diff --git a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart
index 61254720b..e373e817b 100644
--- a/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart
+++ b/lib/pages/add_wallet_views/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view/new_wallet_recovery_phrase_warning_view.dart
@@ -73,12 +73,6 @@ class _NewWalletRecoveryPhraseWarningViewState
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     debugPrint("BUILD: $runtimeType");
-    final _numberOfPhraseWords = coin == Coin.monero
-        ? Constants.seedPhraseWordCountMonero
-        : coin == Coin.wownero
-            ? 14
-            : Constants.seedPhraseWordCountBip39;
     return MasterScaffold(
       isDesktop: isDesktop,
       appBar: isDesktop
@@ -177,7 +171,15 @@ class _NewWalletRecoveryPhraseWarningViewState
               width: isDesktop ? 480 : null,
               child: isDesktop
                   ? Text(
-                      "On the next screen you will see $_numberOfPhraseWords words that make up your recovery phrase.\n\nPlease write it down. Keep it safe and never share it with anyone. Your recovery phrase is the only way you can access your funds if you forget your PIN, lose your phone, etc.\n\nStack Wallet does not keep nor is able to restore your recover phrase. Only you have access to your wallet.",
+                      "On the next screen you will see "
+                      "${Constants.defaultSeedPhraseLengthFor(coin: coin)} "
+                      "words that make up your recovery phrase.\n\nPlease "
+                      "write it down. Keep it safe and never share it with "
+                      "anyone. Your recovery phrase is the only way you can"
+                      " access your funds if you forget your PIN, lose your"
+                      " phone, etc.\n\nStack Wallet does not keep nor is "
+                      "able to restore your recover phrase. Only you have "
+                      "access to your wallet.",
                       style: isDesktop
                           ? STextStyles.desktopTextMediumRegular(context)
                           : STextStyles.subtitle(context).copyWith(
@@ -214,7 +216,9 @@ class _NewWalletRecoveryPhraseWarningViewState
-                                text: "$_numberOfPhraseWords words",
+                                text:
+                                    "${Constants.defaultSeedPhraseLengthFor(coin: coin)}"
+                                    " words",
                                 style: STextStyles.desktopH3(context).copyWith(
                                   color: Theme.of(context)
diff --git a/lib/utilities/constants.dart b/lib/utilities/constants.dart
index 923bc2075..2dd7be287 100644
--- a/lib/utilities/constants.dart
+++ b/lib/utilities/constants.dart
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ abstract class Constants {
   static final BigInt _satsPerCoinMonero = BigInt.from(1000000000000);
   static final BigInt _satsPerCoinWownero = BigInt.from(100000000000);
   static final BigInt _satsPerCoinNano =
-      BigInt.parse("1000000000000000000000000000000");// 1*10^30
+      BigInt.parse("1000000000000000000000000000000"); // 1*10^30
   static final BigInt _satsPerCoinBanano =
-      BigInt.parse("100000000000000000000000000000");// 1*10^29
+      BigInt.parse("100000000000000000000000000000"); // 1*10^29
   static final BigInt _satsPerCoin = BigInt.from(100000000);
   static const int _decimalPlaces = 8;
   static const int _decimalPlacesNano = 30;
@@ -217,8 +217,36 @@ abstract class Constants {
-  static const int seedPhraseWordCountBip39 = 12;
-  static const int seedPhraseWordCountMonero = 25;
+  static int defaultSeedPhraseLengthFor({required Coin coin}) {
+    switch (coin) {
+      case Coin.bitcoin:
+      case Coin.bitcoinTestNet:
+      case Coin.bitcoincash:
+      case Coin.bitcoincashTestnet:
+      case Coin.eCash:
+      case Coin.dogecoin:
+      case Coin.dogecoinTestNet:
+      case Coin.litecoin:
+      case Coin.litecoinTestNet:
+      case Coin.firo:
+      case Coin.firoTestNet:
+      case Coin.epicCash:
+      case Coin.namecoin:
+      case Coin.particl:
+      case Coin.ethereum:
+        return 12;
+      case Coin.wownero:
+        return 14;
+      case Coin.nano:
+      case Coin.banano:
+        return 24;
+      case Coin.monero:
+        return 25;
+    }
+  }
   static const Map<int, String> monthMapShort = {
     1: 'Jan',