mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 02:04:57 +00:00
clean up linter warnings and disable auto minting
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 234 additions and 232 deletions
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Future<void> executeNative(Map<String, dynamic> arguments) async {
level: LogLevel.Error);
} finally {
await Logging.instance.isar?.close();
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ Future<Map<String, dynamic>> isolateRestore(
// Edit the receive transactions with the mint fees.
Map<String, models.Transaction> editedTransactions =
<String, models.Transaction>{};
lelantusCoins.forEach((item) {
for (var item in lelantusCoins) {
item.forEach((key, value) {
String txid = value.txId;
var tx = data.findTransaction(txid);
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ Future<Map<String, dynamic>> isolateRestore(
// Logging.instance.log(editedTransactions, addToDebugMessagesDB: false);
Map<String, models.Transaction> transactionMap = data.getAllTransactions();
@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
if (shouldRefresh) {
@ -1333,32 +1333,36 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
for (final tx in unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyPending) {
switch (tx.txType) {
case "Received":
title: "Incoming transaction",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: tx.confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
coinName: coin.name,
txid: tx.txid,
confirmations: tx.confirmations,
requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
title: "Incoming transaction",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: tx.confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
coinName: coin.name,
txid: tx.txid,
confirmations: tx.confirmations,
requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
await txTracker.addNotifiedPending(tx.txid);
case "Sent":
title: "Outgoing transaction",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: tx.confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
coinName: coin.name,
txid: tx.txid,
confirmations: tx.confirmations,
requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
title: "Outgoing transaction",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: tx.confirmations < MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
coinName: coin.name,
txid: tx.txid,
confirmations: tx.confirmations,
requiredConfirmations: MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS,
await txTracker.addNotifiedPending(tx.txid);
@ -1369,25 +1373,29 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
for (final tx in unconfirmedTxnsToNotifyConfirmed) {
if (tx.txType == "Received") {
title: "Incoming transaction confirmed",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: false,
coinName: coin.name,
title: "Incoming transaction confirmed",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: false,
coinName: coin.name,
await txTracker.addNotifiedConfirmed(tx.txid);
} else if (tx.txType == "Sent" && tx.subType == "join") {
title: "Outgoing transaction confirmed",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: false,
coinName: coin.name,
title: "Outgoing transaction confirmed",
body: walletName,
walletId: walletId,
iconAssetName: Assets.svg.iconFor(coin: coin),
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(tx.timestamp * 1000),
shouldWatchForUpdates: false,
coinName: coin.name,
await txTracker.addNotifiedConfirmed(tx.txid);
@ -1520,14 +1528,14 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.60, walletId));
final lelantusCoins = getLelantusCoinMap();
Logging.instance.log("_lelantus_coins at refresh: ${lelantusCoins}",
Logging.instance.log("_lelantus_coins at refresh: $lelantusCoins",
level: LogLevel.Warning, printFullLength: true);
GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.70, walletId));
await _refreshLelantusData();
GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.80, walletId));
await autoMint();
// await autoMint();
GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.90, walletId));
var balance = await _getFullBalance();
@ -1590,7 +1598,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
final balance = await availableBalance;
int spendAmount =
(balance * Decimal.fromInt(Constants.satsPerCoin)).toBigInt().toInt();
int fee = await EstimateJoinSplitFee(spendAmount);
int fee = await estimateJoinSplitFee(spendAmount);
return fee;
@ -1643,7 +1651,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
Future<List<LelantusCoin>> _getUnspentCoins() async {
final List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> lelantusCoins = getLelantusCoinMap();
if (lelantusCoins != null && lelantusCoins.isNotEmpty) {
if (lelantusCoins.isNotEmpty) {
lelantusCoins.removeWhere((element) =>
element.values.any((elementCoin) => elementCoin.value == 0));
@ -1652,9 +1660,6 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
final data = await _txnData;
final lelantusData = await lelantusTransactionData;
List<LelantusCoin> coins = [];
if (lelantusCoins == null) {
return coins;
List<LelantusCoin> lelantusCoinsList =
lelantusCoins.fold(<LelantusCoin>[], (previousValue, element) {
@ -1699,7 +1704,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
try {
final List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> lelantusCoins =
if (lelantusCoins != null && lelantusCoins.isNotEmpty) {
if (lelantusCoins.isNotEmpty) {
lelantusCoins.removeWhere((element) =>
element.values.any((elementCoin) => elementCoin.value == 0));
@ -1711,32 +1716,32 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: 'jindex') as List?;
int intLelantusBalance = 0;
int unconfirmedLelantusBalance = 0;
if (lelantusCoins != null) {
lelantusCoins.forEach((element) {
element.forEach((key, value) {
final tx = data.findTransaction(value.txId);
models.Transaction? ltx;
ltx = lData.findTransaction(value.txId);
// Logging.instance.log("$value $tx $ltx");
if (!jindexes!.contains(value.index) && tx == null) {
// This coin is not confirmed and may be replaced
} else if (jindexes.contains(value.index) &&
tx == null &&
!value.isUsed &&
ltx != null &&
!ltx.confirmedStatus) {
unconfirmedLelantusBalance += value.value;
} else if (jindexes.contains(value.index) && !value.isUsed) {
intLelantusBalance += value.value;
} else if (!value.isUsed &&
(tx == null ? true : tx.confirmedStatus != false)) {
intLelantusBalance += value.value;
} else if (tx != null && tx.confirmedStatus == false) {
unconfirmedLelantusBalance += value.value;
for (var element in lelantusCoins) {
element.forEach((key, value) {
final tx = data.findTransaction(value.txId);
models.Transaction? ltx;
ltx = lData.findTransaction(value.txId);
// Logging.instance.log("$value $tx $ltx");
if (!jindexes!.contains(value.index) && tx == null) {
// This coin is not confirmed and may be replaced
} else if (jindexes.contains(value.index) &&
tx == null &&
!value.isUsed &&
ltx != null &&
!ltx.confirmedStatus) {
unconfirmedLelantusBalance += value.value;
} else if (jindexes.contains(value.index) && !value.isUsed) {
intLelantusBalance += value.value;
} else if (!value.isUsed &&
(tx == null ? true : tx.confirmedStatus != false)) {
intLelantusBalance += value.value;
} else if (tx != null && tx.confirmedStatus == false) {
unconfirmedLelantusBalance += value.value;
final int utxosIntValue = utxos.satoshiBalance;
final Decimal utxosValue = Format.satoshisToAmount(utxosIntValue);
@ -1769,125 +1774,125 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
Future<void> autoMint() async {
try {
var mintResult = await _mintSelection();
if (mintResult.isEmpty) {
Logging.instance.log("nothing to mint", level: LogLevel.Info);
await _submitLelantusToNetwork(mintResult);
} catch (e, s) {
Logging.instance.log("Exception caught in _autoMint(): $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error);
/// Returns the mint transaction hex to mint all of the available funds.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _mintSelection() async {
final List<UtxoObject> availableOutputs = _outputsList;
final List<UtxoObject?> spendableOutputs = [];
// Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount
for (var i = 0; i < availableOutputs.length; i++) {
if (availableOutputs[i].blocked == false &&
availableOutputs[i].status.confirmed == true &&
!(availableOutputs[i].isCoinbase &&
availableOutputs[i].status.confirmations <= 101)) {
final List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> lelantusCoins = getLelantusCoinMap();
if (lelantusCoins != null && lelantusCoins.isNotEmpty) {
lelantusCoins.removeWhere((element) =>
element.values.any((elementCoin) => elementCoin.value == 0));
final data = await _txnData;
if (lelantusCoins != null) {
final dataMap = data.getAllTransactions();
dataMap.forEach((key, value) {
if (value.inputs.isNotEmpty) {
for (var element in value.inputs) {
if (lelantusCoins
.any((element) => element.keys.contains(value.txid)) &&
(output) => output?.txid == element.txid,
orElse: () => null) !=
null) {
.removeWhere((output) => output!.txid == element.txid);
// If there is no Utxos to mint then stop the function.
if (spendableOutputs.isEmpty) {
Logging.instance.log("_mintSelection(): No spendable outputs found",
level: LogLevel.Info);
return {};
int satoshisBeingUsed = 0;
List<UtxoObject> utxoObjectsToUse = [];
for (var i = 0; i < spendableOutputs.length; i++) {
final spendable = spendableOutputs[i];
if (spendable != null) {
satoshisBeingUsed += spendable.value;
var mintsWithoutFee = await createMintsFromAmount(satoshisBeingUsed);
var tmpTx = await buildMintTransaction(
utxoObjectsToUse, satoshisBeingUsed, mintsWithoutFee);
int vsize = (tmpTx['transaction'] as Transaction).virtualSize();
final Decimal dvsize = Decimal.fromInt(vsize);
final feesObject = await fees;
final Decimal fastFee = Format.satoshisToAmount(feesObject.fast);
int firoFee =
(dvsize * fastFee * Decimal.fromInt(100000)).toDouble().ceil();
// int firoFee = (vsize * feesObject.fast * (1 / 1000.0) * 100000000).ceil();
if (firoFee < vsize) {
firoFee = vsize + 1;
firoFee = firoFee + 10;
int satoshiAmountToSend = satoshisBeingUsed - firoFee;
var mintsWithFee = await createMintsFromAmount(satoshiAmountToSend);
Map<String, dynamic> transaction = await buildMintTransaction(
utxoObjectsToUse, satoshiAmountToSend, mintsWithFee);
transaction['transaction'] = "";
Logging.instance.log(transaction.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info);
Logging.instance.log(transaction['txHex'], level: LogLevel.Info);
return transaction;
// Future<void> autoMint() async {
// try {
// var mintResult = await _mintSelection();
// if (mintResult.isEmpty) {
// Logging.instance.log("nothing to mint", level: LogLevel.Info);
// return;
// }
// await _submitLelantusToNetwork(mintResult);
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("Exception caught in _autoMint(): $e\n$s",
// level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
// }
// /// Returns the mint transaction hex to mint all of the available funds.
// Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _mintSelection() async {
// final List<UtxoObject> availableOutputs = _outputsList;
// final List<UtxoObject?> spendableOutputs = [];
// // Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount
// for (var i = 0; i < availableOutputs.length; i++) {
// if (availableOutputs[i].blocked == false &&
// availableOutputs[i].status.confirmed == true &&
// !(availableOutputs[i].isCoinbase &&
// availableOutputs[i].status.confirmations <= 101)) {
// spendableOutputs.add(availableOutputs[i]);
// }
// }
// final List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> lelantusCoins = getLelantusCoinMap();
// if (lelantusCoins != null && lelantusCoins.isNotEmpty) {
// lelantusCoins.removeWhere((element) =>
// element.values.any((elementCoin) => elementCoin.value == 0));
// }
// final data = await _txnData;
// if (lelantusCoins != null) {
// final dataMap = data.getAllTransactions();
// dataMap.forEach((key, value) {
// if (value.inputs.isNotEmpty) {
// for (var element in value.inputs) {
// if (lelantusCoins
// .any((element) => element.keys.contains(value.txid)) &&
// spendableOutputs.firstWhere(
// (output) => output?.txid == element.txid,
// orElse: () => null) !=
// null) {
// spendableOutputs
// .removeWhere((output) => output!.txid == element.txid);
// }
// }
// }
// });
// }
// // If there is no Utxos to mint then stop the function.
// if (spendableOutputs.isEmpty) {
// Logging.instance.log("_mintSelection(): No spendable outputs found",
// level: LogLevel.Info);
// return {};
// }
// int satoshisBeingUsed = 0;
// List<UtxoObject> utxoObjectsToUse = [];
// for (var i = 0; i < spendableOutputs.length; i++) {
// final spendable = spendableOutputs[i];
// if (spendable != null) {
// utxoObjectsToUse.add(spendable);
// satoshisBeingUsed += spendable.value;
// }
// }
// var mintsWithoutFee = await createMintsFromAmount(satoshisBeingUsed);
// var tmpTx = await buildMintTransaction(
// utxoObjectsToUse, satoshisBeingUsed, mintsWithoutFee);
// int vsize = (tmpTx['transaction'] as Transaction).virtualSize();
// final Decimal dvsize = Decimal.fromInt(vsize);
// final feesObject = await fees;
// final Decimal fastFee = Format.satoshisToAmount(feesObject.fast);
// int firoFee =
// (dvsize * fastFee * Decimal.fromInt(100000)).toDouble().ceil();
// // int firoFee = (vsize * feesObject.fast * (1 / 1000.0) * 100000000).ceil();
// if (firoFee < vsize) {
// firoFee = vsize + 1;
// }
// firoFee = firoFee + 10;
// int satoshiAmountToSend = satoshisBeingUsed - firoFee;
// var mintsWithFee = await createMintsFromAmount(satoshiAmountToSend);
// Map<String, dynamic> transaction = await buildMintTransaction(
// utxoObjectsToUse, satoshiAmountToSend, mintsWithFee);
// transaction['transaction'] = "";
// Logging.instance.log(transaction.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info);
// Logging.instance.log(transaction['txHex'], level: LogLevel.Info);
// return transaction;
// }
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> createMintsFromAmount(int total) async {
var tmpTotal = total;
var index = 0;
var mints = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
final next_free_mint_index =
final nextFreeMintIndex =
DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: 'mintIndex') as int;
while (tmpTotal > 0) {
final mintValue = min(tmpTotal, MINT_LIMIT);
final mint = await _getMintHex(
next_free_mint_index + index,
nextFreeMintIndex + index,
"value": mintValue,
"script": mint,
"index": next_free_mint_index + index,
"index": nextFreeMintIndex + index,
"publicCoin": "",
tmpTotal = tmpTotal - MINT_LIMIT;
@ -2072,17 +2077,14 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
if (lelantusCoins != null) {
for (final coin
in lelantusCoins.fold(<LelantusCoin>[], (previousValue, element) {
(previousValue as List<LelantusCoin>).add(element.values.first);
return previousValue;
})) {
if (jindexes != null) {
if (jindexes.contains(coin.index) &&
!joinsplits.contains(coin.txId)) {
for (final coin
in lelantusCoins.fold(<LelantusCoin>[], (previousValue, element) {
(previousValue as List<LelantusCoin>).add(element.values.first);
return previousValue;
})) {
if (jindexes != null) {
if (jindexes.contains(coin.index) && !joinsplits.contains(coin.txId)) {
@ -2096,13 +2098,13 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
// update all of joinsplits that are now confirmed.
for (final tx in updatedJSplit) {
final currenttx = listLelantusTxData[tx.txid];
if (currenttx == null) {
final currentTx = listLelantusTxData[tx.txid];
if (currentTx == null) {
// this send was accidentally not included in the list
listLelantusTxData[tx.txid] = tx;
if (currenttx.confirmedStatus != tx.confirmedStatus) {
if (currentTx.confirmedStatus != tx.confirmedStatus) {
listLelantusTxData[tx.txid] = tx;
@ -2113,16 +2115,16 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
final listTxData = txData.getAllTransactions();
listTxData.forEach((key, value) {
// ignore change addresses
bool hasAtLeastOneRecieve = false;
int howManyRecieveInputs = 0;
bool hasAtLeastOneReceive = false;
int howManyReceiveInputs = 0;
for (var element in value.inputs) {
if (listLelantusTxData.containsKey(element.txid) &&
listLelantusTxData[element.txid]!.txType == "Received"
// &&
// listLelantusTxData[element.txid].subType != "mint"
) {
hasAtLeastOneRecieve = true;
hasAtLeastOneReceive = true;
@ -2131,11 +2133,11 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
// Every receive should be listed whether minted or not.
listLelantusTxData[value.txid] = value;
} else if (value.txType == "Sent" &&
hasAtLeastOneRecieve &&
hasAtLeastOneReceive &&
value.subType == "mint") {
// use mint sends to update receives with user readable values.
int sharedFee = value.fees ~/ howManyRecieveInputs;
int sharedFee = value.fees ~/ howManyReceiveInputs;
for (var element in value.inputs) {
if (listLelantusTxData.containsKey(element.txid) &&
@ -2203,7 +2205,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
final List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> lelantusCoins =
List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> coins;
if (lelantusCoins == null || lelantusCoins.isEmpty) {
if (lelantusCoins.isEmpty) {
coins = [];
} else {
coins = [...lelantusCoins];
@ -2213,16 +2215,16 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
// This is a joinsplit
// Update all of the coins that have been spent.
for (final lcoinmap in coins) {
final lcoin = lcoinmap.values.first;
for (final lCoinMap in coins) {
final lCoin = lCoinMap.values.first;
if ((transactionInfo['spendCoinIndexes'] as List<int>)
.contains(lcoin.index)) {
lcoinmap[lcoinmap.keys.first] = LelantusCoin(
.contains(lCoin.index)) {
lCoinMap[lCoinMap.keys.first] = LelantusCoin(
@ -2835,7 +2837,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId, key: 'latest_utxo_model', value: dataModel);
return dataModel;
} catch (e, s) {
} catch (e) {
// Logging.instance.log("Output fetch unsuccessful: $e\n$s");
final latestTxModel =
DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: 'latest_utxo_model')
@ -3096,7 +3098,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
// clear cache
_cachedElectrumXClient.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: coin);
await _cachedElectrumXClient.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: coin);
// back up data
await _rescanBackup();
@ -3687,7 +3689,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
this.isActive = isActive;
Future<dynamic> GetCoinsToJoinSplit(
Future<dynamic> getCoinsToJoinSplit(
int required,
) async {
List<DartLelantusEntry> coins = await _getLelantusEntry();
@ -3696,7 +3698,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
int availableBalance = coins.fold(
0, (previousValue, element) => (previousValue as int) + element.amount);
0, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element.amount);
if (required > availableBalance) {
return false;
@ -3707,21 +3709,21 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
(a.amount != b.amount ? a.amount > b.amount : a.height < b.height)
? -1
: 1);
int spend_val = 0;
int spendVal = 0;
List<DartLelantusEntry> coinsToSpend = [];
while (spend_val < required) {
while (spendVal < required) {
if (coins.isEmpty) {
DartLelantusEntry? choosen;
int need = required - spend_val;
DartLelantusEntry? chosen;
int need = required - spendVal;
var itr = coins.first;
if (need >= itr.amount) {
choosen = itr;
chosen = itr;
} else {
for (int index = coins.length - 1; index != 0; index--) {
@ -3730,32 +3732,32 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
if (coinIt.amount >= need &&
(index - 1 == 0 || nextItr.amount != coinIt.amount)) {
choosen = coinIt;
chosen = coinIt;
spend_val += choosen!.amount;
coinsToSpend.insert(coinsToSpend.length, choosen);
spendVal += chosen!.amount;
coinsToSpend.insert(coinsToSpend.length, chosen);
// sort by group id ay ascending order. it is mandatory for creting proper joinsplit
// sort by group id ay ascending order. it is mandatory for creating proper joinsplit
coinsToSpend.sort((a, b) => a.anonymitySetId < b.anonymitySetId ? 1 : -1);
int changeToMint = spend_val - required;
int changeToMint = spendVal - required;
List<int> indices = [];
for (var l in coinsToSpend) {
List<DartLelantusEntry> coinsToBeSpent_out = [];
List<DartLelantusEntry> coinsToBeSpentOut = [];
return {"changeToMint": changeToMint, "coinsToSpend": coinsToBeSpent_out};
return {"changeToMint": changeToMint, "coinsToSpend": coinsToBeSpentOut};
Future<int> EstimateJoinSplitFee(
Future<int> estimateJoinSplitFee(
int spendAmount,
) async {
int fee;
@ -3764,7 +3766,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
for (fee = 0;;) {
int currentRequired = spendAmount;
var map = await GetCoinsToJoinSplit(currentRequired);
var map = await getCoinsToJoinSplit(currentRequired);
if (map is bool && !map) {
return 0;
@ -3791,7 +3793,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
Future<int> estimateFeeFor(int satoshiAmount, int feeRate) async {
int fee = await EstimateJoinSplitFee(satoshiAmount);
int fee = await estimateJoinSplitFee(satoshiAmount);
return fee;
@ -386,11 +386,11 @@ class MockFiroWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.FiroWallet {
returnValue: Future<void>.value(),
returnValueForMissingStub: Future<void>.value()) as _i8.Future<void>);
_i8.Future<dynamic> GetCoinsToJoinSplit(int? required) =>
_i8.Future<dynamic> getCoinsToJoinSplit(int? required) =>
(super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#GetCoinsToJoinSplit, [required]),
returnValue: Future<dynamic>.value()) as _i8.Future<dynamic>);
_i8.Future<int> EstimateJoinSplitFee(int? spendAmount) => (super.noSuchMethod(
_i8.Future<int> estimateJoinSplitFee(int? spendAmount) => (super.noSuchMethod(
Invocation.method(#EstimateJoinSplitFee, [spendAmount]),
returnValue: Future<int>.value(0)) as _i8.Future<int>);
Reference in a new issue