mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 15:19:11 +00:00
WIP: firo tx parsing clean up and fixes
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 397 additions and 198 deletions
@ -3347,6 +3347,15 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI
final List<isar_models.Address> allAddresses =
final List<isar_models.Address> allAddresses =
await _fetchAllOwnAddresses();
await _fetchAllOwnAddresses();
Set<String> receivingAddresses = allAddresses
.where((e) => e.subType == isar_models.AddressSubType.receiving)
.map((e) => e.value)
Set<String> changeAddresses = allAddresses
.where((e) => e.subType == isar_models.AddressSubType.change)
.map((e) => e.value)
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTxHashes =
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTxHashes =
await _fetchHistory(allAddresses.map((e) => e.value).toList());
await _fetchHistory(allAddresses.map((e) => e.value).toList());
@ -3384,190 +3393,231 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI
final List<Tuple2<isar_models.Transaction, isar_models.Address?>> txnsData =
final List<Tuple2<isar_models.Transaction, isar_models.Address?>> txnsData =
Set<String> changeAddresses = allAddresses
.where((e) => e.subType == isar_models.AddressSubType.change)
.map((e) => e.value)
for (final txObject in allTransactions) {
for (final txObject in allTransactions) {
// Logging.instance.log(txObject);
final inputList = txObject["vin"] as List;
List<String> sendersArray = [];
final outputList = txObject["vout"] as List;
List<String> recipientsArray = [];
// Usually only has value when txType = 'Send'
bool isMint = false;
int inputAmtSentFromWallet = 0;
bool isJMint = false;
// Usually has value regardless of txType due to change addresses
int outputAmtAddressedToWallet = 0;
for (final input in txObject["vin"] as List) {
// check if tx is Mint or jMint
final address = input["address"] as String?;
for (final output in outputList) {
if (address != null) {
if (output["scriptPubKey"]?["type"] == "lelantusmint") {
final asm = output["scriptPubKey"]?["asm"] as String?;
if (asm != null) {
if (asm.startsWith("OP_LELANTUSJMINT")) {
isJMint = true;
} else if (asm.startsWith("OP_LELANTUSMINT")) {
isMint = true;
} else {
"Unknown mint op code found for lelantusmint tx: ${txObject["txid"]}",
level: LogLevel.Error,
} else {
"ASM for lelantusmint tx: ${txObject["txid"]} is null!",
level: LogLevel.Error,
// Logging.instance.log("sendersArray: $sendersArray");
Set<String> inputAddresses = {};
Set<String> outputAddresses = {};
for (final output in txObject["vout"] as List) {
Amount totalInputValue = Amount(
final address = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ??
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String?;
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
if (address != null) {
Amount totalOutputValue = Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
// Logging.instance.log("recipientsArray: $recipientsArray");
final foundInSenders =
Amount amountSentFromWallet = Amount(
allAddresses.any((element) => sendersArray.contains(element.value));
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
// Logging.instance.log("foundInSenders: $foundInSenders");
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
Amount amountReceivedInWallet = Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
Amount changeAmount = Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
String outAddress = "";
// Parse mint transaction ================================================
// We should be able to assume this belongs to this wallet
if (isMint) {
List<isar_models.Input> ins = [];
int fees = 0;
// Parse inputs
for (final input in inputList) {
// If txType = Sent, then calculate inputAmtSentFromWallet, calculate who received how much in aliens array (check outputs)
// Both value and address should not be null for a mint
if (foundInSenders) {
int outAmount = 0;
int inAmount = 0;
bool nFeesUsed = false;
for (final input in txObject["vin"] as List) {
final nFees = input["nFees"];
if (nFees != null) {
nFeesUsed = true;
fees = (Decimal.parse(nFees.toString()) *
final address = input["address"] as String?;
final address = input["address"] as String?;
final value = input["valueSat"] as int?;
final value = input["valueSat"] as int?;
// We should not need to check whether the mint belongs to this
// wallet as any tx we look up will be looked up by one of this
// wallet's addresses
if (address != null && value != null) {
if (address != null && value != null) {
if (allAddresses.where((e) => e.value == address).isNotEmpty) {
totalInputValue += value.toAmountAsRaw(
inputAmtSentFromWallet += value;
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
if (value != null) {
inAmount += value;
txid: input['txid'] as String? ?? "",
vout: input['vout'] as int? ?? -1,
scriptSig: input['scriptSig']?['hex'] as String?,
scriptSigAsm: input['scriptSig']?['asm'] as String?,
isCoinbase: input['is_coinbase'] as bool?,
sequence: input['sequence'] as int?,
innerRedeemScriptAsm: input['innerRedeemscriptAsm'] as String?,
for (final output in txObject["vout"] as List) {
// Parse outputs
for (final output in outputList) {
// get value
final value = Amount.fromDecimal(
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
// add value to total
totalOutputValue += value;
final fee = totalInputValue - totalOutputValue;
final tx = isar_models.Transaction(
walletId: walletId,
txid: txObject["txid"] as String,
timestamp: txObject["blocktime"] as int? ??
(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
type: isar_models.TransactionType.sentToSelf,
subType: isar_models.TransactionSubType.mint,
amount: totalOutputValue.raw.toInt(),
amountString: totalOutputValue.toJsonString(),
fee: fee.raw.toInt(),
height: txObject["height"] as int?,
isCancelled: false,
isLelantus: true,
slateId: null,
otherData: null,
nonce: null,
inputs: ins,
outputs: [],
txnsData.add(Tuple2(tx, null));
// Otherwise parse JMint transaction ===================================
} else if (isJMint) {
Amount jMintFees = Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
// Parse inputs
List<isar_models.Input> ins = [];
for (final input in inputList) {
// JMint fee
final nFee = Decimal.tryParse(input["nFees"].toString());
if (nFee != null) {
final fees = Amount.fromDecimal(
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
jMintFees += fees;
txid: input['txid'] as String? ?? "",
vout: input['vout'] as int? ?? -1,
scriptSig: input['scriptSig']?['hex'] as String?,
scriptSigAsm: input['scriptSig']?['asm'] as String?,
isCoinbase: input['is_coinbase'] as bool?,
sequence: input['sequence'] as int?,
innerRedeemScriptAsm: input['innerRedeemscriptAsm'] as String?,
bool nonWalletAddressFoundInOutputs = false;
// Parse outputs
List<isar_models.Output> outs = [];
for (final output in outputList) {
// get value
final value = Amount.fromDecimal(
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
// add value to total
totalOutputValue += value;
final address = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ??
final address = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ??
output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String?;
output['scriptPubKey']?['address'] as String?;
final value = output["value"];
if (value != null) {
outAmount += (Decimal.parse(value.toString()) *
if (address != null) {
if (address != null) {
if (changeAddresses.contains(address)) {
inputAmtSentFromWallet -= (Decimal.parse(value.toString()) *
if (receivingAddresses.contains(address) ||
changeAddresses.contains(address)) {
amountReceivedInWallet += value;
} else {
} else {
outAddress = address;
nonWalletAddressFoundInOutputs = true;
fees = nFeesUsed ? fees : inAmount - outAmount;
inputAmtSentFromWallet -= inAmount - outAmount;
} else {
scriptPubKey: output['scriptPubKey']?['hex'] as String?,
for (final input in txObject["vin"] as List) {
scriptPubKeyAsm: output['scriptPubKey']?['asm'] as String?,
final nFees = input["nFees"];
scriptPubKeyType: output['scriptPubKey']?['type'] as String?,
if (nFees != null) {
scriptPubKeyAddress: address ?? "jmint",
fees += (Decimal.parse(nFees.toString()) *
value: value.raw.toInt(),
for (final output in txObject["vout"] as List) {
const subType = isar_models.TransactionSubType.join;
final addresses = output["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"] as List?;
final type = nonWalletAddressFoundInOutputs
if (addresses != null && addresses.isNotEmpty) {
? isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing
final address = addresses[0] as String;
: isar_models.TransactionType.incoming;
final value = output["value"] ?? 0;
// Logging.instance.log(address + value.toString());
if (allAddresses.where((e) => e.value == address).isNotEmpty) {
final amount = nonWalletAddressFoundInOutputs
outputAmtAddressedToWallet += (Decimal.parse(value.toString()) *
? totalOutputValue
: amountReceivedInWallet;
outAddress = address;
isar_models.TransactionType type;
final possibleNonWalletAddresses =
isar_models.TransactionSubType subType =
final possibleReceivingAddresses =
int amount;
if (foundInSenders) {
type = isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing;
amount = inputAmtSentFromWallet;
if (txObject["vout"][0]["scriptPubKey"]["type"] == "lelantusmint") {
final transactionAddress = nonWalletAddressFoundInOutputs
subType = isar_models.TransactionSubType.mint;
? isar_models.Address(
} else {
type = isar_models.TransactionType.incoming;
amount = outputAmtAddressedToWallet;
final transactionAddress =
allAddresses.firstWhere((e) => e.value == outAddress,
orElse: () => isar_models.Address(
walletId: walletId,
walletId: walletId,
value: outAddress,
value: possibleNonWalletAddresses.first,
derivationIndex: -1,
derivationIndex: -1,
derivationPath: null,
derivationPath: null,
type: isar_models.AddressType.nonWallet,
type: isar_models.AddressType.nonWallet,
subType: isar_models.AddressSubType.nonWallet,
subType: isar_models.AddressSubType.nonWallet,
publicKey: [],
publicKey: [],
: allAddresses.firstWhere(
List<isar_models.Output> outs = [];
(e) => e.value == possibleReceivingAddresses.first,
List<isar_models.Input> ins = [];
for (final json in txObject["vin"] as List) {
bool isCoinBase = json['coinbase'] != null;
final input = isar_models.Input(
txid: json['txid'] as String? ?? "",
vout: json['vout'] as int? ?? -1,
scriptSig: json['scriptSig']?['hex'] as String?,
scriptSigAsm: json['scriptSig']?['asm'] as String?,
isCoinbase: isCoinBase ? isCoinBase : json['is_coinbase'] as bool?,
sequence: json['sequence'] as int?,
innerRedeemScriptAsm: json['innerRedeemscriptAsm'] as String?,
for (final json in txObject["vout"] as List) {
final output = isar_models.Output(
scriptPubKey: json['scriptPubKey']?['hex'] as String?,
scriptPubKeyAsm: json['scriptPubKey']?['asm'] as String?,
scriptPubKeyType: json['scriptPubKey']?['type'] as String?,
json["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ??
json['scriptPubKey']['type'] as String,
value: Amount.fromDecimal(
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
final tx = isar_models.Transaction(
final tx = isar_models.Transaction(
walletId: walletId,
walletId: walletId,
@ -3576,12 +3626,160 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI
(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
type: type,
type: type,
subType: subType,
subType: subType,
amount: amount,
amount: amount.raw.toInt(),
amountString: Amount(
amountString: amount.toJsonString(),
rawValue: BigInt.from(amount),
fee: jMintFees.raw.toInt(),
fractionDigits: Coin.firo.decimals,
height: txObject["height"] as int?,
isCancelled: false,
fee: fees,
isLelantus: true,
slateId: null,
otherData: null,
nonce: null,
inputs: ins,
outputs: outs,
txnsData.add(Tuple2(tx, transactionAddress));
// Assume non lelantus transaction =====================================
} else {
// parse inputs
List<isar_models.Input> ins = [];
for (final input in inputList) {
final valueSat = input["valueSat"] as int?;
final address = input["address"] as String? ??
input["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String? ??
input["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String?;
if (address != null && valueSat != null) {
final value = valueSat.toAmountAsRaw(
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
// add value to total
totalInputValue += value;
// if input was from my wallet, add value to amount sent
if (receivingAddresses.contains(address) ||
changeAddresses.contains(address)) {
amountSentFromWallet += value;
txid: input['txid'] as String,
vout: input['vout'] as int? ?? -1,
scriptSig: input['scriptSig']?['hex'] as String?,
scriptSigAsm: input['scriptSig']?['asm'] as String?,
isCoinbase: input['is_coinbase'] as bool?,
sequence: input['sequence'] as int?,
innerRedeemScriptAsm: input['innerRedeemscriptAsm'] as String?,
// parse outputs
List<isar_models.Output> outs = [];
for (final output in outputList) {
// get value
final value = Amount.fromDecimal(
fractionDigits: coin.decimals,
// add value to total
totalOutputValue += value;
// get output address
final address = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ??
output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String?;
if (address != null) {
// if output was to my wallet, add value to amount received
if (receivingAddresses.contains(address)) {
amountReceivedInWallet += value;
} else if (changeAddresses.contains(address)) {
changeAmount += value;
scriptPubKey: output['scriptPubKey']?['hex'] as String?,
scriptPubKeyAsm: output['scriptPubKey']?['asm'] as String?,
scriptPubKeyType: output['scriptPubKey']?['type'] as String?,
scriptPubKeyAddress: address ?? "",
value: value.raw.toInt(),
final mySentFromAddresses = [
final myReceivedOnAddresses =
final myChangeReceivedOnAddresses =
final fee = totalInputValue - totalOutputValue;
// this is the address initially used to fetch the txid
isar_models.Address transactionAddress =
txObject["address"] as isar_models.Address;
isar_models.TransactionType type;
Amount amount;
if (mySentFromAddresses.isNotEmpty &&
myReceivedOnAddresses.isNotEmpty) {
// tx is sent to self
type = isar_models.TransactionType.sentToSelf;
// should be 0
amount = amountSentFromWallet -
amountReceivedInWallet -
fee -
} else if (mySentFromAddresses.isNotEmpty) {
// outgoing tx
type = isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing;
amount = amountSentFromWallet - changeAmount - fee;
final possible =
if (transactionAddress.value != possible) {
transactionAddress = isar_models.Address(
walletId: walletId,
value: possible,
derivationIndex: -1,
derivationPath: null,
subType: isar_models.AddressSubType.nonWallet,
type: isar_models.AddressType.nonWallet,
publicKey: [],
} else {
// incoming tx
type = isar_models.TransactionType.incoming;
amount = amountReceivedInWallet;
final tx = isar_models.Transaction(
walletId: walletId,
txid: txObject["txid"] as String,
timestamp: txObject["blocktime"] as int? ??
(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000),
type: type,
subType: isar_models.TransactionSubType.none,
// amount may overflow. Deprecated. Use amountString
amount: amount.raw.toInt(),
amountString: amount.toJsonString(),
fee: fee.raw.toInt(),
height: txObject["height"] as int?,
height: txObject["height"] as int?,
isCancelled: false,
isCancelled: false,
isLelantus: false,
isLelantus: false,
@ -3594,6 +3792,7 @@ class FiroWallet extends CoinServiceAPI
txnsData.add(Tuple2(tx, transactionAddress));
txnsData.add(Tuple2(tx, transactionAddress));
await db.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId);
await db.addNewTransactionData(txnsData, walletId);
Reference in a new issue