> allOffsets,
+) {
+ final object = ContactEntry(
+ addresses: reader.readStringList(offsets[0]) ?? [],
+ customId: reader.readString(offsets[1]),
+ emojiChar: reader.readStringOrNull(offsets[2]),
+ isFavorite: reader.readBool(offsets[3]),
+ name: reader.readString(offsets[4]),
+ );
+ object.id = id;
+ return object;
+P _contactEntryDeserializeProp(
+ IsarReader reader,
+ int propertyId,
+ int offset,
+ Map> allOffsets,
+) {
+ switch (propertyId) {
+ case 0:
+ return (reader.readStringList(offset) ?? []) as P;
+ case 1:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ case 2:
+ return (reader.readStringOrNull(offset)) as P;
+ case 3:
+ return (reader.readBool(offset)) as P;
+ case 4:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ default:
+ throw IsarError('Unknown property with id $propertyId');
+ }
+Id _contactEntryGetId(ContactEntry object) {
+ return object.id;
+List> _contactEntryGetLinks(ContactEntry object) {
+ return [];
+void _contactEntryAttach(
+ IsarCollection col, Id id, ContactEntry object) {
+ object.id = id;
+extension ContactEntryByIndex on IsarCollection {
+ Future getByCustomId(String customId) {
+ return getByIndex(r'customId', [customId]);
+ }
+ ContactEntry? getByCustomIdSync(String customId) {
+ return getByIndexSync(r'customId', [customId]);
+ }
+ Future deleteByCustomId(String customId) {
+ return deleteByIndex(r'customId', [customId]);
+ }
+ bool deleteByCustomIdSync(String customId) {
+ return deleteByIndexSync(r'customId', [customId]);
+ }
+ Future> getAllByCustomId(List customIdValues) {
+ final values = customIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return getAllByIndex(r'customId', values);
+ }
+ List getAllByCustomIdSync(List customIdValues) {
+ final values = customIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return getAllByIndexSync(r'customId', values);
+ }
+ Future deleteAllByCustomId(List customIdValues) {
+ final values = customIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return deleteAllByIndex(r'customId', values);
+ }
+ int deleteAllByCustomIdSync(List customIdValues) {
+ final values = customIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return deleteAllByIndexSync(r'customId', values);
+ }
+ Future putByCustomId(ContactEntry object) {
+ return putByIndex(r'customId', object);
+ }
+ Id putByCustomIdSync(ContactEntry object, {bool saveLinks = true}) {
+ return putByIndexSync(r'customId', object, saveLinks: saveLinks);
+ }
+ Future> putAllByCustomId(List objects) {
+ return putAllByIndex(r'customId', objects);
+ }
+ List putAllByCustomIdSync(List objects,
+ {bool saveLinks = true}) {
+ return putAllByIndexSync(r'customId', objects, saveLinks: saveLinks);
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQueryWhereSort
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder anyId() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(const IdWhereClause.any());
+ });
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQueryWhere
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder idEqualTo(Id id) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(IdWhereClause.between(
+ lower: id,
+ upper: id,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idNotEqualTo(
+ Id id) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ if (query.whereSort == Sort.asc) {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: false),
+ )
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: false),
+ );
+ } else {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: false),
+ )
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: false),
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idGreaterThan(
+ Id id,
+ {bool include = false}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: include),
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idLessThan(Id id,
+ {bool include = false}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: include),
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idBetween(
+ Id lowerId,
+ Id upperId, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(IdWhereClause.between(
+ lower: lowerId,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upperId,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder customIdEqualTo(
+ String customId) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.equalTo(
+ indexName: r'customId',
+ value: [customId],
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdNotEqualTo(String customId) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ if (query.whereSort == Sort.asc) {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'customId',
+ lower: [],
+ upper: [customId],
+ includeUpper: false,
+ ))
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'customId',
+ lower: [customId],
+ includeLower: false,
+ upper: [],
+ ));
+ } else {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'customId',
+ lower: [customId],
+ includeLower: false,
+ upper: [],
+ ))
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'customId',
+ lower: [],
+ upper: [customId],
+ includeUpper: false,
+ ));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQueryFilter
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementEqualTo(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementGreaterThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementLessThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementBetween(
+ String lower,
+ String upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementStartsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementEndsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementContains(String value, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementMatches(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ wildcard: pattern,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementIsEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesElementIsNotEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ property: r'addresses',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesLengthEqualTo(int length) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.listLength(
+ r'addresses',
+ length,
+ true,
+ length,
+ true,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesIsEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.listLength(
+ r'addresses',
+ 0,
+ true,
+ 0,
+ true,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesIsNotEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.listLength(
+ r'addresses',
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 999999,
+ true,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesLengthLessThan(
+ int length, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.listLength(
+ r'addresses',
+ 0,
+ true,
+ length,
+ include,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesLengthGreaterThan(
+ int length, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.listLength(
+ r'addresses',
+ length,
+ include,
+ 999999,
+ true,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ addressesLengthBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.listLength(
+ r'addresses',
+ lower,
+ includeLower,
+ upper,
+ includeUpper,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdEqualTo(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdGreaterThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdLessThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdBetween(
+ String lower,
+ String upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'customId',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdStartsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdEndsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdContains(String value, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdMatches(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+ property: r'customId',
+ wildcard: pattern,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdIsEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ customIdIsNotEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ property: r'customId',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharIsNull() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(const FilterCondition.isNull(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharIsNotNull() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(const FilterCondition.isNotNull(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharEqualTo(
+ String? value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharGreaterThan(
+ String? value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharLessThan(
+ String? value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharBetween(
+ String? lower,
+ String? upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharStartsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharEndsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharContains(String value, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharMatches(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ wildcard: pattern,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharIsEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ emojiCharIsNotEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ property: r'emojiChar',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idEqualTo(
+ Id value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'id',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idGreaterThan(
+ Id value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'id',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idLessThan(
+ Id value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'id',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idBetween(
+ Id lower,
+ Id upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'id',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ isFavoriteEqualTo(bool value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'isFavorite',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameEqualTo(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'name',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ nameGreaterThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'name',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameLessThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'name',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameBetween(
+ String lower,
+ String upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'name',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ nameStartsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+ property: r'name',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameEndsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+ property: r'name',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameContains(
+ String value,
+ {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+ property: r'name',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameMatches(
+ String pattern,
+ {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+ property: r'name',
+ wildcard: pattern,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ nameIsEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'name',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ nameIsNotEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ property: r'name',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQueryObject
+ on QueryBuilder {}
+extension ContactEntryQueryLinks
+ on QueryBuilder {}
+extension ContactEntryQuerySortBy
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder sortByCustomId() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'customId', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder sortByCustomIdDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'customId', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder sortByEmojiChar() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'emojiChar', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder sortByEmojiCharDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'emojiChar', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder sortByIsFavorite() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'isFavorite', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ sortByIsFavoriteDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'isFavorite', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder sortByName() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'name', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder sortByNameDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'name', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQuerySortThenBy
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder thenByCustomId() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'customId', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByCustomIdDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'customId', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByEmojiChar() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'emojiChar', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByEmojiCharDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'emojiChar', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenById() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'id', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByIdDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'id', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByIsFavorite() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'isFavorite', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ thenByIsFavoriteDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'isFavorite', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByName() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'name', Sort.asc);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder thenByNameDesc() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addSortBy(r'name', Sort.desc);
+ });
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQueryWhereDistinct
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder distinctByAddresses() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addDistinctBy(r'addresses');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder distinctByCustomId(
+ {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addDistinctBy(r'customId', caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder distinctByEmojiChar(
+ {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addDistinctBy(r'emojiChar', caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder distinctByIsFavorite() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addDistinctBy(r'isFavorite');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder distinctByName(
+ {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addDistinctBy(r'name', caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
+ });
+ }
+extension ContactEntryQueryProperty
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder idProperty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addPropertyName(r'id');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder, QQueryOperations>
+ addressesProperty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addPropertyName(r'addresses');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder customIdProperty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addPropertyName(r'customId');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder emojiCharProperty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addPropertyName(r'emojiChar');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder isFavoriteProperty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addPropertyName(r'isFavorite');
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder nameProperty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addPropertyName(r'name');
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/lib/models/isar/stack_theme.dart b/lib/models/isar/stack_theme.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c443d41f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/isar/stack_theme.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,2164 @@
+import 'dart:convert';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/themes/color_theme.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/box_shadow.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/gradient.dart';
+import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/impl/string.dart';
+part 'stack_theme.g.dart';
+@Collection(inheritance: false)
+class StackTheme {
+ Id id = Isar.autoIncrement;
+ /// id of theme on themes server
+ @Index(unique: true, replace: true)
+ final String themeId;
+ /// the theme name that will be displayed in app
+ final String name;
+ // system brightness
+ final String brightnessString;
+ /// convenience enum conversion for stored [brightnessString]
+ @ignore
+ Brightness get brightness {
+ switch (brightnessString) {
+ case "light":
+ return Brightness.light;
+ case "dark":
+ return Brightness.dark;
+ default:
+ // just return light instead of a possible crash causing error
+ return Brightness.light;
+ }
+ }
+// ==== background =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get background => _background ??= Color(backgroundInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _background;
+ final int backgroundInt;
+ // ==== backgroundAppBar =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get backgroundAppBar =>
+ _backgroundAppBar ??= Color(backgroundAppBarInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _backgroundAppBar;
+ final int backgroundAppBarInt;
+ // ==== gradientBackground =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Gradient? get gradientBackground {
+ if (gradientBackgroundString == null) {
+ _gradientBackground = null;
+ } else {
+ _gradientBackground ??= GradientExt.fromJson(
+ Map.from(
+ jsonDecode(gradientBackgroundString!) as Map,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ return _gradientBackground;
+ }
+ @ignore
+ Gradient? _gradientBackground;
+ final String? gradientBackgroundString;
+ // ==== boxShadows =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ BoxShadow get standardBoxShadow =>
+ _standardBoxShadow ??= BoxShadowExt.fromJson(
+ Map.from(
+ jsonDecode(standardBoxShadowString) as Map,
+ ),
+ );
+ @ignore
+ BoxShadow? _standardBoxShadow;
+ final String standardBoxShadowString;
+ @ignore
+ BoxShadow? get homeViewButtonBarBoxShadow {
+ if (homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString == null) {
+ _homeViewButtonBarBoxShadow = null;
+ } else {
+ _homeViewButtonBarBoxShadow ??= BoxShadowExt.fromJson(
+ Map.from(
+ jsonDecode(homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString!) as Map,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ return _homeViewButtonBarBoxShadow;
+ }
+ @ignore
+ BoxShadow? _homeViewButtonBarBoxShadow;
+ final String? homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString;
+ // ==== overlay =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get overlay => _overlay ??= Color(overlayInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _overlay;
+ final int overlayInt;
+ // ==== accentColorBlue =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get accentColorBlue => _accentColorBlue ??= Color(
+ accentColorBlueInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _accentColorBlue;
+ final int accentColorBlueInt;
+ // ==== accentColorGreen =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get accentColorGreen => _accentColorGreen ??= Color(
+ accentColorGreenInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _accentColorGreen;
+ final int accentColorGreenInt;
+ // ==== accentColorYellow =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get accentColorYellow => _accentColorYellow ??= Color(
+ accentColorYellowInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _accentColorYellow;
+ final int accentColorYellowInt;
+ // ==== accentColorRed =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get accentColorRed => _accentColorRed ??= Color(
+ accentColorRedInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _accentColorRed;
+ final int accentColorRedInt;
+ // ==== accentColorOrange =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get accentColorOrange => _accentColorOrange ??= Color(
+ accentColorOrangeInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _accentColorOrange;
+ final int accentColorOrangeInt;
+ // ==== accentColorDark =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get accentColorDark => _accentColorDark ??= Color(
+ accentColorDarkInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _accentColorDark;
+ final int accentColorDarkInt;
+ // ==== shadow =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get shadow => _shadow ??= Color(
+ shadowInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _shadow;
+ final int shadowInt;
+ // ==== textDark =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textDark => _textDark ??= Color(
+ textDarkInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textDark;
+ final int textDarkInt;
+ // ==== textDark2 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textDark2 => _textDark2 ??= Color(
+ textDark2Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textDark2;
+ final int textDark2Int;
+ // ==== textDark3 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textDark3 => _textDark3 ??= Color(
+ textDark3Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textDark3;
+ final int textDark3Int;
+ // ==== textSubtitle1 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSubtitle1 => _textSubtitle1 ??= Color(
+ textSubtitle1Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSubtitle1;
+ final int textSubtitle1Int;
+ // ==== textSubtitle2 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSubtitle2 => _textSubtitle2 ??= Color(
+ textSubtitle2Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSubtitle2;
+ final int textSubtitle2Int;
+ // ==== textSubtitle3 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSubtitle3 => _textSubtitle3 ??= Color(
+ textSubtitle3Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSubtitle3;
+ final int textSubtitle3Int;
+ // ==== textSubtitle4 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSubtitle4 => _textSubtitle4 ??= Color(
+ textSubtitle4Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSubtitle4;
+ final int textSubtitle4Int;
+ // ==== textSubtitle5 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSubtitle5 => _textSubtitle5 ??= Color(
+ textSubtitle5Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSubtitle5;
+ final int textSubtitle5Int;
+ // ==== textSubtitle6 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSubtitle6 => _textSubtitle6 ??= Color(
+ textSubtitle6Int,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSubtitle6;
+ final int textSubtitle6Int;
+ // ==== textWhite =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textWhite => _textWhite ??= Color(
+ textWhiteInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textWhite;
+ final int textWhiteInt;
+ // ==== textFavoriteCard =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFavoriteCard => _textFavoriteCard ??= Color(
+ textFavoriteCardInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFavoriteCard;
+ final int textFavoriteCardInt;
+ // ==== textError =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textError => _textError ??= Color(
+ textErrorInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textError;
+ final int textErrorInt;
+ // ==== textRestore =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textRestore => _textRestore ??= Color(
+ textRestoreInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textRestore;
+ final int textRestoreInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackPrimary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackPrimary => _buttonBackPrimary ??= Color(
+ buttonBackPrimaryInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackPrimary;
+ final int buttonBackPrimaryInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackSecondary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackSecondary => _buttonBackSecondary ??= Color(
+ buttonBackSecondaryInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackSecondary;
+ final int buttonBackSecondaryInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackPrimaryDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackPrimaryDisabled => _buttonBackPrimaryDisabled ??= Color(
+ buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackPrimaryDisabled;
+ final int buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackSecondaryDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackSecondaryDisabled =>
+ _buttonBackSecondaryDisabled ??= Color(
+ buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackSecondaryDisabled;
+ final int buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackBorder =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackBorder => _buttonBackBorder ??= Color(
+ buttonBackBorderInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackBorder;
+ final int buttonBackBorderInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackBorderDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackBorderDisabled => _buttonBackBorderDisabled ??= Color(
+ buttonBackBorderDisabledInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackBorderDisabled;
+ final int buttonBackBorderDisabledInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackBorderSecondary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackBorderSecondary => _buttonBackBorderSecondary ??= Color(
+ buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackBorderSecondary;
+ final int buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt;
+ // ==== buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabled =>
+ _buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabled ??= Color(
+ buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabled;
+ final int buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt;
+ // ==== numberBackDefault =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get numberBackDefault => _numberBackDefault ??= Color(
+ numberBackDefaultInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _numberBackDefault;
+ final int numberBackDefaultInt;
+ // ==== numpadBackDefault =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get numpadBackDefault => _numpadBackDefault ??= Color(
+ numpadBackDefaultInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _numpadBackDefault;
+ final int numpadBackDefaultInt;
+ // ==== bottomNavBack =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get bottomNavBack => _bottomNavBack ??= Color(
+ bottomNavBackInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _bottomNavBack;
+ final int bottomNavBackInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextPrimary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextPrimary => _buttonTextPrimary ??= Color(
+ buttonTextPrimaryInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextPrimary;
+ final int buttonTextPrimaryInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextSecondary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextSecondary => _buttonTextSecondary ??= Color(
+ buttonTextSecondaryInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextSecondary;
+ final int buttonTextSecondaryInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextPrimaryDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextPrimaryDisabled => _buttonTextPrimaryDisabled ??= Color(
+ buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt,
+ );
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextPrimaryDisabled;
+ final int buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextSecondaryDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextSecondaryDisabled =>
+ _buttonTextSecondaryDisabled ??= Color(buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextSecondaryDisabled;
+ final int buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextBorder =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextBorder =>
+ _buttonTextBorder ??= Color(buttonTextBorderInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextBorder;
+ final int buttonTextBorderInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextDisabled =>
+ _buttonTextDisabled ??= Color(buttonTextDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextDisabled;
+ final int buttonTextDisabledInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextBorderless =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextBorderless =>
+ _buttonTextBorderless ??= Color(buttonTextBorderlessInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextBorderless;
+ final int buttonTextBorderlessInt;
+ // ==== buttonTextBorderlessDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get buttonTextBorderlessDisabled =>
+ _buttonTextBorderlessDisabled ??= Color(buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _buttonTextBorderlessDisabled;
+ final int buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt;
+ // ==== numberTextDefault =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get numberTextDefault =>
+ _numberTextDefault ??= Color(numberTextDefaultInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _numberTextDefault;
+ final int numberTextDefaultInt;
+ // ==== numpadTextDefault =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get numpadTextDefault =>
+ _numpadTextDefault ??= Color(numpadTextDefaultInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _numpadTextDefault;
+ final int numpadTextDefaultInt;
+ // ==== bottomNavText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get bottomNavText => _bottomNavText ??= Color(bottomNavTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _bottomNavText;
+ final int bottomNavTextInt;
+ // ==== customTextButtonEnabledText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get customTextButtonEnabledText =>
+ _customTextButtonEnabledText ??= Color(customTextButtonEnabledTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _customTextButtonEnabledText;
+ final int customTextButtonEnabledTextInt;
+ // ==== customTextButtonDisabledText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get customTextButtonDisabledText =>
+ _customTextButtonDisabledText ??= Color(customTextButtonDisabledTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _customTextButtonDisabledText;
+ final int customTextButtonDisabledTextInt;
+ // ==== switchBGOn =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get switchBGOn => _switchBGOn ??= Color(switchBGOnInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _switchBGOn;
+ final int switchBGOnInt;
+ // ==== switchBGOff =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get switchBGOff => _switchBGOff ??= Color(switchBGOffInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _switchBGOff;
+ final int switchBGOffInt;
+ // ==== switchBGDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get switchBGDisabled =>
+ _switchBGDisabled ??= Color(switchBGDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _switchBGDisabled;
+ final int switchBGDisabledInt;
+ // ==== switchCircleOn =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get switchCircleOn => _switchCircleOn ??= Color(switchCircleOnInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _switchCircleOn;
+ final int switchCircleOnInt;
+ // ==== switchCircleOff =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get switchCircleOff => _switchCircleOff ??= Color(switchCircleOffInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _switchCircleOff;
+ final int switchCircleOffInt;
+ // ==== switchCircleDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get switchCircleDisabled =>
+ _switchCircleDisabled ??= Color(switchCircleDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _switchCircleDisabled;
+ final int switchCircleDisabledInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorBGCheck =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorBGCheck =>
+ _stepIndicatorBGCheck ??= Color(stepIndicatorBGCheckInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorBGCheck;
+ final int stepIndicatorBGCheckInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorBGNumber =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorBGNumber =>
+ _stepIndicatorBGNumber ??= Color(stepIndicatorBGNumberInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorBGNumber;
+ final int stepIndicatorBGNumberInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorBGInactive =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorBGInactive =>
+ _stepIndicatorBGInactive ??= Color(stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorBGInactive;
+ final int stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorBGLines =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorBGLines =>
+ _stepIndicatorBGLines ??= Color(stepIndicatorBGLinesInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorBGLines;
+ final int stepIndicatorBGLinesInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorBGLinesInactive =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorBGLinesInactive =>
+ _stepIndicatorBGLinesInactive ??= Color(stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorBGLinesInactive;
+ final int stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorIconText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorIconText =>
+ _stepIndicatorIconText ??= Color(stepIndicatorIconTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorIconText;
+ final int stepIndicatorIconTextInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorIconNumber =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorIconNumber =>
+ _stepIndicatorIconNumber ??= Color(stepIndicatorIconNumberInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorIconNumber;
+ final int stepIndicatorIconNumberInt;
+ // ==== stepIndicatorIconInactive =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stepIndicatorIconInactive =>
+ _stepIndicatorIconInactive ??= Color(stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stepIndicatorIconInactive;
+ final int stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt;
+ // ==== checkboxBGChecked =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get checkboxBGChecked =>
+ _checkboxBGChecked ??= Color(checkboxBGCheckedInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _checkboxBGChecked;
+ final int checkboxBGCheckedInt;
+ // ==== checkboxBorderEmpty =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get checkboxBorderEmpty =>
+ _checkboxBorderEmpty ??= Color(checkboxBorderEmptyInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _checkboxBorderEmpty;
+ final int checkboxBorderEmptyInt;
+ // ==== checkboxBGDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get checkboxBGDisabled =>
+ _checkboxBGDisabled ??= Color(checkboxBGDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _checkboxBGDisabled;
+ final int checkboxBGDisabledInt;
+ // ==== checkboxIconChecked =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get checkboxIconChecked =>
+ _checkboxIconChecked ??= Color(checkboxIconCheckedInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _checkboxIconChecked;
+ final int checkboxIconCheckedInt;
+ // ==== checkboxIconDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get checkboxIconDisabled =>
+ _checkboxIconDisabled ??= Color(checkboxIconDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _checkboxIconDisabled;
+ final int checkboxIconDisabledInt;
+ // ==== checkboxTextLabel =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get checkboxTextLabel =>
+ _checkboxTextLabel ??= Color(checkboxTextLabelInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _checkboxTextLabel;
+ final int checkboxTextLabelInt;
+ // ==== snackBarBackSuccess =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get snackBarBackSuccess =>
+ _snackBarBackSuccess ??= Color(snackBarBackSuccessInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _snackBarBackSuccess;
+ final int snackBarBackSuccessInt;
+ // ==== snackBarBackError =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get snackBarBackError =>
+ _snackBarBackError ??= Color(snackBarBackErrorInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _snackBarBackError;
+ final int snackBarBackErrorInt;
+ // ==== snackBarBackInfo =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get snackBarBackInfo =>
+ _snackBarBackInfo ??= Color(snackBarBackInfoInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _snackBarBackInfo;
+ final int snackBarBackInfoInt;
+ // ==== snackBarTextSuccess =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get snackBarTextSuccess =>
+ _snackBarTextSuccess ??= Color(snackBarTextSuccessInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _snackBarTextSuccess;
+ final int snackBarTextSuccessInt;
+ // ==== snackBarTextError =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get snackBarTextError =>
+ _snackBarTextError ??= Color(snackBarTextErrorInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _snackBarTextError;
+ final int snackBarTextErrorInt;
+ // ==== snackBarTextInfo =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get snackBarTextInfo =>
+ _snackBarTextInfo ??= Color(snackBarTextInfoInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _snackBarTextInfo;
+ final int snackBarTextInfoInt;
+ // ==== bottomNavIconBack =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get bottomNavIconBack =>
+ _bottomNavIconBack ??= Color(bottomNavIconBackInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _bottomNavIconBack;
+ final int bottomNavIconBackInt;
+ // ==== bottomNavIconIcon =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get bottomNavIconIcon =>
+ _bottomNavIconIcon ??= Color(bottomNavIconIconInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _bottomNavIconIcon;
+ final int bottomNavIconIconInt;
+ // ==== topNavIconPrimary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get topNavIconPrimary =>
+ _topNavIconPrimary ??= Color(topNavIconPrimaryInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _topNavIconPrimary;
+ final int topNavIconPrimaryInt;
+ // ==== topNavIconGreen =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get topNavIconGreen => _topNavIconGreen ??= Color(topNavIconGreenInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _topNavIconGreen;
+ final int topNavIconGreenInt;
+ // ==== topNavIconYellow =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get topNavIconYellow =>
+ _topNavIconYellow ??= Color(topNavIconYellowInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _topNavIconYellow;
+ final int topNavIconYellowInt;
+ // ==== topNavIconRed =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get topNavIconRed => _topNavIconRed ??= Color(topNavIconRedInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _topNavIconRed;
+ final int topNavIconRedInt;
+ // ==== settingsIconBack =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsIconBack =>
+ _settingsIconBack ??= Color(settingsIconBackInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsIconBack;
+ final int settingsIconBackInt;
+ // ==== settingsIconIcon =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsIconIcon =>
+ _settingsIconIcon ??= Color(settingsIconIconInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsIconIcon;
+ final int settingsIconIconInt;
+ // ==== settingsIconBack2 =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsIconBack2 =>
+ _settingsIconBack2 ??= Color(settingsIconBack2Int);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsIconBack2;
+ final int settingsIconBack2Int;
+ // ==== settingsIconElement =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsIconElement =>
+ _settingsIconElement ??= Color(settingsIconElementInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsIconElement;
+ final int settingsIconElementInt;
+ // ==== textFieldActiveBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldActiveBG =>
+ _textFieldActiveBG ??= Color(textFieldActiveBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldActiveBG;
+ final int textFieldActiveBGInt;
+ // ==== textFieldDefaultBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldDefaultBG =>
+ _textFieldDefaultBG ??= Color(textFieldDefaultBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldDefaultBG;
+ final int textFieldDefaultBGInt;
+ // ==== textFieldErrorBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldErrorBG =>
+ _textFieldErrorBG ??= Color(textFieldErrorBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldErrorBG;
+ final int textFieldErrorBGInt;
+ // ==== textFieldSuccessBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldSuccessBG =>
+ _textFieldSuccessBG ??= Color(textFieldSuccessBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldSuccessBG;
+ final int textFieldSuccessBGInt;
+ // ==== textFieldErrorBorder =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldErrorBorder =>
+ _textFieldErrorBorder ??= Color(textFieldErrorBorderInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldErrorBorder;
+ final int textFieldErrorBorderInt;
+ // ==== textFieldSuccessBorder =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldSuccessBorder =>
+ _textFieldSuccessBorder ??= Color(textFieldSuccessBorderInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldSuccessBorder;
+ final int textFieldSuccessBorderInt;
+ // ==== textFieldActiveSearchIconLeft =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldActiveSearchIconLeft => _textFieldActiveSearchIconLeft ??=
+ Color(textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldActiveSearchIconLeft;
+ final int textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt;
+ // ==== textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeft =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeft =>
+ _textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeft ??=
+ Color(textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeft;
+ final int textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt;
+ // ==== textFieldErrorSearchIconLeft =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldErrorSearchIconLeft =>
+ _textFieldErrorSearchIconLeft ??= Color(textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldErrorSearchIconLeft;
+ final int textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt;
+ // ==== textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeft =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeft =>
+ _textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeft ??=
+ Color(textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeft;
+ final int textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt;
+ // ==== textFieldActiveText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldActiveText =>
+ _textFieldActiveText ??= Color(textFieldActiveTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldActiveText;
+ final int textFieldActiveTextInt;
+ // ==== textFieldDefaultText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldDefaultText =>
+ _textFieldDefaultText ??= Color(textFieldDefaultTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldDefaultText;
+ final int textFieldDefaultTextInt;
+ // ==== textFieldErrorText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldErrorText =>
+ _textFieldErrorText ??= Color(textFieldErrorTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldErrorText;
+ final int textFieldErrorTextInt;
+ // ==== textFieldSuccessText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldSuccessText =>
+ _textFieldSuccessText ??= Color(textFieldSuccessTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldSuccessText;
+ final int textFieldSuccessTextInt;
+ // ==== textFieldActiveLabel =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldActiveLabel =>
+ _textFieldActiveLabel ??= Color(textFieldActiveLabelInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldActiveLabel;
+ final int textFieldActiveLabelInt;
+ // ==== textFieldErrorLabel =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldErrorLabel =>
+ _textFieldErrorLabel ??= Color(textFieldErrorLabelInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldErrorLabel;
+ final int textFieldErrorLabelInt;
+ // ==== textFieldSuccessLabel =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldSuccessLabel =>
+ _textFieldSuccessLabel ??= Color(textFieldSuccessLabelInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldSuccessLabel;
+ final int textFieldSuccessLabelInt;
+ // ==== textFieldActiveSearchIconRight =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldActiveSearchIconRight =>
+ _textFieldActiveSearchIconRight ??=
+ Color(textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldActiveSearchIconRight;
+ final int textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt;
+ // ==== textFieldDefaultSearchIconRight =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldDefaultSearchIconRight =>
+ _textFieldDefaultSearchIconRight ??=
+ Color(textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldDefaultSearchIconRight;
+ final int textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt;
+ // ==== textFieldErrorSearchIconRight =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldErrorSearchIconRight => _textFieldErrorSearchIconRight ??=
+ Color(textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldErrorSearchIconRight;
+ final int textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt;
+ // ==== textFieldSuccessSearchIconRight =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textFieldSuccessSearchIconRight =>
+ _textFieldSuccessSearchIconRight ??=
+ Color(textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textFieldSuccessSearchIconRight;
+ final int textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt;
+ // ==== settingsItem2ActiveBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsItem2ActiveBG =>
+ _settingsItem2ActiveBG ??= Color(settingsItem2ActiveBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsItem2ActiveBG;
+ final int settingsItem2ActiveBGInt;
+ // ==== settingsItem2ActiveText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsItem2ActiveText =>
+ _settingsItem2ActiveText ??= Color(settingsItem2ActiveTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsItem2ActiveText;
+ final int settingsItem2ActiveTextInt;
+ // ==== settingsItem2ActiveSub =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get settingsItem2ActiveSub =>
+ _settingsItem2ActiveSub ??= Color(settingsItem2ActiveSubInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _settingsItem2ActiveSub;
+ final int settingsItem2ActiveSubInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonIconBorder =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonIconBorder =>
+ _radioButtonIconBorder ??= Color(radioButtonIconBorderInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonIconBorder;
+ final int radioButtonIconBorderInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonIconBorderDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonIconBorderDisabled => _radioButtonIconBorderDisabled ??=
+ Color(radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonIconBorderDisabled;
+ final int radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonBorderEnabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonBorderEnabled =>
+ _radioButtonBorderEnabled ??= Color(radioButtonBorderEnabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonBorderEnabled;
+ final int radioButtonBorderEnabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonBorderDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonBorderDisabled =>
+ _radioButtonBorderDisabled ??= Color(radioButtonBorderDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonBorderDisabled;
+ final int radioButtonBorderDisabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonIconCircle =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonIconCircle =>
+ _radioButtonIconCircle ??= Color(radioButtonIconCircleInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonIconCircle;
+ final int radioButtonIconCircleInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonIconEnabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonIconEnabled =>
+ _radioButtonIconEnabled ??= Color(radioButtonIconEnabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonIconEnabled;
+ final int radioButtonIconEnabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonTextEnabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonTextEnabled =>
+ _radioButtonTextEnabled ??= Color(radioButtonTextEnabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonTextEnabled;
+ final int radioButtonTextEnabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonTextDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonTextDisabled =>
+ _radioButtonTextDisabled ??= Color(radioButtonTextDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonTextDisabled;
+ final int radioButtonTextDisabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonLabelEnabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonLabelEnabled =>
+ _radioButtonLabelEnabled ??= Color(radioButtonLabelEnabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonLabelEnabled;
+ final int radioButtonLabelEnabledInt;
+ // ==== radioButtonLabelDisabled =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get radioButtonLabelDisabled =>
+ _radioButtonLabelDisabled ??= Color(radioButtonLabelDisabledInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _radioButtonLabelDisabled;
+ final int radioButtonLabelDisabledInt;
+ // ==== infoItemBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get infoItemBG => _infoItemBG ??= Color(infoItemBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _infoItemBG;
+ final int infoItemBGInt;
+ // ==== infoItemLabel =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get infoItemLabel => _infoItemLabel ??= Color(infoItemLabelInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _infoItemLabel;
+ final int infoItemLabelInt;
+ // ==== infoItemText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get infoItemText => _infoItemText ??= Color(infoItemTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _infoItemText;
+ final int infoItemTextInt;
+ // ==== infoItemIcons =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get infoItemIcons => _infoItemIcons ??= Color(infoItemIconsInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _infoItemIcons;
+ final int infoItemIconsInt;
+ // ==== popupBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get popupBG => _popupBG ??= Color(popupBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _popupBG;
+ final int popupBGInt;
+ // ==== currencyListItemBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get currencyListItemBG =>
+ _currencyListItemBG ??= Color(currencyListItemBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _currencyListItemBG;
+ final int currencyListItemBGInt;
+ // ==== stackWalletBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stackWalletBG => _stackWalletBG ??= Color(stackWalletBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stackWalletBG;
+ final int stackWalletBGInt;
+ // ==== stackWalletMid =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stackWalletMid => _stackWalletMid ??= Color(stackWalletMidInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stackWalletMid;
+ final int stackWalletMidInt;
+ // ==== stackWalletBottom =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get stackWalletBottom =>
+ _stackWalletBottom ??= Color(stackWalletBottomInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _stackWalletBottom;
+ final int stackWalletBottomInt;
+ // ==== bottomNavShadow =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get bottomNavShadow => _bottomNavShadow ??= Color(bottomNavShadowInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _bottomNavShadow;
+ final int bottomNavShadowInt;
+ // ==== favoriteStarActive =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get favoriteStarActive =>
+ _favoriteStarActive ??= Color(favoriteStarActiveInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _favoriteStarActive;
+ final int favoriteStarActiveInt;
+ // ==== favoriteStarInactive =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get favoriteStarInactive =>
+ _favoriteStarInactive ??= Color(favoriteStarInactiveInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _favoriteStarInactive;
+ final int favoriteStarInactiveInt;
+ // ==== splash =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get splash => _splash ??= Color(splashInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _splash;
+ final int splashInt;
+ // ==== highlight =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get highlight => _highlight ??= Color(highlightInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _highlight;
+ final int highlightInt;
+ // ==== warningForeground =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get warningForeground =>
+ _warningForeground ??= Color(warningForegroundInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _warningForeground;
+ final int warningForegroundInt;
+ // ==== warningBackground =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get warningBackground =>
+ _warningBackground ??= Color(warningBackgroundInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _warningBackground;
+ final int warningBackgroundInt;
+ // ==== loadingOverlayTextColor =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get loadingOverlayTextColor =>
+ _loadingOverlayTextColor ??= Color(loadingOverlayTextColorInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _loadingOverlayTextColor;
+ final int loadingOverlayTextColorInt;
+ // ==== myStackContactIconBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get myStackContactIconBG =>
+ _myStackContactIconBG ??= Color(myStackContactIconBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _myStackContactIconBG;
+ final int myStackContactIconBGInt;
+ // ==== textConfirmTotalAmount =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textConfirmTotalAmount =>
+ _textConfirmTotalAmount ??= Color(textConfirmTotalAmountInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textConfirmTotalAmount;
+ final int textConfirmTotalAmountInt;
+ // ==== textSelectedWordTableItem =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get textSelectedWordTableItem =>
+ _textSelectedWordTableItem ??= Color(textSelectedWordTableItemInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _textSelectedWordTableItem;
+ final int textSelectedWordTableItemInt;
+ // ==== rateTypeToggleColorOn =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get rateTypeToggleColorOn =>
+ _rateTypeToggleColorOn ??= Color(rateTypeToggleColorOnInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _rateTypeToggleColorOn;
+ final int rateTypeToggleColorOnInt;
+ // ==== rateTypeToggleColorOff =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get rateTypeToggleColorOff =>
+ _rateTypeToggleColorOff ??= Color(rateTypeToggleColorOffInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _rateTypeToggleColorOff;
+ final int rateTypeToggleColorOffInt;
+ // ==== rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOn =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOn =>
+ _rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOn ??= Color(rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOn;
+ final int rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt;
+ // ==== rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOff =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOff => _rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOff ??=
+ Color(rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOff;
+ final int rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt;
+ // ==== ethTagText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get ethTagText => _ethTagText ??= Color(ethTagTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _ethTagText;
+ final int ethTagTextInt;
+ // ==== ethTagBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get ethTagBG => _ethTagBG ??= Color(ethTagBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _ethTagBG;
+ final int ethTagBGInt;
+ // ==== ethWalletTagText =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get ethWalletTagText =>
+ _ethWalletTagText ??= Color(ethWalletTagTextInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _ethWalletTagText;
+ final int ethWalletTagTextInt;
+ // ==== ethWalletTagBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get ethWalletTagBG => _ethWalletTagBG ??= Color(ethWalletTagBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _ethWalletTagBG;
+ final int ethWalletTagBGInt;
+ // ==== tokenSummaryTextPrimary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get tokenSummaryTextPrimary =>
+ _tokenSummaryTextPrimary ??= Color(tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _tokenSummaryTextPrimary;
+ final int tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt;
+ // ==== tokenSummaryTextSecondary =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get tokenSummaryTextSecondary =>
+ _tokenSummaryTextSecondary ??= Color(tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _tokenSummaryTextSecondary;
+ final int tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt;
+ // ==== tokenSummaryBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get tokenSummaryBG => _tokenSummaryBG ??= Color(tokenSummaryBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _tokenSummaryBG;
+ final int tokenSummaryBGInt;
+ // ==== tokenSummaryButtonBG =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get tokenSummaryButtonBG =>
+ _tokenSummaryButtonBG ??= Color(tokenSummaryButtonBGInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _tokenSummaryButtonBG;
+ final int tokenSummaryButtonBGInt;
+ // ==== tokenSummaryIcon =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Color get tokenSummaryIcon =>
+ _tokenSummaryIcon ??= Color(tokenSummaryIconInt);
+ @ignore
+ Color? _tokenSummaryIcon;
+ final int tokenSummaryIconInt;
+ // ==== coinColors =====================================================
+ @ignore
+ Map get coinColors =>
+ _coinColors ??= parseCoinColors(coinColorsJsonString);
+ @ignore
+ Map? _coinColors;
+ final String coinColorsJsonString;
+ // ==== assets =====================================================
+ final ThemeAssets assets;
+ // ===========================================================================
+ StackTheme({
+ required this.themeId,
+ required this.name,
+ required this.assets,
+ required this.brightnessString,
+ required this.backgroundInt,
+ required this.backgroundAppBarInt,
+ required this.gradientBackgroundString,
+ required this.standardBoxShadowString,
+ required this.homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString,
+ required this.overlayInt,
+ required this.accentColorBlueInt,
+ required this.accentColorGreenInt,
+ required this.accentColorYellowInt,
+ required this.accentColorRedInt,
+ required this.accentColorOrangeInt,
+ required this.accentColorDarkInt,
+ required this.shadowInt,
+ required this.textDarkInt,
+ required this.textDark2Int,
+ required this.textDark3Int,
+ required this.textSubtitle1Int,
+ required this.textSubtitle2Int,
+ required this.textSubtitle3Int,
+ required this.textSubtitle4Int,
+ required this.textSubtitle5Int,
+ required this.textSubtitle6Int,
+ required this.textWhiteInt,
+ required this.textFavoriteCardInt,
+ required this.textErrorInt,
+ required this.textRestoreInt,
+ required this.buttonBackPrimaryInt,
+ required this.buttonBackSecondaryInt,
+ required this.buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt,
+ required this.buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt,
+ required this.buttonBackBorderInt,
+ required this.buttonBackBorderDisabledInt,
+ required this.buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt,
+ required this.buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt,
+ required this.numberBackDefaultInt,
+ required this.numpadBackDefaultInt,
+ required this.bottomNavBackInt,
+ required this.buttonTextPrimaryInt,
+ required this.buttonTextSecondaryInt,
+ required this.buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt,
+ required this.buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt,
+ required this.buttonTextBorderInt,
+ required this.buttonTextDisabledInt,
+ required this.buttonTextBorderlessInt,
+ required this.buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt,
+ required this.numberTextDefaultInt,
+ required this.numpadTextDefaultInt,
+ required this.bottomNavTextInt,
+ required this.customTextButtonEnabledTextInt,
+ required this.customTextButtonDisabledTextInt,
+ required this.switchBGOnInt,
+ required this.switchBGOffInt,
+ required this.switchBGDisabledInt,
+ required this.switchCircleOnInt,
+ required this.switchCircleOffInt,
+ required this.switchCircleDisabledInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorBGCheckInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorBGNumberInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorBGLinesInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorIconTextInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorIconNumberInt,
+ required this.stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt,
+ required this.checkboxBGCheckedInt,
+ required this.checkboxBorderEmptyInt,
+ required this.checkboxBGDisabledInt,
+ required this.checkboxIconCheckedInt,
+ required this.checkboxIconDisabledInt,
+ required this.checkboxTextLabelInt,
+ required this.snackBarBackSuccessInt,
+ required this.snackBarBackErrorInt,
+ required this.snackBarBackInfoInt,
+ required this.snackBarTextSuccessInt,
+ required this.snackBarTextErrorInt,
+ required this.snackBarTextInfoInt,
+ required this.bottomNavIconBackInt,
+ required this.bottomNavIconIconInt,
+ required this.topNavIconPrimaryInt,
+ required this.topNavIconGreenInt,
+ required this.topNavIconYellowInt,
+ required this.topNavIconRedInt,
+ required this.settingsIconBackInt,
+ required this.settingsIconIconInt,
+ required this.settingsIconBack2Int,
+ required this.settingsIconElementInt,
+ required this.textFieldActiveBGInt,
+ required this.textFieldDefaultBGInt,
+ required this.textFieldErrorBGInt,
+ required this.textFieldSuccessBGInt,
+ required this.textFieldErrorBorderInt,
+ required this.textFieldSuccessBorderInt,
+ required this.textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt,
+ required this.textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt,
+ required this.textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt,
+ required this.textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt,
+ required this.textFieldActiveTextInt,
+ required this.textFieldDefaultTextInt,
+ required this.textFieldErrorTextInt,
+ required this.textFieldSuccessTextInt,
+ required this.textFieldActiveLabelInt,
+ required this.textFieldErrorLabelInt,
+ required this.textFieldSuccessLabelInt,
+ required this.textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt,
+ required this.textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt,
+ required this.textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt,
+ required this.textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt,
+ required this.settingsItem2ActiveBGInt,
+ required this.settingsItem2ActiveTextInt,
+ required this.settingsItem2ActiveSubInt,
+ required this.radioButtonIconBorderInt,
+ required this.radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonBorderEnabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonBorderDisabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonIconCircleInt,
+ required this.radioButtonIconEnabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonTextEnabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonTextDisabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonLabelEnabledInt,
+ required this.radioButtonLabelDisabledInt,
+ required this.infoItemBGInt,
+ required this.infoItemLabelInt,
+ required this.infoItemTextInt,
+ required this.infoItemIconsInt,
+ required this.popupBGInt,
+ required this.currencyListItemBGInt,
+ required this.stackWalletBGInt,
+ required this.stackWalletMidInt,
+ required this.stackWalletBottomInt,
+ required this.bottomNavShadowInt,
+ required this.favoriteStarActiveInt,
+ required this.favoriteStarInactiveInt,
+ required this.splashInt,
+ required this.highlightInt,
+ required this.warningForegroundInt,
+ required this.warningBackgroundInt,
+ required this.loadingOverlayTextColorInt,
+ required this.myStackContactIconBGInt,
+ required this.textConfirmTotalAmountInt,
+ required this.textSelectedWordTableItemInt,
+ required this.rateTypeToggleColorOnInt,
+ required this.rateTypeToggleColorOffInt,
+ required this.rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt,
+ required this.rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt,
+ required this.ethTagTextInt,
+ required this.ethTagBGInt,
+ required this.ethWalletTagTextInt,
+ required this.ethWalletTagBGInt,
+ required this.tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt,
+ required this.tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt,
+ required this.tokenSummaryBGInt,
+ required this.tokenSummaryButtonBGInt,
+ required this.tokenSummaryIconInt,
+ required this.coinColorsJsonString,
+ });
+ factory StackTheme.fromJson({
+ required Map json,
+ required String applicationThemesDirectoryPath,
+ }) {
+ return StackTheme(
+ themeId: json["id"] as String,
+ name: json["name"] as String,
+ brightnessString: json["brightness"] as String,
+ backgroundInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["background"] as String),
+ backgroundAppBarInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["background_app_bar"] as String),
+ gradientBackgroundString: json["colors"]["gradients"] != null
+ ? jsonEncode(json["colors"]["gradients"])
+ : null,
+ standardBoxShadowString:
+ jsonEncode(json["colors"]["box_shadows"]["standard"] as Map),
+ homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString:
+ json["colors"]["box_shadows"]["home_view_button_bar"] == null
+ ? null
+ : jsonEncode(
+ json["colors"]["box_shadows"]["home_view_button_bar"] as Map),
+ coinColorsJsonString: jsonEncode(json["colors"]['coin'] as Map),
+ assets: ThemeAssets.fromJson(
+ json: Map.from(json["assets"] as Map),
+ applicationThemesDirectoryPath: applicationThemesDirectoryPath,
+ themeId: json["id"] as String,
+ ),
+ overlayInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["overlay"] as String),
+ accentColorBlueInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["accent_color_blue"] as String),
+ accentColorGreenInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["accent_color_green"] as String),
+ accentColorYellowInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["accent_color_yellow"] as String),
+ accentColorRedInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["accent_color_red"] as String),
+ accentColorOrangeInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["accent_color_orange"] as String),
+ accentColorDarkInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["accent_color_dark"] as String),
+ shadowInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["shadow"] as String),
+ textDarkInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["text_dark_one"] as String),
+ textDark2Int: parseColor(json["colors"]["text_dark_two"] as String),
+ textDark3Int: parseColor(json["colors"]["text_dark_three"] as String),
+ textWhiteInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["text_white"] as String),
+ textFavoriteCardInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_favorite"] as String),
+ textErrorInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["text_error"] as String),
+ textRestoreInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["text_restore"] as String),
+ buttonBackPrimaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_back_primary"] as String),
+ buttonBackSecondaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_back_secondary"] as String),
+ buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_back_primary_disabled"] as String),
+ buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["button_back_secondary_disabled"] as String),
+ buttonBackBorderInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_back_border"] as String),
+ buttonBackBorderDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_back_border_disabled"] as String),
+ buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_back_border_secondary"] as String),
+ buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["button_back_border_secondary_disabled"] as String),
+ numberBackDefaultInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["number_back_default"] as String),
+ numpadBackDefaultInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["numpad_back_default"] as String),
+ bottomNavBackInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["bottom_nav_back"] as String),
+ textSubtitle1Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_subtitle_one"] as String),
+ textSubtitle2Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_subtitle_two"] as String),
+ textSubtitle3Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_subtitle_three"] as String),
+ textSubtitle4Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_subtitle_four"] as String),
+ textSubtitle5Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_subtitle_five"] as String),
+ textSubtitle6Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_subtitle_six"] as String),
+ buttonTextPrimaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_text_primary"] as String),
+ buttonTextSecondaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_text_secondary"] as String),
+ buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_text_primary_disabled"] as String),
+ buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["button_text_secondary_disabled"] as String),
+ buttonTextBorderInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_text_border"] as String),
+ buttonTextDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_text_disabled"] as String),
+ buttonTextBorderlessInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["button_text_borderless"] as String),
+ buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["button_text_borderless_disabled"] as String),
+ numberTextDefaultInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["number_text_default"] as String),
+ numpadTextDefaultInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["numpad_text_default"] as String),
+ bottomNavTextInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["bottom_nav_text"] as String),
+ customTextButtonEnabledTextInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["custom_text_button_enabled_text"] as String),
+ customTextButtonDisabledTextInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["custom_text_button_disabled_text"] as String),
+ switchBGOnInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["switch_bg_on"] as String),
+ switchBGOffInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["switch_bg_off"] as String),
+ switchBGDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["switch_bg_disabled"] as String),
+ switchCircleOnInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["switch_circle_on"] as String),
+ switchCircleOffInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["switch_circle_off"] as String),
+ switchCircleDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["switch_circle_disabled"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorBGCheckInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_bg_check"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorBGNumberInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_bg_number"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_bg_inactive"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorBGLinesInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_bg_lines"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["step_indicator_bg_lines_inactive"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorIconTextInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_icon_text"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorIconNumberInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_icon_number"] as String),
+ stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["step_indicator_icon_inactive"] as String),
+ checkboxBGCheckedInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["checkbox_bg_checked"] as String),
+ checkboxBorderEmptyInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["checkbox_border_empty"] as String),
+ checkboxBGDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["checkbox_bg_disabled"] as String),
+ checkboxIconCheckedInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["checkbox_icon_checked"] as String),
+ checkboxIconDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["checkbox_icon_disabled"] as String),
+ checkboxTextLabelInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["checkbox_text_label"] as String),
+ snackBarBackSuccessInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["snack_bar_back_success"] as String),
+ snackBarBackErrorInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["snack_bar_back_error"] as String),
+ snackBarBackInfoInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["snack_bar_back_info"] as String),
+ snackBarTextSuccessInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["snack_bar_text_success"] as String),
+ snackBarTextErrorInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["snack_bar_text_error"] as String),
+ snackBarTextInfoInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["snack_bar_text_info"] as String),
+ bottomNavIconBackInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["bottom_nav_icon_back"] as String),
+ bottomNavIconIconInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["bottom_nav_icon_icon"] as String),
+ topNavIconPrimaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["top_nav_icon_primary"] as String),
+ topNavIconGreenInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["top_nav_icon_green"] as String),
+ topNavIconYellowInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["top_nav_icon_yellow"] as String),
+ topNavIconRedInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["top_nav_icon_red"] as String),
+ settingsIconBackInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["settings_icon_back"] as String),
+ settingsIconIconInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["settings_icon_icon"] as String),
+ settingsIconBack2Int:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["settings_icon_back_two"] as String),
+ settingsIconElementInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["settings_icon_element"] as String),
+ textFieldActiveBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_active_bg"] as String),
+ textFieldDefaultBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_default_bg"] as String),
+ textFieldErrorBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_error_bg"] as String),
+ textFieldSuccessBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_success_bg"] as String),
+ textFieldErrorBorderInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_error_border"] as String),
+ textFieldSuccessBorderInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_success_border"] as String),
+ textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_active_search_icon_left"] as String),
+ textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_default_search_icon_left"] as String),
+ textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_error_search_icon_left"] as String),
+ textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_success_search_icon_left"] as String),
+ textFieldActiveTextInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_active_text"] as String),
+ textFieldDefaultTextInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_default_text"] as String),
+ textFieldErrorTextInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_error_text"] as String),
+ textFieldSuccessTextInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_success_text"] as String),
+ textFieldActiveLabelInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_active_label"] as String),
+ textFieldErrorLabelInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_error_label"] as String),
+ textFieldSuccessLabelInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_field_success_label"] as String),
+ textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_active_search_icon_right"] as String),
+ textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_default_search_icon_right"] as String),
+ textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_error_search_icon_right"] as String),
+ textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_field_success_search_icon_right"] as String),
+ settingsItem2ActiveBGInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["settings_item_level_two_active_bg"] as String),
+ settingsItem2ActiveTextInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["settings_item_level_two_active_text"] as String),
+ settingsItem2ActiveSubInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["settings_item_level_two_active_sub"] as String),
+ radioButtonIconBorderInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_icon_border"] as String),
+ radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["radio_button_icon_border_disabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonBorderEnabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_border_enabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonBorderDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_border_disabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonIconCircleInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_icon_circle"] as String),
+ radioButtonIconEnabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_icon_enabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonTextEnabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_text_enabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonTextDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_text_disabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonLabelEnabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_label_enabled"] as String),
+ radioButtonLabelDisabledInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["radio_button_label_disabled"] as String),
+ infoItemBGInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["info_item_bg"] as String),
+ infoItemLabelInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["info_item_label"] as String),
+ infoItemTextInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["info_item_text"] as String),
+ infoItemIconsInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["info_item_icons"] as String),
+ popupBGInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["popup_bg"] as String),
+ currencyListItemBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["currency_list_item_bg"] as String),
+ stackWalletBGInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["sw_bg"] as String),
+ stackWalletMidInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["sw_mid"] as String),
+ stackWalletBottomInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["sw_bottom"] as String),
+ bottomNavShadowInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["bottom_nav_shadow"] as String),
+ splashInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["splash"] as String),
+ highlightInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["highlight"] as String),
+ warningForegroundInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["warning_foreground"] as String),
+ warningBackgroundInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["warning_background"] as String),
+ loadingOverlayTextColorInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["loading_overlay_text_color"] as String),
+ myStackContactIconBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["my_stack_contact_icon_bg"] as String),
+ textConfirmTotalAmountInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["text_confirm_total_amount"] as String),
+ textSelectedWordTableItemInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["text_selected_word_table_iterm"] as String),
+ favoriteStarActiveInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["favorite_star_active"] as String),
+ favoriteStarInactiveInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["favorite_star_inactive"] as String),
+ rateTypeToggleColorOnInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["rate_type_toggle_color_on"] as String),
+ rateTypeToggleColorOffInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["rate_type_toggle_color_off"] as String),
+ rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["rate_type_toggle_desktop_color_on"] as String),
+ rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt: parseColor(
+ json["colors"]["rate_type_toggle_desktop_color_off"] as String),
+ ethTagTextInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["eth_tag_text"] as String),
+ ethTagBGInt: parseColor(json["colors"]["eth_tag_bg"] as String),
+ ethWalletTagTextInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["eth_wallet_tag_text"] as String),
+ ethWalletTagBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["eth_wallet_tag_bg"] as String),
+ tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["token_summary_text_primary"] as String),
+ tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["token_summary_text_secondary"] as String),
+ tokenSummaryBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["token_summary_bg"] as String),
+ tokenSummaryButtonBGInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["token_summary_button_bg"] as String),
+ tokenSummaryIconInt:
+ parseColor(json["colors"]["token_summary_icon"] as String),
+ );
+ }
+ /// Grab the int value of the hex color string.
+ /// 8 char string value expected where the first 2 are opacity
+ static int parseColor(String colorHex) {
+ try {
+ final int colorValue = colorHex.toBigIntFromHex.toInt();
+ if (colorValue >= 0 && colorValue <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+ return colorValue;
+ } else {
+ throw ArgumentError(
+ '"$colorHex" and corresponding int '
+ 'value "$colorValue" is not a valid color.',
+ );
+ }
+ } catch (_) {
+ throw ArgumentError(
+ '"$colorHex" is not a valid hex number',
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /// parse coin colors json and fetch color or use default
+ static Map parseCoinColors(String jsonString) {
+ final json = jsonDecode(jsonString) as Map;
+ final map = Map.from(json);
+ final Map result = {};
+ for (final coin in Coin.values) {
+ if (map[coin.name] is String) {
+ result[coin] = Color(
+ (map[coin.name] as String).toBigIntFromHex.toInt(),
+ );
+ } else {
+ result[coin] = kCoinThemeColorDefaults.forCoin(coin);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+@Embedded(inheritance: false)
+class ThemeAssets {
+ late final String bellNew;
+ late final String buy;
+ late final String exchange;
+ late final String personaIncognito;
+ late final String personaEasy;
+ late final String stack;
+ late final String stackIcon;
+ late final String receive;
+ late final String receivePending;
+ late final String receiveCancelled;
+ late final String send;
+ late final String sendPending;
+ late final String sendCancelled;
+ late final String themeSelector;
+ late final String themePreview;
+ late final String txExchange;
+ late final String txExchangePending;
+ late final String txExchangeFailed;
+ late final String bitcoin;
+ late final String litecoin;
+ late final String bitcoincash;
+ late final String dogecoin;
+ late final String epicCash;
+ late final String ethereum;
+ late final String firo;
+ late final String monero;
+ late final String wownero;
+ late final String namecoin;
+ late final String particl;
+ late final String nano;
+ late final String bitcoinImage;
+ late final String bitcoincashImage;
+ late final String dogecoinImage;
+ late final String epicCashImage;
+ late final String ethereumImage;
+ late final String firoImage;
+ late final String litecoinImage;
+ late final String moneroImage;
+ late final String wowneroImage;
+ late final String namecoinImage;
+ late final String particlImage;
+ late final String nanoImage;
+ late final String bitcoinImageSecondary;
+ late final String bitcoincashImageSecondary;
+ late final String dogecoinImageSecondary;
+ late final String epicCashImageSecondary;
+ late final String ethereumImageSecondary;
+ late final String firoImageSecondary;
+ late final String litecoinImageSecondary;
+ late final String moneroImageSecondary;
+ late final String wowneroImageSecondary;
+ late final String namecoinImageSecondary;
+ late final String particlImageSecondary;
+ late final String nanoImageSecondary;
+ late final String? loadingGif;
+ late final String? background;
+ // todo: add all assets expected in json
+ ThemeAssets();
+ factory ThemeAssets.fromJson({
+ required Map json,
+ required String applicationThemesDirectoryPath,
+ required String themeId,
+ }) {
+ return ThemeAssets()
+ ..bellNew =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bell_new"] as String}"
+ ..buy =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["buy"] as String}"
+ ..exchange =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["exchange"] as String}"
+ ..personaIncognito =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["persona_incognito"] as String}"
+ ..personaEasy =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["persona_easy"] as String}"
+ ..stack =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["stack"] as String}"
+ ..stackIcon =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["stack_icon"] as String}"
+ ..receive =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["receive"] as String}"
+ ..receivePending =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["receive_pending"] as String}"
+ ..receiveCancelled =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["receive_cancelled"] as String}"
+ ..send =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["send"] as String}"
+ ..sendPending =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["send_pending"] as String}"
+ ..sendCancelled =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["send_cancelled"] as String}"
+ ..themeSelector =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["theme_selector"] as String}"
+ ..themePreview =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["theme_preview"] as String}"
+ ..txExchange =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["tx_exchange"] as String}"
+ ..txExchangePending =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["tx_exchange_pending"] as String}"
+ ..txExchangeFailed =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["tx_exchange_failed"] as String}"
+ ..bitcoin =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoin"] as String}"
+ ..litecoin =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["litecoin"] as String}"
+ ..bitcoincash =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoincash"] as String}"
+ ..dogecoin =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["dogecoin"] as String}"
+ ..epicCash =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["epicCash"] as String}"
+ ..ethereum =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["ethereum"] as String}"
+ ..firo =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["firo"] as String}"
+ ..monero =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["monero"] as String}"
+ ..wownero =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["wownero"] as String}"
+ ..namecoin =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["namecoin"] as String}"
+ ..particl =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["particl"] as String}"
+ ..nano =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoin"] as String}" // TODO: Change this to nano
+ ..bitcoinImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoin_image"] as String}"
+ ..bitcoincashImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoincash_image"] as String}"
+ ..dogecoinImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["dogecoin_image"] as String}"
+ ..epicCashImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["epicCash_image"] as String}"
+ ..ethereumImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["ethereum_image"] as String}"
+ ..firoImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["firo_image"] as String}"
+ ..litecoinImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["litecoin_image"] as String}"
+ ..moneroImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["monero_image"] as String}"
+ ..wowneroImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["wownero_image"] as String}"
+ ..namecoinImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["namecoin_image"] as String}"
+ ..particlImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["particl_image"] as String}"
+ ..nanoImage =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoin_image"] as String}" // TODO: Change this to nano
+ ..bitcoinImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoin_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..bitcoincashImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoincash_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..dogecoinImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["dogecoin_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..epicCashImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["epicCash_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..ethereumImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["ethereum_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..firoImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["firo_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..litecoinImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["litecoin_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..moneroImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["monero_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..wowneroImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["wownero_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..namecoinImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["namecoin_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..particlImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["particl_image_secondary"] as String}"
+ ..nanoImageSecondary =
+ "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["bitcoin_image_secondary"] as String}" // TODO: Change this to nano
+ ..loadingGif = json["loading_gif"] is String
+ ? "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["loading_gif"] as String}"
+ : null
+ ..background = json["background"] is String
+ ? "$applicationThemesDirectoryPath/$themeId/assets/${json["background"] as String}"
+ : null;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/models/isar/stack_theme.g.dart b/lib/models/isar/stack_theme.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbde6674d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/isar/stack_theme.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,25895 @@
+part of 'stack_theme.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// IsarCollectionGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: duplicate_ignore, non_constant_identifier_names, constant_identifier_names, invalid_use_of_protected_member, unnecessary_cast, prefer_const_constructors, lines_longer_than_80_chars, require_trailing_commas, inference_failure_on_function_invocation, unnecessary_parenthesis, unnecessary_raw_strings, unnecessary_null_checks, join_return_with_assignment, prefer_final_locals, avoid_js_rounded_ints, avoid_positional_boolean_parameters
+extension GetStackThemeCollection on Isar {
+ IsarCollection get stackThemes => this.collection();
+const StackThemeSchema = CollectionSchema(
+ name: r'StackTheme',
+ id: 6699740637547692013,
+ properties: {
+ r'accentColorBlueInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 0,
+ name: r'accentColorBlueInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'accentColorDarkInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 1,
+ name: r'accentColorDarkInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'accentColorGreenInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 2,
+ name: r'accentColorGreenInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'accentColorOrangeInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 3,
+ name: r'accentColorOrangeInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'accentColorRedInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 4,
+ name: r'accentColorRedInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'accentColorYellowInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 5,
+ name: r'accentColorYellowInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'assets': PropertySchema(
+ id: 6,
+ name: r'assets',
+ type: IsarType.object,
+ target: r'ThemeAssets',
+ ),
+ r'backgroundAppBarInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 7,
+ name: r'backgroundAppBarInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'backgroundInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 8,
+ name: r'backgroundInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'bottomNavBackInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 9,
+ name: r'bottomNavBackInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'bottomNavIconBackInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 10,
+ name: r'bottomNavIconBackInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'bottomNavIconIconInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 11,
+ name: r'bottomNavIconIconInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'bottomNavShadowInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 12,
+ name: r'bottomNavShadowInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'bottomNavTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 13,
+ name: r'bottomNavTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'brightnessString': PropertySchema(
+ id: 14,
+ name: r'brightnessString',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackBorderDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 15,
+ name: r'buttonBackBorderDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackBorderInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 16,
+ name: r'buttonBackBorderInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 17,
+ name: r'buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 18,
+ name: r'buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 19,
+ name: r'buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackPrimaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 20,
+ name: r'buttonBackPrimaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 21,
+ name: r'buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonBackSecondaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 22,
+ name: r'buttonBackSecondaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextBorderInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 23,
+ name: r'buttonTextBorderInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 24,
+ name: r'buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextBorderlessInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 25,
+ name: r'buttonTextBorderlessInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 26,
+ name: r'buttonTextDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 27,
+ name: r'buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextPrimaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 28,
+ name: r'buttonTextPrimaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 29,
+ name: r'buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'buttonTextSecondaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 30,
+ name: r'buttonTextSecondaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'checkboxBGCheckedInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 31,
+ name: r'checkboxBGCheckedInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'checkboxBGDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 32,
+ name: r'checkboxBGDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'checkboxBorderEmptyInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 33,
+ name: r'checkboxBorderEmptyInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'checkboxIconCheckedInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 34,
+ name: r'checkboxIconCheckedInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'checkboxIconDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 35,
+ name: r'checkboxIconDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'checkboxTextLabelInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 36,
+ name: r'checkboxTextLabelInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'coinColorsJsonString': PropertySchema(
+ id: 37,
+ name: r'coinColorsJsonString',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'currencyListItemBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 38,
+ name: r'currencyListItemBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'customTextButtonDisabledTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 39,
+ name: r'customTextButtonDisabledTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'customTextButtonEnabledTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 40,
+ name: r'customTextButtonEnabledTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'ethTagBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 41,
+ name: r'ethTagBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'ethTagTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 42,
+ name: r'ethTagTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'ethWalletTagBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 43,
+ name: r'ethWalletTagBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'ethWalletTagTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 44,
+ name: r'ethWalletTagTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'favoriteStarActiveInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 45,
+ name: r'favoriteStarActiveInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'favoriteStarInactiveInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 46,
+ name: r'favoriteStarInactiveInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'gradientBackgroundString': PropertySchema(
+ id: 47,
+ name: r'gradientBackgroundString',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'highlightInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 48,
+ name: r'highlightInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString': PropertySchema(
+ id: 49,
+ name: r'homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'infoItemBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 50,
+ name: r'infoItemBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'infoItemIconsInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 51,
+ name: r'infoItemIconsInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'infoItemLabelInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 52,
+ name: r'infoItemLabelInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'infoItemTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 53,
+ name: r'infoItemTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'loadingOverlayTextColorInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 54,
+ name: r'loadingOverlayTextColorInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'myStackContactIconBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 55,
+ name: r'myStackContactIconBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'name': PropertySchema(
+ id: 56,
+ name: r'name',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'numberBackDefaultInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 57,
+ name: r'numberBackDefaultInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'numberTextDefaultInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 58,
+ name: r'numberTextDefaultInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'numpadBackDefaultInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 59,
+ name: r'numpadBackDefaultInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'numpadTextDefaultInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 60,
+ name: r'numpadTextDefaultInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'overlayInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 61,
+ name: r'overlayInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'popupBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 62,
+ name: r'popupBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonBorderDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 63,
+ name: r'radioButtonBorderDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonBorderEnabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 64,
+ name: r'radioButtonBorderEnabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 65,
+ name: r'radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonIconBorderInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 66,
+ name: r'radioButtonIconBorderInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonIconCircleInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 67,
+ name: r'radioButtonIconCircleInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonIconEnabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 68,
+ name: r'radioButtonIconEnabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonLabelDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 69,
+ name: r'radioButtonLabelDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonLabelEnabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 70,
+ name: r'radioButtonLabelEnabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonTextDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 71,
+ name: r'radioButtonTextDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'radioButtonTextEnabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 72,
+ name: r'radioButtonTextEnabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'rateTypeToggleColorOffInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 73,
+ name: r'rateTypeToggleColorOffInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'rateTypeToggleColorOnInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 74,
+ name: r'rateTypeToggleColorOnInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 75,
+ name: r'rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 76,
+ name: r'rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsIconBack2Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 77,
+ name: r'settingsIconBack2Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsIconBackInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 78,
+ name: r'settingsIconBackInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsIconElementInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 79,
+ name: r'settingsIconElementInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsIconIconInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 80,
+ name: r'settingsIconIconInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsItem2ActiveBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 81,
+ name: r'settingsItem2ActiveBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsItem2ActiveSubInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 82,
+ name: r'settingsItem2ActiveSubInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'settingsItem2ActiveTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 83,
+ name: r'settingsItem2ActiveTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'shadowInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 84,
+ name: r'shadowInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'snackBarBackErrorInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 85,
+ name: r'snackBarBackErrorInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'snackBarBackInfoInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 86,
+ name: r'snackBarBackInfoInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'snackBarBackSuccessInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 87,
+ name: r'snackBarBackSuccessInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'snackBarTextErrorInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 88,
+ name: r'snackBarTextErrorInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'snackBarTextInfoInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 89,
+ name: r'snackBarTextInfoInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'snackBarTextSuccessInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 90,
+ name: r'snackBarTextSuccessInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'splashInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 91,
+ name: r'splashInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stackWalletBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 92,
+ name: r'stackWalletBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stackWalletBottomInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 93,
+ name: r'stackWalletBottomInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stackWalletMidInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 94,
+ name: r'stackWalletMidInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'standardBoxShadowString': PropertySchema(
+ id: 95,
+ name: r'standardBoxShadowString',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorBGCheckInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 96,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorBGCheckInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 97,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 98,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorBGLinesInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 99,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorBGLinesInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorBGNumberInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 100,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorBGNumberInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 101,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorIconNumberInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 102,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorIconNumberInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'stepIndicatorIconTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 103,
+ name: r'stepIndicatorIconTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'switchBGDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 104,
+ name: r'switchBGDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'switchBGOffInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 105,
+ name: r'switchBGOffInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'switchBGOnInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 106,
+ name: r'switchBGOnInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'switchCircleDisabledInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 107,
+ name: r'switchCircleDisabledInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'switchCircleOffInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 108,
+ name: r'switchCircleOffInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'switchCircleOnInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 109,
+ name: r'switchCircleOnInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textConfirmTotalAmountInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 110,
+ name: r'textConfirmTotalAmountInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textDark2Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 111,
+ name: r'textDark2Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textDark3Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 112,
+ name: r'textDark3Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textDarkInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 113,
+ name: r'textDarkInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textErrorInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 114,
+ name: r'textErrorInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFavoriteCardInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 115,
+ name: r'textFavoriteCardInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldActiveBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 116,
+ name: r'textFieldActiveBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldActiveLabelInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 117,
+ name: r'textFieldActiveLabelInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 118,
+ name: r'textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 119,
+ name: r'textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldActiveTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 120,
+ name: r'textFieldActiveTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldDefaultBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 121,
+ name: r'textFieldDefaultBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 122,
+ name: r'textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 123,
+ name: r'textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldDefaultTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 124,
+ name: r'textFieldDefaultTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldErrorBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 125,
+ name: r'textFieldErrorBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldErrorBorderInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 126,
+ name: r'textFieldErrorBorderInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldErrorLabelInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 127,
+ name: r'textFieldErrorLabelInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 128,
+ name: r'textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 129,
+ name: r'textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldErrorTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 130,
+ name: r'textFieldErrorTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldSuccessBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 131,
+ name: r'textFieldSuccessBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldSuccessBorderInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 132,
+ name: r'textFieldSuccessBorderInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldSuccessLabelInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 133,
+ name: r'textFieldSuccessLabelInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 134,
+ name: r'textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 135,
+ name: r'textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textFieldSuccessTextInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 136,
+ name: r'textFieldSuccessTextInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textRestoreInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 137,
+ name: r'textRestoreInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSelectedWordTableItemInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 138,
+ name: r'textSelectedWordTableItemInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSubtitle1Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 139,
+ name: r'textSubtitle1Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSubtitle2Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 140,
+ name: r'textSubtitle2Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSubtitle3Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 141,
+ name: r'textSubtitle3Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSubtitle4Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 142,
+ name: r'textSubtitle4Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSubtitle5Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 143,
+ name: r'textSubtitle5Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textSubtitle6Int': PropertySchema(
+ id: 144,
+ name: r'textSubtitle6Int',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'textWhiteInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 145,
+ name: r'textWhiteInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'themeId': PropertySchema(
+ id: 146,
+ name: r'themeId',
+ type: IsarType.string,
+ ),
+ r'tokenSummaryBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 147,
+ name: r'tokenSummaryBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'tokenSummaryButtonBGInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 148,
+ name: r'tokenSummaryButtonBGInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'tokenSummaryIconInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 149,
+ name: r'tokenSummaryIconInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 150,
+ name: r'tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 151,
+ name: r'tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'topNavIconGreenInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 152,
+ name: r'topNavIconGreenInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'topNavIconPrimaryInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 153,
+ name: r'topNavIconPrimaryInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'topNavIconRedInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 154,
+ name: r'topNavIconRedInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'topNavIconYellowInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 155,
+ name: r'topNavIconYellowInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'warningBackgroundInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 156,
+ name: r'warningBackgroundInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ ),
+ r'warningForegroundInt': PropertySchema(
+ id: 157,
+ name: r'warningForegroundInt',
+ type: IsarType.long,
+ )
+ },
+ estimateSize: _stackThemeEstimateSize,
+ serialize: _stackThemeSerialize,
+ deserialize: _stackThemeDeserialize,
+ deserializeProp: _stackThemeDeserializeProp,
+ idName: r'id',
+ indexes: {
+ r'themeId': IndexSchema(
+ id: 2474229918109385772,
+ name: r'themeId',
+ unique: true,
+ replace: true,
+ properties: [
+ IndexPropertySchema(
+ name: r'themeId',
+ type: IndexType.hash,
+ caseSensitive: true,
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ },
+ links: {},
+ embeddedSchemas: {r'ThemeAssets': ThemeAssetsSchema},
+ getId: _stackThemeGetId,
+ getLinks: _stackThemeGetLinks,
+ attach: _stackThemeAttach,
+ version: '3.0.5',
+int _stackThemeEstimateSize(
+ StackTheme object,
+ List offsets,
+ Map> allOffsets,
+) {
+ var bytesCount = offsets.last;
+ bytesCount += 3 +
+ ThemeAssetsSchema.estimateSize(
+ object.assets, allOffsets[ThemeAssets]!, allOffsets);
+ bytesCount += 3 + object.brightnessString.length * 3;
+ bytesCount += 3 + object.coinColorsJsonString.length * 3;
+ {
+ final value = object.gradientBackgroundString;
+ if (value != null) {
+ bytesCount += 3 + value.length * 3;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ final value = object.homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString;
+ if (value != null) {
+ bytesCount += 3 + value.length * 3;
+ }
+ }
+ bytesCount += 3 + object.name.length * 3;
+ bytesCount += 3 + object.standardBoxShadowString.length * 3;
+ bytesCount += 3 + object.themeId.length * 3;
+ return bytesCount;
+void _stackThemeSerialize(
+ StackTheme object,
+ IsarWriter writer,
+ List offsets,
+ Map> allOffsets,
+) {
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[0], object.accentColorBlueInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[1], object.accentColorDarkInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[2], object.accentColorGreenInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[3], object.accentColorOrangeInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[4], object.accentColorRedInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[5], object.accentColorYellowInt);
+ writer.writeObject(
+ offsets[6],
+ allOffsets,
+ ThemeAssetsSchema.serialize,
+ object.assets,
+ );
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[7], object.backgroundAppBarInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[8], object.backgroundInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[9], object.bottomNavBackInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[10], object.bottomNavIconBackInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[11], object.bottomNavIconIconInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[12], object.bottomNavShadowInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[13], object.bottomNavTextInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[14], object.brightnessString);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[15], object.buttonBackBorderDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[16], object.buttonBackBorderInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[17], object.buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[18], object.buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[19], object.buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[20], object.buttonBackPrimaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[21], object.buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[22], object.buttonBackSecondaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[23], object.buttonTextBorderInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[24], object.buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[25], object.buttonTextBorderlessInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[26], object.buttonTextDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[27], object.buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[28], object.buttonTextPrimaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[29], object.buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[30], object.buttonTextSecondaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[31], object.checkboxBGCheckedInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[32], object.checkboxBGDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[33], object.checkboxBorderEmptyInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[34], object.checkboxIconCheckedInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[35], object.checkboxIconDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[36], object.checkboxTextLabelInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[37], object.coinColorsJsonString);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[38], object.currencyListItemBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[39], object.customTextButtonDisabledTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[40], object.customTextButtonEnabledTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[41], object.ethTagBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[42], object.ethTagTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[43], object.ethWalletTagBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[44], object.ethWalletTagTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[45], object.favoriteStarActiveInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[46], object.favoriteStarInactiveInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[47], object.gradientBackgroundString);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[48], object.highlightInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[49], object.homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[50], object.infoItemBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[51], object.infoItemIconsInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[52], object.infoItemLabelInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[53], object.infoItemTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[54], object.loadingOverlayTextColorInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[55], object.myStackContactIconBGInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[56], object.name);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[57], object.numberBackDefaultInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[58], object.numberTextDefaultInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[59], object.numpadBackDefaultInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[60], object.numpadTextDefaultInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[61], object.overlayInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[62], object.popupBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[63], object.radioButtonBorderDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[64], object.radioButtonBorderEnabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[65], object.radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[66], object.radioButtonIconBorderInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[67], object.radioButtonIconCircleInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[68], object.radioButtonIconEnabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[69], object.radioButtonLabelDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[70], object.radioButtonLabelEnabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[71], object.radioButtonTextDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[72], object.radioButtonTextEnabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[73], object.rateTypeToggleColorOffInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[74], object.rateTypeToggleColorOnInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[75], object.rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[76], object.rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[77], object.settingsIconBack2Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[78], object.settingsIconBackInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[79], object.settingsIconElementInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[80], object.settingsIconIconInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[81], object.settingsItem2ActiveBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[82], object.settingsItem2ActiveSubInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[83], object.settingsItem2ActiveTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[84], object.shadowInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[85], object.snackBarBackErrorInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[86], object.snackBarBackInfoInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[87], object.snackBarBackSuccessInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[88], object.snackBarTextErrorInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[89], object.snackBarTextInfoInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[90], object.snackBarTextSuccessInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[91], object.splashInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[92], object.stackWalletBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[93], object.stackWalletBottomInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[94], object.stackWalletMidInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[95], object.standardBoxShadowString);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[96], object.stepIndicatorBGCheckInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[97], object.stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[98], object.stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[99], object.stepIndicatorBGLinesInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[100], object.stepIndicatorBGNumberInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[101], object.stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[102], object.stepIndicatorIconNumberInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[103], object.stepIndicatorIconTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[104], object.switchBGDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[105], object.switchBGOffInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[106], object.switchBGOnInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[107], object.switchCircleDisabledInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[108], object.switchCircleOffInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[109], object.switchCircleOnInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[110], object.textConfirmTotalAmountInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[111], object.textDark2Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[112], object.textDark3Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[113], object.textDarkInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[114], object.textErrorInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[115], object.textFavoriteCardInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[116], object.textFieldActiveBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[117], object.textFieldActiveLabelInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[118], object.textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[119], object.textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[120], object.textFieldActiveTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[121], object.textFieldDefaultBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[122], object.textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[123], object.textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[124], object.textFieldDefaultTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[125], object.textFieldErrorBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[126], object.textFieldErrorBorderInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[127], object.textFieldErrorLabelInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[128], object.textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[129], object.textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[130], object.textFieldErrorTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[131], object.textFieldSuccessBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[132], object.textFieldSuccessBorderInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[133], object.textFieldSuccessLabelInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[134], object.textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[135], object.textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[136], object.textFieldSuccessTextInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[137], object.textRestoreInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[138], object.textSelectedWordTableItemInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[139], object.textSubtitle1Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[140], object.textSubtitle2Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[141], object.textSubtitle3Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[142], object.textSubtitle4Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[143], object.textSubtitle5Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[144], object.textSubtitle6Int);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[145], object.textWhiteInt);
+ writer.writeString(offsets[146], object.themeId);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[147], object.tokenSummaryBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[148], object.tokenSummaryButtonBGInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[149], object.tokenSummaryIconInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[150], object.tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[151], object.tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[152], object.topNavIconGreenInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[153], object.topNavIconPrimaryInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[154], object.topNavIconRedInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[155], object.topNavIconYellowInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[156], object.warningBackgroundInt);
+ writer.writeLong(offsets[157], object.warningForegroundInt);
+StackTheme _stackThemeDeserialize(
+ Id id,
+ IsarReader reader,
+ List offsets,
+ Map> allOffsets,
+) {
+ final object = StackTheme(
+ accentColorBlueInt: reader.readLong(offsets[0]),
+ accentColorDarkInt: reader.readLong(offsets[1]),
+ accentColorGreenInt: reader.readLong(offsets[2]),
+ accentColorOrangeInt: reader.readLong(offsets[3]),
+ accentColorRedInt: reader.readLong(offsets[4]),
+ accentColorYellowInt: reader.readLong(offsets[5]),
+ assets: reader.readObjectOrNull(
+ offsets[6],
+ ThemeAssetsSchema.deserialize,
+ allOffsets,
+ ) ??
+ ThemeAssets(),
+ backgroundAppBarInt: reader.readLong(offsets[7]),
+ backgroundInt: reader.readLong(offsets[8]),
+ bottomNavBackInt: reader.readLong(offsets[9]),
+ bottomNavIconBackInt: reader.readLong(offsets[10]),
+ bottomNavIconIconInt: reader.readLong(offsets[11]),
+ bottomNavShadowInt: reader.readLong(offsets[12]),
+ bottomNavTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[13]),
+ brightnessString: reader.readString(offsets[14]),
+ buttonBackBorderDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[15]),
+ buttonBackBorderInt: reader.readLong(offsets[16]),
+ buttonBackBorderSecondaryDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[17]),
+ buttonBackBorderSecondaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[18]),
+ buttonBackPrimaryDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[19]),
+ buttonBackPrimaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[20]),
+ buttonBackSecondaryDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[21]),
+ buttonBackSecondaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[22]),
+ buttonTextBorderInt: reader.readLong(offsets[23]),
+ buttonTextBorderlessDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[24]),
+ buttonTextBorderlessInt: reader.readLong(offsets[25]),
+ buttonTextDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[26]),
+ buttonTextPrimaryDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[27]),
+ buttonTextPrimaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[28]),
+ buttonTextSecondaryDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[29]),
+ buttonTextSecondaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[30]),
+ checkboxBGCheckedInt: reader.readLong(offsets[31]),
+ checkboxBGDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[32]),
+ checkboxBorderEmptyInt: reader.readLong(offsets[33]),
+ checkboxIconCheckedInt: reader.readLong(offsets[34]),
+ checkboxIconDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[35]),
+ checkboxTextLabelInt: reader.readLong(offsets[36]),
+ coinColorsJsonString: reader.readString(offsets[37]),
+ currencyListItemBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[38]),
+ customTextButtonDisabledTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[39]),
+ customTextButtonEnabledTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[40]),
+ ethTagBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[41]),
+ ethTagTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[42]),
+ ethWalletTagBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[43]),
+ ethWalletTagTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[44]),
+ favoriteStarActiveInt: reader.readLong(offsets[45]),
+ favoriteStarInactiveInt: reader.readLong(offsets[46]),
+ gradientBackgroundString: reader.readStringOrNull(offsets[47]),
+ highlightInt: reader.readLong(offsets[48]),
+ homeViewButtonBarBoxShadowString: reader.readStringOrNull(offsets[49]),
+ infoItemBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[50]),
+ infoItemIconsInt: reader.readLong(offsets[51]),
+ infoItemLabelInt: reader.readLong(offsets[52]),
+ infoItemTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[53]),
+ loadingOverlayTextColorInt: reader.readLong(offsets[54]),
+ myStackContactIconBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[55]),
+ name: reader.readString(offsets[56]),
+ numberBackDefaultInt: reader.readLong(offsets[57]),
+ numberTextDefaultInt: reader.readLong(offsets[58]),
+ numpadBackDefaultInt: reader.readLong(offsets[59]),
+ numpadTextDefaultInt: reader.readLong(offsets[60]),
+ overlayInt: reader.readLong(offsets[61]),
+ popupBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[62]),
+ radioButtonBorderDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[63]),
+ radioButtonBorderEnabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[64]),
+ radioButtonIconBorderDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[65]),
+ radioButtonIconBorderInt: reader.readLong(offsets[66]),
+ radioButtonIconCircleInt: reader.readLong(offsets[67]),
+ radioButtonIconEnabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[68]),
+ radioButtonLabelDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[69]),
+ radioButtonLabelEnabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[70]),
+ radioButtonTextDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[71]),
+ radioButtonTextEnabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[72]),
+ rateTypeToggleColorOffInt: reader.readLong(offsets[73]),
+ rateTypeToggleColorOnInt: reader.readLong(offsets[74]),
+ rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOffInt: reader.readLong(offsets[75]),
+ rateTypeToggleDesktopColorOnInt: reader.readLong(offsets[76]),
+ settingsIconBack2Int: reader.readLong(offsets[77]),
+ settingsIconBackInt: reader.readLong(offsets[78]),
+ settingsIconElementInt: reader.readLong(offsets[79]),
+ settingsIconIconInt: reader.readLong(offsets[80]),
+ settingsItem2ActiveBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[81]),
+ settingsItem2ActiveSubInt: reader.readLong(offsets[82]),
+ settingsItem2ActiveTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[83]),
+ shadowInt: reader.readLong(offsets[84]),
+ snackBarBackErrorInt: reader.readLong(offsets[85]),
+ snackBarBackInfoInt: reader.readLong(offsets[86]),
+ snackBarBackSuccessInt: reader.readLong(offsets[87]),
+ snackBarTextErrorInt: reader.readLong(offsets[88]),
+ snackBarTextInfoInt: reader.readLong(offsets[89]),
+ snackBarTextSuccessInt: reader.readLong(offsets[90]),
+ splashInt: reader.readLong(offsets[91]),
+ stackWalletBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[92]),
+ stackWalletBottomInt: reader.readLong(offsets[93]),
+ stackWalletMidInt: reader.readLong(offsets[94]),
+ standardBoxShadowString: reader.readString(offsets[95]),
+ stepIndicatorBGCheckInt: reader.readLong(offsets[96]),
+ stepIndicatorBGInactiveInt: reader.readLong(offsets[97]),
+ stepIndicatorBGLinesInactiveInt: reader.readLong(offsets[98]),
+ stepIndicatorBGLinesInt: reader.readLong(offsets[99]),
+ stepIndicatorBGNumberInt: reader.readLong(offsets[100]),
+ stepIndicatorIconInactiveInt: reader.readLong(offsets[101]),
+ stepIndicatorIconNumberInt: reader.readLong(offsets[102]),
+ stepIndicatorIconTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[103]),
+ switchBGDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[104]),
+ switchBGOffInt: reader.readLong(offsets[105]),
+ switchBGOnInt: reader.readLong(offsets[106]),
+ switchCircleDisabledInt: reader.readLong(offsets[107]),
+ switchCircleOffInt: reader.readLong(offsets[108]),
+ switchCircleOnInt: reader.readLong(offsets[109]),
+ textConfirmTotalAmountInt: reader.readLong(offsets[110]),
+ textDark2Int: reader.readLong(offsets[111]),
+ textDark3Int: reader.readLong(offsets[112]),
+ textDarkInt: reader.readLong(offsets[113]),
+ textErrorInt: reader.readLong(offsets[114]),
+ textFavoriteCardInt: reader.readLong(offsets[115]),
+ textFieldActiveBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[116]),
+ textFieldActiveLabelInt: reader.readLong(offsets[117]),
+ textFieldActiveSearchIconLeftInt: reader.readLong(offsets[118]),
+ textFieldActiveSearchIconRightInt: reader.readLong(offsets[119]),
+ textFieldActiveTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[120]),
+ textFieldDefaultBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[121]),
+ textFieldDefaultSearchIconLeftInt: reader.readLong(offsets[122]),
+ textFieldDefaultSearchIconRightInt: reader.readLong(offsets[123]),
+ textFieldDefaultTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[124]),
+ textFieldErrorBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[125]),
+ textFieldErrorBorderInt: reader.readLong(offsets[126]),
+ textFieldErrorLabelInt: reader.readLong(offsets[127]),
+ textFieldErrorSearchIconLeftInt: reader.readLong(offsets[128]),
+ textFieldErrorSearchIconRightInt: reader.readLong(offsets[129]),
+ textFieldErrorTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[130]),
+ textFieldSuccessBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[131]),
+ textFieldSuccessBorderInt: reader.readLong(offsets[132]),
+ textFieldSuccessLabelInt: reader.readLong(offsets[133]),
+ textFieldSuccessSearchIconLeftInt: reader.readLong(offsets[134]),
+ textFieldSuccessSearchIconRightInt: reader.readLong(offsets[135]),
+ textFieldSuccessTextInt: reader.readLong(offsets[136]),
+ textRestoreInt: reader.readLong(offsets[137]),
+ textSelectedWordTableItemInt: reader.readLong(offsets[138]),
+ textSubtitle1Int: reader.readLong(offsets[139]),
+ textSubtitle2Int: reader.readLong(offsets[140]),
+ textSubtitle3Int: reader.readLong(offsets[141]),
+ textSubtitle4Int: reader.readLong(offsets[142]),
+ textSubtitle5Int: reader.readLong(offsets[143]),
+ textSubtitle6Int: reader.readLong(offsets[144]),
+ textWhiteInt: reader.readLong(offsets[145]),
+ themeId: reader.readString(offsets[146]),
+ tokenSummaryBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[147]),
+ tokenSummaryButtonBGInt: reader.readLong(offsets[148]),
+ tokenSummaryIconInt: reader.readLong(offsets[149]),
+ tokenSummaryTextPrimaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[150]),
+ tokenSummaryTextSecondaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[151]),
+ topNavIconGreenInt: reader.readLong(offsets[152]),
+ topNavIconPrimaryInt: reader.readLong(offsets[153]),
+ topNavIconRedInt: reader.readLong(offsets[154]),
+ topNavIconYellowInt: reader.readLong(offsets[155]),
+ warningBackgroundInt: reader.readLong(offsets[156]),
+ warningForegroundInt: reader.readLong(offsets[157]),
+ );
+ object.id = id;
+ return object;
+P _stackThemeDeserializeProp(
+ IsarReader reader,
+ int propertyId,
+ int offset,
+ Map> allOffsets,
+) {
+ switch (propertyId) {
+ case 0:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 1:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 2:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 3:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 4:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 5:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 6:
+ return (reader.readObjectOrNull(
+ offset,
+ ThemeAssetsSchema.deserialize,
+ allOffsets,
+ ) ??
+ ThemeAssets()) as P;
+ case 7:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 8:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 9:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 10:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 11:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 12:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 13:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 14:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ case 15:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 16:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 17:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 18:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 19:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 20:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 21:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 22:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 23:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 24:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 25:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 26:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 27:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 28:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 29:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 30:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 31:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 32:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 33:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 34:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 35:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 36:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 37:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ case 38:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 39:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 40:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 41:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 42:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 43:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 44:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 45:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 46:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 47:
+ return (reader.readStringOrNull(offset)) as P;
+ case 48:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 49:
+ return (reader.readStringOrNull(offset)) as P;
+ case 50:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 51:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 52:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 53:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 54:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 55:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 56:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ case 57:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 58:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 59:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 60:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 61:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 62:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 63:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 64:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 65:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 66:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 67:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 68:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 69:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 70:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 71:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 72:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 73:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 74:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 75:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 76:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 77:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 78:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 79:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 80:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 81:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 82:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 83:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 84:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 85:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 86:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 87:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 88:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 89:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 90:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 91:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 92:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 93:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 94:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 95:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ case 96:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 97:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 98:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 99:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 100:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 101:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 102:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 103:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 104:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 105:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 106:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 107:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 108:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 109:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 110:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 111:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 112:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 113:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 114:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 115:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 116:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 117:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 118:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 119:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 120:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 121:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 122:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 123:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 124:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 125:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 126:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 127:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 128:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 129:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 130:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 131:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 132:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 133:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 134:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 135:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 136:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 137:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 138:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 139:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 140:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 141:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 142:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 143:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 144:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 145:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 146:
+ return (reader.readString(offset)) as P;
+ case 147:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 148:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 149:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 150:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 151:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 152:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 153:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 154:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 155:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 156:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ case 157:
+ return (reader.readLong(offset)) as P;
+ default:
+ throw IsarError('Unknown property with id $propertyId');
+ }
+Id _stackThemeGetId(StackTheme object) {
+ return object.id;
+List> _stackThemeGetLinks(StackTheme object) {
+ return [];
+void _stackThemeAttach(IsarCollection col, Id id, StackTheme object) {
+ object.id = id;
+extension StackThemeByIndex on IsarCollection {
+ Future getByThemeId(String themeId) {
+ return getByIndex(r'themeId', [themeId]);
+ }
+ StackTheme? getByThemeIdSync(String themeId) {
+ return getByIndexSync(r'themeId', [themeId]);
+ }
+ Future deleteByThemeId(String themeId) {
+ return deleteByIndex(r'themeId', [themeId]);
+ }
+ bool deleteByThemeIdSync(String themeId) {
+ return deleteByIndexSync(r'themeId', [themeId]);
+ }
+ Future> getAllByThemeId(List themeIdValues) {
+ final values = themeIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return getAllByIndex(r'themeId', values);
+ }
+ List getAllByThemeIdSync(List themeIdValues) {
+ final values = themeIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return getAllByIndexSync(r'themeId', values);
+ }
+ Future deleteAllByThemeId(List themeIdValues) {
+ final values = themeIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return deleteAllByIndex(r'themeId', values);
+ }
+ int deleteAllByThemeIdSync(List themeIdValues) {
+ final values = themeIdValues.map((e) => [e]).toList();
+ return deleteAllByIndexSync(r'themeId', values);
+ }
+ Future putByThemeId(StackTheme object) {
+ return putByIndex(r'themeId', object);
+ }
+ Id putByThemeIdSync(StackTheme object, {bool saveLinks = true}) {
+ return putByIndexSync(r'themeId', object, saveLinks: saveLinks);
+ }
+ Future> putAllByThemeId(List objects) {
+ return putAllByIndex(r'themeId', objects);
+ }
+ List putAllByThemeIdSync(List objects,
+ {bool saveLinks = true}) {
+ return putAllByIndexSync(r'themeId', objects, saveLinks: saveLinks);
+ }
+extension StackThemeQueryWhereSort
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder anyId() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(const IdWhereClause.any());
+ });
+ }
+extension StackThemeQueryWhere
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder idEqualTo(Id id) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(IdWhereClause.between(
+ lower: id,
+ upper: id,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idNotEqualTo(Id id) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ if (query.whereSort == Sort.asc) {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: false),
+ )
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: false),
+ );
+ } else {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: false),
+ )
+ .addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: false),
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idGreaterThan(Id id,
+ {bool include = false}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.greaterThan(lower: id, includeLower: include),
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idLessThan(Id id,
+ {bool include = false}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(
+ IdWhereClause.lessThan(upper: id, includeUpper: include),
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder idBetween(
+ Id lowerId,
+ Id upperId, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(IdWhereClause.between(
+ lower: lowerId,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upperId,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder themeIdEqualTo(
+ String themeId) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.equalTo(
+ indexName: r'themeId',
+ value: [themeId],
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder themeIdNotEqualTo(
+ String themeId) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ if (query.whereSort == Sort.asc) {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'themeId',
+ lower: [],
+ upper: [themeId],
+ includeUpper: false,
+ ))
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'themeId',
+ lower: [themeId],
+ includeLower: false,
+ upper: [],
+ ));
+ } else {
+ return query
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'themeId',
+ lower: [themeId],
+ includeLower: false,
+ upper: [],
+ ))
+ .addWhereClause(IndexWhereClause.between(
+ indexName: r'themeId',
+ lower: [],
+ upper: [themeId],
+ includeUpper: false,
+ ));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+extension StackThemeQueryFilter
+ on QueryBuilder {
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorBlueIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'accentColorBlueInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorBlueIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorBlueInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorBlueIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorBlueInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorBlueIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'accentColorBlueInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorDarkIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'accentColorDarkInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorDarkIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorDarkInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorDarkIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorDarkInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorDarkIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'accentColorDarkInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorGreenIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'accentColorGreenInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorGreenIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorGreenInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorGreenIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorGreenInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorGreenIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'accentColorGreenInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorOrangeIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'accentColorOrangeInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorOrangeIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorOrangeInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorOrangeIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorOrangeInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorOrangeIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'accentColorOrangeInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorRedIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'accentColorRedInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorRedIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorRedInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorRedIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorRedInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorRedIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'accentColorRedInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorYellowIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'accentColorYellowInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorYellowIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorYellowInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorYellowIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'accentColorYellowInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ accentColorYellowIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'accentColorYellowInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundAppBarIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'backgroundAppBarInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundAppBarIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'backgroundAppBarInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundAppBarIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'backgroundAppBarInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundAppBarIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'backgroundAppBarInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'backgroundInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'backgroundInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'backgroundInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ backgroundIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'backgroundInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavBackIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'bottomNavBackInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavBackIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavBackInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavBackIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavBackInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavBackIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'bottomNavBackInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconBackIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'bottomNavIconBackInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconBackIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavIconBackInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconBackIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavIconBackInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconBackIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'bottomNavIconBackInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconIconIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'bottomNavIconIconInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconIconIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavIconIconInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconIconIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavIconIconInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavIconIconIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'bottomNavIconIconInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavShadowIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'bottomNavShadowInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavShadowIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavShadowInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavShadowIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavShadowInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavShadowIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'bottomNavShadowInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavTextIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'bottomNavTextInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavTextIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavTextInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavTextIntLessThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'bottomNavTextInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ bottomNavTextIntBetween(
+ int lower,
+ int upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'bottomNavTextInt',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringEqualTo(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringGreaterThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringLessThan(
+ String value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.lessThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringBetween(
+ String lower,
+ String upper, {
+ bool includeLower = true,
+ bool includeUpper = true,
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.between(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ lower: lower,
+ includeLower: includeLower,
+ upper: upper,
+ includeUpper: includeUpper,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringStartsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.startsWith(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringEndsWith(
+ String value, {
+ bool caseSensitive = true,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.endsWith(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringContains(String value, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.contains(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: value,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringMatches(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.matches(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ wildcard: pattern,
+ caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringIsEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ brightnessStringIsNotEmpty() {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ property: r'brightnessString',
+ value: '',
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ buttonBackBorderDisabledIntEqualTo(int value) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.equalTo(
+ property: r'buttonBackBorderDisabledInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder
+ buttonBackBorderDisabledIntGreaterThan(
+ int value, {
+ bool include = false,
+ }) {
+ return QueryBuilder.apply(this, (query) {
+ return query.addFilterCondition(FilterCondition.greaterThan(
+ include: include,
+ property: r'buttonBackBorderDisabledInt',
+ value: value,
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ QueryBuilder