); } } return await mainDB.updateUTXOs(walletId, outputArray); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Output fetch unsuccessful: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); return false; } } // =================== Secure storage ======================================== Future getSerializedKeys() async => await key: "{$walletId}_serializedFROSTKeys", ); Future _saveSerializedKeys( String keys, ) async { final current = await getSerializedKeys(); if (current == null) { // do nothing } else if (current == keys) { // should never occur } else { // save current as prev gen before updating current await secureStorageInterface.write( key: "{$walletId}_serializedFROSTKeysPrevGen", value: current, ); } await secureStorageInterface.write( key: "{$walletId}_serializedFROSTKeys", value: keys, ); } Future getSerializedKeysPrevGen() async => await key: "{$walletId}_serializedFROSTKeysPrevGen", ); Future getMultisigConfig() async => await key: "{$walletId}_multisigConfig", ); Future getMultisigConfigPrevGen() async => await key: "{$walletId}_multisigConfigPrevGen", ); Future _saveMultisigConfig( String multisigConfig, ) async { final current = await getMultisigConfig(); if (current == null) { // do nothing } else if (current == multisigConfig) { // should never occur } else { // save current as prev gen before updating current await secureStorageInterface.write( key: "{$walletId}_multisigConfigPrevGen", value: current, ); } await secureStorageInterface.write( key: "{$walletId}_multisigConfig", value: multisigConfig, ); } Future _multisigId() async { final id = await key: "{$walletId}_multisigIdFROST", ); if (id == null) { return null; } else { return id.toUint8ListFromHex; } } Future _saveMultisigId( Uint8List id, ) async => await secureStorageInterface.write( key: "{$walletId}_multisigIdFROST", value: id.toHex, ); Future _recoveryString() async => await key: "{$walletId}_recoveryStringFROST", ); Future _saveRecoveryString( String recoveryString, ) async => await secureStorageInterface.write( key: "{$walletId}_recoveryStringFROST", value: recoveryString, ); // =================== DB ==================================================== List _getKnownSalts() => mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .knownSaltsProperty() .findFirstSync()!; Future _updateKnownSalts(List knownSalts) async { final info = frostInfo; await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.delete(; await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.put( info.copyWith(knownSalts: knownSalts), ); }); } List _getParticipants() => mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .participantsProperty() .findFirstSync()!; Future _updateParticipants(List participants) async { final info = frostInfo; await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.delete(; await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.put( info.copyWith(participants: participants), ); }); } int _getThreshold() => mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .thresholdProperty() .findFirstSync()!; Future _updateThreshold(int threshold) async { final info = frostInfo; await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.delete(; await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.put( info.copyWith(threshold: threshold), ); }); } String _getMyName() => mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo .where() .walletIdEqualTo(walletId) .myNameProperty() .findFirstSync()!; Future _updateMyName(String myName) async { final info = frostInfo; await mainDB.isar.writeTxn(() async { await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.delete(; await mainDB.isar.frostWalletInfo.put( info.copyWith(myName: myName), ); }); } // =================== Private =============================================== Future _getCurrentElectrumXNode() async { final node = getCurrentNode(); return ElectrumXNode( address:, port: node.port, name:, useSSL: node.useSSL, id:, torEnabled: node.torEnabled, clearnetEnabled: node.clearnetEnabled, ); } // TODO [prio=low]: Use ElectrumXInterface method. Future _updateElectrumX() async { final failovers = nodeService .failoverNodesFor(currency: cryptoCurrency) .map( (e) => ElectrumXNode( address:, port: e.port, name:, id:, useSSL: e.useSSL, torEnabled: e.torEnabled, clearnetEnabled: e.clearnetEnabled, ), ) .toList(); final newNode = await _getCurrentElectrumXNode(); try { await electrumXClient.closeAdapter(); } catch (e) { if (e.toString().contains("initialized")) { // Ignore. This should happen every first time the wallet is opened. } else { Logging.instance.log( "Error closing electrumXClient: $e", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } electrumXClient = ElectrumXClient.from( node: newNode, prefs: prefs, failovers: failovers, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); electrumXCachedClient = CachedElectrumXClient.from( electrumXClient: electrumXClient, ); } bool _duplicateTxCheck( List> allTransactions, String txid, ) { for (int i = 0; i < allTransactions.length; i++) { if (allTransactions[i]["txid"] == txid) { return true; } } return false; } Future _parseUTXO({ required Map jsonUTXO, }) async { final txn = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction( txHash: jsonUTXO["tx_hash"] as String, verbose: true, cryptoCurrency: cryptoCurrency, ); final vout = jsonUTXO["tx_pos"] as int; final outputs = txn["vout"] as List; // String? scriptPubKey; String? utxoOwnerAddress; // get UTXO owner address for (final output in outputs) { if (output["n"] == vout) { // scriptPubKey = output["scriptPubKey"]?["hex"] as String?; utxoOwnerAddress = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ?? output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String?; } } final utxo = UTXO( walletId: walletId, txid: txn["txid"] as String, vout: vout, value: jsonUTXO["value"] as int, name: "", isBlocked: false, blockedReason: null, isCoinbase: txn["is_coinbase"] as bool? ?? false, blockHash: txn["blockhash"] as String?, blockHeight: jsonUTXO["height"] as int?, blockTime: txn["blocktime"] as int?, address: utxoOwnerAddress, ); return utxo; } @override Future checkChangeAddressForTransactions() async { try { final currentChange = await getCurrentChangeAddress(); final bool needsGenerate; if (currentChange == null) { // no addresses in db yet for some reason. // Should not happen at this point... needsGenerate = true; } else { final txCount = await _fetchTxCount(address: currentChange); needsGenerate = txCount > 0 || currentChange.derivationIndex < 0; } if (needsGenerate) { await generateNewChangeAddress(); // TODO: get rid of this? Could cause problems (long loading/infinite loop or something) // keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current await checkChangeAddressForTransactions(); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from _checkChangeAddressForTransactions" "($cryptoCurrency): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future checkReceivingAddressForTransactions() async { if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] == true) { try { throw Exception(); } catch (_, s) { Logging.instance.log( "checkReceivingAddressForTransactions called but reuse address flag set: $s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); } } try { final currentReceiving = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); final bool needsGenerate; if (currentReceiving == null) { // no addresses in db yet for some reason. // Should not happen at this point... needsGenerate = true; } else { final txCount = await _fetchTxCount(address: currentReceiving); needsGenerate = txCount > 0 || currentReceiving.derivationIndex < 0; } if (needsGenerate) { await generateNewReceivingAddress(); // TODO: [prio=low] Make sure we scan all addresses but only show one. if (info.otherData[WalletInfoKeys.reuseAddress] != true) { // TODO: get rid of this? Could cause problems (long loading/infinite loop or something) // keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current await checkReceivingAddressForTransactions(); } } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from _checkReceivingAddressForTransactions" "($cryptoCurrency): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } @override Future generateNewChangeAddress() async { final current = await getCurrentChangeAddress(); int index = current == null ? kFrostSecureStartingIndex : current.derivationIndex + 1; const chain = 1; // change address final serializedKeys = (await getSerializedKeys())!; Address? address; while (address == null) { try { address = await _generateAddress( change: chain, index: index, serializedKeys: serializedKeys, secure: true, ); } on FrostdartException catch (e) { if (e.errorCode == 72) { // rust doesn't like the addressDerivationData index++; continue; } else { rethrow; } } } await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([address]); } @override Future generateNewReceivingAddress() async { final current = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); int index = current == null ? kFrostSecureStartingIndex : current.derivationIndex + 1; const chain = 0; // receiving address final serializedKeys = (await getSerializedKeys())!; Address? address; while (address == null) { try { address = await _generateAddress( change: chain, index: index, serializedKeys: serializedKeys, secure: true, ); } on FrostdartException catch (e) { if (e.errorCode == 72) { // rust doesn't like the addressDerivationData index++; continue; } else { rethrow; } } } await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([address]); await info.updateReceivingAddress( newAddress: address.value, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } Future lookAhead() async { Address? currentReceiving = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); if (currentReceiving == null) { await generateNewReceivingAddress(); currentReceiving = await getCurrentReceivingAddress(); } Address? currentChange = await getCurrentChangeAddress(); if (currentChange == null) { await generateNewChangeAddress(); currentChange = await getCurrentChangeAddress(); } final List
nextReceivingAddresses = []; final List
nextChangeAddresses = []; int receiveIndex = currentReceiving!.derivationIndex; int changeIndex = currentChange!.derivationIndex; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final receiveAddress = await _generateAddressSafe( chain: 0, startingIndex: receiveIndex + 1, ); receiveIndex = receiveAddress.derivationIndex; nextReceivingAddresses.add(receiveAddress); final changeAddress = await _generateAddressSafe( chain: 1, startingIndex: changeIndex + 1, ); changeIndex = changeAddress.derivationIndex; nextChangeAddresses.add(changeAddress); } int activeReceiveIndex = currentReceiving.derivationIndex; int activeChangeIndex = currentChange.derivationIndex; for (final address in nextReceivingAddresses) { final txCount = await _fetchTxCount(address: address); if (txCount > 0) { activeReceiveIndex = max(activeReceiveIndex, address.derivationIndex); } } for (final address in nextChangeAddresses) { final txCount = await _fetchTxCount(address: address); if (txCount > 0) { activeChangeIndex = max(activeChangeIndex, address.derivationIndex); } } nextReceivingAddresses .removeWhere((e) => e.derivationIndex > activeReceiveIndex); if (nextReceivingAddresses.isNotEmpty) { await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses(nextReceivingAddresses); await info.updateReceivingAddress( newAddress: nextReceivingAddresses.last.value, isar: mainDB.isar, ); } nextChangeAddresses .removeWhere((e) => e.derivationIndex > activeChangeIndex); if (nextChangeAddresses.isNotEmpty) { await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses(nextChangeAddresses); } } Future
_generateAddressSafe({ required final int chain, required int startingIndex, }) async { final serializedKeys = (await getSerializedKeys())!; Address? address; while (address == null) { try { address = await _generateAddress( change: chain, index: startingIndex, serializedKeys: serializedKeys, secure: true, ); } on FrostdartException catch (e) { if (e.errorCode == 72) { // rust doesn't like the addressDerivationData startingIndex++; continue; } else { rethrow; } } } return address; } /// Can and will often throw unless [index], [change], and [account] are zero. /// Caller MUST handle exception! Future
_generateAddress({ int account = 0, required int change, required int index, required String serializedKeys, required bool secure, }) async { final addressDerivationData = ( account: account, change: change == 1, index: index, ); final keys = frost.deserializeKeys(keys: serializedKeys); final addressString = frost.addressForKeys( network: == CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main ? Network.Mainnet : Network.Testnet, keys: keys, addressDerivationData: addressDerivationData, secure: secure, ); return Address( walletId: info.walletId, value: addressString, publicKey: cryptoCurrency.addressToPubkey(address: addressString), derivationIndex: index, derivationPath: DerivationPath()..value = "$account/$change/$index", subType: change == 0 ? AddressSubType.receiving : change == 1 ? AddressSubType.change : AddressSubType.unknown, type: AddressType.frostMS, zSafeFrost: secure && index >= kFrostSecureStartingIndex, ); } Future<({List
addresses, int index})> _checkGapsLinearly( String serializedKeys, int chain, { required bool secure, }) async { final List
addressArray = []; int gapCounter = 0; int index = secure ? kFrostSecureStartingIndex : 0; for (; gapCounter < 20; index++) { Logging.instance.log( "Frost index: $index, \t GapCounter chain=$chain: $gapCounter", level: LogLevel.Info, ); Address? address; while (address == null) { try { address = await _generateAddress( change: chain, index: index, serializedKeys: serializedKeys, secure: secure, ); } on FrostdartException catch (e) { if (e.errorCode == 72) { // rust doesn't like the addressDerivationData index++; continue; } else { rethrow; } } } // get address tx count final count = await _fetchTxCount( address: address, ); // check and add appropriate addresses if (count > 0) { // add address to array addressArray.add(address); // reset counter gapCounter = 0; // add info to derivations } else { // increase counter when no tx history found gapCounter++; } } return (addresses: addressArray, index: index); } Future _fetchTxCount({required Address address}) async { final transactions = await electrumXClient.getHistory( scripthash: cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: address.value, ), ); return transactions.length; } Future> _fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan() async { final allAddresses = await mainDB .getAddresses(walletId) .filter() .not() .group( (q) => q .typeEqualTo(AddressType.nonWallet) .or() .subTypeEqualTo(AddressSubType.nonWallet), ) .findAll(); return allAddresses; } Future>> _fetchHistory( Iterable allAddresses, ) async { try { final List> allTxHashes = []; for (int i = 0; i < allAddresses.length; i++) { final addressString = allAddresses.elementAt(i); final scriptHash = cryptoCurrency.addressToScriptHash( address: addressString, ); final response = await electrumXClient.getHistory( scripthash: scriptHash, ); for (int j = 0; j < response.length; j++) { response[j]["address"] = addressString; if (!allTxHashes.contains(response[j])) { allTxHashes.add(response[j]); } } } return allTxHashes; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "$runtimeType._fetchHistory: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } }