mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 15:19:11 +00:00
remove unused files
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 461 deletions
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
// import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/response_objects/currency.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/change_now/change_now_api.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
// class EstimatedRateExchangeFormState extends ChangeNotifier {
// /// used in testing to inject mock
// ChangeNowAPI? cnTesting;
// Decimal? _fromAmount;
// Decimal? _toAmount;
// Decimal? _minFromAmount;
// Decimal? _minToAmount;
// Decimal? rate;
// Currency? _from;
// Currency? _to;
// void Function(String)? _onError;
// Currency? get from => _from;
// Currency? get to => _to;
// String get fromAmountString =>
// _fromAmount == null ? "" : _fromAmount!.toStringAsFixed(8);
// String get toAmountString =>
// _toAmount == null ? "" : _toAmount!.toStringAsFixed(8);
// String get rateDisplayString {
// if (rate == null || from == null || to == null) {
// return "N/A";
// } else {
// return "1 ${from!.ticker.toUpperCase()} ~${rate!.toStringAsFixed(8)} ${to!.ticker.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// bool get canExchange {
// return _fromAmount != null &&
// _fromAmount != Decimal.zero &&
// _toAmount != null &&
// rate != null &&
// minimumSendWarning.isEmpty;
// }
// String get minimumSendWarning {
// if (_from != null &&
// _fromAmount != null &&
// _minFromAmount != null &&
// _fromAmount! < _minFromAmount!) {
// return "Minimum amount ${_minFromAmount!.toString()} ${from!.ticker.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// return "";
// }
// Future<void> init(Currency? from, Currency? to) async {
// _from = from;
// _to = to;
// }
// void clearAmounts(bool shouldNotifyListeners) {
// _fromAmount = null;
// _toAmount = null;
// _minFromAmount = null;
// _minToAmount = null;
// rate = null;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// Future<void> swap() async {
// final Decimal? newToAmount = _fromAmount;
// final Decimal? newFromAmount = _toAmount;
// final Decimal? newMinFromAmount = _minToAmount;
// final Decimal? newMinToAmount = _minFromAmount;
// final Currency? newTo = from;
// final Currency? newFrom = to;
// _fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// _toAmount = newToAmount;
// _minToAmount = newMinToAmount;
// _minFromAmount = newMinFromAmount;
// // rate = newRate;
// _to = newTo;
// _from = newFrom;
// await _updateMinFromAmount(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateRate();
// notifyListeners();
// }
// Future<void> updateTo(Currency to, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
// try {
// _to = to;
// if (_from == null) {
// rate = null;
// notifyListeners();
// return;
// }
// await _updateMinFromAmount(shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners);
// await updateRate(shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners);
// debugPrint(
// "_updated TO: _from=${_from!.ticker} _to=${_to!.ticker} _fromAmount=$_fromAmount _toAmount=$_toAmount rate:$rate");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
// }
// Future<void> updateFrom(Currency from, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
// try {
// _from = from;
// if (_to == null) {
// rate = null;
// notifyListeners();
// return;
// }
// await _updateMinFromAmount(shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners);
// await updateRate(shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners);
// debugPrint(
// "_updated FROM: _from=${_from!.ticker} _to=${_to!.ticker} _fromAmount=$_fromAmount _toAmount=$_toAmount rate:$rate");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
// }
// Future<void> _updateMinFromAmount(
// {required bool shouldNotifyListeners}) async {
// _minFromAmount = await getStandardMinExchangeAmount(from: from!, to: to!);
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// // Future<void> setToAmountAndCalculateFromAmount(
// // Decimal newToAmount,
// // bool shouldNotifyListeners,
// // ) async {
// // if (newToAmount == Decimal.zero) {
// // _fromAmount = Decimal.zero;
// // }
// //
// // _toAmount = newToAmount;
// // await updateRate();
// // if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// // notifyListeners();
// // }
// // }
// Future<void> setFromAmountAndCalculateToAmount(
// Decimal newFromAmount,
// bool shouldNotifyListeners,
// ) async {
// if (newFromAmount == Decimal.zero) {
// _toAmount = Decimal.zero;
// }
// _fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// await updateRate(shouldNotifyListeners: shouldNotifyListeners);
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// Future<Decimal?> getStandardEstimatedToAmount({
// required Decimal fromAmount,
// required Currency from,
// required Currency to,
// }) async {
// final response =
// await (cnTesting ?? ChangeNowAPI.instance).getEstimatedExchangeAmount(
// fromTicker: from.ticker,
// toTicker: to.ticker,
// fromAmount: fromAmount,
// );
// if (response.value != null) {
// return response.value!.estimatedAmount;
// } else {
// _onError?.call(
// "Failed to fetch estimated amount: ${response.exception?.toString()}");
// return null;
// }
// }
// // Future<Decimal?> getStandardEstimatedFromAmount({
// // required Decimal toAmount,
// // required Currency from,
// // required Currency to,
// // }) async {
// // final response = await (cnTesting ?? ChangeNow.instance)
// // .getEstimatedExchangeAmount(
// // fromTicker: from.ticker,
// // toTicker: to.ticker,
// // fromAmount: toAmount, );
// //
// // if (response.value != null) {
// // return response.value!.fromAmount;
// // } else {
// // _onError?.call(
// // "Failed to fetch estimated amount: ${response.exception?.toString()}");
// // return null;
// // }
// // }
// Future<Decimal?> getStandardMinExchangeAmount({
// required Currency from,
// required Currency to,
// }) async {
// final response = await (cnTesting ?? ChangeNowAPI.instance)
// .getMinimalExchangeAmount(fromTicker: from.ticker, toTicker: to.ticker);
// if (response.value != null) {
// return response.value!;
// } else {
// _onError?.call(
// "Could not update minimal exchange amounts: ${response.exception?.toString()}");
// return null;
// }
// }
// void setOnError({
// required void Function(String)? onError,
// bool shouldNotifyListeners = false,
// }) {
// _onError = onError;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// Future<void> updateRate({bool shouldNotifyListeners = false}) async {
// rate = null;
// final amount = _fromAmount;
// final minAmount = _minFromAmount;
// if (amount != null && amount > Decimal.zero) {
// Decimal? amt;
// if (minAmount != null) {
// if (minAmount <= amount) {
// amt = await getStandardEstimatedToAmount(
// fromAmount: amount, from: _from!, to: _to!);
// if (amt != null) {
// rate = (amt / amount).toDecimal(scaleOnInfinitePrecision: 12);
// }
// }
// }
// if (rate != null && amt != null) {
// _toAmount = amt;
// }
// }
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// }
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
// import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/change_now/cn_exchange_estimate.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/models/exchange/response_objects/fixed_rate_market.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/services/exchange/change_now/change_now_api.dart';
// import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
// class FixedRateExchangeFormState extends ChangeNotifier {
// Decimal? _fromAmount;
// Decimal? _toAmount;
// FixedRateMarket? _market;
// FixedRateMarket? get market => _market;
// CNExchangeEstimate? _estimate;
// CNExchangeEstimate? get estimate => _estimate;
// Decimal? get rate {
// if (_estimate == null) {
// return null;
// } else {
// return (_estimate!.toAmount / _estimate!.fromAmount)
// .toDecimal(scaleOnInfinitePrecision: 12);
// }
// }
// Future<void> swap(FixedRateMarket reverseFixedRateMarket) async {
// final Decimal? tmp = _fromAmount;
// _fromAmount = _toAmount;
// _toAmount = tmp;
// await updateMarket(reverseFixedRateMarket, false);
// await updateRateEstimate(CNEstimateType.direct);
// _toAmount = _estimate?.toAmount ?? Decimal.zero;
// notifyListeners();
// }
// String get fromAmountString =>
// _fromAmount == null ? "" : _fromAmount!.toStringAsFixed(8);
// String get toAmountString =>
// _toAmount == null ? "" : _toAmount!.toStringAsFixed(8);
// Future<void> updateMarket(
// FixedRateMarket? market,
// bool shouldNotifyListeners,
// ) async {
// _market = market;
// if (_market == null) {
// _fromAmount = null;
// _toAmount = null;
// } else {
// if (_fromAmount != null) {
// if (_fromAmount! <= Decimal.zero) {
// _toAmount = Decimal.zero;
// } else {
// await updateRateEstimate(CNEstimateType.direct);
// }
// }
// }
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// String get rateDisplayString {
// if (_market == null || _estimate == null) {
// return "N/A";
// } else {
// return "1 ${_estimate!.fromCurrency.toUpperCase()} ~${rate!.toStringAsFixed(8)} ${_estimate!.toCurrency.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// bool get canExchange {
// return _market != null &&
// _fromAmount != null &&
// _toAmount != null &&
// sendAmountWarning.isEmpty;
// }
// String get sendAmountWarning {
// if (_market != null && _fromAmount != null) {
// if (_fromAmount! < _market!.min) {
// return "Minimum amount ${_market!.min.toString()} ${_market!.from.toUpperCase()}";
// } else if (_fromAmount! > _market!.max) {
// return "Maximum amount ${_market!.max.toString()} ${_market!.from.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// return "";
// }
// Future<void> setToAmountAndCalculateFromAmount(
// Decimal newToAmount,
// bool shouldNotifyListeners,
// ) async {
// _toAmount = newToAmount;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// await updateRateEstimate(CNEstimateType.reverse);
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// Future<void> setFromAmountAndCalculateToAmount(
// Decimal newFromAmount,
// bool shouldNotifyListeners,
// ) async {
// _fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// await updateRateEstimate(CNEstimateType.direct);
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// void Function(String)? _onError;
// void setOnError({
// required void Function(String)? onError,
// bool shouldNotifyListeners = false,
// }) {
// _onError = onError;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// }
// Future<void> updateRateEstimate(CNEstimateType direction) async {
// if (market != null) {
// Decimal? amount;
// // set amount based on trade estimate direction
// switch (direction) {
// case CNEstimateType.direct:
// if (_fromAmount != null
// // &&
// // market!.min >= _fromAmount! &&
// // _fromAmount! <= market!.max
// ) {
// amount = _fromAmount!;
// }
// break;
// case CNEstimateType.reverse:
// if (_toAmount != null
// // &&
// // market!.min >= _toAmount! &&
// // _toAmount! <= market!.max
// ) {
// amount = _toAmount!;
// }
// break;
// }
// if (amount != null && market != null && amount > Decimal.zero) {
// final response =
// await ChangeNowAPI.instance.getEstimatedExchangeAmountV2(
// fromTicker: market!.from,
// toTicker: market!.to,
// fromOrTo: direction,
// flow: CNFlowType.fixedRate,
// amount: amount,
// );
// if (response.value != null) {
// // update estimate if response succeeded
// _estimate = response.value;
// _toAmount = _estimate?.toAmount;
// _fromAmount = _estimate?.fromAmount;
// notifyListeners();
// } else if (response.exception != null) {
// Logging.instance.log("updateRateEstimate(): ${response.exception}",
// level: LogLevel.Warning);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
Reference in a new issue