diff --git a/assets/svg/plus-circle.svg b/assets/svg/plus-circle.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e673b9b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/svg/plus-circle.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+<g clip-path="url(#clip0_5370_82626)">
+<path d="M9.99935 18.3337C14.6017 18.3337 18.3327 14.6027 18.3327 10.0003C18.3327 5.39795 14.6017 1.66699 9.99935 1.66699C5.39698 1.66699 1.66602 5.39795 1.66602 10.0003C1.66602 14.6027 5.39698 18.3337 9.99935 18.3337Z" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
+<path d="M10 6.66699V13.3337" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
+<path d="M6.66602 10H13.3327" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
+<clipPath id="clip0_5370_82626">
+<rect width="20" height="20" fill="white"/>
diff --git a/crypto_plugins/flutter_libmonero b/crypto_plugins/flutter_libmonero
index 2da774385..de29931da 160000
--- a/crypto_plugins/flutter_libmonero
+++ b/crypto_plugins/flutter_libmonero
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 2da77438527732dfaa5398aa391eab5253dabe19
+Subproject commit de29931dacc9aefaf42a9ca139a8754a42adc40d
diff --git a/lib/hive/db.dart b/lib/hive/db.dart
index e1232696b..48e6ba154 100644
--- a/lib/hive/db.dart
+++ b/lib/hive/db.dart
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class DB {
   static const String boxNamePriceCache = "priceAPIPrice24hCache";
   static const String boxNameDBInfo = "dbInfo";
   static const String boxNameTheme = "theme";
+  static const String boxNameDesktopData = "desktopData";
   String boxNameTxCache({required Coin coin}) => "${coin.name}_txCache";
   String boxNameSetCache({required Coin coin}) =>
@@ -42,22 +43,23 @@ class DB {
   static bool _initialized = false;
-  late final Box<dynamic> _boxAddressBook;
-  late final Box<String> _boxDebugInfo;
-  late final Box<NodeModel> _boxNodeModels;
-  late final Box<NodeModel> _boxPrimaryNodes;
-  late final Box<dynamic> _boxAllWalletsData;
-  late final Box<NotificationModel> _boxNotifications;
-  late final Box<NotificationModel> _boxWatchedTransactions;
-  late final Box<NotificationModel> _boxWatchedTrades;
-  late final Box<ExchangeTransaction> _boxTrades;
-  late final Box<Trade> _boxTradesV2;
-  late final Box<String> _boxTradeNotes;
-  late final Box<String> _boxFavoriteWallets;
-  late final Box<xmr.WalletInfo> _walletInfoSource;
-  late final Box<dynamic> _boxPrefs;
-  late final Box<TradeWalletLookup> _boxTradeLookup;
-  late final Box<dynamic> _boxDBInfo;
+  Box<dynamic>? _boxAddressBook;
+  Box<String>? _boxDebugInfo;
+  Box<NodeModel>? _boxNodeModels;
+  Box<NodeModel>? _boxPrimaryNodes;
+  Box<dynamic>? _boxAllWalletsData;
+  Box<NotificationModel>? _boxNotifications;
+  Box<NotificationModel>? _boxWatchedTransactions;
+  Box<NotificationModel>? _boxWatchedTrades;
+  Box<ExchangeTransaction>? _boxTrades;
+  Box<Trade>? _boxTradesV2;
+  Box<String>? _boxTradeNotes;
+  Box<String>? _boxFavoriteWallets;
+  Box<xmr.WalletInfo>? _walletInfoSource;
+  Box<dynamic>? _boxPrefs;
+  Box<TradeWalletLookup>? _boxTradeLookup;
+  Box<dynamic>? _boxDBInfo;
+  Box<String>? _boxDesktopData;
   final Map<String, Box<dynamic>> _walletBoxes = {};
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ class DB {
   final Map<Coin, Box<dynamic>> _usedSerialsCacheBoxes = {};
   // exposed for monero
-  Box<xmr.WalletInfo> get moneroWalletInfoBox => _walletInfoSource;
+  Box<xmr.WalletInfo> get moneroWalletInfoBox => _walletInfoSource!;
   // mutex for stack backup
   final mutex = Mutex();
@@ -122,6 +124,12 @@ class DB {
         _boxAllWalletsData = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNameAllWalletsData);
+      if (Hive.isBoxOpen(boxNameDesktopData)) {
+        _boxDesktopData = Hive.box<String>(boxNameDesktopData);
+      } else {
+        _boxDesktopData = await Hive.openBox<String>(boxNameDesktopData);
+      }
       _boxNotifications =
           await Hive.openBox<NotificationModel>(boxNameNotifications);
       _boxWatchedTransactions =
@@ -145,11 +153,11 @@ class DB {
       _initialized = true;
       try {
-        if (_boxPrefs.get("familiarity") == null) {
-          await _boxPrefs.put("familiarity", 0);
+        if (_boxPrefs!.get("familiarity") == null) {
+          await _boxPrefs!.put("familiarity", 0);
-        int count = _boxPrefs.get("familiarity") as int;
-        await _boxPrefs.put("familiarity", count + 1);
+        int count = _boxPrefs!.get("familiarity") as int;
+        await _boxPrefs!.put("familiarity", count + 1);
         Constants.exchangeForExperiencedUsers(count + 1);
       } catch (e, s) {
         print("$e $s");
@@ -158,7 +166,7 @@ class DB {
   Future<void> _loadWalletBoxes() async {
-    final names = _boxAllWalletsData.get("names") as Map? ?? {};
+    final names = _boxAllWalletsData!.get("names") as Map? ?? {};
     names.removeWhere((name, dyn) {
       final jsonObject = Map<String, dynamic>.from(dyn as Map);
       try {
diff --git a/lib/main.dart b/lib/main.dart
index 77a8b1441..21abd9df7 100644
--- a/lib/main.dart
+++ b/lib/main.dart
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/monero/monero.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/wownero/wownero.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';
 import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';
 import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
@@ -47,12 +48,12 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/notifications_api.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/notifications_service.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/trade_service.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/db_version_migration.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/backup_frequency_type.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/color_theme.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/dark_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/light_colors.dart';
@@ -79,19 +80,11 @@ void main() async {
-  Directory appDirectory = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory());
-  if (Platform.isIOS) {
-    appDirectory = (await getLibraryDirectory());
-  }
-  if (Platform.isLinux || Logging.isArmLinux) {
-    appDirectory = Directory("${appDirectory.path}/.stackwallet");
-    await appDirectory.create();
-  }
   // FlutterNativeSplash.preserve(widgetsBinding: widgetsBinding);
   if (!(Logging.isArmLinux || Logging.isTestEnv)) {
     final isar = await Isar.open(
-      directory: appDirectory.path,
+      directory: (await StackFileSystem.applicationIsarDirectory()).path,
       inspector: false,
     await Logging.instance.init(isar);
@@ -140,18 +133,29 @@ void main() async {
-  await Hive.initFlutter(appDirectory.path);
+  await Hive.initFlutter(
+      (await StackFileSystem.applicationHiveDirectory()).path);
   await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNameDBInfo);
-  int dbVersion = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
-          boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version") as int? ??
-      0;
-  if (dbVersion < Constants.currentHiveDbVersion) {
-    try {
-      await DbVersionMigrator().migrate(dbVersion);
-    } catch (e, s) {
-      Logging.instance.log("Cannot migrate database\n$e $s",
-          level: LogLevel.Error, printFullLength: true);
+  // todo: db migrate stuff for desktop needs to be handled eventually
+  if (!Util.isDesktop) {
+    int dbVersion = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
+            boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version") as int? ??
+        0;
+    if (dbVersion < Constants.currentHiveDbVersion) {
+      try {
+        await DbVersionMigrator().migrate(
+          dbVersion,
+          secureStore: const SecureStorageWrapper(
+            store: FlutterSecureStorage(),
+            isDesktop: false,
+          ),
+        );
+      } catch (e, s) {
+        Logging.instance.log("Cannot migrate database\n$e $s",
+            level: LogLevel.Error, printFullLength: true);
+      }
@@ -199,8 +203,8 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
   static const platform = MethodChannel("STACK_WALLET_RESTORE");
   final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
-  late final Wallets _wallets;
-  late final Prefs _prefs;
+  // late final Wallets _wallets;
+  // late final Prefs _prefs;
   late final NotificationsService _notificationsService;
   late final NodeService _nodeService;
   late final TradesService _tradesService;
@@ -208,8 +212,24 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
   late final Completer<void> loadingCompleter;
   bool didLoad = false;
+  bool didLoadShared = false;
   bool _desktopHasPassword = false;
+  Future<void> loadShared() async {
+    if (didLoadShared) {
+      return;
+    }
+    didLoadShared = true;
+    await DB.instance.init();
+    await ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).init();
+    if (Util.isDesktop) {
+      _desktopHasPassword =
+          await ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).hasPassword();
+    }
+  }
   Future<void> load() async {
     try {
       if (didLoad) {
@@ -217,19 +237,15 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
       didLoad = true;
-      await DB.instance.init();
-      await _prefs.init();
-      if (Util.isDesktop) {
-        _desktopHasPassword =
-            await ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).hasPassword();
+      if (!Util.isDesktop) {
+        await loadShared();
       _notificationsService = ref.read(notificationsProvider);
       _nodeService = ref.read(nodeServiceChangeNotifierProvider);
       _tradesService = ref.read(tradesServiceProvider);
-      NotificationApi.prefs = _prefs;
+      NotificationApi.prefs = ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider);
       NotificationApi.notificationsService = _notificationsService;
@@ -238,23 +254,25 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
       await _notificationsService.init(
         nodeService: _nodeService,
         tradesService: _tradesService,
-        prefs: _prefs,
+        prefs: ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider),
-      await _wallets.load(_prefs);
+      await ref
+          .read(walletsChangeNotifierProvider)
+          .load(ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider));
       // TODO: this should probably run unawaited. Keep commented out for now as proper community nodes ui hasn't been implemented yet
       //  unawaited(_nodeService.updateCommunityNodes());
       // run without awaiting
       if (Constants.enableExchange &&
-          _prefs.externalCalls &&
-          await _prefs.isExternalCallsSet()) {
+          ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).externalCalls &&
+          await ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).isExternalCallsSet()) {
-      if (_prefs.isAutoBackupEnabled) {
-        switch (_prefs.backupFrequencyType) {
+      if (ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).isAutoBackupEnabled) {
+        switch (ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).backupFrequencyType) {
           case BackupFrequencyType.everyTenMinutes:
                 duration: const Duration(minutes: 10));
@@ -294,9 +312,6 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
         .loadLocale(notify: false);
-    _prefs = ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider);
-    _wallets = ref.read(walletsChangeNotifierProvider);
     WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
       ref.read(colorThemeProvider.state).state =
@@ -401,7 +416,7 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
   Future<void> goToRestoreSWB(String encrypted) async {
-    if (!_prefs.hasPin) {
+    if (!ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).hasPin) {
       await Navigator.of(navigatorKey.currentContext!)
           .pushNamed(CreatePinView.routeName, arguments: true)
           .then((value) {
@@ -547,51 +562,70 @@ class _MaterialAppWithThemeState extends ConsumerState<MaterialAppWithTheme>
-      home: FutureBuilder(
-        future: load(),
-        builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<void> snapshot) {
-          if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
-            // FlutterNativeSplash.remove();
-            if (Util.isDesktop &&
-                (_wallets.hasWallets || _desktopHasPassword)) {
-              String? startupWalletId;
-              if (ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).gotoWalletOnStartup) {
-                startupWalletId =
-                    ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).startupWalletId;
-              }
+      home: Util.isDesktop
+          ? FutureBuilder(
+              future: loadShared(),
+              builder: (context, snapshot) {
+                if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
+                  if (_desktopHasPassword) {
+                    String? startupWalletId;
+                    if (ref
+                        .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                        .gotoWalletOnStartup) {
+                      startupWalletId =
+                          ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).startupWalletId;
+                    }
-              return DesktopLoginView(startupWalletId: startupWalletId);
-            } else if (!Util.isDesktop &&
-                (_wallets.hasWallets || _prefs.hasPin)) {
-              // return HomeView();
+                    return DesktopLoginView(
+                      startupWalletId: startupWalletId,
+                      load: load,
+                    );
+                  } else {
+                    return const IntroView();
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  return const LoadingView();
+                }
+              },
+            )
+          : FutureBuilder(
+              future: load(),
+              builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<void> snapshot) {
+                if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
+                  // FlutterNativeSplash.remove();
+                  if (ref.read(walletsChangeNotifierProvider).hasWallets ||
+                      ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).hasPin) {
+                    // return HomeView();
-              String? startupWalletId;
-              if (ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).gotoWalletOnStartup) {
-                startupWalletId =
-                    ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).startupWalletId;
-              }
+                    String? startupWalletId;
+                    if (ref
+                        .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                        .gotoWalletOnStartup) {
+                      startupWalletId =
+                          ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).startupWalletId;
+                    }
-              return LockscreenView(
-                isInitialAppLogin: true,
-                routeOnSuccess: HomeView.routeName,
-                routeOnSuccessArguments: startupWalletId,
-                biometricsAuthenticationTitle: "Unlock Stack",
-                biometricsLocalizedReason:
-                    "Unlock your stack wallet using biometrics",
-                biometricsCancelButtonString: "Cancel",
-              );
-            } else {
-              return const IntroView();
-            }
-          } else {
-            // CURRENTLY DISABLED as cannot be animated
-            // technically not needed as FlutterNativeSplash will overlay
-            // anything returned here until the future completes but
-            // FutureBuilder requires you to return something
-            return const LoadingView();
-          }
-        },
-      ),
+                    return LockscreenView(
+                      isInitialAppLogin: true,
+                      routeOnSuccess: HomeView.routeName,
+                      routeOnSuccessArguments: startupWalletId,
+                      biometricsAuthenticationTitle: "Unlock Stack",
+                      biometricsLocalizedReason:
+                          "Unlock your stack wallet using biometrics",
+                      biometricsCancelButtonString: "Cancel",
+                    );
+                  } else {
+                    return const IntroView();
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  // CURRENTLY DISABLED as cannot be animated
+                  // technically not needed as FlutterNativeSplash will overlay
+                  // anything returned here until the future completes but
+                  // FutureBuilder requires you to return something
+                  return const LoadingView();
+                }
+              },
+            ),
diff --git a/lib/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.dart b/lib/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79e9fcaae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
+part 'encrypted_string_value.g.dart';
+class EncryptedStringValue {
+  Id id = Isar.autoIncrement;
+  @Index(unique: true, replace: true)
+  late String key;
+  late String value;
+  @override
+  String toString() {
+    return "EncryptedStringValue {\n    key=$key\n    value=$value\n}";
+  }
diff --git a/lib/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.g.dart b/lib/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2315c5d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+part of 'encrypted_string_value.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// IsarCollectionGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: duplicate_ignore, non_constant_identifier_names, constant_identifier_names, invalid_use_of_protected_member, unnecessary_cast, prefer_const_constructors, lines_longer_than_80_chars, require_trailing_commas, inference_failure_on_function_invocation, unnecessary_parenthesis, unnecessary_raw_strings, join_return_with_assignment, avoid_js_rounded_ints, prefer_final_locals
+extension GetEncryptedStringValueCollection on Isar {
+  IsarCollection<EncryptedStringValue> get encryptedStringValues =>
+      this.collection();
+const EncryptedStringValueSchema = CollectionSchema(
+  name: r'EncryptedStringValue',
+  id: 4826543019451092626,
+  properties: {
+    r'key': PropertySchema(
+      id: 0,
+      name: r'key',
+      type: IsarType.string,
+    ),
+    r'value': PropertySchema(
+      id: 1,
+      name: r'value',
+      type: IsarType.string,
+    )
+  },
+  estimateSize: _encryptedStringValueEstimateSize,
+  serializeNative: _encryptedStringValueSerializeNative,
+  deserializeNative: _encryptedStringValueDeserializeNative,
+  deserializePropNative: _encryptedStringValueDeserializePropNative,
+  serializeWeb: _encryptedStringValueSerializeWeb,
+  deserializeWeb: _encryptedStringValueDeserializeWeb,
+  deserializePropWeb: _encryptedStringValueDeserializePropWeb,
+  idName: r'id',
+  indexes: {
+    r'key': IndexSchema(
+      id: -4906094122524121629,
+      name: r'key',
+      unique: true,
+      replace: true,
+      properties: [
+        IndexPropertySchema(
+          name: r'key',
+          type: IndexType.hash,
+          caseSensitive: true,
+        )
+      ],
+    )
+  },
+  links: {},
+  embeddedSchemas: {},
+  getId: _encryptedStringValueGetId,
+  getLinks: _encryptedStringValueGetLinks,
+  attach: _encryptedStringValueAttach,
+  version: 5,
+int _encryptedStringValueEstimateSize(
+  EncryptedStringValue object,
+  List<int> offsets,
+  Map<Type, List<int>> allOffsets,
+) {
+  var bytesCount = offsets.last;
+  bytesCount += 3 + object.key.length * 3;
+  bytesCount += 3 + object.value.length * 3;
+  return bytesCount;
+int _encryptedStringValueSerializeNative(
+  EncryptedStringValue object,
+  IsarBinaryWriter writer,
+  List<int> offsets,
+  Map<Type, List<int>> allOffsets,
+) {
+  writer.writeString(offsets[0], object.key);
+  writer.writeString(offsets[1], object.value);
+  return writer.usedBytes;
+EncryptedStringValue _encryptedStringValueDeserializeNative(
+  int id,
+  IsarBinaryReader reader,
+  List<int> offsets,
+  Map<Type, List<int>> allOffsets,
+) {
+  final object = EncryptedStringValue();
+  object.id = id;
+  object.key = reader.readString(offsets[0]);
+  object.value = reader.readString(offsets[1]);
+  return object;
+P _encryptedStringValueDeserializePropNative<P>(
+  Id id,
+  IsarBinaryReader reader,
+  int propertyId,
+  int offset,
+  Map<Type, List<int>> allOffsets,
+) {
+  switch (propertyId) {
+    case 0:
+      return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+    case 1:
+      return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+    default:
+      throw IsarError('Unknown property with id $propertyId');
+  }
+Object _encryptedStringValueSerializeWeb(
+    IsarCollection<EncryptedStringValue> collection,
+    EncryptedStringValue object) {
+  /*final jsObj = IsarNative.newJsObject();*/ throw UnimplementedError();
+EncryptedStringValue _encryptedStringValueDeserializeWeb(
+    IsarCollection<EncryptedStringValue> collection, Object jsObj) {
+  /*final object = EncryptedStringValue();object.id = IsarNative.jsObjectGet(jsObj, r'id') ?? (double.negativeInfinity as int);object.key = IsarNative.jsObjectGet(jsObj, r'key') ?? '';object.value = IsarNative.jsObjectGet(jsObj, r'value') ?? '';*/
+  //return object;
+  throw UnimplementedError();
+P _encryptedStringValueDeserializePropWeb<P>(
+    Object jsObj, String propertyName) {
+  switch (propertyName) {
+    default:
+      throw IsarError('Illegal propertyName');
+  }
+int? _encryptedStringValueGetId(EncryptedStringValue object) {
+  if (object.id == Isar.autoIncrement) {
+    return null;
+  } else {
+    return object.id;
+  }
+List<IsarLinkBase<dynamic>> _encryptedStringValueGetLinks(
+    EncryptedStringValue object) {
+  return [];
+void _encryptedStringValueAttach(
+    IsarCollection<dynamic> col, Id id, EncryptedStringValue object) {
+  object.id = id;
+extension EncryptedStringValueByIndex on IsarCollection<EncryptedStringValue> {
+  Future<EncryptedStringValue?> getByKey(String key) {
+    return getByIndex(r'key', [key]);
+  }
+  EncryptedStringValue? getByKeySync(String key) {
+    return getByIndexSync(r'key', [key]);
+  }
+  Future<bool> deleteByKey(String key) {
+    return deleteByIndex(r'key', [key]);
+  }
+  bool deleteByKeySync(String key) {
+    return deleteByIndexSync(r'key', [key]);
+  }
+  Future<List<EncryptedStringValue?>> getAllByKey(List<String> keyValues) {
+    final values = keyValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+    return getAllByIndex(r'key', values);
+  }
+  List<EncryptedStringValue?> getAllByKeySync(List<String> keyValues) {
+    final values = keyValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+    return getAllByIndexSync(r'key', values);
+  }
+  Future<int> deleteAllByKey(List<String> keyValues) {
+    final values = keyValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+    return deleteAllByIndex(r'key', values);
+  }
+  int deleteAllByKeySync(List<String> keyValues) {
+    final values = keyValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+    return deleteAllByIndexSync(r'key', values);
+  }
+  Future<int> putByKey(EncryptedStringValue object) {
+    return putByIndex(r'key', object);
+  }
+  int putByKeySync(EncryptedStringValue object, {bool saveLinks = true}) {
+    return putByIndexSync(r'key', object, saveLinks: saveLinks);
+  }
+  Future<List<int>> putAllByKey(List<EncryptedStringValue> objects) {
+    return putAllByIndex(r'key', objects);
+  }
+  List<int> putAllByKeySync(List<EncryptedStringValue> objects,
+      {bool saveLinks = true}) {
+    return putAllByIndexSync(r'key', objects, saveLinks: saveLinks);
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryWhereSort
+    on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QWhere> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhere>
+      anyId() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addWhereClause(const IdWhereClause.any());
+    });
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryWhere
+    on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QWhereClause> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      idEqualTo(int id) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addWhereClause(IdWhereClause.between(
+        lower: id,
+        upper: id,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      idNotEqualTo(int id) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      if (query.whereSort == Sort.asc) {
+        return query
+            .addWhereClause(
+              IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: false),
+            )
+            .addWhereClause(
+              IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: false),
+            );
+      } else {
+        return query
+            .addWhereClause(
+              IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: false),
+            )
+            .addWhereClause(
+              IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: false),
+            );
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      idGreaterThan(int id, {bool include = false}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addWhereClause(
+        IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: include),
+      );
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      idLessThan(int id, {bool include = false}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addWhereClause(
+        IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: include),
+      );
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      idBetween(
+    int lowerId,
+    int upperId, {
+    bool includeLower = true,
+    bool includeUpper = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addWhereClause(IdWhereClause.between(
+        lower: lowerId,
+        includeLower: includeLower,
+        upper: upperId,
+        includeUpper: includeUpper,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      keyEqualTo(String key) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.equalTo(
+        indexName: r'key',
+        value: [key],
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterWhereClause>
+      keyNotEqualTo(String key) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      if (query.whereSort == Sort.asc) {
+        return query
+            .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+              indexName: r'key',
+              lower: [],
+              upper: [key],
+              includeUpper: false,
+            ))
+            .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+              indexName: r'key',
+              lower: [key],
+              includeLower: false,
+              upper: [],
+            ));
+      } else {
+        return query
+            .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+              indexName: r'key',
+              lower: [key],
+              includeLower: false,
+              upper: [],
+            ))
+            .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+              indexName: r'key',
+              lower: [],
+              upper: [key],
+              includeUpper: false,
+            ));
+      }
+    });
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryFilter on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue,
+    EncryptedStringValue, QFilterCondition> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> idEqualTo(int value) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+        property: r'id',
+        value: value,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> idGreaterThan(
+    int value, {
+    bool include = false,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+        include: include,
+        property: r'id',
+        value: value,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> idLessThan(
+    int value, {
+    bool include = false,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+        include: include,
+        property: r'id',
+        value: value,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> idBetween(
+    int lower,
+    int upper, {
+    bool includeLower = true,
+    bool includeUpper = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+        property: r'id',
+        lower: lower,
+        includeLower: includeLower,
+        upper: upper,
+        includeUpper: includeUpper,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> keyEqualTo(
+    String value, {
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+        property: r'key',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> keyGreaterThan(
+    String value, {
+    bool include = false,
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+        include: include,
+        property: r'key',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> keyLessThan(
+    String value, {
+    bool include = false,
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+        include: include,
+        property: r'key',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> keyBetween(
+    String lower,
+    String upper, {
+    bool includeLower = true,
+    bool includeUpper = true,
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+        property: r'key',
+        lower: lower,
+        includeLower: includeLower,
+        upper: upper,
+        includeUpper: includeUpper,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> keyStartsWith(
+    String value, {
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+        property: r'key',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> keyEndsWith(
+    String value, {
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+        property: r'key',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+          QAfterFilterCondition>
+      keyContains(String value, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+        property: r'key',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+          QAfterFilterCondition>
+      keyMatches(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+        property: r'key',
+        wildcard: pattern,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> valueEqualTo(
+    String value, {
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+        property: r'value',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> valueGreaterThan(
+    String value, {
+    bool include = false,
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+        include: include,
+        property: r'value',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> valueLessThan(
+    String value, {
+    bool include = false,
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+        include: include,
+        property: r'value',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> valueBetween(
+    String lower,
+    String upper, {
+    bool includeLower = true,
+    bool includeUpper = true,
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+        property: r'value',
+        lower: lower,
+        includeLower: includeLower,
+        upper: upper,
+        includeUpper: includeUpper,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> valueStartsWith(
+    String value, {
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+        property: r'value',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+      QAfterFilterCondition> valueEndsWith(
+    String value, {
+    bool caseSensitive = true,
+  }) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+        property: r'value',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+          QAfterFilterCondition>
+      valueContains(String value, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+        property: r'value',
+        value: value,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue,
+          QAfterFilterCondition>
+      valueMatches(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+        property: r'value',
+        wildcard: pattern,
+        caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+      ));
+    });
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryObject on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue,
+    EncryptedStringValue, QFilterCondition> {}
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryLinks on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue,
+    EncryptedStringValue, QFilterCondition> {}
+extension EncryptedStringValueQuerySortBy
+    on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QSortBy> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      sortByKey() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'key', Sort.asc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      sortByKeyDesc() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'key', Sort.desc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      sortByValue() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'value', Sort.asc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      sortByValueDesc() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'value', Sort.desc);
+    });
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQuerySortThenBy
+    on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QSortThenBy> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      thenById() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'id', Sort.asc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      thenByIdDesc() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'id', Sort.desc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      thenByKey() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'key', Sort.asc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      thenByKeyDesc() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'key', Sort.desc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      thenByValue() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'value', Sort.asc);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QAfterSortBy>
+      thenByValueDesc() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addSortBy(r'value', Sort.desc);
+    });
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryWhereDistinct
+    on QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QDistinct> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QDistinct>
+      distinctByKey({bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addDistinctBy(r'key', caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QDistinct>
+      distinctByValue({bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addDistinctBy(r'value', caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
+    });
+  }
+extension EncryptedStringValueQueryProperty on QueryBuilder<
+    EncryptedStringValue, EncryptedStringValue, QQueryProperty> {
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, int, QQueryOperations> idProperty() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addPropertyName(r'id');
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, String, QQueryOperations> keyProperty() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addPropertyName(r'key');
+    });
+  }
+  QueryBuilder<EncryptedStringValue, String, QQueryOperations> valueProperty() {
+    return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+      return query.addPropertyName(r'value');
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/lib/models/node_model.dart b/lib/models/node_model.dart
index 342f8b2ef..2628c5dd9 100644
--- a/lib/models/node_model.dart
+++ b/lib/models/node_model.dart
@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ class NodeModel {
   /// convenience getter to retrieve login password
-  Future<String?> getPassword(
-      FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStorage) async {
+  Future<String?> getPassword(SecureStorageInterface secureStorage) async {
     return await secureStorage.read(key: "${id}_nodePW");
diff --git a/lib/notifications/notification_card.dart b/lib/notifications/notification_card.dart
index 67be236f0..2a181499c 100644
--- a/lib/notifications/notification_card.dart
+++ b/lib/notifications/notification_card.dart
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/models/notification_model.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
@@ -20,22 +22,33 @@ class NotificationCard extends StatelessWidget {
     return Format.extractDateFrom(date.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000);
+  static const double mobileIconSize = 24;
+  static const double desktopIconSize = 30;
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    final isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
     return Stack(
       children: [
+          padding: isDesktop
+              ? const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                  horizontal: 20,
+                  vertical: 10,
+                )
+              : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
           child: Row(
             children: [
               notification.changeNowId == null
                   ? SvgPicture.asset(
-                      width: 24,
-                      height: 24,
+                      width: isDesktop ? desktopIconSize : mobileIconSize,
+                      height: isDesktop ? desktopIconSize : mobileIconSize,
                   : Container(
-                      width: 24,
-                      height: 24,
+                      width: isDesktop ? desktopIconSize : mobileIconSize,
+                      height: isDesktop ? desktopIconSize : mobileIconSize,
                       decoration: BoxDecoration(
                         color: Colors.transparent,
                         borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24),
@@ -45,8 +58,8 @@ class NotificationCard extends StatelessWidget {
                         color: Theme.of(context)
-                        width: 24,
-                        height: 24,
+                        width: isDesktop ? desktopIconSize : mobileIconSize,
+                        height: isDesktop ? desktopIconSize : mobileIconSize,
               const SizedBox(
@@ -56,9 +69,35 @@ class NotificationCard extends StatelessWidget {
                 child: Column(
                   crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                   children: [
-                    Text(
-                      notification.title,
-                      style: STextStyles.titleBold12(context),
+                    ConditionalParent(
+                      condition: isDesktop && !notification.read,
+                      builder: (child) => Row(
+                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                        children: [
+                          child,
+                          Text(
+                            "New",
+                            style:
+                                STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                                    .copyWith(
+                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                  .accentColorGreen,
+                            ),
+                          )
+                        ],
+                      ),
+                      child: Text(
+                        notification.title,
+                        style: isDesktop
+                            ? STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                                .copyWith(
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .textDark,
+                              )
+                            : STextStyles.titleBold12(context),
+                      ),
                     const SizedBox(
                       height: 2,
@@ -68,11 +107,25 @@ class NotificationCard extends StatelessWidget {
                       children: [
-                          style: STextStyles.label(context),
+                          style: isDesktop
+                              ? STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                                  .copyWith(
+                                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                      .textSubtitle1,
+                                )
+                              : STextStyles.label(context),
-                          style: STextStyles.label(context),
+                          style: isDesktop
+                              ? STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                                  .copyWith(
+                                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                      .textSubtitle1,
+                                )
+                              : STextStyles.label(context),
diff --git a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart
index 83dc43933..24a2e1a44 100644
--- a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/exit_to_my_stack_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/coin_service.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/manager.dart';
@@ -241,6 +242,7 @@ class _NewWalletRecoveryPhraseWarningViewState
+                                      ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
diff --git a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart
index 6bac38371..9839c82f7 100644
--- a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/restore_wallet_view.dart
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/pages/add_wallet_views/restore_wallet_view/sub_widge
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/home_view/home_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/exit_to_my_stack_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/coin_service.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/manager.dart';
@@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ class _RestoreWalletViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreWalletView> {
+          ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
diff --git a/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/add_address_book_entry_view.dart b/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/add_address_book_entry_view.dart
index 74f3dfde8..588ca5b26 100644
--- a/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/add_address_book_entry_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/add_address_book_entry_view.dart
@@ -15,15 +15,17 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/clipboard_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog_close_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/emoji_select_sheet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/icon_widgets/x_icon.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/textfield_icon_button.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 class AddAddressBookEntryView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const AddAddressBookEntryView({
     Key? key,
@@ -108,395 +110,537 @@ class _AddAddressBookEntryViewState
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType");
-    return Scaffold(
-      backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-      appBar: AppBar(
-        leading: AppBarBackButton(
-          onPressed: () async {
-            if (FocusScope.of(context).hasFocus) {
-              FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
-              await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 75));
-            }
-            if (mounted) {
-              Navigator.of(context).pop();
-            }
-          },
-        ),
-        title: Text(
-          "New contact",
-          style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
-        ),
-        actions: [
-          Padding(
-            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
-              top: 10,
-              bottom: 10,
-              right: 10,
-            ),
-            child: AspectRatio(
-              aspectRatio: 1,
-              child: AppBarIconButton(
-                key: const Key("addAddressBookEntryFavoriteButtonKey"),
-                size: 36,
-                shadows: const [],
-                color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-                icon: SvgPicture.asset(
-                  Assets.svg.star,
-                  color: _isFavorite
-                      ? Theme.of(context)
-                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                          .favoriteStarActive
-                      : Theme.of(context)
-                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                          .favoriteStarInactive,
-                  width: 20,
-                  height: 20,
-                ),
-                onPressed: () {
-                  setState(() {
-                    _isFavorite = !_isFavorite;
-                  });
+    final isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
+    return ConditionalParent(
+      condition: !isDesktop,
+      builder: (child) {
+        return Scaffold(
+            backgroundColor:
+                Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+            appBar: AppBar(
+              leading: AppBarBackButton(
+                onPressed: () async {
+                  if (FocusScope.of(context).hasFocus) {
+                    FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
+                    await Future<void>.delayed(
+                        const Duration(milliseconds: 75));
+                  }
+                  if (mounted) {
+                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                  }
-            ),
-          ),
-        ],
-      ),
-      body: LayoutBuilder(
-        builder: (context, constraint) {
-          return Padding(
-            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
-            child: SingleChildScrollView(
-              controller: scrollController,
-              padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
-                // top: 8,
-                left: 4,
-                right: 4,
-                bottom: 16,
+              title: Text(
+                "New contact",
+                style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
-              child: ConstrainedBox(
-                constraints: BoxConstraints(
-                  // subtract top and bottom padding set in parent
-                  minHeight: constraint.maxHeight - 16, // - 8,
-                ),
-                child: IntrinsicHeight(
-                  child: Column(
-                    children: [
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 4,
+              actions: [
+                Padding(
+                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                    top: 10,
+                    bottom: 10,
+                    right: 10,
+                  ),
+                  child: AspectRatio(
+                    aspectRatio: 1,
+                    child: AppBarIconButton(
+                      key: const Key("addAddressBookEntryFavoriteButtonKey"),
+                      size: 36,
+                      shadows: const [],
+                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                          .background,
+                      icon: SvgPicture.asset(
+                        Assets.svg.star,
+                        color: _isFavorite
+                            ? Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .favoriteStarActive
+                            : Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .favoriteStarInactive,
+                        width: 20,
+                        height: 20,
-                      GestureDetector(
-                        onTap: () {
-                          if (_selectedEmoji != null) {
+                      onPressed: () {
+                        setState(() {
+                          _isFavorite = !_isFavorite;
+                        });
+                      },
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ],
+            ),
+            body: child);
+      },
+      child: ConditionalParent(
+        condition: isDesktop,
+        builder: (child) {
+          return Column(
+            children: [
+              Row(
+                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                children: [
+                  Padding(
+                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(32),
+                    child: Row(
+                      children: [
+                        Text(
+                          "New contact",
+                          style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                          textAlign: TextAlign.center,
+                        ),
+                        const SizedBox(width: 10),
+                        AppBarIconButton(
+                          key:
+                              const Key("addAddressBookEntryFavoriteButtonKey"),
+                          size: 36,
+                          shadows: const [],
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .background,
+                          icon: SvgPicture.asset(
+                            Assets.svg.star,
+                            color: _isFavorite
+                                ? Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .favoriteStarActive
+                                : Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .favoriteStarInactive,
+                            width: 20,
+                            height: 20,
+                          ),
+                          onPressed: () {
                             setState(() {
-                              _selectedEmoji = null;
+                              _isFavorite = !_isFavorite;
-                            return;
-                          }
-                          showModalBottomSheet<dynamic>(
-                            backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
-                            context: context,
-                            shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
-                              borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
-                                top: Radius.circular(20),
-                              ),
-                            ),
-                            builder: (_) => const EmojiSelectSheet(),
-                          ).then((value) {
-                            if (value is Emoji) {
+                          },
+                        ),
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                  const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
+                ],
+              ),
+              Expanded(child: child),
+            ],
+          );
+        },
+        child: LayoutBuilder(
+          builder: (context, constraint) {
+            return Padding(
+              padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
+              child: SingleChildScrollView(
+                controller: scrollController,
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                  // top: 8,
+                  left: 4,
+                  right: 4,
+                  bottom: 16,
+                ),
+                child: ConstrainedBox(
+                  constraints: BoxConstraints(
+                    // subtract top and bottom padding set in parent
+                    minHeight: constraint.maxHeight - 16, // - 8,
+                  ),
+                  child: IntrinsicHeight(
+                    child: Column(
+                      children: [
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 4,
+                        ),
+                        GestureDetector(
+                          onTap: () {
+                            if (_selectedEmoji != null) {
                               setState(() {
-                                _selectedEmoji = value;
+                                _selectedEmoji = null;
+                              return;
-                          });
-                        },
-                        child: SizedBox(
-                          height: 48,
-                          width: 48,
-                          child: Stack(
-                            children: [
-                              Container(
-                                height: 48,
-                                width: 48,
-                                decoration: BoxDecoration(
-                                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24),
-                                  color: Theme.of(context)
-                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                      .textFieldActiveBG,
-                                ),
-                                child: Center(
-                                  child: _selectedEmoji == null
-                                      ? SvgPicture.asset(
-                                          Assets.svg.user,
-                                          height: 24,
-                                          width: 24,
-                                        )
-                                      : Text(
-                                          _selectedEmoji!.char,
-                                          style:
-                                              STextStyles.pageTitleH1(context),
+                            ///TODO if desktop make dialog
+                            !isDesktop
+                                ? showModalBottomSheet<dynamic>(
+                                    backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
+                                    context: context,
+                                    shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
+                                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
+                                        top: Radius.circular(20),
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
+                                    builder: (_) => const EmojiSelectSheet(),
+                                  ).then((value) {
+                                    if (value is Emoji) {
+                                      setState(() {
+                                        _selectedEmoji = value;
+                                      });
+                                    }
+                                  })
+                                : showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                    context: context,
+                                    builder: (context) {
+                                      return DesktopDialog(
+                                        maxHeight: 700,
+                                        maxWidth: 700,
+                                        child: Column(
+                                          children: [
+                                            Row(
+                                              children: [
+                                                Padding(
+                                                  padding:
+                                                      const EdgeInsets.all(32),
+                                                  child: Text(
+                                                    "Select emoji",
+                                                    style:
+                                                        STextStyles.desktopH3(
+                                                            context),
+                                                    textAlign: TextAlign.center,
+                                                  ),
+                                                ),
+                                              ],
+                                            ),
+                                            Expanded(
+                                              child: LayoutBuilder(
+                                                builder:
+                                                    (context, constraints) {
+                                                  return SingleChildScrollView(
+                                                    scrollDirection:
+                                                        Axis.vertical,
+                                                    child: ConstrainedBox(
+                                                      constraints:
+                                                          BoxConstraints(
+                                                        minHeight: constraints
+                                                            .maxHeight,
+                                                        minWidth: constraints
+                                                            .maxWidth,
+                                                      ),
+                                                      child: IntrinsicHeight(
+                                                        child: Column(
+                                                          children: const [
+                                                            Padding(
+                                                              padding: EdgeInsets
+                                                                  .symmetric(
+                                                                      horizontal:
+                                                                          32),
+                                                              // child:
+                                                              //     EmojiSelectSheet(),
+                                                            ),
+                                                          ],
+                                                        ),
+                                                      ),
+                                                    ),
+                                                  );
+                                                },
+                                              ),
+                                            ),
+                                          ],
-                                ),
-                              ),
-                              Align(
-                                alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
-                                child: Container(
-                                  height: 14,
-                                  width: 14,
+                                      );
+                                    }).then((value) {
+                                    if (value is Emoji) {
+                                      setState(() {
+                                        _selectedEmoji = value;
+                                      });
+                                    }
+                                  });
+                          },
+                          child: SizedBox(
+                            height: 48,
+                            width: 48,
+                            child: Stack(
+                              children: [
+                                Container(
+                                  height: 48,
+                                  width: 48,
                                   decoration: BoxDecoration(
-                                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(14),
-                                      color: Theme.of(context)
-                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                          .accentColorDark),
+                                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24),
+                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                        .textFieldActiveBG,
+                                  ),
                                   child: Center(
                                     child: _selectedEmoji == null
                                         ? SvgPicture.asset(
-                                            Assets.svg.plus,
-                                            color: Theme.of(context)
-                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                                .textWhite,
-                                            width: 12,
-                                            height: 12,
+                                            Assets.svg.user,
+                                            height: 24,
+                                            width: 24,
-                                        : SvgPicture.asset(
-                                            Assets.svg.thickX,
-                                            color: Theme.of(context)
-                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                                .textWhite,
-                                            width: 8,
-                                            height: 8,
+                                        : Text(
+                                            _selectedEmoji!.char,
+                                            style: STextStyles.pageTitleH1(
+                                                context),
-                              )
-                            ],
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 8,
-                      ),
-                      ClipRRect(
-                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                          Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
-                        ),
-                        child: TextField(
-                          autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                          enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                          controller: nameController,
-                          focusNode: nameFocusNode,
-                          style: STextStyles.field(context),
-                          decoration: standardInputDecoration(
-                            "Enter contact name",
-                            nameFocusNode,
-                            context,
-                          ).copyWith(
-                            suffixIcon: ref
-                                    .read(contactNameIsNotEmptyStateProvider
-                                        .state)
-                                    .state
-                                ? Padding(
-                                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 0),
-                                    child: UnconstrainedBox(
-                                      child: Row(
-                                        children: [
-                                          TextFieldIconButton(
-                                            child: const XIcon(),
-                                            onTap: () async {
-                                              setState(() {
-                                                nameController.text = "";
-                                              });
-                                            },
-                                          ),
-                                        ],
-                                      ),
+                                Align(
+                                  alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
+                                  child: Container(
+                                    height: 14,
+                                    width: 14,
+                                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
+                                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(14),
+                                        color: Theme.of(context)
+                                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                            .accentColorDark),
+                                    child: Center(
+                                      child: _selectedEmoji == null
+                                          ? SvgPicture.asset(
+                                              Assets.svg.plus,
+                                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                  .textWhite,
+                                              width: 12,
+                                              height: 12,
+                                            )
+                                          : SvgPicture.asset(
+                                              Assets.svg.thickX,
+                                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                  .textWhite,
+                                              width: 8,
+                                              height: 8,
+                                            ),
-                                  )
-                                : null,
+                                  ),
+                                )
+                              ],
+                            ),
-                          onChanged: (newValue) {
-                            ref
-                                .read(contactNameIsNotEmptyStateProvider.state)
-                                .state = newValue.isNotEmpty;
-                          },
-                      ),
-                      if (forms.length <= 1)
                         const SizedBox(
                           height: 8,
-                      if (forms.length <= 1) forms[0],
-                      if (forms.length > 1)
-                        for (int i = 0; i < forms.length; i++)
-                          Column(
-                            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                            children: [
-                              const SizedBox(
-                                height: 12,
-                              ),
-                              Row(
-                                mainAxisAlignment:
-                                    MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
-                                children: [
-                                  Text(
-                                    "Address ${i + 1}",
-                                    style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
-                                  ),
-                                  BlueTextButton(
-                                    onTap: () {
-                                      _removeForm(forms[i].id);
-                                    },
-                                    text: "Remove",
-                                  ),
-                                ],
-                              ),
-                              const SizedBox(
-                                height: 8,
-                              ),
-                              forms[i],
-                            ],
+                        ClipRRect(
+                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                            Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 16,
-                      ),
-                      BlueTextButton(
-                        onTap: () {
-                          _addForm();
-                          scrollController.animateTo(
-                            scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent + 500,
-                            duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
-                            curve: Curves.easeInOut,
-                          );
-                        },
-                        text: "+ Add another address",
-                      ),
-                      // GestureDetector(
-                      //
-                      //   child: Text(
-                      //     "+ Add another address",
-                      //     style: STextStyles.largeMedium14(context),
-                      //   ),
-                      // ),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 16,
-                      ),
-                      const Spacer(),
-                      Row(
-                        children: [
-                          Expanded(
-                            child: TextButton(
-                              style: Theme.of(context)
-                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                  .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-                              child: Text(
-                                "Cancel",
-                                style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
-                                    color: Theme.of(context)
-                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                        .accentColorDark),
-                              ),
-                              onPressed: () async {
-                                if (FocusScope.of(context).hasFocus) {
-                                  FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
-                                  await Future<void>.delayed(
-                                      const Duration(milliseconds: 75));
-                                }
-                                if (mounted) {
-                                  Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                }
-                              },
+                          child: TextField(
+                            autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
+                            enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
+                            controller: nameController,
+                            focusNode: nameFocusNode,
+                            style: STextStyles.field(context),
+                            decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                              "Enter contact name",
+                              nameFocusNode,
+                              context,
+                            ).copyWith(
+                              suffixIcon: ref
+                                      .read(contactNameIsNotEmptyStateProvider
+                                          .state)
+                                      .state
+                                  ? Padding(
+                                      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 0),
+                                      child: UnconstrainedBox(
+                                        child: Row(
+                                          children: [
+                                            TextFieldIconButton(
+                                              child: const XIcon(),
+                                              onTap: () async {
+                                                setState(() {
+                                                  nameController.text = "";
+                                                });
+                                              },
+                                            ),
+                                          ],
+                                        ),
+                                      ),
+                                    )
+                                  : null,
+                            onChanged: (newValue) {
+                              ref
+                                  .read(
+                                      contactNameIsNotEmptyStateProvider.state)
+                                  .state = newValue.isNotEmpty;
+                            },
+                        ),
+                        if (forms.length <= 1)
                           const SizedBox(
-                            width: 16,
+                            height: 8,
-                          Expanded(
-                            child: Builder(
-                              builder: (context) {
-                                bool nameExists = ref
-                                    .watch(contactNameIsNotEmptyStateProvider
-                                        .state)
-                                    .state;
-                                bool validForms = ref.watch(
-                                    validContactStateProvider(forms
-                                        .map((e) => e.id)
-                                        .toList(growable: false)));
-                                bool shouldEnableSave =
-                                    validForms && nameExists;
-                                return TextButton(
-                                  style: shouldEnableSave
-                                      ? Theme.of(context)
-                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                          .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context)
-                                      : Theme.of(context)
-                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                          .getPrimaryDisabledButtonColor(
-                                              context),
-                                  onPressed: shouldEnableSave
-                                      ? () async {
-                                          if (FocusScope.of(context).hasFocus) {
-                                            FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
-                                            await Future<void>.delayed(
-                                              const Duration(milliseconds: 75),
-                                            );
-                                          }
-                                          List<ContactAddressEntry> entries =
-                                              [];
-                                          for (int i = 0;
-                                              i < forms.length;
-                                              i++) {
-                                            entries.add(ref
-                                                .read(addressEntryDataProvider(
-                                                    forms[i].id))
-                                                .buildAddressEntry());
-                                          }
-                                          Contact contact = Contact(
-                                            emojiChar: _selectedEmoji?.char,
-                                            name: nameController.text,
-                                            addresses: entries,
-                                            isFavorite: _isFavorite,
-                                          );
-                                          if (await ref
-                                              .read(addressBookServiceProvider)
-                                              .addContact(contact)) {
-                                            if (mounted) {
-                                              Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                            }
-                                            // TODO show success notification
-                                          } else {
-                                            // TODO show error notification
-                                          }
-                                        }
-                                      : null,
-                                  child: Text(
-                                    "Save",
-                                    style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
-                                      color: shouldEnableSave
-                                          ? Theme.of(context)
-                                              .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                              .buttonTextPrimary
-                                          : Theme.of(context)
-                                              .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                              .buttonTextPrimaryDisabled,
+                        if (forms.length <= 1) forms[0],
+                        if (forms.length > 1)
+                          for (int i = 0; i < forms.length; i++)
+                            Column(
+                              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                              children: [
+                                const SizedBox(
+                                  height: 12,
+                                ),
+                                Row(
+                                  mainAxisAlignment:
+                                      MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                                  children: [
+                                    Text(
+                                      "Address ${i + 1}",
+                                      style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
-                                  ),
-                                );
-                              },
+                                    BlueTextButton(
+                                      onTap: () {
+                                        _removeForm(forms[i].id);
+                                      },
+                                      text: "Remove",
+                                    ),
+                                  ],
+                                ),
+                                const SizedBox(
+                                  height: 8,
+                                ),
+                                forms[i],
+                              ],
-                          ),
-                        ],
-                      ),
-                    ],
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 16,
+                        ),
+                        BlueTextButton(
+                          onTap: () {
+                            _addForm();
+                            scrollController.animateTo(
+                              scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent + 500,
+                              duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+                              curve: Curves.easeInOut,
+                            );
+                          },
+                          text: "+ Add another address",
+                        ),
+                        // GestureDetector(
+                        //
+                        //   child: Text(
+                        //     "+ Add another address",
+                        //     style: STextStyles.largeMedium14(context),
+                        //   ),
+                        // ),
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 16,
+                        ),
+                        const Spacer(),
+                        Row(
+                          children: [
+                            Expanded(
+                              child: TextButton(
+                                style: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                                child: Text(
+                                  "Cancel",
+                                  style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
+                                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                          .accentColorDark),
+                                ),
+                                onPressed: () async {
+                                  if (FocusScope.of(context).hasFocus) {
+                                    FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
+                                    await Future<void>.delayed(
+                                        const Duration(milliseconds: 75));
+                                  }
+                                  if (mounted) {
+                                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                  }
+                                },
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            const SizedBox(
+                              width: 16,
+                            ),
+                            Expanded(
+                              child: Builder(
+                                builder: (context) {
+                                  bool nameExists = ref
+                                      .watch(contactNameIsNotEmptyStateProvider
+                                          .state)
+                                      .state;
+                                  bool validForms = ref.watch(
+                                      validContactStateProvider(forms
+                                          .map((e) => e.id)
+                                          .toList(growable: false)));
+                                  bool shouldEnableSave =
+                                      validForms && nameExists;
+                                  return TextButton(
+                                    style: shouldEnableSave
+                                        ? Theme.of(context)
+                                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                            .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(
+                                                context)
+                                        : Theme.of(context)
+                                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                            .getPrimaryDisabledButtonColor(
+                                                context),
+                                    onPressed: shouldEnableSave
+                                        ? () async {
+                                            if (FocusScope.of(context)
+                                                .hasFocus) {
+                                              FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
+                                              await Future<void>.delayed(
+                                                const Duration(
+                                                    milliseconds: 75),
+                                              );
+                                            }
+                                            List<ContactAddressEntry> entries =
+                                                [];
+                                            for (int i = 0;
+                                                i < forms.length;
+                                                i++) {
+                                              entries.add(ref
+                                                  .read(
+                                                      addressEntryDataProvider(
+                                                          forms[i].id))
+                                                  .buildAddressEntry());
+                                            }
+                                            Contact contact = Contact(
+                                              emojiChar: _selectedEmoji?.char,
+                                              name: nameController.text,
+                                              addresses: entries,
+                                              isFavorite: _isFavorite,
+                                            );
+                                            if (await ref
+                                                .read(
+                                                    addressBookServiceProvider)
+                                                .addContact(contact)) {
+                                              if (mounted) {
+                                                Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                              }
+                                              // TODO show success notification
+                                            } else {
+                                              // TODO show error notification
+                                            }
+                                          }
+                                        : null,
+                                    child: Text(
+                                      "Save",
+                                      style:
+                                          STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
+                                        color: shouldEnableSave
+                                            ? Theme.of(context)
+                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                .buttonTextPrimary
+                                            : Theme.of(context)
+                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                .buttonTextPrimaryDisabled,
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
+                                  );
+                                },
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                          ],
+                        ),
+                      ],
+                    ),
-            ),
-          );
-        },
+            );
+          },
+        ),
diff --git a/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/address_book_filter_view.dart b/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/address_book_filter_view.dart
index 35968621a..df779331e 100644
--- a/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/address_book_filter_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/address_book_views/subviews/address_book_filter_view.dart
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/providers/ui/address_book_providers/address_book_fil
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog_close_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
 class AddressBookFilterView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
@@ -41,167 +46,224 @@ class _AddressBookFilterViewState extends ConsumerState<AddressBookFilterView> {
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return Scaffold(
-      backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-      appBar: AppBar(
-        backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-        leading: AppBarBackButton(
-          onPressed: () async {
-            Navigator.of(context).pop();
-          },
-        ),
-        title: Text(
-          "Filter addresses",
-          style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
-        ),
-      ),
-      body: Padding(
-        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
-        child: LayoutBuilder(builder: (builderContext, constraints) {
-          return SingleChildScrollView(
-            child: ConstrainedBox(
-              constraints: BoxConstraints(
-                minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
+    final isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
+    return ConditionalParent(
+      condition: !isDesktop,
+      builder: (child) {
+        return Scaffold(
+          backgroundColor:
+              Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+          appBar: AppBar(
+            backgroundColor:
+                Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+            leading: AppBarBackButton(
+              onPressed: () async {
+                Navigator.of(context).pop();
+              },
+            ),
+            title: Text(
+              "Filter addresses",
+              style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
+            ),
+          ),
+          body: Padding(
+            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+            child: LayoutBuilder(builder: (builderContext, constraints) {
+              return SingleChildScrollView(
+                child: ConstrainedBox(
+                  constraints: BoxConstraints(
+                    minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
+                  ),
+                  child: IntrinsicHeight(
+                    child: Padding(
+                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
+                      child: Column(
+                        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
+                        children: [
+                          RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                            child: Text(
+                              "Only selected cryptocurrency addresses will be displayed.",
+                              style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                            ),
+                          ),
+                          const SizedBox(
+                            height: 12,
+                          ),
+                          Text(
+                            "Select cryptocurrency",
+                            style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
+                          ),
+                          const SizedBox(
+                            height: 12,
+                          ),
+                          child,
+                        ],
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                ),
+              );
+            }),
+          ),
+        );
+      },
+      child: ConditionalParent(
+        condition: isDesktop,
+        builder: (child) {
+          return Column(
+            children: [
+              Row(
+                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                children: [
+                  Padding(
+                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(32),
+                    child: Text(
+                      "Select cryptocurrency",
+                      style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                      textAlign: TextAlign.center,
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                  const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
+                ],
-              child: IntrinsicHeight(
-                child: Padding(
-                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
-                  child: Column(
-                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
-                    children: [
-                      RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                        child: Text(
-                          "Only selected cryptocurrency addresses will be displayed.",
-                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+              Expanded(
+                child: LayoutBuilder(
+                  builder: (context, constraints) {
+                    return SingleChildScrollView(
+                      scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
+                      child: ConstrainedBox(
+                        constraints: BoxConstraints(
+                          minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
+                        ),
+                        child: IntrinsicHeight(
+                          child: Column(
+                            children: [
+                              Padding(
+                                padding:
+                                    const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 32),
+                                child: child,
+                              ),
+                            ],
+                          ),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 12,
-                      ),
-                      Text(
-                        "Select cryptocurrency",
-                        style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
-                      ),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 12,
-                      ),
-                      RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
-                        child: Wrap(
-                          children: [
-                            ..._coins.map(
-                              (coin) => Row(
-                                children: [
-                                  GestureDetector(
-                                    onTap: () {
-                                      if (ref
-                                          .read(addressBookFilterProvider)
-                                          .coins
-                                          .contains(coin)) {
-                                        ref
-                                            .read(addressBookFilterProvider)
-                                            .remove(coin, true);
-                                      } else {
+                    );
+                  },
+                ),
+              ),
+              Padding(
+                padding:
+                    const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 32, vertical: 32),
+                child: Row(
+                  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                  children: [
+                    SecondaryButton(
+                      width: 248,
+                      desktopMed: true,
+                      enabled: true,
+                      label: "Cancel",
+                      onPressed: () {
+                        Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                      },
+                    ),
+                    // const SizedBox(width: 16),
+                    PrimaryButton(
+                      width: 248,
+                      desktopMed: true,
+                      enabled: true,
+                      label: "Apply",
+                      onPressed: () {
+                        Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                      },
+                    ),
+                  ],
+                ),
+              ),
+            ],
+          );
+        },
+        child: RoundedWhiteContainer(
+          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+          child: Wrap(
+            children: [
+              ..._coins.map(
+                (coin) => Row(
+                  children: [
+                    GestureDetector(
+                      onTap: () {
+                        if (ref
+                            .read(addressBookFilterProvider)
+                            .coins
+                            .contains(coin)) {
+                          ref
+                              .read(addressBookFilterProvider)
+                              .remove(coin, true);
+                        } else {
+                          ref.read(addressBookFilterProvider).add(coin, true);
+                        }
+                        setState(() {});
+                      },
+                      child: Container(
+                        color: Colors.transparent,
+                        child: Padding(
+                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+                          child: Row(
+                            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                            children: [
+                              SizedBox(
+                                height: 20,
+                                width: 20,
+                                child: Checkbox(
+                                  value: ref
+                                      .watch(addressBookFilterProvider
+                                          .select((value) => value.coins))
+                                      .contains(coin),
+                                  onChanged: (value) {
+                                    if (value is bool) {
+                                      if (value) {
                                             .add(coin, true);
+                                      } else {
+                                        ref
+                                            .read(addressBookFilterProvider)
+                                            .remove(coin, true);
                                       setState(() {});
-                                    },
-                                    child: Container(
-                                      color: Colors.transparent,
-                                      child: Padding(
-                                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
-                                        child: Row(
-                                          crossAxisAlignment:
-                                              CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                                          children: [
-                                            SizedBox(
-                                              height: 20,
-                                              width: 20,
-                                              child: Checkbox(
-                                                value: ref
-                                                    .watch(
-                                                        addressBookFilterProvider
-                                                            .select((value) =>
-                                                                value.coins))
-                                                    .contains(coin),
-                                                onChanged: (value) {
-                                                  if (value is bool) {
-                                                    if (value) {
-                                                      ref
-                                                          .read(
-                                                              addressBookFilterProvider)
-                                                          .add(coin, true);
-                                                    } else {
-                                                      ref
-                                                          .read(
-                                                              addressBookFilterProvider)
-                                                          .remove(coin, true);
-                                                    }
-                                                    setState(() {});
-                                                  }
-                                                },
-                                              ),
-                                            ),
-                                            const SizedBox(
-                                              width: 12,
-                                            ),
-                                            Column(
-                                              crossAxisAlignment:
-                                                  CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                                              children: [
-                                                Text(
-                                                  coin.prettyName,
-                                                  style:
-                                                      STextStyles.largeMedium14(
-                                                          context),
-                                                ),
-                                                const SizedBox(
-                                                  height: 2,
-                                                ),
-                                                Text(
-                                                  coin.ticker,
-                                                  style:
-                                                      STextStyles.itemSubtitle(
-                                                          context),
-                                                ),
-                                              ],
-                                            )
-                                          ],
-                                        ),
-                                      ),
-                                    ),
+                                    }
+                                  },
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                              const SizedBox(
+                                width: 12,
+                              ),
+                              Column(
+                                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                                children: [
+                                  Text(
+                                    coin.prettyName,
+                                    style: STextStyles.largeMedium14(context),
+                                  ),
+                                  const SizedBox(
+                                    height: 2,
+                                  ),
+                                  Text(
+                                    coin.ticker,
+                                    style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                              ),
-                            ),
-                          ],
+                              )
+                            ],
+                          ),
-                      const Spacer(),
-                      // Row(
-                      //   children: [
-                      //     TextButton(
-                      //       onPressed: () {},
-                      //       child: Text("Cancel"),
-                      //     ),
-                      //     SizedBox(
-                      //       width: 16,
-                      //     ),
-                      //     TextButton(
-                      //       onPressed: () {},
-                      //       child: Text("Cancel"),
-                      //     ),
-                      //   ],
-                      // )
-                    ],
-                  ),
+                    ),
+                  ],
-            ),
-          );
-        }),
+            ],
+          ),
+        ),
diff --git a/lib/pages/exchange_view/trade_details_view.dart b/lib/pages/exchange_view/trade_details_view.dart
index 76c845027..602d588da 100644
--- a/lib/pages/exchange_view/trade_details_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/exchange_view/trade_details_view.dart
@@ -15,17 +15,23 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/pages/wallet_view/transaction_views/edit_note_view.d
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/wallet_view/transaction_views/transaction_details_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/trades_service_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/route_generator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/change_now/change_now_exchange.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/exchange.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/simpleswap/simpleswap_exchange.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/clipboard_interface.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
@@ -157,34 +163,113 @@ class _TradeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<TradeDetailsView> {
     final sendAmount =
         Decimal.tryParse(trade.payInAmount) ?? Decimal.parse("-1");
-    return Scaffold(
-      backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-      appBar: AppBar(
+    final isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
+    return ConditionalParent(
+      condition: !isDesktop,
+      builder: (child) => Scaffold(
         backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-        leading: AppBarBackButton(
-          onPressed: () async {
-            Navigator.of(context).pop();
-          },
+        appBar: AppBar(
+          backgroundColor:
+              Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+          leading: AppBarBackButton(
+            onPressed: () async {
+              Navigator.of(context).pop();
+            },
+          ),
+          title: Text(
+            "Trade details",
+            style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
+          ),
-        title: Text(
-          "Trade details",
-          style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
+        body: Padding(
+          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+          child: SingleChildScrollView(
+            child: Padding(
+              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
+              child: child,
+            ),
+          ),
-      body: Padding(
-        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
-        child: SingleChildScrollView(
-          child: Padding(
-            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
-            child: Column(
-              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
-              children: [
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
+      child: Padding(
+        padding: isDesktop
+            ? const EdgeInsets.only(left: 32)
+            : const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+        child: BranchedParent(
+          condition: isDesktop,
+          conditionBranchBuilder: (children) => Padding(
+            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+              right: 20,
+            ),
+            child: Padding(
+              padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                right: 12,
+              ),
+              child: RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                borderColor: isDesktop
+                    ? Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background
+                    : null,
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                child: ListView(
+                  primary: false,
+                  shrinkWrap: true,
+                  children: children,
+                ),
+              ),
+            ),
+          ),
+          otherBranchBuilder: (children) => Column(
+            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
+            mainAxisSize: isDesktop ? MainAxisSize.min : MainAxisSize.max,
+            children: children,
+          ),
+          children: [
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(0)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Container(
+                decoration: isDesktop
+                    ? BoxDecoration(
+                        color: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .background,
+                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
+                          top: Radius.circular(
+                            Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                      )
+                    : null,
+                child: Padding(
+                  padding: isDesktop
+                      ? const EdgeInsets.all(12)
+                      : const EdgeInsets.all(0),
                   child: Row(
                     mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                     children: [
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        Row(
+                          children: [
+                            SvgPicture.asset(
+                              _fetchIconAssetForStatus(trade.status),
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                            ),
+                            const SizedBox(
+                              width: 16,
+                            ),
+                            SelectableText(
+                              "Exchange",
+                              style: STextStyles.desktopTextMedium(context),
+                            ),
+                          ],
+                        ),
-                        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                        crossAxisAlignment: isDesktop
+                            ? CrossAxisAlignment.end
+                            : CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                         children: [
                             "${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()} → ${trade.payOutCurrency.toUpperCase()}",
@@ -194,7 +279,7 @@ class _TradeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<TradeDetailsView> {
                             height: 4,
-                            "${Format.localizedStringAsFixed(value: sendAmount, locale: ref.watch(
+                            "-${Format.localizedStringAsFixed(value: sendAmount, locale: ref.watch(
                                       .select((value) => value.locale),
                                 ), decimalPlaces: trade.payInCurrency.toLowerCase() == "xmr" ? 12 : 8)} ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()}",
@@ -202,136 +287,178 @@ class _TradeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<TradeDetailsView> {
-                      Container(
-                        width: 32,
-                        height: 32,
-                        decoration: BoxDecoration(
-                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32),
-                        ),
-                        child: Center(
-                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                            _fetchIconAssetForStatus(trade.status),
-                            width: 32,
-                            height: 32,
+                      if (!isDesktop)
+                        Container(
+                          width: 32,
+                          height: 32,
+                          decoration: BoxDecoration(
+                            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32),
+                          ),
+                          child: Center(
+                            child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                              _fetchIconAssetForStatus(trade.status),
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                            ),
-                      ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
-                ),
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                  child: Row(
-                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
-                    children: [
-                      Text(
-                        "Status",
-                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                      ),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 4,
-                      ),
-                      SelectableText(
-                        trade.status,
-                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context).copyWith(
-                          color: Theme.of(context)
-                              .extension<StackColors>()!
-                              .colorForStatus(trade.status),
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                      //   ),
-                      // ),
-                    ],
-                  ),
-                ),
-                if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
-                  const SizedBox(
+              ),
+            ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
                     height: 12,
-                if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
-                  RoundedContainer(
-                    color: Theme.of(context)
-                        .extension<StackColors>()!
-                        .warningBackground,
-                    child: RichText(
-                      text: TextSpan(
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Row(
+                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                children: [
+                  Text(
+                    "Status",
+                    style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                  ),
+                  const SizedBox(
+                    height: 4,
+                  ),
+                  SelectableText(
+                    trade.status,
+                    style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context).copyWith(
+                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                          .colorForStatus(trade.status),
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                  //   ),
+                  // ),
+                ],
+              ),
+            ),
+            if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
+              isDesktop
+                  ? const _Divider()
+                  : const SizedBox(
+                      height: 12,
+                    ),
+            if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
+              RoundedContainer(
+                padding: isDesktop
+                    ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                    : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+                color: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .warningBackground,
+                child: RichText(
+                  text: TextSpan(
+                      text:
+                          "You must send at least ${sendAmount.toStringAsFixed(
+                        trade.payInCurrency.toLowerCase() == "xmr" ? 12 : 8,
+                      )} ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()}. ",
+                      style: STextStyles.label700(context).copyWith(
+                        color: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .warningForeground,
+                      ),
+                      children: [
+                        TextSpan(
-                              "You must send at least ${sendAmount.toStringAsFixed(
+                              "If you send less than ${sendAmount.toStringAsFixed(
                             trade.payInCurrency.toLowerCase() == "xmr" ? 12 : 8,
-                          )} ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()}. ",
-                          style: STextStyles.label700(context).copyWith(
+                          )} ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()}, your transaction may not be converted and it may not be refunded.",
+                          style: STextStyles.label(context).copyWith(
                             color: Theme.of(context)
-                          children: [
-                            TextSpan(
-                              text:
-                                  "If you send less than ${sendAmount.toStringAsFixed(
-                                trade.payInCurrency.toLowerCase() == "xmr"
-                                    ? 12
-                                    : 8,
-                              )} ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()}, your transaction may not be converted and it may not be refunded.",
-                              style: STextStyles.label(context).copyWith(
-                                color: Theme.of(context)
-                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                    .warningForeground,
+                        ),
+                      ]),
+                ),
+              ),
+            if (sentFromStack)
+              isDesktop
+                  ? const _Divider()
+                  : const SizedBox(
+                      height: 12,
+                    ),
+            if (sentFromStack)
+              RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                padding: isDesktop
+                    ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                    : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+                child: Column(
+                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                  children: [
+                    Text(
+                      "Sent from",
+                      style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 4,
+                    ),
+                    SelectableText(
+                      widget.walletName!,
+                      style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 10,
+                    ),
+                    BlueTextButton(
+                      text: "View transaction",
+                      onTap: () {
+                        final Coin coin =
+                            coinFromTickerCaseInsensitive(trade.payInCurrency);
+                        if (isDesktop) {
+                          Navigator.of(context).push(
+                            FadePageRoute<void>(
+                              DesktopDialog(
+                                maxHeight:
+                                    MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 64,
+                                maxWidth: 580,
+                                child: TransactionDetailsView(
+                                  coin: coin,
+                                  transaction: transactionIfSentFromStack!,
+                                  walletId: walletId!,
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                              const RouteSettings(
+                                name: TransactionDetailsView.routeName,
-                          ]),
+                          );
+                        } else {
+                          Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
+                            TransactionDetailsView.routeName,
+                            arguments: Tuple3(
+                                transactionIfSentFromStack!, coin, walletId!),
+                          );
+                        }
+                      },
-                  ),
-                if (sentFromStack)
-                  const SizedBox(
-                    height: 12,
-                  ),
-                if (sentFromStack)
-                  RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                    child: Column(
-                      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                      children: [
-                        Text(
-                          "Sent from",
-                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                        ),
-                        const SizedBox(
-                          height: 4,
-                        ),
-                        SelectableText(
-                          widget.walletName!,
-                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                        ),
-                        const SizedBox(
-                          height: 10,
-                        ),
-                        GestureDetector(
-                          onTap: () {
-                            final Coin coin = coinFromTickerCaseInsensitive(
-                                trade.payInCurrency);
-                            Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
-                              TransactionDetailsView.routeName,
-                              arguments: Tuple3(
-                                  transactionIfSentFromStack!, coin, walletId!),
-                            );
-                          },
-                          child: Text(
-                            "View transaction",
-                            style: STextStyles.link2(context),
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                      ],
+                  ],
+                ),
+              ),
+            if (sentFromStack)
+              isDesktop
+                  ? const _Divider()
+                  : const SizedBox(
+                      height: 12,
-                  ),
-                if (sentFromStack)
-                  const SizedBox(
-                    height: 12,
-                  ),
-                if (sentFromStack)
-                  RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                    child: Column(
+            if (sentFromStack)
+              RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                padding: isDesktop
+                    ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                    : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+                child: Row(
+                  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                  children: [
+                    Column(
                       crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                       children: [
@@ -347,252 +474,224 @@ class _TradeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<TradeDetailsView> {
-                  ),
-                if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
-                  const SizedBox(
-                    height: 12,
-                  ),
-                if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
-                  RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                    child: Column(
-                      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                    if (isDesktop)
+                      IconCopyButton(
+                        data: trade.payInAddress,
+                      ),
+                  ],
+                ),
+              ),
+            if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
+              isDesktop
+                  ? const _Divider()
+                  : const SizedBox(
+                      height: 12,
+                    ),
+            if (!sentFromStack && !hasTx)
+              RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                padding: isDesktop
+                    ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                    : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+                child: Column(
+                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                  children: [
+                    Row(
+                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                       children: [
-                        Row(
-                          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
-                          children: [
-                            Text(
-                              "Send ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()} to this address",
-                              style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                            ),
-                            GestureDetector(
-                              onTap: () async {
-                                final address = trade.payInAddress;
-                                await Clipboard.setData(
-                                  ClipboardData(
-                                    text: address,
-                                  ),
-                                );
-                                unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.info,
-                                  message: "Copied to clipboard",
-                                  context: context,
-                                ));
-                              },
-                              child: Row(
+                        Text(
+                          "Send ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()} to this address",
+                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                        ),
+                        isDesktop
+                            ? IconCopyButton(
+                                data: trade.payInAddress,
+                              )
+                            : GestureDetector(
+                                onTap: () async {
+                                  final address = trade.payInAddress;
+                                  await Clipboard.setData(
+                                    ClipboardData(
+                                      text: address,
+                                    ),
+                                  );
+                                  unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                    type: FlushBarType.info,
+                                    message: "Copied to clipboard",
+                                    context: context,
+                                  ));
+                                },
+                                child: Row(
+                                  children: [
+                                    SvgPicture.asset(
+                                      Assets.svg.copy,
+                                      width: 12,
+                                      height: 12,
+                                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                          .infoItemIcons,
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(
+                                      width: 4,
+                                    ),
+                                    Text(
+                                      "Copy",
+                                      style: STextStyles.link2(context),
+                                    ),
+                                  ],
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 4,
+                    ),
+                    SelectableText(
+                      trade.payInAddress,
+                      style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 10,
+                    ),
+                    GestureDetector(
+                      onTap: () {
+                        showDialog<dynamic>(
+                          context: context,
+                          useSafeArea: false,
+                          barrierDismissible: true,
+                          builder: (_) {
+                            final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 2;
+                            return StackDialogBase(
+                              child: Column(
+                                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                                 children: [
-                                  SvgPicture.asset(
-                                    Assets.svg.copy,
-                                    width: 12,
-                                    height: 12,
-                                    color: Theme.of(context)
-                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                        .infoItemIcons,
+                                  Center(
+                                    child: Text(
+                                      "Send ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()} to this address",
+                                      style: STextStyles.pageTitleH2(context),
+                                    ),
                                   const SizedBox(
-                                    width: 4,
+                                    height: 12,
-                                  Text(
-                                    "Copy",
-                                    style: STextStyles.link2(context),
+                                  Center(
+                                    child: RepaintBoundary(
+                                      // key: _qrKey,
+                                      child: SizedBox(
+                                        width: width + 20,
+                                        height: width + 20,
+                                        child: QrImage(
+                                            data: trade.payInAddress,
+                                            size: width,
+                                            backgroundColor: Theme.of(context)
+                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                .popupBG,
+                                            foregroundColor: Theme.of(context)
+                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                .accentColorDark),
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
+                                  ),
+                                  const SizedBox(
+                                    height: 12,
+                                  ),
+                                  Center(
+                                    child: SizedBox(
+                                      width: width,
+                                      child: TextButton(
+                                        onPressed: () async {
+                                          // await _capturePng(true);
+                                          Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                        },
+                                        style: Theme.of(context)
+                                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                            .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(
+                                                context),
+                                        child: Text(
+                                          "Cancel",
+                                          style: STextStyles.button(context)
+                                              .copyWith(
+                                                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                      .accentColorDark),
+                                        ),
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
-                            ),
-                          ],
-                        ),
-                        const SizedBox(
-                          height: 4,
-                        ),
-                        SelectableText(
-                          trade.payInAddress,
-                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                        ),
-                        const SizedBox(
-                          height: 10,
-                        ),
-                        GestureDetector(
-                          onTap: () {
-                            showDialog<dynamic>(
-                              context: context,
-                              useSafeArea: false,
-                              barrierDismissible: true,
-                              builder: (_) {
-                                final width =
-                                    MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 2;
-                                return StackDialogBase(
-                                  child: Column(
-                                    crossAxisAlignment:
-                                        CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
-                                    children: [
-                                      Center(
-                                        child: Text(
-                                          "Send ${trade.payInCurrency.toUpperCase()} to this address",
-                                          style:
-                                              STextStyles.pageTitleH2(context),
-                                        ),
-                                      ),
-                                      const SizedBox(
-                                        height: 12,
-                                      ),
-                                      Center(
-                                        child: RepaintBoundary(
-                                          // key: _qrKey,
-                                          child: SizedBox(
-                                            width: width + 20,
-                                            height: width + 20,
-                                            child: QrImage(
-                                                data: trade.payInAddress,
-                                                size: width,
-                                                backgroundColor: Theme.of(
-                                                        context)
-                                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                                    .popupBG,
-                                                foregroundColor: Theme.of(
-                                                        context)
-                                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                                    .accentColorDark),
-                                          ),
-                                        ),
-                                      ),
-                                      const SizedBox(
-                                        height: 12,
-                                      ),
-                                      Center(
-                                        child: SizedBox(
-                                          width: width,
-                                          child: TextButton(
-                                            onPressed: () async {
-                                              // await _capturePng(true);
-                                              Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                            },
-                                            style: Theme.of(context)
-                                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                                .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(
-                                                    context),
-                                            child: Text(
-                                              "Cancel",
-                                              style: STextStyles.button(context)
-                                                  .copyWith(
-                                                      color: Theme.of(context)
-                                                          .extension<
-                                                              StackColors>()!
-                                                          .accentColorDark),
-                                            ),
-                                          ),
-                                        ),
-                                      ),
-                                    ],
-                                  ),
-                                );
-                              },
-                          child: Row(
-                            children: [
-                              SvgPicture.asset(
-                                Assets.svg.qrcode,
-                                width: 12,
-                                height: 12,
-                                color: Theme.of(context)
-                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                    .infoItemIcons,
-                              ),
-                              const SizedBox(
-                                width: 4,
-                              ),
-                              Text(
-                                "Show QR code",
-                                style: STextStyles.link2(context),
-                              ),
-                            ],
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                      ],
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
-                ),
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                  child: Column(
-                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                    children: [
-                      Row(
-                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                        );
+                      },
+                      child: Row(
                         children: [
-                          Text(
-                            "Trade note",
-                            style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                          SvgPicture.asset(
+                            Assets.svg.qrcode,
+                            width: 12,
+                            height: 12,
+                            color: Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .infoItemIcons,
-                          GestureDetector(
-                            onTap: () {
-                              Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
-                                EditTradeNoteView.routeName,
-                                arguments: Tuple2(
-                                  tradeId,
-                                  ref
-                                      .read(tradeNoteServiceProvider)
-                                      .getNote(tradeId: tradeId),
-                                ),
-                              );
-                            },
-                            child: Row(
-                              children: [
-                                SvgPicture.asset(
-                                  Assets.svg.pencil,
-                                  width: 10,
-                                  height: 10,
-                                  color: Theme.of(context)
-                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                      .infoItemIcons,
-                                ),
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 4,
-                                ),
-                                Text(
-                                  "Edit",
-                                  style: STextStyles.link2(context),
-                                ),
-                              ],
-                            ),
+                          const SizedBox(
+                            width: 4,
+                          ),
+                          Text(
+                            "Show QR code",
+                            style: STextStyles.link2(context),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 4,
-                      ),
-                      SelectableText(
-                        ref.watch(tradeNoteServiceProvider.select(
-                            (value) => value.getNote(tradeId: tradeId))),
-                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                      ),
-                    ],
-                  ),
+                    ),
+                  ],
-                if (sentFromStack)
-                  const SizedBox(
+              ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
                     height: 12,
-                if (sentFromStack)
-                  RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                    child: Column(
-                      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                      children: [
-                        Row(
-                          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
-                          children: [
-                            Text(
-                              "Transaction note",
-                              style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                            ),
-                            GestureDetector(
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Column(
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: [
+                  Row(
+                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                    children: [
+                      Text(
+                        "Trade note",
+                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                      ),
+                      isDesktop
+                          ? IconPencilButton(
+                              onPressed: () {
+                                showDialog<void>(
+                                  context: context,
+                                  builder: (context) {
+                                    return DesktopDialog(
+                                      maxWidth: 580,
+                                      maxHeight: 360,
+                                      child: EditTradeNoteView(
+                                        tradeId: tradeId,
+                                        note: _note,
+                                      ),
+                                    );
+                                  },
+                                );
+                              },
+                            )
+                          : GestureDetector(
                               onTap: () {
-                                  EditNoteView.routeName,
-                                  arguments: Tuple3(
-                                    transactionIfSentFromStack!.txid,
-                                    walletId!,
-                                    _note,
+                                  EditTradeNoteView.routeName,
+                                  arguments: Tuple2(
+                                    tradeId,
+                                    ref
+                                        .read(tradeNoteServiceProvider)
+                                        .getNote(tradeId: tradeId),
@@ -616,193 +715,371 @@ class _TradeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<TradeDetailsView> {
-                          ],
-                        ),
-                        const SizedBox(
-                          height: 4,
-                        ),
-                        FutureBuilder(
-                          future: ref.watch(
-                              notesServiceChangeNotifierProvider(walletId!)
-                                  .select((value) => value.getNoteFor(
-                                      txid: transactionIfSentFromStack!.txid))),
-                          builder:
-                              (builderContext, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) {
-                            if (snapshot.connectionState ==
-                                    ConnectionState.done &&
-                                snapshot.hasData) {
-                              _note = snapshot.data ?? "";
-                            }
-                            return SelectableText(
-                              _note,
-                              style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                            );
-                          },
+                    ],
+                  ),
+                  const SizedBox(
+                    height: 4,
+                  ),
+                  SelectableText(
+                    ref.watch(tradeNoteServiceProvider
+                        .select((value) => value.getNote(tradeId: tradeId))),
+                    style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                  ),
+                ],
+              ),
+            ),
+            if (sentFromStack)
+              isDesktop
+                  ? const _Divider()
+                  : const SizedBox(
+                      height: 12,
+                    ),
+            if (sentFromStack)
+              RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                padding: isDesktop
+                    ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                    : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+                child: Column(
+                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                  children: [
+                    Row(
+                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                      children: [
+                        Text(
+                          "Transaction note",
+                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                        isDesktop
+                            ? IconPencilButton(
+                                onPressed: () {
+                                  showDialog<void>(
+                                    context: context,
+                                    builder: (context) {
+                                      return DesktopDialog(
+                                        maxWidth: 580,
+                                        maxHeight: 360,
+                                        child: EditNoteView(
+                                          txid:
+                                              transactionIfSentFromStack!.txid,
+                                          walletId: walletId!,
+                                          note: _note,
+                                        ),
+                                      );
+                                    },
+                                  );
+                                },
+                              )
+                            : GestureDetector(
+                                onTap: () {
+                                  Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
+                                    EditNoteView.routeName,
+                                    arguments: Tuple3(
+                                      transactionIfSentFromStack!.txid,
+                                      walletId!,
+                                      _note,
+                                    ),
+                                  );
+                                },
+                                child: Row(
+                                  children: [
+                                    SvgPicture.asset(
+                                      Assets.svg.pencil,
+                                      width: 10,
+                                      height: 10,
+                                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                          .infoItemIcons,
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(
+                                      width: 4,
+                                    ),
+                                    Text(
+                                      "Edit",
+                                      style: STextStyles.link2(context),
+                                    ),
+                                  ],
+                                ),
+                              ),
-                  ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 4,
+                    ),
+                    FutureBuilder(
+                      future: ref.watch(
+                          notesServiceChangeNotifierProvider(walletId!).select(
+                              (value) => value.getNoteFor(
+                                  txid: transactionIfSentFromStack!.txid))),
+                      builder:
+                          (builderContext, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) {
+                        if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done &&
+                            snapshot.hasData) {
+                          _note = snapshot.data ?? "";
+                        }
+                        return SelectableText(
+                          _note,
+                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                        );
+                      },
+                    ),
+                  ],
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                  child: Row(
-                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+              ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
+                    height: 12,
+                  ),
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Row(
+                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: [
+                  Column(
+                    mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                     children: [
                         style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                      // Flexible(
-                      //   child: FittedBox(
-                      //     fit: BoxFit.scaleDown,
-                      //     child:
-                      SelectableText(
-                        Format.extractDateFrom(
-                            trade.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
-                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                      ),
-                      //   ),
-                      // ),
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 2,
+                        ),
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        SelectableText(
+                          Format.extractDateFrom(
+                              trade.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
+                          style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                              .copyWith(
+                            color: Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .textDark,
+                          ),
+                        ),
-                ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
-                ),
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                  child: Row(
-                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                  if (!isDesktop)
+                    SelectableText(
+                      Format.extractDateFrom(
+                          trade.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
+                      style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                    ),
+                  if (isDesktop)
+                    IconCopyButton(
+                      data: Format.extractDateFrom(
+                          trade.timestamp.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
+                    ),
+                ],
+              ),
+            ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
+                    height: 12,
+                  ),
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Row(
+                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: [
+                  Column(
+                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                     children: [
                         style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                      SelectableText(
-                        trade.exchangeName,
-                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                      ),
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 2,
+                        ),
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        SelectableText(
+                          trade.exchangeName,
+                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                        ),
-                ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
-                ),
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                  child: Row(
+                  if (isDesktop)
+                    IconCopyButton(
+                      data: trade.exchangeName,
+                    ),
+                  if (!isDesktop)
+                    SelectableText(
+                      trade.exchangeName,
+                      style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                    ),
+                ],
+              ),
+            ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
+                    height: 12,
+                  ),
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Row(
+                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: [
+                  Column(
+                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                     children: [
                         "Trade ID",
                         style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                      const Spacer(),
-                      Row(
-                        children: [
-                          Text(
-                            trade.tradeId,
-                            style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                          ),
-                          const SizedBox(
-                            width: 10,
-                          ),
-                          GestureDetector(
-                            onTap: () async {
-                              final data = ClipboardData(text: trade.tradeId);
-                              await clipboard.setData(data);
-                              unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.info,
-                                message: "Copied to clipboard",
-                                context: context,
-                              ));
-                            },
-                            child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                              Assets.svg.copy,
-                              color: Theme.of(context)
-                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                  .infoItemIcons,
-                              width: 12,
-                            ),
-                          )
-                        ],
-                      )
-                    ],
-                  ),
-                ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
-                ),
-                RoundedWhiteContainer(
-                  child: Column(
-                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                    children: [
-                      Text(
-                        "Tracking",
-                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-                      ),
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 4,
-                      ),
-                      Builder(builder: (context) {
-                        late final String url;
-                        switch (trade.exchangeName) {
-                          case ChangeNowExchange.exchangeName:
-                            url =
-                                "https://changenow.io/exchange/txs/${trade.tradeId}";
-                            break;
-                          case SimpleSwapExchange.exchangeName:
-                            url =
-                                "https://simpleswap.io/exchange?id=${trade.tradeId}";
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        return GestureDetector(
-                          onTap: () {
-                            launchUrl(
-                              Uri.parse(url),
-                              mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication,
-                            );
-                          },
-                          child: Text(
-                            url,
-                            style: STextStyles.link2(context),
-                          ),
-                        );
-                      }),
-                    ],
-                  ),
-                ),
-                const SizedBox(
-                  height: 12,
-                ),
-                if (isStackCoin(trade.payInCurrency) &&
-                    (trade.status == "New" ||
-                        trade.status == "new" ||
-                        trade.status == "waiting" ||
-                        trade.status == "Waiting"))
-                  SecondaryButton(
-                    label: "Send from Stack",
-                    onPressed: () {
-                      final amount = sendAmount;
-                      final address = trade.payInAddress;
-                      final coin =
-                          coinFromTickerCaseInsensitive(trade.payInCurrency);
-                      Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
-                        SendFromView.routeName,
-                        arguments: Tuple4(
-                          coin,
-                          amount,
-                          address,
-                          trade,
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 2,
-                      );
-                    },
+                      if (isDesktop)
+                        Text(
+                          trade.tradeId,
+                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                        ),
+                    ],
-              ],
+                  if (isDesktop)
+                    IconCopyButton(
+                      data: trade.tradeId,
+                    ),
+                  if (!isDesktop)
+                    Row(
+                      children: [
+                        Text(
+                          trade.tradeId,
+                          style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                        ),
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          width: 10,
+                        ),
+                        GestureDetector(
+                          onTap: () async {
+                            final data = ClipboardData(text: trade.tradeId);
+                            await clipboard.setData(data);
+                            unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                              type: FlushBarType.info,
+                              message: "Copied to clipboard",
+                              context: context,
+                            ));
+                          },
+                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                            Assets.svg.copy,
+                            color: Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .infoItemIcons,
+                            width: 12,
+                          ),
+                        )
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                ],
+              ),
-          ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
+                    height: 12,
+                  ),
+            RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              padding: isDesktop
+                  ? const EdgeInsets.all(16)
+                  : const EdgeInsets.all(12),
+              child: Column(
+                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                children: [
+                  Text(
+                    "Tracking",
+                    style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                  ),
+                  const SizedBox(
+                    height: 4,
+                  ),
+                  Builder(builder: (context) {
+                    late final String url;
+                    switch (trade.exchangeName) {
+                      case ChangeNowExchange.exchangeName:
+                        url =
+                            "https://changenow.io/exchange/txs/${trade.tradeId}";
+                        break;
+                      case SimpleSwapExchange.exchangeName:
+                        url =
+                            "https://simpleswap.io/exchange?id=${trade.tradeId}";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    return GestureDetector(
+                      onTap: () {
+                        launchUrl(
+                          Uri.parse(url),
+                          mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication,
+                        );
+                      },
+                      child: Text(
+                        url,
+                        style: STextStyles.link2(context),
+                      ),
+                    );
+                  }),
+                ],
+              ),
+            ),
+            isDesktop
+                ? const _Divider()
+                : const SizedBox(
+                    height: 12,
+                  ),
+            if (isStackCoin(trade.payInCurrency) &&
+                (trade.status == "New" ||
+                    trade.status == "new" ||
+                    trade.status == "waiting" ||
+                    trade.status == "Waiting"))
+              SecondaryButton(
+                label: "Send from Stack",
+                onPressed: () {
+                  final amount = sendAmount;
+                  final address = trade.payInAddress;
+                  final coin =
+                      coinFromTickerCaseInsensitive(trade.payInCurrency);
+                  Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
+                    SendFromView.routeName,
+                    arguments: Tuple4(
+                      coin,
+                      amount,
+                      address,
+                      trade,
+                    ),
+                  );
+                },
+              ),
+          ],
+class _Divider extends StatelessWidget {
+  const _Divider({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return Container(
+      height: 1,
+      color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/pages/pinpad_views/create_pin_view.dart b/lib/pages/pinpad_views/create_pin_view.dart
index f8b84cfb4..766f10fa5 100644
--- a/lib/pages/pinpad_views/create_pin_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/pinpad_views/create_pin_view.dart
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import 'dart:io';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/home_view/home_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/prefs_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/biometrics.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
@@ -20,15 +20,11 @@ class CreatePinView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const CreatePinView({
     Key? key,
     this.popOnSuccess = false,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
     this.biometrics = const Biometrics(),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/createPin";
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   final Biometrics biometrics;
   final bool popOnSuccess;
@@ -58,12 +54,12 @@ class _CreatePinViewState extends ConsumerState<CreatePinView> {
   final TextEditingController _pinPutController2 = TextEditingController();
   final FocusNode _pinPutFocusNode2 = FocusNode();
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late Biometrics biometrics;
   initState() {
-    _secureStore = widget.secureStore;
+    _secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
     biometrics = widget.biometrics;
diff --git a/lib/pages/pinpad_views/lock_screen_view.dart b/lib/pages/pinpad_views/lock_screen_view.dart
index 00d8b1914..60d317e21 100644
--- a/lib/pages/pinpad_views/lock_screen_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/pinpad_views/lock_screen_view.dart
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/home_view/home_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/wallet_view/wallet_view.dart';
 // import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/has_authenticated_start_state_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/prefs_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/wallets_provider.dart';
 // import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/should_show_lockscreen_on_resume_state_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ class LockscreenView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
     this.popOnSuccess = false,
     this.isInitialAppLogin = false,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
     this.biometrics = const Biometrics(),
   }) : super(key: key);
@@ -50,7 +47,6 @@ class LockscreenView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   final String biometricsAuthenticationTitle;
   final String biometricsLocalizedReason;
   final String biometricsCancelButtonString;
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   final Biometrics biometrics;
   final VoidCallback? onSuccess;
@@ -134,7 +130,7 @@ class _LockscreenViewState extends ConsumerState<LockscreenView> {
   void initState() {
     _shakeController = ShakeController();
-    _secureStore = widget.secureStore;
+    _secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
     biometrics = widget.biometrics;
     _attempts = 0;
     _timeout = Duration.zero;
@@ -162,7 +158,7 @@ class _LockscreenViewState extends ConsumerState<LockscreenView> {
   final _pinTextController = TextEditingController();
   final FocusNode _pinFocusNode = FocusNode();
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late Biometrics biometrics;
   Scaffold get _body => Scaffold(
diff --git a/lib/pages/send_view/confirm_transaction_view.dart b/lib/pages/send_view/confirm_transaction_view.dart
index 26d1231f0..0f1692c08 100644
--- a/lib/pages/send_view/confirm_transaction_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/send_view/confirm_transaction_view.dart
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/pinpad_views/lock_screen_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/sending_transaction_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/wallet_view/wallet_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_auth_send.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/wallet/public_private_balance_state_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/route_generator.dart';
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog_close_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
@@ -54,22 +57,17 @@ class _ConfirmTransactionViewState
   late final String routeOnSuccessName;
   late final bool isDesktop;
-  int _fee = 12;
-  final List<int> _dropDownItems = [
-    12,
-    22,
-    234,
-  ];
   Future<void> _attemptSend(BuildContext context) async {
-    unawaited(showDialog<dynamic>(
-      context: context,
-      useSafeArea: false,
-      barrierDismissible: false,
-      builder: (context) {
-        return const SendingTransactionDialog();
-      },
-    ));
+    unawaited(
+      showDialog<dynamic>(
+        context: context,
+        useSafeArea: false,
+        barrierDismissible: false,
+        builder: (context) {
+          return const SendingTransactionDialog();
+        },
+      ),
+    );
     final note = transactionInfo["note"] as String? ?? "";
     final manager =
@@ -122,25 +120,66 @@ class _ConfirmTransactionViewState
         useSafeArea: false,
         barrierDismissible: true,
         builder: (context) {
-          return StackDialog(
-            title: "Broadcast transaction failed",
-            message: e.toString(),
-            rightButton: TextButton(
-              style: Theme.of(context)
-                  .extension<StackColors>()!
-                  .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-              child: Text(
-                "Ok",
-                style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
-                    color: Theme.of(context)
-                        .extension<StackColors>()!
-                        .accentColorDark),
+          if (isDesktop) {
+            return DesktopDialog(
+              maxWidth: 450,
+              child: Padding(
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(32),
+                child: Column(
+                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                  children: [
+                    Text(
+                      "Broadcast transaction failed",
+                      style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 24,
+                    ),
+                    Text(
+                      e.toString(),
+                      style: STextStyles.smallMed14(context),
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(
+                      height: 56,
+                    ),
+                    Row(
+                      children: [
+                        const Spacer(),
+                        Expanded(
+                          child: PrimaryButton(
+                            desktopMed: true,
+                            label: "Ok",
+                            onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop,
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                      ],
+                    )
+                  ],
+                ),
-              onPressed: () {
-                Navigator.of(context).pop();
-              },
-            ),
-          );
+            );
+          } else {
+            return StackDialog(
+              title: "Broadcast transaction failed",
+              message: e.toString(),
+              rightButton: TextButton(
+                style: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                child: Text(
+                  "Ok",
+                  style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
+                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                          .accentColorDark),
+                ),
+                onPressed: () {
+                  Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                },
+              ),
+            );
+          }
@@ -568,32 +607,101 @@ class _ConfirmTransactionViewState
             if (isDesktop)
-                padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
-                  top: 10,
-                  left: 32,
-                  right: 32,
-                ),
-                child: DropdownButtonFormField(
-                  value: _fee,
-                  items: _dropDownItems
-                      .map(
-                        (e) => DropdownMenuItem(
-                          value: e,
-                          child: Text(
-                            e.toString(),
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                      )
-                      .toList(),
-                  onChanged: (value) {
-                    if (value is int) {
-                      setState(() {
-                        _fee = value;
-                      });
-                    }
-                  },
-                ),
-              ),
+                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                    top: 10,
+                    left: 32,
+                    right: 32,
+                  ),
+                  child: RoundedContainer(
+                    padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                      horizontal: 16,
+                      vertical: 18,
+                    ),
+                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                        .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                    child: Builder(builder: (context) {
+                      final coin = ref
+                          .watch(walletsChangeNotifierProvider
+                              .select((value) => value.getManager(walletId)))
+                          .coin;
+                      final fee = Format.satoshisToAmount(
+                        transactionInfo["fee"] as int,
+                        coin: coin,
+                      );
+                      return Text(
+                        "${Format.localizedStringAsFixed(
+                          value: fee,
+                          locale: ref.watch(localeServiceChangeNotifierProvider
+                              .select((value) => value.locale)),
+                          decimalPlaces: coin == Coin.monero
+                              ? Constants.decimalPlacesMonero
+                              : coin == Coin.wownero
+                                  ? Constants.decimalPlacesWownero
+                                  : Constants.decimalPlaces,
+                        )} ${coin.ticker}",
+                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                      );
+                    }),
+                  )
+                  // DropdownButtonHideUnderline(
+                  //   child: DropdownButton2(
+                  //     offset: const Offset(0, -10),
+                  //     isExpanded: true,
+                  //
+                  //     dropdownElevation: 0,
+                  //     value: _fee,
+                  //     items: [
+                  //       ..._dropDownItems.map(
+                  //         (e) {
+                  //           String message = _fee.toString();
+                  //
+                  //           return DropdownMenuItem(
+                  //             value: e,
+                  //             child: Text(message),
+                  //           );
+                  //         },
+                  //       ),
+                  //     ],
+                  //     onChanged: (value) {
+                  //       if (value is int) {
+                  //         setState(() {
+                  //           _fee = value;
+                  //         });
+                  //       }
+                  //     },
+                  //     icon: SvgPicture.asset(
+                  //       Assets.svg.chevronDown,
+                  //       width: 12,
+                  //       height: 6,
+                  //       color:
+                  //           Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
+                  //     ),
+                  //     buttonPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                  //       horizontal: 16,
+                  //       vertical: 8,
+                  //     ),
+                  //     buttonDecoration: BoxDecoration(
+                  //       color: Theme.of(context)
+                  //           .extension<StackColors>()!
+                  //           .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                  //       borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                  //         Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                  //       ),
+                  //     ),
+                  //     dropdownDecoration: BoxDecoration(
+                  //       color: Theme.of(context)
+                  //           .extension<StackColors>()!
+                  //           .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                  //       borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                  //         Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                  //       ),
+                  //     ),
+                  //   ),
+                  // ),
+                  ),
             if (!isDesktop) const Spacer(),
               height: isDesktop ? 23 : 12,
@@ -674,25 +782,56 @@ class _ConfirmTransactionViewState
                 label: "Send",
                 desktopMed: true,
                 onPressed: () async {
-                  final unlocked = await Navigator.push(
-                    context,
-                    RouteGenerator.getRoute(
-                      shouldUseMaterialRoute:
-                          RouteGenerator.useMaterialPageRoute,
-                      builder: (_) => const LockscreenView(
-                        showBackButton: true,
-                        popOnSuccess: true,
-                        routeOnSuccessArguments: true,
-                        routeOnSuccess: "",
-                        biometricsCancelButtonString: "CANCEL",
-                        biometricsLocalizedReason:
-                            "Authenticate to send transaction",
-                        biometricsAuthenticationTitle: "Confirm Transaction",
+                  final dynamic unlocked;
+                  if (isDesktop) {
+                    unlocked = await showDialog<bool?>(
+                      context: context,
+                      builder: (context) => DesktopDialog(
+                        maxWidth: 580,
+                        maxHeight: double.infinity,
+                        child: Column(
+                          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                          children: [
+                            Row(
+                              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
+                              children: const [
+                                DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
+                              ],
+                            ),
+                            const Padding(
+                              padding: EdgeInsets.only(
+                                left: 32,
+                                right: 32,
+                                bottom: 32,
+                              ),
+                              child: DesktopAuthSend(),
+                            ),
+                          ],
+                        ),
-                      settings:
-                          const RouteSettings(name: "/confirmsendlockscreen"),
-                    ),
-                  );
+                    );
+                  } else {
+                    unlocked = await Navigator.push(
+                      context,
+                      RouteGenerator.getRoute(
+                        shouldUseMaterialRoute:
+                            RouteGenerator.useMaterialPageRoute,
+                        builder: (_) => const LockscreenView(
+                          showBackButton: true,
+                          popOnSuccess: true,
+                          routeOnSuccessArguments: true,
+                          routeOnSuccess: "",
+                          biometricsCancelButtonString: "CANCEL",
+                          biometricsLocalizedReason:
+                              "Authenticate to send transaction",
+                          biometricsAuthenticationTitle: "Confirm Transaction",
+                        ),
+                        settings:
+                            const RouteSettings(name: "/confirmsendlockscreen"),
+                      ),
+                    );
+                  }
                   if (unlocked is bool && unlocked && mounted) {
diff --git a/lib/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/sending_transaction_dialog.dart b/lib/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/sending_transaction_dialog.dart
index 1eb106b53..e5c86fe2e 100644
--- a/lib/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/sending_transaction_dialog.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/sending_transaction_dialog.dart
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart';
 class SendingTransactionDialog extends StatefulWidget {
@@ -43,24 +46,56 @@ class _RestoringDialogState extends State<SendingTransactionDialog>
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return WillPopScope(
-      onWillPop: () async {
-        return false;
-      },
-      child: StackDialog(
-        title: "Sending transaction",
-        // // TODO get message from design team
-        // message: "<PLACEHOLDER>",
-        icon: RotationTransition(
-          turns: _spinAnimation,
-          child: SvgPicture.asset(
-            Assets.svg.arrowRotate,
-            color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.accentColorDark,
-            width: 24,
-            height: 24,
+    if (Util.isDesktop) {
+      return DesktopDialog(
+        child: Padding(
+          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(40),
+          child: Column(
+            mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+            children: [
+              Text(
+                "Sending transaction",
+                style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+              ),
+              const SizedBox(
+                height: 40,
+              ),
+              RotationTransition(
+                turns: _spinAnimation,
+                child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                  Assets.svg.arrowRotate,
+                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .accentColorDark,
+                  width: 24,
+                  height: 24,
+                ),
+              ),
+            ],
-      ),
-    );
+      );
+    } else {
+      return WillPopScope(
+        onWillPop: () async {
+          return false;
+        },
+        child: StackDialog(
+          title: "Sending transaction",
+          // // TODO get message from design team
+          // message: "<PLACEHOLDER>",
+          icon: RotationTransition(
+            turns: _spinAnimation,
+            child: SvgPicture.asset(
+              Assets.svg.arrowRotate,
+              color:
+                  Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.accentColorDark,
+              width: 24,
+              height: 24,
+            ),
+          ),
+        ),
+      );
+    }
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/advanced_views/debug_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/advanced_views/debug_view.dart
index a3aa925a0..055773ef6 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/advanced_views/debug_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/advanced_views/debug_view.dart
@@ -7,19 +7,25 @@ import 'package:event_bus/event_bus.dart';
 import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_libepiccash/git_versions.dart' as EPIC_VERSIONS;
+import 'package:flutter_libmonero/git_versions.dart' as MONERO_VERSIONS;
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
+import 'package:lelantus/git_versions.dart' as FIRO_VERSIONS;
 import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart';
-import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/log.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/debug_service_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/clipboard_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_loading_overlay.dart';
@@ -28,15 +34,6 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/textfield_icon_button.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_libepiccash/git_versions.dart' as EPIC_VERSIONS;
-import 'package:flutter_libmonero/git_versions.dart' as MONERO_VERSIONS;
-import 'package:lelantus/git_versions.dart' as FIRO_VERSIONS;
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/clipboard_interface.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 class DebugView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const DebugView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
@@ -352,10 +349,10 @@ class _DebugViewState extends ConsumerState<DebugView> {
                               text: "Save logs to file",
                               onTap: () async {
-                                final systemfile = StackFileSystem();
+                                final systemfile = SWBFileSystem();
                                 await systemfile.prepareStorage();
-                                Directory rootPath =
-                                    (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory());
+                                Directory rootPath = await StackFileSystem
+                                    .applicationRootDirectory();
                                 if (Platform.isAndroid) {
                                   rootPath = Directory("/storage/emulated/0/");
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/add_edit_node_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/add_edit_node_view.dart
index 382e3f09e..890953caf 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/add_edit_node_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/add_edit_node_view.dart
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ class AddEditNodeView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
     required this.coin,
     required this.nodeId,
     required this.routeOnSuccessOrDelete,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/addEditNode";
@@ -51,7 +48,6 @@ class AddEditNodeView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   final Coin coin;
   final String routeOnSuccessOrDelete;
   final String? nodeId;
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   ConsumerState<AddEditNodeView> createState() => _AddEditNodeViewState();
@@ -533,7 +529,7 @@ class _AddEditNodeViewState extends ConsumerState<AddEditNodeView> {
           children: [
               node: node,
-              secureStore: widget.secureStore,
+              secureStore: ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
               readOnly: false,
               coin: widget.coin,
               onChanged: (canSave, canTest) {
@@ -638,7 +634,7 @@ class NodeForm extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   }) : super(key: key);
   final NodeModel? node;
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
+  final SecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   final bool readOnly;
   final Coin coin;
   final void Function(bool canSave, bool canTestConnection)? onChanged;
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/node_details_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/node_details_view.dart
index f9b64c460..a80a64147 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/node_details_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/node_details_view.dart
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/add_edit_node_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
@@ -32,14 +32,10 @@ class NodeDetailsView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
     required this.coin,
     required this.nodeId,
     required this.popRouteName,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/nodeDetails";
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   final Coin coin;
   final String nodeId;
   final String popRouteName;
@@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ class NodeDetailsView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
 class _NodeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<NodeDetailsView> {
-  late final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
+  late final SecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   late final Coin coin;
   late final String nodeId;
   late final String popRouteName;
@@ -58,7 +54,7 @@ class _NodeDetailsViewState extends ConsumerState<NodeDetailsView> {
   initState() {
-    secureStore = widget.secureStore;
+    secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
     coin = widget.coin;
     nodeId = widget.nodeId;
     popRouteName = widget.popRouteName;
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/security_views/change_pin_view/change_pin_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/security_views/change_pin_view/change_pin_view.dart
index 39c95cad7..c88da0521 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/security_views/change_pin_view/change_pin_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/security_views/change_pin_view/change_pin_view.dart
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/security_views/security_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
@@ -11,23 +12,18 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_pin_put/custom_pin_put.dart';
-class ChangePinView extends StatefulWidget {
+class ChangePinView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const ChangePinView({
     Key? key,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/changePin";
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
-  State<ChangePinView> createState() => _ChangePinViewState();
+  ConsumerState<ChangePinView> createState() => _ChangePinViewState();
-class _ChangePinViewState extends State<ChangePinView> {
+class _ChangePinViewState extends ConsumerState<ChangePinView> {
   BoxDecoration get _pinPutDecoration {
     return BoxDecoration(
       color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textSubtitle2,
@@ -49,11 +45,11 @@ class _ChangePinViewState extends State<ChangePinView> {
   final TextEditingController _pinPutController2 = TextEditingController();
   final FocusNode _pinPutFocusNode2 = FocusNode();
-  late final FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late final SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   void initState() {
-    _secureStore = widget.secureStore;
+    _secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_auto_backup_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_auto_backup_view.dart
index 3b5dbd0b0..bf8bd40e7 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_auto_backup_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_auto_backup_view.dart
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ import 'dart:io';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/stack_wallet_backup.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/auto_backup_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/backup_frequency_type_select_sheet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/prefs_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
@@ -21,33 +21,27 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/progress_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
 import 'package:zxcvbn/zxcvbn.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 class CreateAutoBackupView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const CreateAutoBackupView({
     Key? key,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/createAutoBackup";
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackupView> createState() =>
 class _EnableAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackupView> {
-  late final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
+  late final SecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   late final TextEditingController fileLocationController;
   late final TextEditingController passwordController;
@@ -55,7 +49,7 @@ class _EnableAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackupView> {
   late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
   late final FocusNode passwordRepeatFocusNode;
-  late final StackFileSystem stackFileSystem;
+  late final SWBFileSystem stackFileSystem;
   final zxcvbn = Zxcvbn();
   String passwordFeedback =
@@ -75,8 +69,8 @@ class _EnableAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackupView> {
   void initState() {
-    secureStore = widget.secureStore;
-    stackFileSystem = StackFileSystem();
+    secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
+    stackFileSystem = SWBFileSystem();
     fileLocationController = TextEditingController();
     passwordController = TextEditingController();
     passwordRepeatController = TextEditingController();
@@ -585,7 +579,9 @@ class _EnableAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackupView> {
                               final String fileToSave =
                                   createAutoBackupFilename(pathToSave, now);
-                              final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON();
+                              final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON(
+                                secureStorage: secureStore,
+                              );
                               bool result = await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithADK(
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_backup_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_backup_view.dart
index eacdda66a..b7ee6b4be 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_backup_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_backup_view.dart
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends State<CreateBackupView> {
   late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
   late final FocusNode passwordRepeatFocusNode;
-  late final StackFileSystem stackFileSystem;
+  late final SWBFileSystem stackFileSystem;
   final zxcvbn = Zxcvbn();
   String passwordFeedback =
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends State<CreateBackupView> {
   void initState() {
-    stackFileSystem = StackFileSystem();
+    stackFileSystem = SWBFileSystem();
     fileLocationController = TextEditingController();
     passwordController = TextEditingController();
     passwordRepeatController = TextEditingController();
@@ -443,222 +444,229 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends State<CreateBackupView> {
             if (!isDesktop) const Spacer(),
-                ? TextButton(
-                    style: shouldEnableCreate
-                        ? Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context)
-                        : Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .getPrimaryDisabledButtonColor(context),
-                    onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate
-                        ? null
-                        : () async {
-                            final String pathToSave =
-                                fileLocationController.text;
-                            final String passphrase = passwordController.text;
-                            final String repeatPassphrase =
-                                passwordRepeatController.text;
+                ? Consumer(builder: (context, ref, __) {
+                    return TextButton(
+                      style: shouldEnableCreate
+                          ? Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context)
+                          : Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .getPrimaryDisabledButtonColor(context),
+                      onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate
+                          ? null
+                          : () async {
+                              final String pathToSave =
+                                  fileLocationController.text;
+                              final String passphrase = passwordController.text;
+                              final String repeatPassphrase =
+                                  passwordRepeatController.text;
-                            if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
-                              unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "Directory not chosen",
-                                context: context,
-                              ));
-                              return;
-                            }
-                            if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
-                              unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "Directory does not exist",
-                                context: context,
-                              ));
-                              return;
-                            }
-                            if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
-                              unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "A passphrase is required",
-                                context: context,
-                              ));
-                              return;
-                            }
-                            if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
-                              unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "Passphrase does not match",
-                                context: context,
-                              ));
-                              return;
-                            }
-                            unawaited(showDialog<dynamic>(
-                              context: context,
-                              barrierDismissible: false,
-                              builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
-                                title: "Encrypting backup",
-                                message: "This shouldn't take long",
-                              ),
-                            ));
-                            // make sure the dialog is able to be displayed for at least 1 second
-                            await Future<void>.delayed(
-                                const Duration(seconds: 1));
-                            final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
-                            final String fileToSave =
-                                "$pathToSave/stackbackup_${now.year}_${now.month}_${now.day}_${now.hour}_${now.minute}_${now.second}.swb";
-                            final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON();
-                            bool result =
-                                await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithPassphrase(
-                              fileToSave,
-                              passphrase,
-                              jsonEncode(backup),
-                            );
-                            if (mounted) {
-                              // pop encryption progress dialog
-                              Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                              if (result) {
-                                await showDialog<dynamic>(
+                              if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
+                                unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Directory not chosen",
                                   context: context,
-                                  barrierDismissible: false,
-                                  builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
-                                      ? StackOkDialog(
-                                          title: "Backup saved to:",
-                                          message: fileToSave,
-                                        )
-                                      : const StackOkDialog(
-                                          title: "Backup creation succeeded"),
-                                );
-                                passwordController.text = "";
-                                passwordRepeatController.text = "";
-                                setState(() {});
-                              } else {
-                                await showDialog<dynamic>(
-                                  context: context,
-                                  barrierDismissible: false,
-                                  builder: (_) => const StackOkDialog(
-                                      title: "Backup creation failed"),
-                                );
+                                ));
+                                return;
-                            }
-                          },
-                    child: Text(
-                      "Create backup",
-                      style: STextStyles.button(context),
-                    ),
-                  )
+                              if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
+                                unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Directory does not exist",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ));
+                                return;
+                              }
+                              if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
+                                unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "A passphrase is required",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ));
+                                return;
+                              }
+                              if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
+                                unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Passphrase does not match",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ));
+                                return;
+                              }
+                              unawaited(showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                context: context,
+                                barrierDismissible: false,
+                                builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
+                                  title: "Encrypting backup",
+                                  message: "This shouldn't take long",
+                                ),
+                              ));
+                              // make sure the dialog is able to be displayed for at least 1 second
+                              await Future<void>.delayed(
+                                  const Duration(seconds: 1));
+                              final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
+                              final String fileToSave =
+                                  "$pathToSave/stackbackup_${now.year}_${now.month}_${now.day}_${now.hour}_${now.minute}_${now.second}.swb";
+                              final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON(
+                                  secureStorage: ref.read(secureStoreProvider));
+                              bool result =
+                                  await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithPassphrase(
+                                fileToSave,
+                                passphrase,
+                                jsonEncode(backup),
+                              );
+                              if (mounted) {
+                                // pop encryption progress dialog
+                                Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                if (result) {
+                                  await showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                    context: context,
+                                    barrierDismissible: false,
+                                    builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
+                                        ? StackOkDialog(
+                                            title: "Backup saved to:",
+                                            message: fileToSave,
+                                          )
+                                        : const StackOkDialog(
+                                            title: "Backup creation succeeded"),
+                                  );
+                                  passwordController.text = "";
+                                  passwordRepeatController.text = "";
+                                  setState(() {});
+                                } else {
+                                  await showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                    context: context,
+                                    barrierDismissible: false,
+                                    builder: (_) => const StackOkDialog(
+                                        title: "Backup creation failed"),
+                                  );
+                                }
+                              }
+                            },
+                      child: Text(
+                        "Create backup",
+                        style: STextStyles.button(context),
+                      ),
+                    );
+                  })
                 : Row(
                     children: [
-                      PrimaryButton(
-                        width: 183,
-                        desktopMed: true,
-                        label: "Create backup",
-                        enabled: shouldEnableCreate,
-                        onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate
-                            ? null
-                            : () async {
-                                final String pathToSave =
-                                    fileLocationController.text;
-                                final String passphrase =
-                                    passwordController.text;
-                                final String repeatPassphrase =
-                                    passwordRepeatController.text;
+                      Consumer(builder: (context, ref, __) {
+                        return PrimaryButton(
+                          width: 183,
+                          desktopMed: true,
+                          label: "Create backup",
+                          enabled: shouldEnableCreate,
+                          onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate
+                              ? null
+                              : () async {
+                                  final String pathToSave =
+                                      fileLocationController.text;
+                                  final String passphrase =
+                                      passwordController.text;
+                                  final String repeatPassphrase =
+                                      passwordRepeatController.text;
-                                if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
-                                  unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                    type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                    message: "Directory not chosen",
-                                    context: context,
-                                  ));
-                                  return;
-                                }
-                                if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
-                                  unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                    type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                    message: "Directory does not exist",
-                                    context: context,
-                                  ));
-                                  return;
-                                }
-                                if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
-                                  unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                    type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                    message: "A passphrase is required",
-                                    context: context,
-                                  ));
-                                  return;
-                                }
-                                if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
-                                  unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                    type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                    message: "Passphrase does not match",
-                                    context: context,
-                                  ));
-                                  return;
-                                }
-                                unawaited(showDialog<dynamic>(
-                                  context: context,
-                                  barrierDismissible: false,
-                                  builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
-                                    title: "Encrypting backup",
-                                    message: "This shouldn't take long",
-                                  ),
-                                ));
-                                // make sure the dialog is able to be displayed for at least 1 second
-                                await Future<void>.delayed(
-                                    const Duration(seconds: 1));
-                                final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
-                                final String fileToSave =
-                                    "$pathToSave/stackbackup_${now.year}_${now.month}_${now.day}_${now.hour}_${now.minute}_${now.second}.swb";
-                                final backup =
-                                    await SWB.createStackWalletJSON();
-                                bool result =
-                                    await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithPassphrase(
-                                  fileToSave,
-                                  passphrase,
-                                  jsonEncode(backup),
-                                );
-                                if (mounted) {
-                                  // pop encryption progress dialog
-                                  Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                  if (result) {
-                                    await showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                  if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
+                                    unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                      type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                      message: "Directory not chosen",
                                       context: context,
-                                      barrierDismissible: false,
-                                      builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
-                                          ? StackOkDialog(
-                                              title: "Backup saved to:",
-                                              message: fileToSave,
-                                            )
-                                          : const StackOkDialog(
-                                              title:
-                                                  "Backup creation succeeded"),
-                                    );
-                                    passwordController.text = "";
-                                    passwordRepeatController.text = "";
-                                    setState(() {});
-                                  } else {
-                                    await showDialog<dynamic>(
-                                      context: context,
-                                      barrierDismissible: false,
-                                      builder: (_) => const StackOkDialog(
-                                          title: "Backup creation failed"),
-                                    );
+                                    ));
+                                    return;
-                                }
-                              },
-                      ),
+                                  if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
+                                    unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                      type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                      message: "Directory does not exist",
+                                      context: context,
+                                    ));
+                                    return;
+                                  }
+                                  if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
+                                    unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                      type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                      message: "A passphrase is required",
+                                      context: context,
+                                    ));
+                                    return;
+                                  }
+                                  if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
+                                    unawaited(showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                      type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                      message: "Passphrase does not match",
+                                      context: context,
+                                    ));
+                                    return;
+                                  }
+                                  unawaited(showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                    context: context,
+                                    barrierDismissible: false,
+                                    builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
+                                      title: "Encrypting backup",
+                                      message: "This shouldn't take long",
+                                    ),
+                                  ));
+                                  // make sure the dialog is able to be displayed for at least 1 second
+                                  await Future<void>.delayed(
+                                      const Duration(seconds: 1));
+                                  final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
+                                  final String fileToSave =
+                                      "$pathToSave/stackbackup_${now.year}_${now.month}_${now.day}_${now.hour}_${now.minute}_${now.second}.swb";
+                                  final backup =
+                                      await SWB.createStackWalletJSON(
+                                          secureStorage:
+                                              ref.read(secureStoreProvider));
+                                  bool result = await SWB
+                                      .encryptStackWalletWithPassphrase(
+                                    fileToSave,
+                                    passphrase,
+                                    jsonEncode(backup),
+                                  );
+                                  if (mounted) {
+                                    // pop encryption progress dialog
+                                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                    if (result) {
+                                      await showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                        context: context,
+                                        barrierDismissible: false,
+                                        builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
+                                            ? StackOkDialog(
+                                                title: "Backup saved to:",
+                                                message: fileToSave,
+                                              )
+                                            : const StackOkDialog(
+                                                title:
+                                                    "Backup creation succeeded"),
+                                      );
+                                      passwordController.text = "";
+                                      passwordRepeatController.text = "";
+                                      setState(() {});
+                                    } else {
+                                      await showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                        context: context,
+                                        barrierDismissible: false,
+                                        builder: (_) => const StackOkDialog(
+                                            title: "Backup creation failed"),
+                                      );
+                                    }
+                                  }
+                                },
+                        );
+                      }),
                       const SizedBox(
                         width: 16,
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/dialogs/cancel_stack_restore_dialog.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/dialogs/cancel_stack_restore_dialog.dart
index 16e51a35d..a9f4e134d 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/dialogs/cancel_stack_restore_dialog.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/dialogs/cancel_stack_restore_dialog.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart';
 class CancelStackRestoreDialog extends StatelessWidget {
@@ -14,38 +19,95 @@ class CancelStackRestoreDialog extends StatelessWidget {
       onWillPop: () async {
         return false;
-      child: StackDialog(
-        title: "Cancel restore process",
-        message:
-            "Cancelling will revert any changes that may have been applied",
-        leftButton: TextButton(
-          style: Theme.of(context)
-              .extension<StackColors>()!
-              .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-          child: Text(
-            "Back",
-            style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-          ),
-          onPressed: () {
-            Navigator.of(context).pop(false);
-          },
-        ),
-        rightButton: TextButton(
-          style: Theme.of(context)
-              .extension<StackColors>()!
-              .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-          child: Text(
-            "Yes, cancel",
-            style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context).copyWith(
-              color:
-                  Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.buttonTextPrimary,
+      child: !Util.isDesktop
+          ? StackDialog(
+              title: "Cancel restore process",
+              message:
+                  "Cancelling will revert any changes that may have been applied",
+              leftButton: TextButton(
+                style: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                child: Text(
+                  "Back",
+                  style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                ),
+                onPressed: () {
+                  Navigator.of(context).pop(false);
+                },
+              ),
+              rightButton: TextButton(
+                style: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                child: Text(
+                  "Yes, cancel",
+                  style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context).copyWith(
+                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                        .buttonTextPrimary,
+                  ),
+                ),
+                onPressed: () {
+                  Navigator.of(context).pop(true);
+                },
+              ),
+            )
+          : DesktopDialog(
+              maxHeight: 250,
+              maxWidth: 600,
+              child: Padding(
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                    top: 20, left: 32, right: 32, bottom: 20),
+                child: Column(
+                  children: [
+                    Text(
+                      "Cancel Restore Process",
+                      style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                    ),
+                    const SizedBox(height: 24),
+                    SizedBox(
+                      width: 500,
+                      child: RoundedContainer(
+                        color: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .snackBarBackError,
+                        child: Text(
+                          "If you cancel, the restore will not complete, and "
+                          "the wallets will not appear in your Stack.",
+                          style: STextStyles.desktopTextMedium(context),
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                    const Spacer(),
+                    Row(
+                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
+                      children: [
+                        SecondaryButton(
+                          width: 248,
+                          desktopMed: true,
+                          enabled: true,
+                          label: "Keep restoring",
+                          onPressed: () {
+                            Navigator.of(context).pop(false);
+                          },
+                        ),
+                        const SizedBox(width: 20),
+                        PrimaryButton(
+                          width: 248,
+                          desktopMed: true,
+                          enabled: true,
+                          label: "Cancel anyway",
+                          onPressed: () {
+                            Navigator.of(context).pop(true);
+                          },
+                        )
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                  ],
+                ),
+              ),
-          ),
-          onPressed: () {
-            Navigator.of(context).pop(true);
-          },
-        ),
-      ),
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/edit_auto_backup_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/edit_auto_backup_view.dart
index 105146aa0..3b6d87b52 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/edit_auto_backup_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/edit_auto_backup_view.dart
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
+import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:dropdown_button2/dropdown_button2.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/stack_wallet_backup.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/auto_backup_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/backup_frequency_type_select_sheet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/prefs_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/backup_frequency_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/progress_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
 import 'package:zxcvbn/zxcvbn.dart';
-import '../../../../utilities/util.dart';
 class EditAutoBackupView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const EditAutoBackupView({
     Key? key,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/editAutoBackup";
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   ConsumerState<EditAutoBackupView> createState() => _EditAutoBackupViewState();
 class _EditAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<EditAutoBackupView> {
-  late final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
+  late final SecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   late final TextEditingController fileLocationController;
   late final TextEditingController passwordController;
@@ -54,9 +54,17 @@ class _EditAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<EditAutoBackupView> {
   late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
   late final FocusNode passwordRepeatFocusNode;
-  late final StackFileSystem stackFileSystem;
+  late final SWBFileSystem stackFileSystem;
   final zxcvbn = Zxcvbn();
+  late BackupFrequencyType _currentDropDownValue;
+  final List<BackupFrequencyType> _dropDownItems = [
+    BackupFrequencyType.everyTenMinutes,
+    BackupFrequencyType.everyAppStart,
+    BackupFrequencyType.afterClosingAWallet,
+  ];
   String passwordFeedback =
       "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better. Use a few words, avoid common phrases. No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters.";
@@ -72,10 +80,161 @@ class _EditAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<EditAutoBackupView> {
+  void onSavePressed() async {
+    final String pathToSave = fileLocationController.text;
+    final String passphrase = passwordController.text;
+    final String repeatPassphrase = passwordRepeatController.text;
+    if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: "Directory not chosen",
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return;
+    }
+    if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: "Directory does not exist",
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return;
+    }
+    if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: "A passphrase is required",
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return;
+    }
+    if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: "Passphrase does not match",
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return;
+    }
+    unawaited(
+      showDialog<dynamic>(
+        context: context,
+        barrierDismissible: false,
+        builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
+          title: "Updating Auto Backup",
+          message: "This shouldn't take long",
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+    // make sure the dialog is able to be displayed for at least 1 second
+    final fut = Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
+    String adkString;
+    int adkVersion;
+    try {
+      final adk = await compute(generateAdk, passphrase);
+      adkString = Format.uint8listToString(adk.item2);
+      adkVersion = adk.item1;
+    } on Exception catch (e, s) {
+      String err = getErrorMessageFromSWBException(e);
+      Logging.instance.log("$err\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
+      // pop encryption progress dialog
+      Navigator.of(context).pop();
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: err,
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return;
+    } catch (e, s) {
+      Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
+      // pop encryption progress dialog
+      Navigator.of(context).pop();
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: "$e",
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return;
+    }
+    await secureStore.write(key: "auto_adk_string", value: adkString);
+    await secureStore.write(
+        key: "auto_adk_version_string", value: adkVersion.toString());
+    final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
+    final String fileToSave = createAutoBackupFilename(pathToSave, now);
+    final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON(
+      secureStorage: ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
+    );
+    bool result = await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithADK(
+      fileToSave,
+      adkString,
+      jsonEncode(backup),
+      adkVersion: adkVersion,
+    );
+    // this future should already be complete unless there was an error encrypting
+    await Future.wait([fut]);
+    if (mounted) {
+      // pop encryption progress dialog
+      Navigator.of(context).pop();
+      if (result) {
+        ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).autoBackupLocation = pathToSave;
+        ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).lastAutoBackup = now;
+        ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).isAutoBackupEnabled = true;
+        await showDialog<dynamic>(
+          context: context,
+          barrierDismissible: false,
+          builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
+              ? StackOkDialog(
+                  title: "Stack Auto Backup saved to:",
+                  message: fileToSave,
+                )
+              : const StackOkDialog(title: "Stack Auto Backup saved"),
+        );
+        if (mounted) {
+          passwordController.text = "";
+          passwordRepeatController.text = "";
+          Navigator.of(context)
+              .popUntil(ModalRoute.withName(AutoBackupView.routeName));
+        }
+      } else {
+        await showDialog<dynamic>(
+          context: context,
+          barrierDismissible: false,
+          builder: (_) =>
+              const StackOkDialog(title: "Failed to update Auto Backup"),
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
   void initState() {
-    secureStore = widget.secureStore;
-    stackFileSystem = StackFileSystem();
+    secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
+    stackFileSystem = SWBFileSystem();
     fileLocationController = TextEditingController();
     passwordController = TextEditingController();
     passwordRepeatController = TextEditingController();
@@ -83,6 +242,9 @@ class _EditAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<EditAutoBackupView> {
     fileLocationController.text =
         ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).autoBackupLocation ?? "";
+    _currentDropDownValue =
+        ref.read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).backupFrequencyType;
     passwordFocusNode = FocusNode();
     passwordRepeatFocusNode = FocusNode();
@@ -116,545 +278,509 @@ class _EditAutoBackupViewState extends ConsumerState<EditAutoBackupView> {
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType");
-    return Scaffold(
-      backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-      appBar: AppBar(
-        leading: AppBarBackButton(
-          onPressed: () {
-            Navigator.of(context).pop();
-          },
+    final isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
+    return ConditionalParent(
+      condition: !isDesktop,
+      builder: (child) => Scaffold(
+        backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+        appBar: AppBar(
+          leading: AppBarBackButton(
+            onPressed: () {
+              Navigator.of(context).pop();
+            },
+          ),
+          title: Text(
+            "Edit Auto Backup",
+            style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
+          ),
-        title: Text(
-          "Edit Auto Backup",
-          style: STextStyles.navBarTitle(context),
+        body: Padding(
+          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
+          child: LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) {
+            return SingleChildScrollView(
+              child: ConstrainedBox(
+                constraints: BoxConstraints(
+                  minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
+                ),
+                child: IntrinsicHeight(
+                  child: child,
+                ),
+              ),
+            );
+          }),
-      body: Padding(
-        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
-        child: LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) {
-          return SingleChildScrollView(
-            child: ConstrainedBox(
-              constraints: BoxConstraints(
-                minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
+      child: Column(
+        crossAxisAlignment:
+            isDesktop ? CrossAxisAlignment.start : CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
+        children: [
+          if (!isDesktop)
+            Text(
+              "Create your backup",
+              style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
+            ),
+          if (isDesktop)
+            Text(
+              "Choose file location",
+              style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraSmall(context).copyWith(
+                color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
-              child: IntrinsicHeight(
-                child: Column(
-                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
-                  children: [
-                    Text(
-                      "Create your backup",
-                      style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
-                    ),
-                    const SizedBox(
-                      height: 10,
-                    ),
-                    if (!Platform.isAndroid)
-                      TextField(
-                        autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                        enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                        onTap: Platform.isAndroid
-                            ? null
-                            : () async {
-                                try {
-                                  await stackFileSystem.prepareStorage();
+              textAlign: TextAlign.left,
+            ),
+          const SizedBox(
+            height: 10,
+          ),
+          if (!Platform.isAndroid)
+            TextField(
+              autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
+              enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
+              onTap: Platform.isAndroid
+                  ? null
+                  : () async {
+                      try {
+                        await stackFileSystem.prepareStorage();
-                                  if (mounted) {
-                                    await stackFileSystem.pickDir(context);
-                                  }
-                                  if (mounted) {
-                                    setState(() {
-                                      fileLocationController.text =
-                                          stackFileSystem.dirPath ?? "";
-                                    });
-                                  }
-                                } catch (e, s) {
-                                  Logging.instance
-                                      .log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
-                                }
-                              },
-                        controller: fileLocationController,
-                        style: STextStyles.field(context),
-                        decoration: InputDecoration(
-                          hintText: "Save to...",
-                          hintStyle: STextStyles.fieldLabel(context),
-                          suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
-                            child: Row(
-                              children: [
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 16,
-                                ),
-                                SvgPicture.asset(
-                                  Assets.svg.folder,
-                                  color: Theme.of(context)
-                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                      .textDark3,
-                                  width: 16,
-                                  height: 16,
-                                ),
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 12,
-                                ),
-                              ],
-                            ),
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                        key: const Key(
-                            "createBackupSaveToFileLocationTextFieldKey"),
-                        readOnly: true,
-                        toolbarOptions: const ToolbarOptions(
-                          copy: true,
-                          cut: false,
-                          paste: false,
-                          selectAll: false,
-                        ),
-                        onChanged: (newValue) {},
-                      ),
-                    if (!Platform.isAndroid)
-                      const SizedBox(
-                        height: 10,
-                      ),
-                    ClipRRect(
-                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                        Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
-                      ),
-                      child: TextField(
-                        key: const Key("createBackupPasswordFieldKey1"),
-                        focusNode: passwordFocusNode,
-                        controller: passwordController,
-                        style: STextStyles.field(context),
-                        obscureText: hidePassword,
-                        enableSuggestions: false,
-                        autocorrect: false,
-                        decoration: standardInputDecoration(
-                          "Create passphrase",
-                          passwordFocusNode,
-                          context,
-                        ).copyWith(
-                          suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
-                            child: Row(
-                              children: [
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 16,
-                                ),
-                                GestureDetector(
-                                  key: const Key(
-                                      "createBackupPasswordFieldShowPasswordButtonKey"),
-                                  onTap: () async {
-                                    setState(() {
-                                      hidePassword = !hidePassword;
-                                    });
-                                  },
-                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                                    hidePassword
-                                        ? Assets.svg.eye
-                                        : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
-                                    color: Theme.of(context)
-                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                        .textDark3,
-                                    width: 16,
-                                    height: 16,
-                                  ),
-                                ),
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 12,
-                                ),
-                              ],
-                            ),
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                        onChanged: (newValue) {
-                          if (newValue.isEmpty) {
-                            setState(() {
-                              passwordFeedback = "";
-                            });
-                            return;
-                          }
-                          final result = zxcvbn.evaluate(newValue);
-                          String suggestionsAndTips = "";
-                          for (var sug
-                              in result.feedback.suggestions!.toSet()) {
-                            suggestionsAndTips += "$sug\n";
-                          }
-                          suggestionsAndTips += result.feedback.warning!;
-                          String feedback =
-                              // "Password Strength: ${((result.score! / 4.0) * 100).toInt()}%\n"
-                              suggestionsAndTips;
-                          passwordStrength = result.score! / 4;
-                          // hack fix to format back string returned from zxcvbn
-                          if (feedback.contains("phrasesNo need")) {
-                            feedback = feedback.replaceFirst(
-                                "phrasesNo need", "phrases\nNo need");
-                          }
-                          if (feedback.endsWith("\n")) {
-                            feedback =
-                                feedback.substring(0, feedback.length - 2);
-                          }
+                        if (mounted) {
+                          await stackFileSystem.pickDir(context);
+                        }
+                        if (mounted) {
                           setState(() {
-                            passwordFeedback = feedback;
+                            fileLocationController.text =
+                                stackFileSystem.dirPath ?? "";
+                          });
+                        }
+                      } catch (e, s) {
+                        Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
+                      }
+                    },
+              controller: fileLocationController,
+              style: STextStyles.field(context),
+              decoration: InputDecoration(
+                hintText: "Save to...",
+                hintStyle: STextStyles.fieldLabel(context),
+                suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                  child: Row(
+                    children: [
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 16,
+                      ),
+                      SvgPicture.asset(
+                        Assets.svg.folder,
+                        color: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .textDark3,
+                        width: 16,
+                        height: 16,
+                      ),
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 12,
+                      ),
+                    ],
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ),
+              key: const Key("createBackupSaveToFileLocationTextFieldKey"),
+              readOnly: true,
+              toolbarOptions: const ToolbarOptions(
+                copy: true,
+                cut: false,
+                paste: false,
+                selectAll: false,
+              ),
+              onChanged: (newValue) {},
+            ),
+          if (isDesktop)
+            const SizedBox(
+              height: 24,
+            ),
+          if (isDesktop)
+            Text(
+              "Create a passphrase",
+              style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraSmall(context).copyWith(
+                color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
+              ),
+              textAlign: TextAlign.left,
+            ),
+          if (!Platform.isAndroid)
+            const SizedBox(
+              height: 10,
+            ),
+          ClipRRect(
+            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+              Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+            ),
+            child: TextField(
+              key: const Key("createBackupPasswordFieldKey1"),
+              focusNode: passwordFocusNode,
+              controller: passwordController,
+              style: STextStyles.field(context),
+              obscureText: hidePassword,
+              enableSuggestions: false,
+              autocorrect: false,
+              decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                "Create passphrase",
+                passwordFocusNode,
+                context,
+              ).copyWith(
+                suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                  child: Row(
+                    children: [
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 16,
+                      ),
+                      GestureDetector(
+                        key: const Key(
+                            "createBackupPasswordFieldShowPasswordButtonKey"),
+                        onTap: () async {
+                          setState(() {
+                            hidePassword = !hidePassword;
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                    if (passwordFocusNode.hasFocus ||
-                        passwordRepeatFocusNode.hasFocus ||
-                        passwordController.text.isNotEmpty)
-                      Padding(
-                        padding: EdgeInsets.only(
-                          left: 12,
-                          right: 12,
-                          top: passwordFeedback.isNotEmpty ? 4 : 0,
-                        ),
-                        child: passwordFeedback.isNotEmpty
-                            ? Text(
-                                passwordFeedback,
-                                style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context),
-                              )
-                            : null,
-                      ),
-                    if (passwordFocusNode.hasFocus ||
-                        passwordRepeatFocusNode.hasFocus ||
-                        passwordController.text.isNotEmpty)
-                      Padding(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
-                          left: 12,
-                          right: 12,
-                          top: 10,
-                        ),
-                        child: ProgressBar(
-                          key: const Key("createStackBackUpProgressBar"),
-                          width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 32 - 24,
-                          height: 5,
-                          fillColor: passwordStrength < 0.51
-                              ? Theme.of(context)
-                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                  .accentColorRed
-                              : passwordStrength < 1
-                                  ? Theme.of(context)
-                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                      .accentColorYellow
-                                  : Theme.of(context)
-                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                      .accentColorGreen,
-                          backgroundColor: Theme.of(context)
+                        child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                          hidePassword ? Assets.svg.eye : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
-                              .buttonBackSecondary,
-                          percent:
-                              passwordStrength < 0.25 ? 0.03 : passwordStrength,
+                              .textDark3,
+                          width: 16,
+                          height: 16,
-                    const SizedBox(
-                      height: 10,
-                    ),
-                    ClipRRect(
-                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                        Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 12,
-                      child: TextField(
-                        key: const Key("createBackupPasswordFieldKey2"),
-                        focusNode: passwordRepeatFocusNode,
-                        controller: passwordRepeatController,
-                        style: STextStyles.field(context),
-                        obscureText: hidePassword,
-                        enableSuggestions: false,
-                        autocorrect: false,
-                        decoration: standardInputDecoration(
-                          "Confirm passphrase",
-                          passwordRepeatFocusNode,
-                          context,
-                        ).copyWith(
-                          suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
-                            child: Row(
-                              children: [
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 16,
-                                ),
-                                GestureDetector(
-                                  key: const Key(
-                                      "createBackupPasswordFieldShowPasswordButtonKey"),
-                                  onTap: () async {
-                                    setState(() {
-                                      hidePassword = !hidePassword;
-                                    });
-                                  },
-                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                                    hidePassword
-                                        ? Assets.svg.eye
-                                        : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
-                                    color: Theme.of(context)
-                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                        .textDark3,
-                                    width: 16,
-                                    height: 16,
-                                  ),
-                                ),
-                                const SizedBox(
-                                  width: 12,
-                                ),
-                              ],
-                            ),
-                          ),
-                        ),
-                        onChanged: (newValue) {
-                          setState(() {});
-                          // TODO: ? check if passwords match?
-                        },
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                    const SizedBox(
-                      height: 32,
-                    ),
-                    Text(
-                      "Auto Backup frequency",
-                      style: STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
-                    ),
-                    const SizedBox(
-                      height: 10,
-                    ),
-                    Stack(
-                      children: [
-                        TextField(
-                          autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                          enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                          readOnly: true,
-                          textInputAction: TextInputAction.none,
-                        ),
-                        Positioned.fill(
-                          child: RawMaterialButton(
-                            splashColor: Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .highlight,
-                            shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
-                              borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                                Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
-                              ),
-                            ),
-                            onPressed: () {
-                              showModalBottomSheet<dynamic>(
-                                backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
-                                context: context,
-                                shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
-                                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
-                                    top: Radius.circular(20),
-                                  ),
-                                ),
-                                builder: (_) =>
-                                    const BackupFrequencyTypeSelectSheet(),
-                              );
-                            },
-                            child: Padding(
-                              padding:
-                                  const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12.0),
-                              child: Row(
-                                mainAxisAlignment:
-                                    MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
-                                children: [
-                                  Text(
-                                    Format.prettyFrequencyType(ref.watch(
-                                        prefsChangeNotifierProvider.select(
-                                            (value) =>
-                                                value.backupFrequencyType))),
-                                    style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                                  ),
-                                  Padding(
-                                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 4.0),
-                                    child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                                      Assets.svg.chevronDown,
-                                      color: Theme.of(context)
-                                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                          .textSubtitle2,
-                                      width: 12,
-                                      height: 6,
-                                    ),
-                                  ),
-                                ],
-                              ),
-                            ),
-                          ),
-                        )
-                      ],
-                    ),
-                    const Spacer(),
-                    const SizedBox(
-                      height: 10,
-                    ),
-                    TextButton(
-                      style: shouldEnableCreate
-                          ? Theme.of(context)
-                              .extension<StackColors>()!
-                              .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context)
-                          : Theme.of(context)
-                              .extension<StackColors>()!
-                              .getPrimaryDisabledButtonColor(context),
-                      onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate
-                          ? null
-                          : () async {
-                              final String pathToSave =
-                                  fileLocationController.text;
-                              final String passphrase = passwordController.text;
-                              final String repeatPassphrase =
-                                  passwordRepeatController.text;
+                    ],
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ),
+              onChanged: (newValue) {
+                if (newValue.isEmpty) {
+                  setState(() {
+                    passwordFeedback = "";
+                  });
+                  return;
+                }
+                final result = zxcvbn.evaluate(newValue);
+                String suggestionsAndTips = "";
+                for (var sug in result.feedback.suggestions!.toSet()) {
+                  suggestionsAndTips += "$sug\n";
+                }
+                suggestionsAndTips += result.feedback.warning!;
+                String feedback =
+                    // "Password Strength: ${((result.score! / 4.0) * 100).toInt()}%\n"
+                    suggestionsAndTips;
-                              if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
-                                showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                  message: "Directory not chosen",
-                                  context: context,
-                                );
-                                return;
-                              }
-                              if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
-                                showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                  message: "Directory does not exist",
-                                  context: context,
-                                );
-                                return;
-                              }
-                              if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
-                                showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                  message: "A passphrase is required",
-                                  context: context,
-                                );
-                                return;
-                              }
-                              if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
-                                showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                  message: "Passphrase does not match",
-                                  context: context,
-                                );
-                                return;
-                              }
+                passwordStrength = result.score! / 4;
-                              showDialog<dynamic>(
-                                context: context,
-                                barrierDismissible: false,
-                                builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
-                                  title: "Updating Auto Backup",
-                                  message: "This shouldn't take long",
-                                ),
-                              );
-                              // make sure the dialog is able to be displayed for at least 1 second
-                              final fut = Future<void>.delayed(
-                                  const Duration(seconds: 1));
+                // hack fix to format back string returned from zxcvbn
+                if (feedback.contains("phrasesNo need")) {
+                  feedback = feedback.replaceFirst(
+                      "phrasesNo need", "phrases\nNo need");
+                }
-                              String adkString;
-                              int adkVersion;
-                              try {
-                                final adk =
-                                    await compute(generateAdk, passphrase);
-                                adkString = Format.uint8listToString(adk.item2);
-                                adkVersion = adk.item1;
-                              } on Exception catch (e, s) {
-                                String err = getErrorMessageFromSWBException(e);
-                                Logging.instance
-                                    .log("$err\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
-                                // pop encryption progress dialog
-                                Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                  message: err,
-                                  context: context,
-                                );
-                                return;
-                              } catch (e, s) {
-                                Logging.instance
-                                    .log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
-                                // pop encryption progress dialog
-                                Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                  message: "$e",
-                                  context: context,
-                                );
-                                return;
-                              }
+                if (feedback.endsWith("\n")) {
+                  feedback = feedback.substring(0, feedback.length - 2);
+                }
-                              await secureStore.write(
-                                  key: "auto_adk_string", value: adkString);
-                              await secureStore.write(
-                                  key: "auto_adk_version_string",
-                                  value: adkVersion.toString());
-                              final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
-                              final String fileToSave =
-                                  createAutoBackupFilename(pathToSave, now);
-                              final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON();
-                              bool result = await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithADK(
-                                fileToSave,
-                                adkString,
-                                jsonEncode(backup),
-                                adkVersion: adkVersion,
-                              );
-                              // this future should already be complete unless there was an error encrypting
-                              await Future.wait([fut]);
-                              if (mounted) {
-                                // pop encryption progress dialog
-                                Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                                if (result) {
-                                  ref
-                                      .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
-                                      .autoBackupLocation = pathToSave;
-                                  ref
-                                      .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
-                                      .lastAutoBackup = now;
-                                  ref
-                                      .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
-                                      .isAutoBackupEnabled = true;
-                                  await showDialog<dynamic>(
-                                    context: context,
-                                    barrierDismissible: false,
-                                    builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
-                                        ? StackOkDialog(
-                                            title:
-                                                "Stack Auto Backup saved to:",
-                                            message: fileToSave,
-                                          )
-                                        : const StackOkDialog(
-                                            title: "Stack Auto Backup saved"),
-                                  );
-                                  if (mounted) {
-                                    passwordController.text = "";
-                                    passwordRepeatController.text = "";
-                                    Navigator.of(context).popUntil(
-                                        ModalRoute.withName(
-                                            AutoBackupView.routeName));
-                                  }
-                                } else {
-                                  await showDialog<dynamic>(
-                                    context: context,
-                                    barrierDismissible: false,
-                                    builder: (_) => const StackOkDialog(
-                                        title: "Failed to update Auto Backup"),
-                                  );
-                                }
-                              }
-                            },
-                      child: Text(
-                        "Save",
-                        style: STextStyles.button(context),
-                      ),
+                setState(() {
+                  passwordFeedback = feedback;
+                });
+              },
+            ),
+          ),
+          if (passwordFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+              passwordRepeatFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+              passwordController.text.isNotEmpty)
+            Padding(
+              padding: EdgeInsets.only(
+                left: 12,
+                right: 12,
+                top: passwordFeedback.isNotEmpty ? 4 : 0,
+              ),
+              child: passwordFeedback.isNotEmpty
+                  ? Text(
+                      passwordFeedback,
+                      style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context),
-                  ],
+                  : null,
+            ),
+          if (passwordFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+              passwordRepeatFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+              passwordController.text.isNotEmpty)
+            Padding(
+              padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                left: 12,
+                right: 12,
+                top: 10,
+              ),
+              child: ProgressBar(
+                key: const Key("createStackBackUpProgressBar"),
+                width: isDesktop
+                    ? 492
+                    : MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 32 - 24,
+                height: 5,
+                fillColor: passwordStrength < 0.51
+                    ? Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.accentColorRed
+                    : passwordStrength < 1
+                        ? Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .accentColorYellow
+                        : Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .accentColorGreen,
+                backgroundColor: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .buttonBackSecondary,
+                percent: passwordStrength < 0.25 ? 0.03 : passwordStrength,
+              ),
+            ),
+          SizedBox(
+            height: isDesktop ? 16 : 10,
+          ),
+          ClipRRect(
+            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+              Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+            ),
+            child: TextField(
+              key: const Key("createBackupPasswordFieldKey2"),
+              focusNode: passwordRepeatFocusNode,
+              controller: passwordRepeatController,
+              style: STextStyles.field(context),
+              obscureText: hidePassword,
+              enableSuggestions: false,
+              autocorrect: false,
+              decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                "Confirm passphrase",
+                passwordRepeatFocusNode,
+                context,
+              ).copyWith(
+                suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                  child: Row(
+                    children: [
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 16,
+                      ),
+                      GestureDetector(
+                        key: const Key(
+                            "createBackupPasswordFieldShowPasswordButtonKey"),
+                        onTap: () async {
+                          setState(() {
+                            hidePassword = !hidePassword;
+                          });
+                        },
+                        child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                          hidePassword ? Assets.svg.eye : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .textDark3,
+                          width: 16,
+                          height: 16,
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 12,
+                      ),
+                    ],
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ),
+              onChanged: (newValue) {
+                setState(() {});
+                // TODO: ? check if passwords match?
+              },
+            ),
+          ),
+          SizedBox(
+            height: isDesktop ? 24 : 32,
+          ),
+          Text(
+            "Auto Backup frequency",
+            style: isDesktop
+                ? STextStyles.desktopTextExtraSmall(context).copyWith(
+                    color:
+                        Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
+                  )
+                : STextStyles.smallMed12(context),
+          ),
+          const SizedBox(
+            height: 10,
+          ),
+          if (isDesktop)
+            DropdownButtonHideUnderline(
+              child: DropdownButton2(
+                offset: const Offset(0, -10),
+                isExpanded: true,
+                dropdownElevation: 0,
+                value: _currentDropDownValue,
+                items: [
+                  ..._dropDownItems.map(
+                    (e) {
+                      String message = "";
+                      switch (e) {
+                        case BackupFrequencyType.everyTenMinutes:
+                          message = "Every 10 minutes";
+                          break;
+                        case BackupFrequencyType.everyAppStart:
+                          message = "Every app startup";
+                          break;
+                        case BackupFrequencyType.afterClosingAWallet:
+                          message = "After closing a cryptocurrency wallet";
+                          break;
+                      }
+                      return DropdownMenuItem(
+                        value: e,
+                        child: Text(message),
+                      );
+                    },
+                  ),
+                ],
+                onChanged: (value) {
+                  if (value is BackupFrequencyType) {
+                    if (ref
+                            .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                            .backupFrequencyType !=
+                        value) {
+                      ref
+                          .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                          .backupFrequencyType = value;
+                    }
+                    setState(() {
+                      _currentDropDownValue = value;
+                    });
+                  }
+                },
+                icon: SvgPicture.asset(
+                  Assets.svg.chevronDown,
+                  width: 10,
+                  height: 5,
+                  color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
+                ),
+                buttonPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                  horizontal: 16,
+                  vertical: 8,
+                ),
+                buttonDecoration: BoxDecoration(
+                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                    Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                  ),
+                ),
+                dropdownDecoration: BoxDecoration(
+                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                    Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                  ),
-          );
-        }),
+          if (!isDesktop)
+            Stack(
+              children: [
+                TextField(
+                  autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
+                  enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
+                  readOnly: true,
+                  textInputAction: TextInputAction.none,
+                ),
+                Positioned.fill(
+                  child: RawMaterialButton(
+                    splashColor:
+                        Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.highlight,
+                    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
+                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                        Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                    onPressed: () {
+                      showModalBottomSheet<dynamic>(
+                        backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
+                        context: context,
+                        shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
+                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
+                            top: Radius.circular(20),
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                        builder: (_) => const BackupFrequencyTypeSelectSheet(),
+                      );
+                    },
+                    child: Padding(
+                      padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12.0),
+                      child: Row(
+                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                        children: [
+                          Text(
+                            Format.prettyFrequencyType(ref.watch(
+                                prefsChangeNotifierProvider.select(
+                                    (value) => value.backupFrequencyType))),
+                            style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                          ),
+                          Padding(
+                            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 4.0),
+                            child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                              Assets.svg.chevronDown,
+                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                  .textSubtitle2,
+                              width: 12,
+                              height: 6,
+                            ),
+                          ),
+                        ],
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                )
+              ],
+            ),
+          if (!isDesktop) const Spacer(),
+          SizedBox(
+            height: isDesktop ? 24 : 10,
+          ),
+          if (isDesktop)
+            Row(
+              children: [
+                Expanded(
+                  child: SecondaryButton(
+                    label: "Cancel",
+                    desktopMed: true,
+                    onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop,
+                  ),
+                ),
+                const SizedBox(
+                  width: 16,
+                ),
+                Expanded(
+                  child: PrimaryButton(
+                    label: "Save",
+                    desktopMed: true,
+                    enabled: shouldEnableCreate,
+                    onPressed: onSavePressed,
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ],
+            ),
+          if (!isDesktop)
+            TextButton(
+              style: shouldEnableCreate
+                  ? Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context)
+                  : Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .getPrimaryDisabledButtonColor(context),
+              onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate ? null : onSavePressed,
+              child: Text(
+                "Save",
+                style: STextStyles.button(context),
+              ),
+            )
+        ],
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart
index 6d803eb6d..3d599f717 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart
@@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'dart:typed_data';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/stack_wallet_backup.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/contact.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/contact_address_entry.dart';
@@ -91,10 +88,13 @@ abstract class SWB {
   static bool _shouldCancelRestore = false;
-  static bool _checkShouldCancel(PreRestoreState? revertToState) {
+  static bool _checkShouldCancel(
+    PreRestoreState? revertToState,
+    SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
+  ) {
     if (_shouldCancelRestore) {
       if (revertToState != null) {
-        _revert(revertToState);
+        _revert(revertToState, secureStorageInterface);
       } else {
         _shouldCancelRestore = false;
@@ -193,15 +193,15 @@ abstract class SWB {
   /// [secureStorage] parameter exposed for testing purposes
   static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> createStackWalletJSON({
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStorage,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStorage,
   }) async {
         .log("Starting createStackWalletJSON...", level: LogLevel.Info);
     final _wallets = Wallets.sharedInstance;
     Map<String, dynamic> backupJson = {};
-    NodeService nodeService = NodeService();
-    final _secureStore =
-        secureStorage ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    NodeService nodeService =
+        NodeService(secureStorageInterface: secureStorage);
+    final _secureStore = secureStorage;
     Logging.instance.log("createStackWalletJSON awaiting DB.instance.mutex...",
         level: LogLevel.Info);
@@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ abstract class SWB {
     Map<String, dynamic> validJSON,
     StackRestoringUIState? uiState,
     Map<String, String> oldToNewWalletIdMap,
+    SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
   ) async {
     Map<String, dynamic> prefs = validJSON["prefs"] as Map<String, dynamic>;
     List<dynamic>? addressBookEntries =
@@ -486,7 +487,11 @@ abstract class SWB {
       "SWB restoring nodes",
       level: LogLevel.Warning,
-    await _restoreNodes(nodes, primaryNodes);
+    await _restoreNodes(
+      nodes,
+      primaryNodes,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    );
     uiState?.nodes = StackRestoringStatus.success;
     uiState?.trades = StackRestoringStatus.restoring;
@@ -543,6 +548,7 @@ abstract class SWB {
   static Future<bool?> restoreStackWalletJSON(
     String jsonBackup,
     StackRestoringUIState? uiState,
+    SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
   ) async {
     if (!Platform.isLinux) await Wakelock.enable();
@@ -550,7 +556,8 @@ abstract class SWB {
       "SWB creating temp backup",
       level: LogLevel.Warning,
-    final preRestoreJSON = await createStackWalletJSON();
+    final preRestoreJSON =
+        await createStackWalletJSON(secureStorage: secureStorageInterface);
       "SWB temp backup created",
       level: LogLevel.Warning,
@@ -587,19 +594,34 @@ abstract class SWB {
     // basic cancel check here
     // no reverting required yet as nothing has been written to store
-    if (_checkShouldCancel(null)) {
+    if (_checkShouldCancel(
+      null,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    )) {
       return false;
-    await _restoreEverythingButWallets(validJSON, uiState, oldToNewWalletIdMap);
+    await _restoreEverythingButWallets(
+      validJSON,
+      uiState,
+      oldToNewWalletIdMap,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    );
     // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-    if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+    if (_checkShouldCancel(
+      preRestoreState,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    )) {
       return false;
-    final nodeService = NodeService();
-    final walletsService = WalletsService();
+    final nodeService = NodeService(
+      secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface,
+    );
+    final walletsService = WalletsService(
+      secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface,
+    );
     final _prefs = Prefs.instance;
     await _prefs.init();
@@ -609,7 +631,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
     for (var walletbackup in wallets) {
       // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-      if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+      if (_checkShouldCancel(
+        preRestoreState,
+        secureStorageInterface,
+      )) {
         return false;
@@ -647,7 +672,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
       final failovers = nodeService.failoverNodesFor(coin: coin);
       // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-      if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+      if (_checkShouldCancel(
+        preRestoreState,
+        secureStorageInterface,
+      )) {
         return false;
@@ -655,6 +683,7 @@ abstract class SWB {
+        secureStorageInterface,
@@ -665,7 +694,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
       managers.add(Tuple2(walletbackup, manager));
       // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-      if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+      if (_checkShouldCancel(
+        preRestoreState,
+        secureStorageInterface,
+      )) {
         return false;
@@ -679,7 +711,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
     // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-    if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+    if (_checkShouldCancel(
+      preRestoreState,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    )) {
       return false;
@@ -690,7 +725,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
     // start restoring wallets
     for (final tuple in managers) {
       // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-      if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+      if (_checkShouldCancel(
+        preRestoreState,
+        secureStorageInterface,
+      )) {
         return false;
       final bools = await asyncRestore(tuple, uiState, walletsService);
@@ -698,13 +736,19 @@ abstract class SWB {
     // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-    if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+    if (_checkShouldCancel(
+      preRestoreState,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    )) {
       return false;
     for (Future<bool> status in restoreStatuses) {
       // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-      if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+      if (_checkShouldCancel(
+        preRestoreState,
+        secureStorageInterface,
+      )) {
         return false;
       await status;
@@ -712,7 +756,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
     if (!Platform.isLinux) await Wakelock.disable();
     // check if cancel was requested and restore previous state
-    if (_checkShouldCancel(preRestoreState)) {
+    if (_checkShouldCancel(
+      preRestoreState,
+      secureStorageInterface,
+    )) {
       return false;
@@ -720,7 +767,10 @@ abstract class SWB {
     return true;
-  static Future<void> _revert(PreRestoreState revertToState) async {
+  static Future<void> _revert(
+    PreRestoreState revertToState,
+    SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
+  ) async {
     Map<String, dynamic> prefs =
         revertToState.validJSON["prefs"] as Map<String, dynamic>;
     List<dynamic>? addressBookEntries =
@@ -788,7 +838,9 @@ abstract class SWB {
     // nodes
-    NodeService nodeService = NodeService();
+    NodeService nodeService = NodeService(
+      secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface,
+    );
     final currentNodes = nodeService.nodes;
     if (nodes == null) {
       // no pre nodes found so we delete all but defaults
@@ -914,7 +966,8 @@ abstract class SWB {
     // finally remove any added wallets
-    final walletsService = WalletsService();
+    final walletsService =
+        WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface);
     final namesData = await walletsService.walletNames;
     for (final entry in namesData.entries) {
       if (!revertToState.walletIds.contains(entry.value.walletId)) {
@@ -989,8 +1042,11 @@ abstract class SWB {
   static Future<void> _restoreNodes(
     List<dynamic>? nodes,
     List<dynamic>? primaryNodes,
+    SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
   ) async {
-    NodeService nodeService = NodeService();
+    NodeService nodeService = NodeService(
+      secureStorageInterface: secureStorageInterface,
+    );
     if (nodes != null) {
       for (var node in nodes) {
         await nodeService.add(
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart
similarity index 81%
rename from lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart
rename to lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart
index e57c5493f..e88e11dfe 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
 import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
-class StackFileSystem {
+class SWBFileSystem {
   Directory? rootPath;
   Directory? startPath;
   String? filePath;
   String? dirPath;
-  final bool isDesktop = !(Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS);
+  final bool isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
   Future<Directory> prepareStorage() async {
     if (Platform.isAndroid) {
@@ -25,11 +26,20 @@ class StackFileSystem {
-    Directory sampleFolder =
-        Directory('${rootPath!.path}Documents/Stack_backups');
+    late Directory sampleFolder;
     if (Platform.isIOS) {
       sampleFolder = Directory(rootPath!.path);
+    } else if (Platform.isAndroid) {
+      sampleFolder = Directory('${rootPath!.path}Documents/Stack_backups');
+    } else if (Platform.isLinux) {
+      sampleFolder = Directory('${rootPath!.path}/Stack_backups');
+    } else if (Platform.isWindows) {
+      sampleFolder = Directory('${rootPath!.path}/Stack_backups');
+    } else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
+      sampleFolder = Directory('${rootPath!.path}/Stack_backups');
     try {
       if (!sampleFolder.existsSync()) {
         sampleFolder.createSync(recursive: true);
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/restore_from_file_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/restore_from_file_view.dart
index ee1fcf666..c5ccfa6b3 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/restore_from_file_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/restore_from_file_view.dart
@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/stack_restore_progress_view.dart';
-// import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/restore_backup_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/route_generator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
@@ -44,24 +43,13 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreFromFileView> {
   late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
-  late final StackFileSystem stackFileSystem;
+  late final SWBFileSystem stackFileSystem;
   bool hidePassword = true;
-  Future<void> restoreBackupPopup(BuildContext context) async {
-    // await showDialog<dynamic>(
-    //   context: context,
-    //   useSafeArea: false,
-    //   barrierDismissible: true,
-    //   builder: (context) {
-    //     return const RestoreBackupDialog();
-    //   },
-    // );
-  }
   void initState() {
-    stackFileSystem = StackFileSystem();
+    stackFileSystem = SWBFileSystem();
     fileLocationController = TextEditingController();
     passwordController = TextEditingController();
@@ -237,7 +225,7 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreFromFileView> {
                   enableSuggestions: false,
                   autocorrect: false,
                   decoration: standardInputDecoration(
-                    "Enter password",
+                    "Enter passphrase",
@@ -534,7 +522,7 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreFromFileView> {
                                                                     const EdgeInsets
                                                                 child: Text(
-                                                                  "Restoring Stack Wallet",
+                                                                  "Restore Stack Wallet",
                                                                   style: STextStyles
@@ -546,12 +534,10 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreFromFileView> {
                                                               const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
-                                                          const SizedBox(
-                                                            height: 30,
-                                                          ),
-                                                            padding: EdgeInsets
-                                                                .symmetric(
+                                                            padding:
+                                                                const EdgeInsets
+                                                                        .symmetric(
@@ -560,6 +546,9 @@ class _RestoreFromFileViewState extends ConsumerState<RestoreFromFileView> {
+                                                          const SizedBox(
+                                                            height: 32,
+                                                          ),
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/stack_restore_progress_view.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/stack_restore_progress_view.dart
index 7dec4e740..e34def23d 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/stack_restore_progress_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_views/stack_restore_progress_view.dart
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_back
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/stack_backup_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_widgets/restoring_item_card.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_widgets/restoring_wallet_card.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/stack_restore/stack_restoring_ui_state_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
@@ -19,10 +20,13 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/conditional_parent.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/icon_widgets/addressbook_icon.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/loading_indicator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
+import '../../../../../widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
 class StackRestoreProgressView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const StackRestoreProgressView({
     Key? key,
@@ -100,6 +104,30 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
       context: context,
       builder: (_) => const CancelStackRestoreDialog(),
+    // : await Row(
+    //     children: [
+    //       SecondaryButton(
+    //         width: 248,
+    //         desktopMed: true,
+    //         enabled: true,
+    //         label: "Keep restoring",
+    //         onPressed: () {
+    //           false;
+    //         },
+    //       ),
+    //       const SizedBox(width: 16),
+    //       PrimaryButton(
+    //         width: 248,
+    //         desktopMed: true,
+    //         enabled: true,
+    //         label: "Cancel anyway",
+    //         onPressed: () {
+    //           true;
+    //         },
+    //       )
+    //     ],
+    //   );
     if (result is bool && result) {
       return true;
@@ -115,6 +143,7 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
       finished = await SWB.restoreStackWalletJSON(
+        ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
     } catch (e, s) {
       Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
@@ -128,6 +157,7 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
   bool _success = false;
+  bool pendingCancel = false;
   Future<bool> _onWillPop() async {
     if (_success) {
@@ -239,7 +269,7 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
             left: 4,
             top: 4,
             right: 4,
-            bottom: 0,
+            bottom: 4,
           child: Column(
             crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
@@ -255,40 +285,84 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
                 builder: (_, ref, __) {
                   final state = ref.watch(stackRestoringUIStateProvider
                       .select((value) => value.preferences));
-                  return RestoringItemCard(
-                    left: SizedBox(
-                      width: 32,
-                      height: 32,
-                      child: RoundedContainer(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
-                        color: Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .buttonBackSecondary,
-                        child: Center(
-                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                            Assets.svg.gear,
-                            width: 16,
-                            height: 16,
-                            color: Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .accentColorDark,
+                  return !isDesktop
+                      ? RestoringItemCard(
+                          left: SizedBox(
+                            width: 32,
+                            height: 32,
+                            child: RoundedContainer(
+                              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                  .buttonBackSecondary,
+                              child: Center(
+                                child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                  Assets.svg.gear,
+                                  width: 16,
+                                  height: 16,
+                                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                      .accentColorDark,
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                    right: SizedBox(
-                      width: 20,
-                      height: 20,
-                      child: _getIconForState(state),
-                    ),
-                    title: "Preferences",
-                    subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-                        ? Text(
-                            "Something went wrong",
-                            style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
-                          )
-                        : null,
-                  );
+                          right: SizedBox(
+                            width: 20,
+                            height: 20,
+                            child: _getIconForState(state),
+                          ),
+                          title: "Preferences",
+                          subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                              ? Text(
+                                  "Something went wrong",
+                                  style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                )
+                              : null,
+                        )
+                      : RoundedContainer(
+                          padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .popupBG,
+                          borderColor: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .background,
+                          child: RestoringItemCard(
+                            left: SizedBox(
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                              child: RoundedContainer(
+                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .buttonBackSecondary,
+                                child: Center(
+                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                    Assets.svg.gear,
+                                    width: 16,
+                                    height: 16,
+                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                        .accentColorDark,
+                                  ),
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            right: SizedBox(
+                              width: 20,
+                              height: 20,
+                              child: _getIconForState(state),
+                            ),
+                            title: "Preferences",
+                            subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                                ? Text(
+                                    "Something went wrong",
+                                    style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                  )
+                                : null,
+                          ),
+                        );
               const SizedBox(
@@ -298,39 +372,82 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
                 builder: (_, ref, __) {
                   final state = ref.watch(stackRestoringUIStateProvider
                       .select((value) => value.addressBook));
-                  return RestoringItemCard(
-                    left: SizedBox(
-                      width: 32,
-                      height: 32,
-                      child: RoundedContainer(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
-                        color: Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .buttonBackSecondary,
-                        child: Center(
-                          child: AddressBookIcon(
-                            width: 16,
-                            height: 16,
-                            color: Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .accentColorDark,
+                  return !isDesktop
+                      ? RestoringItemCard(
+                          left: SizedBox(
+                            width: 32,
+                            height: 32,
+                            child: RoundedContainer(
+                              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                  .buttonBackSecondary,
+                              child: Center(
+                                child: AddressBookIcon(
+                                  width: 16,
+                                  height: 16,
+                                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                      .accentColorDark,
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                    right: SizedBox(
-                      width: 20,
-                      height: 20,
-                      child: _getIconForState(state),
-                    ),
-                    title: "Address book",
-                    subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-                        ? Text(
-                            "Something went wrong",
-                            style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
-                          )
-                        : null,
-                  );
+                          right: SizedBox(
+                            width: 20,
+                            height: 20,
+                            child: _getIconForState(state),
+                          ),
+                          title: "Address book",
+                          subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                              ? Text(
+                                  "Something went wrong",
+                                  style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                )
+                              : null,
+                        )
+                      : RoundedContainer(
+                          padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .popupBG,
+                          borderColor: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .background,
+                          child: RestoringItemCard(
+                            left: SizedBox(
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                              child: RoundedContainer(
+                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .buttonBackSecondary,
+                                child: Center(
+                                  child: AddressBookIcon(
+                                    width: 16,
+                                    height: 16,
+                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                        .accentColorDark,
+                                  ),
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            right: SizedBox(
+                              width: 20,
+                              height: 20,
+                              child: _getIconForState(state),
+                            ),
+                            title: "Address book",
+                            subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                                ? Text(
+                                    "Something went wrong",
+                                    style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                  )
+                                : null,
+                          ),
+                        );
               const SizedBox(
@@ -340,40 +457,83 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
                 builder: (_, ref, __) {
                   final state = ref.watch(stackRestoringUIStateProvider
                       .select((value) => value.nodes));
-                  return RestoringItemCard(
-                    left: SizedBox(
-                      width: 32,
-                      height: 32,
-                      child: RoundedContainer(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
-                        color: Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .buttonBackSecondary,
-                        child: Center(
-                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                            Assets.svg.node,
-                            width: 16,
-                            height: 16,
-                            color: Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .accentColorDark,
+                  return !isDesktop
+                      ? RestoringItemCard(
+                          left: SizedBox(
+                            width: 32,
+                            height: 32,
+                            child: RoundedContainer(
+                              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                  .buttonBackSecondary,
+                              child: Center(
+                                child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                  Assets.svg.node,
+                                  width: 16,
+                                  height: 16,
+                                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                      .accentColorDark,
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                    right: SizedBox(
-                      width: 20,
-                      height: 20,
-                      child: _getIconForState(state),
-                    ),
-                    title: "Nodes",
-                    subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-                        ? Text(
-                            "Something went wrong",
-                            style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
-                          )
-                        : null,
-                  );
+                          right: SizedBox(
+                            width: 20,
+                            height: 20,
+                            child: _getIconForState(state),
+                          ),
+                          title: "Nodes",
+                          subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                              ? Text(
+                                  "Something went wrong",
+                                  style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                )
+                              : null,
+                        )
+                      : RoundedContainer(
+                          padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .popupBG,
+                          borderColor: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .background,
+                          child: RestoringItemCard(
+                            left: SizedBox(
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                              child: RoundedContainer(
+                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .buttonBackSecondary,
+                                child: Center(
+                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                    Assets.svg.node,
+                                    width: 16,
+                                    height: 16,
+                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                        .accentColorDark,
+                                  ),
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            right: SizedBox(
+                              width: 20,
+                              height: 20,
+                              child: _getIconForState(state),
+                            ),
+                            title: "Nodes",
+                            subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                                ? Text(
+                                    "Something went wrong",
+                                    style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                  )
+                                : null,
+                          ));
               const SizedBox(
@@ -383,40 +543,86 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
                 builder: (_, ref, __) {
                   final state = ref.watch(stackRestoringUIStateProvider
                       .select((value) => value.trades));
-                  return RestoringItemCard(
-                    left: SizedBox(
-                      width: 32,
-                      height: 32,
-                      child: RoundedContainer(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
-                        color: Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .buttonBackSecondary,
-                        child: Center(
-                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                            Assets.svg.arrowRotate2,
-                            width: 16,
-                            height: 16,
-                            color: Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .accentColorDark,
+                  return !isDesktop
+                      ? Container(
+                          child: RestoringItemCard(
+                            left: SizedBox(
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                              child: RoundedContainer(
+                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .buttonBackSecondary,
+                                child: Center(
+                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                    Assets.svg.arrowRotate2,
+                                    width: 16,
+                                    height: 16,
+                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                        .accentColorDark,
+                                  ),
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            right: SizedBox(
+                              width: 20,
+                              height: 20,
+                              child: _getIconForState(state),
+                            ),
+                            title: "Exchange history",
+                            subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                                ? Text(
+                                    "Something went wrong",
+                                    style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                  )
+                                : null,
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                    right: SizedBox(
-                      width: 20,
-                      height: 20,
-                      child: _getIconForState(state),
-                    ),
-                    title: "Exchange history",
-                    subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-                        ? Text(
-                            "Something went wrong",
-                            style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
-                          )
-                        : null,
-                  );
+                        )
+                      : RoundedContainer(
+                          padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .popupBG,
+                          borderColor: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .background,
+                          child: RestoringItemCard(
+                            left: SizedBox(
+                              width: 32,
+                              height: 32,
+                              child: RoundedContainer(
+                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .buttonBackSecondary,
+                                child: Center(
+                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                    Assets.svg.arrowRotate2,
+                                    width: 16,
+                                    height: 16,
+                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                        .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                        .accentColorDark,
+                                  ),
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            right: SizedBox(
+                              width: 20,
+                              height: 20,
+                              child: _getIconForState(state),
+                            ),
+                            title: "Exchange history",
+                            subTitle: state == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                                ? Text(
+                                    "Something went wrong",
+                                    style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                                  )
+                                : null,
+                          ),
+                        );
               const SizedBox(
@@ -446,28 +652,55 @@ class _StackRestoreProgressViewState
                 width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 32,
-                child: TextButton(
-                  onPressed: () async {
-                    if (_success) {
-                      Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                    } else {
-                      if (await _requestCancel()) {
-                        await _cancel();
-                      }
-                    }
-                  },
-                  style: Theme.of(context)
-                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                      .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-                  child: Text(
-                    _success ? "OK" : "Cancel restore process",
-                    style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
-                      color: Theme.of(context)
-                          .extension<StackColors>()!
-                          .buttonTextPrimary,
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                ),
+                child: !isDesktop
+                    ? TextButton(
+                        onPressed: () async {
+                          if (_success) {
+                            Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                          } else {
+                            if (await _requestCancel()) {
+                              await _cancel();
+                            }
+                          }
+                        },
+                        style: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                        child: Text(
+                          _success ? "OK" : "Cancel restore process",
+                          style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
+                            color: Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .buttonTextPrimary,
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                      )
+                    : Row(
+                        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
+                        children: [
+                          _success
+                              ? PrimaryButton(
+                                  width: 248,
+                                  desktopMed: true,
+                                  enabled: true,
+                                  label: "Done",
+                                  onPressed: () async {
+                                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                  },
+                                )
+                              : SecondaryButton(
+                                  width: 248,
+                                  desktopMed: true,
+                                  enabled: true,
+                                  label: "Cancel restore process",
+                                  onPressed: () async {
+                                    if (await _requestCancel()) {
+                                      await _cancel();
+                                    }
+                                  },
+                                ),
+                        ],
+                      ),
diff --git a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_widgets/restoring_wallet_card.dart b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_widgets/restoring_wallet_card.dart
index 55f0588d2..2239eee71 100644
--- a/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_widgets/restoring_wallet_card.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/sub_widgets/restoring_wallet_card.dart
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/stack_restoring_status.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/loading_indicator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
@@ -68,140 +69,287 @@ class _RestoringWalletCardState extends ConsumerState<RestoringWalletCard> {
     final coin = ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.coin));
     final restoringStatus =
         ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.restoringState));
-    return RestoringItemCard(
-      left: SizedBox(
-        width: 32,
-        height: 32,
-        child: RoundedContainer(
-          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
-          color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.colorForCoin(coin),
-          child: Center(
-            child: SvgPicture.asset(
-              Assets.svg.iconFor(
-                coin: coin,
-              ),
-              height: 20,
-              width: 20,
-            ),
-          ),
-        ),
-      ),
-      onRightTapped: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-          ? () async {
-              final manager = ref.read(provider).manager!;
-              ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
-                  walletId: manager.walletId,
-                  restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.restoring);
-              try {
-                final mnemonicList = await manager.mnemonic;
-                int maxUnusedAddressGap = 20;
-                if (coin == Coin.firo) {
-                  maxUnusedAddressGap = 50;
-                }
-                const maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck = 1000;
-                if (mnemonicList.isEmpty) {
-                  await manager.recoverFromMnemonic(
-                    mnemonic: ref.read(provider).mnemonic!,
-                    maxUnusedAddressGap: maxUnusedAddressGap,
-                    maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
-                    height: ref.read(provider).height ?? 0,
-                  );
-                } else {
-                  await manager.fullRescan(
-                    maxUnusedAddressGap,
-                    maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
-                  );
-                }
-                if (mounted) {
-                  final address = await manager.currentReceivingAddress;
-                  ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
-                        walletId: manager.walletId,
-                        restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.success,
-                        address: address,
-                      );
-                }
-              } catch (_) {
-                if (mounted) {
-                  ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
-                        walletId: manager.walletId,
-                        restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.failed,
-                      );
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          : null,
-      right: SizedBox(
-        width: 20,
-        height: 20,
-        child: _getIconForState(
-          ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.restoringState)),
-        ),
-      ),
-      title:
-          "${ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.walletName))} (${coin.ticker})",
-      subTitle: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-          ? Text(
-              "Unable to restore. Tap icon to retry.",
-              style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
-            )
-          : ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.address)) != null
-              ? Text(
-                  ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.address))!,
-                  style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context),
-                )
-              : null,
-      button: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
-          ? Container(
-              height: 20,
-              decoration: BoxDecoration(
+    return !Util.isDesktop
+        ? RestoringItemCard(
+            left: SizedBox(
+              width: 32,
+              height: 32,
+              child: RoundedContainer(
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
                 color: Theme.of(context)
-                    .buttonBackSecondary,
-                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                  1000,
-                ),
-              ),
-              child: RawMaterialButton(
-                materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
-                splashColor:
-                    Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.highlight,
-                shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
-                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                    1000,
+                    .colorForCoin(coin),
+                child: Center(
+                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                    Assets.svg.iconFor(
+                      coin: coin,
+                    ),
+                    height: 20,
+                    width: 20,
-                onPressed: () async {
-                  final mnemonic = ref.read(provider).mnemonic;
+              ),
+            ),
+            onRightTapped: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                ? () async {
+                    final manager = ref.read(provider).manager!;
-                  if (mnemonic != null) {
-                    Navigator.of(context).push(
-                      RouteGenerator.getRoute(
-                        builder: (_) => RecoverPhraseView(
-                          walletName: ref.read(provider).walletName,
-                          mnemonic: mnemonic.split(" "),
+                    ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
+                        walletId: manager.walletId,
+                        restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.restoring);
+                    try {
+                      final mnemonicList = await manager.mnemonic;
+                      int maxUnusedAddressGap = 20;
+                      if (coin == Coin.firo) {
+                        maxUnusedAddressGap = 50;
+                      }
+                      const maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck = 1000;
+                      if (mnemonicList.isEmpty) {
+                        await manager.recoverFromMnemonic(
+                          mnemonic: ref.read(provider).mnemonic!,
+                          maxUnusedAddressGap: maxUnusedAddressGap,
+                          maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
+                          height: ref.read(provider).height ?? 0,
+                        );
+                      } else {
+                        await manager.fullRescan(
+                          maxUnusedAddressGap,
+                          maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
+                        );
+                      }
+                      if (mounted) {
+                        final address = await manager.currentReceivingAddress;
+                        ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
+                              walletId: manager.walletId,
+                              restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.success,
+                              address: address,
+                            );
+                      }
+                    } catch (_) {
+                      if (mounted) {
+                        ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
+                              walletId: manager.walletId,
+                              restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.failed,
+                            );
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                : null,
+            right: SizedBox(
+              width: 20,
+              height: 20,
+              child: _getIconForState(
+                ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.restoringState)),
+              ),
+            ),
+            title:
+                "${ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.walletName))} (${coin.ticker})",
+            subTitle: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                ? Text(
+                    "Unable to restore. Tap icon to retry.",
+                    style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                  )
+                : ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.address)) != null
+                    ? Text(
+                        ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.address))!,
+                        style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context),
+                      )
+                    : null,
+            button: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                ? Container(
+                    height: 20,
+                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
+                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                          .buttonBackSecondary,
+                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                        1000,
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                    child: RawMaterialButton(
+                      materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
+                      splashColor:
+                          Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.highlight,
+                      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
+                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                          1000,
-                    );
-                  }
-                },
-                child: Padding(
-                  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
-                  child: Text(
-                    "Show recovery phrase",
-                    style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context).copyWith(
-                        color: Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .accentColorDark),
+                      onPressed: () async {
+                        final mnemonic = ref.read(provider).mnemonic;
+                        if (mnemonic != null) {
+                          Navigator.of(context).push(
+                            RouteGenerator.getRoute(
+                              builder: (_) => RecoverPhraseView(
+                                walletName: ref.read(provider).walletName,
+                                mnemonic: mnemonic.split(" "),
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                          );
+                        }
+                      },
+                      child: Padding(
+                        padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
+                        child: Text(
+                          "Show recovery phrase",
+                          style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context).copyWith(
+                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                  .accentColorDark),
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                  )
+                : null,
+          )
+        : RoundedContainer(
+            padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
+            color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.popupBG,
+            borderColor: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+            child: RestoringItemCard(
+              left: SizedBox(
+                width: 32,
+                height: 32,
+                child: RoundedContainer(
+                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
+                  color: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .colorForCoin(coin),
+                  child: Center(
+                    child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                      Assets.svg.iconFor(
+                        coin: coin,
+                      ),
+                      height: 20,
+                      width: 20,
+                    ),
-            )
-          : null,
-    );
+              onRightTapped: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                  ? () async {
+                      final manager = ref.read(provider).manager!;
+                      ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
+                          walletId: manager.walletId,
+                          restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.restoring);
+                      try {
+                        final mnemonicList = await manager.mnemonic;
+                        int maxUnusedAddressGap = 20;
+                        if (coin == Coin.firo) {
+                          maxUnusedAddressGap = 50;
+                        }
+                        const maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck = 1000;
+                        if (mnemonicList.isEmpty) {
+                          await manager.recoverFromMnemonic(
+                            mnemonic: ref.read(provider).mnemonic!,
+                            maxUnusedAddressGap: maxUnusedAddressGap,
+                            maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck:
+                                maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
+                            height: ref.read(provider).height ?? 0,
+                          );
+                        } else {
+                          await manager.fullRescan(
+                            maxUnusedAddressGap,
+                            maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
+                          );
+                        }
+                        if (mounted) {
+                          final address = await manager.currentReceivingAddress;
+                          ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
+                                walletId: manager.walletId,
+                                restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.success,
+                                address: address,
+                              );
+                        }
+                      } catch (_) {
+                        if (mounted) {
+                          ref.read(stackRestoringUIStateProvider).update(
+                                walletId: manager.walletId,
+                                restoringStatus: StackRestoringStatus.failed,
+                              );
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  : null,
+              right: SizedBox(
+                width: 20,
+                height: 20,
+                child: _getIconForState(
+                  ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.restoringState)),
+                ),
+              ),
+              title:
+                  "${ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.walletName))} (${coin.ticker})",
+              subTitle: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                  ? Text(
+                      "Unable to restore. Tap icon to retry.",
+                      style: STextStyles.errorSmall(context),
+                    )
+                  : ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.address)) != null
+                      ? Text(
+                          ref.watch(provider.select((value) => value.address))!,
+                          style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context),
+                        )
+                      : null,
+              button: restoringStatus == StackRestoringStatus.failed
+                  ? Container(
+                      height: 20,
+                      decoration: BoxDecoration(
+                        color: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .buttonBackSecondary,
+                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                          1000,
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                      child: RawMaterialButton(
+                        materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
+                        splashColor: Theme.of(context)
+                            .extension<StackColors>()!
+                            .highlight,
+                        shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
+                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                            1000,
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                        onPressed: () async {
+                          final mnemonic = ref.read(provider).mnemonic;
+                          if (mnemonic != null) {
+                            Navigator.of(context).push(
+                              RouteGenerator.getRoute(
+                                builder: (_) => RecoverPhraseView(
+                                  walletName: ref.read(provider).walletName,
+                                  mnemonic: mnemonic.split(" "),
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            );
+                          }
+                        },
+                        child: Padding(
+                          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
+                          child: Text(
+                            "Show recovery phrase",
+                            style: STextStyles.infoSmall(context).copyWith(
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .accentColorDark),
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                    )
+                  : null,
+            ),
+          );
diff --git a/lib/pages/wallet_view/sub_widgets/transactions_list.dart b/lib/pages/wallet_view/sub_widgets/transactions_list.dart
index d23d3082f..11353c7c6 100644
--- a/lib/pages/wallet_view/sub_widgets/transactions_list.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/wallet_view/sub_widgets/transactions_list.dart
@@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/pages/exchange_view/trade_details_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/wallet_view/sub_widgets/no_transactions_found.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/trades_service_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/wallets_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/route_generator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/manager.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog_close_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/loading_indicator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/trade_card.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/transaction_card.dart';
@@ -94,18 +98,79 @@ class _TransactionsListState extends ConsumerState<TransactionsList> {
               // this may mess with combined firo transactions
               key: Key(tx.toString() + trade.uuid), //
               trade: trade,
-              onTap: () {
-                unawaited(
-                  Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
-                    TradeDetailsView.routeName,
-                    arguments: Tuple4(
-                      trade.tradeId,
-                      tx,
-                      widget.walletId,
-                      ref.read(managerProvider).walletName,
+              onTap: () async {
+                if (Util.isDesktop) {
+                  await showDialog<void>(
+                    context: context,
+                    builder: (context) => Navigator(
+                      initialRoute: TradeDetailsView.routeName,
+                      onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
+                      onGenerateInitialRoutes: (_, __) {
+                        return [
+                          FadePageRoute(
+                            DesktopDialog(
+                              // maxHeight:
+                              //     MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 64,
+                              maxHeight: double.infinity,
+                              maxWidth: 580,
+                              child: Column(
+                                mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                                children: [
+                                  Padding(
+                                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                                      left: 32,
+                                      bottom: 16,
+                                    ),
+                                    child: Row(
+                                      mainAxisAlignment:
+                                          MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                                      children: [
+                                        Text(
+                                          "Trade details",
+                                          style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                                        ),
+                                        DesktopDialogCloseButton(
+                                          onPressedOverride: Navigator.of(
+                                            context,
+                                            rootNavigator: true,
+                                          ).pop,
+                                        ),
+                                      ],
+                                    ),
+                                  ),
+                                  Flexible(
+                                    child: TradeDetailsView(
+                                      tradeId: trade.tradeId,
+                                      transactionIfSentFromStack: tx,
+                                      walletName:
+                                          ref.read(managerProvider).walletName,
+                                      walletId: widget.walletId,
+                                    ),
+                                  ),
+                                ],
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                            const RouteSettings(
+                              name: TradeDetailsView.routeName,
+                            ),
+                          ),
+                        ];
+                      },
-                  ),
-                );
+                  );
+                } else {
+                  unawaited(
+                    Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
+                      TradeDetailsView.routeName,
+                      arguments: Tuple4(
+                        trade.tradeId,
+                        tx,
+                        widget.walletId,
+                        ref.read(managerProvider).walletName,
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                  );
+                }
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/create_password/create_password_view.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/create_password/create_password_view.dart
index 0a8429058..c29fc3de6 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/create_password/create_password_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/create_password/create_password_view.dart
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/storage_crypto_handler_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
@@ -23,15 +23,10 @@ import 'package:zxcvbn/zxcvbn.dart';
 class CreatePasswordView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const CreatePasswordView({
     Key? key,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/createPasswordDesktop";
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   ConsumerState<CreatePasswordView> createState() => _CreatePasswordViewState();
@@ -79,7 +74,13 @@ class _CreatePasswordViewState extends ConsumerState<CreatePasswordView> {
     try {
+      if (await ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).hasPassword()) {
+        throw Exception(
+            "Tried creating a new password and attempted to overwrite an existing entry!");
+      }
       await ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).initFromNew(passphrase);
+      await (ref.read(secureStoreProvider).store as DesktopSecureStore).init();
     } catch (e) {
         type: FlushBarType.warning,
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/desktop_login_view.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/desktop_login_view.dart
index fe05d719f..93a281bf8 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/desktop_login_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/desktop_login_view.dart
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/forgot_password_desktop_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/storage_crypto_handler_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart';
@@ -11,21 +19,23 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_scaffold.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
-class DesktopLoginView extends StatefulWidget {
+class DesktopLoginView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const DesktopLoginView({
     Key? key,
+    this.load,
   }) : super(key: key);
   static const String routeName = "/desktopLogin";
   final String? startupWalletId;
+  final Future<void> Function()? load;
-  State<DesktopLoginView> createState() => _DesktopLoginViewState();
+  ConsumerState<DesktopLoginView> createState() => _DesktopLoginViewState();
-class _DesktopLoginViewState extends State<DesktopLoginView> {
+class _DesktopLoginViewState extends ConsumerState<DesktopLoginView> {
   late final TextEditingController passwordController;
   late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
@@ -33,6 +43,34 @@ class _DesktopLoginViewState extends State<DesktopLoginView> {
   bool hidePassword = true;
   bool _continueEnabled = false;
+  Future<void> login() async {
+    try {
+      await ref
+          .read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider)
+          .initFromExisting(passwordController.text);
+      await (ref.read(secureStoreProvider).store as DesktopSecureStore).init();
+      await widget.load?.call();
+      // if no errors passphrase is correct
+      if (mounted) {
+        unawaited(
+          Navigator.of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(
+            DesktopHomeView.routeName,
+            (route) => false,
+          ),
+        );
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      await showFloatingFlushBar(
+        type: FlushBarType.warning,
+        message: e.toString(),
+        context: context,
+      );
+    }
+  }
   void initState() {
     passwordController = TextEditingController();
@@ -153,14 +191,7 @@ class _DesktopLoginViewState extends State<DesktopLoginView> {
                   label: "Continue",
                   enabled: _continueEnabled,
-                  onPressed: () {
-                    // todo auth
-                    Navigator.of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(
-                      DesktopHomeView.routeName,
-                      (route) => false,
-                    );
-                  },
+                  onPressed: login,
                 const SizedBox(
                   height: 60,
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/address_book_view/desktop_address_book.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/address_book_view/desktop_address_book.dart
index 3622fcf1e..e375bbcc7 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/address_book_view/desktop_address_book.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/address_book_view/desktop_address_book.dart
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/models/contact.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/address_book_views/subviews/add_address_book_entry_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/address_book_views/subviews/address_book_filter_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/wallets_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_app_bar.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/icon_widgets/x_icon.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/textfield_icon_button.dart';
@@ -24,8 +31,43 @@ class _DesktopAddressBook extends ConsumerState<DesktopAddressBook> {
   late final FocusNode _searchFocusNode;
+  List<Contact>? _cache;
+  List<Contact>? _cacheFav;
+  late bool hasContacts = false;
   String filter = "";
+  Future<void> selectCryptocurrency() async {
+    await showDialog<dynamic>(
+      context: context,
+      useSafeArea: false,
+      barrierDismissible: true,
+      builder: (context) {
+        return const DesktopDialog(
+          maxHeight: 609,
+          maxWidth: 576,
+          child: AddressBookFilterView(),
+        );
+      },
+    );
+  }
+  Future<void> newContact() async {
+    await showDialog<dynamic>(
+      context: context,
+      useSafeArea: false,
+      barrierDismissible: true,
+      builder: (context) {
+        return const DesktopDialog(
+          maxHeight: 609,
+          maxWidth: 576,
+          child: AddAddressBookEntryView(),
+        );
+      },
+    );
+  }
   void initState() {
     _searchController = TextEditingController();
@@ -46,9 +88,11 @@ class _DesktopAddressBook extends ConsumerState<DesktopAddressBook> {
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType");
     final hasWallets = ref.watch(walletsChangeNotifierProvider).hasWallets;
+    final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
     return Column(
       mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
       children: [
           isCompactHeight: true,
@@ -67,72 +111,148 @@ class _DesktopAddressBook extends ConsumerState<DesktopAddressBook> {
         const SizedBox(height: 53),
           padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24),
-          child: Row(
-            children: [
-              SizedBox(
-                height: 60,
-                width: 489,
-                child: ClipRRect(
-                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                    Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
-                  ),
-                  child: TextField(
-                    autocorrect: false,
-                    enableSuggestions: false,
-                    controller: _searchController,
-                    focusNode: _searchFocusNode,
-                    onChanged: (newString) {
-                      setState(() => filter = newString);
-                    },
-                    style: STextStyles.field(context),
-                    decoration: standardInputDecoration(
-                      "Search...",
-                      _searchFocusNode,
-                      context,
-                    ).copyWith(
-                      labelStyle: STextStyles.fieldLabel(context)
-                          .copyWith(fontSize: 16),
-                      prefixIcon: Padding(
-                        padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
-                          horizontal: 10,
-                          vertical: 16,
+          child: RoundedContainer(
+            color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+            child: Row(
+              children: [
+                SizedBox(
+                  height: 60,
+                  width: size.width - 800,
+                  child: ClipRRect(
+                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                      Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                    ),
+                    child: TextField(
+                      autocorrect: false,
+                      enableSuggestions: false,
+                      controller: _searchController,
+                      focusNode: _searchFocusNode,
+                      onChanged: (newString) {
+                        setState(() => filter = newString);
+                      },
+                      style: STextStyles.field(context),
+                      decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                        "Search...",
+                        _searchFocusNode,
+                        context,
+                      ).copyWith(
+                        labelStyle: STextStyles.fieldLabel(context)
+                            .copyWith(fontSize: 16),
+                        prefixIcon: Padding(
+                          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                            horizontal: 10,
+                            vertical: 16,
+                          ),
+                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                            Assets.svg.search,
+                            width: 16,
+                            height: 16,
+                          ),
-                        child: SvgPicture.asset(
-                          Assets.svg.search,
-                          width: 16,
-                          height: 16,
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                      suffixIcon: _searchController.text.isNotEmpty
-                          ? Padding(
-                              padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 0),
-                              child: UnconstrainedBox(
-                                child: Row(
-                                  children: [
-                                    TextFieldIconButton(
-                                      child: const XIcon(),
-                                      onTap: () async {
-                                        setState(() {
-                                          _searchController.text = "";
-                                          filter = "";
-                                        });
-                                      },
-                                    ),
-                                  ],
+                        suffixIcon: _searchController.text.isNotEmpty
+                            ? Padding(
+                                padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 0),
+                                child: UnconstrainedBox(
+                                  child: Row(
+                                    children: [
+                                      TextFieldIconButton(
+                                        child: const XIcon(),
+                                        onTap: () async {
+                                          setState(() {
+                                            _searchController.text = "";
+                                            filter = "";
+                                          });
+                                        },
+                                      ),
+                                    ],
+                                  ),
-                              ),
-                            )
-                          : null,
+                              )
+                            : null,
+                      ),
-              ),
-            ],
+                const SizedBox(width: 20),
+                TextButton(
+                  style: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .getDesktopMenuButtonColorSelected(context),
+                  onPressed: () {
+                    selectCryptocurrency();
+                  },
+                  child: SizedBox(
+                    width: 200,
+                    height: 56,
+                    child: Row(
+                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
+                      children: [
+                        Padding(
+                          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10),
+                          child: SvgPicture.asset(Assets.svg.filter),
+                        ),
+                        Text(
+                          "Filter",
+                          style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                              .copyWith(
+                            color: Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .textDark,
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                ),
+                const SizedBox(width: 20),
+                TextButton(
+                  style: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                  onPressed: () {
+                    newContact();
+                  },
+                  child: SizedBox(
+                    width: 200,
+                    height: 56,
+                    child: Row(
+                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
+                      children: [
+                        Padding(
+                          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10),
+                          child: SvgPicture.asset(Assets.svg.circlePlus),
+                        ),
+                        Text(
+                          "Add new",
+                          style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context)
+                              .copyWith(
+                            color: Theme.of(context)
+                                .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                .popupBG,
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ],
+            ),
+          ),
+        ),
+        Padding(
+          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24, vertical: 26),
+          child: SizedBox(
+            width: 489,
+            child: RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              child: Center(
+                child: Text(
+                  "Your contacts will appear here",
+                  style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
+                ),
+              ),
+            ),
-        // Expanded(
-        //   child: hasWallets ? const MyWallets() : const EmptyWallets(),
-        // ),
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart
index cb8aba255..b1c35f00b 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/address_book_view/deskto
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_settings_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/my_stack_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/notifications/desktop_notifications_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/support_and_about_view/desktop_about_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/support_and_about_view/desktop_support_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/current_desktop_menu_item.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/notifications_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/ui/unread_notifications_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/route_generator.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
@@ -19,45 +23,73 @@ class DesktopHomeView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
 class _DesktopHomeViewState extends ConsumerState<DesktopHomeView> {
-  int currentViewIndex = 0;
-  final List<Widget> contentViews = [
-    const Navigator(
+  final Map<DesktopMenuItemId, Widget> contentViews = {
+    DesktopMenuItemId.myStack: const Navigator(
       key: Key("desktopStackHomeKey"),
       onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
       initialRoute: MyStackView.routeName,
-    Container(
-      color: Colors.green,
+    // Container(
+    //   // todo: exchange
+    //   color: Colors.green,
+    // ),
+    DesktopMenuItemId.notifications: const Navigator(
+      key: Key("desktopNotificationsHomeKey"),
+      onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
+      initialRoute: DesktopNotificationsView.routeName,
-    Container(
-      color: Colors.red,
-    ),
-    const Navigator(
+    DesktopMenuItemId.addressBook: const Navigator(
       key: Key("desktopAddressBookHomeKey"),
       onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
       initialRoute: DesktopAddressBook.routeName,
-    const Navigator(
+    DesktopMenuItemId.settings: const Navigator(
       key: Key("desktopSettingHomeKey"),
       onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
       initialRoute: DesktopSettingsView.routeName,
-    const Navigator(
+    DesktopMenuItemId.support: const Navigator(
       key: Key("desktopSupportHomeKey"),
       onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
       initialRoute: DesktopSupportView.routeName,
-    const Navigator(
+    DesktopMenuItemId.about: const Navigator(
       key: Key("desktopAboutHomeKey"),
       onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
       initialRoute: DesktopAboutView.routeName,
-  ];
+  };
-  void onMenuSelectionChanged(int newIndex) {
-    setState(() {
-      currentViewIndex = newIndex;
-    });
+  void onMenuSelectionWillChange(DesktopMenuItemId newKey) {
+    // check for unread notifications and refresh provider before
+    // showing notifications view
+    if (newKey == DesktopMenuItemId.notifications) {
+      ref.refresh(unreadNotificationsStateProvider);
+    }
+    // mark notifications as read if leaving notifications view
+    if (ref.read(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state ==
+            DesktopMenuItemId.notifications &&
+        newKey != DesktopMenuItemId.notifications) {
+      final Set<int> unreadNotificationIds =
+          ref.read(unreadNotificationsStateProvider.state).state;
+      if (unreadNotificationIds.isNotEmpty) {
+        List<Future<void>> futures = [];
+        for (int i = 0; i < unreadNotificationIds.length - 1; i++) {
+          futures.add(ref
+              .read(notificationsProvider)
+              .markAsRead(unreadNotificationIds.elementAt(i), false));
+        }
+        // wait for multiple to update if any
+        Future.wait(futures).then((_) {
+          // only notify listeners once
+          ref
+              .read(notificationsProvider)
+              .markAsRead(unreadNotificationIds.last, true);
+        });
+      }
+    }
@@ -67,14 +99,16 @@ class _DesktopHomeViewState extends ConsumerState<DesktopHomeView> {
       child: Row(
         children: [
-            onSelectionChanged: onMenuSelectionChanged,
+            // onSelectionChanged: onMenuSelectionChanged,
+            onSelectionWillChange: onMenuSelectionWillChange,
             width: 1,
             color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
-            child: contentViews[currentViewIndex],
+            child: contentViews[
+                ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state]!,
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu.dart
index 7409a4156..bdaa1d6ce 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu.dart
@@ -4,17 +4,30 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu_item.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/current_desktop_menu_item.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+enum DesktopMenuItemId {
+  myStack,
+  exchange,
+  notifications,
+  addressBook,
+  settings,
+  support,
+  about,
 class DesktopMenu extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const DesktopMenu({
     Key? key,
-    required this.onSelectionChanged,
+    this.onSelectionChanged,
+    this.onSelectionWillChange,
   }) : super(key: key);
-  final void Function(int)? onSelectionChanged;
+  final void Function(DesktopMenuItemId)? onSelectionChanged;
+  final void Function(DesktopMenuItemId)? onSelectionWillChange;
   ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> createState() => _DesktopMenuState();
@@ -25,13 +38,13 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
   static const minimizedWidth = 72.0;
   double _width = expandedWidth;
-  int selectedMenuItem = 0;
-  void updateSelectedMenuItem(int index) {
-    setState(() {
-      selectedMenuItem = index;
-    });
-    widget.onSelectionChanged?.call(index);
+  void updateSelectedMenuItem(DesktopMenuItemId idKey) {
+    widget.onSelectionWillChange?.call(idKey);
+    ref.read(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state = idKey;
+    widget.onSelectionChanged?.call(idKey);
   void toggleMinimize() {
@@ -85,7 +98,10 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                         width: 20,
                         height: 20,
-                        color: 0 == selectedMenuItem
+                        color: DesktopMenuItemId.myStack ==
+                                ref
+                                    .watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state)
+                                    .state
                             ? Theme.of(context)
@@ -95,43 +111,47 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "My Stack",
-                      value: 0,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
-                      onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
-                      iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
-                    ),
-                    const SizedBox(
-                      height: 2,
-                    ),
-                    DesktopMenuItem(
-                      icon: SvgPicture.asset(
-                        Assets.svg.exchangeDesktop,
-                        width: 20,
-                        height: 20,
-                        color: 1 == selectedMenuItem
-                            ? Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .textDark
-                            : Theme.of(context)
-                                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                                .textDark
-                                .withOpacity(0.8),
-                      ),
-                      label: "Exchange",
-                      value: 1,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      value: DesktopMenuItemId.myStack,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
                       iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
                     const SizedBox(
                       height: 2,
+                    // DesktopMenuItem(
+                    //   icon: SvgPicture.asset(
+                    //     Assets.svg.exchangeDesktop,
+                    //     width: 20,
+                    //     height: 20,
+                    //     color: DesktopMenuItemId.exchange == ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state
+                    //         ? Theme.of(context)
+                    //             .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    //             .textDark
+                    //         : Theme.of(context)
+                    //             .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    //             .textDark
+                    //             .withOpacity(0.8),
+                    //   ),
+                    //   label: "Exchange",
+                    //   value: DesktopMenuItemId.exchange,
+                    //   group: ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
+                    //   onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
+                    //   iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
+                    // ),
+                    // const SizedBox(
+                    //   height: 2,
+                    // ),
                       icon: SvgPicture.asset(
                         width: 20,
                         height: 20,
-                        color: 2 == selectedMenuItem
+                        color: DesktopMenuItemId.notifications ==
+                                ref
+                                    .watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state)
+                                    .state
                             ? Theme.of(context)
@@ -141,8 +161,9 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "Notifications",
-                      value: 2,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      value: DesktopMenuItemId.notifications,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
                       iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
@@ -154,7 +175,10 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                         width: 20,
                         height: 20,
-                        color: 3 == selectedMenuItem
+                        color: DesktopMenuItemId.addressBook ==
+                                ref
+                                    .watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state)
+                                    .state
                             ? Theme.of(context)
@@ -164,8 +188,9 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "Address Book",
-                      value: 3,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      value: DesktopMenuItemId.addressBook,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
                       iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
@@ -177,7 +202,10 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                         width: 20,
                         height: 20,
-                        color: 4 == selectedMenuItem
+                        color: DesktopMenuItemId.settings ==
+                                ref
+                                    .watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state)
+                                    .state
                             ? Theme.of(context)
@@ -187,8 +215,9 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "Settings",
-                      value: 4,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      value: DesktopMenuItemId.settings,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
                       iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
@@ -200,7 +229,10 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                         width: 20,
                         height: 20,
-                        color: 5 == selectedMenuItem
+                        color: DesktopMenuItemId.support ==
+                                ref
+                                    .watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state)
+                                    .state
                             ? Theme.of(context)
@@ -210,8 +242,9 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "Support",
-                      value: 5,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      value: DesktopMenuItemId.support,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
                       iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
@@ -223,7 +256,10 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                         width: 20,
                         height: 20,
-                        color: 6 == selectedMenuItem
+                        color: DesktopMenuItemId.about ==
+                                ref
+                                    .watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state)
+                                    .state
                             ? Theme.of(context)
@@ -233,8 +269,9 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "About",
-                      value: 6,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      value: DesktopMenuItemId.about,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: updateSelectedMenuItem,
                       iconOnly: _width == minimizedWidth,
@@ -251,7 +288,8 @@ class _DesktopMenuState extends ConsumerState<DesktopMenu> {
                       label: "Exit",
                       value: 7,
-                      group: selectedMenuItem,
+                      group:
+                          ref.watch(currentDesktopMenuItemProvider.state).state,
                       onChanged: (_) {
                         // todo: save stuff/ notify before exit?
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_auth_send.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_auth_send.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..566a82b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_auth_send.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/storage_crypto_handler_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
+class DesktopAuthSend extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
+  const DesktopAuthSend({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
+  @override
+  ConsumerState<DesktopAuthSend> createState() => _DesktopAuthSendState();
+class _DesktopAuthSendState extends ConsumerState<DesktopAuthSend> {
+  late final TextEditingController passwordController;
+  late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
+  bool hidePassword = true;
+  bool _confirmEnabled = false;
+  Future<bool> verifyPassphrase() async {
+    return await ref
+        .read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider)
+        .verifyPassphrase(passwordController.text);
+  }
+  @override
+  void initState() {
+    passwordController = TextEditingController();
+    passwordFocusNode = FocusNode();
+    super.initState();
+  }
+  @override
+  void dispose() {
+    passwordController.dispose();
+    passwordFocusNode.dispose();
+    super.dispose();
+  }
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return Column(
+      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+      children: [
+        SvgPicture.asset(
+          Assets.svg.keys,
+          width: 100,
+        ),
+        const SizedBox(
+          height: 56,
+        ),
+        Text(
+          "Confirm transaction",
+          style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+        ),
+        const SizedBox(
+          height: 16,
+        ),
+        Text(
+          "Enter your wallet password to send BTC",
+          style: STextStyles.desktopTextMedium(context).copyWith(
+            color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
+          ),
+        ),
+        const SizedBox(
+          height: 24,
+        ),
+        ClipRRect(
+          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+            Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+          ),
+          child: TextField(
+            key: const Key("desktopLoginPasswordFieldKey"),
+            focusNode: passwordFocusNode,
+            controller: passwordController,
+            style: STextStyles.desktopTextMedium(context).copyWith(
+              height: 2,
+            ),
+            obscureText: hidePassword,
+            enableSuggestions: false,
+            autocorrect: false,
+            decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+              "Enter password",
+              passwordFocusNode,
+              context,
+            ).copyWith(
+              suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                child: SizedBox(
+                  height: 70,
+                  child: Row(
+                    children: [
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 24,
+                      ),
+                      GestureDetector(
+                        key: const Key(
+                            "restoreFromFilePasswordFieldShowPasswordButtonKey"),
+                        onTap: () async {
+                          setState(() {
+                            hidePassword = !hidePassword;
+                          });
+                        },
+                        child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                          hidePassword ? Assets.svg.eye : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
+                          color: Theme.of(context)
+                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                              .textDark3,
+                          width: 24,
+                          height: 24,
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 12,
+                      ),
+                    ],
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ),
+            ),
+            onChanged: (newValue) {
+              setState(() {
+                _confirmEnabled = passwordController.text.isNotEmpty;
+              });
+            },
+          ),
+        ),
+        const SizedBox(
+          height: 48,
+        ),
+        Row(
+          children: [
+            Expanded(
+              child: SecondaryButton(
+                label: "Cancel",
+                desktopMed: true,
+                onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop,
+              ),
+            ),
+            const SizedBox(
+              width: 16,
+            ),
+            Expanded(
+              child: PrimaryButton(
+                enabled: _confirmEnabled,
+                label: "Confirm",
+                desktopMed: true,
+                onPressed: () async {
+                  // TODO show spinner while verifying passphrase
+                  final passwordIsValid = await verifyPassphrase();
+                  if (mounted) {
+                    Navigator.of(context).pop(passwordIsValid);
+                  }
+                },
+              ),
+            ),
+          ],
+        )
+      ],
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_send.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_send.dart
index 710bc8685..071122def 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_send.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/desktop_send.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
+import 'package:dropdown_button2/dropdown_button2.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
@@ -9,8 +10,8 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/models/contact_address_entry.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/send_view_auto_fill_data.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/send_view/confirm_transaction_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/building_transaction_dialog.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/firo_balance_selection_sheet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/send_view/sub_widgets/transaction_fee_selection_sheet.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_home_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/address_book_address_chooser/address_book_address_chooser.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/ui/fee_rate_type_state_provider.dart';
@@ -332,6 +333,7 @@ class _DesktopSendState extends ConsumerState<DesktopSend> {
               child: ConfirmTransactionView(
                 transactionInfo: txData,
                 walletId: walletId,
+                routeOnSuccessName: DesktopHomeView.routeName,
@@ -550,13 +552,13 @@ class _DesktopSendState extends ConsumerState<DesktopSend> {
   Future<String?> _firoBalanceFuture(
     ChangeNotifierProvider<Manager> provider,
     String locale,
+    bool private,
   ) async {
     final wallet = ref.read(provider).wallet as FiroWallet?;
     if (wallet != null) {
       Decimal? balance;
-      if (ref.read(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state ==
-          "Private") {
+      if (private) {
         balance = await wallet.availablePrivateBalance();
       } else {
         balance = await wallet.availablePublicBalance();
@@ -572,24 +574,21 @@ class _DesktopSendState extends ConsumerState<DesktopSend> {
   Widget firoBalanceFutureBuilder(
     BuildContext context,
     AsyncSnapshot<String?> snapshot,
+    bool private,
   ) {
     if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done && snapshot.hasData) {
-      if (ref.read(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state ==
-          "Private") {
+      if (private) {
         _privateBalanceString = snapshot.data!;
       } else {
         _publicBalanceString = snapshot.data!;
-    if (ref.read(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state == "Private" &&
-        _privateBalanceString != null) {
+    if (private && _privateBalanceString != null) {
       return Text(
         "$_privateBalanceString ${coin.ticker}",
         style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
-    } else if (ref.read(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state ==
-            "Public" &&
-        _publicBalanceString != null) {
+    } else if (!private && _publicBalanceString != null) {
       return Text(
         "$_publicBalanceString ${coin.ticker}",
         style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle(context),
@@ -889,71 +888,95 @@ class _DesktopSendState extends ConsumerState<DesktopSend> {
             height: 10,
         if (coin == Coin.firo)
-          Stack(
-            children: [
-              TextField(
-                autocorrect: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                enableSuggestions: Util.isDesktop ? false : true,
-                readOnly: true,
-                textInputAction: TextInputAction.none,
-              ),
-              Padding(
-                padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
-                  horizontal: 12,
-                ),
-                child: RawMaterialButton(
-                  splashColor:
-                      Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.highlight,
-                  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
-                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
-                      Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                  onPressed: () {
-                    showModalBottomSheet<dynamic>(
-                      backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
-                      context: context,
-                      shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(
-                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
-                          top: Radius.circular(20),
-                        ),
-                      ),
-                      builder: (_) => FiroBalanceSelectionSheet(
-                        walletId: walletId,
-                      ),
-                    );
-                  },
+          DropdownButtonHideUnderline(
+            child: DropdownButton2(
+              offset: const Offset(0, -10),
+              isExpanded: true,
+              dropdownElevation: 0,
+              value: ref.watch(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state,
+              items: [
+                DropdownMenuItem(
+                  value: "Private",
                   child: Row(
-                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                     children: [
-                      Row(
-                        children: [
-                          Text(
-                            "${ref.watch(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state} balance",
-                            style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                          ),
-                          const SizedBox(
-                            width: 10,
-                          ),
-                          FutureBuilder(
-                            future: _firoBalanceFuture(provider, locale),
-                            builder: firoBalanceFutureBuilder,
-                          ),
-                        ],
+                      Text(
+                        "Private balance",
+                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
-                      SvgPicture.asset(
-                        Assets.svg.chevronDown,
-                        width: 8,
-                        height: 4,
-                        color: Theme.of(context)
-                            .extension<StackColors>()!
-                            .textSubtitle2,
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 10,
+                      ),
+                      FutureBuilder(
+                        future: _firoBalanceFuture(provider, locale, true),
+                        builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<String?> snapshot) =>
+                            firoBalanceFutureBuilder(
+                          context,
+                          snapshot,
+                          true,
+                        ),
-              )
-            ],
+                DropdownMenuItem(
+                  value: "Public",
+                  child: Row(
+                    children: [
+                      Text(
+                        "Public balance",
+                        style: STextStyles.itemSubtitle12(context),
+                      ),
+                      const SizedBox(
+                        width: 10,
+                      ),
+                      FutureBuilder(
+                        future: _firoBalanceFuture(provider, locale, false),
+                        builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<String?> snapshot) =>
+                            firoBalanceFutureBuilder(
+                          context,
+                          snapshot,
+                          false,
+                        ),
+                      ),
+                    ],
+                  ),
+                ),
+              ],
+              onChanged: (value) {
+                if (value is String) {
+                  setState(() {
+                    ref.watch(publicPrivateBalanceStateProvider.state).state =
+                        value;
+                  });
+                }
+              },
+              icon: SvgPicture.asset(
+                Assets.svg.chevronDown,
+                width: 12,
+                height: 6,
+                color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
+              ),
+              buttonPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                horizontal: 16,
+                vertical: 8,
+              ),
+              buttonDecoration: BoxDecoration(
+                color: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                  Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                ),
+              ),
+              dropdownDecoration: BoxDecoration(
+                color: Theme.of(context)
+                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                    .textFieldDefaultBG,
+                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                  Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                ),
+              ),
+            ),
         if (coin == Coin.firo)
           const SizedBox(
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/unlock_wallet_keys_desktop.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/unlock_wallet_keys_desktop.dart
index e65820737..23360c98c 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/unlock_wallet_keys_desktop.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/unlock_wallet_keys_desktop.dart
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
+import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/wallet_keys_desktop_popup.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/storage_crypto_handler_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
@@ -196,36 +201,32 @@ class _UnlockWalletKeysDesktopState
                     enabled: continueEnabled,
                     onPressed: continueEnabled
                         ? () async {
-                            // todo: check password
-                            // Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                            final words = await ref
-                                .read(walletsChangeNotifierProvider)
-                                .getManager(widget.walletId)
-                                .mnemonic;
+                            final verified = await ref
+                                .read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider)
+                                .verifyPassphrase(passwordController.text);
-                            await Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed(
-                              WalletKeysDesktopPopup.routeName,
-                              arguments: words,
-                            );
-                            //
-                            // await showDialog<void>(
-                            //   context: context,
-                            //   barrierDismissible: false,
-                            //   builder: (context) => Navigator(
-                            //     initialRoute: WalletKeysDesktopPopup.routeName,
-                            //     onGenerateRoute: RouteGenerator.generateRoute,
-                            //     onGenerateInitialRoutes: (_, __) {
-                            //       return [
-                            //         RouteGenerator.generateRoute(
-                            //           RouteSettings(
-                            //             name: WalletKeysDesktopPopup.routeName,
-                            //             arguments: words,
-                            //           ),
-                            //         )
-                            //       ];
-                            //     },
-                            //   ),
-                            // );
+                            if (verified) {
+                              final words = await ref
+                                  .read(walletsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                                  .getManager(widget.walletId)
+                                  .mnemonic;
+                              if (mounted) {
+                                await Navigator.of(context)
+                                    .pushReplacementNamed(
+                                  WalletKeysDesktopPopup.routeName,
+                                  arguments: words,
+                                );
+                              }
+                            } else {
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Invalid passphrase!",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
+                              );
+                            }
                         : null,
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/notifications/desktop_notifications_view.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/notifications/desktop_notifications_view.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c51f899d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/notifications/desktop_notifications_view.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/notification_card.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/providers.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/ui/unread_notifications_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_app_bar.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_scaffold.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
+class DesktopNotificationsView extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
+  const DesktopNotificationsView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
+  static const String routeName = "/desktopNotifications";
+  @override
+  ConsumerState<DesktopNotificationsView> createState() =>
+      _DesktopNotificationsViewState();
+class _DesktopNotificationsViewState
+    extends ConsumerState<DesktopNotificationsView> {
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    final notifications =
+        ref.watch(notificationsProvider.select((value) => value.notifications));
+    return DesktopScaffold(
+      background: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.background,
+      appBar: DesktopAppBar(
+        isCompactHeight: true,
+        leading: Padding(
+          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 24),
+          child: Text(
+            "Notifications",
+            style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+          ),
+        ),
+      ),
+      body: notifications.isEmpty
+          ? RoundedWhiteContainer(
+              child: Center(
+                child: Text(
+                  "Notifications will appear here",
+                  style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context),
+                ),
+              ),
+            )
+          : ListView.builder(
+              primary: false,
+              itemCount: notifications.length,
+              itemBuilder: (context, index) {
+                final notification = notifications[index];
+                if (notification.read == false) {
+                  ref
+                      .read(unreadNotificationsStateProvider.state)
+                      .state
+                      .add(notification.id);
+                }
+                return Padding(
+                  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
+                    horizontal: 24,
+                    vertical: 5,
+                  ),
+                  child: NotificationCard(
+                    notification: notification,
+                  ),
+                );
+              },
+            ),
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore_settings.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore_settings.dart
index 3ea6cea6c..663c3f975 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore_settings.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore_settings.dart
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart';
 import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/create_backup_view.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/edit_auto_backup_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/restore_from_file_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/create_auto_backup.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/enable_backup_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/auto_swb_service_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/locale_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/prefs_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
@@ -14,16 +16,18 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/backup_frequency_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/draggable_switch_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog_close_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_dialog.dart';
 import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
-import '../../../../providers/global/auto_swb_service_provider.dart';
-import '../../../../widgets/custom_buttons/blue_text_button.dart';
 class BackupRestoreSettings extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const BackupRestoreSettings({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
@@ -97,53 +101,171 @@ class _BackupRestoreSettings extends ConsumerState<BackupRestoreSettings> {
       useSafeArea: false,
       barrierDismissible: true,
       builder: (context) {
-        return CreateAutoBackup();
+        return const CreateAutoBackup();
+  Future<void> editAutoBackup() async {
+    await showDialog<dynamic>(
+      context: context,
+      useSafeArea: false,
+      barrierDismissible: true,
+      builder: (context) => DesktopDialog(
+        maxWidth: 580,
+        maxHeight: double.infinity,
+        child: Column(
+          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+          children: [
+            Row(
+              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+              children: [
+                Padding(
+                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 32),
+                  child: Text(
+                    "Edit auto backup",
+                    style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                  ),
+                ),
+                const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
+              ],
+            ),
+            const Padding(
+              padding: EdgeInsets.only(
+                left: 32,
+                right: 32,
+                bottom: 32,
+              ),
+              child: EditAutoBackupView(),
+            ),
+          ],
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
   Future<void> attemptDisable() async {
     final result = await showDialog<bool?>(
       context: context,
       useSafeArea: false,
       barrierDismissible: true,
       builder: (context) {
-        return StackDialog(
-          title: "Disable Auto Backup",
-          message:
-              "You are turning off Auto Backup. You can turn it back on at any time. Your previous Auto Backup file will not be deleted. Remember to backup your wallets manually so you don't lose important information.",
-          leftButton: TextButton(
-            style: Theme.of(context)
-                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-            child: Text(
-              "Back",
-              style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
-                color:
-                    Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.accentColorDark,
-              ),
-            ),
-            onPressed: () {
-              Navigator.of(context).pop();
-            },
-          ),
-          rightButton: TextButton(
-            style: Theme.of(context)
-                .extension<StackColors>()!
-                .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-            child: Text(
-              "Disable",
-              style: STextStyles.button(context),
-            ),
-            onPressed: () {
-              Navigator.of(context).pop();
-              setState(() {
-                ref.watch(prefsChangeNotifierProvider).isAutoBackupEnabled =
-                    false;
-              });
-            },
-          ),
-        );
+        return !Util.isDesktop
+            ? StackDialog(
+                title: "Disable Auto Backup",
+                message:
+                    "You are turning off Auto Backup. You can turn it back on at any time. Your previous Auto Backup file will not be deleted. Remember to backup your wallets manually so you don't lose important information.",
+                leftButton: TextButton(
+                  style: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .getSecondaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                  child: Text(
+                    "Back",
+                    style: STextStyles.button(context).copyWith(
+                      color: Theme.of(context)
+                          .extension<StackColors>()!
+                          .accentColorDark,
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                  onPressed: () {
+                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                  },
+                ),
+                rightButton: TextButton(
+                  style: Theme.of(context)
+                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                      .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
+                  child: Text(
+                    "Disable",
+                    style: STextStyles.button(context),
+                  ),
+                  onPressed: () {
+                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                    setState(() {
+                      ref
+                          .watch(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                          .isAutoBackupEnabled = false;
+                    });
+                  },
+                ),
+              )
+            : DesktopDialog(
+                maxHeight: double.infinity,
+                maxWidth: 580,
+                child: Column(
+                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                  children: [
+                    Row(
+                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                      children: [
+                        Padding(
+                          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                            left: 32,
+                          ),
+                          child: Text(
+                            "Disable Auto Backup",
+                            style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context),
+                          ),
+                        ),
+                        const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                    Padding(
+                      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                        left: 32,
+                        right: 32,
+                        bottom: 32,
+                      ),
+                      child: Column(
+                        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                        children: [
+                          SizedBox(
+                            width: 600,
+                            child: Text(
+                              "You are turning off Auto Backup. You can turn it back on at any time. Your previous Auto Backup file will not be deleted. Remember to backup your wallets manually so you don't lose important information.",
+                              style: STextStyles.desktopTextSmall(context)
+                                  .copyWith(
+                                color: Theme.of(context)
+                                    .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                    .textDark3,
+                              ),
+                            ),
+                          ),
+                          const SizedBox(
+                            height: 48,
+                          ),
+                          Row(
+                            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
+                            children: [
+                              Expanded(
+                                child: SecondaryButton(
+                                  desktopMed: true,
+                                  label: "Cancel",
+                                  onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop,
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                              const SizedBox(width: 16),
+                              Expanded(
+                                child: PrimaryButton(
+                                  desktopMed: true,
+                                  label: "Disable",
+                                  onPressed: () {
+                                    ref
+                                        .read(prefsChangeNotifierProvider)
+                                        .isAutoBackupEnabled = false;
+                                    Navigator.of(context).pop();
+                                  },
+                                ),
+                              ),
+                            ],
+                          ),
+                        ],
+                      ),
+                    ),
+                  ],
+                ),
+              );
     if (mounted) {
@@ -310,40 +432,32 @@ class _BackupRestoreSettings extends ConsumerState<BackupRestoreSettings> {
                                         children: [
-                                          Container(
+                                          RoundedContainer(
                                             width: 403,
                                             color: Theme.of(context)
-                                            child: Padding(
-                                              padding:
-                                                  const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
-                                              child: Column(
-                                                children: [
-                                                  Row(
-                                                    mainAxisAlignment:
-                                                        MainAxisAlignment
-                                                            .spaceBetween,
-                                                    children: [
-                                                      Text(
-                                                        "Backed up ${prettySinceLastBackupString(ref.watch(prefsChangeNotifierProvider.select((value) => value.lastAutoBackup)))}",
-                                                        style: STextStyles
-                                                            .itemSubtitle(
-                                                                context),
-                                                      ),
-                                                      BlueTextButton(
-                                                        text: "Back up now",
-                                                        onTap: () {
-                                                          ref
-                                                              .read(
-                                                                  autoSWBServiceProvider)
-                                                              .doBackup();
-                                                        },
-                                                      ),
-                                                    ],
-                                                  ),
-                                                ],
-                                              ),
+                                            child: Row(
+                                              mainAxisAlignment:
+                                                  MainAxisAlignment
+                                                      .spaceBetween,
+                                              children: [
+                                                Text(
+                                                  "Backed up ${prettySinceLastBackupString(ref.watch(prefsChangeNotifierProvider.select((value) => value.lastAutoBackup)))}",
+                                                  style:
+                                                      STextStyles.itemSubtitle(
+                                                          context),
+                                                ),
+                                                BlueTextButton(
+                                                  text: "Back up now",
+                                                  onTap: () {
+                                                    ref
+                                                        .read(
+                                                            autoSWBServiceProvider)
+                                                        .doBackup();
+                                                  },
+                                                ),
+                                              ],
                                           const SizedBox(
@@ -365,7 +479,7 @@ class _BackupRestoreSettings extends ConsumerState<BackupRestoreSettings> {
                                                 width: 190,
                                                 label: "Edit auto backup",
                                                 onPressed: () {
-                                                  createAutoBackup();
+                                                  editAutoBackup();
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/create_auto_backup.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/create_auto_backup.dart
index acd0e689c..5e7e86fe1 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/create_auto_backup.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/create_auto_backup.dart
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
@@ -5,26 +6,25 @@ import 'package:dropdown_button2/dropdown_button2.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
 import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/stack_wallet_backup.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/stack_file_system.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/swb_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/prefs_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/backup_frequency_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/log_level_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/custom_buttons/app_bar_icon_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/desktop_dialog_close_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/secondary_button.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/progress_bar.dart';
@@ -35,13 +35,8 @@ import 'package:zxcvbn/zxcvbn.dart';
 class CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const CreateAutoBackup({
     Key? key,
-    this.secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
   }) : super(key: key);
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
   ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> createState() => _CreateAutoBackup();
@@ -51,9 +46,9 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
   late final TextEditingController passphraseController;
   late final TextEditingController passphraseRepeatController;
-  late final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore;
+  late final SecureStorageInterface secureStore;
-  late final StackFileSystem stackFileSystem;
+  late final SWBFileSystem stackFileSystem;
   late final FocusNode passphraseFocusNode;
   late final FocusNode passphraseRepeatFocusNode;
   final zxcvbn = Zxcvbn();
@@ -85,8 +80,8 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
   void initState() {
-    secureStore = widget.secureStore;
-    stackFileSystem = StackFileSystem();
+    secureStore = ref.read(secureStoreProvider);
+    stackFileSystem = SWBFileSystem();
     fileLocationController = TextEditingController();
     passphraseController = TextEditingController();
@@ -125,10 +120,9 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType ");
-    bool isEnabledAutoBackup = ref.watch(prefsChangeNotifierProvider
-        .select((value) => value.isAutoBackupEnabled));
+    // bool isEnabledAutoBackup = ref.watch(prefsChangeNotifierProvider
+    //     .select((value) => value.isAutoBackupEnabled));
-    String? selectedItem = "Every 10 minutes";
     final isDesktop = Util.isDesktop;
     return DesktopDialog(
       maxHeight: 680,
@@ -146,25 +140,7 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                   textAlign: TextAlign.center,
-              Padding(
-                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
-                child: AppBarIconButton(
-                  color: Theme.of(context)
-                      .extension<StackColors>()!
-                      .textFieldDefaultBG,
-                  size: 40,
-                  icon: SvgPicture.asset(
-                    Assets.svg.x,
-                    color: Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark,
-                    width: 22,
-                    height: 22,
-                  ),
-                  onPressed: () {
-                    int count = 0;
-                    Navigator.of(context).popUntil((_) => count++ >= 2);
-                  },
-                ),
-              ),
+              const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
           const SizedBox(
@@ -407,7 +383,7 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                 const SizedBox(
-                  height: 10,
+                  height: 16,
                   borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
@@ -493,7 +469,7 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
             child: isDesktop
                 ? DropdownButtonHideUnderline(
                     child: DropdownButton2(
-                      offset: Offset(0, -10),
+                      offset: const Offset(0, -10),
                       isExpanded: true,
                       dropdownElevation: 0,
                       value: _currentDropDownValue,
@@ -576,12 +552,8 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                   child: SecondaryButton(
                     label: "Cancel",
-                    onPressed: () {
-                      int count = 0;
-                      !isEnabledAutoBackup
-                          ? Navigator.of(context).popUntil((_) => count++ >= 2)
-                          : Navigator.of(context).pop();
-                    },
+                    desktopMed: true,
+                    onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop,
                 const SizedBox(
@@ -589,6 +561,7 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                   child: PrimaryButton(
+                    desktopMed: true,
                     label: "Enable Auto Backup",
                     enabled: shouldEnableCreate,
                     onPressed: !shouldEnableCreate
@@ -601,44 +574,89 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                             if (pathToSave.isEmpty) {
-                              showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "Directory not chosen",
-                                context: context,
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Directory not chosen",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
                             if (!(await Directory(pathToSave).exists())) {
-                              showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "Directory does not exist",
-                                context: context,
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Directory does not exist",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
                             if (passphrase.isEmpty) {
-                              showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "A passphrase is required",
-                                context: context,
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "A passphrase is required",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
                             if (passphrase != repeatPassphrase) {
-                              showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "Passphrase does not match",
-                                context: context,
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "Passphrase does not match",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
-                            showDialog<dynamic>(
-                              context: context,
-                              barrierDismissible: false,
-                              builder: (_) => const StackDialog(
-                                title: "Encrypting initial backup",
-                                message: "This shouldn't take long",
+                            unawaited(
+                              showDialog<dynamic>(
+                                context: context,
+                                barrierDismissible: false,
+                                builder: (_) {
+                                  if (Util.isDesktop) {
+                                    return DesktopDialog(
+                                      maxHeight: double.infinity,
+                                      maxWidth: 450,
+                                      child: Padding(
+                                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(
+                                          32,
+                                        ),
+                                        child: Column(
+                                          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                                          crossAxisAlignment:
+                                              CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                                          children: [
+                                            Text(
+                                              "Encrypting initial backup",
+                                              style: STextStyles.desktopH3(
+                                                  context),
+                                            ),
+                                            const SizedBox(
+                                              height: 40,
+                                            ),
+                                            Text(
+                                              "This shouldn't take long",
+                                              style: STextStyles
+                                                  .desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(
+                                                      context),
+                                            ),
+                                          ],
+                                        ),
+                                      ),
+                                    );
+                                  } else {
+                                    return const StackDialog(
+                                      title: "Encrypting initial backup",
+                                      message: "This shouldn't take long",
+                                    );
+                                  }
+                                },
@@ -659,10 +677,12 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                                   .log("$err\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
                               // pop encryption progress dialog
-                              showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: err,
-                                context: context,
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: err,
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
                             } catch (e, s) {
@@ -670,10 +690,12 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                                   .log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
                               // pop encryption progress dialog
-                              showFloatingFlushBar(
-                                type: FlushBarType.warning,
-                                message: "$e",
-                                context: context,
+                              unawaited(
+                                showFloatingFlushBar(
+                                  type: FlushBarType.warning,
+                                  message: "$e",
+                                  context: context,
+                                ),
@@ -688,7 +710,9 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                             final String fileToSave =
                                 createAutoBackupFilename(pathToSave, now);
-                            final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON();
+                            final backup = await SWB.createStackWalletJSON(
+                              secureStorage: secureStore,
+                            );
                             bool result = await SWB.encryptStackWalletWithADK(
@@ -702,9 +726,7 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                             if (mounted) {
                               // pop encryption progress dialog
-                              int count = 0;
-                              Navigator.of(context)
-                                  .popUntil((_) => count++ >= 2);
+                              Navigator.of(context).pop();
                               if (result) {
@@ -721,22 +743,76 @@ class _CreateAutoBackup extends ConsumerState<CreateAutoBackup> {
                                 await showDialog<dynamic>(
                                   context: context,
                                   barrierDismissible: false,
-                                  builder: (_) => Platform.isAndroid
-                                      ? StackOkDialog(
-                                          title:
-                                              "Stack Auto Backup enabled and saved to:",
-                                          message: fileToSave,
-                                        )
-                                      : const StackOkDialog(
-                                          title: "Stack Auto Backup enabled!"),
+                                  builder: (context) {
+                                    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
+                                      return StackOkDialog(
+                                        title:
+                                            "Stack Auto Backup enabled and saved to:",
+                                        message: fileToSave,
+                                      );
+                                    } else if (Util.isDesktop) {
+                                      return DesktopDialog(
+                                        maxHeight: double.infinity,
+                                        maxWidth: 500,
+                                        child: Padding(
+                                          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                                            left: 32,
+                                            right: 32,
+                                            bottom: 32,
+                                          ),
+                                          child: Column(
+                                            mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                                            crossAxisAlignment:
+                                                CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                                            children: [
+                                              Row(
+                                                mainAxisAlignment:
+                                                    MainAxisAlignment
+                                                        .spaceBetween,
+                                                children: [
+                                                  Text(
+                                                    "Stack Auto Backup enabled!",
+                                                    style:
+                                                        STextStyles.desktopH3(
+                                                            context),
+                                                  ),
+                                                  const DesktopDialogCloseButton(),
+                                                ],
+                                              ),
+                                              const SizedBox(
+                                                height: 40,
+                                              ),
+                                              Row(
+                                                children: [
+                                                  const Spacer(),
+                                                  Expanded(
+                                                    child: PrimaryButton(
+                                                      label: "Ok",
+                                                      desktopMed: true,
+                                                      onPressed: () {
+                                                        Navigator.of(context)
+                                                            .pop();
+                                                      },
+                                                    ),
+                                                  ),
+                                                ],
+                                              )
+                                            ],
+                                          ),
+                                        ),
+                                      );
+                                    } else {
+                                      return const StackOkDialog(
+                                        title: "Stack Auto Backup enabled!",
+                                      );
+                                    }
+                                  },
                                 if (mounted) {
                                   passphraseController.text = "";
                                   passphraseRepeatController.text = "";
-                                  int count = 0;
-                                  Navigator.of(context)
-                                      .popUntil((_) => count++ >= 2);
+                                  Navigator.of(context).pop();
                               } else {
                                 await showDialog<dynamic>(
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/enable_backup_dialog.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/enable_backup_dialog.dart
index 963fb4441..6496253d5 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/enable_backup_dialog.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/enable_backup_dialog.dart
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class EnableBackupDialog extends StatelessWidget {
         useSafeArea: false,
         barrierDismissible: true,
         builder: (context) {
-          return CreateAutoBackup();
+          return const CreateAutoBackup();
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class EnableBackupDialog extends StatelessWidget {
               children: [
                   child: SecondaryButton(
+                    desktopMed: true,
                     label: "Cancel",
                     onPressed: () {
@@ -70,8 +71,10 @@ class EnableBackupDialog extends StatelessWidget {
                   child: PrimaryButton(
+                    desktopMed: true,
                     label: "Continue",
                     onPressed: () {
+                      Navigator.of(context).pop();
diff --git a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/security_settings.dart b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/security_settings.dart
index cdcaed49a..d752ece38 100644
--- a/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/security_settings.dart
+++ b/lib/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/security_settings.dart
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
+import 'dart:async';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-import 'package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/enable_backup_dialog.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/notifications/show_flush_bar.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/storage_crypto_handler_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/assets.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/flush_bar_type.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/text_styles.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/theme/stack_colors.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/desktop/primary_button.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/progress_bar.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/rounded_white_container.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/widgets/stack_text_field.dart';
+import 'package:zxcvbn/zxcvbn.dart';
 class SecuritySettings extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
   const SecuritySettings({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
@@ -18,21 +26,112 @@ class SecuritySettings extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
 class _SecuritySettings extends ConsumerState<SecuritySettings> {
-  Future<void> enableAutoBackup() async {
-    // wait for keyboard to disappear
-    FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
-    await Future<void>.delayed(
-      const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
-    );
+  late bool changePassword = false;
-    await showDialog<dynamic>(
-      context: context,
-      useSafeArea: false,
-      barrierDismissible: true,
-      builder: (context) {
-        return EnableBackupDialog();
-      },
-    );
+  late final TextEditingController passwordCurrentController;
+  late final TextEditingController passwordController;
+  late final TextEditingController passwordRepeatController;
+  late final FocusNode passwordCurrentFocusNode;
+  late final FocusNode passwordFocusNode;
+  late final FocusNode passwordRepeatFocusNode;
+  final zxcvbn = Zxcvbn();
+  bool hidePassword = true;
+  bool shouldShowPasswordHint = true;
+  double passwordStrength = 0.0;
+  bool get shouldEnableSave {
+    return passwordCurrentController.text.isNotEmpty &&
+        passwordController.text.isNotEmpty &&
+        passwordRepeatController.text.isNotEmpty;
+  }
+  String passwordFeedback =
+      "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better. Use a few words, avoid common phrases. No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters.";
+  Future<bool> attemptChangePW() async {
+    final String pw = passwordCurrentController.text;
+    final String pwNew = passwordController.text;
+    final String pwNewRepeat = passwordRepeatController.text;
+    final verified =
+        await ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).verifyPassphrase(pw);
+    if (verified) {
+      if (pwNew != pwNewRepeat) {
+        unawaited(
+          showFloatingFlushBar(
+            type: FlushBarType.warning,
+            message: "New passphrase does not match!",
+            context: context,
+          ),
+        );
+        return false;
+      } else {
+        final success =
+            await ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).changePassphrase(
+                  pw,
+                  pwNew,
+                );
+        if (success) {
+          unawaited(
+            showFloatingFlushBar(
+              type: FlushBarType.success,
+              message: "Passphrase successfully changed",
+              context: context,
+            ),
+          );
+          return true;
+        } else {
+          unawaited(
+            showFloatingFlushBar(
+              type: FlushBarType.warning,
+              message: "Passphrase change failed",
+              context: context,
+            ),
+          );
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      unawaited(
+        showFloatingFlushBar(
+          type: FlushBarType.warning,
+          message: "Current passphrase is not valid!",
+          context: context,
+        ),
+      );
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  @override
+  void initState() {
+    passwordCurrentController = TextEditingController();
+    passwordController = TextEditingController();
+    passwordRepeatController = TextEditingController();
+    passwordCurrentFocusNode = FocusNode();
+    passwordFocusNode = FocusNode();
+    passwordRepeatFocusNode = FocusNode();
+    super.initState();
+  }
+  @override
+  void dispose() {
+    passwordCurrentController.dispose();
+    passwordController.dispose();
+    passwordRepeatController.dispose();
+    passwordCurrentFocusNode.dispose();
+    passwordFocusNode.dispose();
+    passwordRepeatFocusNode.dispose();
+    super.dispose();
@@ -40,104 +139,394 @@ class _SecuritySettings extends ConsumerState<SecuritySettings> {
     debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType");
     return Column(
       children: [
-        Padding(
-          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
-            right: 30,
-          ),
-          child: RoundedWhiteContainer(
-            child: Column(
-              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-              children: [
-                SvgPicture.asset(
-                  Assets.svg.circleLock,
-                  width: 48,
-                  height: 48,
-                ),
-                Center(
-                  child: Padding(
-                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
-                    child: RichText(
-                      textAlign: TextAlign.start,
-                      text: TextSpan(
-                        children: [
-                          TextSpan(
-                            text: "Change Password",
-                            style: STextStyles.desktopTextSmall(context),
-                          ),
-                          TextSpan(
-                            text:
-                                "\n\nProtect your Stack Wallet with a strong password. Stack Wallet does not store "
-                                "your password, and is therefore NOT able to restore it. Keep your password safe and secure.",
-                            style:
-                                STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context),
-                          ),
-                        ],
-                      ),
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                ),
-                Column(
+        Row(
+          children: [
+            Expanded(
+              child: RoundedWhiteContainer(
+                radiusMultiplier: 2,
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24),
+                child: Column(
                   crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
-                  children: const [
-                    Padding(
-                      padding: EdgeInsets.all(
-                        10,
-                      ),
-                      child: NewPasswordButton(),
+                  children: [
+                    SvgPicture.asset(
+                      Assets.svg.circleLock,
+                      width: 48,
+                      height: 48,
+                    ),
+                    Column(
+                      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                      children: [
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 16,
+                        ),
+                        Text(
+                          "Change Password",
+                          style: STextStyles.desktopTextSmall(context),
+                        ),
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 8,
+                        ),
+                        Text(
+                          "Protect your Stack Wallet with a strong password. Stack Wallet does not store "
+                          "your password, and is therefore NOT able to restore it. Keep your password safe and secure.",
+                          style:
+                              STextStyles.desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(context),
+                        ),
+                        const SizedBox(
+                          height: 20,
+                        ),
+                        changePassword
+                            ? SizedBox(
+                                width: 512,
+                                child: Column(
+                                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
+                                  children: [
+                                    Text(
+                                      "Current password",
+                                      style: STextStyles
+                                              .desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(
+                                                  context)
+                                          .copyWith(
+                                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                  .textDark3),
+                                      textAlign: TextAlign.left,
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(height: 10),
+                                    ClipRRect(
+                                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                                        Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                                      ),
+                                      child: TextField(
+                                        key: const Key(
+                                            "desktopSecurityRestoreFromFilePasswordFieldKey"),
+                                        focusNode: passwordCurrentFocusNode,
+                                        controller: passwordCurrentController,
+                                        style: STextStyles.field(context),
+                                        obscureText: hidePassword,
+                                        enableSuggestions: false,
+                                        autocorrect: false,
+                                        decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                                          "Enter current password",
+                                          passwordCurrentFocusNode,
+                                          context,
+                                        ).copyWith(
+                                          labelStyle:
+                                              STextStyles.fieldLabel(context),
+                                          suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                                            child: Row(
+                                              children: [
+                                                const SizedBox(
+                                                  width: 16,
+                                                ),
+                                                GestureDetector(
+                                                  key: const Key(
+                                                      "desktopSecurityRestoreFromFilePasswordFieldShowPasswordButtonKey"),
+                                                  onTap: () async {
+                                                    setState(() {
+                                                      hidePassword =
+                                                          !hidePassword;
+                                                    });
+                                                  },
+                                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                                    hidePassword
+                                                        ? Assets.svg.eye
+                                                        : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
+                                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                        .extension<
+                                                            StackColors>()!
+                                                        .textDark3,
+                                                    width: 16,
+                                                    height: 16,
+                                                  ),
+                                                ),
+                                                const SizedBox(
+                                                  width: 12,
+                                                ),
+                                              ],
+                                            ),
+                                          ),
+                                        ),
+                                        onChanged: (newValue) {
+                                          setState(() {});
+                                        },
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(height: 16),
+                                    Text(
+                                      "New password",
+                                      style: STextStyles
+                                              .desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(
+                                                  context)
+                                          .copyWith(
+                                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                  .textDark3),
+                                      textAlign: TextAlign.left,
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(height: 10),
+                                    ClipRRect(
+                                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                                        Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                                      ),
+                                      child: TextField(
+                                        key: const Key(
+                                            "desktopSecurityCreateNewPasswordFieldKey1"),
+                                        focusNode: passwordFocusNode,
+                                        controller: passwordController,
+                                        style: STextStyles.field(context),
+                                        obscureText: hidePassword,
+                                        enableSuggestions: false,
+                                        autocorrect: false,
+                                        decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                                          "Enter new password",
+                                          passwordFocusNode,
+                                          context,
+                                        ).copyWith(
+                                          labelStyle:
+                                              STextStyles.fieldLabel(context),
+                                          suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                                            child: Row(
+                                              children: [
+                                                const SizedBox(
+                                                  width: 16,
+                                                ),
+                                                GestureDetector(
+                                                  key: const Key(
+                                                      "desktopSecurityCreateNewPasswordButtonKey1"),
+                                                  onTap: () async {
+                                                    setState(() {
+                                                      hidePassword =
+                                                          !hidePassword;
+                                                    });
+                                                  },
+                                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                                    hidePassword
+                                                        ? Assets.svg.eye
+                                                        : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
+                                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                        .extension<
+                                                            StackColors>()!
+                                                        .textDark3,
+                                                    width: 16,
+                                                    height: 16,
+                                                  ),
+                                                ),
+                                                const SizedBox(
+                                                  width: 12,
+                                                ),
+                                              ],
+                                            ),
+                                          ),
+                                        ),
+                                        onChanged: (newValue) {
+                                          if (newValue.isEmpty) {
+                                            setState(() {
+                                              passwordFeedback = "";
+                                            });
+                                            return;
+                                          }
+                                          final result =
+                                              zxcvbn.evaluate(newValue);
+                                          String suggestionsAndTips = "";
+                                          for (var sug in result
+                                              .feedback.suggestions!
+                                              .toSet()) {
+                                            suggestionsAndTips += "$sug\n";
+                                          }
+                                          suggestionsAndTips +=
+                                              result.feedback.warning!;
+                                          String feedback =
+                                              // "Password Strength: ${((result.score! / 4.0) * 100).toInt()}%\n"
+                                              suggestionsAndTips;
+                                          passwordStrength = result.score! / 4;
+                                          // hack fix to format back string returned from zxcvbn
+                                          if (feedback
+                                              .contains("phrasesNo need")) {
+                                            feedback = feedback.replaceFirst(
+                                                "phrasesNo need",
+                                                "phrases\nNo need");
+                                          }
+                                          if (feedback.endsWith("\n")) {
+                                            feedback = feedback.substring(
+                                                0, feedback.length - 2);
+                                          }
+                                          setState(() {
+                                            passwordFeedback = feedback;
+                                          });
+                                        },
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
+                                    if (passwordFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+                                        passwordRepeatFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+                                        passwordController.text.isNotEmpty)
+                                      Padding(
+                                        padding: EdgeInsets.only(
+                                          left: 12,
+                                          right: 12,
+                                          top: passwordFeedback.isNotEmpty
+                                              ? 4
+                                              : 0,
+                                        ),
+                                        child: passwordFeedback.isNotEmpty
+                                            ? Text(
+                                                passwordFeedback,
+                                                style: STextStyles.infoSmall(
+                                                    context),
+                                              )
+                                            : null,
+                                      ),
+                                    if (passwordFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+                                        passwordRepeatFocusNode.hasFocus ||
+                                        passwordController.text.isNotEmpty)
+                                      Padding(
+                                        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
+                                          left: 12,
+                                          right: 12,
+                                          top: 10,
+                                        ),
+                                        child: ProgressBar(
+                                          key: const Key(
+                                              "desktopSecurityCreateStackBackUpProgressBar"),
+                                          width: 450,
+                                          height: 5,
+                                          fillColor: passwordStrength < 0.51
+                                              ? Theme.of(context)
+                                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                  .accentColorRed
+                                              : passwordStrength < 1
+                                                  ? Theme.of(context)
+                                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                      .accentColorYellow
+                                                  : Theme.of(context)
+                                                      .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                      .accentColorGreen,
+                                          backgroundColor: Theme.of(context)
+                                              .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                              .buttonBackSecondary,
+                                          percent: passwordStrength < 0.25
+                                              ? 0.03
+                                              : passwordStrength,
+                                        ),
+                                      ),
+                                    const SizedBox(height: 16),
+                                    Text(
+                                      "Confirm new password",
+                                      style: STextStyles
+                                              .desktopTextExtraExtraSmall(
+                                                  context)
+                                          .copyWith(
+                                              color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                  .extension<StackColors>()!
+                                                  .textDark3),
+                                      textAlign: TextAlign.left,
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(height: 10),
+                                    ClipRRect(
+                                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
+                                        Constants.size.circularBorderRadius,
+                                      ),
+                                      child: TextField(
+                                        key: const Key(
+                                            "desktopSecurityCreateNewPasswordFieldKey2"),
+                                        focusNode: passwordRepeatFocusNode,
+                                        controller: passwordRepeatController,
+                                        style: STextStyles.field(context),
+                                        obscureText: hidePassword,
+                                        enableSuggestions: false,
+                                        autocorrect: false,
+                                        decoration: standardInputDecoration(
+                                          "Confirm new password",
+                                          passwordRepeatFocusNode,
+                                          context,
+                                        ).copyWith(
+                                          labelStyle:
+                                              STextStyles.fieldLabel(context),
+                                          suffixIcon: UnconstrainedBox(
+                                            child: Row(
+                                              children: [
+                                                const SizedBox(
+                                                  width: 16,
+                                                ),
+                                                GestureDetector(
+                                                  key: const Key(
+                                                      "desktopSecurityCreateNewPasswordButtonKey2"),
+                                                  onTap: () async {
+                                                    setState(() {
+                                                      hidePassword =
+                                                          !hidePassword;
+                                                    });
+                                                  },
+                                                  child: SvgPicture.asset(
+                                                    hidePassword
+                                                        ? Assets.svg.eye
+                                                        : Assets.svg.eyeSlash,
+                                                    color: Theme.of(context)
+                                                        .extension<
+                                                            StackColors>()!
+                                                        .textDark3,
+                                                    width: 16,
+                                                    height: 16,
+                                                  ),
+                                                ),
+                                                const SizedBox(
+                                                  width: 12,
+                                                ),
+                                              ],
+                                            ),
+                                          ),
+                                        ),
+                                        onChanged: (newValue) {
+                                          setState(() {});
+                                        },
+                                      ),
+                                    ),
+                                    const SizedBox(height: 20),
+                                    PrimaryButton(
+                                      width: 160,
+                                      desktopMed: true,
+                                      enabled: shouldEnableSave,
+                                      label: "Save changes",
+                                      onPressed: () async {
+                                        final didChangePW =
+                                            await attemptChangePW();
+                                        if (didChangePW) {
+                                          setState(() {
+                                            changePassword = false;
+                                          });
+                                        }
+                                      },
+                                    )
+                                  ],
+                                ),
+                              )
+                            : PrimaryButton(
+                                width: 210,
+                                desktopMed: true,
+                                enabled: true,
+                                label: "Set up new password",
+                                onPressed: () {
+                                  setState(() {
+                                    changePassword = true;
+                                  });
+                                },
+                              ),
+                      ],
-              ],
+              ),
-          ),
+            const SizedBox(
+              width: 40,
+            ),
+          ],
-class NewPasswordButton extends ConsumerWidget {
-  const NewPasswordButton({
-    Key? key,
-  }) : super(key: key);
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
-    return SizedBox(
-      width: 200,
-      height: 48,
-      child: TextButton(
-        style: Theme.of(context)
-            .extension<StackColors>()!
-            .getPrimaryEnabledButtonColor(context),
-        onPressed: () {
-          // Expandable(
-          //   header: Row(
-          //     mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
-          //     children: [
-          //       NewPasswordButton(),
-          //     ],
-          //   ),
-          //   body: Column(
-          //     mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
-          //     children: [
-          //       Text(
-          //         "Current Password",
-          //         style: STextStyles.desktopTextExtraSmall(context).copyWith(
-          //           color:
-          //               Theme.of(context).extension<StackColors>()!.textDark3,
-          //         ),
-          //         textAlign: TextAlign.left,
-          //       ),
-          //     ],
-          //   ),
-          // );
-        },
-        child: Text(
-          "Set up new password",
-          style: STextStyles.button(context),
-        ),
-      ),
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/lib/providers/desktop/current_desktop_menu_item.dart b/lib/providers/desktop/current_desktop_menu_item.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a58db6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/providers/desktop/current_desktop_menu_item.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/desktop_menu.dart';
+final currentDesktopMenuItemProvider =
+    StateProvider<DesktopMenuItemId>((ref) => DesktopMenuItemId.myStack);
diff --git a/lib/providers/global/auto_swb_service_provider.dart b/lib/providers/global/auto_swb_service_provider.dart
index 51a7c4e59..10cf2592f 100644
--- a/lib/providers/global/auto_swb_service_provider.dart
+++ b/lib/providers/global/auto_swb_service_provider.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/auto_swb_service.dart';
-final autoSWBServiceProvider =
-    ChangeNotifierProvider<AutoSWBService>((_) => AutoSWBService());
+final autoSWBServiceProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<AutoSWBService>(
+  (ref) => AutoSWBService(
+    secureStorageInterface: ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
+  ),
diff --git a/lib/providers/global/node_service_provider.dart b/lib/providers/global/node_service_provider.dart
index 97cea48f9..81ab22426 100644
--- a/lib/providers/global/node_service_provider.dart
+++ b/lib/providers/global/node_service_provider.dart
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart';
 int _count = 0;
 final nodeServiceChangeNotifierProvider =
-    ChangeNotifierProvider<NodeService>((_) {
+    ChangeNotifierProvider<NodeService>((ref) {
   if (kDebugMode) {
         "nodeServiceChangeNotifierProvider instantiation count: $_count");
-  return NodeService();
+  return NodeService(secureStorageInterface: ref.read(secureStoreProvider));
diff --git a/lib/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart b/lib/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32304d0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/desktop/storage_crypto_handler_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+final secureStoreProvider = Provider<SecureStorageInterface>((ref) {
+  if (Util.isDesktop) {
+    final handler = ref.read(storageCryptoHandlerProvider).handler;
+    return SecureStorageWrapper(
+        store: DesktopSecureStore(handler), isDesktop: true);
+  } else {
+    return const SecureStorageWrapper(
+      store: FlutterSecureStorage(),
+      isDesktop: false,
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/providers/global/wallets_service_provider.dart b/lib/providers/global/wallets_service_provider.dart
index 7e46d076b..363d57613 100644
--- a/lib/providers/global/wallets_service_provider.dart
+++ b/lib/providers/global/wallets_service_provider.dart
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/providers/global/secure_store_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets_service.dart';
 int _count = 0;
 final walletsServiceChangeNotifierProvider =
-    ChangeNotifierProvider<WalletsService>((_) {
+    ChangeNotifierProvider<WalletsService>((ref) {
   if (kDebugMode) {
         "walletsServiceChangeNotifierProvider instantiation count: $_count");
-  return WalletsService();
+  return WalletsService(
+    secureStorageInterface: ref.read(secureStoreProvider),
+  );
diff --git a/lib/route_generator.dart b/lib/route_generator.dart
index f3e37e383..d7865d013 100644
--- a/lib/route_generator.dart
+++ b/lib/route_generator.dart
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/my_stack_v
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/desktop_wallet_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/qr_code_desktop_popup_content.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/my_stack_view/wallet_view/sub_widgets/wallet_keys_desktop_popup.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/notifications/desktop_notifications_view.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/advanced_settings/advanced_settings.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/appearance_settings.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages_desktop_specific/home/settings_menu/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore_settings.dart';
@@ -1012,6 +1013,12 @@ class RouteGenerator {
             builder: (_) => const DesktopHomeView(),
             settings: RouteSettings(name: settings.name));
+      case DesktopNotificationsView.routeName:
+        return getRoute(
+            shouldUseMaterialRoute: useMaterialPageRoute,
+            builder: (_) => const DesktopNotificationsView(),
+            settings: RouteSettings(name: settings.name));
       case DesktopSettingsView.routeName:
         return getRoute(
             shouldUseMaterialRoute: useMaterialPageRoute,
diff --git a/lib/services/auto_swb_service.dart b/lib/services/auto_swb_service.dart
index e3ce02f15..f7efc994e 100644
--- a/lib/services/auto_swb_service.dart
+++ b/lib/services/auto_swb_service.dart
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import 'dart:convert';
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/stack_backup_views/helpers/restore_create_backup.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
@@ -25,11 +24,9 @@ class AutoSWBService extends ChangeNotifier {
   bool _isActiveTimer = false;
   bool get isActivePeriodicTimer => _isActiveTimer;
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface;
+  final SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface;
-  AutoSWBService(
-      {this.secureStorageInterface =
-          const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage())});
+  AutoSWBService({required this.secureStorageInterface});
   /// Attempt a backup.
   Future<void> doBackup() async {
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet.dart
index d0920075d..dfd5ea180 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet.dart
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
@@ -1357,7 +1356,7 @@ class BitcoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   CachedElectrumX get cachedElectrumXClient => _cachedElectrumXClient;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1369,7 +1368,7 @@ class BitcoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) {
     txTracker = tracker;
     _walletId = walletId;
@@ -1379,13 +1378,12 @@ class BitcoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    final failovers = NodeService()
+    final failovers = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
         .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin)
         .map((e) => ElectrumXNode(
               address: e.host,
@@ -1423,7 +1421,8 @@ class BitcoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<ElectrumXNode> getCurrentNode() async {
-    final node = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    final node = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     return ElectrumXNode(
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet.dart
index 5b3b54663..429af898e 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet.dart
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
@@ -1262,7 +1261,7 @@ class BitcoinCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   CachedElectrumX get cachedElectrumXClient => _cachedElectrumXClient;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1274,7 +1273,7 @@ class BitcoinCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) {
     txTracker = tracker;
     _walletId = walletId;
@@ -1284,13 +1283,12 @@ class BitcoinCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    final failovers = NodeService()
+    final failovers = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
         .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin)
         .map((e) => ElectrumXNode(
               address: e.host,
@@ -1328,7 +1326,8 @@ class BitcoinCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<ElectrumXNode> getCurrentNode() async {
-    final node = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    final node = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     return ElectrumXNode(
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/coin_service.dart b/lib/services/coins/coin_service.dart
index 655865494..16015ea0c 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/coin_service.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/coin_service.dart
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/transaction_notification_tracker.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
 import 'litecoin/litecoin_wallet.dart';
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
     Coin coin,
     String walletId,
     String walletName,
+    SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
     NodeModel node,
     TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     Prefs prefs,
@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -87,6 +91,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -97,6 +102,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -117,6 +124,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -127,6 +135,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -137,6 +146,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -147,6 +157,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
@@ -157,6 +168,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           // tracker: tracker,
@@ -165,6 +177,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           // tracker: tracker,
@@ -173,6 +186,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           // tracker: tracker,
@@ -181,6 +195,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           tracker: tracker,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           client: client,
@@ -191,6 +206,7 @@ abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
           walletId: walletId,
           walletName: walletName,
           coin: coin,
+          secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
           client: client,
           cachedClient: cachedClient,
           tracker: tracker,
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet.dart
index 67be291a2..41778a9e0 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet.dart
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
@@ -1125,7 +1124,7 @@ class DogecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   CachedElectrumX get cachedElectrumXClient => _cachedElectrumXClient;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1137,7 +1136,7 @@ class DogecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) {
     txTracker = tracker;
     _walletId = walletId;
@@ -1147,13 +1146,12 @@ class DogecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    final failovers = NodeService()
+    final failovers = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
         .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin)
         .map((e) => ElectrumXNode(
               address: e.host,
@@ -1191,7 +1189,8 @@ class DogecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<ElectrumXNode> getCurrentNode() async {
-    final node = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    final node = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     return ElectrumXNode(
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/epiccash/epiccash_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/epiccash/epiccash_wallet.dart
index 6c71f39e4..fcf728fb8 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/epiccash/epiccash_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/epiccash/epiccash_wallet.dart
@@ -6,11 +6,9 @@ import 'dart:isolate';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libepiccash/epic_cash.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart';
-import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
 import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/generate_password.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
@@ -32,6 +30,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/test_epic_box_connection.dart';
 import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
@@ -251,26 +250,29 @@ Future<String> _deleteWalletWrapper(String wallet) async {
 Future<String> deleteEpicWallet({
   required String walletId,
-  required FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore,
+  required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
 }) async {
-  String? config = await secureStore.read(key: '${walletId}_config');
-  if (Platform.isIOS) {
-    Directory appDir = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory());
-    if (Platform.isIOS) {
-      appDir = (await getLibraryDirectory());
-    }
-    if (Platform.isLinux) {
-      appDir = Directory("${appDir.path}/.stackwallet");
-    }
-    final path = "${appDir.path}/epiccash";
-    final String name = walletId;
-    final walletDir = '$path/$name';
-    var editConfig = jsonDecode(config as String);
-    editConfig["wallet_dir"] = walletDir;
-    config = jsonEncode(editConfig);
-  }
+  // is this even needed for anything?
+  // String? config = await secureStore.read(key: '${walletId}_config');
+  // // TODO: why double check for iOS?
+  // if (Platform.isIOS) {
+  //   Directory appDir = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory();
+  //   // todo why double check for ios?
+  //   // if (Platform.isIOS) {
+  //   //   appDir = (await getLibraryDirectory());
+  //   // }
+  //   // if (Platform.isLinux) {
+  //   //   appDir = Directory("${appDir.path}/.stackwallet");
+  //   // }
+  //   final path = "${appDir.path}/epiccash";
+  //   final String name = walletId;
+  //
+  //   final walletDir = '$path/$name';
+  //   var editConfig = jsonDecode(config as String);
+  //
+  //   editConfig["wallet_dir"] = walletDir;
+  //   config = jsonEncode(editConfig);
+  // }
   final wallet = await secureStore.read(key: '${walletId}_wallet');
@@ -518,14 +520,13 @@ class EpicCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       required String walletName,
       required Coin coin,
       PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-      FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore}) {
+      required SecureStorageInterface secureStore}) {
     _walletId = walletId;
     _walletName = walletName;
     _coin = coin;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
     Logging.instance.log("$walletName isolate length: ${isolates.length}",
         level: LogLevel.Info);
@@ -537,7 +538,8 @@ class EpicCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    _epicNode = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    _epicNode = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     // TODO notify ui/ fire event for node changed?
@@ -659,7 +661,7 @@ class EpicCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Coin get coin => _coin;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1238,13 +1240,8 @@ class EpicCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<String> currentWalletDirPath() async {
-    Directory appDir = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory());
-    if (Platform.isIOS) {
-      appDir = (await getLibraryDirectory());
-    }
-    if (Platform.isLinux) {
-      appDir = Directory("${appDir.path}/.stackwallet");
-    }
+    Directory appDir = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory();
     final path = "${appDir.path}/epiccash";
     final String name = _walletId.trim();
     return '$path/$name';
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet.dart
index d19c4f1ab..4bd863f2c 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet.dart
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:lelantus/lelantus.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
@@ -1306,7 +1305,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   late CachedElectrumX _cachedElectrumXClient;
   CachedElectrumX get cachedElectrumXClient => _cachedElectrumXClient;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1321,7 +1320,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) {
     txTracker = tracker;
     _walletId = walletId;
@@ -1331,8 +1330,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
     Logging.instance.log("$walletName isolates length: ${isolates.length}",
         level: LogLevel.Info);
@@ -1870,7 +1868,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    final failovers = NodeService()
+    final failovers = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
         .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin)
           (e) => ElectrumXNode(
@@ -3071,7 +3069,8 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<ElectrumXNode> _getCurrentNode() async {
-    final node = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    final node = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     return ElectrumXNode(
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/litecoin/litecoin_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/litecoin/litecoin_wallet.dart
index 4551325f7..db7c9d1fa 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/litecoin/litecoin_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/litecoin/litecoin_wallet.dart
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
@@ -1359,7 +1358,7 @@ class LitecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   CachedElectrumX get cachedElectrumXClient => _cachedElectrumXClient;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1371,7 +1370,7 @@ class LitecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) {
     txTracker = tracker;
     _walletId = walletId;
@@ -1381,13 +1380,12 @@ class LitecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    final failovers = NodeService()
+    final failovers = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
         .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin)
         .map((e) => ElectrumXNode(
               address: e.host,
@@ -1425,7 +1423,8 @@ class LitecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<ElectrumXNode> getCurrentNode() async {
-    final node = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    final node = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     return ElectrumXNode(
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet.dart
index a96ecac83..c35323d53 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet.dart
@@ -23,11 +23,8 @@ import 'package:flutter_libmonero/core/key_service.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/core/wallet_creation_service.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/monero/monero.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/view_model/send/output.dart' as monero_output;
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart';
-import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
-import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart';
@@ -49,6 +46,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/fee_rate_type_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart';
@@ -67,12 +65,13 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Timer? moneroAutosaveTimer;
   late Coin _coin;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
   Future<NodeModel> getCurrentNode() async {
-    return NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    return NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
@@ -81,14 +80,13 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       required String walletName,
       required Coin coin,
       PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-      FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore}) {
+      required SecureStorageInterface secureStore}) {
     _walletId = walletId;
     _walletName = walletName;
     _coin = coin;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   bool _shouldAutoSync = false;
@@ -154,7 +152,7 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     try {
       _height = (walletBase!.syncStatus as SyncingSyncStatus).height;
     } catch (e, s) {
-      Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
+      // Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
     int blocksRemaining = -1;
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       blocksRemaining =
           (walletBase!.syncStatus as SyncingSyncStatus).blocksLeft;
     } catch (e, s) {
-      Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
+      // Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
     int currentHeight = _height + blocksRemaining;
     if (_height == -1 || blocksRemaining == -1) {
@@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     try {
       syncingHeight = (walletBase!.syncStatus as SyncingSyncStatus).height;
     } catch (e, s) {
-      Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
+      // Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
     final cachedHeight =
         DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "storedSyncingHeight")
@@ -419,7 +417,7 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       try {
         progress = (walletBase!.syncStatus!).progress();
       } catch (e, s) {
-        Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
+        // Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Warning);
       await _fetchTransactionData();
@@ -670,11 +668,9 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
           "Attempted to overwrite mnemonic on generate new wallet!");
-    storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
     walletService =
-    prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-    keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+    keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
     WalletInfo walletInfo;
     WalletCredentials credentials;
     try {
@@ -708,8 +704,7 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       credentials.walletInfo = walletInfo;
       _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
-        secureStorage: storage,
-        sharedPreferences: prefs,
+        secureStorage: _secureStore,
         walletService: walletService,
         keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -787,11 +782,10 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     //   Logging.instance.log("Caught in initializeWallet(): $e\n$s");
     //   return false;
     // }
-    storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
     walletService =
-    prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-    keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+    keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
     await _generateNewWallet();
     // var password;
@@ -833,11 +827,9 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
           "Attempted to initialize an existing wallet using an unknown wallet ID!");
-    storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
     walletService =
-    prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-    keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+    keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
     await _prefs.init();
     final data =
@@ -889,9 +881,8 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   bool longMutex = false;
   // TODO: are these needed?
-  FlutterSecureStorage? storage;
   WalletService? walletService;
-  SharedPreferences? prefs;
   KeyService? keysStorage;
   MoneroWalletBase? walletBase;
   WalletCreationService? _walletCreationService;
@@ -906,14 +897,8 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required String name,
     required WalletType type,
   }) async {
-    Directory root = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory());
-    if (Platform.isIOS) {
-      root = (await getLibraryDirectory());
-    }
-    //
-    if (Platform.isLinux) {
-      root = Directory("${root.path}/.stackwallet");
-    }
+    Directory root = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory();
     final prefix = walletTypeToString(type).toLowerCase();
     final walletsDir = Directory('${root.path}/wallets');
     final walletDire = Directory('${walletsDir.path}/$prefix/$name');
@@ -970,11 +955,9 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       await DB.instance
           .put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight", value: height);
-      storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
       walletService =
-      prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-      keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+      keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
       WalletInfo walletInfo;
       WalletCredentials credentials;
       String name = _walletId;
@@ -1001,8 +984,7 @@ class MoneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
         credentials.walletInfo = walletInfo;
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
-          secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
+          secureStorage: _secureStore,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet.dart
index 8a4b26012..c8c84fb27 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet.dart
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
 import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
 import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
@@ -1350,7 +1349,7 @@ class NamecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   CachedElectrumX get cachedElectrumXClient => _cachedElectrumXClient;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
@@ -1362,7 +1361,7 @@ class NamecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required CachedElectrumX cachedClient,
     required TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
     PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore,
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) {
     txTracker = tracker;
     _walletId = walletId;
@@ -1372,13 +1371,12 @@ class NamecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     _cachedElectrumXClient = cachedClient;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async {
-    final failovers = NodeService()
+    final failovers = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
         .failoverNodesFor(coin: coin)
         .map((e) => ElectrumXNode(
               address: e.host,
@@ -1416,7 +1414,8 @@ class NamecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Future<ElectrumXNode> getCurrentNode() async {
-    final node = NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    final node = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
     return ElectrumXNode(
diff --git a/lib/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet.dart b/lib/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet.dart
index 4c02ec037..e39d13005 100644
--- a/lib/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet.dart
+++ b/lib/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet.dart
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import 'dart:async';
 import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:cw_core/get_height_by_date.dart';
 import 'package:cw_core/monero_transaction_priority.dart';
 import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
 import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart';
@@ -25,11 +24,8 @@ import 'package:flutter_libmonero/core/wallet_creation_service.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/view_model/send/output.dart'
     as wownero_output;
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/wownero/wownero.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart';
-import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
-import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart';
@@ -51,6 +47,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/fee_rate_type_enum.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart';
@@ -69,12 +66,13 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   Timer? wowneroAutosaveTimer;
   late Coin _coin;
-  late FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
   Future<NodeModel> getCurrentNode() async {
-    return NodeService().getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
+    return NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore)
+            .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ??
@@ -83,14 +81,13 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       required String walletName,
       required Coin coin,
       PriceAPI? priceAPI,
-      FlutterSecureStorageInterface? secureStore}) {
+      required SecureStorageInterface secureStore}) {
     _walletId = walletId;
     _walletName = walletName;
     _coin = coin;
     _priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
-    _secureStore =
-        secureStore ?? const SecureStorageWrapper(FlutterSecureStorage());
+    _secureStore = secureStore;
   bool _shouldAutoSync = false;
@@ -672,12 +669,10 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
           "Attempted to overwrite mnemonic on generate new wallet!");
-    storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
     // TODO: Wallet Service may need to be switched to Wownero
     walletService =
-    prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-    keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+    keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
     WalletInfo walletInfo;
     WalletCredentials credentials;
     try {
@@ -702,8 +697,7 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       credentials.walletInfo = walletInfo;
       _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
-        secureStorage: storage,
-        sharedPreferences: prefs,
+        secureStorage: _secureStore,
         walletService: walletService,
         keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -793,11 +787,9 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     //   Logging.instance.log("Caught in initializeWallet(): $e\n$s");
     //   return false;
     // }
-    storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
     walletService =
-    prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-    keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+    keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
     await _generateNewWallet(seedWordsLength: seedWordsLength);
     // var password;
@@ -839,11 +831,9 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
           "Attempted to initialize an existing wallet using an unknown wallet ID!");
-    storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
     walletService =
-    prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-    keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+    keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
     await _prefs.init();
     final data =
@@ -895,9 +885,8 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
   bool longMutex = false;
   // TODO: are these needed?
-  FlutterSecureStorage? storage;
   WalletService? walletService;
-  SharedPreferences? prefs;
   KeyService? keysStorage;
   WowneroWalletBase? walletBase;
   WalletCreationService? _walletCreationService;
@@ -912,13 +901,8 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
     required String name,
     required WalletType type,
   }) async {
-    Directory root = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory());
-    if (Platform.isIOS) {
-      root = (await getLibraryDirectory());
-    }
-    if (Platform.isLinux) {
-      root = Directory("${root.path}/.stackwallet");
-    }
+    Directory root = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory();
     final prefix = walletTypeToString(type).toLowerCase();
     final walletsDir = Directory('${root.path}/wallets');
     final walletDire = Directory('${walletsDir.path}/$prefix/$name');
@@ -993,11 +977,9 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
       await DB.instance
           .put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight", value: height);
-      storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
       walletService =
-      prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
-      keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
+      keysStorage = KeyService(_secureStore);
       WalletInfo walletInfo;
       WalletCredentials credentials;
       String name = _walletId;
@@ -1024,8 +1006,7 @@ class WowneroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
         credentials.walletInfo = walletInfo;
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
-          secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
+          secureStorage: _secureStore,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
diff --git a/lib/services/node_service.dart b/lib/services/node_service.dart
index 5b9fe5063..aa8d5a6d9 100644
--- a/lib/services/node_service.dart
+++ b/lib/services/node_service.dart
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import 'dart:convert';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:http/http.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
@@ -13,13 +12,11 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 const kStackCommunityNodesEndpoint = "https://extras.stackwallet.com";
 class NodeService extends ChangeNotifier {
-  final FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface;
+  final SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface;
   /// Exposed [secureStorageInterface] in order to inject mock for tests
-    this.secureStorageInterface = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
+    required this.secureStorageInterface,
   Future<void> updateDefaults() async {
diff --git a/lib/services/wallets.dart b/lib/services/wallets.dart
index db3011d4e..cebba2ce5 100644
--- a/lib/services/wallets.dart
+++ b/lib/services/wallets.dart
@@ -205,13 +205,14 @@ class Wallets extends ChangeNotifier {
             final txTracker =
                 TransactionNotificationTracker(walletId: walletId);
-            final failovers = NodeService().failoverNodesFor(coin: coin);
+            final failovers = nodeService.failoverNodesFor(coin: coin);
             // load wallet
             final wallet = CoinServiceAPI.from(
+              nodeService.secureStorageInterface,
diff --git a/lib/services/wallets_service.dart b/lib/services/wallets_service.dart
index b30f9e9e5..1371b17b6 100644
--- a/lib/services/wallets_service.dart
+++ b/lib/services/wallets_service.dart
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import 'dart:convert';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/monero/monero.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_libmonero/wownero/wownero.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/epiccash/epiccash_wallet.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/notifications_service.dart';
@@ -48,17 +47,14 @@ class WalletInfo {
 class WalletsService extends ChangeNotifier {
-  late final FlutterSecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
+  late final SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
   Future<Map<String, WalletInfo>>? _walletNames;
   Future<Map<String, WalletInfo>> get walletNames =>
       _walletNames ??= _fetchWalletNames();
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface =
-        const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
   }) {
     _secureStore = secureStorageInterface;
diff --git a/lib/utilities/assets.dart b/lib/utilities/assets.dart
index f853a00d8..e76a17c12 100644
--- a/lib/utilities/assets.dart
+++ b/lib/utilities/assets.dart
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class _SVG {
   String txExchangeFailed(BuildContext context) =>
+  String get circlePlus => "assets/svg/plus-circle.svg";
   String get framedGear => "assets/svg/framed-gear.svg";
   String get framedAddressBook => "assets/svg/framed-address-book.svg";
   String get themeLight => "assets/svg/light/light-mode.svg";
diff --git a/lib/utilities/db_version_migration.dart b/lib/utilities/db_version_migration.dart
index d1763e266..ae5190fc4 100644
--- a/lib/utilities/db_version_migration.dart
+++ b/lib/utilities/db_version_migration.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
 import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
@@ -17,9 +16,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
 class DbVersionMigrator {
   Future<void> migrate(
     int fromVersion, {
-    FlutterSecureStorageInterface secureStore = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
+    required SecureStorageInterface secureStore,
   }) async {
       "Running migrate fromVersion $fromVersion",
@@ -29,8 +26,9 @@ class DbVersionMigrator {
       case 0:
         await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData);
         await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
-        final walletsService = WalletsService();
-        final nodeService = NodeService();
+        final walletsService =
+            WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: secureStore);
+        final nodeService = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: secureStore);
         final prefs = Prefs.instance;
         final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames;
         await prefs.init();
@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ class DbVersionMigrator {
             boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 1);
         // try to continue migrating
-        return await migrate(1);
+        return await migrate(1, secureStore: secureStore);
       case 1:
         await Hive.openBox<ExchangeTransaction>(DB.boxNameTrades);
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ class DbVersionMigrator {
             boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 2);
         // try to continue migrating
-        return await migrate(2);
+        return await migrate(2, secureStore: secureStore);
       case 2:
         await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
         final prefs = Prefs.instance;
@@ -154,7 +152,7 @@ class DbVersionMigrator {
         // update version
         await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
             boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 3);
-        return await migrate(3);
+        return await migrate(3, secureStore: secureStore);
         // finally return
diff --git a/lib/utilities/desktop_password_service.dart b/lib/utilities/desktop_password_service.dart
index da537b3c2..9ef83932b 100644
--- a/lib/utilities/desktop_password_service.dart
+++ b/lib/utilities/desktop_password_service.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
+import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
 import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/secure_storage.dart';
-import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
 const String _kKeyBlobKey = "swbKeyBlobKeyStringID";
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ String _getMessageFromException(Object exception) {
 class DPS {
   StorageCryptoHandler? _handler;
-  final SecureStorageWrapper secureStorageWrapper;
   StorageCryptoHandler get handler {
     if (_handler == null) {
@@ -34,11 +33,7 @@ class DPS {
     return _handler!;
-  DPS({
-    this.secureStorageWrapper = const SecureStorageWrapper(
-      FlutterSecureStorage(),
-    ),
-  });
+  DPS();
   Future<void> initFromNew(String passphrase) async {
     if (_handler != null) {
@@ -47,10 +42,14 @@ class DPS {
     try {
       _handler = await StorageCryptoHandler.fromNewPassphrase(passphrase);
-      await secureStorageWrapper.write(
+      final box = await Hive.openBox<String>(DB.boxNameDesktopData);
+      await DB.instance.put<String>(
+        boxName: DB.boxNameDesktopData,
         key: _kKeyBlobKey,
         value: await _handler!.getKeyBlob(),
+      await box.close();
     } catch (e, s) {
@@ -65,7 +64,13 @@ class DPS {
       throw Exception(
           "DPS: attempted to re initialize with existing passphrase");
-    final keyBlob = await secureStorageWrapper.read(key: _kKeyBlobKey);
+    final box = await Hive.openBox<String>(DB.boxNameDesktopData);
+    final keyBlob = DB.instance.get<String>(
+      boxName: DB.boxNameDesktopData,
+      key: _kKeyBlobKey,
+    );
+    await box.close();
     if (keyBlob == null) {
       throw Exception(
@@ -79,11 +84,84 @@ class DPS {
         level: LogLevel.Error,
-      rethrow;
+      throw Exception(_getMessageFromException(e));
+    }
+  }
+  Future<bool> verifyPassphrase(String passphrase) async {
+    final box = await Hive.openBox<String>(DB.boxNameDesktopData);
+    final keyBlob = DB.instance.get<String>(
+      boxName: DB.boxNameDesktopData,
+      key: _kKeyBlobKey,
+    );
+    await box.close();
+    if (keyBlob == null) {
+      // no passphrase key blob found so any passphrase is technically bad
+      return false;
+    }
+    try {
+      await StorageCryptoHandler.fromExisting(passphrase, keyBlob);
+      // existing passphrase matches key blob
+      return true;
+    } catch (e, s) {
+      Logging.instance.log(
+        "${_getMessageFromException(e)}\n$s",
+        level: LogLevel.Warning,
+      );
+      // password is wrong or some other error
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  Future<bool> changePassphrase(
+    String passphraseOld,
+    String passphraseNew,
+  ) async {
+    final box = await Hive.openBox<String>(DB.boxNameDesktopData);
+    final keyBlob = DB.instance.get<String>(
+      boxName: DB.boxNameDesktopData,
+      key: _kKeyBlobKey,
+    );
+    await box.close();
+    if (keyBlob == null) {
+      // no passphrase key blob found so any passphrase is technically bad
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!(await verifyPassphrase(passphraseOld))) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    try {
+      await _handler!.resetPassphrase(passphraseNew);
+      final box = await Hive.openBox<String>(DB.boxNameDesktopData);
+      await DB.instance.put<String>(
+        boxName: DB.boxNameDesktopData,
+        key: _kKeyBlobKey,
+        value: await _handler!.getKeyBlob(),
+      );
+      await box.close();
+      // successfully updated passphrase
+      return true;
+    } catch (e, s) {
+      Logging.instance.log(
+        "${_getMessageFromException(e)}\n$s",
+        level: LogLevel.Warning,
+      );
+      return false;
   Future<bool> hasPassword() async {
-    return (await secureStorageWrapper.read(key: _kKeyBlobKey)) != null;
+    final keyBlob = DB.instance.get<String>(
+      boxName: DB.boxNameDesktopData,
+      key: _kKeyBlobKey,
+    );
+    return keyBlob != null;
diff --git a/lib/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart b/lib/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart
index f8163ae49..2d9b19050 100644
--- a/lib/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart
+++ b/lib/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
+import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
+import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/secure_storage.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/encrypted_string_value.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart';
+abstract class SecureStorageInterface {
+  dynamic get store;
-abstract class FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
   Future<void> write({
     required String key,
     required String? value,
@@ -33,10 +39,82 @@ abstract class FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
-class SecureStorageWrapper implements FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
-  final FlutterSecureStorage secureStore;
+class DesktopSecureStore {
+  final StorageCryptoHandler handler;
+  late final Isar isar;
-  const SecureStorageWrapper(this.secureStore);
+  DesktopSecureStore(this.handler);
+  Future<void> init() async {
+    isar = await Isar.open(
+      [EncryptedStringValueSchema],
+      directory: (await StackFileSystem.applicationIsarDirectory()).path,
+      inspector: false,
+      name: "desktopStore",
+    );
+  }
+  Future<String?> read({
+    required String key,
+  }) async {
+    final value =
+        await isar.encryptedStringValues.filter().keyEqualTo(key).findFirst();
+    // value does not exist;
+    if (value == null) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    return await handler.decryptValue(key, value.value);
+  }
+  Future<void> write({
+    required String key,
+    required String? value,
+  }) async {
+    if (value == null) {
+      // here we assume that a value is to be deleted
+      await isar.writeTxn(() async {
+        await isar.encryptedStringValues.deleteByKey(key);
+      });
+    } else {
+      // otherwise created encrypted object value
+      final object = EncryptedStringValue();
+      object.key = key;
+      object.value = await handler.encryptValue(key, value);
+      // store object value
+      await isar.writeTxn(() async {
+        await isar.encryptedStringValues.put(object);
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  Future<void> delete({
+    required String key,
+  }) async {
+    await isar.writeTxn(() async {
+      await isar.encryptedStringValues.deleteByKey(key);
+    });
+  }
+/// all *Options params ignored on desktop
+class SecureStorageWrapper implements SecureStorageInterface {
+  final dynamic _store;
+  final bool _isDesktop;
+  @override
+  dynamic get store => _store;
+  const SecureStorageWrapper({
+    required dynamic store,
+    required bool isDesktop,
+  })  : assert(isDesktop
+            ? store is DesktopSecureStore
+            : store is FlutterSecureStorage),
+        _store = store,
+        _isDesktop = isDesktop;
   Future<String?> read({
@@ -47,16 +125,20 @@ class SecureStorageWrapper implements FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
     WebOptions? webOptions,
     MacOsOptions? mOptions,
     WindowsOptions? wOptions,
-  }) {
-    return secureStore.read(
-      key: key,
-      iOptions: iOptions,
-      aOptions: aOptions,
-      lOptions: lOptions,
-      webOptions: webOptions,
-      mOptions: mOptions,
-      wOptions: wOptions,
-    );
+  }) async {
+    if (_isDesktop) {
+      return await (_store as DesktopSecureStore).read(key: key);
+    } else {
+      return await (_store as FlutterSecureStorage).read(
+        key: key,
+        iOptions: iOptions,
+        aOptions: aOptions,
+        lOptions: lOptions,
+        webOptions: webOptions,
+        mOptions: mOptions,
+        wOptions: wOptions,
+      );
+    }
@@ -69,17 +151,21 @@ class SecureStorageWrapper implements FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
     WebOptions? webOptions,
     MacOsOptions? mOptions,
     WindowsOptions? wOptions,
-  }) {
-    return secureStore.write(
-      key: key,
-      value: value,
-      iOptions: iOptions,
-      aOptions: aOptions,
-      lOptions: lOptions,
-      webOptions: webOptions,
-      mOptions: mOptions,
-      wOptions: wOptions,
-    );
+  }) async {
+    if (_isDesktop) {
+      return await (_store as DesktopSecureStore).write(key: key, value: value);
+    } else {
+      return await (_store as FlutterSecureStorage).write(
+        key: key,
+        value: value,
+        iOptions: iOptions,
+        aOptions: aOptions,
+        lOptions: lOptions,
+        webOptions: webOptions,
+        mOptions: mOptions,
+        wOptions: wOptions,
+      );
+    }
@@ -92,20 +178,24 @@ class SecureStorageWrapper implements FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
     MacOsOptions? mOptions,
     WindowsOptions? wOptions,
   }) async {
-    await secureStore.delete(
-      key: key,
-      iOptions: iOptions,
-      aOptions: aOptions,
-      lOptions: lOptions,
-      webOptions: webOptions,
-      mOptions: mOptions,
-      wOptions: wOptions,
-    );
+    if (_isDesktop) {
+      return (_store as DesktopSecureStore).delete(key: key);
+    } else {
+      return await (_store as FlutterSecureStorage).delete(
+        key: key,
+        iOptions: iOptions,
+        aOptions: aOptions,
+        lOptions: lOptions,
+        webOptions: webOptions,
+        mOptions: mOptions,
+        wOptions: wOptions,
+      );
+    }
 // Mock class for testing purposes
-class FakeSecureStorage implements FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+class FakeSecureStorage implements SecureStorageInterface {
   final Map<String, String?> _store = {};
   int _interactions = 0;
   int get interactions => _interactions;
@@ -161,4 +251,7 @@ class FakeSecureStorage implements FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+  @override
+  dynamic get store => throw UnimplementedError();
diff --git a/lib/utilities/stack_file_system.dart b/lib/utilities/stack_file_system.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5177f1973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utilities/stack_file_system.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/util.dart';
+abstract class StackFileSystem {
+  static Future<Directory> applicationRootDirectory() async {
+    Directory appDirectory;
+    // todo: can merge and do same as regular linux home dir?
+    if (Logging.isArmLinux) {
+      appDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
+      appDirectory = Directory("${appDirectory.path}/.stackwallet");
+    } else if (Platform.isLinux) {
+      appDirectory = Directory("${Platform.environment['HOME']}/.stackwallet");
+    } else if (Platform.isWindows) {
+      // TODO: windows root .stackwallet dir location
+      throw Exception("Unsupported platform");
+    } else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
+      // currently run in ipad mode??
+      throw Exception("Unsupported platform");
+    } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
+      // todo: check if we need different behaviour here
+      if (Util.isDesktop) {
+        appDirectory = await getLibraryDirectory();
+      } else {
+        appDirectory = await getLibraryDirectory();
+      }
+    } else if (Platform.isAndroid) {
+      appDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
+    } else {
+      throw Exception("Unsupported platform");
+    }
+    if (!appDirectory.existsSync()) {
+      await appDirectory.create(recursive: true);
+    }
+    return appDirectory;
+  }
+  static Future<Directory> applicationIsarDirectory() async {
+    final root = await applicationRootDirectory();
+    if (Util.isDesktop) {
+      final dir = Directory("${root.path}/isar");
+      if (!dir.existsSync()) {
+        await dir.create();
+      }
+      return dir;
+    } else {
+      return root;
+    }
+  }
+  static Future<Directory> applicationHiveDirectory() async {
+    final root = await applicationRootDirectory();
+    if (Util.isDesktop) {
+      final dir = Directory("${root.path}/hive");
+      if (!dir.existsSync()) {
+        await dir.create();
+      }
+      return dir;
+    } else {
+      return root;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/lib/widgets/conditional_parent.dart b/lib/widgets/conditional_parent.dart
index 757c8f992..e8c60884a 100644
--- a/lib/widgets/conditional_parent.dart
+++ b/lib/widgets/conditional_parent.dart
@@ -21,3 +21,27 @@ class ConditionalParent extends StatelessWidget {
+class BranchedParent extends StatelessWidget {
+  const BranchedParent({
+    Key? key,
+    required this.condition,
+    required this.conditionBranchBuilder,
+    required this.otherBranchBuilder,
+    required this.children,
+  }) : super(key: key);
+  final bool condition;
+  final Widget Function(List<Widget>) conditionBranchBuilder;
+  final Widget Function(List<Widget>) otherBranchBuilder;
+  final List<Widget> children;
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    if (condition) {
+      return conditionBranchBuilder(children);
+    } else {
+      return otherBranchBuilder(children);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/pubspec.lock b/pubspec.lock
index 2f7770d3a..0b8f49c2c 100644
--- a/pubspec.lock
+++ b/pubspec.lock
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ packages:
     source: hosted
     version: "3.0.1"
-    dependency: "direct main"
+    dependency: transitive
       name: shared_preferences
       url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index b7947a58d..10a00ff2e 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ dependencies:
   pointycastle: ^3.6.0
   package_info_plus: ^1.4.2
   lottie: ^1.3.0
-  shared_preferences: ^2.0.15
+#  shared_preferences: ^2.0.15
   file_picker: ^5.0.1
   connectivity_plus: 2.3.6+1
 #  document_file_save_plus: ^1.0.5
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ flutter:
     - assets/svg/exit-desktop.svg
     - assets/svg/keys.svg
     - assets/svg/arrow-down.svg
+    - assets/svg/plus-circle.svg
     # coin icons
     - assets/svg/coin_icons/Bitcoin.svg
     - assets/svg/coin_icons/Litecoin.svg
diff --git a/test/cached_electrumx_test.mocks.dart b/test/cached_electrumx_test.mocks.dart
index 1e3e70a0a..a45cdd402 100644
--- a/test/cached_electrumx_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/cached_electrumx_test.mocks.dart
@@ -678,6 +678,14 @@ class MockPrefs extends _i1.Mock implements _i5.Prefs {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i4.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i4.Future<void>);
+  _i4.Future<bool> isExternalCallsSet() => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #isExternalCallsSet,
+          [],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i4.Future<bool>.value(false),
+      ) as _i4.Future<bool>);
+  @override
   void addListener(_i9.VoidCallback? listener) => super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/electrumx_test.mocks.dart b/test/electrumx_test.mocks.dart
index fa48ea2fd..9f29ae1e5 100644
--- a/test/electrumx_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/electrumx_test.mocks.dart
@@ -399,6 +399,14 @@ class MockPrefs extends _i1.Mock implements _i4.Prefs {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i3.Future<void>);
+  _i3.Future<bool> isExternalCallsSet() => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #isExternalCallsSet,
+          [],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i3.Future<bool>.value(false),
+      ) as _i3.Future<bool>);
+  @override
   void addListener(_i8.VoidCallback? listener) => super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/flutter_secure_storage_interface_test.dart b/test/flutter_secure_storage_interface_test.dart
index 90dfdcf13..a421b14c1 100644
--- a/test/flutter_secure_storage_interface_test.dart
+++ b/test/flutter_secure_storage_interface_test.dart
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void main() {
     when(secureStore.write(key: "testKey", value: "some value"))
         .thenAnswer((_) async => null);
-    final wrapper = SecureStorageWrapper(secureStore);
+    final wrapper = SecureStorageWrapper(store: secureStore, isDesktop: false);
     await expectLater(
         () async => await wrapper.write(key: "testKey", value: "some value"),
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void main() {
     final secureStore = MockFlutterSecureStorage();
     when(secureStore.read(key: "testKey"))
         .thenAnswer((_) async => "some value");
-    final wrapper = SecureStorageWrapper(secureStore);
+    final wrapper = SecureStorageWrapper(store: secureStore, isDesktop: false);
     final result = await wrapper.read(key: "testKey");
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ void main() {
   test("SecureStorageWrapper delete", () async {
     final secureStore = MockFlutterSecureStorage();
     when(secureStore.delete(key: "testKey")).thenAnswer((_) async {});
-    final wrapper = SecureStorageWrapper(secureStore);
+    final wrapper = SecureStorageWrapper(store: secureStore, isDesktop: false);
     await expectLater(
         () async => await wrapper.delete(key: "testKey"), returnsNormally);
diff --git a/test/pages/send_view/send_view_test.mocks.dart b/test/pages/send_view/send_view_test.mocks.dart
index a07377309..d63dafb04 100644
--- a/test/pages/send_view/send_view_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/pages/send_view/send_view_test.mocks.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Mocks generated by Mockito 5.3.2 from annotations
-// in stackwallet/test/pages/send_view_test.dart.
+// in stackwallet/test/pages/send_view/send_view_test.dart.
 // Do not manually edit this file.
 // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class _FakeManager_3 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.Manager {
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_4 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i7.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i7.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -621,14 +621,13 @@ class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i7.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i7.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_4(
-      ) as _i7.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i7.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i19.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -890,6 +889,14 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i20.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i9.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   bool get isActive => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: false,
@@ -1272,6 +1279,16 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i20.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  @override
   bool validateAddress(String? address) => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -1875,6 +1892,14 @@ class MockPrefs extends _i1.Mock implements _i17.Prefs {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  _i16.Future<bool> isExternalCallsSet() => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #isExternalCallsSet,
+          [],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
+      ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
   void addListener(_i18.VoidCallback? listener) => super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -2623,4 +2648,14 @@ class MockCoinServiceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i13.CoinServiceAPI {
         returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
       ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/exchange/exchange_view_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/exchange/exchange_view_test.mocks.dart
index 1d93023d5..0da12dbd0 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/exchange/exchange_view_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/exchange/exchange_view_test.mocks.dart
@@ -350,6 +350,14 @@ class MockPrefs extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.Prefs {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i7.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i7.Future<void>);
+  _i7.Future<bool> isExternalCallsSet() => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #isExternalCallsSet,
+          [],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i7.Future<bool>.value(false),
+      ) as _i7.Future<bool>);
+  @override
   void addListener(_i8.VoidCallback? listener) => super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/lockscreen_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/lockscreen_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index 1cd697e05..a33c4ef28 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/lockscreen_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/lockscreen_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -309,14 +309,13 @@ class MockWalletsService extends _i1.Mock implements _i6.WalletsService {
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i10.NodeService {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i2.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0(
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i2.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i11.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/onboarding/create_pin_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/onboarding/create_pin_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index 62d3c597d..3aed1dcb8 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/onboarding/create_pin_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/onboarding/create_pin_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -309,14 +309,13 @@ class MockWalletsService extends _i1.Mock implements _i6.WalletsService {
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i10.NodeService {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i2.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0(
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i2.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i11.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/onboarding/restore_wallet_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/onboarding/restore_wallet_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index cf891e829..cd4986e13 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/onboarding/restore_wallet_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/onboarding/restore_wallet_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class _FakeTransactionData_4 extends _i1.SmartFake
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_5 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i6.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i6.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -744,14 +744,14 @@ class MockManager extends _i1.Mock implements _i12.Manager {
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i13.NodeService {
-  _i6.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
+  _i6.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_5(
-      ) as _i6.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i6.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i14.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/add_custom_node_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/add_custom_node_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index d80b97852..3ac5afcc7 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/add_custom_node_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/add_custom_node_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -86,14 +86,13 @@ class _FakeTransactionData_4 extends _i1.SmartFake
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i6.NodeService {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i2.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0(
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i2.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i7.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/node_details_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/node_details_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index 89820ee97..0f6447a9e 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/node_details_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_subviews/node_details_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -86,14 +86,13 @@ class _FakeTransactionData_4 extends _i1.SmartFake
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i6.NodeService {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i2.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0(
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i2.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i7.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index 7e8ff731e..707da7345 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/network_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -40,14 +40,13 @@ class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i2.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0(
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i2.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i4.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/wallet_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/wallet_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
index 27ae85597..7eb0853dd 100644
--- a/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/wallet_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/screen_tests/settings_view/settings_subviews/wallet_settings_view_screen_test.mocks.dart
@@ -139,6 +139,22 @@ class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i6.CachedElectrumX {
             _i8.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}),
       ) as _i8.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>);
+  String base64ToHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
+  String base64ToReverseHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToReverseHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
   _i8.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({
     required String? txHash,
     required _i9.Coin? coin,
diff --git a/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.dart b/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.dart
index 8a240a3dd..e33ffafdf 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.dart
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinWallet? testnetWallet;
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinWallet? mainnetWallet;
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinWallet? btc;
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinWallet? btc;
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinWallet? btc;
diff --git a/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
index 99e2e6231..32a6c7195 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
@@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CachedElectrumX {
             _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}),
       ) as _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>);
+  String base64ToHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
+  String base64ToReverseHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToReverseHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
   _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({
     required String? txHash,
     required _i8.Coin? coin,
diff --git a/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.dart b/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.dart
index 077163809..1c32802c9 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.dart
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinCashWallet? mainnetWallet;
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinCashWallet? mainnetWallet;
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinCashWallet? bch;
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinCashWallet? bch;
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     BitcoinCashWallet? bch;
diff --git a/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.mocks.dart
index a5a2018e7..bfc5f793b 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/bitcoincash/bitcoincash_wallet_test.mocks.dart
@@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CachedElectrumX {
             _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}),
       ) as _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>);
+  String base64ToHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
+  String base64ToReverseHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToReverseHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
   _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({
     required String? txHash,
     required _i8.Coin? coin,
diff --git a/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.dart b/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.dart
index 7fcb1cdbd..7c1535ec5 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.dart
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     DogecoinWallet? mainnetWallet;
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     DogecoinWallet? doge;
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     DogecoinWallet? doge;
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     DogecoinWallet? doge;
diff --git a/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
index 944e5faea..f7220922e 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
@@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CachedElectrumX {
             _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}),
       ) as _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>);
+  String base64ToHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
+  String base64ToReverseHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToReverseHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
   _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({
     required String? txHash,
     required _i8.Coin? coin,
diff --git a/test/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet_test.mocks.dart
index 4fe6af52a..2d32cef48 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/firo/firo_wallet_test.mocks.dart
@@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CachedElectrumX {
             _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}),
       ) as _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>);
+  String base64ToHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
+  String base64ToReverseHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToReverseHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
   _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({
     required String? txHash,
     required _i8.Coin? coin,
diff --git a/test/services/coins/manager_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/coins/manager_test.mocks.dart
index 0c20b752d..9a958702f 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/manager_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/manager_test.mocks.dart
@@ -117,6 +117,14 @@ class MockFiroWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.FiroWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i4.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   _i2.TransactionNotificationTracker get txTracker => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeTransactionNotificationTracker_0(
@@ -375,6 +383,16 @@ class MockFiroWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.FiroWallet {
         returnValue: false,
       ) as bool);
+  _i8.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i8.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i8.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i8.Future<void>);
+  @override
   _i8.Future<bool> testNetworkConnection() => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet_test.dart b/test/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet_test.dart
index 79bf98a41..d6d600e36 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/monero/monero_wallet_test.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import 'dart:core';
-import 'dart:core' as core;
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'dart:math';
@@ -19,18 +18,13 @@ import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
 import 'package:hive_test/hive_test.dart';
 import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
 import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
-import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
-// TODO trim down to the minimum imports above
 import 'monero_wallet_test_data.dart';
-//FlutterSecureStorage? storage;
 FakeSecureStorage? storage;
 WalletService? walletService;
-SharedPreferences? prefs;
 KeyService? keysStorage;
 MoneroWalletBase? walletBase;
 late WalletCreationService _walletCreationService;
@@ -46,7 +40,6 @@ WalletType type = WalletType.monero;
 void main() async {
   storage = FakeSecureStorage();
-  prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
   keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
   WalletInfo walletInfo = WalletInfo.external(
       id: '',
@@ -90,12 +83,12 @@ void main() async {
         final dirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name: name, type: type);
         path = await pathForWallet(name: name, type: type);
         credentials =
-        // //     creating a new wallet
-        // monero.createMoneroNewWalletCredentials(
-        //     name: name, language: "English");
-        // restoring a previous wallet
-        monero.createMoneroRestoreWalletFromSeedCredentials(
-            name: name, height: 2580000, mnemonic: testMnemonic);
+            // //     creating a new wallet
+            // monero.createMoneroNewWalletCredentials(
+            //     name: name, language: "English");
+            // restoring a previous wallet
+            monero.createMoneroRestoreWalletFromSeedCredentials(
+                name: name, height: 2580000, mnemonic: testMnemonic);
         walletInfo = WalletInfo.external(
             id: WalletBase.idFor(name, type),
@@ -111,7 +104,6 @@ void main() async {
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
           secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -124,8 +116,8 @@ void main() async {
     test("Test mainnet address generation from seed", () async {
       final wallet = await
-      // _walletCreationService.create(credentials);
-      _walletCreationService.restoreFromSeed(credentials);
+          // _walletCreationService.create(credentials);
+          _walletCreationService.restoreFromSeed(credentials);
       walletInfo.address = wallet.walletAddresses.address;
@@ -134,8 +126,7 @@ void main() async {
       walletBase = wallet as MoneroWalletBase;
-      expect(
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress(walletInfo.address ?? ''), true);
+      expect(await walletBase!.validateAddress(walletInfo.address ?? ''), true);
       // print(walletBase);
       // loggerPrint(walletBase.toString());
@@ -157,20 +148,31 @@ void main() async {
           await walletBase!.getTransactionAddress(1, 2), mainnetTestData[1][2]);
+      expect(await walletBase!.validateAddress(''), false);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress(''), false);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              '4AeRgkWZsMJhAWKMeCZ3h4ZSPnAcW5VBtRFyLd6gBEf6GgJU2FHXDA6i1DnQTd6h8R3VU5AkbGcWSNhtSwNNPgaD48gp4nn'),
+          true);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('4AeRgkWZsMJhAWKMeCZ3h4ZSPnAcW5VBtRFyLd6gBEf6GgJU2FHXDA6i1DnQTd6h8R3VU5AkbGcWSNhtSwNNPgaD48gp4nn'), true);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              '4asdfkWZsMJhAWKMeCZ3h4ZSPnAcW5VBtRFyLd6gBEf6GgJU2FHXDA6i1DnQTd6h8R3VU5AkbGcWSNhtSwNNPgaD48gpjkl'),
+          false);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('4asdfkWZsMJhAWKMeCZ3h4ZSPnAcW5VBtRFyLd6gBEf6GgJU2FHXDA6i1DnQTd6h8R3VU5AkbGcWSNhtSwNNPgaD48gpjkl'), false);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              '8AeRgkWZsMJhAWKMeCZ3h4ZSPnAcW5VBtRFyLd6gBEf6GgJU2FHXDA6i1DnQTd6h8R3VU5AkbGcWSNhtSwNNPgaD48gp4nn'),
+          false);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('8AeRgkWZsMJhAWKMeCZ3h4ZSPnAcW5VBtRFyLd6gBEf6GgJU2FHXDA6i1DnQTd6h8R3VU5AkbGcWSNhtSwNNPgaD48gp4nn'), false);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              '84kYPuZ1eaVKGQhf26QPNWbSLQG16BywXdLYYShVrPNMLAUAWce5vcpRc78FxwRphrG6Cda7faCKdUMr8fUCH3peHPenvHy'),
+          true);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('84kYPuZ1eaVKGQhf26QPNWbSLQG16BywXdLYYShVrPNMLAUAWce5vcpRc78FxwRphrG6Cda7faCKdUMr8fUCH3peHPenvHy'), true);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              '8asdfuZ1eaVKGQhf26QPNWbSLQG16BywXdLYYShVrPNMLAUAWce5vcpRc78FxwRphrG6Cda7faCKdUMr8fUCH3peHPenjkl'),
+          false);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('8asdfuZ1eaVKGQhf26QPNWbSLQG16BywXdLYYShVrPNMLAUAWce5vcpRc78FxwRphrG6Cda7faCKdUMr8fUCH3peHPenjkl'), false);
-      expect(
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('44kYPuZ1eaVKGQhf26QPNWbSLQG16BywXdLYYShVrPNMLAUAWce5vcpRc78FxwRphrG6Cda7faCKdUMr8fUCH3peHPenvHy'), false);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              '44kYPuZ1eaVKGQhf26QPNWbSLQG16BywXdLYYShVrPNMLAUAWce5vcpRc78FxwRphrG6Cda7faCKdUMr8fUCH3peHPenvHy'),
+          false);
@@ -229,6 +231,6 @@ Future<String> pathForWalletDir(
 Future<String> pathForWallet(
-    {required String name, required WalletType type}) async =>
+        {required String name, required WalletType type}) async =>
     await pathForWalletDir(name: name, type: type)
         .then((path) => path + '/$name');
diff --git a/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.dart b/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.dart
index f6bc1b065..46afd06bd 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.dart
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     NamecoinWallet? mainnetWallet;
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void main() {
               address: "N673DDbjPcrNgJmrhJ1xQXF9LLizQzvjEs"),
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void main() {
               address: "nc1q6k4x8ye6865z3rc8zkt8gyu52na7njqt6hsk4v"),
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void main() {
           () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
               address: "tb1qzzlm6mnc8k54mx6akehl8p9ray8r439va5ndyq"),
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void main() {
           () => mainnetWallet?.addressType(
               address: "mpMk94ETazqonHutyC1v6ajshgtP8oiFKU"),
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     NamecoinWallet? nmc;
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void main() {
       when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => false);
       final bool? result = await nmc?.testNetworkConnection();
       expect(result, false);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ void main() {
       final bool? result = await nmc?.testNetworkConnection();
       expect(result, false);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void main() {
       when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
       final bool? result = await nmc?.testNetworkConnection();
       expect(result, true);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     NamecoinWallet? nmc;
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void main() {
     test("get networkType main", () async {
       expect(Coin.namecoin, Coin.namecoin);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ void main() {
         secureStore: secureStore,
       expect(Coin.namecoin, Coin.namecoin);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ void main() {
     test("get cryptoCurrency", () async {
       expect(Coin.namecoin, Coin.namecoin);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void main() {
     test("get coinName", () async {
       expect(Coin.namecoin, Coin.namecoin);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ void main() {
     test("get coinTicker", () async {
       expect(Coin.namecoin, Coin.namecoin);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ void main() {
       expect(Coin.namecoin, Coin.namecoin);
       nmc?.walletName = "new name";
       expect(nmc?.walletName, "new name");
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ void main() {
       expect(nmc?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 1699), 712);
       expect(nmc?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 2000), 712);
       expect(nmc?.estimateTxFee(vSize: 356, feeRatePerKB: 12345), 4628);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ void main() {
       verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1)).called(1);
       verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5)).called(1);
       verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20)).called(1);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ void main() {
       verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1)).called(1);
       verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5)).called(1);
       verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20)).called(1);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ void main() {
     //   verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 1)).called(1);
     //   verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 5)).called(1);
     //   verify(client?.estimateFee(blocks: 20)).called(1);
-    //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+    //   expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(tracker);
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ void main() {
     MockElectrumX? client;
     MockCachedElectrumX? cachedClient;
     MockPriceAPI? priceAPI;
-    FakeSecureStorage? secureStore;
+    late FakeSecureStorage secureStore;
     MockTransactionNotificationTracker? tracker;
     NamecoinWallet? nmc;
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ void main() {
     // test("initializeWallet no network", () async {
     //   when(client?.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => false);
     //   expect(await nmc?.initializeWallet(), false);
-    //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+    //   expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
     //   verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ void main() {
     //   when(client?.ping()).thenThrow(Exception("Network connection failed"));
     //   final wallets = await Hive.openBox(testWalletId);
     //   expect(await nmc?.initializeExisting(), false);
-    //   expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+    //   expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
     //   verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
     //   verifyNoMoreInteractions(cachedClient);
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ void main() {
       expectLater(() => nmc?.initializeExisting(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()))
           .then((_) {
-        expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+        expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
         // verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
         // verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
@@ -560,13 +560,13 @@ void main() {
             "hash_function": "sha256",
             "services": []
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_mnemonic", value: "some mnemonic");
       final wallets = await Hive.openBox(testWalletId);
       expectLater(() => nmc?.initializeExisting(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()))
           .then((_) {
-        expect(secureStore?.interactions, 1);
+        expect(secureStore.interactions, 1);
         // verify(client?.ping()).called(1);
         // verify(client?.getServerFeatures()).called(1);
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ void main() {
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ void main() {
             "services": []
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_mnemonic", value: "some mnemonic words");
       bool hasThrown = false;
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ void main() {
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 2);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 2);
@@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ void main() {
       verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs4)).called(1);
       verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs5)).called(1);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 20);
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 13);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 20);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 13);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
@@ -814,10 +814,10 @@ void main() {
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 14);
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 14);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
@@ -911,17 +911,17 @@ void main() {
       final preChangeIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2SH');
       final preChangeIndexP2WPKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2WPKH');
       final preUtxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
-      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2SH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
+      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
+      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2SH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
       final preChangeDerivationsStringP2SH =
-          await secureStore?.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
-      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
+      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH");
-      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2WPKH");
       // destroy the data that the rescan will fix
@@ -943,17 +943,17 @@ void main() {
       await wallet.put('changeIndexP2PKH', 123);
       await wallet.put('changeIndexP2SH', 123);
       await wallet.put('changeIndexP2WPKH', 123);
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH", value: "{}");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH", value: "{}");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH", value: "{}");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH", value: "{}");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH", value: "{}");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2WPKH", value: "{}");
       bool hasThrown = false;
@@ -980,17 +980,17 @@ void main() {
       final changeIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2SH');
       final changeIndexP2WPKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2WPKH');
       final utxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
-      final receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final changeDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final receiveDerivationsStringP2SH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
+      final changeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
+      final receiveDerivationsStringP2SH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
       final changeDerivationsStringP2SH =
-          await secureStore?.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
-      final receiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
+      final receiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH");
-      final changeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final changeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2WPKH");
       expect(preReceivingAddressesP2PKH, receivingAddressesP2PKH);
@@ -1082,9 +1082,9 @@ void main() {
       // argCount.forEach((key, value) => print("arg: $key\ncount: $value"));
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 25);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 32);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 6);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 25);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 32);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 6);
@@ -1182,17 +1182,17 @@ void main() {
       final preChangeIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2SH');
       final preChangeIndexP2WPKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2WPKH');
       final preUtxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
-      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2SH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
+      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
+      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2SH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
       final preChangeDerivationsStringP2SH =
-          await secureStore?.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
-      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
+      final preReceiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH");
-      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final preChangeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2WPKH");
       when(client?.getBatchHistory(args: historyBatchArgs0))
@@ -1222,17 +1222,17 @@ void main() {
       final changeIndexP2SH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2SH');
       final changeIndexP2WPKH = await wallet.get('changeIndexP2WPKH');
       final utxoData = await wallet.get('latest_utxo_model');
-      final receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final receiveDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final changeDerivationsStringP2PKH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
-      final receiveDerivationsStringP2SH = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
+      final changeDerivationsStringP2PKH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2PKH");
+      final receiveDerivationsStringP2SH =
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
       final changeDerivationsStringP2SH =
-          await secureStore?.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
-      final receiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+          await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2SH");
+      final receiveDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH");
-      final changeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore?.read(
+      final changeDerivationsStringP2WPKH = await secureStore.read(
           key: "${testWalletId}_changeDerivationsP2WPKH");
       expect(preReceivingAddressesP2PKH, receivingAddressesP2PKH);
@@ -1296,9 +1296,9 @@ void main() {
       verify(cachedClient?.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.namecoin))
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 19);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 32);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 12);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 19);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 32);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 12);
@@ -1366,21 +1366,21 @@ void main() {
           height: 4000);
       // modify addresses to properly mock data to build a tx
-      final rcv44 = await secureStore?.read(
+      final rcv44 = await secureStore.read(
           key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2PKH");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2PKH",
           value: rcv44?.replaceFirst("1RMSPixoLPuaXuhR2v4HsUMcRjLncKDaw",
-      final rcv49 = await secureStore?.read(
-          key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      final rcv49 =
+          await secureStore.read(key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2SH");
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2SH",
           value: rcv49?.replaceFirst("3AV74rKfibWmvX34F99yEvUcG4LLQ9jZZk",
-      final rcv84 = await secureStore?.read(
+      final rcv84 = await secureStore.read(
           key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH");
-      await secureStore?.write(
+      await secureStore.write(
           key: testWalletId + "_receiveDerivationsP2WPKH",
           value: rcv84?.replaceFirst(
@@ -1436,10 +1436,10 @@ void main() {
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 20);
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 10);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 10);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 20);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 10);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 10);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ void main() {
       expect(didThrow, true);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ void main() {
       expect(didThrow, true);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ void main() {
               rawTx: "a string", requestID: anyNamed("requestID")))
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ void main() {
               rawTx: "a string", requestID: anyNamed("requestID")))
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ void main() {
               rawTx: "a string", requestID: anyNamed("requestID")))
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 0);
@@ -1658,10 +1658,10 @@ void main() {
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 14);
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 14);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
@@ -1726,10 +1726,10 @@ void main() {
         verify(client?.getBatchHistory(args: map)).called(1);
-      expect(secureStore?.interactions, 14);
-      expect(secureStore?.writes, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.reads, 7);
-      expect(secureStore?.deletes, 0);
+      expect(secureStore.interactions, 14);
+      expect(secureStore.writes, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.reads, 7);
+      expect(secureStore.deletes, 0);
       // verifyNoMoreInteractions(client);
diff --git a/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
index a81c27fe0..91c3e5bfa 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/namecoin/namecoin_wallet_test.mocks.dart
@@ -465,6 +465,22 @@ class MockCachedElectrumX extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CachedElectrumX {
             _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}),
       ) as _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>);
+  String base64ToHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
+  String base64ToReverseHex(String? source) => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #base64ToReverseHex,
+          [source],
+        ),
+        returnValue: '',
+      ) as String);
+  @override
   _i6.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({
     required String? txHash,
     required _i8.Coin? coin,
diff --git a/test/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet_test.dart b/test/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet_test.dart
index 78a9c56c1..637a40b81 100644
--- a/test/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/coins/wownero/wownero_wallet_test.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import 'dart:core';
-import 'dart:core' as core;
 import 'dart:io';
 import 'dart:math';
@@ -19,14 +18,12 @@ import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
 import 'package:hive_test/hive_test.dart';
 import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
 import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
-import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
 import 'wownero_wallet_test_data.dart';
 FakeSecureStorage? storage;
 WalletService? walletService;
-SharedPreferences? prefs;
 KeyService? keysStorage;
 WowneroWalletBase? walletBase;
 late WalletCreationService _walletCreationService;
@@ -41,7 +38,6 @@ WalletType type = WalletType.wownero;
 void main() async {
   storage = FakeSecureStorage();
-  prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
   keysStorage = KeyService(storage!);
   WalletInfo walletInfo = WalletInfo.external(
       id: '',
@@ -102,7 +98,6 @@ void main() async {
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
           secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -127,19 +122,24 @@ void main() async {
         walletBase = wallet as WowneroWalletBase;
-            await walletBase!.validateAddress(wallet.walletAddresses.address ?? ''), true);
+            await walletBase!
+                .validateAddress(wallet.walletAddresses.address ?? ''),
+            true);
       } catch (_) {
         hasThrown = true;
       expect(hasThrown, false);
       // Address validation
+      expect(await walletBase!.validateAddress(''), false);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress(''), false);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              'Wo3jmHvTMLwE6h29fpgcb8PbJSpaKuqM7XTXVfiiu8bLCZsJvrQCbQSJR48Vo3BWNQKsMsXZ4VixndXTH25QtorC27NCjmsEi'),
+          true);
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('Wo3jmHvTMLwE6h29fpgcb8PbJSpaKuqM7XTXVfiiu8bLCZsJvrQCbQSJR48Vo3BWNQKsMsXZ4VixndXTH25QtorC27NCjmsEi'), true);
-      expect(
-          await walletBase!.validateAddress('WasdfHvTMLwE6h29fpgcb8PbJSpaKuqM7XTXVfiiu8bLCZsJvrQCbQSJR48Vo3BWNQKsMsXZ4VixndXTH25QtorC27NCjmjkl'), false);
+          await walletBase!.validateAddress(
+              'WasdfHvTMLwE6h29fpgcb8PbJSpaKuqM7XTXVfiiu8bLCZsJvrQCbQSJR48Vo3BWNQKsMsXZ4VixndXTH25QtorC27NCjmjkl'),
+          false);
       walletBase = wallet as WowneroWalletBase;
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ void main() async {
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
           secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@ void main() async {
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
           secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -312,7 +310,6 @@ void main() async {
         _walletCreationService = WalletCreationService(
           secureStorage: storage,
-          sharedPreferences: prefs,
           walletService: walletService,
           keyService: keysStorage,
@@ -367,6 +364,6 @@ Future<String> pathForWalletDir(
 Future<String> pathForWallet(
-    {required String name, required WalletType type}) async =>
+        {required String name, required WalletType type}) async =>
     await pathForWalletDir(name: name, type: type)
         .then((path) => path + '/$name');
diff --git a/test/services/node_service_test.dart b/test/services/node_service_test.dart
index 81f8ca6ed..cea30be2d 100644
--- a/test/services/node_service_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/node_service_test.dart
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ void main() {
     setUp(() async {
-      await NodeService().updateDefaults();
+      await NodeService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage())
+          .updateDefaults();
     test("setPrimaryNodeFor and getPrimaryNodeFor", () async {
diff --git a/test/services/wallets_service_test.dart b/test/services/wallets_service_test.dart
index 1cb712759..9cd808b7c 100644
--- a/test/services/wallets_service_test.dart
+++ b/test/services/wallets_service_test.dart
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void main() {
   test("get walletNames", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expect((await service.walletNames).toString(),
         '{wallet_id: WalletInfo: {"name":"My Firo Wallet","id":"wallet_id","coin":"bitcoin"}, wallet_id2: WalletInfo: {"name":"wallet2","id":"wallet_id2","coin":"bitcoin"}}');
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ void main() {
   test("get null wallet names", () async {
     final wallets = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>('wallets');
     await wallets.put('names', null);
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expect(await service.walletNames, <String, WalletInfo>{});
     expect((await service.walletNames).toString(), '{}');
   test("rename wallet to same name", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
         await service.renameWallet(
             from: "My Firo Wallet",
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void main() {
   test("rename wallet to new name", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
         await service.renameWallet(
             from: "My Firo Wallet",
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void main() {
   test("attempt rename wallet to another existing name", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
         await service.renameWallet(
             from: "My Firo Wallet",
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void main() {
   test("add new wallet name", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
         await service.addNewWallet(
             name: "wallet3", coin: Coin.bitcoin, shouldNotifyListeners: false),
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void main() {
   test("add duplicate wallet name fails", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
         await service.addNewWallet(
             name: "wallet2", coin: Coin.bitcoin, shouldNotifyListeners: false),
@@ -103,27 +103,27 @@ void main() {
   test("check for duplicates when null names", () async {
     final wallets = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>('wallets');
     await wallets.put('names', null);
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expect(await service.checkForDuplicate("anything"), false);
   test("check for duplicates when some names with no matches", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expect(await service.checkForDuplicate("anything"), false);
   test("check for duplicates when some names with a match", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expect(await service.checkForDuplicate("wallet2"), true);
   test("get existing wallet id", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expect(await service.getWalletId("wallet2"), "wallet_id2");
   test("get non existent wallet id", () async {
-    final service = WalletsService();
+    final service = WalletsService(secureStorageInterface: FakeSecureStorage());
     expectLater(await service.getWalletId("wallet 99"), null);
diff --git a/test/services/wallets_service_test.mocks.dart b/test/services/wallets_service_test.mocks.dart
index c553bbf93..19d525196 100644
--- a/test/services/wallets_service_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/services/wallets_service_test.mocks.dart
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 // Do not manually edit this file.
 // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
-import 'dart:async' as _i4;
+import 'dart:async' as _i3;
-import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart' as _i2;
+import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart' as _i4;
 import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1;
 import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
-    as _i3;
+    as _i2;
 // ignore_for_file: type=lint
 // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values
@@ -21,43 +21,24 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
-class _FakeFlutterSecureStorage_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorage {
-  _FakeFlutterSecureStorage_0(
-    Object parent,
-    Invocation parentInvocation,
-  ) : super(
-          parent,
-          parentInvocation,
-        );
 /// A class which mocks [SecureStorageWrapper].
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockSecureStorageWrapper extends _i1.Mock
-    implements _i3.SecureStorageWrapper {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageWrapper {
   MockSecureStorageWrapper() {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorage get secureStore => (super.noSuchMethod(
-        Invocation.getter(#secureStore),
-        returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorage_0(
-          this,
-          Invocation.getter(#secureStore),
-        ),
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorage);
-  @override
-  _i4.Future<String?> read({
+  _i3.Future<String?> read({
     required String? key,
-    _i2.IOSOptions? iOptions,
-    _i2.AndroidOptions? aOptions,
-    _i2.LinuxOptions? lOptions,
-    _i2.WebOptions? webOptions,
-    _i2.MacOsOptions? mOptions,
-    _i2.WindowsOptions? wOptions,
+    _i4.IOSOptions? iOptions,
+    _i4.AndroidOptions? aOptions,
+    _i4.LinuxOptions? lOptions,
+    _i4.WebOptions? webOptions,
+    _i4.MacOsOptions? mOptions,
+    _i4.WindowsOptions? wOptions,
   }) =>
@@ -73,18 +54,18 @@ class MockSecureStorageWrapper extends _i1.Mock
             #wOptions: wOptions,
-        returnValue: _i4.Future<String?>.value(),
-      ) as _i4.Future<String?>);
+        returnValue: _i3.Future<String?>.value(),
+      ) as _i3.Future<String?>);
-  _i4.Future<void> write({
+  _i3.Future<void> write({
     required String? key,
     required String? value,
-    _i2.IOSOptions? iOptions,
-    _i2.AndroidOptions? aOptions,
-    _i2.LinuxOptions? lOptions,
-    _i2.WebOptions? webOptions,
-    _i2.MacOsOptions? mOptions,
-    _i2.WindowsOptions? wOptions,
+    _i4.IOSOptions? iOptions,
+    _i4.AndroidOptions? aOptions,
+    _i4.LinuxOptions? lOptions,
+    _i4.WebOptions? webOptions,
+    _i4.MacOsOptions? mOptions,
+    _i4.WindowsOptions? wOptions,
   }) =>
@@ -101,18 +82,18 @@ class MockSecureStorageWrapper extends _i1.Mock
             #wOptions: wOptions,
-        returnValue: _i4.Future<void>.value(),
-        returnValueForMissingStub: _i4.Future<void>.value(),
-      ) as _i4.Future<void>);
+        returnValue: _i3.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i3.Future<void>);
-  _i4.Future<void> delete({
+  _i3.Future<void> delete({
     required String? key,
-    _i2.IOSOptions? iOptions,
-    _i2.AndroidOptions? aOptions,
-    _i2.LinuxOptions? lOptions,
-    _i2.WebOptions? webOptions,
-    _i2.MacOsOptions? mOptions,
-    _i2.WindowsOptions? wOptions,
+    _i4.IOSOptions? iOptions,
+    _i4.AndroidOptions? aOptions,
+    _i4.LinuxOptions? lOptions,
+    _i4.WebOptions? webOptions,
+    _i4.MacOsOptions? mOptions,
+    _i4.WindowsOptions? wOptions,
   }) =>
@@ -128,7 +109,7 @@ class MockSecureStorageWrapper extends _i1.Mock
             #wOptions: wOptions,
-        returnValue: _i4.Future<void>.value(),
-        returnValueForMissingStub: _i4.Future<void>.value(),
-      ) as _i4.Future<void>);
+        returnValue: _i3.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i3.Future<void>);
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/managed_favorite_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/managed_favorite_test.mocks.dart
index 7d1d864df..50f906c3c 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/managed_favorite_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/managed_favorite_test.mocks.dart
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class _FakeElectrumXNode_11 extends _i1.SmartFake
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_12 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i12.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -681,6 +681,14 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i8.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   bool get isActive => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: false,
@@ -1063,6 +1071,16 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  @override
   bool validateAddress(String? address) => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -1380,14 +1398,13 @@ class MockLocaleService extends _i1.Mock implements _i20.LocaleService {
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i12.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_12(
-      ) as _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i12.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i21.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -2291,4 +2308,14 @@ class MockCoinServiceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i13.CoinServiceAPI {
         returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
       ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/node_card_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/node_card_test.mocks.dart
index 673182ceb..2bb32b58d 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/node_card_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/node_card_test.mocks.dart
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'
 // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i2.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -44,14 +44,13 @@ class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i2.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_0(
-      ) as _i2.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i2.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i4.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/node_options_sheet_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/node_options_sheet_test.mocks.dart
index 173edf1bf..c9e4e2bb8 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/node_options_sheet_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/node_options_sheet_test.mocks.dart
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class _FakeManager_3 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.Manager {
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_4 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i7.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i7.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -573,6 +573,14 @@ class MockPrefs extends _i1.Mock implements _i11.Prefs {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i10.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i10.Future<void>);
+  _i10.Future<bool> isExternalCallsSet() => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #isExternalCallsSet,
+          [],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i10.Future<bool>.value(false),
+      ) as _i10.Future<bool>);
+  @override
   void addListener(_i12.VoidCallback? listener) => super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -615,14 +623,14 @@ class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i7.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
+  _i7.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_4(
-      ) as _i7.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i7.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i16.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/table_view/table_view_row_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/table_view/table_view_row_test.mocks.dart
index b4a0e9cc7..5a47436ff 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/table_view/table_view_row_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/table_view/table_view_row_test.mocks.dart
@@ -666,6 +666,14 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i18.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i8.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   bool get isActive => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: false,
@@ -1048,6 +1056,16 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i18.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i15.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i15.Future<void>);
+  _i15.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i15.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i15.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i15.Future<void>);
+  @override
   bool validateAddress(String? address) => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -2013,4 +2031,14 @@ class MockCoinServiceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i12.CoinServiceAPI {
         returnValue: _i15.Future<bool>.value(false),
       ) as _i15.Future<bool>);
+  @override
+  _i15.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i15.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i15.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i15.Future<void>);
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/transaction_card_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/transaction_card_test.mocks.dart
index df696801a..f258a402b 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/transaction_card_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/transaction_card_test.mocks.dart
@@ -1108,6 +1108,16 @@ class MockCoinServiceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i7.CoinServiceAPI {
         returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
       ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
 /// A class which mocks [FiroWallet].
@@ -1127,6 +1137,14 @@ class MockFiroWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.FiroWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i8.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   _i10.TransactionNotificationTracker get txTracker => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeTransactionNotificationTracker_8(
@@ -1386,6 +1404,16 @@ class MockFiroWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.FiroWallet {
         returnValue: false,
       ) as bool);
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  @override
   _i16.Future<bool> testNetworkConnection() => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -2312,6 +2340,14 @@ class MockPrefs extends _i1.Mock implements _i17.Prefs {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  _i16.Future<bool> isExternalCallsSet() => (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #isExternalCallsSet,
+          [],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
+      ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
   void addListener(_i18.VoidCallback? listener) => super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/wallet_card_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/wallet_card_test.mocks.dart
index ec4f90e22..e323911d4 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/wallet_card_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/wallet_card_test.mocks.dart
@@ -429,6 +429,14 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i17.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i8.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   bool get isActive => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: false,
@@ -811,6 +819,16 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i17.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i14.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i14.Future<void>);
+  _i14.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i14.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i14.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i14.Future<void>);
+  @override
   bool validateAddress(String? address) => (super.noSuchMethod(
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/sub_widgets/wallet_info_row_balance_future_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/sub_widgets/wallet_info_row_balance_future_test.mocks.dart
index e5dc17bc4..a249c997d 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/sub_widgets/wallet_info_row_balance_future_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/sub_widgets/wallet_info_row_balance_future_test.mocks.dart
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class _FakeElectrumXNode_11 extends _i1.SmartFake
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_12 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i12.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -680,6 +680,14 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i8.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   bool get isActive => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: false,
@@ -1062,6 +1070,16 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  @override
   bool validateAddress(String? address) => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -1317,14 +1335,13 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i12.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_12(
-      ) as _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i12.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i20.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -2228,4 +2245,14 @@ class MockCoinServiceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i13.CoinServiceAPI {
         returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
       ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
diff --git a/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/wallet_info_row_test.mocks.dart b/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/wallet_info_row_test.mocks.dart
index 2b7bedb15..820fbd96d 100644
--- a/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/wallet_info_row_test.mocks.dart
+++ b/test/widget_tests/wallet_info_row/wallet_info_row_test.mocks.dart
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class _FakeElectrumXNode_11 extends _i1.SmartFake
 class _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_12 extends _i1.SmartFake
-    implements _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface {
+    implements _i12.SecureStorageInterface {
     Object parent,
     Invocation parentInvocation,
@@ -680,6 +680,14 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+  set cachedTxData(_i8.TransactionData? _cachedTxData) => super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.setter(
+          #cachedTxData,
+          _cachedTxData,
+        ),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: null,
+      );
+  @override
   bool get isActive => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: false,
@@ -1062,6 +1070,16 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
         returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
       ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);
+  @override
   bool validateAddress(String? address) => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -1317,14 +1335,13 @@ class MockBitcoinWallet extends _i1.Mock implements _i19.BitcoinWallet {
 /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
 class MockNodeService extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.NodeService {
-  _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface =>
-      (super.noSuchMethod(
+  _i12.SecureStorageInterface get secureStorageInterface => (super.noSuchMethod(
         returnValue: _FakeFlutterSecureStorageInterface_12(
-      ) as _i12.FlutterSecureStorageInterface);
+      ) as _i12.SecureStorageInterface);
   List<_i20.NodeModel> get primaryNodes => (super.noSuchMethod(
@@ -2228,4 +2245,14 @@ class MockCoinServiceAPI extends _i1.Mock implements _i13.CoinServiceAPI {
         returnValue: _i16.Future<bool>.value(false),
       ) as _i16.Future<bool>);
+  @override
+  _i16.Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic>? txData) =>
+      (super.noSuchMethod(
+        Invocation.method(
+          #updateSentCachedTxData,
+          [txData],
+        ),
+        returnValue: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+        returnValueForMissingStub: _i16.Future<void>.value(),
+      ) as _i16.Future<void>);