mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 21:55:58 +00:00
hive data migrate to v1 for lelantus coins update
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 163 additions and 95 deletions
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class DB {
static const String boxNamePrefs = "prefs";
static const String boxNameWalletsToDeleteOnStart = "walletsToDeleteOnStart";
static const String boxNamePriceCache = "priceAPIPrice24hCache";
static const String boxNameDBInfo = "dbInfo";
String boxNameTxCache({required Coin coin}) => "${coin.name}_txCache";
String boxNameSetCache({required Coin coin}) =>
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ class DB {
late final Box<xmr.WalletInfo> _walletInfoSource;
late final Box<dynamic> _boxPrefs;
late final Box<TradeWalletLookup> _boxTradeLookup;
late final Box<dynamic> _boxDBInfo;
final Map<String, Box<dynamic>> _walletBoxes = {};
@ -80,13 +82,40 @@ class DB {
// open hive boxes
Future<void> init() async {
if (!_initialized) {
if (Hive.isBoxOpen(boxNameDBInfo)) {
_boxDBInfo = Hive.box<dynamic>(boxNameDBInfo);
} else {
_boxDBInfo = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNameDBInfo);
await Hive.openBox<String>(boxNameWalletsToDeleteOnStart);
_boxPrefs = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNamePrefs);
if (Hive.isBoxOpen(boxNamePrefs)) {
_boxPrefs = Hive.box<dynamic>(boxNamePrefs);
} else {
_boxPrefs = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNamePrefs);
_boxAddressBook = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNameAddressBook);
_boxDebugInfo = await Hive.openBox<String>(boxNameDebugInfo);
_boxNodeModels = await Hive.openBox<NodeModel>(boxNameNodeModels);
_boxPrimaryNodes = await Hive.openBox<NodeModel>(boxNamePrimaryNodes);
_boxAllWalletsData = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNameAllWalletsData);
if (Hive.isBoxOpen(boxNameNodeModels)) {
_boxNodeModels = Hive.box<NodeModel>(boxNameNodeModels);
} else {
_boxNodeModels = await Hive.openBox<NodeModel>(boxNameNodeModels);
if (Hive.isBoxOpen(boxNamePrimaryNodes)) {
_boxPrimaryNodes = Hive.box<NodeModel>(boxNamePrimaryNodes);
} else {
_boxPrimaryNodes = await Hive.openBox<NodeModel>(boxNamePrimaryNodes);
if (Hive.isBoxOpen(boxNameAllWalletsData)) {
_boxAllWalletsData = Hive.box<dynamic>(boxNameAllWalletsData);
} else {
_boxAllWalletsData = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(boxNameAllWalletsData);
_boxNotifications =
await Hive.openBox<NotificationModel>(boxNameNotifications);
_boxWatchedTransactions =
@ -116,8 +145,13 @@ class DB {
name, WalletInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>.from(dyn as Map))));
for (final entry in mapped.entries) {
_walletBoxes[entry.value.walletId] =
await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(entry.value.walletId);
if (Hive.isBoxOpen(entry.value.walletId)) {
_walletBoxes[entry.value.walletId] =
} else {
_walletBoxes[entry.value.walletId] =
await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(entry.value.walletId);
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import 'package:stackwallet/services/trade_service.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/cfcolors.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/db_version_migration.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/backup_frequency_type.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
@ -119,18 +120,16 @@ void main() async {
await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNameDBInfo);
int dbVersion = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version") as int? ??
if (dbVersion < Constants.currentHiveDbVersion) {
await DbVersionMigrator().migrate(dbVersion);
// final wallets = await Hive.openBox('wallets');
// await wallets.put('currentWalletName', "");
// int dbVersion = await wallets.get("db_version");
// if (dbVersion == null || dbVersion < Constants.currentDbVersion) {
// if (dbVersion == null) dbVersion = 0;
// await DbVersionMigrator().migrate(dbVersion);
// }
// SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode.manual,
// overlays: [SystemUiOverlay.bottom]);
await NotificationApi.init();
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ abstract class Constants {
// Enable Logger.print statements
static const bool disableLogger = false;
static const int currentDbVersion = 0;
static const int currentHiveDbVersion = 1;
static List<int> possibleLengthsForCoin(Coin coin) {
final List<int> values = [];
@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/lelantus_coin.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/wallets_service.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/default_nodes.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
class DbVersionMigrator {
Future<void> migrate(
@ -8,83 +19,107 @@ class DbVersionMigrator {
}) async {
// final wallets = await Hive.openBox('wallets');
// final names = Map<String, String>.from((await wallets.get("names")) ?? {});
// switch (fromVersion) {
// case 0:
// // migrate each
// for (final entry in names.entries) {
// final walletId = entry.value;
// final walletName = entry.key;
// // move main/test network to walletId based
// final network = await wallets.get("${entry.key}_network");
// await wallets.put("${walletId}_network", network);
// await wallets.delete("${walletName}_network");
// final old = await Hive.openBox(walletName);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox(walletId);
// // notes
// final oldNotes = await old.get("notes");
// await wallet.put("notes", oldNotes);
// await old.delete("notes");
// // address book
// final addressBook = await old.get("addressBookEntries");
// await wallet.put("addressBookEntries", addressBook);
// await old.put("addressBookEntries", null);
// // receiveDerivations
// Map<String, dynamic> newReceiveDerivations = {};
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<int, dynamic>.from(await old.get("receiveDerivations") ?? {});
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// receiveDerivations[i].remove("fingerprint");
// receiveDerivations[i].remove("identifier");
// receiveDerivations[i].remove("privateKey");
// newReceiveDerivations["$i"] = receiveDerivations[i];
// }
// final receiveDerivationsString = jsonEncode(newReceiveDerivations);
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${walletId}_receiveDerivations",
// value: receiveDerivationsString);
// await old.delete("receiveDerivations");
// // changeDerivations
// Map<String, dynamic> newChangeDerivations = {};
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<int, dynamic>.from(await old.get("changeDerivations") ?? {});
// for (int i = 0; i < changeDerivations.length; i++) {
// changeDerivations[i].remove("fingerprint");
// changeDerivations[i].remove("identifier");
// changeDerivations[i].remove("privateKey");
// newChangeDerivations["$i"] = changeDerivations[i];
// }
// final changeDerivationsString = jsonEncode(newChangeDerivations);
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${walletId}_changeDerivations",
// value: changeDerivationsString);
// await old.delete("changeDerivations");
// }
// // finally update version
// await wallets.put("db_version", 1);
// return;
// // not needed yet
// // return migrate(1);
// // case 1:
// // return migrate(2);
// default:
// return;
// }
switch (fromVersion) {
case 0:
await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNameAllWalletsData);
await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
final walletsService = WalletsService();
final nodeService = NodeService();
final prefs = Prefs.instance;
final walletInfoList = await walletsService.walletNames;
await prefs.init();
ElectrumX? client;
int? latestSetId;
// only instantiate client if there are firo wallets
if (walletInfoList.values.any((element) => element.coin == Coin.firo)) {
await Hive.openBox<NodeModel>(DB.boxNameNodeModels);
await Hive.openBox<NodeModel>(DB.boxNamePrimaryNodes);
final node = nodeService.getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: Coin.firo) ??
List<ElectrumXNode> failovers = nodeService
.failoverNodesFor(coin: Coin.firo)
(e) => ElectrumXNode(
address: e.host,
port: e.port,
name: e.name,
id: e.id,
useSSL: e.useSSL,
client = ElectrumX.from(
node: ElectrumXNode(
address: node.host,
port: node.port,
name: node.name,
id: node.id,
useSSL: node.useSSL),
prefs: prefs,
failovers: failovers,
try {
latestSetId = await client.getLatestCoinId();
} catch (e) {
// default to 2 for now
latestSetId = 2;
"Failed to fetch latest coin id during firo db migrate: $e \nUsing a default value of 2",
level: LogLevel.Warning);
for (final walletInfo in walletInfoList.values) {
// migrate each firo wallet's lelantus coins
if (walletInfo.coin == Coin.firo) {
await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(walletInfo.walletId);
final _lelantusCoins = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
boxName: walletInfo.walletId, key: '_lelantus_coins') as List?;
final List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> lelantusCoins = [];
for (var lCoin in _lelantusCoins ?? []) {
.add({lCoin.keys.first: lCoin.values.first as LelantusCoin});
List<Map<dynamic, LelantusCoin>> coins = [];
for (final element in lelantusCoins) {
LelantusCoin coin = element.values.first;
int anonSetId = coin.anonymitySetId;
if (coin.anonymitySetId == 1 &&
(coin.publicCoin == '' ||
coin.publicCoin == "jmintData.publicCoin")) {
anonSetId = latestSetId!;
element.keys.first: LelantusCoin(coin.index, coin.value,
coin.publicCoin, coin.txId, anonSetId, coin.isUsed)
Logger.print("newcoins $coins", normalLength: false);
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletInfo.walletId,
key: '_lelantus_coins',
value: coins);
// finally update version
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: DB.boxNameDBInfo, key: "hive_data_version", value: 1);
// not needed yet
// return migrate(1);
// case 1:
// return migrate(2);
Reference in a new issue