return inscriptions in batches of 1000

This commit is contained in:
sneurlax 2023-07-20 14:46:15 -05:00
parent f046912c89
commit a322c13954

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@ -34,12 +34,29 @@ class LitescribeAPI {
Future<AddressInscriptionResponse> getInscriptionsByAddress(String address, {int cursor = 0, int size = 1000}) async { // size = 1000 = hardcoded limit as default limit to inscriptions returned from API call, TODO increase limit if returned inscriptions = limit
Future<AddressInscriptionResponse> getInscriptionsByAddress(String address, {int cursor = 0, int size = 1000}) async {
// size param determines how many inscriptions are returned per response
// default of 1000 is used to cover most addresses (I assume)
// if the total number of inscriptions at the address exceeds the length of the list of inscriptions returned, another call with a higher size is made
final int defaultLimit = 1000;
final response = await _getResponse('/address/inscriptions?address=$address&cursor=$cursor&size=$size');
// Check if the number of returned inscriptions equals the limit
final list =['result']['list'] as List<dynamic>;
final int total =['result']['total'] as int;
final int currentSize = list.length;
if (currentSize == size && currentSize < total) {
// If the number of returned inscriptions equals the limit and there are more inscriptions available,
// increase the size to fetch all inscriptions.
return getInscriptionsByAddress(address, cursor: cursor, size: total+1); // potential off-by-one error, but should be safe
// TODO don't re-request the same inscriptions previously returned; increment cursor (probably) by size and only request the rest. ex: cursor=0 size=1000 probably returns inscriptions 0-999, so set cursor=size (or size-1?) to get 1000-1999
} else {
try {
return AddressInscriptionResponse.fromJson( as Map<String, dynamic>);
} catch(e) {
} catch (e) {
throw const FormatException('LitescribeAPI getInscriptionsByAddress exception: AddressInscriptionResponse.fromJson failure');