paynym clean up to use isar transaction and address upgrades

This commit is contained in:
julian 2023-01-23 12:19:13 -06:00
parent abf803afed
commit 69dfbb5873
8 changed files with 682 additions and 187 deletions

View file

@ -63,13 +63,7 @@ class _PaynymDetailsPopupState extends ConsumerState<PaynymDetailsPopup> {
.wallet as DogecoinWallet;
// sanity check to prevent second notifcation tx
if (wallet.hasConnectedConfirmed(widget.accountLite.code)) {
canPop = true;
// TODO show info popup
} else if (wallet.hasConnected(widget.accountLite.code)) {
if (wallet.hasConnected(widget.accountLite.code)) {
canPop = true;
// TODO show info popup
@ -81,7 +75,7 @@ class _PaynymDetailsPopupState extends ConsumerState<PaynymDetailsPopup> {
Map<String, dynamic> preparedTx;
try {
preparedTx = await wallet.buildNotificationTx(
preparedTx = await wallet.prepareNotificationTx(
selectedTxFeeRate: rates.medium,
targetPaymentCodeString: widget.accountLite.code,

View file

@ -63,13 +63,7 @@ class _PaynymDetailsPopupState extends ConsumerState<DesktopPaynymDetails> {
.wallet as DogecoinWallet;
// sanity check to prevent second notification tx
if (wallet.hasConnectedConfirmed(widget.accountLite.code)) {
canPop = true;
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop();
// TODO show info popup
} else if (wallet.hasConnected(widget.accountLite.code)) {
if (wallet.hasConnected(widget.accountLite.code)) {
canPop = true;
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop();
// TODO show info popup
@ -81,7 +75,7 @@ class _PaynymDetailsPopupState extends ConsumerState<DesktopPaynymDetails> {
Map<String, dynamic> preparedTx;
try {
preparedTx = await wallet.buildNotificationTx(
preparedTx = await wallet.prepareNotificationTx(
selectedTxFeeRate: rates.medium,
targetPaymentCodeString: widget.accountLite.code,

View file

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class _ConfirmTransactionViewState
String txid;
if (widget.isPaynymNotificationTransaction) {
txid = await (manager.wallet as DogecoinWallet)
.confirmNotificationTx(preparedTx: transactionInfo);
.broadcastNotificationTx(preparedTx: transactionInfo);
} else if (widget.isPaynymTransaction) {
throw UnimplementedError("paynym send not implemented yet");

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32;
import 'package:bip47/bip47.dart';
import 'package:bip47/src/util.dart';
import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as btc_dart;
@ -10,38 +11,57 @@ import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/digests/sha256.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/insufficient_balance_exception.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/paynym_send_exception.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/dogecoin/dogecoin_wallet.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/address_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip32_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
const kPaynymDerivePath = "m/47'/0'/0'";
extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
// generate bip32 payment code root
Future<bip32.BIP32> getRootNode({required List<String> mnemonic}) async {
final root = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Root(mnemonic.join(" "), network);
return root;
// fetch or generate this wallet's bip47 payment code
Future<PaymentCode> getPaymentCode() async {
final paymentCodeString = DB.instance
.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "paymentCodeString") as String?;
final address = await db
PaymentCode paymentCode;
if (paymentCodeString == null) {
final node = getBip32Root((await mnemonic).join(" "), network)
if (address == null) {
final root = await getRootNode(mnemonic: await mnemonic);
final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath);
paymentCode =
PaymentCode.initFromPubKey(node.publicKey, node.chainCode, network);
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: "paymentCodeString",
value: paymentCode.toString());
await db.putAddress(
walletId: walletId,
value: paymentCode.notificationAddress(),
publicKey: paymentCode.getPubKey(),
derivationIndex: 0,
type: AddressType.p2pkh, // todo change this for btc
subType: AddressSubType.paynymNotification,
otherData: paymentCode.toString(),
} else {
paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(paymentCodeString, network);
paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(address.otherData!, network);
return paymentCode;
Future<Uint8List> signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List data) async {
final node = getBip32Root((await mnemonic).join(" "), network)
final root = await getRootNode(mnemonic: await mnemonic);
final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath);
final pair =
btc_dart.ECPair.fromPrivateKey(node.privateKey!, network: network);
final signed = pair.sign(SHA256Digest().process(data));
@ -52,92 +72,17 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
final bytes =
await signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data)));
return Format.uint8listToString(bytes);
// final bytes =
// await signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data)));
// return Format.uint8listToString(bytes);
/// Update cached lists of notification transaction IDs.
/// Returns true if there are new notification transactions found since last
/// checked.
Future<bool> checkForNotificationTransactions() async {
final myPCode = await getPaymentCode();
final transactionIds = await electrumXClient.getHistory(
scripthash: AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
final confirmedNotificationTransactionIds = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: "confirmedNotificationTransactionIds",
) as Set? ??
final unconfirmedNotificationTransactionIds = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: "unconfirmedNotificationTransactionIds",
) as Set? ??
// since we are only checking for newly found transactions here we can use the sum
final totalCount = confirmedNotificationTransactionIds.length +
for (final entry in transactionIds) {
final txid = entry["tx_hash"] as String;
final tx = await cachedElectrumXClient.getTransaction(
txHash: txid,
coin: coin,
// check if tx is confirmed
if ((tx["confirmations"] as int? ?? 0) > MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS) {
// remove it from unconfirmed set
// add it to confirmed set
} else {
// otherwise add it to the unconfirmed set
final newTotalCount = confirmedNotificationTransactionIds.length +
return newTotalCount > totalCount;
/// return the notification tx sent from my wallet if it exists
Future<Transaction?> hasSentNotificationTx(PaymentCode pCode) async {
final tx = await db
.address((q) => q.valueEqualTo(pCode.notificationAddress()))
return tx;
void preparePaymentCodeSend(PaymentCode pCode) async {
final notifTx = await hasSentNotificationTx(pCode);
final currentHeight = await chainHeight;
if (notifTx == null) {
if (!hasConnected(pCode.notificationAddress())) {
throw PaynymSendException("No notification transaction sent to $pCode");
} else if (!notifTx.isConfirmed(currentHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
throw PaynymSendException(
"Notification transaction sent to $pCode has not confirmed yet");
} else {
final node = getBip32Root((await mnemonic).join(" "), network)
final root = await getRootNode(mnemonic: await mnemonic);
final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath);
final sendToAddress = await nextUnusedSendAddressFrom(
pCode: pCode,
privateKey: node.derive(0).privateKey!,
// todo: Actual transaction build
@ -146,22 +91,21 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
/// get the next unused address to send to given the receiver's payment code
/// and your own private key
Future<String> nextUnusedSendAddressFrom(
PaymentCode pCode,
Uint8List privateKey,
) async {
Future<String> nextUnusedSendAddressFrom({
required PaymentCode pCode,
required Uint8List privateKey,
int startIndex = 0,
}) async {
const maxCount = 2147483647;
final paymentAddress = PaymentAddress.initWithPrivateKey(
0, // initial index to check
startIndex, // initial index to check
for (paymentAddress.index = 0;
paymentAddress.index <= maxCount;
paymentAddress.index++) {
for (; paymentAddress.index <= maxCount; paymentAddress.index++) {
final address = paymentAddress.getSendAddress();
final transactionIds = await electrumXClient.getHistory(
@ -208,7 +152,7 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
return result;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> buildNotificationTx({
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> prepareNotificationTx({
required int selectedTxFeeRate,
required String targetPaymentCodeString,
int additionalOutputs = 0,
@ -370,7 +314,7 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
// if we get here we do not have enough funds to cover the tx total so we
// check if we have any more available outputs and try again
if (spendableOutputs.length > outputsBeingUsed) {
return buildNotificationTx(
return prepareNotificationTx(
selectedTxFeeRate: selectedTxFeeRate,
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
additionalOutputs: additionalOutputs + 1,
@ -462,7 +406,7 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
return Tuple2(builtTx.toHex(), builtTx.virtualSize());
Future<String> confirmNotificationTx(
Future<String> broadcastNotificationTx(
{required Map<String, dynamic> preparedTx}) async {
try {
Logging.instance.log("confirmNotificationTx txData: $preparedTx",
@ -471,11 +415,16 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
rawTx: preparedTx["hex"] as String);
Logging.instance.log("Sent txHash: $txHash", level: LogLevel.Info);
await updatePaynymNotificationInfo(
txid: txHash,
confirmed: false,
paymentCodeString: preparedTx["address"] as String,
// TODO: only refresh transaction data
try {
await refresh();
} catch (e) {
"refresh() failed in confirmNotificationTx ($walletName::$walletId): $e",
level: LogLevel.Error,
return txHash;
} catch (e, s) {
Logging.instance.log("Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s",
@ -484,63 +433,12 @@ extension PayNym on DogecoinWallet {
// Future<bool> hasConfirmedNotificationTxSentTo(
// String paymentCodeString) async {
// final targetPaymentCode =
// PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(paymentCodeString, network);
// final targetNotificationAddress = targetPaymentCode.notificationAddress();
// final myTxHistory = (await transactionData)
// .getAllTransactions()
// .entries
// .map((e) => e.value)
// .where((e) =>
// e.txType == "Sent" && e.address == targetNotificationAddress);
// return myTxHistory.isNotEmpty;
// }
bool hasConnected(String paymentCodeString) {
return getPaynymNotificationTxInfo()
.where((e) => e["paymentCodeString"] == paymentCodeString)
bool hasConnectedConfirmed(String paymentCodeString) {
return getPaynymNotificationTxInfo()
.where((e) =>
e["paymentCodeString"] == paymentCodeString &&
e["confirmed"] == true)
// fetch paynym notification tx meta data
Map<String, dynamic> getPaynymNotificationTxInfo() {
final map = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId, key: "paynymNotificationTxInfo") as Map? ??
return Map<String, dynamic>.from(map);
// add/update paynym notification tx meta data entry
Future<void> updatePaynymNotificationInfo({
required String txid,
required bool confirmed,
required String paymentCodeString,
}) async {
final data = getPaynymNotificationTxInfo();
data[txid] = {
"txid": txid,
"confirmed": confirmed,
"paymentCodeString": paymentCodeString,
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: "paynymNotificationTxInfo",
value: data,
return db
.address((q) => q.valueEqualTo(paymentCodeString))
.countSync() >

View file

@ -2776,7 +2776,7 @@ class DogecoinWallet extends CoinServiceAPI
// Dogecoin Network
final dogecoin = NetworkType(
messagePrefix: '\x18Dogecoin Signed Message:\n',
bech32: 'bc',
// bech32: 'bc',
bip32: Bip32Type(public: 0x02facafd, private: 0x02fac398),
pubKeyHash: 0x1e,
scriptHash: 0x16,
@ -2784,7 +2784,7 @@ final dogecoin = NetworkType(
final dogecointestnet = NetworkType(
messagePrefix: '\x18Dogecoin Signed Message:\n',
bech32: 'tb',
// bech32: 'tb',
bip32: Bip32Type(public: 0x043587cf, private: 0x04358394),
pubKeyHash: 0x71,
scriptHash: 0xc4,

View file

@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ mixin ElectrumXParsing {
String walletId,
) async {
Set<String> receivingAddresses = myAddresses
.where((e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving)
.where((e) =>
e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving ||
e.subType == AddressSubType.paynymNotification)
.map((e) => e.value)
Set<String> changeAddresses = myAddresses
@ -146,13 +148,19 @@ mixin ElectrumXParsing {
amount = amountReceivedInWallet;
bool isNotificationTx = coin.hasPaynymSupport &&
type == TransactionType.incoming &&
transactionAddress.subType == AddressSubType.paynymNotification;
final tx = Transaction(
walletId: walletId,
txid: txData["txid"] as String,
timestamp: txData["blocktime"] as int? ??
( ~/ 1000),
type: type,
subType: TransactionSubType.none,
subType: isNotificationTx
? TransactionSubType.bip47Notification
: TransactionSubType.none,
amount: amount,
fee: fee,
height: txData["height"] as int?,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32;
import 'package:bip47/bip47.dart';
import 'package:bip47/src/util.dart';
import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as btc_dart;
import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/constants/op.dart' as op;
import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/script.dart' as bscript;
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/digests/sha256.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/db/main_db.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/insufficient_balance_exception.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/address_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip32_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/paynym_send_exception.dart';
mixin PaynymSupport {
late final btc_dart.NetworkType network;
late final MainDB db;
late final Coin coin;
late final String walletId;
void initPaynymSupport({
required btc_dart.NetworkType network,
required MainDB db,
required Coin coin,
required String walletId,
}) { = network;
this.db = db;
this.coin = coin;
this.walletId = walletId;
// generate bip32 payment code root
Future<bip32.BIP32> getRootNode({required List<String> mnemonic}) async {
final root = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Root(mnemonic.join(" "), network);
return root;
// fetch or generate this wallet's bip47 payment code
Future<PaymentCode> getPaymentCode({
required List<String> mnemonic,
}) async {
// TODO: cache elsewhere
// final paymentCodeString = DB.instance
// .get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "paymentCodeString") as String?;
PaymentCode paymentCode;
// if (paymentCodeString == null) {
final root = await getRootNode(mnemonic: mnemonic);
final node = root.derivePath("m/47'/0'/0'");
paymentCode =
PaymentCode.initFromPubKey(node.publicKey, node.chainCode, network);
// await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
// boxName: walletId,
// key: "paymentCodeString",
// value: paymentCode.toString());
// } else {
// paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(paymentCodeString, network);
// }
return paymentCode;
Future<Uint8List> signWithNotificationKey({
required Uint8List data,
required List<String> mnemonic,
}) async {
final root = await getRootNode(
mnemonic: mnemonic,
final node = root.derivePath("m/47'/0'/0'");
final pair = btc_dart.ECPair.fromPrivateKey(node.privateKey!, network: network);
final signed = pair.sign(SHA256Digest().process(data));
return signed;
Future<String> signStringWithNotificationKey({
required String data,
required List<String> mnemonic,
}) async {
final bytes = await signWithNotificationKey(
data: Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data)),
mnemonic: mnemonic,
return Format.uint8listToString(bytes);
// final bytes =
// await signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data)));
// return Format.uint8listToString(bytes);
/// Update cached lists of notification transaction IDs.
/// Returns true if there are new notification transactions found since last
/// checked.
Future<bool> checkForNotificationTransactions({
required Coin coin,
required PaymentCode paymentCode,
required ElectrumX electrumXClient,
required CachedElectrumX cachedElectrumXClient,
required int currentChainHeight,
}) async {
final notificationAddress = paymentCode.notificationAddress();
final receivedNotificationTransactions = await db
.address((q) => q.valueEqualTo(notificationAddress))
final unconfirmedTransactions = receivedNotificationTransactions.where(
(e) => !e.isConfirmed(
final totalStoredCount = receivedNotificationTransactions.length;
final storedUnconfirmedCount = unconfirmedTransactions.length;
// for (final txid in transactionIds) {
// final tx = await cachedElectrumXClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: txid,
// coin: coin,
// );
// // check if tx is confirmed
// if ((tx["confirmations"] as int? ?? 0) > coin.requiredConfirmations) {
// // remove it from unconfirmed set
// unconfirmedNotificationTransactionIds.remove(txid);
// // add it to confirmed set
// confirmedNotificationTransactionIds.add(txid);
// } else {
// // otherwise add it to the unconfirmed set
// unconfirmedNotificationTransactionIds.add(txid);
// }
// }
// final newTotalCount = confirmedNotificationTransactionIds.length +
// unconfirmedNotificationTransactionIds.length;
// return newTotalCount > totalCount;
return false;
// bool hasConnected(String paymentCodeString) {
// return getPaynymNotificationTxInfo()
// .values
// .where((e) => e["paymentCodeString"] == paymentCodeString)
// .isNotEmpty;
// }
// bool hasConnectedConfirmed(String paymentCodeString) {
// return getPaynymNotificationTxInfo()
// .values
// .where((e) =>
// e["paymentCodeString"] == paymentCodeString &&
// e["confirmed"] == true)
// .isNotEmpty;
// }
// // fetch paynym notification tx meta data
// Map<String, dynamic> getPaynymNotificationTxInfo() {
// final map = DB.instance.get<dynamic>(
// boxName: walletId, key: "paynymNotificationTxInfo") as Map? ??
// {};
// return Map<String, dynamic>.from(map);
// }
// // add/update paynym notification tx meta data entry
// Future<void> updatePaynymNotificationInfo({
// required String txid,
// required bool confirmed,
// required String paymentCodeString,
// }) async {
// final data = getPaynymNotificationTxInfo();
// data[txid] = {
// "txid": txid,
// "confirmed": confirmed,
// "paymentCodeString": paymentCodeString,
// };
// await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
// boxName: walletId,
// key: "paynymNotificationTxInfo",
// value: data,
// );
// }
Future<Transaction?> hasSentNotificationTx(PaymentCode pCode) async {
final tx = await db
.address((q) => q.valueEqualTo(pCode.notificationAddress())).countSync()
return tx;
void preparePaymentCodeSend(PaymentCode pCode) async {
final notifTx = await hasSentNotificationTx(pCode);
final currentHeight = await chainHeight;
if (notifTx == null) {
throw PaynymSendException("No notification transaction sent to $pCode");
} else if (!notifTx.isConfirmed(currentHeight, MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
throw PaynymSendException(
"Notification transaction sent to $pCode has not confirmed yet");
} else {
final node = getBip32Root((await mnemonic).join(" "), network)
final sendToAddress = await nextUnusedSendAddressFrom(
// todo: Actual transaction build
/// get the next unused address to send to given the receiver's payment code
/// and your own private key
Future<String> nextUnusedSendAddressFrom(
PaymentCode pCode,
Uint8List privateKey,
) async {
const maxCount = 2147483647;
final paymentAddress = PaymentAddress.initWithPrivateKey(
0, // initial index to check
for ( ;
paymentAddress.index <= maxCount;
paymentAddress.index++) {
final address = paymentAddress.getSendAddress();
final transactionIds = await electrumXClient.getHistory(
scripthash: AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
if (transactionIds.isEmpty) {
return address;
throw PaynymSendException("Exhausted unused send addresses!");
/// get your receiving addresses given the sender's payment code and your own
/// private key
List<String> deriveReceivingAddressesFor(
PaymentCode pCode,
Uint8List privateKey,
int count,
) {
const maxCount = 2147483647;
assert(count <= maxCount);
final paymentAddress = PaymentAddress.initWithPrivateKey(
0, // initial index
final List<String> result = [];
for (paymentAddress.index = 0;
paymentAddress.index < count;
paymentAddress.index++) {
final address = paymentAddress.getReceiveAddress();
return result;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> buildNotificationTx({
required int selectedTxFeeRate,
required String targetPaymentCodeString,
required PaymentCode myPaymentCode,
int additionalOutputs = 0,
required List<UTXO> utxos,
required int dustLimit,
required int chainHeight,
required Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function(
List< UTXO>
) fetchBuildTxData,
}) async {
final amountToSend = dustLimit;
final List<UTXO> availableOutputs = utxos ;
final List<UTXO> spendableOutputs = [];
int spendableSatoshiValue = 0;
// Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount
for (var i = 0; i < availableOutputs.length; i++) {
if (availableOutputs[i].isBlocked == false &&
.isConfirmed( chainHeight, coin.requiredConfirmations) ==
true) {
spendableSatoshiValue += availableOutputs[i].value;
if (spendableSatoshiValue < amountToSend) {
// insufficient balance
throw InsufficientBalanceException(
"Spendable balance is less than the minimum required for a notification transaction.");
} else if (spendableSatoshiValue == amountToSend) {
// insufficient balance due to missing amount to cover fee
throw InsufficientBalanceException(
"Remaining balance does not cover the network fee.");
// sort spendable by age (oldest first)
spendableOutputs.sort((a, b) => b.blockTime!.compareTo(a.blockTime!));
int satoshisBeingUsed = 0;
int outputsBeingUsed = 0;
List<UTXO> utxoObjectsToUse = [];
for (int i = 0;
satoshisBeingUsed < amountToSend && i < spendableOutputs.length;
i++) {
satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[i].value;
outputsBeingUsed += 1;
// add additional outputs if required
for (int i = 0;
i < additionalOutputs && outputsBeingUsed < spendableOutputs.length;
i++) {
satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[outputsBeingUsed].value;
outputsBeingUsed += 1;
// gather required signing data
final utxoSigningData = await fetchBuildTxData(utxoObjectsToUse);
final int vSizeForNoChange = (await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: 0, myPaymentCode: myPaymentCode, dustLimit: dustLimit, changeAddress: ))
final int vSizeForWithChange = (await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend, myPaymentCode: myPaymentCode, dustLimit: dustLimit, changeAddress: ch,))
// Assume 2 outputs, for recipient and payment code script
int feeForNoChange = estimateTxFee(
vSize: vSizeForNoChange,
feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
// Assume 3 outputs, for recipient, payment code script, and change
int feeForWithChange = estimateTxFee(
vSize: vSizeForWithChange,
feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
if (feeForNoChange < vSizeForNoChange * 1000) {
feeForNoChange = vSizeForNoChange * 1000;
if (feeForWithChange < vSizeForWithChange * 1000) {
feeForWithChange = vSizeForWithChange * 1000;
if (satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend > feeForNoChange + dustLimit) {
// try to add change output due to "left over" amount being greater than
// the estimated fee + the dust limit
int changeAmount = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - feeForWithChange;
// check estimates are correct and build notification tx
if (changeAmount >= dustLimit &&
satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - changeAmount == feeForWithChange) {
final txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: changeAmount,
int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - changeAmount;
Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
"hex": txn.item1,
"recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString,
"amount": amountToSend,
"fee": feeBeingPaid,
"vSize": txn.item2,
return transactionObject;
} else {
// something broke during fee estimation or the change amount is smaller
// than the dust limit. Try without change
final txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: 0,
int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend;
Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
"hex": txn.item1,
"recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString,
"amount": amountToSend,
"fee": feeBeingPaid,
"vSize": txn.item2,
return transactionObject;
} else if (satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend >= feeForNoChange) {
// since we already checked if we need to add a change output we can just
// build without change here
final txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: 0, myPaymentCode: null,
int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend;
Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
"hex": txn.item1,
"recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString,
"amount": amountToSend,
"fee": feeBeingPaid,
"vSize": txn.item2,
return transactionObject;
} else {
// if we get here we do not have enough funds to cover the tx total so we
// check if we have any more available outputs and try again
if (spendableOutputs.length > outputsBeingUsed) {
return buildNotificationTx(
selectedTxFeeRate: selectedTxFeeRate,
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
additionalOutputs: additionalOutputs + 1, utxos: utxos, dustLimit: dustLimit, chainHeight: chainHeight, fetchBuildTxData: fetchBuildTxData,
} else {
throw InsufficientBalanceException(
"Remaining balance does not cover the network fee.");
// return tuple with string value equal to the raw tx hex and the int value
// equal to its vSize
Future<Tuple2<String, int>> _createNotificationTx({
required String targetPaymentCodeString,
required PaymentCode myPaymentCode,
required List<UTXO> utxosToUse,
required Map<String, dynamic> utxoSigningData,
required int change,
required int dustLimit,
required Address changeAddress,
}) async {
final targetPaymentCode =
PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(targetPaymentCodeString, network);
final utxo = utxosToUse.first;
final txPoint = utxo.txid.fromHex.toList();
final txPointIndex = utxo.vout;
final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4);
Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length);
final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData();
buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little);
final myKeyPair = utxoSigningData[utxo.txid]["keyPair"] as btc_dart.ECPair;
final S = SecretPoint(
final blindingMask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev);
final blindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.blind(
final opReturnScript = bscript.compile([
(op.OPS["OP_RETURN"] as int),
// build a notification tx
final txb = btc_dart.TransactionBuilder(network: network);
txb.addOutput(targetPaymentCode.notificationAddress(), dustLimit);
txb.addOutput(opReturnScript, 0);
// TODO: add possible change output and mark output as dangerous
if (change > 0) {
final String changeAddressString = changeAddress.value;
txb.addOutput(changeAddressString, change);
vin: 0,
keyPair: myKeyPair,
// sign rest of possible inputs
for (var i = 1; i < utxosToUse.length - 1; i++) {
final txid = utxosToUse[i].txid;
vin: i,
keyPair: utxoSigningData[txid]["keyPair"] as ECPair,
// witnessValue: utxosToUse[i].value,
final builtTx =;
return Tuple2(builtTx.toHex(), builtTx.virtualSize());
Future<String> confirmSendNotificationTx(
{required Map<String, dynamic> preparedTx, required ElectrumX electrumXClient,}) async {
try {
Logging.instance.log("confirmNotificationTx txData: $preparedTx",
level: LogLevel.Info);
final txHash = await electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction(
rawTx: preparedTx["hex"] as String);
Logging.instance.log("Sent txHash: $txHash", level: LogLevel.Info);
return txHash;
} catch (e, s) {
Logging.instance.log("Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32;
import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39;
import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
abstract class Bip32Utils {
static bip32.BIP32 getBip32RootSync(String mnemonic, NetworkType network) {
final seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic);
final networkType = bip32.NetworkType(
wif: network.wif,
bip32: bip32.Bip32Type(
public: network.bip32.public,
private: network.bip32.private,
final root = bip32.BIP32.fromSeed(seed, networkType);
return root;
static Future<bip32.BIP32> getBip32Root(
String mnemonic, NetworkType network) async {
final root = await compute(_getBip32RootWrapper, Tuple2(mnemonic, network));
return root;
/// wrapper for compute()
static bip32.BIP32 _getBip32RootWrapper(Tuple2<String, NetworkType> args) {
return getBip32RootSync(args.item1, args.item2);