diff --git a/lib/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart b/lib/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart
index e00d8952a..fe46f9a82 100644
--- a/lib/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart
+++ b/lib/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart
@@ -155,6 +155,10 @@ class TransactionV2 {
     if (isEpiccashTransaction) {
+      if (slateId == null) {
+        return "Restored Funds";
+      }
       if (isCancelled) {
         return "Cancelled";
       } else if (type == TransactionType.incoming) {
diff --git a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart
index 74b1e517d..f2eb0d779 100644
--- a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:collection';
+import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'dart:math';
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/isar/models/wallet_info.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/impl/epiccash_wallet.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/supporting/epiccash_wallet_info_extension.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_app_bar.dart';
@@ -202,6 +205,7 @@ class _RestoreWalletViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreWalletView> {
       mnemonic = mnemonic.trim();
       int height = 0;
+      String? otherDataJsonString;
       if (widget.coin == Coin.monero) {
         height = monero.getHeigthByDate(date: widget.restoreFromDate);
@@ -228,6 +232,22 @@ class _RestoreWalletViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreWalletView> {
         if (height < 0) {
           height = 0;
+        otherDataJsonString = jsonEncode(
+          {
+            WalletInfoKeys.epiccashData: jsonEncode(
+              ExtraEpiccashWalletInfo(
+                receivingIndex: 0,
+                changeIndex: 0,
+                slatesToAddresses: {},
+                slatesToCommits: {},
+                lastScannedBlock: height,
+                restoreHeight: height,
+                creationHeight: height,
+              ).toMap(),
+            ),
+          },
+        );
       // TODO: do actual check to make sure it is a valid mnemonic for monero
@@ -244,6 +264,8 @@ class _RestoreWalletViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreWalletView> {
         final info = WalletInfo.createNew(
           coin: widget.coin,
           name: widget.walletName,
+          restoreHeight: height,
+          otherDataJsonString: otherDataJsonString,
         bool isRestoring = true;
@@ -292,7 +314,12 @@ class _RestoreWalletViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreWalletView> {
             mnemonic: mnemonic,
-          await wallet.init();
+          if (wallet is EpiccashWallet) {
+            await wallet.init(isRestore: true);
+          } else {
+            await wallet.init();
+          }
           await wallet.recover(isRescan: false);
           // check if state is still active before continuing
diff --git a/lib/pages/wallet_view/transaction_views/tx_v2/transaction_v2_details_view.dart b/lib/pages/wallet_view/transaction_views/tx_v2/transaction_v2_details_view.dart
index 58ab3f713..74b016893 100644
--- a/lib/pages/wallet_view/transaction_views/tx_v2/transaction_v2_details_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/wallet_view/transaction_views/tx_v2/transaction_v2_details_view.dart
@@ -110,7 +110,25 @@ class _TransactionV2DetailsViewState
     unit = coin.ticker;
-    if (_transaction.subType == TransactionSubType.cashFusion) {
+    if (_transaction.isEpiccashTransaction) {
+      switch (_transaction.type) {
+        case TransactionType.outgoing:
+        case TransactionType.unknown:
+          amount = _transaction.getAmountSentFromThisWallet(coin: coin);
+          break;
+        case TransactionType.incoming:
+        case TransactionType.sentToSelf:
+          amount = _transaction.getAmountReceivedInThisWallet(coin: coin);
+          break;
+      }
+      data = _transaction.outputs
+          .map((e) => (
+                addresses: e.addresses,
+                amount: Amount(rawValue: e.value, fractionDigits: coin.decimals)
+              ))
+          .toList();
+    } else if (_transaction.subType == TransactionSubType.cashFusion) {
       amount = _transaction.getAmountReceivedInThisWallet(coin: coin);
       data = _transaction.outputs
           .where((e) => e.walletOwns)
diff --git a/lib/services/mixins/epic_cash_hive.dart b/lib/services/mixins/epic_cash_hive.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 014b9e02d..000000000
--- a/lib/services/mixins/epic_cash_hive.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Stack Wallet.
- * 
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details.
- * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26
- *
- */
-import 'package:stackwallet/db/hive/db.dart';
-mixin EpicCashHive {
-  late final String _walletId;
-  void initEpicCashHive(String walletId) {
-    _walletId = walletId;
-  }
-  // receiving index
-  int? epicGetReceivingIndex() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: _walletId, key: "receivingIndex")
-        as int?;
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateReceivingIndex(int index) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "receivingIndex",
-      value: index,
-    );
-  }
-  // change index
-  int? epicGetChangeIndex() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: _walletId, key: "changeIndex")
-        as int?;
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateChangeIndex(int index) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "changeIndex",
-      value: index,
-    );
-  }
-  // slateToAddresses
-  Map epicGetSlatesToAddresses() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
-          boxName: _walletId,
-          key: "slate_to_address",
-        ) as Map? ??
-        {};
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateSlatesToAddresses(Map map) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "slate_to_address",
-      value: map,
-    );
-  }
-  // slatesToCommits
-  Map? epicGetSlatesToCommits() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "slatesToCommits",
-    ) as Map?;
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateSlatesToCommits(Map map) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "slatesToCommits",
-      value: map,
-    );
-  }
-  // last scanned block
-  int? epicGetLastScannedBlock() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: _walletId, key: "lastScannedBlock")
-        as int?;
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateLastScannedBlock(int blockHeight) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "lastScannedBlock",
-      value: blockHeight,
-    );
-  }
-  // epic restore height
-  int? epicGetRestoreHeight() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: _walletId, key: "restoreHeight")
-        as int?;
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateRestoreHeight(int height) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "restoreHeight",
-      value: height,
-    );
-  }
-  // epic creation height
-  int? epicGetCreationHeight() {
-    return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: _walletId, key: "creationHeight")
-        as int?;
-  }
-  Future<void> epicUpdateCreationHeight(int height) async {
-    await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
-      boxName: _walletId,
-      key: "creationHeight",
-      value: height,
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/lib/utilities/constants.dart b/lib/utilities/constants.dart
index b8b74a5d3..db0543044 100644
--- a/lib/utilities/constants.dart
+++ b/lib/utilities/constants.dart
@@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ abstract class Constants {
       case Coin.litecoinTestNet:
       case Coin.firo:
       case Coin.firoTestNet:
-      case Coin.epicCash:
       case Coin.namecoin:
       case Coin.particl:
       case Coin.ethereum:
@@ -270,6 +269,7 @@ abstract class Constants {
       case Coin.nano:
       case Coin.banano:
+      case Coin.epicCash:
       case Coin.stellar:
       case Coin.stellarTestnet:
       case Coin.tezos:
diff --git a/lib/wallets/isar/models/wallet_info.dart b/lib/wallets/isar/models/wallet_info.dart
index 405728d4c..e18cba80d 100644
--- a/lib/wallets/isar/models/wallet_info.dart
+++ b/lib/wallets/isar/models/wallet_info.dart
@@ -353,7 +353,6 @@ class WalletInfo implements IsarId {
     int favouriteOrderIndex = -1,
     int cachedChainHeight = 0,
     int restoreHeight = 0,
-    bool isMnemonicVerified = false,
     String? cachedBalanceString,
     String? cachedBalanceSecondaryString,
     String? cachedBalanceTertiaryString,
diff --git a/lib/wallets/wallet/impl/epiccash_wallet.dart b/lib/wallets/wallet/impl/epiccash_wallet.dart
index e532b6195..ef3cd1966 100644
--- a/lib/wallets/wallet/impl/epiccash_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/wallets/wallet/impl/epiccash_wallet.dart
@@ -501,79 +501,87 @@ class EpiccashWallet extends Bip39Wallet {
-  Future<void> init() async {
-    String? encodedWallet =
-        await secureStorageInterface.read(key: "${walletId}_wallet");
+  Future<void> init({bool? isRestore}) async {
+    if (isRestore != true) {
+      String? encodedWallet =
+          await secureStorageInterface.read(key: "${walletId}_wallet");
-    // check if should create a new wallet
-    if (encodedWallet == null) {
-      await updateNode();
-      final mnemonicString = await getMnemonic();
+      // check if should create a new wallet
+      if (encodedWallet == null) {
+        await updateNode();
+        final mnemonicString = await getMnemonic();
-      final String password = generatePassword();
-      final String stringConfig = await _getConfig();
-      final EpicBoxConfigModel epicboxConfig = await getEpicBoxConfig();
+        final String password = generatePassword();
+        final String stringConfig = await _getConfig();
+        final EpicBoxConfigModel epicboxConfig = await getEpicBoxConfig();
-      await secureStorageInterface.write(
-          key: '${walletId}_config', value: stringConfig);
-      await secureStorageInterface.write(
-          key: '${walletId}_password', value: password);
-      await secureStorageInterface.write(
-          key: '${walletId}_epicboxConfig', value: epicboxConfig.toString());
+        await secureStorageInterface.write(
+            key: '${walletId}_config', value: stringConfig);
+        await secureStorageInterface.write(
+            key: '${walletId}_password', value: password);
+        await secureStorageInterface.write(
+            key: '${walletId}_epicboxConfig', value: epicboxConfig.toString());
-      String name = walletId;
+        String name = walletId;
-      await epiccash.LibEpiccash.initializeNewWallet(
-        config: stringConfig,
-        mnemonic: mnemonicString,
-        password: password,
-        name: name,
-      );
+        await epiccash.LibEpiccash.initializeNewWallet(
+          config: stringConfig,
+          mnemonic: mnemonicString,
+          password: password,
+          name: name,
+        );
-      //Open wallet
-      encodedWallet = await epiccash.LibEpiccash.openWallet(
-          config: stringConfig, password: password);
-      await secureStorageInterface.write(
-          key: '${walletId}_wallet', value: encodedWallet);
+        //Open wallet
+        encodedWallet = await epiccash.LibEpiccash.openWallet(
+          config: stringConfig,
+          password: password,
+        );
+        await secureStorageInterface.write(
+          key: '${walletId}_wallet',
+          value: encodedWallet,
+        );
-      //Store Epic box address info
-      await _generateAndStoreReceivingAddressForIndex(0);
+        //Store Epic box address info
+        await _generateAndStoreReceivingAddressForIndex(0);
-      // subtract a couple days to ensure we have a buffer for SWB
-      final bufferedCreateHeight = _calculateRestoreHeightFrom(
-          date: DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(days: 2)));
+        // subtract a couple days to ensure we have a buffer for SWB
+        final bufferedCreateHeight = _calculateRestoreHeightFrom(
+            date: DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(days: 2)));
-      final epicData = ExtraEpiccashWalletInfo(
-        receivingIndex: 0,
-        changeIndex: 0,
-        slatesToAddresses: {},
-        slatesToCommits: {},
-        lastScannedBlock: bufferedCreateHeight,
-        restoreHeight: bufferedCreateHeight,
-        creationHeight: bufferedCreateHeight,
-      );
+        final epicData = ExtraEpiccashWalletInfo(
+          receivingIndex: 0,
+          changeIndex: 0,
+          slatesToAddresses: {},
+          slatesToCommits: {},
+          lastScannedBlock: bufferedCreateHeight,
+          restoreHeight: bufferedCreateHeight,
+          creationHeight: bufferedCreateHeight,
+        );
-      await info.updateExtraEpiccashWalletInfo(
-        epicData: epicData,
-        isar: mainDB.isar,
-      );
-    } else {
-      Logging.instance.log(
-          "initializeExisting() ${cryptoCurrency.coin.prettyName} wallet",
-          level: LogLevel.Info);
+        await info.updateExtraEpiccashWalletInfo(
+          epicData: epicData,
+          isar: mainDB.isar,
+        );
+      } else {
+        Logging.instance.log(
+            "initializeExisting() ${cryptoCurrency.coin.prettyName} wallet",
+            level: LogLevel.Info);
-      final config = await _getRealConfig();
-      final password =
-          await secureStorageInterface.read(key: '${walletId}_password');
+        final config = await _getRealConfig();
+        final password =
+            await secureStorageInterface.read(key: '${walletId}_password');
-      final walletOpen = await epiccash.LibEpiccash.openWallet(
-          config: config, password: password!);
-      await secureStorageInterface.write(
-          key: '${walletId}_wallet', value: walletOpen);
+        final walletOpen = await epiccash.LibEpiccash.openWallet(
+          config: config,
+          password: password!,
+        );
+        await secureStorageInterface.write(
+            key: '${walletId}_wallet', value: walletOpen);
-      await updateNode();
-      await updateBalance();
-      // TODO: is there anything else that should be set up here whenever this wallet is first loaded again?
+        await updateNode();
+        await updateBalance();
+        // TODO: is there anything else that should be set up here whenever this wallet is first loaded again?
+      }
     return await super.init();
@@ -695,7 +703,7 @@ class EpiccashWallet extends Bip39Wallet {
             isar: mainDB.isar,
-          await _startScans();
+          unawaited(_startScans());
         } else {
           await updateNode();
           final String password = generatePassword();
@@ -754,7 +762,7 @@ class EpiccashWallet extends Bip39Wallet {
-      await refresh();
+      unawaited(refresh());
     } catch (e, s) {
           "Exception rethrown from electrumx_mixin recover(): $e\n$s",
@@ -945,10 +953,9 @@ class EpiccashWallet extends Bip39Wallet {
       for (final tx in transactions) {
         // Logging.instance.log("tx: $tx", level: LogLevel.Info);
-        // unsure if needed
-        // final isIncoming =
-        //     tx.txType == epic_models.TransactionType.TxReceived ||
-        //         tx.txType == epic_models.TransactionType.TxReceivedCancelled;
+        final isIncoming =
+            tx.txType == epic_models.TransactionType.TxReceived ||
+                tx.txType == epic_models.TransactionType.TxReceivedCancelled;
         final slateId = tx.txSlateId;
         final commitId = slatesToCommits[slateId]?['commitId'] as String?;
         final numberOfMessages = tx.messages?.messages.length;
@@ -956,43 +963,57 @@ class EpiccashWallet extends Bip39Wallet {
         final addressFrom = slatesToCommits[slateId]?["from"] as String?;
         final addressTo = slatesToCommits[slateId]?["to"] as String?;
+        final credit = int.parse(tx.amountCredited);
+        final debit = int.parse(tx.amountDebited);
+        final fee = int.tryParse(tx.fee ?? "0") ?? 0;
         // hack epic tx data into inputs and outputs
         final List<OutputV2> outputs = [];
         final List<InputV2> inputs = [];
-        // TODO: [prio=high] should addressFrom and addressTo be swapped??
         final addressFromIsMine = myAddressesSet.contains(addressFrom);
         final addressToIsMine = myAddressesSet.contains(addressTo);
-        outputs.add(
-          OutputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor(
-            scriptPubKeyHex: "00",
-            valueStringSats: tx.amountCredited,
-            addresses: [if (addressFrom != null) addressFrom],
-            walletOwns: addressFromIsMine,
-          ),
+        OutputV2 output = OutputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor(
+          scriptPubKeyHex: "00",
+          valueStringSats: credit.toString(),
+          addresses: [
+            if (addressFrom != null) addressFrom,
+          ],
+          walletOwns: true,
-        inputs.add(
-          InputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor(
-            scriptSigHex: null,
-            sequence: null,
-            outpoint: null,
-            addresses: [if (addressTo != null) addressTo],
-            valueStringSats: tx.amountDebited,
-            witness: null,
-            innerRedeemScriptAsm: null,
-            coinbase: null,
-            walletOwns: addressToIsMine,
-          ),
+        InputV2 input = InputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor(
+          scriptSigHex: null,
+          sequence: null,
+          outpoint: null,
+          addresses: [if (addressTo != null) addressTo],
+          valueStringSats: debit.toString(),
+          witness: null,
+          innerRedeemScriptAsm: null,
+          coinbase: null,
+          walletOwns: true,
         final TransactionType txType;
-        if (addressFromIsMine && addressToIsMine) {
-          txType = TransactionType.sentToSelf;
-        } else if (addressFromIsMine) {
-          txType = TransactionType.incoming;
+        if (isIncoming) {
+          if (addressToIsMine && addressFromIsMine) {
+            txType = TransactionType.sentToSelf;
+          } else {
+            txType = TransactionType.incoming;
+          }
+          output = output.copyWith(
+            addresses: [
+              myAddressesSet
+                  .first, // Must be changed if we ever do more than a single wallet address!!!
+            ],
+            walletOwns: true,
+          );
         } else {
           txType = TransactionType.outgoing;
+        outputs.add(output);
+        inputs.add(input);
         final otherData = {
           "isEpiccashTransaction": true,
           "numberOfMessages": numberOfMessages,
@@ -1001,6 +1022,10 @@ class EpiccashWallet extends Bip39Wallet {
               tx.txType == epic_models.TransactionType.TxSentCancelled ||
                   tx.txType == epic_models.TransactionType.TxReceivedCancelled,
+          "anonFees": Amount(
+            rawValue: BigInt.from(fee),
+            fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
+          ).toJsonString(),
         final txn = TransactionV2(